xt7ghx15n565_109 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Reports to the Executive Committee text Reports to the Executive Committee 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_10/Folder_8/127273.pdf 1907-1916 1916 1907-1916 section false xt7ghx15n565_109 xt7ghx15n565 i!’ . ' - A .
‘ ‘ 1 I.“
In the Courier Journz..s.1 of 1:11;;- 19th ult. there was printed
n."£3peci.:tz1" from Frmlkfort, the matter of which was, preswnszbly '3
‘ supplied by Premidmt Henry {3.73:1rlcer of the: University of Kentuc-
‘ Icy. It :m‘mi‘tes ""'t the privilngm vacated in ”2:510 caunties of
g the Cozmonmczlt3...for fifty years of sewing; to the State 'i31‘1iver-
Sity one}; {~,=r:r::,r :1, certain number of ::;tmlents selected on conguati- I
‘ tive «22::-Ln:vagiun, m 1.71:0121 is ,'i’VGYl exérsmtion from €713. fees,trzv:el-
ingexzuesnses, Emma? rm? leaking: To:- i.a.\:: tum of“ _,'e‘::2,.:;-s;a .'::‘mguiI‘C'il
fzo com layup fiiwir aoumcs of study, .':;Z'c; urinary:tiin:‘t.i.uyzl '2:r;:;':u:;r: :
, they v10. te (A ,‘"’ill 03 i '3‘/3. . ’ '
3n thin r‘:1‘.:‘,'f;(je:.:-.(:}'_«'Z:. "not an" j'jctim'g ~'1.§;5,33_fu].3;7 ’bfizvzv‘.’ .
In my ‘L'rz‘Tr" <30 jiffO' fifti' in ate: 1732.:3ir‘: an; ‘.'c‘liifiL .. ‘
g I“ 1"‘/‘5‘} ‘57-" "01' 35.11 "mi; ::rarrnaf :3." "011»..i'f'cet'u; in) .1223}: f5 ’
! '.'?t‘itf? in {the Union public kinda in run) arr-3,2011 to gunnitution
r .
! "ii-h 321.13; 2.0 ‘i’ouzae? (ii/2530‘” collog'i‘ts of ”g‘riculturi‘: am? no
Eiffffil'lfiil‘, 'LI‘flSE ""03: 31.1;- Qv‘uc'xtion 01" £551.: ,i‘MT-SCH of , «' wowle in
the in"u::t1‘:i, :3. 2~3 Nita 2m? ‘f-I’VL‘L)"'CFf-L'P-iOMSi-S of life. Eu: :11." cm
’ '10 (infirm-3k); 23:15,; ";’i‘,fl”3€} “.cz-‘<:.:?.—— mm "u 3 :9111'11‘12 mile-:3.
’ ',i‘féfi: 5_f:§.V(t-23 H) '..Ew B‘h‘L‘te “,'.: ’A.'~{:;r;t(§(é 5*: i z-H) :3 1i“.
, {state in art-.,.?) ‘62) r; = - t" 5.; "'.‘:t'filz'd. =3u):"1(1 '0 J;'\'{“‘: J
i 'Liri, ii‘L)“.:z§r’,z-A ‘21; .:‘ f n3” 1 , 3229': (’ ‘.‘, t?‘tli8hf:d ‘.’.Me; :Z()ll£={~jcr,
Lint {2:10}: nourtg‘; {xi-oui?” 14:: eritliz-d to .,'n- .V- m .': -..,‘;A;;1_»_.A ) {g .
: fitih“ (’.. ,‘,(.l(‘:(3tt‘3r1 ’ Zuzfifii'f 7‘.’ (315' I‘}::' F511“ 1 :" fisfifi l ' _ “(1‘31"
‘ ':.;o .‘;h(m:s..3.‘3;i;;; a)?” 51"m_tut,r2W'm 5‘1",tifi§f'x,at0r:f 2:0
_, "all girtis": mma{Tram}. 7§'Z'I.‘.‘I‘r.I-tlij')~ warnmws mm; :f’r'w tom‘fimr‘; (qual- 4*
1‘51"- " "'-‘.""~":»31?&”‘mffi'¢i'3. it ,‘filuzcn‘. 'E-‘ul I201; :mr? Fizz: on 31hr :7".H'.' footil'lfj
we “flyctiC. it vldfifid Lb: “alley“ in wvary county in Kentucky.
Ffiypttfi WH' “muxfion had qunl avivilogca with Harlan mnfl Toflracknn,
no more. ’upilw )‘i'Jf, appointmm ifw‘xif" their tuition fees.

 The operation .1» the. statute not only out at. the root of the dia- .
content in the remote counties, but. made them loyal auppertcrs of '
the: Unit-'.‘:rarity. .."ioz'eowr it. 3::r:z:—o'tr;i,i._?ei} Lit} Blit‘d'lifilz‘titd the bent; iiriattsrial
01‘ each county. It: lifete fin.» an;aziuiiztanaziitze oust; or tip: ruin of politics ‘
one": raliyion; 5.22:th ‘.‘ztam cm 2:tt‘11"’;‘l.'1".'- only; and other timings: being; ergtml,
(3.1-:th to rie'rvfiriy (Aura: uteri. ..:.rif' i»’0‘..'.‘it‘-)i‘l ix‘ideagiczzztivtz. os." :.‘icmiml con-
tiltiano, i,,;;~ t.»3'i§:=::.~2“'f;i.«iij.“.2;-,.' of -t,:.:~t.;‘i'.iizig_. ."Lll a‘e;.:'ttr‘;rttri.on. ”7"”E‘iwz'r‘m‘; would
he no “iolz‘ati'on of Liz-1: Bil}. ot‘ flizji‘itin 'wlwi't :tpigioii'nzitantra were Open
’0 511.3.“- 713';:.-' one azi‘fzt ir- tltf aye-ts o 3"} <11:th 52%;. one: ::zotlfipe‘éc for the
anizoiunwut. no om :5." to: ..'}.m‘flt iron; tau. {zomgim'titzive content.
or ittoliuund in it, 1:31" I.’t.3.’,:..5C-.‘l of politica, religion or wait}. eon- ‘
(kitten. It is! open to 0.33. ,
We: :3 tan:- Patter-coy Fetter-..1 not; 11:.-tow at, his glaciation '.x'oult". !
empty ‘....tre ‘i‘iiiit try i‘aCf‘uKltV/ty at: eat:- i“e5.nt and ”at: mum]. t“...c3r;.d.ei;riy at. .4, I
Max.xczpolis:;‘ The ::1 to‘z‘piltm. “m ..;u:.tccted or. [::titznmtitin«..': (vimintuition
am? rurw‘cit'. 1.1.11 tion n13. ;.;..:.i;'.i'i".ew"WM from M.;: ('.‘m'ti.rnt:2er’i't . i‘t>3;‘c.:0Ve:r l
a sagarlevt 7:13" res‘;;i..§:i‘.t the day after 11::- ,(.§:ri.tdu:tté.t$a, If tit-z: opinion i
of “521:. :’Xl‘.tOX‘l’lE"'y General prover: ’ii'iy-t.2i;‘trifj, 1t err-overt too much. It
$M27,'li:‘!}.171l139£'! .'.-ti. surf. tea: an! wmtlai :ftriiiiliu to «out 't...l".£. naval we.
Nilitnmy ..‘-to L.‘-r‘t‘ty. ,
"PE-iv" 1(35"11 principle of cor:tomporzmeoua rim‘iabructztori in here
k ..
one] 30"!“ . L'ui' irrii'iiunitrim: {animate} 'Euy county appointeea (ire coeval
V ..1 I..: the to main,“ of the college fifty years; ago; i.»l:(:il‘ ltr.;;:.tlity
" and conetitutiormli5,7 hiwc been accepted without; question; the pre- ’3"
awnption is: that they are conntitutional.

 é%n§f*‘ 5 d -
f%%§ihflth‘Vyfiglguestion,_until now, has heen raised as bu on-“ 4
"id", "awélQhegisletures have not and aéfiourned: inferior courts and Supreme ”fiw‘fl‘
r . courts have convened and set; the Constitutional Conventi0y has revcast
f the organic law of the Commonwealth. None of these bodies, con- ‘
taining dozens and scores of the ables-3t lawyers in the state '
questioned it. lot a Governor from Vramlette to Stanley doubted }
. its validity. Veanwhile it‘has supplied thousands of pupils
to the University. The President himself, his brother, his cousins
all obtained their education through the instrumentality which he E
has now, with the concurrence of the Attorney General repudiated. '
§ Until 1911 the year after President Barker‘s accession, the %
law relating to county appointees worked admirably. It removed dis- ‘ I
_ content, equalized advantages, placed every county on the some i
footinu, supplied the very best material for students, made alumni P
V who made the reputation of the University and made this reputation !
through quality rather than numbers. The counties took pride in' :
selecting and sending the best men and women; they kept their ,f, j
quotes as a rule, well filled. I construed the law literally, v i
. and required county superintendents to do the same“
In 1911 President Barker who had a craze for numbers, thought
to exploit the system of county appointments for increasing the t
matriculation of the University. Without consultinfi the Board of i
Trustees, on his own initiative, he instructed the county super~ !
intendents that they might ignore the competitive examination, the .
cardinal feature of the law, and appoint as beneficiaries, under
the not, us many as they chose to appoint. The consequence was
" that many constituencies appointed twice, five times and even ten " g
. times the number to which theywzfiiitled. Under the act these illegal :l
appointees received traveling expenses. Lodging, fuel and lights ;

and. a . . V ,

were_provided in about twenEy dwelling houses rented by the uni— om%%wv
versity. _The aggregate expenditure on bogus appointees for that ”w ;
year exceeded, I am told, $10,000. An expenditure wholly illegal
and wholly unauthorized. But was not the limit of his sinister
activity. The denovrxinational colleges found theirtil-assesdeple- '
ted. The State University took avay their studefits in dozens,
because it offered advantages which tiey could not supply: free 5

' tuition, lodging, traveling expenses. They complained that Judge ‘
Barkers violation of the law was emptying their class rooms. They
sought and obtained the opinion of Attorney General Garnett, who
interpreted the law advers to President Barkers contention. They ,
carried their complaint to the Legislature. Judge Barker than V
endeavored to obtain such a modificatio; f the law cs.wou1d amount ,
to an expost facto justification of his action. He and I argued

‘ the question before the Senate Committee of which Hon. Claude Thomas
was chairman. The Commettee reported unanimously against Judge _ .
Barker's contention. The aggrieved colleges then employed counsel, ~
Judge O'rear, to bring an injunction against the Unversity to
restrain it from paying illegal appointees transportation. Judge
Barker importuned Judge O'Rear to forbear action until after
June 6, 1912. intimating intended compliance with the opinion of
the Attorney General. After June 6th, Judge Barker proclaimed free
tuition to all. Illegal appointees were still made and accepted,
involving the illegal expenditure of thousands of dollars annually
by the Unversity.
At meeting of the Board of Trustees, Way 30th, 1916 a V

resolution was moved and carried " that the sedretary of the board
notify all county superindendents that no traveling expenses would

> .. w. 1 . U 4,» ' ,
Ffl‘hfz" ._ ‘ ' ..
V ,
hencefor‘srard he paid cmmty appointees unless such appointments
were ‘.’:Iifi: in «smot can? 1:131th ' tie}. the ;~:,,.:;uiswinging of the statute.
This luff; new» it; Jaetgvyvr E’::*.:ir;:rr is his :..-{spiky 5:.0 the Resolution of F
Um z“ 'i'tz.r.s.r:1.
. Ar: 1:33;) rtzmt r15. (waist cement {if flaw facr"tr3 1.13 231.313. :1:: by the cor-
2:~«.'2:'s3~snviint ci" {.31. 5701137141“ .Tor-srruzl. He states that tree Tsunami is
{five}: to county appointees. That. is amt trim. its appoint/vs has
H ever received Free berm}. £20035). the Unifiesx'si‘ty. .'.-”res "~..r:y~.:z°-:‘i is specs.-
ally excepted in the: statute. ’ - ‘ .. I ~ 3 '
"~*.".‘uy anon. should m: .-.':~.-u>1=.‘:.2«;xtz=z mimicking-j to n cmmty sqmcinte
' merit be :‘gbslimwc‘r? The law (13.2mm.':.ins“..te:~:; :zgjgiimzt no one.
Cowmetition is: .L'rwx to all. The systxml oi" s;:':lest:§.en in :1.:.<.;.I.1,iea.l '
‘.:;itln, fight of? {a}?! Hiliréwry r"11’iiii,;' -- 3.2m Ligand). 'Ikciidk'.‘§".fy’f 23.." {:..‘rw
Uni t w’ ’1 fr. ate :1: ,
It may hr: ohrrerv «:E in new, :.15.11t:wr;v 'LI'rinirm: in :.'. ’9‘
{Mix-"i; 11“?“ the mine "tion on" :11}. ism-"mm 0:3.“ '13”; n University, and. 1‘3
mania-ed. by We Federal Got'n'armzcnt under the organic not of 1.3552.
it has container-cm‘z; "s sersnizrm';tion :i'o:.: :9, 1)<.‘:riod 01;“ fifty ‘
yer-w ’m ':1;.":;301~"‘2 its: '.'”:Zli'litjr. T213; in c;\..:‘zj.tz-fir"151;," ;i;.:.:;"'.; 120 11.1.»: I
mtlying emmtim, :7.v::~,r.:;=z*zzr~}'1 iii; it tannin to ;':c<.1uc~.zz tin: ix'lmnmlity " .
between the counti:,-:s of.” Fir-antral E'h'22'1tuca.f=:y ism Liz-1': distant counties
of “Tm: rim-mm? wealth. It :‘aug‘mlisfl tip: 'ucwext :zz:':LtL:x"‘i.'2.1 to tum Univer~ i
;. 0“: "917/ Write in the 3711.011, Until my 71755.13“ tion, "we more }
firm Trawli' erf‘ one 'i",1""""‘l"1 of its alum: w failureuww ;».. best ‘
, I .
”3‘30?” 0i“ "mi" 00110;?“ in (wineries. ’i«;’ this incmmamt :.xznsaiaye. K1 ‘
for Hezfidl :3 "'11 "I
For this ill-rtime' weir-mm, llresidrmt Parlor is alone .gsesponsible.

 ' 8 'p --
3:1," ‘
He has no menduxe from the Board. I have been compelled in
this brief abatement to omit, many things simian are germane to a '
compact argtmtent. In all likelihood the quotation will come into
the courts, and them full latitude for rliscpuzmion "ill be possible .
It may be added that though film otatute exempts county appointees
from all fees, the President has {immersed tl'iem during: the last;
two yearn, ”train 5,310 to ”15",} each matrix, over timir collective and _
\ ei-zergzetic protest.
\~\ A wise and liberal policy is; required by the university;
\ a. policy of conciliation. .-
The validity of the statute has been conceded for fifty ‘
x yearn. General Assemblies: of the Carmnortwcol tit have enacted laws ‘
' in conformity width its; spirit, tin/.'., Governors hum: .(_;iven their ' ' ~~
" assent. Copetition with of. discrimination him been open ‘to all!“ V ,,
. The irmauni tic-m to which :ipoointeee are entitled. are based V ‘
upon a. consideration-u the .w'eent ”cam. Abolish tht. immunities,
the consideration diode-pears and the test: falls with it. » .» .
Z‘hirty four years ago en the «aziciotrtinee of the but: we.
iraperrilerl ':.ii‘ the life oi." till ili'li‘t’t'l’flii'iy hum; ill Lite. "Holmium
single handed , I zziz-iintnined its validity and its necessity.
I llflper‘ “so HOG the ii’nivrrreity, at lezrmt Farririg' my brief life icime,
enjoy Uri I.)t;lrte:f'ic:<':r1t fruits of the legislation on tilting}: it rests '
an; if “neither content in mumMilitant-,0:I, I ram ready to stand. for
it against all ameailrmte. ”fillet. us have niece." LI
, M
(74 1’ )1 1/9 /Cty?)1:w¢“r\
.c. i: w i «-..
/' . /
(EV/We. / I"; i/I

 Gentlemen of the Executive Committee:
After thanking you
for the privilege of pddreeeing you upon the subject under -
consideration, I desire reelectfully to present, in no
factions spirit, the objections which, as a member of the
Board, I have to the proposed consolidation of the flechani-
cal and Civil Engineering courses of study.

1. Each is now a self—contained course of study,
doing good work under their reegective organizations.

3. Each has homogeneous and connect faculties.

5. Each will do better work, if etinmlated by
a generous emulation. 1‘—

4. The inevitable tendency will be, if the con,
eolidetion takes place, to build up and deuelop mechani-
cal Engineering at the expense of Civil Engineering. ha-
trmcfiletee in the forner will increase relatively, while
in.the letter they will relatively decrease in numbers.

5. ThebGivil Engineering students are proud of
the records neie/ihe Alumni of the Civil Engineering Col»
lege. This develogee a wholesome and praiseworthy college

6. The Civil Engineering College, with its new
building and equipment, is prepared to do better work now
than ever before.

7. The consolidation would not and could not add

.to the efficiency of instruction. Rather the contrary would
he the result.

8. The consolidation would not diminish the ex-

.‘ ppneee of administration and instruction.
/ " 9. The faculty of the Civil Engineering, College
deprecate and deplore the proposed consolidation.

, 10. The students of the Engineering College feel
deep regret that consolidation is under consideration by the


n The proposed action is in direct contravention
' of the attitude and policy of the head of the Mechanical
Engineering course of study, when Civil Engineering and
Mechanical Engineering were operated under one management
many years ago.
I suggest that the proper method of procedure
would be that the Board of Trustees appoint a committee
of its own members, with instructions to visit the Mechani—
cal and Civil Engineering Colleges, take testimony, collect
statistics and report to the Board. whether efficiency and
economy would be promoted by consolidation. No man is
qualified to act as juror or judge in his own cause.
_ . l

 l ,. 7 7 b. l. ,. . '_
r i/ . -:
L- . : ‘mj )
. ‘ t
The Univereity Opened witn a good matriculation. The ae- H
tion of the laet General Aeeemhly in cutting off the Normal De— q
pafitmeit Tedueed the numbers materially below what would otherwiee t
have Been the enrollment. Notwithstanding the increeeed allotment ‘
given by the meaeure which changed the name of the institution 3
from College to University, to the counties for free tuition and ‘
travelling exyeneee, the matriculation in the Univereity claeeee 5
fell helow that of the preceding year. There wee, however, an in~ %
‘ é
crease of 44 per cent in the Academy. Thie wee due in eOme meaeure ,
to the fiaising of the etawdard of admieeion for the University and
1 .. x _ ~ I
g the eoneequent lengthening of tne course oi study in tne Academy ‘
1 from ’i.V-I-‘£‘. {Jeane to three, {
. a
. . . , . . w. I
The relative numcere in tne Univereity claeeee ior ;
190V~8 and 1908—9 thue far eve ee followe:~ _ 'i
. ‘i
1907—8 1908~9 ';
; ?oet~grnduate 29 12 i
; Scientific 37 48
‘ Claeeical 78 75
* civil Engineering 93 85 .
Mechanical Engineering 187 169 '
, Vining Thaineering 13 20 L
Tduee’taion 19 28 i
flgriculture 18 19 L
Qpecial Students 4 9 f
{Fyem7Agflculmme 13 l9 ‘
2nvea? Mining 12 .e ‘
Wural Tngineering ‘ “ ‘
Law ' I? i
Acadelrly 1.15 3.65 g
Hemicre 87 73 L
Juniove 86 97 I
$133)]ch 16375»? 155 99 i
Treehnen 142 156 y
Total anollnent to January 1, 1908 665 f
Total Enrollment to Hecember l, 1908 685 ,§§
to State University claeeee adopted 37 the Aeeociation of State j
Universities, of union the State Wnivereitv te a member, during .
their late eeeeion in Weenington, will require one more yea? in \
the Academy, with a corveeponding addition to the inetructional
etefi of the Academy. First class univereitiee am; insisting strongly
upon nore advanced preparation for University claeeee and the
l. , .n i. .---lllit._l,l 7 .,diflllllliillillltzlw_l flul_ll:ll::l____illlil.ill,ll_.lll V



1 total elimination of all condition for entrance upon Freshman work. i
Moreover, they adepted two years of University work, viz., the i

Freehman and SephOmore veers,as the minimum requirement for Law 1

and Engineering. We must meet these requirements or be content to 1

be eliminated frqn the rank of a first—class University with all i

the discredit and disability which this implies. The standards 1

adopted by the Universities and by the Carnegie Foundation for the 3

i Advancemefi of Teaching insist upon high gradee for admission and i
Z honest work in University classes. i
~ 1



‘ t
3 I
' l


' J
: l

. t
i ' ’ " 4 ~ ""”“~‘——“ ~. » "9 -~ ‘ ' " " - _...,ww‘~

 ;fig‘zizuzawe’ffiii:.. 7- _ .. :- - . .. ., ~ - 7 .
fikeemeeieee‘ee . were
: i
; The disappearance of W. E. Smith on the 22nd of Septermer, i
i1 scarcely twe weeks after the University opened its fall term, was i
a source of great perplexitv and distress to the University. Every i
effort to trace him proved futile. It was clearly established by i
i the investigations of the Faculty and of the Grand Jury of Fayette %
county that he was not eeen on the University grounds nor in their 1
neighborhood efter leaving his hoarding—house on the Versailles i
I turnpike. Various rumors, some of them most improbable and most 1
j ' atrmcious, were invented and circulated by the correspondents of ' .
j the newspapers and.puhlished by many of the newspapers. It was not i
! obscurely hinted that the students of the University had murdered- 7
- him, and that the Faculty were more interested in shielding the 3
students than in discovering Smith, dead or alive. Much sinister i
_ notoriety was given the iistitution on account of his disappearance i
i and by the mischievoue rumors to which his disapgearanee gave rise. i
i Liberal rewards were offered for his dpscoverv, but without avail. :
5 Local detectives and detectives from outside the Commonwealth were i
: %
i employed, hvt no clew has vet been found and no trace of him, so ' i
3 far as we know, exists. It is gratifying to know, however, that
.; the Grand Jury exonerated the University authorities from all res— 8
i ponsihilitv for his disappearance. t
i Much injury has, however, been done to the reputation of 8
1 . the University by irresponsible and disaffected persons who eagerly i
t .
i seized the opportunity to disparage and calumniate the institution. i
i t
i .
L e M.,w. mid -fil,ifr 7 _w4 __ . ._ .. v... finfiHhhvgme ma,3&“

 iQfififiggwirw‘fiM‘iwwfim“Him“ ..., . . . .. s 1
1 Soonoely one week after the diaappearanco of w, E. Smith, 1
the faculty and ofiuiento of the inoiitution more surprioed and 1
31‘1““ d ’50 1M?“ 01‘ the death 01“" Prof. John 17.. iiieviiie. It .i-‘i 1
S SCfiTnely POQSible t0 ootimate the 1099 which the inetiiution ouo— d
i tained thereby. A man of eminent ability, n an and ripe scholar— ,1
1 only, thoroughly imbued with the gpirit of alagoiaal culture afld 1
1 inspired by a genuine enibuoiuwm for ine inniruotion a? yzutn, he 1,
W39 “Qt only a grout Scholar, but a great teacher, I have never 11
1 . known personally a man wnone knowledge of the Clflflxiaq wag more 11
intimafie than hie. In adfliiiou i0 nio olnmmioal qooolwrohip, he 11
‘ was well veroed in French and in German. Alihough peeoeooed of 3 °
2 great mastery of Engligh, he wroie and publioned littio. Thin was 31
i probably due to his extreme footidiouenoon of uiyle, in union he .1
might well be called a puriot. Hie range of knowledge embraced 1
1 a wide field of English literature of the bent and noblest type. Ho 1!.
1 was: quite familiar with the great mustero of Englinn promo who 1
1 illuminated the reign of Elizabeth, the reign of Anne and the .
1 reign of Victoria, three epochn, oingularly enough, identified 1
1 with the neigne of Female sovereigns who made Britain illuoirioun i
1 if! ETtR, 1Y1 acienoe 3114. in HTT’RS. ITtRpLT'Qd by a genuine and 10:?th 1 1‘
1 patriotiom, he loved hie oountwy and he loved the men who redo it ,1
1 great, Hi8 patriotiom woo largo, too large to be confined Within 1
1 the boundo of party or partisan limitationo, and though he held _1
1 otrong VifiWR UPON Dfiflt and GNTPGHL DOlitical prinoinlws, hp was
i always courteous in their expression, liberal in their appliaation 1:
1 -
1 and. 7"Fii?lflfi.'l_‘,1 nonozrniw‘. to "ti'iorze 'v'r'iio (iii‘i’nrr'ed mirth “itw the. .r'41igg‘rn'; or“ ,
i every Amerioan citizen to think and not for himnelf, Him influ—
ence upon bio aooociaie members of tho Paouitv and upon the stu—
dent body was great and nlwnym made for the boot flnterootn of the
inntitution. Admired and reopootod by all, he loaveo behind him
the memory of a great, a good and a juot man, a memory bleosod
After hio death, I made provioional arrangements for

 ngiiww '
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E i
Ga???ifig on his classes. Thane arrangements I reported ta the E
Executive Committee at their first meeting, and innnmunh am they E
i 2
E iflVOlVG n0 expenaa whatever is the institution and were deemed g
E Moth effiaiani and economie, the committae raaamnended their con— E
E . tinuance until the fleeting QT the Hoard of Trugteeg. It remains %
E with ycu, gentleman, to detarfline whether this provisional arrange—, g
E ;_
E went Shall continue until the 01038 of the preaent Univerqiiv year, E
:5 cr whether some nompfiteni person ghall he employed t0 carry on H
, z“;
the won until the maxi maeting of the Board cf Truateen, Wham EE
. without dcuht the neuritiee on Vacancies will he prepared to recom- 3
'C mend the employment 0? a auihahle LHTSON to do the subordinata work E1
of the Department. In thin, you will observe that I Raqume that j.
Pref. Umville'e Wirqt Amsisinnt, Prof. Theodore Tolnan Janmn, who CE
. ‘1
for yer-gm has": had. virtually Lhea comm-10+, and management of the De- Ci!»
" partnent of Clasfiiaal inqtruaiion, who has organized itg elasmes and 3E
E superviwed their work, and who in, moreovwr, in my edtimation, E;
E the Best clasflical scholar of him age in Kentucky, will naturally E
E be in the line of nueaeasion for the headehip of the Departwent. :E
«: Prof. JONws is a graduate of our own inntitution, has taught in it CE
E for yeara and im, moreover, a Master of Arts of Harvard Univerfiity. If
E No man stands higher in the estimation of faculty and etudentg E
‘ i
E than he, and hir I ahall reecmmmnd to the Committee on Vacancies E
: aé the nafiurai and legitimate suaaageor to his lamented chief. E
i E

 it Major General James Franklin Bell, Chief of staff of
i the U. 8. Army, addressed the_Association of American Agricultural
: 'Colleges and Experiment Stations on the 20th of Novehmer, during
l their meeting in Washington. His subject was the relation of
i military instruction in the land grant oolleges to the military
strength of the Nation. He helds very strongly to the opinion
“ that military instruction is equally obligatory With instruction
l in those branches of learning related to Agriculture and the Mechan—
. 10 Arts, by Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved in 1862,
that the War Department was ill~adviced in yielding to the impor—
'l tunitv of the COllegcs the present minimum required mat that it is
l impossible to impart any military instruction of value within the
I l alloted time, viz., three days in the week for two years in the
l COllege or University. The several States in the Union must look
y to the State colleges and Universities for trained man ahle to
i provide organization, instruction and discipline for their respec—
l t1ve bodies of militia, and this can be done only through the
l military instruction provided for in the Land Grant Colleges under
"9 the Act of 186.2.
E I respectfully commend the whole subject of military
i training to this Board. We must take the necessary steps to make
l it attractive, thorough and effective, for the purpose for which 3
l it was designed. This I am satisfied we can by wise legislation i
‘ accomplish without the intervention of the General Assembly. It i
would he a grace reflection upon the conduct of the affairs of the i
l University that the Legislature should by a mandate require us to
i do What the organic Law 01‘ the Congress»: at” the United. states: rials :1
it our duty to do. .
i‘ * ,. ' . »~ - ., “VWHWVTflfifi-ngfiyl

g: _waffi>fifikahfi5,w ,. sufifiéflkf} 'gffifiggiigfi frdfififiieiakv. Mir _s.rm~}leeeeeearcrrgfifn“'
a e I W“
E .l_fli . 3
fig While in New York, I had a conference with Dr. Pritchett, T;
E the President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of T 3
lg; Teaching. This munificent provision made by Mr. Carnegie for re- ?
E: tiring allowances to superannuated professors is not, he explained, 2
i to be construed as a charity, but as a well earned and merited Eff
EE right. It is in the nature of an endowment to the instititions ;
iii which become eligible as beneficiaries of the Foundation. The 2
E E Foundation, however, retains the power to determine the amount of E
if the retiring allowance and the conditions under which it is made. i
,E The beneficiary then receives it as a right and not as a gift. A 5
'E faithful Professor can thus enjoy, while yet on the educational f
E : staff of his institution, the salary earned, with the conviction i
i , that a liberal proportion of his salary will he continued after i
. his retirement, with provision for his widow, should she survive
v him. E
E E The Gellege or University, to be eligible to membership, E
E E must
E i let. conform to the standard of admission required for i
ll; College or University classes, viz., a certain number of units. :
E 2nd. The standard of graduation must come up to the re~ ,
E quired level. ;
E 3rd. There must be a total and complete elimination of l
E clap—trap and pretense, i.e., the work done must be honest, thorough f
I E and effective. There must be no publication on paper which is not I
E realized on the class rooms and laboratories.
: All this, it is manifest, mist mil-7n For ricer“ in stir-.11"
" lating a desire for high standards and honest work. Hence the title
"The Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching."
To this end, it wishes good High Schools established as
feeders and until this be accomplished, firstwclass academies or
preparatory departments, in connection with the Universities, to
provide the necessary units for admission into GOllege and Univer~
sity classes. This will, I think, require another year to he added
‘ “ ' =>'“‘ . > 1*”Tmri“i”‘rl‘;fiTrir

to our Academy.
1 In order to get on the "F‘mmdation for the Advancement
of Teaching", apylication must be made by the Board of Trustees 3'
I I to the Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation. T
5 2. This 23.};>p_1_ication mmt be endorqed by the Governor of I
f the State. 3
I 5. It must also receive the endorsemem of the General I
f Amembly in a joint resulutiona passed. by that body. .
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 3 £13:
g It will be within the recollection of the members of the fix
, . 31
g Board that I dwelt at some length in the report which I had the W,
E honor to submit in June of the present year upon the unsatisfactory fit
; 2
§ condition of the finances of the institution. I showed that the h}
3 budget, if adepted as submitted, would involve an expenditure oon— it
g , l
f] soderably beyond the visible income of the institutions leaving E
v, 1,
.f a deficit at the close of the fiscal year 1908~9. On the basis Q
i of this, I made a plea for economic expenditure aml deprecated the g
i assumption of any additional burdens. I argued that the time was ‘i%
3 ti
, not opportune for the establishment of any professional conrees of j;
5 study, such as Law and Medicine, and that sound policy and sound i E
g finance, both alike, required that we should strengthen the exist— j E
i ing departments of the University be