xt7ghx15n565_108 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Reports to the Board of Trustees text Reports to the Board of Trustees 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_10/Folder_7/126577.pdf 1907-1916 1916 1907-1916 section false xt7ghx15n565_108 xt7ghx15n565 T) -
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._\ .LL- H.‘_\‘ -...L :,,' TALLU a»: L}; Jam UL. b;..:1 (2.1:. DC: mu -1',;«,:.; __' _‘.v v‘:..‘..'. .‘.L;..
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; «..CL'U’.) . mf.‘ (Jim); ,TT,:,T_.,‘A.L,~,_T,’ .111). .LQI‘ 0.1-3-1 J,L(§_r2.'.‘«:(e{.7_iuLli::_v\3g 1.115, Tr._’_...-’-.v..er;_=_T
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 ‘ ‘ .fil,,
to tile 3Q'331'(331:'rj;e, 131?:fj253'ticg'1’ jg:,;._n:'i s,::<>.-.;m,rf_:,'?;1'.021 <3: I’Cijiiélil‘ of any" lulildizlf;
‘ Orlnfilfifiym.
'4- ~ .u.~, . . 1 .- ..,.__-. l. ._ .. “0.-
lb hill ”mun be eeun that the Organic Aot halt lHStTUJLlOH
in theme branches of aelenoe relatinfi to Agriculture and the Neande—
, ie arts, as well as military tactien, obligatowy. Other scientif—
:e and claeeieel etUAiem giglt be included or might be excluded,
Waco-05m I
, within the eetéen of the reepeetive Legislaturee of the States
‘ , ,. ”....L ,; ,. . ‘l, . ,. , > , . ., ,3 ,_.. . .r. ..‘1 . ,5. ...“. ..‘, ,, . . 'L
lflCwybwnj tee have. Ten gcreeat ligltlma:nmflled to tfie purCnase
ef lands for exyfirimental purpOren, but no part of the principal
.., ._.. l .1. l . f , .._, v . . a, ., - A _. 4-..“- .. .
or Lfitbfhflu eruld be expended tar tne CEwfithH, vQfllymfiflt
, or repair a? huilainge. Instruction in theoretical and practical
l' igrieuiture than 30x08 to um as a mandate TTOL the Federal Govern—
‘ ment.
1 r -. - . a - n ., - .,_ , A- ' _.L ,t .. ..
, . hemtuehy nan the filSIOBEhnO to reallze but lltolu From
i this hagnifieent donation of puhlmo lands. Instead if locating
3 then in the vent and waiting for the advanemaent in value, the
, l land scrip reproeentinx the 330,000 moron wee handed over to the
j SiIHLiiu; F‘Elfl CW :ilnerQMQHTS, Tflle zuvwoijlted.zu1 {gyxlt 'tO djjuleee of
3 it. T?th3 he :lelfl.‘to (zlxrokex :Ul HevI‘YOIQ; fcz‘:?ifty'(rwzte ant acre,
. realizing enly Sl65,000, 530‘ a donation which, if preperlv hand—
led, would now trurgvc; fi‘flf‘lfilvii‘afjfi'? r:;t1;t::ig!;alifted 531:. the j.'_nv«':‘:r‘t‘ ent of
which at six percent would have breugnt an ineore to the cellexe of
, at least $120,000. per annex. The amall pittance cf enly $9900.
‘ a year is all the State derives frctztle treeeede cf the male of
this magnifieent cadennent. Other States which namaged.thelr funds
2 ~ ., - 5 ~ . . . r; I r. - , m
, 3nm1010uely :,d econenletlly, :ave lNCCKCS o; LOHS OI taoueagds 0:
3 dollere, where only head eds accrued to ue.
‘ Upon the weer auizetlon ef the college, in 1880, it was
I conceded an all hands that an inetltution much an the original ‘
3 "land grant" cotteuplated and such as the dignity of the Cannon—
? wealtlirequired, could not be carried on upon the Small basis of
r "I ‘ _, - . .., _ w, ‘ ., ,- . . .‘A ‘, ,5 ' ' . '
09900. per annum. Tue Leglelature Oi 1830, thus adv1eod, lev1ed a
‘ tax of one—half of one percent at every hundred dollars of taxable
, ,
. . . ,
3 , . . , . -n .. ”.-_ . //’

 i ' an ”i.
-5- i
oroperty owned by whiie poroono,foy fine benefit of tho Gsllogo. ’
The inoozm in 1881 Tior this oouroo woo $17,000. Loot year, owing 1
'30 the increased assooood taxable Value, the incoro was between g
£87,000. and fi58,ooo. Concurrently with thin Legiolatiou, a i
i Normal School wno established by tho General Aooezhlv oi’Woutuoky, [
‘ the conduct owd moluienenoe of which was made obligatory upon tFE 1%
1 C=i.:llo,:jr;;e , ”..I-.1134; no 9629513511; o lauildillfl; or er:g:.1:L3ijont lion that do}; ‘0 o ;
§ thin has ever been provided by the State. Here it may be proper .
1 to may tnai the oito now oooupied by the Collogo one given by the
City of Lexington. Ito ootimafiod voluo woo the; $50,000. The .
l‘nd alone could now he diouoood of for five tines thafi sum. The §
City of Lexington and the County of Fayette also provided the i
money for the eroofiion of tho original buildiugo occupied by the ‘
Collage, namely, the Kain Building, and the Old Dorzitory. From
‘ 1880 umiil 3899, not a dollar was yroviflod by opoeiul uyuropriation
for one ereoiion of any additional buildings. Yet meanwhile, out
of the eflviugfl of our annual inooyo, we more able to set opoit a
mulfioioufi moouot of KOUBV to oroot the Exporineut Station Building
mth oormuaiofi in; iho Fkroertrfurh (m? lefifilfitry, (a navy dcoriit011r260r
omufluuxg iFm building need by the Doomrtnouto of Engineering, ‘
cold 'h N) Scaie11o€2 Ellilxlilig. fihvo ginnoefpie11t Ivltilxlilufn Zith: %uéezx
wrecked by opooinl flunropriutiowo axle by the State, merely, the .
Gytalnoixmo b1xildiroj, (uni t {a Girljl' J)orrxttoimr.
‘ £11 1139() r: oaufiCEMI fixét oi’ Ccnzgiwuwo 1738 gluoswed i?ox° ti o ;yi—
' difiional ondowwoni of those "Loud Grant" Gallegos, fine fitoto of ‘
1 3:021:22 not}: roof::lvingvj'13111000. llflt’.?e‘l' that I1}')j')I‘OZ)l°Ii.Ii,‘t103']. o 1'1:*.vo, 721017-
., euro-3?, I‘r;“.(":3'l (:03'xguc': ilod fie divide ”tbsp: if’mu" with the". oolorml 13620133571, ‘
UPON the ratio of population, 14 l/H poyoont under this EBTRUfiUlOJi
being given for the endowment and mainteno oi of too Colorofl Normal
SohOOl. located ifi inc vicinity of Frankfort. During the loot '
twovty—fivo years, tho patronage of the iuotitution has had n very
gratifying growth. Ito ationdanoo hon inoiouood five—fold, ito
? =;‘
2 //*j
a. a ,___“ . .4. #M‘u 4 —__ > ”.‘- vfl/

 ' ‘7 r: V.
i _ pg__ 7 g gm ,. 1“ . . ..
.r’ ‘ 1
‘.‘, .t . ,_,. '- ,.,,‘ .. ., ‘, .,-“ ,.. ., ... ‘ .,, '~ -, .'> ,.. . x . vi ,r‘A . . . 1
courses or handy thw fihlblgllUw Lfiu greag tron three or four to
(:1 1' ‘_r‘i‘ 5pm PM»; r». -,-,—..\»~r' *1, 'r-m n a -. ’15“ — 1..-..N - .- 1 7 .. , . . .» .. , v - . - - , ~ i
'..)...t?.J(1~./ll.a 1.:...”0 ,J... \u‘clTaJs ;;L'.vi;;~ .’..I‘LJ’LILL Lixlié’g‘ilkffli. '.-...f '.EQJlL;.1_ij.i_\'.jr.l()1:i‘£3 1.}. TIL/3 (lerC‘ I
'L ‘: F-Tl ("‘17. T‘< ('1' "Kim 1’5“. "‘1 m 4' ' "\ 1“ 7 'L ~' rm" ‘5‘ 7 " ‘7 " ‘ "" "L :- ' ' ' ' 3 U ;
Lunar J.. arabllmofii ..._lrQ, hilt) lug) J. h 14.4199 C:.(:VC';.._Q_}Jl’3.;. _h 03. ball?) lCLC‘I-f‘. (33. i
. ..N ,,.;j ,}./.._: , .._1. ‘. 1, __- ’:3 ,- ,. .' ‘1,er ,,.. g ,- ~. ,,., '. . . 1' - ,. " ~ I
. .‘\.)'\,-;’ng;1_‘.»3 ..‘..u in} ('3‘; .1) OC?..,L':I?\.L _l.I’ 31:1"; 0135;111‘. 3.0. .I I: .._r. '_L'. 1!:2‘ ffJf ("2’751’l ”of all DUI i
. ,., .I ,.,..,.L .. .~. . -.. ' ..._... , , - .... -. w . . - . 3
1 J Hajurfidwabfi or chuy lS.MUfl COfldltlQuCfl my cu: flhbfiTiil shylrcmment. 9
F. ”‘,‘ 7, ,».. ‘ ... -~ ' .. *7 _,. «.1.. .... V.. -.L .. r, .. . .. v i
, 121:". 3.1.9113 (1.9.130 :1:...2: mtg: 01.1.11 1 L155 i177."3.3."i3633‘f: 2': 1195419 no; 1131031611 %
HM": ’l'i) :"r'. "'2 ,"rt-M J‘ -~,n."'::. "“"'-“”‘? --v-—. '~‘t"'\‘ "\-*v" ‘11 -,‘, .\.1 . . - . 3,14,. i
Jamlwwagw LL crAVr to huge ltrt a; c41-nnrcn pcculhle, indeed, the g '
, .‘.”... .:. .... -...;. ..o “.'.. .31, .. 7'» ,..1. . .., :.., .. ., - .. . . ,- .~ —~ - .~ w 1 w
DOdec-zfllrc 0;. _..,L:i.._:133 $111351le 94’ .L.‘;,;‘,, ..‘ill'fij-f. ’:.-':.LF‘. L5,";1.1.‘:J_,)J.I!.IT;10 1", 13.11?)
years ago ox tne Co icu saith, has a name but ooarcel? a local
‘ .71..‘.f—‘\J..' . $1.- .. ,..»_.,._ ’ . H.,. .» - .- _ - 1‘ ' ' ...,
Jriu1t11tlon. lei; Qfifiuhltlflhlfi rut: ZagiEUEfl Ctzirlt mg: antrraxai.rivoodoii 1
13111-11rungs , 11';1:~I’OV1r'-od HEEL: erected at 1:: or .1}; 31023111111 cont . The
. i
1 3‘0I3ca7u7~fl11u <11 JiuAKLClLLb'Qflu .u c; 'n361: JLLCIZLCLL 2x1 il‘ii'?’ air: .grtxitcnit i
5. ,- 1-1 ~13“ - ..- ,-.. .’.‘., .. “:.. '.,. .. ... — .v. .. w .-> . M. . - :
QQULLDLL disadvantages. 'iu umfi no nUymgflbU DULLHng pruvndcd for 1
1ts use, after the lapnc of tucnty—wix yours. The name in true of
.'. 7,] ‘ "T . ._ .— “ m. :.. ll» * .I. 'v ,. ,. ,,,- ,..... .- ,,I. .”.. ., , .1...” .. ~ . .
the ”93441 ”encul. Eu J1- gfwmfl, it hub dovelcpod. It nus educated
‘W': tar—ll 7'1 +317. '1 fir-"f, 'i'.r=r‘,-}17_.u 1‘” .,'/x ".’v.‘(‘c ‘1‘, 3*:nr, Vanna-1 '.'1'11'j'l ‘ 1“ " I" "‘ i
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largo nunc r o; anL are new OGOUled as tcacneru w;ta1u Lac Con—
” .. ,, M. ).-1, ..1 ..-' w .,,. ~,.. ,3 7, ,._- ., ._. r -. . ~
.Nltficdlh-% .Lwd I more 134JJi)uld to say, notht‘u;ha¢ala~:tsm3 SMOCTS ,
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:. ..1-v . '1.” «Ln.- .~,—.".- -. 1 » r. . 1 .. ..1. . r,_ 1 —~ ~ . _ ~ —
‘ tuca;, bum teaoierc educated 1n Lac State 0011cge ntgnu well to the i
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. ‘ .Ll'Ollu, ,.rit 1:1 :1 3J111,c 111L win? 01 L;1c Oazu L1; 3, t.;c C..rgro;* finrgeir-
c .1 1' ,,,; ‘_.“ "g. -,, .. .. . ‘.'. , _, J. .-., ..' ,.. ,_ N - _ ...1, .~ . 4.. . . '~ 1‘
‘ Latcnlnats thU educated at the fltgtn College, find bfldt an no De— f
."Q-l'fl’!‘ .1 (72‘) t of, i T‘II 'i ‘1""9‘" ”l 'bll'l‘ ”l (57‘ 7'3") m “L “ . "‘.‘A'y’a-' "Wr '7' ram T" ”"0" 'L “““‘ ' "" ‘
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and More eatruraoucry.
r' .. .4. .'. a n , ..‘, .,. ., m ,,_-. -._ ,‘_,f) 1 _ s__- _ ~ .. . _ . : 1i
. rho State College now so as m tore tars donoruhlc body 1
‘ asking for the nccoomary aid to Vitalizo more fully and 1110 were 1
’ .".:“v - u ... , . _ . > , . . - - .. .. .,, ., 4, -- 1 . i‘
eiiectlve tne work or the Agricultural Department and of the H.
1 .._ .1 -, .L. . J ..' .‘ -. -.4 ._. '.... .‘ - ., r-m ’ ”"‘ ~ "~"‘ " """' I 3"
Nor a1 Depart;orc or tam Institution. An rfiqurds Lac AQTLGJLbQIRl i
; Department, you have accepted in good faith the bequest race by i
i . . , 1 .' 'v , .‘,.. ,. - .. ,1 ‘ . .' .I. 2 .. 4 ., , .- ... - ,. . ' 1‘
. Congress With the OblhgdblOflS which it irpl;es. Thlb 1s a mandate 1
i w .I.. ..' .l !
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‘ union you cannot 1gnorc. Equally bIHU in it quh you cannot 1guorc
J the mandate given by the COrmonuealth or hefitucay to establish and H
i _' _. _ .. l, . W.,, _\ ,5: . .. ,. . . . ..' ...‘, - i
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filfiawbHQUm salon bfld Jflywml Scneel fiOXLVbn i.oh le uCqumblLfl ulth
.L‘, ‘94.. ,.. - \--. w‘ ,_.,‘ \ ~. ..'."u... ‘7. ' _. ..,, “ ,., " ... .,--..,\.. 4...... ‘
{1:19 Built g) 00.3-,i_i.if;(l) cliu ...:...3l.l.i Gilli) . l1.l.Tal'l at Ll‘iniluil. Fl.‘..<,,‘..l_ It'll? UALAALU.Ll’:L’J.'(’J
0.1 . .\'.et..-..’., tutti 3.1.x1 “on; u _’\,...aL.!.lL.'-. (All; Dr} b1)b:...L.:(JLL. in Shelli: "LON. t0 ltfi}
own professorial staff Ear instruction in the c e;omts a2d tns ‘
.I. ,.,‘i 3 .- “"“'. n": ._,:I .,,,. L .' a - .1. -- , ., c N... .'.-..,_. ...,t .\. ..'. ,.. 3..-,“ , ,.‘. . ‘.’t , (
hexyhlikllmy (Li ULLlraerLlQlL, lu 11081103380 [1:.in iS-L L.'Mc ,JA'AJ‘XJHHIWC; 01. (1.980—
. ' ..' .'.. ..,; .‘. ‘. r» .«'. ", .'.-.‘Vr‘- ‘ .‘.- '. ..‘.3... ...1. . ,‘I » ' . .‘ .. . .. 4 3‘.“ ‘ . ‘ '., .. l.
:.jl...o_t.(..-l $.11“). «4.1.3.. bile Oohul‘ ‘t,1.0,_.><1.’..b;..;:.‘..!.e.‘3 us. lliflihi’ls. ziluil, 001611 1.11 the .
. l
Agademy and 1n LLB Coll 5e groper. For oxaxplc, not only the
“...-..N. ms) -'.-..- .2». .'.- . "‘....a was: ..;. .. 1 _ H-g. -- .. i
. C ,1..‘,.!...\)L.! u... m. 1.14.12! 1.11. Ulla; £‘1'JJ?-:...‘..L l.)i.=i>._r-a_’t. Um. :1:; O. :.L-Elfi—uom14.111105: Cil~ ‘
4. .:J. ‘7 .,,... ..... ..: .1 r 'v ., .. ~ -v ;. ”,., ».‘J. .V ,-. ..., ., .5. .-... . ‘ ..,-L - ..
~ who: , ELK; th'OVLLi‘jkl, Olin v.L.L_‘. ‘.’.JLJ («U-ULL' (l«.j,;)u.’_°t.:.3.‘;c8‘ (.25. ”LAC; lmz‘ohlla J." l
i ‘i‘ *i “‘7‘ "law"; fir-‘n /7 ‘> U " ""‘r‘: ~2t'1 '1‘ -»"1 "mo "“' 3(‘9 1‘“. ‘1‘917 . ’l"‘w'"'l’i‘ ’: .—x " U‘?‘ 4' "v.1 "‘13". '7" i
u :.Usi u...\» “emu: , uh. .‘.tM’. 1L); tum 4J5. ()J-(IKA-1_L()JLLL-L ‘\~C~_.r..w;:_u_'.~J. . (u u;,x_, Jr,q,.O.LGI’ .
_L..: Cu.l-.Agu.';ah.li.‘., 7'3!.I.).)::.L€..L.Ld.l’f;’ l1(i bizO zl‘-./..’7...l,‘;.l_ J)(J.f)u3_'.“u..(.i;il2 0.; 11-x; willJJ‘Bgfle o l
M:- -4.~,- . .'. . . W— ..L» +~ ,., W-W . . — . - -. ., .;n
luU Stalcuta nave access to one fimfidiiUl .md fidVaHde courses Ln l
.,. ,.’! .2 (I. .‘ ..‘ l”;.4.1...‘,.,. .7 .. ., .: .. ,-.J. .‘., ..1., f .., ."-- .: »- Hm -- . ‘ "“7- ~.. »w- l
Ijii;‘.1.,;i.—;.‘ , ..,..41 .Hx.\b.’.()l ;L‘.LTv,t.'Jl) , .‘_ll Lalblil, _LJ'. '..l.l."\.axii'x., _L.» .‘. JBULlCA'l, K101): :zul,
. ..: ,' "‘.L «1,... ‘3‘. -,., . L .,..I.,-. .. w”... - .~ .._..v a”: n i
. Sgltail_n-1, J.ur4LJgLJL, Alt,.Le-Urnao-a, lJUIIuJLJ , ll:hiu\);¢f, 1’.y:zlleik.a , J;J.OJ.O{§; , ,
1 ' l
_ .'_.L ..-. .z . \ ...‘“ ",1... . ,., , >3...” ,.,.l .., '. , q ju! ..,... . '1 ,3 ..1 1' ..;. x» ,.
. B§ifitbl1,‘_iJ_CAJ.(J;:;“/’ J -;.;.’fl.l_u.ay‘), CALL}- :l_;..n.;,',-_' , l:'(':Q.s.O\-_,;’, 4 .‘_.iU.fl.I.’r...!.u£f,;.", .1.-«oe0301055y, i,
PaUChGlOgy, Logic, History, and ;olitical Ecemoxy. To every 1n— l
. i
T1011 i {:'(‘:jf‘5‘ ”sq“, J‘"1x’;~. drive", ‘ WU‘C‘.” (“2' (In 1 r’:‘- virus-f Cl [‘4‘ 5(1er Irv“. “(‘.’-«573.541., ‘1" 1
‘ ; .;__-,__, I..-.u 1.2-..1i Lu u ..‘.s.. \.l*.b<...;_) 1;,» J... r,J-'.‘J.L L.anJ _.gLu” J ‘.L) Miku <.._~,_)a.__ .Il.b. 1
{ -..,.. ,.. .. .v,- .‘_; .. ,., . ,..J. _ . '.L... ;,_.-,. ‘,.. ..._: J. ~ .1.-Ml _.. . ., -. ,.‘... , ,..- 7 ., .:'» x. - ‘ .I. a
11m; ..t-zoum, 3-.» leb _PEanbl’lmubu '...L‘JJllll p.m. .‘ul..‘_'J.“.JH l.)'Jll1tLLE;; 0.1. .11?) ONE .
‘~‘»:,~.- .._ n". .._. L-‘". —'-. . ~. “.'.: ...4»~.‘~..s '..~ ..: 1 —. --
Clzilfixgdjdl.iu Ill5. :s.urv (I .1. I .,. ‘
tne ”tate Colleae.
» V -.», ...'. .. . W. . .4:. ‘ . .' . a . --
Here let lt no underut tim: .
I "‘ 1
1 Gaurt cf Appcnln, The latter, however, on the refusal of thm 1
, Audltoi tu yay tuC annuity anger tub Act, HUCLJ‘U w: Lib “LICQQQ 1
UDOCDStltUthHflllty, was carried tuth tum Court a1 Antealm, dun :
' l. '.. .‘ . .1 . ,. .. I" ..A' ' _. .. "... ,-. I
there declued 1n invor a: the College. Tue upmnlon hum xenuurwd
by Jfldge Dream, in which the qucfition cf nonmtitntionnlity, no far '
an the College is conoarncd, i8 forever met at rest. I? dineunaing
' I
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