xt7gf18sfj3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfj3p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1989-09-25  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 25, 1989 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 25, 1989 1989 1989-09-25 2020 true xt7gf18sfj3p section xt7gf18sfj3p MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 25, 1989

The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
September 25, l989, in room ll5 of the Nursing Health Sciences Learning Center.

Donald C. Leigh, Chairman of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Richard Angelo, Michael Baer, Harry V. Barnard, Mark
C. Berger*, Wilford A. Bladen, Glenn C. Blomquist*, Michael W. Bowling,
Stanley D. Brunn*, Joan C. Callahan, Rutheford B Campbell, Jr., Bradley
Canon*, Edward A. Carter, Jordan L. Cohen*, John A. Deacon, James Drummond*,
Ronald D. Eller*, Charles W. Ellinger, Walter C. Foreman, Michael B. Freeman,*
Philip A. Greasley*, John R. Groves*, Marilyn C. Hamann*, Micki King Hogue,
Tony Holloway*, Alfred S. L. Hu, David C. Johnson*, Edward J. Kasarskis*,
Kenneth K. Kubota, Gerald Lemons, C. Oran Little*, Sean Lohman*, James R.
Marsden*, Peggy Meszaros*, Robert C. Noble*, Dennis T. Officer, Deborah E.
Powell*, Nicholas Rast, Doug Reed, Edgar L. Sagan, Donald E. Sands, Fred
Schwendeman*, M. Scott Smith*, Jeffrey Stivers, Richard H. Underwood*, Steven
C. Weisenburger, Charles T. Wethington*, Carolyn A. Williams*, Eugene
Williams, Emery A. Wilson*, and Mary L. Witt.

The Minutes of the meeting of March 20, l989, were approved as circu-
lated. The Minutes of the meeting of April l0, l989, were approved as
circulated with the exception of adding “if college and departmental degree
requirements can be met simultaneously" in the proposal on page l7, paragraph
4, last sentence.

Professor Donald Leigh introduced President David Roselle, who is Chairman
of the Senate, to give his annual address to the University Senate.

A summary of President Roselle's remarks follow:

The President thanked the Senate for the invitation to talk to
them. He said that it should be a good year and he hOped it would be
for each of the Senators and that they would remain excited about the
enterprise which is a high calling to educate the young people of
this Commonwealth, Nation and World to take on the problems that our
generation is leaving unsolved.

He thanked the Faculty Senate for their willingness to work with,
the Administration, particularly during the last few months when he
had breakfasts with them and was able to ventilate about the basket—
ball situation. In his opinion a satisfactory conclusion has been
reached. Throughout the investigation he said the objective was to
maintain the integrity of the University. There is now a very fine
athletic staff, including the new basketball coach, Rick Pitino,
Jerry Claiborne, C. M. Newton and other members of the coaching
staff. The President spoke highly of the accomplishments of the
athletic teams and feels that a lot of positive things are going on
in the athletic association. The President called the Senate's
attention to the award won for the graduation rate of the football

*Absence explained.


 team, and he is very proud of Coach Claiborne and the members of his
staff. President Roselle feels that the program is in very good
hands and that everyone can feel good that the program will be admin-
istered and represent the University the way the faculty would want
it to be represented.

The President discussed the enrollment for this fall and said
that we have a record number of 59,200 students. The Community
Colleges show a gain of about 3,000 students. He feels the Community
College System is a vital part to the University of Kentucky.
Community Colleges are a way of addressing the issue of access to
higher education.

President Roselle stated that there are 23,l00 students enrolled
on the Lexington Campus. That is a slight gain in enrollment which
came about from an increase in the retention rate. He said that we
should attempt to give an outstanding educational experience to every
young person who comes to be educated at the Lexington Campus. He is
very interested in quality growth at the University of Kentucky. He
said that it is not UK's goal to be the largest school in South-
eastern United States but the goal should be to offer a good,
outstanding educational experience for every young person who casts
their educational future with the University.

The President stated that the average ACT for the freshman class
is 22.5 which is an indicator of quality and is about three points
above the national average. Sixty-nine students in the freshman
class were valedictorians of their high school class and eighty-seven
were Governor's Scholars. The President wants the attitude of the
faculty to be that they are here to deal in the academic successes of
the young people and to help them attain that success. He said that
the students are a very important constituent group of this Univer—

President Roselle said that after last year's problems in the
men's basketball program, many people wondered what that would do to
the support for the University. Last year's private giving, more
than $22 million, was the second highest in the University's
history. There were more donors than ever before. It could have
been reported as the best year, but the decision was made to take a
large gift and spread it over a five—year period.

The President also said that the Fellows Program was doing
nicely. Fellows are those who give $l0,000 (not less than $l,000 a
year) or its actuarial equivalent to the University. This year there
are 230 new fellows, which is an all-time record number. There are
now more than 2,200 fellows, and they have given in excess of $40
million for UK.

President Roselle is also happy to celebrate the accomplishments
of the faculty. In the last two years externally funded programs
have increased from $48 million to $60 million a year. He thanked
the faculty for contributing to that total. Those dollars translate
in one way or another into some form of educational opportunity. He



said there are other ways the faculty is being recognized. In the
last five years there have been 21 Fulbright Scholars.

President Roselle said that this budgetary year is somewhat a
difficult one. A few things have been done that he hopes will make
the University of Kentucky a place where it is easier to do a job.
Over the past couple of years the academic departmental operating
budgets have been increased roughly a $l,000 per tenure-track faculty
member. That program has not been extended to the non- academic

The President said that the University has developed a Strategic
Plan. It is important because it gives the University enough courage
to do certain budgetary things. Planning for the President is a very
fluid kind of process and is a very dynamic kind of opportunity. He
said that the Strategic Plan would be published soon. The plan
covers three broad areas: (l) strengthening UK's commitment to
improve academic excellence, wanting the quality of our scholarship,
research and graduates to be comparable to that of leading public
institutions in this entire nation, maximize the opportunity for
every Kentuckian to receive a college education which will enhance
further the system of Community Colleges, and provide UK students the
best undergraduate education that we are capable of and comparable to
any undergraduate education provided anywhere. (2) Take a leadership
role in improving the Commonwealth of Kentucky, help Kentuckians
improve their educational attainment, participate actively in the
economic development of the state, and reach out across the state to
help Kentuckians in any way we can. (3) Renew our efforts to
strengthen and improve the status of the University people, facili-
ties, and funding, aggressively pursue adequate funding, a very
important issue for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The President
hopes that this session of the legislature will not ignore the issues
that are so clear about the future of the Commonwealth. He wants UK
to recruit and retain high-quality students and to maintain
facilities and equipment.

The President added that based on the strategic plan the Board
of Trustees has passed a biennial budget with objectives that follow
very closely to the strategic plan. The budget that has been pro-
posed is fiscally responsible. The President asked the Board of
Trustees to make the budget request on the old formula not on the
revised formula, and not to ask for the extra three percent. He felt
that was responsible given the problems that are now facing the
Commonwealth of Kentucky and he believes the other institutions in
the state will join UK in doing that as well.

The President believes the highest priority continues to be
faculty and staff salaries. No cut back has been requested in this
area. Faculty salaries continue to lag behind our benchmark institu-
tions. He hopes UK will reveive permission from the legislature with
support of the Governor to do something about salaries. President
Roselle is optimistic that the governmental leaders and the people of
this state will see fit to make meaningful and significant improve-
ments in education all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky this



year. The President feels the people in the state are ready for a
change for the better in the educational product offered in the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.

President Roselle feels UK's role is to lead the effort to
improve education at all levels in the Commonwealth. He added that
faculty members play an important role in the whole process. He said
that research must be done better than it is done at the present
time-~scholarship is the issue. Improved services must be provided
to the people of the Commonwealth. He asked the faculty to help by
being counsel to the administration and told them they would be’
called on at the time of the legislative session to help as they did
so willingly last year.

The President said that most of the faculty very quietly go
about their academic responsibilities. He is proud of them and said
they are the unsung heroes of the whole enterprise. He added that
sometimes their efforts seem to go unrecognized but many know they
are there and they are appreciated as they further the goals of the
University. “There is no great university that does not have a great
and hard-working faculty. The whole issue in higher education is the
quality of faculty," he said. President Roselle said that the facul-
ty had the future of the University of Kentucky in their hands and he
depends on them for their help in the critical days ahead.

He told the faculty he would appreciate their thoughts on campus
planning, not only the strategic plan, but he is interested in a
better master plan for the University--the appearance, the ambiance,
and issues related to parking. He said that paper flow in a big
bureaucracy, which is what the University is of necessity, can be a
bit inhibiting. He has asked administrators to refuse to approve
something they can't disapprove. He emphasized that the strategic
plan should be very much fluid and in motion.

He said he had not been before the Senate without talking about
minority issues. The University is deficient in the number of black
faculty. He needs the faculty's help in carrying out the hiring of
additional black faculty. He said that faculty hire faculty and they
determine who their colleagues are to be.

The President is interested in day care for children of employ—
ees of the University. It is anticipated that in about a year there
will be a day care center near the Faculty Club. The administration
is interested in new printing strategies, issues related to spousal
hiring for two—career families, being sure of equity and there are no
equity issues in the way people are paid. He said that there are
committees looking at that situation right now. He is very inter—
ested in the further development of Coldstream, of Southpark and
economic development generally.

The President discussed the GED and literacy programs for UK's
staff members. The University has about one thousand employees who
either need GED education or need literacy training. He said that
the programs are in place but need additional tutors.



President Roselle discussed the restructuring of the Admissions
Office, and he is pleased with the way that enterprise has gone.

The President remarked that a computational environment was
being built on campus that helps the faculty get their work
done--teaching, research, and service kinds of work. He told the
faculty their involvement in that was welcomed. He is particularly
interested in technology in improving the learning environment--the
classroom learning environment. He hopes to set up opportunities for
members of the faculty to learn some of the newer technology and
applications to the actual learning process.

The President told the faculty that plans are going forward for
a capital campaign. Consultants looked at the manner in which the
private fund raising enterprise is managed at the University of
Kentucky. He said that two questions were asked of the consultants-~
could we conduct a successful capital campaign and are we appro-
priately supportive of private fund raising efforts? They answered
the questions with a yes and no. Yes, there are friends who will
give money to the University but no, we are not doing it right. He
commented on the wonderful volunteer leadership which UK has.

The President said that he would be happy to take any questions.

Professor Jesse Neil (Physics and Astronomy) stated there was an announce—
ment in the paper which reported that one of the educational committees in the
Commonwealth had recommended that the Community College System once again be
separated. Professor Neil wanted to know if the University still wanted to
keep the Community Colleges in the fold and if so, did the President think
this is a recommendation for the University's concern. The President said
that the answer is yes and he believes the University has done a good job on
managing the Community College enterprise. He did not know if the situation
was serious or not because several people have distanced themselves from the
recommendation. He said that the University has the opportunity to structure
a solution to whatever higher educational problem is presented. He felt it
was in the University's interest to protect that.

There were no further questions and the President thanked the Senate.
President Roselle was given a round of applause.

Professor Carolyn Bratt (Law), Chair-elect of the Senate Council, was
recognized for the following Resolution.


Traditionally, at the first meeting of the University Senate in
the fall of each academic year, we recognize the leadership and work
of our retiring Senate Council Chair. This resolution is offered to
thank and commend Professor Loys Mather for his energetic, capable
and effective leadership as presiding officer of the University
Senate and as chair of the Senate Council.



Professor Mather was extremely effective in finding ways to
involve the faculty, through its Senate Council, in many of the major
events which affected the University during his tenure. For example,
the Senate Council received regular briefings from the administration
on the progress of the NCAA investigation of the men's basketball
program. He expanded the concept of the Senate Council breakfast.

As had been the practice last year, President Roselle and other
University administrators continued to attend the breakfast meet-
ings. However, Professor Mather encouraged all members, not just a
few representatives, of the Senate Council to participate in these
breakfast meetings. After a member of the UK Board of Trustees made
remarks which offended the entire University comnunity, Professor
Mather involved the Senate Council in the shaping of the University's
positive response to those remarks. Additionally, Professor Mather
represented the Senate Council on and played an active role in the
prejudice-reduction workshop which was part of the University's

When the Senate Council accepted a recommendation to study
undergraduate admission standards a year earlier than originally
scheduled, Professor Mather appointed a review committee to accom-
plish that goal. He encouraged the review committee to report
regularly concerning its findings and the final report which is due
this year will in large part be a result of Professor Mather's
concern and interest. After the Harris Committee reported its
findings on educational unit reviews, Professor Mather was very

effective in ‘ their recommendations through the Senate
Council for approval. quo‘nefd'Mf)

One of the major responsibilities of the chair of the Senate
Council is to serve as liaison with the administration on behalf of
the various Senate committees. He performed that task with much
skill and diplomacy. For example, at Professor Mather's urging the
chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Priorities was
appointed as a member of the University's Strategic Planning Task
Force. Similarly, he was able to involve the Senate Committee on
Academic Facilities in the administrative decision making process.
Professor Mather also was instrumental in establishing a Senate
Council liaison with the Employee Benefits Comnittee.

Professor Mather played an active and important role in estab—
lishing the University's Honors Day celebration. He worked tire-
lessly to increase awareness of the importance of the Lexington
campus' relationship with the Community Colleges and to improve our
relationship with the other colleges and universities within the

What in all probability will be the most significant accomplish—
ment of Professor Mather's tenure as chair of the Senate Council and
presiding officer of the University Senate has yet to fully bear
fruit. He recognized the need to appoint an ad hoc Committee on the
Status of Women Employed at UK and an ad hoc Committee on the Status
of Minorities Employed at the University. Because of his active
SUpport and encouragement, both of these comnittees are currently



involved in a major institutional review to identify impediments to
the full and equal participation of women and minorities in the
University community. Those two committees owe their existence in
large part to the concern and sensitivity of Loys Mather.

Professor Mather, please accept the sincere thanks of the Senate
Council and the University Senate for your leadership, your dedica—
tion and your service to this University and to all of its members.

Professor Mather was given a round of applause.

The Chair thanked Dr. Bratt. He then introduced members of the Senate
Council, Senate Officers, and Chairs of the various Senate Committees. The
elected faculty members of the Senate Council are: Charles Ambrose, James
Applegate, Robert Guthrie, Paul Eakin, Carolyn Bratt, Jo Ann Rogers, Marcus
McEllistrem, and Connie Wilson. The elected student members are Robert Lohman
and Mehran Jahed. The Board of Trustees members who serve in an Ex-officio
capacity are Professors Mary Sue Coleman and Raymond Betts. The student
member is Sean Lohman. The ex-Chairman, Professor Loys Mather is an
Ex-officio member.

The Chair then recognized the Officers of the Senate: Randall Dahl,
University Registrar and Secretary of the University Senate; Martha Sutton,
Recording Secretary; Gifford Blyton, Parliamentarian; Susan Wilson and
Frankie Garrison, Sergeants—At—Arms.

The Chairmen of the Standing Committees for l989—90 are: Rules and
Elections, Bradley Canon; Admissions and Academic Standards, David Durant;
Academic Planning and Priorities, Marcus McEllistrem; Academic Programs, Joe
Davis; Academic Organization and Structure, Paul Eakin; Research Committee,
Fred Danner; Library Committee, K. R. Subbaswamy; Academic Facilities, John
Groves; Institutional Finances and Resource Allocation, Stanley Brunn; and
University Studies Program, Louis Swift. He said that there are three ad hog
Committees. They are: ad hoc Committee on the Status of Women, Carolyn—Eratt;
ad hog Committee on the—Statfis of Minorities, Juanita Fleming; and ad hoc
Committee to Review Selective Admissions, Brauch Fugate. ___

The Chairman made the following remarks:

The ad hoc committees are very important, and we are waiting for
reports from—those committees later in the year. The third committee
is an ad hoc committee on admissions review. Selective Admissions
was institited in 1984. A review was called for by l989-90. That
review got underway a little earlier than that. We expect a report
shortly. One of the things that committee has put forth already is
the following statement in the admissions process: 'For a one—year
trial period the Director of Admissions shall have the authority to
stop admitting students when the delay pool has reached the desired
freshman class size.‘ That was an authority needed by the Director
of Admissions. The process now is that the applicants are skimmed
off the top of the delay pool in a sort of continuous process and the
Director of Admissions does need that authority to make the cutoff
when the desired class size has been reached.



With the legislature meeting at the beginning of l990 to deter-
mine the legislation and budget for the next biennium, we as a
faculty should be planning how we can support the budget request for
higher education in general and for UK in particular. President
Roselle has already alluded to that. Along these lines I would like
to call your attention to a state—wide organization of college
faculty at state supported institutions. It goes by the acronym
COSFL, which stands for the Coalition of Senate Faculty Leadership.
COSFL is in the process of planning a state-wide lobbying effort for
support of higher education. We will keep you apprised of their
plans and how you might contribute as that goes along.

Finally, I would like to mention that if there are any matters
that members of the Senate wish to bring to the attention of the
Senate Council or committees, please do so. You may contact me or
any members of the Senate Council or the committees directly.

One other announcement I wanted to make is that this year we
have an additional Senate member. This summer the Board of Trustees
passed a rule that the Emeriti Faculty Association has a regular vot—
ing member of the Senate. That member is the current president of
the Emeriti Faculty Association. At this time it is Gifford Blyton.

The Chair welcomed Chancellor Robert Hemenway to his first meeting of the
Senate in his new position as Chancellor. Chancellor Hemenway was very active
in the Senate and the Senate Council and was Chair—elect of the Senate Council
when he left UK to go to Oklahoma in 1986.

A summary of Chancellor Hemenway's remarks follow:

Chancellor Hemenway said that he was asking the Senate for help
with the Lexington Campus Agenda, the points of which articulate the
University's Strategic Plan. The Agenda is a way to organize the
Lexington Campus to achieve the goals of the University's Strategic
Plan. He stated that the University is no more and certainly no less
than what we collectively bring to bear upon any problem, working as
faculty, staff and students. The Agenda which he announced at the
Town Meetings last week was basically a ten-point Agenda. He said
(l) that values needed to be articulated on the Lexington Campus; we
need to say what the University stands for (2) we need to increase
research; (3) improve teaching; (4) alleviate the labor shortages in
particular areas; (5) internationalize the campus; (6) transfer
knowledge and technology; (7) to develop our human resourses;

(8) conserve our finances; (9) improve the physical environment and
(10) set priorities.

Chancellor Hemenway asked the Senate Committees that would apply
to each of those parts of his Agenda to think about ideas, programs,
and ways that we can organize and come up with programs on the
Lexington Campus that will achieve those particular kinds of goals.
He recognized the inclusive nature of the Senate, and said he knew
there were ideas at the Medical Center, in the student body, and at
the Community Colleges which could help the Lexington Campus.


 He pointed out that the Academic Planning and Priorities
Comnittee, which is intended to recommend plausible academic goals
for the institution, could provide ideas about broad, long-range
plans and priorities. One idea floating around has been a civic
leadership proposal. He wants the Lexington Campus to be a living
example of democracy at work, a place where minorities and women
would see they have the full opportunity to develop to their poten—
tial. He is interested in the Senators' ideas about carrying forward
the prejudice-reduction workshops that were begun last year. He said
that the Lexington Campus should stand for a higher standard than the
rest of society. He said that there should be a plan for involving
students in the community, teaching them what civic virtues are
really about.

He felt that one way of increasing research on the Lexington
Campus is to increase the number of proposals submitted by 25
percent. The Committee on Research could be one source of ideas in
this area for the Lexington Campus. He asked how many things on
campus discouraged people from conducting research. Chancellor
Hemenway discussed Fulbright Fellowships, and other prestigious
fellowships, and their disadvantage if one had to give up part of his
or her salary.

0n the issue of improving teaching, Chancellor Hemenway felt the
University Studies Comnittee could be especially central to that
effort on the Lexington Campus. He said that the University Studies
Program provided the educational foundation for University of

Kentucky undergraduates. The program was put together with a great
deal of care and effort and with a great deal of hope that when a
student graduated, after having gone through the University Studies
Program, he or she is going to be better educated than ever before.
He said that his office will establish a teaching award which pro-
vides recurring dollars for the base salary, which means the faculty
member will from that point on be making more money. The idea is to
put our money where our mouth is when we talk of improving teaching.
He also said his office was sending to every faculty member and
teaching assistant the seven principles of good practice for
undergraduate education.

Chancellor Hemenway is concerned about the manpower crisis in
sciences and engineering. A very complex technical society has been
created, but we are not supplying the skilled workers for this
society. He stated there should also be concern about the faculty of
the future. Where will the faculty come from? He feels there will
be huge faculty shortages coming toward the end of the century. He
feels some kind of special programs to address these problems should
be instituted and he invited the Academic Planning and Priorities
Committee and any other committees of the Senate to address the

Chancellor Hemenway said that there is a need to internation-
alize the campus and enable the students to understand what it means
to be part of global markets. Even if students stay in Kentucky all
their lives, they need to have an international experience.


 He said at times the service role gets de-emphasized and faculty
wonder what their role is. He has learned as an administrator that
the service enterprise is central to many parts of the University.
There are certain faculty who will be doing much more on the service
side than others. It is important to remember what the agricultural
extension network means for the campus.

One of the things that Chancellor Hemenway has found as a major
step forward is President Roselle's decision to provide free tuition
for all University employees. Since we are a community, we need to
deveTOp that community to its full potential. This is particularly
true with the need for family employment benefits. If we are a
community, we need to recognize the two-career family. We need a
system for recruiting both spouses at the same time.

He has asked the ad hoc Committee on Women for a proposal on
maternity leave. He added there was no real maternity leave for
faculty women on the campus, and he is not sure the maternity leave
for staff women is satisfactory. Chancellor Hemenway said that women
and minority graduate students should be given every opportunity to
develop their potential, and he suggested that UK rethink the idea of
never hiring our own candidates, especially if they are 'place-bound'
in Lexington.

He invited the Committee on Institutional Finances and Resource
Allocation to figure out a way to streamline bureaucracy and find a
way to cut down on paper flow. He said that he was spending a lot of

time in signing papers, and he was not sure it was the best use of
his time. He added that he was no longer going to sign the requests
for more than four people to go to a convention.

He invited the Senate to see if they could streamline their
bureaucracy as well. He was not sure the Senate Rules are as
streamlined as the Senate might want to make them.

Chancellor Hemenway said that there is an Academic Facilities
Committee of the Senate and their ideas are needed in developing a
campus physical plan. He asked how important was parking when
compared to green space. He very much wanted ideas from Senate
committees on those kinds of priorities.

The Chancellor invited the Academic Planning and Priorities
Committee to share with him their thoughts on how to establish a
priority setting mentality on campus. He believes in getting rid of
across-the—board thinking. He did not feel there could be across-
the—board budget cuts, and he did not feel that when money comes,
that it can be spread across the board 'like marmalade on toast' so
that it would cover as wide an area as possible. 'He can't be
everything to everyone, but maybe we can be the best thing to
somebody,‘ he said.

Basically, he asked for the help of the faculty to propose
programs which will enable the Lexington Campus to achieve the
ten-point Agenda. He said that there will be a committee to look at


 the whole Agenda and anyone could comnunicate with that committee,
but he also welcomed E-Mail and personal mail from all Senators. He
could not see the University moving forward without building on the
human assets of the campus. He said that faculty, staff, and stu—
dents are the only ones who can make this University better, and he
invited all to join him in this effort.

Chancellor Hemenway was given a round of applause.

There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at
4:20 p.m.

Randall w. Dahl
Secretary, University Senate



Boling, James A. '91 (ASC)

Davis, Joe T. '90 (AEC)
+Hemken, Roger N. '90 (ASC)
Infanger, Craig L. '91 (AEC)
*Smith, M. Scott '92 (AGR)
*TeKrony, Dennis M. '92 (AGR)
Witt, Mary L. '91 (HLA)

*McDougall, Richard v. '92 (PT)
Vittetoe, Marie C.'90 (MT)

+Groves, John R. '92

Biological & Physical Sciences (11)
T‘Cox, Raymond H. '92 (CS)
*Eakin, Paul M. '92 (MA)
Freeman, Michael B. '91 (MA)
(for Blackburn, resigned)
*Fugate, J. Brauch '92 (MA)
Guthrie, Robert D. '91 (CHE)
Johnson, David C. '90 (MA)
Kubota, Kenneth K. '91 (CS)
McEllistrem, Marcus T. '90 (PHY)
Subbaswamy, Kumble R. '91 (PHY)
ThrailkiII, John '92 (GLY)
Neil, Jesse L. '90 (PHY)
0n Lv Fall 89, Sp 90


Literature & Philosophy (6)
CaTTahan, Joan C. '9) (PHI)
Durant, David 5., Jr. '90 (ENG)

*Eastwood, Bruce S. '92 (HIS)
Eller, Ronald D. '90 (HIS)
(for Dye, resigned)
Foreman, Walter C. '91 (ENG)
Neisenburger, Steven C. '90 (ENG