xt7gf18sfg20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfg20/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-07-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 2003 2003 2003-07-10 2020 true xt7gf18sfg20 section xt7gf18sfg20 ALL-STAR GAME STILL FAILING SAYS COLUMNIST | PAGE 2





July 10. 2003

Celebrating 32 years oi independence



Louisville youths preview college

Coming soon: Current UK students explain the ups
and downs to Whitney Scholars visiting campus

By Brittany Griffin


More than 20 high school
students and members of the
Whitney M. Young Scholars
Program participated in a fo-

rum held by the Office of Mi-
nority Affairs this Tuesday.
The students, all from
Louisville, were at UK for
part of a larger on-campus
program that ends July 18.

UK students were part of
the forum, and they an-
swered questions regarding
student life, expectations of
college classes and how to
find financial aid.

"1 hope that everyone has
a good college experience
and it propels them to excel
in high school and to get a

college degree," said De-
Wayne Dupreé, a UK student
from the forum and a mem-
ber of the council for the
program. Dupreé said he
helps the students with
"every basic little thing."
The council works with
the students throughout the




“Doors” open
between UK
and East End

Mlle service: University looking to create links
with community, says UK outreach coordinator

Iy Jet! lag-er

Three UK students and
two professors are among
the many artists that are
participating in the "Dy-
namic Doors: Portals to
Creativity" display all
across Lexington.

Fine arts senior
Stephen Wiggins and grad-
uate students Isaac Dun-
can, III, and Jason Kelty
were selected by the Lex-
ington Arts and Cultural
Council and the Communi
ty Outreach Partnership

They were to create
doors reflecting the desig-
nated theme, "East End
Community: Past, Present
and Future," with the
caveat that the project in-

umcoms | xrxnnsurr

By Derek Poore

Celebrating his 100th birthday on Wednesday, noted
Kentucky historian Thomas D. Clark cut his birthday cake
in front of hundreds of people in the WT. Young library.

Clark, flanked by his wife, Loretta, President Lee Todd
and First Lady Patsy Todd, was surprised and thankful for
reaching this milestone.

“I can’t believe it, but I’m very thankful that I’ve
reached this point,” Clark said. He said he guessed he had
“good genes,” and noted that his grandmother had lived to
her upper 90s as well.

“11'“! MSW

tree eating watermelon, but doesn't plan that far ahead.

Clark steered clear of politics, but did give advice for
current gubernatorial candidates, suggesting that they not
criticize one another but “dream some for Kentu .”

Most of all, Clark valued the thousands of students he
had over the years. “I think you could ask for no greater
blessing than those students,“ Clark said.

Clark officially turns 100 on July 14.

Former UK president Frank McVey brought Clark to
UK in 1931 to teach and help expand the university’s li-
brary. In 1969 he received an honorary doctorate from UK
and the state legislature named him historian laureate for

corporate participation of
local youth.

The doors can be
viewed in a variety of
places around the down-
town area. Duncan and
Wiggins' doors — along
with other COPC-spon-

This door, entitled “Bluegrass-
Aspendale's Youth" Is on display
next to the entrance of the UN
art museum. It was created by
UN graduate student Jason
Kelty with the assistance of
teenagers from the Bluegrass-
Aspendale Teen Center.

He said he would enjoy continuing writing books and

fife that year. He was deemed a “state treasure” in 1990.


National campaign targets "stroke belt"

Moira Bagley

An educational cam-
paign aimed at the "stroke
belt" was launched Tuesday
at UK, with the goal of sav-
ing 600.000 lives a year.

The residents of the
southeastern United States
are the targets of the Nation-
al Stroke Association's multi-
year campaign to inform
them of the dangers of

States located in the
"stroke belt" of the consis-
tently report stroke death
rates ten percent higher than
the rest of the country. Ac-
cording to the National
Stroke Association. the high-
er averages can be attributed
to a number of factors in-



non M

cluding a higher than aver—
age population of African-
Americans, a higher than av—
erage population of older
adults and dietary choices.

Stroke is the third lead-
ing cause of death in the
United States, and claims the
lives of 160,000 Americans
each year. Recent surveys by
Gallup and Health Care
Provider Cooper reveal that
half of all women will die
from stroke or heart disease.
The surveys also show that 1
out of 5 adults are unaware
of how to reduce the risk of

Dr Creed Pettigrew, a
professor in the Department
of Neurology and director of
UK's Stroke Program, out-
lined the educational cam-


paign at a press conference
Tuesday that announced the
implementation of the "Ask
Your Doctor" campaign in
Kentucky. ,

The NSA campaign con-
sists of three primary goals
to be addressed over the next
three to five years: increase
communication between pa-
tients and doctors on stroke.
increase the identification
and treatment of stroke, and
improve the management of
stroke risk factors.

"Ask Your Doctor — Am I
at Risk for Stroke?" is the
first prong of the campaign,
and will target the at-risk
population with initiatives
on the national and commu-
nity level to ask their health-
care providers about stroke,

prevention and recovery

In a UK press release, Dr.
Kevin Pearce, associate pro-
fessor and vice chair for aca-
demic affairs in the Depart-
ment of Family Practice and
Community Medicine in the
College of Medicine and
chair of Kentucky's ”Ask
Your Doctor" program, illus-
trated the devastation that
strokes can bring.

"I see how much suffer-
ing could be prevented if
more people knew about
stroke. Four out of five fami-
lies are affected by stroke in
America," Pearce said.

Each year, more than
750,000 Americans have a
first or recurrent stroke. The

NSA says up to 80 percent of '

strokes can be prevented.

mmfimfl's 31m iscsumaosz



sored creations - are locat-
ed at the Phyllis Wheatley
YWCA on Breakenridge and Chestnut streets. Kelty's door
stands next to the UK Art Museum.

Kelty’s project, "Bluegrass-Aspendale’s Youth," which
was cosponsored by both COPC and the UK Art Museiun,
was the fruit of teamwork between the artist and
teenagers from the Bluegrass-Aspendale Teen Center. The
group "developed the notion of representing the center's
front yard and the athletic activities that occur there dai»
1y," Kelty said.

For Kelty, the experience was truly rewarding because

See DOORS on 6


Gov. Patton’s former
mistress indicted on
mail fraud charge


COVINGTON, Ky — The former mistress of Gov. Paul
Patton was indicted Wednesday on a federal charge of
mail fraud.

The one count indictment alleges that Tina Conner
fraudulently applied to get a construction company oper—
ated primarily by her former husband certified as a "dis-
advantaged business enterprise” under a government pro-
gram to set aside contracts for companies operated pri—
marily by women and minorities.

Conner and her former husband, Seth Conner. formed
ST Construction Co., for the purpose of getting the certifi-
cation in Tina Conner's name while actually providing
work for Seth Conner, according to the indictment re
turned by a federal grand jury in Covington.

Conner, who lives in western Kentucky, carried on a
two-year affair with Patton, which Patton has acknowl-
edged. It has since been disclosed in the unfolding scandal
of the affair that Patton personally asked officials at the
Transportation Cabinet to review the application for ST
Construction. Patton has denied doing anything illegal for
Conner. He is not named in the indictment.

Conner has claimed that during their aifair the gover-
nor helped win the special status for ST Construction.

But Patton and Transportation Secretary James
Codell have denied any impropriety. The indictment does
not mention Codell.

Conner made her affair with Patton public last fall in
a television interview. After an initial denial. Patton ad-
mitted the relationship with Conner in September,

Mark Pfeiffer, a spokesman for the Transportation
Cabinet, implied that more indictments would be handed

“It's our understanding that there are other indict
merits pending, and until the grand jury has completed its
work, we're not going to comment," Pfeiffer said.

Clay said Conner will plead innocent at her arraign-
ment, which has not yet been scheduled.

Plenum-ms [ Emil: Wm:

Contact chum
us mm | Email: Merriam

man»: I [www.m





Jeff Patterson
Managing Eiltor


Phone: 251-1915 I I‘ll M.w.com


a Inoasoar. .iiiu 10.2003 I am”...

“Twelfth Night” goes 50’s

'1 Lalo. libel

Some friends. country-
men and maybe even a few
Romans will lend their ears
for the next three weeks for
the Lexington Shakespeare

On stage this year will
be “Twelfth Night." “Robin
Hood“ and “Othello." Each
show will run for five nights.

Historical Significance

The Lexington Shake-
speare Festival has been go—
ing strong for 22 years. The
first performance. "As You
Like It." was held at Wood‘
land Park in 1982.

In 1996, the festival was
moved to the UK Arboretum
where it has taken place ever


"The greatest aspect of
the festival is the outdoor en
vironment." said Production
Coordinator Jason Meenach.
“There is nothing better
than outdoor theatre."

UK Influence

This year's festival will
have a distinctive UK flavor.

This week‘s play.
“Twelfth Night." is directed
by UK alumnus Bo List.

Next week’s “Robin
Hood." a non-Shakespearean
play, bursts with UK students
both on and off the set. and
is directed by UK professor
Margo Buchanan. UK the
atre major Lauren Carr will
serve as the assistant direc-

In preparation for the

AIA .................

High on Rose.

Kitty 0' Sheas.... ..
Cheapsrde Bar and Grill .

Two Keys... .

Starlight MUSIC Club

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Movie theaters:
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Man 0' War ........
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play. Carr said she has spent
most of her time at the li-
brary. researching the play‘s
time period.

Carr said that “Robin
Hood" calls for the most com-
bat scenes of the three
scripts. which has made it a
very exciting project. ”Robin
Hood" will run for five
nights. starting July 16.

The third and last pro-
duction is Shakespeare's
"()thello." with Joe Ferrell. a
long-time festival player. di-

According to Carr. every.
one involved in the show has
hen rehearsing and planning
since mid-May in prepara-
tion for the festival.

Additionally. this is the
second year UK‘s theatre de-
partment has worked with
the festival. Theatre profes-
sors John Holloway and
Tony Hardin have construct-
ed the sets and stage design
for all three shows.

Holloway has been work-
ing diligently on a beautiful
festival entryway, according
to Production Coordinator
Meenach. Signs loaded with
facts about Will Shakespeare
himself and the Lexington
Shakespeare Festival will
lead up to the entryway.

Hopeful Expectations

Meenach said he expects
about 1500 people to attend
each night‘s performance.

UK serves
as world’s
stage for


Performers rehearse
“Neitth light,"
which has a 1950's
style, Monday at the
ill Arboretum.
“Twolth Night"
started the 22nd
annual Shakespeare
in the Park series
last night.

um cords | mun STAFF

"My only worry at this
point is the weather,"
Meenach said. “(Everyone
is) hoping for cooperation
from the weather for all fif-
teen nights."


“Twelfth Night” Thur. - Sun.
“Robin Hood" July 16 - so
“Othello" July23- 27
Gate opens at 7 pm. and
shows start at 8:45 pm.
UK Arboretum
$5 for General Admission
$10 for Reserved Seating






Taproot. 8:30 pm. Bogart's.
Circirinati. Tickets $13.


The Chieftains, Nanci Grit-
fith. Earl Scruggs. 7 pm
Riverhend. Cincinnati.

Tickets 3‘8 50-545.

311. 7:30 pm Monday, July
28. Palace Theatre.
Lomsville. Tickets $29.50.

The Flaming Lips. 8:30 pm.
Friday, August 1. Bogart's.
Cincinnati. Tickets $20.

The White Stripes. 8:30 pm

Saturday. August 2. Bogarts,
Cincinnati. Tickets $32.


Roche and the Blowfish, Big

Head Todd and the Monsters.
7'30 p.m. Riverbend, Cincrn-

nati. Tickets 515'525.


Sammy Hagar and The
WAhoritas. 8 pm. The
I’lliI‘V ‘Ie Palace Theater.
7 MW. S'i9.50.


”l'tllll'Sll.” Saturn.”

’V . t 1114‘! itwi/ir'sriai {tr Thursdd)

' (tat/Illa n /rz /

Journey, RED Speedwagon,
Styx. 6:30 pm Saturday,
August 2. Riverbend, Cincm-
nati. Tickets $25-$55.



Get Jurassic

John Mayer, Counting Crows.
7pm. Wednesday, August 6.
Riverbend. Cincinnati, Tick-
ets 33550-34550.

' $125.

Aerosmith and Kiss. 7 pm.
Saturday, August 9. River-
bend. Cincinnati. Tickets $45

Jurassic 5 will play with Lollapalooza's packed
lineup of Audioslave, Incubus, Queens of the Stone
Age and Jane's Addiction, noon Wednesday at
Riverbend in Cincinnati. Tickets 54950-55950.

The New Pornographers.

8 pm. Saturday, August 23.
Headliners Music Hall.
Louisville. Tickets TBA.





$10 on






St. Anger is by far
the worst album I’ve

heard this year. In fact,

it's worse than any al—
bum I heard last year or
the year before. If you’ve
been hoping that this al-
bum returns to the Metal-
lica of old, then you are
sadly mistaken.

True, the songs re-
turn to the lengthy an-
thems of the Master of
Puppets era. But instead
of beautiful solos and
powerful riffs, you get
eight minutes of power
chords, grunts, open
chord choruses and an-
other power chord.

I don’t even play
drums, yet I can tune a
snare drum much better
than Lars Ulrich. Almost
every song on the album
has out of tune drums.


I4 Shades of Grey



Aaron Lewis is top-
ping the charts in a much
softer fashion, displaying
the evolution of a band
with the release of
Staind's highly anticipat~
ed new album, 14 Shades
of Grey.

Changing the pace of
their music has brought
criticism from fans and
harsh reviews from
Rolling Stone and The
New York Times. Gone is
much of the hard, guitar-
bashing sound from
Staind’s previous record-
selling albums, replaced
with lighter acoustic in-
terludes and strings.

But even the highest-
ranking Staind—basher
can’t overlook the capti-
vating sound of Aaron
Lewis. His hearton-
sleeve approach to song-


Kirk Hammet has
zero guitar solos. Produc-
er Bob Rock plays the
bass, and managed to
turn the world’s greatest
metal band into a third-
rate grunge band.

Finally we come to
James Hetfield, whose
growl remains the best
part of Metallica. Howev-
er, the riffs he produced
make bands like NoFx
sound like Steve Vai.

I simply can’t recom-
mend this CD to anyone.
The only place this a1-
bum should be is in a
trash can.

Grade: F

making creates gripping
lyrics that crawl out of
the radio and into the
heart of every problem-
riddled person in the

First run copies of 14
Shades of Grey include a
limited edition bonus
DVD disc featuring
footage of the band, along
with album lyrics and
new band photos.

14 Shades of Grey
was produced by Josh
Abraham and mixed by
Andy Wallace. The al-
bum was recorded in Los
Angeles and Miami

Grade: B»






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 Terra Ramsdale
SportsWeekIy Editor
Phone: 251-1915 Email: kernelsportsOyehoo.com



mwciiv must : ’ijiiiiasom. Jun 10. 2003 I _ 3



All-Star Game wo

Major League Baseball is stuck in a
no-win situation. No matter what they do
to correct the mistakes of old, they still
fail. With this week's announcement of
the All~Star rosters, baseball somehow
managed to fail again.

Afier last year's complete disaster of
an All-Star Game - you remember that
whole 7—7 tie fiasco because managers Bob
Brenly and Joe Torre used all of their
pitchers — MLB Commissioner Bud Selig
changed the nature of the game. This


year the game will mean something. The

intensity is back and according to FOX.
this time it counts. This year the league that wins the All-
Star Game earns home-field advantage in the World Series.
Kudos. Bud Selig for making this game count.

Hopefully this year I won't have to see Yankees catcher
Jorge Pasada‘s kid run out onto the field when the lineups
are announced. Maybe somebody will evoke memories of
Pete Rose plowing over Ray Fosse for the winning run of the

1970 All-Star Game.

On to this year's failure. It was a great idea to let the
players vote for their peers because nobody sees more base-
ball than the baseball players. But the problem lies in the
f (1(‘t that their vote didn't really count.

Roster requirements and positional needs forced snubs
like Tampa Bay's Rocco Baldeli, who finished fifth in player
voting. Cincinnati’s Jose Guillen (.338, 17HR 44RBI) also fell
victim to positional needs. Even though his numbers are bet-
ter than Aaron Boone (.271. 15HR 52RBI), the Reds lone All-
Star, he joins Baldeli as just another spectator.

Other players, such as Hideo Nomo (9-8, 2.71 ERA) of the
offensive-barren Los Angeles Dodgers, fell victim to the rule
that every single team has to have a representative.

Mike Williams of the hapless Pittsburgh Pirates is the
benefactor to this rule. Through Tuesday, Williams boasted a
stellar 1-3 record with a 6.62 earned run average. Williams is
a good pitcher, but he is having a horrendous season and is in


es continue


Cincinnati Reds outfielder Jose Guillen was left off the National
League All-Star roster despite a .338 batting average and 17 Hit.

no way All-Star worthy.

This isn't government and not every location needs
someone representing them and until baseball fixes this. the

woes will continue.

Jeff Patterson is a journalism unlor. His views do not
necessarily represent those 0 the Kentucky Kernel.



SEC finishes first

in national polls

Of the 20 sponsored
sports of the Southeastern
Conference. the SEC had a
higher national finish than
any other conference in the
nation. In a ranking system,
using national polls and
NCAA Championships fin-
ishes, the SEC had'1423.5
points, edging second-place
Pac-IO with 1339 points.

The system gives 25
points credit for a national
champion or a first place fin-
ish in a sports' final poll,

down to 1 point for a 25th
place finish.

NCAA National Cham-
pionship finishes were used
for crosscountry, swimming
and diving, gymnastics, in-
door and outdoor track and
field and golf.

The SEC placed first in
eight sports, including
men's outdoor track(143).
men's indoor track (138),
women's indoor track (111).
women's outdoor track (107),
men's swimming & diving
(104). men's tennis (96.5).
gymnastics (96) and
women's basketball (85).

Tickets on sale

for “Basketbowl”

Tickets for the "Basket-
Bowl" game between UK and
Michigan State on Saturday.
Dec. 13 at Ford Field in De-
troit, Mich. went on sale to
the general public through
the Ford Field Ticket Office
Tuesday, July 8.

More than 50,000 tickets
already have been sold for
the game through private
sales to MSU and UK season-
ticket holders and donors.
Spartan officials expect to
draw a world-record crowd
in excess of 75,000 for the
game. The 19,028 remaining
tickets are priced at $8. $12
and $14. The battle will pit

two of the nation's top teams
against one another in a
unique format as the basket-
ball court is set up on the 50-
yard line of the Detroit Li-
ons' home field. Last season,
UK advanced to the NCAA
Elite Eight. finishing with a
32-4 record and the No. 1
ranking in the final Associat-
ed Press poll.

Michigan State also ad-
vanced to the Elite Eight be-
fore falling to Texas and end-
ing the season with a 2213
record. The game is expect-
ed to be picked up by nation—
al television. though a start
time is not set.

Compiled by wire services





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Voting essential for a
healthy democracy

After two monumental decisions affect-
ing Lexington last week, there have been nu-
merous complaints about the City Council’s
decisions to condemn the Kentucky Ameri—
can Water Company and to ban smoking in
public places. Next on the agenda for our
elected officials is the issue of registering
kegs. Many students are wondering if cam-
pus life will end up becoming like Footloose,
where even dancing is not allowed.

While we at the Kernel are glad to see
people passionate about government, we
can’t help but wonder what the outcome
would have been had a majority of the vot-
ing public actually voted in last November’s

Party Plan and keg registering advocate
Dick DeCamp won the 3rd District with 1,666
votes in last fall’s election for the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Council. Decamp‘s
challenger. Don Pratt, finished with 1,275

After his loss, Pratt vowed to leave Ken—
tucky and called for citizens to care about
the issues. Agree or disagree with Pratt’s
politics. he at least had passion.

Such a slim margin of votes could have
been overcome had there been 20 percent or
more of the population voting.

Considering the large number of stu-
dents that live on UK’s campus, that 20 per—
cent could have easily been found.


Issues concerning the water that we all
drink and use may have been tied up in the
close race between Teresa Isaac and Scott
Crosby for mayor. Isaac won with 51.1 per-
cent of the vote. Crosby had 48.7 percent.
Isaac supported condemnation of the water
company from the start of her campaign and
made that one of her to priorities.

The fact that fewer than 50 percent voted
last November and fewer than 20 percent
voted in the Primaries this spring shows
that the voting public is apathetic to the is-
sues around them.

This fact is troubling because many im-
portant decisions that affect everyone, such
as the smoking ban and the water company,
are being made. At least now there seems to
be some signs of democratic life. People are

But students need to realize that Dick De-
Camp, mainly because he is our representa-
tive, and the rest of our local government
have a large impact on everyone's college ex-

People can complain about their disdain
for a smoking ban or how registering kegs
will ruin the party scene. But until you voice
your opinion by talking to your elected offi-
cials or most importantly, by voting, your
complaints are futile.

Democracy isn’t a spectator sport. Every-
one must play for it to be healthy

Derek Poore. Editor in chief
Jeff Patterson. Managing editor
Brittany Griffin. Asst. news editor

Editorial Board

Matt Gains. photographer
Noira Bagley. staff writer
Crystal Little, staff writer



Hist Party Plan,
now keg plan

Once again, the Aylesford Neighborhood Association

is whining to Dick DeCamp about University of Kentucky 1 ‘

students. This time, they are lacing their complaints with
concern regarding minors who consume alcoholic bever-
ages. The association believes that kegs should be identi.
fied, labeled and tracked to guarantee that minors do not
consume alcohol.

In reality, the Aylesford Neighborhood Association
cares little whether or not minors drink. Instead, they are
up to their customary antics of trying to make UK stu-
dents‘ lives hell. They are tired of parties occurring near
their residencies and are exploring new ways to exact re-
venge on partiers.

Most would expect the association to complain to the
police about not implementing the Party Plan to the ex-
tent it should be enforced. However, the association is too
diligent for that. Why complain when you can intensify
the punishment for fun-loving, party-throwing students?

Dick DeCamp gave into the whims of the Aylesford
Neighborhood Association. He has delivered the sugges-
tion of a keg ordinance to the council’s Service Commit—
tee. This is not surprising, since DeCamp supported the
Party Plan ordinance.

The concept of the keg ordinance would require pur-
chasers of kegs to provide specific information that will
be attached to the purchased keg so police will know who
bought the keg. Thus, if a party is disrupted by the police
and police discover underage drinking has taken place,
they will then be capable of charging the purchaser of the
keg with the contribution of alcoholic substances to mi-

Depending upon the size of the party, the purchaser of
the keg may have no idea who is at the party or partaking
in the consumption of the keg. When large parties tran-
spire, friends are invited. These friends invite other
friends and those friends invite their friends.

To hold the purchaser of the keg accountable for
these individuals, when they had no preconceived knowl-
edge that underage individuals were coming to their par-
ty, is wrong. Do you sincerely expect hosts to be keg Nazis
and linger near the keg to inspect everyone’s driver’s 1i-

Like the Lexington Party Plan, the concept of a keg

ordinance is extremely unconstitutional - the foundation _

of the ordinance discriminates against UK students. The

Party Plan, which was once called the UK Party Plan, was .
changed to the Lexington Party Plan in order to avoid p0. i
tential lawsuits for discriminating against the UK area. If : '
a keg ordinance occurs, the same procedure as the party , \

plan will transpire.

There is no method of fighting the Party Plan or the i

concept of a keg ordinance in court because the ordi-

nances produced by the Urban County Government will I

be fraught with word manipulation, promoting that the

regulation was established for protective purposes of the -

entire Lexington-Fayette community.

In reality, a keg ordinance will be subjected and en- '

forced solely on UK students. A keg ordinance would be

exactly like the Party Plan; it would mainly be enforced _

only in the UK area.

Noah i-lamblin is a journalism senior. His views do not
necessarily represent those of the Kentucky Kernel.



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Mindless memorization demeans education

0 O O
dust-lie fl!“
”Science is built up with facts, as a house is with bricks.

But a collection of facts is' no more a science than a heap of
bricks is a house. " (Jules Henri Poincare, 1854-1912).

I'd like to ask you. the reader, a question.

Is a good student someone who can retain and regurgi-
tate a vast bank of facts, or is a good student someone who
can synthesize. question. relate and apply that informa-

Should we be praising students for their ability to
memorize. or their ability to truly understand the underly-
ing principle?

I am not saying that we shouldn‘t expect a student, or
professor for that matter, to be proficiently knowledgeable
in their chosen subject area. I am questioning the meth—
ods by which that knowledge is acquired, and the means
by which that knowledge is evaluated.

During my early years of school. it was still common
practice for children to be asked to learn their multiplica-
tion tables in "parrot" fashion. I have a hard time memo-
rizing dry facts, and I never did learn how to multiply by
meaningless chanting.

However. once I figured out the principle behind multi-
plication I could produce the answers. albeit slowly at first.

and I no longer