xt7gf18sfd3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfd3g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1987 1987 1987-03-13 2020 true xt7gf18sfd3g section xt7gf18sfd3g  

Kentucky Kernel

Voi XCI. NO. 117

Established 1 894

Hunt renamed
SAB president

M ii \\ ll \SSHK'I‘
\t‘tlitll' Staff Writer

1,.iiiii- lliitit was selected to repeat
.l‘ president of the Student Activities
i'mal‘l‘i during an all~night session
the ended at 3 ani yesterday.

limit. a business and economics
l‘llllttl‘. and other members of the
iiiti’.‘ sit SK“ were chosen by a six—
student selection committee after
tlii'ei- nights ot interviews and more
than \i\ hours of "intense" deliber-
.tiliilis. said Tim l’ayne. a commit-
ti-c member and current SAB vice

lm \(l happy " lliint said. Al»
moan}: sh.- was the incumbent. Hunt
think she had the position
:i‘i‘bl iiip


: '2l‘\t‘l' thought tor one moment
' ‘ a shooin.” Hunt said.


“My philosophy is that it‘s never
over until the fat lady sings."

Several of the committee mem-
bers agreed. “There were no deci-
sions made before“ the selection
process. Payne said.

“I didn't see her as a Shoo-in,"
said Rick Watts. a committee mem-
ber and SAB's current special activ—
ities chairman. "Obviously, she did
an excellent job this year. She gave
a great presentation. both with her
application and interview.

“Personally, I was looking for
someone who had a clear concept of
what the office entailed, who could
effectively deal with the rest of the
board, student population and the
administration." he said.

“I want to continue all of the qual-
ity programs we have and I
want to get out to more student
groups." Hunt said. Specifically, she

UK to hold forum
on transportation

h Iii llilil “HHN'H

\xa': \‘fl‘lit‘l’

i'tttiiit‘lli.\ lacing Kentucky trans-
.rit‘i.tiilill will be discussed during a
animate conference on campus
tint-ti iii and ‘30. said (‘alvin Gray-
\ m director of the Kentucky Trans-
i‘ne Jith t‘onference on Transpor—
uil] consist of speakers and
. 3 members who will address is—
i ~:.lt'i‘i :is deteriorating bridges
- ‘. ”at economic burden of road re-
;t i.i~ iit‘aysoii said
the primary purpose of the con—
-.. it are is to proyide a forum for all
.. '.v-i- o! utn'l‘l‘l'lliit’lll. academia and
the private sector and to discuss
in to proyidc .i better transport
.~ Ucm toi the commonwealth of
iv iztiicky (irayson said.
federal funding for
t "quill“ and the poor condition
' ' tattle: are two important issues
Kentucky transportation.
These problems, he
mini '(‘Iilliti have a major impact on
'31! zitioli economy "
i.» .ii city and state governments
’ Him universities and industries
: number of sessions scheduled
’ 21' 'hi. tum day conference. which is
sit ilisiil'l‘li by l'K's Transpon

fit \ I‘t‘dSt‘ti

flit Aim:

waisoii \illt’i

tation Center and the Kentucky
Transportation Cabinet.

Frank Shafroth. director of feder»
al relations for the National League
of Cities, will speak on economic is-
sues involved in shifting the respon-
sibility for maintaining roads from
federal to state and local govern-

Other speakers will include It D.
Morgan, executive director of the
Federal Highway Administration,
and Lt. Gen. ER. Heiberg llI, chief
of engineers and commander of the
US. Army Corps of Engineers.

Improving leadership and mari-
agement and computerized traffic
signals will also be discussed during
the conference. Grayson said.

Concurrent work sessions on local
road management and traffic man-
agement will also be held on March

All sessions will be held in the Stu-
dent Center.

Advanced registration is $50 per
person. Registration at the confer-
ence is $60.

Full-time students may attend the
conference at half price by present-
ing a valid student lD.

North’s lawsuits against
counsel are dismissed

ii; i \lilH ,\l.\R(i.\S:\K

\swi Mimi l’ress

\\ ‘i‘HiMi'l'th A federal judge.
tliu rxiu yesterday that the nation
'ii‘t'tiN “expeditious and complete
ol the lrancontra affair.
it‘lliisv'ii lawsuits by Lt. Col. Oliver
\orth 'hat sought to stop an inde-
pendent counsel's investigation of

District Judge Harrington D.
t'. t’hi‘l said North was premature in
«using .l ruling that the office of in-
i'otiiisel was unconstitu~

mist iit‘~itit“

i \


'i Hurts haie almost never found
amt .iii ongoing criminal investiga-
mn imposes :i suffiCient hardship to
'tu- person investigated to warrant

.,.. .,ii rci il‘\\ prior to his or her in-
Parker said in his order

liii- pi.llllllff has not suffered an
.lttlli‘K tit siitticient keenness to war-
miiit the court s intercession." Par-
ker \tlili "For that reason. the court
. nits ’b.it plaintiff's challenge to the
voiistitiitiotitiiity of the independent
i i'illht‘i machinery is not ripe for ad
jiiiiltiiiiiill and that his complaints
\iiltlliii be disirissed ”

i‘.iiki-i said the nation needs “an
i"\l)t‘ti‘ilt)tl.‘< and complete disclosure
of tilll' government‘s involvement in
'h. Imni oiitra affair” and said that
.iiiii-iwiidctit counsel Lawrence E.
is pursuing the investigation
viicigctii-ally and responsibly.”

:‘lie presidentially appointed
inset tonimission said in its recent
t'tjwl't that North was heavily in-
ioiicil in both the secret arms sales
to “Hit and in supplies for the Nica-
i tfliltlll rebels. who are known as
iltl‘itl'ns Attorney General Edwin
\li-csi- Ill said last November that
tiltii‘ of the profits from the arms
«.tii‘s had been diverted to the Con—

l'aiker noted yesterday that
“New has appointed Walsh as a
~-p¢'i‘l.‘ii Justice Department prosecu-
tni to ensure that the investigation

unimpeded" should
separate court-appointed

t inetit


\\ talki‘t k

position eventually be found uncon-

North. who was fired last Novem-
ber from his post as a National Se-
curity Council aide, had filed two
lawsuits. Parker dismissed both.

The first contended the indepen-
dent counsel was operating unconsti-
tutionaliy because he was appointed
by a three-judge federal court in»
stead of by the president or other
executive branch officials.

The second suit argued that
Walsh's position was still unconstitu-
tional even with the Justice Depart-
ment appointment.

Parker said the the overall case
“presents issues of particularly
grave constitutional importance"
because North‘s challenge calls into
question the constitutionality of vest-
ing prosecutorial power in indepen-
dent agencies and nonexecutive

But the judge said. “The strong
policy against intervening in on-
going criminal investigations also
persuades the court to refrain from
reviewing plaintiff's substantive

A similar legal challenge has been
mounted by lobbyist and former
presidential aide Michael K. Deaver
before US. District Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson.

Jackson, in denying Deaver a pre-
liminary injunction Wednesday. said
it is unlikely that Deaver‘s claim of
unconstitutionality will ultimately be
upheld. However. a federal appeals
court yesterday temporarily blocked
independent counsel Whitney North
Seymour Jr. from seeking a grand
jury indictment against the lobbyist
and former presidential aide. The
court asked Deaver and Seymour to
submit legal briefs addressing Deav-
er's challenge.

On Capitol Hill, Commerce Secre-
tary Malcolm Baldrige, turnirg
aside objectiom by Defense Secre—
tary Caspar Weinberger, strongly
defended a proposal to sell Ameri-
can-made computers to lran.

Univoulty of Konhicky. Lexington. Kentucky


said she wants to continue SAB's ef-
fort to modify the Student Center.

Besides Hunt, other selections in-
cluded Jennifer Ballard. a commu-
nications sophomore, as vice presi-
dent; Sam Hughes, a business and
economics sophomore, as secretary/
treasurer and Kris Calvert, a jour-

Sec SAB, Page 4

independent since 1 971

Friday, March 13. 1987

Arbitron ratings rank WBKY
15th public station in nation

Staff Writer

Hard work and catering to its au-
dience have helped make WBKY-
FM the 15th public radio station in
the nation in the fall Arbitron rat-
ings. said Don Wheeler, the station‘s
general manager.

UK‘s radio station, which is the
oldest universityowned public FM
station in the country. has a "metro-
cume" rating of 8.5 percent.

“That‘s a very high percentage. It
means that 8.5 percent of the people
in the (Lexington) area listen to
us," Wheeler said.

“We're providing programming
the audience likes and we‘re provid~
ing it in a consistent manner," he
said. “It also shows that the people
who work here. . .work hard."

The rating “is one way of measur-
ing success. of seeing how you're
doing," Wheeler said.

“It makes us feel good to know

that there are only 14 other public
radio stations in the nation that are
ahead of us." he said. “it says that
we‘re succeeding with our own audi<

The station will be making some
minor changes, including the addi-
tion of a new age music program
and the Weekend Edition, which is
produced by National Public Radio.
Wheeler said.

Night Wave. which will begin air-
ing Monday. will consist of the mod-
ern, 20th century sound of new age
music. Wheeler said.

The new age sound features jazz.
classical and easy»listening music.
Wheeler said. "lt‘s all different
kinds of music.“ he said, “It‘s usual-
ly quiet and relaxing. it‘s not all
electronic . . . there‘s a lot of acous»

“This station has always been at
the front of presenting new things."
Wheeler said. “We try to anticipate
what is going to happen and do it be-

fore it happens And we usually suc-

“We have been playing new age
muSic substantially for four years
now. and now that we’ve found out
the audience likes it. we'll play it
more." Wheeler said.

This year's Grammy Awards had
a category for the best album in new
age music. Wheeler said. "Every-
body likes it." he added. "There‘s a
huge audience for it and it tends to
appeal to younger people. the 20- to
llU‘yearold age group."

WBKY will eliminate Vanishing
Point because the Arbitron report
showed "that the audience drops off
at the time it comes on and rises
again when it‘s over. " he said

"But you don‘t always have to
change.“ Wheeler said.

WBKY was the third public FM
radio station to go on the air. Wheel-
er said. The station. which is 47
years old. has 50.000 watts and is on
the air 24 hours.


Contributing Writer

A 29-year-old resident of Coop-
erstown Apartments was struck
by an automobile yesterday eve-
ning while walking across Wood-
land Avenue.

Lexington Metro Police said
Patricia Morgan, a UK student,
was walking out of the back park-
ing lot of the Phi Kappa Tau fra-
ternity home on her way to her
Cooperstown apartment when a

vehicle turning left from the
apartment complex hit her.

Jamie Combs, a 24-yearold UK
psychology sophomore, was driv-
ing her 1986 Ford Bronco when
she hit Morgan at about 5:30
pm, according to police offi»

Police said neither party saw
each other in time to prevent the

Lexington Fire Department
paramedic Jim Wells said Mor-
gan was taken to the UK Medical

Lexington firefighters assist 29-year-old Patricia Morgan. who was who lives in Cooperstown Apartments. was taken to the UK Medi-
hit by a car yesterday while crossing Woodland Avenue. Morgan. cal Center, She is listed in fair but stable condition

Student struck by car listed in stable condition

Center with several serious inju-

“As far as we can determine.
she had a fracture of the left
arm. a laceration of the right
side of her head, a laceration of
the posterior thigh and multiple
abrasions," Wells said

Witnesses, who saw her placed
in the ambulance. said they saw
excessive bleeding from the

Metro police officer Bill Brown
said that Morgan was jaywalking

ALAN HAWSE Kernel Stall

and that Combs would not lxi


"it was just ii question of the
pedestrian being where she
shouldn‘t have been." he said.

Morgan was listed iii fair but
stable condition last night.
according to a hospital spokeswo-

Witnesses said Morgan was
thrown about 20 feet when she
was hit by the automobile,



David W and Imo-
oonlc release new chums.
For reviews. see PASTMES.
Page 3.

The m proper. for
olihoNCAA tourney.Soo


90R“. book .


Football coach Woody Hayes dies

Associated Press

COLUMBUS. Ohio — Woody
Hayes, who for 28 seasons ruled his
Ohio State University football teams
like one of the generals he so ad-
mired, died in his sleep yesterday at
home. He was 74.

Anne Hayes discovered her hus-
band’s body at about 6 am, said
Robert Murphy, Hayes physician.
Hayes apparently suffered a heart

Although Hayes' long career at
Ohio State was marked by success
on the field. he also was dogged by
controversy. (hither-st: against foot-
ball officials and the media became
commonplace. and he eventually
lost his job over such a temper tan-

In 1m, his team was diving
down the field in the innit; mo-

ments of the Gator Bowl while trail-
ing Clemson 17-15 when linebacker
Charlie Bauman intercepted Art
Schlichter‘s pass.

On national television. Hayes
punched Bauman, knocking him out
of bounds at the Ohio State sideline.
Buckeye players pulled their angry
coach away from Bauman and later
escorted him off the field.

The next day. Hayes was relieved
of his coaching duties

Hayes later was a frequent speak-
er at Ohio State football practices.
and the university named a street
after him.

“'l‘here‘ve been a lot of great men
fired,“ Hay” told an OSU com-
mencement audience last March.
"MacArthur. Richard Nixon. a lot of

Former President Nixon said yes-
terday, "Like all great men, regard-
less of profusion. Woody Hayes un-

derstood the great forces that
moved the world. I was privileged to
know him as a loyal friend and as
an insightful. wise counselor. “

President Reagan. in a statement
issued by the White Home, called
Hayes a legend in college football.

“Colorful and sometimes even
controversial, he cared deeply about
his players, his team and his
school.” Reagan said. “Nancy and I
extend our deep sympathy to his
family and to the Ohio State Univer-
sity community.“

Hayes‘ 33-year coachiiu career in-
cluded 238 victories and a 0.744 win-
ning percentage. He was college
football‘s fifth-winnimut conch.
compilirg a record of 23—72-10 over
all and moi-to at Ohio State. He
also coached at Denison University
and MinmtofOldo.





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i, r»
i..l‘ i.\

”ii- way liouisVille‘s

mt. pressure created by spoil-
i ".'ii and angry administrators
not wearing a t‘ardiv
that his deck of t‘ards
ii players that are an
and undera

.i‘a their team to reach
i' it i” ii}
~i .It"llii Mr is it
'It ititi
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‘isi uninspired

t the case.

". 'tbiiilt‘itiitm

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‘ _\; .\.‘i siiet'tiiiii committee
'in iiistitication for insult

. “a "‘\ and \liddle

' .. m idence

it‘f'l' 's

2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. March 13, 1987


Louisville’s Crum overreacted

that promkes a coach of
=i it iss and tharacter to be-
\t-uiii i‘i-iini did when his team was
tow: .i iiiii to the NCAA 'l‘ourna-

t‘oach train
for blasting


that Nl'l‘Sl'

~ it \«i-i si t ilttub than 1 iiuisiilli.

- in

.t »‘-.i»

i‘it st ison has gont




o oint




would not surprise me if MTSL'
would beat the Cards on a given

However. the Cardinals do have
an argument, after all they were one
of the teams walking the fence.
They could have been picked for the
tournament. and MTSU could have
been the team left out. But wouldn‘t
one think MTSt' would have a justi»
fiable argument had they been left

After all, they are at 22 wins and 6
losses to Louisville‘s 18-14 record.
t‘oach Crum points to the weak
schedule of MTSL' as a defense for
his argument.

And no. MTSL' hasn‘t played as
hard of a schedule as Louisville. but
they probably have a harder time

Fran Stow-rt
Editor-in chief

Scott Ward
Managing Editor

scheduling quality teams After all
how many Purdues IUs or UKs are
going to schedule an “annual power-
house“ like MTSU'?

Of course, difficulty of schedule
should be a factor, but that‘s all it
should be. if difficulty of Schedule is
taken too strongly, small Division I
teams would be handicapped be-
cause they don‘t have the same
chance to schedule the good teams
they might want to play.

Maybe the NCAA should decide
who plays whom. That way coaches
who have no trouble in scheduling
teams will have no advantage when
it comes to tournament time.

Besides that, the Cardinals were
blown out by most of the strong
teams they played. If they had a
couple more “W‘s“ over those tough
schools, they would have a stronger
case for getting into the NCAA Tour-

by Berke Breathed



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Cynthia A. Palermo
Editorial Editor

Jay Stanton
News Editor


Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894 Independent Since 1971



when NCAA bid never arrived

bids to the NIT in better hopes for

Taking the rejection with a grain
of salt and accepting a bid to the
NIT might have taught Crum‘s team
that it is not immortal, that it can J,
lose like the rest, Now it might fal~

sely assume that it is too good for
the NIT that they deserve to play
with the hardworking big boys and
that they just got a rotten deal

The re were many other schools
that were walking the fence with
Louisville. such as St. Louis, Cleve-
land State and New Mexico None of
them cried as loud when they did
Eric Nivbauer is an arts and

not get a bid Most Of them accepted sciences sophomore


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Austin City Saloon - 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center Tonight and tomorrow.
The Greg Austin Band (country) will play from 9 p m. to 1 am $3 cover both

The Bar —— 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40idisco music on a
sound system. 4 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow after hours from 1 to 3:45 am.
Female impersonations tonight and tomorrow at 10 and 1 1 :30. $3 cover,

The Bearded Seale — 500 Euclid Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Stan Gibbons
will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. No cover both nights.

The Bottom Line —— Tonight Government Cheese will play from 9 pm. to 1 am.
Tomorrow Active Ingredients will play from 9 pm. to 1 am $3 cover both

The Brass A Saloon — 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Key Grip
will play from 9p m. to 1 a in $3 cover.

Bugattl's — 815 Euclid Ave. Tonight and tomorrow. The Trendells will play from
9 pm to 1 am $4 cover Monday. Chubby Checker will play two shows. $15
for regular show. $30 for dinner show.

Library — 388 Woodland Ave Tonight and tomorrow. The Edge will play from 9
pm. to 1 am. $3 cover. $1 50 well drinks and 75 cents 12 oz draft from 8 to
10 pm. No cover both nights between 8 and 9 pm. 95 cent draft from 10 pm.
to 1 am. and $1 75 LlT's all night.

Spirits —— in the Radisson. Tonight and tomorrow. Bobby Lanz will play from 9
p m. to 1 am. No cover.

Two Keys -— 333 S Limestone. Tonight and tomorrow. Mystery Train will play
from 9 pm to 1 a m. $2 cover for men. no cover ladies



Angel Heart — Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 1. 3.15, 5:25, 7:40. 9:55 and tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight. Also at North Park. 12:50, 3.10. 5:25. 7.45,
10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Black Widow —— Rated R. (South Park. 1:25, 3 25. 5:25. 7:50, 9:45 and to
night and tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

Crocodile Dundee — Rated PG-13. (South Park. 1:10, 3. 5:15, 725, 9:15
and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 .)

Cry From the Mountain — Rated G. (Turtland Mali: 1:30. 3.30. 5:30. 7.30.

Heat -— Rated R (Fayette Mall: 1 20. 3'20. 5 20, 7:30, 9:30 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 1 1 :30.)

Hoosiers - Rated PG. (South Park: 12.30, 2:45. 5, 7:35, 9:50 and tonight
and lomorrow‘oniy at midnight. Also showrng at North Park: 12.45. 3, 5.15.
7:40, 9:55 aridtonight and tomorrow only at midnight.) '
Hunk — Rated PG. (Crossroads: 1:40. 3:35. 5:30. 7:40. 9.35 and tonight and
tomorrow at 11:25. Also showrng at North Park 1.25, 3:25, 525. 7:55. 9:55.
and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Lethal Weapon -— Rated R (North Park: 12.45, 2:55. 5:05. 7:40. 9:50 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55. Also showmg at South Park. 12:45, 3:05,
5:15. 7:30. 9:35 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

Mannequin —— Rated PG. (North Park: 1:30, 3'25, 525. 7:30. 9:30 and to»
night and tomorrow only at 11.35. Also showmg at Fayette Mall. 1 50. 3:40.
5:30. 7:50. 9:40 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :25.)

The Mission —Rated PG. (North Park: 2.15. 4:30. 7:40 and 10 )

Nightmare on Elm Street lll— Rated R. (Crossroads. 130, 3:25. 5'20. 730.
9:25 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:15 Also at North Park: 1:15, 3.20.
5:20, 9:35 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 30.)

Outrageous Fortune — Rated R (Lexington Mall: 1:45, 340. 5:35. 7:40,

Platoon -— Rated R. (South Park: 12:35. 2:55. 5.10. 7:45. 10 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 12:10. Also at North Park: 12:30. 2:50. 5:10. 7:40. 10 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 210.)

Some Kind of Wonderful — Rated PG. (South Park: 1:20, 3:10, 5:05, 7:30,
9:30 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11 15 Also showing at North Park;
12:55. 2:50, 5. 7:45. 9:45 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

Tin Men —— Rated R. (Turtland Mall: 1. 3:15. 5:25. 730. 9:50. Also showing at
Lexington Mall: 12:50. 3:05. 5:15. 7:30. 9.50 and tonight and tomorrow only
at midnight.)

The Kentucky Theater -— Children of a Lesser God, 7:30 tonight. Police.
9.30 tonight; 5 tomorrow; 7:30 on Sunday Pink Floyd — The Wall, midnight
tonight. An American Tell. 1 and 3 tomorrow: 1 and 3 on Sunday. The Hua-
tler. 7 15 tomorrow; 5 on Sunday. She‘s Gotta Have It. 9:45 tomorrow: 9:30
on Sunday. Aliens. midnight tomorrow.

Compiled by Stall Writer Thomas J. Sullivan.



KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, March 13, 1987 - 3


Be-bop to hip-hop

Sanborn’s latest more of the same; reggae album bridges hard—core, funk gap

Contributing Critic

(in Fire Stetsasonic/Tommy Boy

“We took a little time/Wrote a
little rhyme/Spent a little money on
some studio time/Came up with a
fresh little funky beat/Added a
scratch to make it all complete./
Now it‘s on wax/So we can relax/
And work a little harder on a little
more tracks/It might add up to a
little more tax/But at the end of the
year. we claim it all back."

Their name might be hard to pro
nounce. but Stetsasonic is one of the
best hip-hop acts in the country.
They sound like early Run-DMC but
harder and they do a little innovat-
ing of their own to boot.

Stetsasonic has finally bridged the
gap between the hardcore minimal-
ism of LL Cool J. and the old school
funk of groups like Grandmaster
Flash and the Furious Five and Al'—
rika Bambaata 's Soulsonic Force.

They keep the hard beat without
sacrificing the funk of their elders.

The three Stet MCs. Daddy—0. Del-
ite and Fruitkwan. throw down some
clever. arrogant i“If you find Stet—
sasonic hard to pronounce/ Learn
how to say it. then fix your mouth“)
and refreshingly non-violent (in the
wake of Schooly-D‘s chilling
gangster personal raps.

DJ Prince Paul is one of the best
I‘ve ever heard, maybe even since
Flash himself. Paul's turntables are
a constant counterpoint to instru-
mentalist DBC‘s drums and key-

Doug E. Fresh may be the Origi-
nal Human Beatbox. but be certain-
ly isn‘t the best. Listen to Human
Mix Machine Wise on songs like
“Just Say Stet" and "Faye," a sex-
ist story about Daddy«0 and Wise
that starts out with the pair. “Cool~
ing out/Drinking stout/Talking ‘bout
the world" and ends with a free-
spirited “Freaking Wise on the
bed/Freaking me in the corner/I
said ‘Why. Faye? Why'."/ She said,
‘Causelwanna.‘ ”

"Faye“ also establishes Stet as
possibly die first rap act to incorpor-
ate reggae into a song without
sounding completely silly. Run-DMC
V V l | 9'





couldn‘t do it, and it had Yellowman
to help.

“Go Stetsa 1“ has a really cool
two-syllable rhyme pattern to propel
its go-go/rap synthesis. “Ain‘t no-
thin‘ like hip-hop music/You like it
‘cause you choose it/Most DJs won‘t
refuse it/A lot of sucker MCs misuse

This is an essential record for any-
body who's still looking for the per-
fect beat. As Daddy-0 says, “My
rhyme only dresses in the freshest
gear/And it won't wear words it
wore last year. "

Get this one.

”And if you can‘t say it all. JUST

Staff Critic

A Change of Heart David San-
born/ Warner Bros.

Sax player David Sanborn‘s latest
effort, A Change of Heart. is defi-
nitely mistitled.

The Same Old Thing would be far
more appropriate.

For the past few years, Sanborn
has been at the forefront of commer-
cial jazz.

You've probably heard more of his
work than you realize because his
playing seems to sneak into view ev-
erywhere, from several TV commer«
cials to the love theme from “St.
Elmo's Fire."

The fact that he’s popular doesn‘t
make him good.

On occasion, when Sanborn is
playing other people‘s music, he
comes across as a creative musi—
cian. as on the recent collaboration
with Bob James called Double Vi-

But when it comes to recording
solo albums, his playing becomes
stale and unimaginative. He rarely
lives up to his overrated reputation.

A Change of Heart is a simple con—
tinuation of the music Sanborn has
been recording for the past five
years. More than half the tunes on
the album are typical of Sanborn
work: predictable and repetitive.








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Erik Rocco
AV '5 Editor

We: Miller
‘\ ,sisiuiii Ar ls tailor


n .


Like most of the songs on his pre-
vious albums. these pieces start out
with a synthesizer intro followed by
Sanborn's rough sax tone, featuring
a short melody riff that is repeated
four or sixtimcs.

Then comes an extended sax solo.
maybe a modulation. before revert~
ing back to the original melody riff.

lf you've got one Sanborn album.
you've got them all.

Of course, like most jazz albums,
no matter how disappointing. A
Change of Heart has a surprise or

First of all. Marcus Miller should
be commended for his musicianship
throughout the first side of the

Miller is not only responsible for

the strong grooves pl'll\l(lt‘(!

bass gtntar work hut is .ll\li ww-

ing surprisingly lll‘ililt'lt‘lll zit": -;
tivc \lllll the synlh work \ll.,» i, u. ."
also he heard on \lllt‘s l);i\ :~

The only dillt‘l‘t‘llt‘l' is that in:
Miller had a lcgt-nii in work ti :'

A Chungv of Him" llc orii.

minor talent to arrange for

The illll‘ truck. ’.\ l'lmx
llcarl." Sill>\\i‘;t.\t‘\ Sinihoi'i‘. ~
slightly smoother sound unit .1 2.2 .1 .
impt‘ovcd solo l)l't‘.il{

As far as music gin-s .-\ (‘i
Heart is not much o: :i silo-Min: lin‘
Sanborn. but it you liki- l‘lliill'iiii
album covers. frame tho covi-r and
trash the vinyl.


Producers pour money
into two new musicals
to resurrect Broadway

By MICHAEL Kl'(‘ll\’t'.-\R;\
Associated Press

NEW YORK w Ailing Broadway
is counting on two quick shots in the
arm from “Les Miserables" and
“Starlight Express.” lavish British
musicals that open in the next four
days with a staggering $18 million in
combined advance ticket sales.

“There‘s nothing wrong with
Broadway that a couple of hits won‘t
cure. That debatable bromide had
an element of plausibility last
week." Variety said Wednesday in
its weekly analysis of Broadway box
off ice receipts.

“Les Miserables." based on the
Victor Hugo novel. opened last night
and "Starlight Express,” the An-
drew Lloyd Webbcr roller skating
musical. opens Sunday.

Each grossed more than 3430.000
during previews last week. “Les
Miz" was a virtual sellout and
“Starlight" posted a gross of more
than 90 percent capacity. the trade
paper said. The two musicals alone
boosted total ticket sales on Broad
way by 12.6 percent.

“Obviously. these two shows.
which each week will bring in over
25.000 people and nearly a million
dollars worth of business to Broad
way. have to have an impact." said
George Wachtel. director of re
search for the League of American
Theaters and Producers

“Broadway gets so much more
publicity when you have enormous
hits like this," he said. “As a result.
more people read about Broadway
and then show up at the theater
That‘s the bottom line.“

He compared the situation to the

Country trio
to cut album

NEW YORK (AP) 4— Singer Dolly
Parton says she. Emmylou Harris
and Linda Ronstadt hope to perform
together and will begin rehearsing

An album the three women made
together. The Trio. was released in
March on Warner Bros. Records

“It looks like it‘s going to be a
good one. If it does good. we‘ll do
some more albums together. We
enjoy singing together." Parton

The women also “are hoping to do
at least a few shows." she said.

The concert, opening a l7city
tour. was a benefit for Second Har-
vest. the country's largest non-gov-
ernment food program. which ob-
tains donatiom from food
manufacturers and channels it to
38.“)0 charities It will receive $1
from each ticket sold in the other

“I think we should take better

' care of our own" Parton said.

1975-76 season. which [widow n.
(‘horus Linc.” no“ Ill li\ till; j.i ;'
the Shulwrt Thcatcr

"That show lll.l(lt'
their cycs and look .11 Broadway.
\l'achtcl said. Mori- lx‘llilll' rival:
going to the theater. and (it“illl“ iv» 1
activity increased. he said .Hill pop
ular shows like “rhinos 21mm.
la.” "Da." “Dealhlrap' .1:’“i 'i“.--
Best Little \‘l'horchousi' in 'l‘I‘\ii .

In terms of prixiuclion. \\ ii iii»:
thinks Broadway alrczniy ls oz. .1 l'r'Si
this season. 'l‘\l‘(‘ntyrfi\‘c Silil\\\ fl.i‘ .
opened and 14 more arr plunncii In:
tore the end of the scason lli .\l.i_\ in
each of the last two seasons. on!)
productions arrived. Wachlcl said

Already “Mc and My iiir.
“Broadway Bound" and Jar-kit .\l.i
son "s "The World According to Ho
have proved to ll‘ si/nhli- iru so:
the 19