xt7gf18sfd19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfd19/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1985 1985 1985-10-09 2020 true xt7gf18sfd19 section xt7gf18sfd19 \

O ' 3

Vol, lXXXX, No.3 Estcblhhfll 1.94 Universny of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky "fimndgng slm 1911 Wodnosdoy, October 9' I985 . .
. , 3 .
CHE asses strate iC Ian k f 11 f d. I
p g p , see 5 u un ing
. ‘ ' '6'
3‘ l-ZLIZ.»\BETII(‘.\R.»\S in the final version of its ”Strategic what we can get." said former Gov l'nivcrs'ity presidents and chair mended by the formula l‘k‘ recen» chi» t' of I. moi enroll a maxi~ " - if..",~3'_1 '
Eatt0r_tn_(‘hlef Plan {fir “$23“ Educiition]; afdocu- BertT Combsacouncilmember men of university governing boards estt-tpercent mum of 3-3, ' - _ ' : . 3 ;
llit‘lll resign to out ine t e uture '3 _ 3 . . have unanimously v0iced their sup- Full formula funding would in' .\nd elm-me in the fall of 1990. ‘ ‘ -- '2; .‘=
FRANKFURT . The (‘ouncil on of Kentucky highereducation. ”123393489332: ‘52:“: 53?: 22;?)1913‘13' port for increased funding since the crease those figures to 100 percent the plan says stat.- fui ing will he " '1 z 3
31:22;tlfcduli‘fiiogf{‘tgiéeft‘hfisergitnt , fore reaching the General Assembly. .‘l‘llli‘ii‘lrs‘ man was made public Although there were sortie rk’Vl' :1““\“;;‘\ in thi“““‘3“:‘3 -“\““l"“5 d '; .‘f’; ii"
033mm“ bvpiticludiiig the need‘fo‘r rfilhoutéhlll .\ouldltake 33’0”! 5100 (‘HE executive director Harry Snydr : sions. (‘HE‘s dental school plan is 03:13:! 3”",133“ m ‘ U‘ m "‘ h ““1 .5 3 , 3'3"
full formula funding in the passage 3“_ "1;;6ln_d;ld”l?na' “‘39 “W35 l" er declined to. speculate on the l "IVE‘FSerS refl't’th‘ {limb through similar to the jomt proposal sub ' * ' i u’. 3 333-3
Ofit‘s gtrateglc plan . it. l. r '8;- ””3ch gigsr or UIYIHVCI'SI' Chance of it passlvg 9V8“ n5 prehn“. a formula that IS derived by mea- mitted by [1" and the [ nl‘Yt‘rSll) t)l ‘l‘llt‘ (‘ttulu‘ll dl‘\l| Wiipusml lifting 3‘. 'I,‘ 1 ".5" ‘3
The counCil also voted to maintain 3:3“: >9 h‘ .\ lmuld I‘ COME“; “(liem‘ nary approval ::She doesn't have to suring ‘an institution s .finanCial Louisville last month lnder the W. current hip on non “Mite,“ en '- "ili"1~,,’.
the .m‘. d ntal -nd i ‘-h l r: adult 6,» wo eaveut' t eCi- buy this thing. he said after the needs (urrently. the states institu- plan. t'K‘s (‘ollege of Dentistry may WHHM‘” ”W... m“ MW the ' ‘3; 31.4
5 s l 5 e d d“ >9 00 b sion up to the legislature, Vie ought meeting. “But if she buvs it. she's lions are operating at an average of enroll up to 40 first-year Kentucky - . ‘f - ' _ i;,- i
but set niaxmium enrollment figures to think about what we need not going to have to , , r. ., - . 3 , t , ' ) ~ . . \. Mg 1i 3’.
- pay font. 8.. percent of the funding recOm- students effective in tht tall i986 oil” ,.... .c._ .3” ‘l
Bl 0d t O ",3: "if. “Hi".
0 C9“ 9" Re ort from shi 2 - t
:‘I’ i ' "‘
celebrates n... do . bl 33 ,.
, X 3 iscourages DOSSI e ._
17th year >~ -. ,3
‘ ' attempts at rescue
By l~‘R.\.\l..Sl.\l.\1§ , ‘ , '\ r \ ‘- -. '. . 3...;
(‘0ntr1butmg\\'nter 1‘»; J I” \ 3, _______..____ 3- .' 3 . .V'L
.' , ”i“ iAPi , A man who said he was . .
9 The (‘cntral Kentucky Blood (‘en .3 . ‘, 'Jo ‘ the captain ‘“ a hijacked “Alan ““‘C Will hit any ship. l “ ‘
ter will celebrate its 17th birthday . _ 3d , . _ 3 (““5" 1m” m the .\Iediterraneaii 3 . ' .3 j l
tomorrow and Fnd“) with a party 3‘ l, 'x, . pleadedt \klllh would-be i‘t~sltr-]uei‘\s hells any plane that U188 l0 3 _ : . , 3.
. . . er ay osay away ironi c; c i e . .i - - .. . , .3 .- .,
. ‘r‘T‘h‘elhl‘tiicl‘nczr‘i‘t‘er, which is located . ' _ ‘ I ~ “ ' .9 Lauro. on which ht‘mll} armed l‘d“ appI‘OCiLh USI.'ThlS H . "3 ‘3 “‘i ’1“; .3-
v on Waller Avenue. has undergone ; . . estinian pirates held more than too Omar, [he huacker 0t .-.' t3
many changes since its beginning. ' . ‘ ‘ . peopleunderthreatotdeath , , ', ' i; » ‘ ' ' '
-. . . ., ~.~ i the Italian ship... .I 4 , .
said Suzanne “llSOii. the center s . ' , ‘3 ~. » \ He 3150 gaid everyone aboard was 3 . .3 - ~ f __'- .
public relations coordinator -' ' ~, -\ in good health. which appeared to want [0 negotiate \Vllh ' ‘ 3 3 ‘ “ ‘-
“Looking at the center 17 years ago ‘ " "~ 3 I ‘0‘ i», contradict earlier unconfirmed i‘t' lsf’iCl H ‘ . ‘ “ ’ ‘ ‘V
ll had fl"? donors it ‘13." and now 1‘ ‘ I t“ '1' 3r ‘ ' ports: that the hiiackers had killed 3 ‘ ‘ 3. .' . . i v,"
has thidonorsa di’.‘ ~‘ She-WM 3.» I ' :‘ ' s * ‘ “ . two American hostages to press # -‘ = ‘ l .‘ 1
The (‘entral Kentucky “9m" “'35 3 \' " , . 1 . .l 1‘ \ their demand that lsrael tree so l’dl‘ - i ' ‘ I- , . -
9513””th m 1953 m W-‘PWN‘ 1“ a "~ ' ,\ '/ g "d". \ \ ‘\ estinian prisoners hay e no confirmation said one dip 4 ‘ . .
growmg concern among Lettington .233? y‘ f: ‘ $ . ‘ ., "Please. please dont try any loiiiat who spoke on condition ii! an ‘ ' t .’
phys'icians "They wanted 3“ make !’ . ‘31 $130 A ' ‘ . thing on my ship " he shouted into i'tl\llill,\ .‘ ' ; ‘.- .. ‘ “
SUN‘ that l)l00d W85 there when It ' ‘ l‘ ‘ (£- t ‘ ‘ 3 . ‘ the radio from the ship. which was in ship Bath": west lion. the \\" .- .. ' . :3 . '-
“'35 needed,"\\'ilson Mild ,5 ‘ ’ 3.3... i. .31.. 3 -, 3 0: reported to be in international Via .\t! toas' after i' .\as iteiitci: .iitess : 3‘ . , ‘ 3
Another key factor in the estab ' A “F -*3€‘2'._ , ters otlt‘yprus m \hl‘liif‘ territori... adioi». :iulsde i " 1 . .. ‘
lishment of the blood center was the 3" . X ‘ ‘ji‘v ‘ The Palestinian hijackers were the poi" ill tutu-s. a diploma: r1. 3‘ ' ‘ . j.
start M an open-heart 5W8”! Pro' 1! ,3 EV“ ‘ . .’ 3 .“ ' '1 said to have a large supply of evplor ported \ \Xcs‘ierii diploma' .1 Hum j ' ‘g. " _
gram at the [K Medicalt’enter [k 3- ‘ HEW: " ‘- .e ; ' ‘. sives. and vowed soon after seizing .iscus said ll was bound for i yprus ; . H . , 3 .
Before the center opened. each '4 '3 “*\ ”‘rf . ., ~ , the vessel Monday night that they itilll l’mll'tll port ollicials saw: .' .cis .1 ‘-
area hospital was responsible for 3 5 " ’. ‘ " V ‘ M' flint-q ..- ' *" would blow it up it military air or ll‘. international .\tilt‘I‘s iizt 'lii oust “ ,. ‘ _
getting its own supply of blood But . i 1 '74.: "_ ‘ "" naval forces tried to interfere Hot oi t .pius Hui .i cyprioi Liih'fli T ‘ .'
the vast amount of blood needed for J .. '1. . .. '. ta Lauro. the shipping line said 41: ltlt‘lil source said 'bt ship .\llUl’. not , ;. 3‘ . 1 .
operations and emergencies made " _ ' M2: people were aboard including :71 'N'dlltixtt‘itltitltti‘hlllt'l’t’ ' ' ~ ' .‘ ’
the blmdcenter a necessity i ._ he”; » , crew members lr tit-i. e-arliei‘ “.1“. tom. i chin”; _ 3 ~ . . . ‘
"The Fayette (‘ounty Medical 90- Us". 3" ‘ g ' The ltaliait giiwrniiii-rii \iii it. .~.i’l. Beirut port .iuiliordies the llt .‘ ‘ ‘ . "
ciety provided the seed money to get ‘3- ~ ' 5‘ ' . would not give in to terrorist mitt-ii tick gang s l: ant-r tlt‘lliiiiiiii‘i ltt'gw 4" . , 3 . ‘
the center started and since 1970. we '.- . / "' .‘ 3 mail. ‘ and also said that the hijack 'iations with lsi‘ael . - ' -, .' .
have 3’99” i1 self-supporting pro. t ‘t 1 [1 ers "seem" to be demanding tree llc slioutci: "\\e '.\'ll hit it”) ‘31P , .j‘ ‘ . .
gram." “”5““ 531d /“ . ‘ ¢ " ’ dom for prisoners in Italy and other i-ltf- Plu'lf‘ ”Ml 1m“ l" APW'W ll - ‘ -
"A5 for “l" lUlUN‘ 8035‘ “9 ha"? ’ f ‘ " - ~ 3"}? countries Judicial sources liaic said 'l‘lth is lunar llic tii-ai'ker it! ’in- . " " . . . , _‘.‘
a statement of commitment. which 1‘, :w,‘ . . i ’2“ 1;; Palestinian terrorists and stls ltaiiar. ship l want to speak to lac! - ' - .‘ '1
is to supply a safe anti adequate " My ' ‘ pectsareyailedinitaly rut port .iu'horities ' : I " ‘. ’i - .
blood supply to Kentucky hospitals." , "Nza"; 3’: .1 Most of the Americans “ho had 'wher. port oiticials .llt‘lll.l:t‘ll '. , j - ’ '
shesaid ‘ I a? ‘ I been on the Achille Lauro criiis‘c 'lt"tt‘z\i‘l\t‘\ ‘lttuit‘stiiil f 3
The blOOd center's (’ffOf‘lS benefit & ‘ “ere unttmg about um pt'iSSt'llRt’l‘s . l '33,.3 3” 'lt'ili'.tl't' l ‘3‘“ . ,H . .' 3 I ...',
52 hospitals and clinics For 865.000 4 ' who disembarked m \lt’\;tlitll'l.i. tics-italic witl; lsrai. l suit nit.- 'o " . ,- '.
people at (‘eiitral and Southeastern f , Egypt. before the Palestinians itilflii'} tint nit-“age l .iaizt mi rivet» ". ‘ ,‘ _“
Kentucky. the blood center ‘5 their set/.ed the ship about .io miles west iiate witt: lsiaci That s all I want ' ’ ’ 3 , ‘ ‘ " i
only supplier of blood of Port Said Reports indicated lt‘ lil't‘étly Iill ”it“ ~ ‘ ' I I , -' .3
WI 1 in t , ""mumcwmu wwmu apout ia dozen Americans still were h llcn ‘tltlll ilttilislllg “t"‘l‘h‘ hostages g 3 ‘ t 3-"; ,3
Ison sai( e cen er recetves 6 . , a man .i\i a web ed .ii:o ll(’\\.\pd' ' ‘ g1 ; , ‘2
about 60 percent of its blood supply sweet, Sweet, baby Western diplomats in liatiiasciis tici's said the gang leader idei.titied 3 "1 '-
through blood drives. such as the _ said the Syrian Foreign Ministry he: si‘lf shortly .iitei ‘hl mints .is " ' ‘3'
ones held on campus The other 40 M°“° MCK“ leads Lone Justice 'hrOUQh of rock and country classics during last nights told Italian (‘harge d‘Aftaires l’ietro Him: \lustata toiie thiliit't? \iiu . - . ‘4 . t""’
percent comes from regular donors, "5W0”: 5W0" Baby (I'm Falling)" and 0 mix show in the StodentCenter Grand Ballroom. (‘ordone the hljilt‘ht‘l‘s claimed to it..\ii.i.j litll with“; ”w“, 1.3:, .‘t ,3. , 3 3' 3 ‘H
shesaid have killed two Americans 'We kliltutidtitttllhll‘, ‘. ,' {‘4‘ $33, '. '3‘
During the birthday celebration. . t t . ‘T '5‘: 'i‘ 1"
people will be able to tour the blood f‘fi‘f ‘3'»? if” ”V“ 1 3‘3"” " ‘ 21. Dlves men 3‘ ‘. ‘ -“
center. hai-e their blood typed. test pea er says an S s: l." .. . ._jié;f,.3m3-.W} _ .W’ 3 ’r. . ,» . 3.
their blood it) and meet “Rich" Red ”1:“ .- ~ 5“: '3“; I ' . . ~ . ' , "i t‘ ' 3
(ell. the center shew mascot 3:31? ,, . . - ,‘3‘33’ reSO utlon ‘ '3 3.3
Throughout the day. speakers will must be won baCk $5 , 3 _-. . . V N , - _ , g3 . ‘i "
discuss various topics related to the 5;" ‘_, 7 __ 9-; ' t." -. ~ f _' 5 V ;.
blood center and some of ifs ptrho- of; if?“ 742:”; to be heard .- i . 3, 3.. -'3
grams tine topic will concern e ' ° ' ' , "“ “if I - 2‘4 ' ‘ .' ' .
3m, mam, transplant program at South African cr1t1c12es U.S. efforts .33 . . 33:3 mum“ . ,. 3 .
the Medtcalfenter. 5’ .3 , 3. ’ ' 3' 33.4,, 3 - ,i , _
Catherine Wells-product manager to blOCk measures taken by U.N. L. 3 fig ' “ '1 , 5;; gig Amid nationwide debate regarding " ‘I ‘V
for the center. said this subject is 3: r” . ., " ‘ . «4” divestment from companies that do . , ' "
“31?in 10 the phereSis program. By Bl-JNtit'Hs‘s ‘funds and educate American eiti- ' I; ’ ‘ “3“” hit-Sin?» ”1 South Africa. tht' SGA * _‘ » ~ . 1 .
Whmh the blood center has spon» Staff Writer zens about black Africancauses ; ,3 '.~;=: g " ' ",‘f' 3'“ political affairs committee will de- ' .' ' ' ' .. -- . ‘.'
soredSince1982 The lecture was the fifth and t“ . 1 \3 cute tonight whether a resolution ‘ ‘ - .‘ 3
“A spectal ETOUP 0f donors. “'3‘" .\otith African blacks. who lost final part of a series titled "South aim ‘ . ‘r’ja‘: * 33*. calling for total l'K diyestment will ' .’ . :
have been tissue1 fad” » . ,V ova”. VV N‘ V»: - ”emery. -.-:~ . ,. eart Ongs." R d ll f h l
_ : , . .V VVVVICFEW .EgVngigmm 1'35: 3 . _ , ._ . W . . W WW .f u... W .0 W... ans e gets out o ospita
, . - .. .. ‘ V centages m 680 and. 300. FP-‘Pt‘t’ m... “mm,“ backs Mark Higgs and Greg figker.
’ - ‘ I . " . l'V'i’l.‘ BOkOVO." noted that well P?" Lady Kat volleyball player Jill Ackerman (l) spikes the ball past :3! {fitfdnothaeppifiéémfgra}: tile if; 5‘3” reports Green did not predict when the
- ' l ' ‘ i . formances “.0qu not be p"“““'" Mississippi State 5 Edwina Anthony in UK‘s victory last night, then tested atwide recen'er . _ ti—foot2 Junior would be ready to
-. without the hats newly found abili As a; fleet-tooted runner who had 1 l\ quarterback Bill Ransdell may but ms condition “.1” be re-
‘. ' .' ' . t_\ toconiplementeach other \ll\.\l.\\lppl State coach \'i\‘ian "The Sl~2(“s really important to knowled e ol ‘5 tterns Joneq was released ”0'" t‘entral l‘lap- evaluated “9““9‘3K
. ..3 1V "We've been playing really well Innate}. who tields a team just as us." Bokoroy said. "Our hard schedv was rifzect 153;” There much ‘6 “5‘ “0591““ yesterday-Vinorning. “We will make special pads for
’ . _ ' _ together lately." Bokovoy said “1! man}; .l.\ l'K‘s. complained of the iilewillhelpus withitlateron.” (m; (faches'pdeli fit They uicklv ”"9“ d3.“ after suffering a 00" him." Green said. “and as soon
‘ ’ « . doesn't show in the scores. but we }{V(r[)lul when“ the Lad) Bulldogs t h 1'K'< g . q . ~V lapsed lung and fractured rib in as the pain and soreness subside.
' - ' ~ played really well in Texas 'tl‘. three ‘li; the third game we last lost it Slit‘ play continues tor both teams puVV ‘31 on t ‘1 receiiers corps. d Saturday‘s 25-7 win over (‘lem~ he w,” be able to return to prac~
V. . " . losses last weekend We just got w [lip ‘ she mm "We're a better as MSI' plays at Tennessee tonight m“); rgail‘xpexfaiht a big surprise to 50“ tice "
‘ l ' _ V I» (Sgfilipated b) teams that “we a I“! I'V‘tll‘ thVir Uh” VIV‘hml‘ 1‘ 31V“ gets m and— {$3120}:VEV'V:)V:$I?(;:S:;VV ”#1:: me,” Jone; 53ng -~[ didn't mind the Wildcat trainer .»\1 Green said ltaiisdell's conditioning bike
, .» ”“11 W . , l . , l t t V . ”‘U' “W“ “ 1‘” “‘ pla) teams K t, ‘ ll l l V ‘V ‘t' ' . h adjustment because 1 fen like l was Ransdell s tirst step toward reha- titling Jogging and limited
. . . 9r! ,Hurt osmg. a o 0 pro that weu- ne\ci' beaten. like the a s wi am it in at ion at ome hel ing the team I'm not com< bilitation will be simple rest in weight ll‘ull’lll’lg will detiniteh
' -~ . - ple dont get credit they deserve. Klimuckb and 'lciiiiessees. that we against Metro (‘onterence power plalhing atall .. his regidence ballroom lieuiiinevtweektireen >altl
' ‘ . ' it ‘ .. a‘ " .' 'i ‘ if I '1 . ‘
. , -_ V V V l t Boer said (at. t w in it \outh( iiolin l Sund 1) it 1 p m So far this year. the redshirt soph~
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'_ f , - .~ . Kerne BACK STREET * Is Pleased To Announce
; , l5 ;.- . Live Toni ht "" l
. ,» ' . . . Edltor In chief Elizabeth Coras . . . g . \ . . ‘ ,
. . V - V Managing “I," Sacha DeVroomen Ladies No Admi55ion8 $1.00 Drinks/Draft 9-l _ "WW“ CW {htt-
. ' ; NewsEdttor Fran Stewart .- 'j. .. ‘ _ ‘ \
“if ' i. . ' '. ' Edltorlol Editor Alexander Crouch 7'“ ' mfi‘sn‘Y:muw rfllws " ‘ . . . ' ’Mhhil-r-WWTIW
_} f l 3 SPortldfdltor gimepmml . : , MANDANCIRWU‘ / w. s mmwmm
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. ._ _ spomwromm‘mr Sconwm . . Man .,._ndmtn¢dtgetfl pain V_ V , . VV V . him-5'.-
.. , . '7. Vg..-V Photo Editor JD. VonHoose Fri. 8. Sat. / w
~‘ 1'; Adviser Paula Anderson NERVOUS MELVIN /" ' ~. PM ’30”
: v' V. . _ .... Advorflslng Manager Linda Collins > - ' -_ I... $30.00
- ‘.« "5 : . P d «to M Rh d ' . ,
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t r: , ' _ " - 5-8 75¢ Drinks Drott . ,1 ~ . "i"
. .. - - . -V . . .V a The Konmdiy Kernel 13 published or: (loss do 5 d ring the ocodem _ 7'9 Sl -00 Dr'nks 0'0“ ' . “3%. °"
‘1V V, .. «V-V and weekly during the summer session y u K year 8-l0 $1.50 Drinks Draft 7_9 Free Godlather's Pizza . Rlcbmond RM- . . V 1 268.381‘, 2““18
; V . ,.V .V -. V third-class 90mg? 9an 0V Lemgion x, 4051] Mom subsmmn mm Shun CanOMa‘e-upo TMWOWO’IuIm
' V' l .V - ' . are $15 per semester SSOpe'yeor «q
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",. f ' ' E'- ' The Korml IS primed at Scripps Howard Web Co 534 Bockmon Street
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- VV . ,V 2‘ Correspondence should be addressed to the Kontucky Kornol Room 210 V. A‘ i \
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2ioo 0xtortl circiu Ph. 252-512]

 ii “ l i
Arts Editor
Assisoom Arts Editor
' 'c —-_'—l
Local group ' . ‘ arol ’ - .
t C e cas lS ‘ .
offers unique ' / J . _ ,.
n / B} J.Ai\ll-)Si»\.ST()l.l. musical numbers were written tijt 'hrisinias Future which will lie - « i ;
0 Senior Staff Writer theater arts graduate student .lotiii plated in a kindot iiiiirionette ' , ‘ ' ’ ‘
N . I .
e mus‘cal blend / Higgins Names ot those (u\l .H-ri' \lsti ('.i\l are stephaiiie Sykes as 5 ,. a
K The singing. reading and sweating released to the M “Li: H. F. n ,, lie-t l-zeile Laurie l)t‘ll\ its Martha 'liitii , v‘ _ . "I
1] By ELLEN BUSH are finally over tor the crowd oi stu- night ll} Rodgers who ml; iiiso 'll 'ii.i Mnkwaid us \iolei .\.'ltl} \rxin , .- ' ' , t
r ContributingWriter l. ’3’.” dents who have spent the last two ret'ttlie production .i~ 'loppei ltiiaii sosiqi a» Mr ’ j ,' 4' , "
e L. \ ,. a"? days auditioning tor the theater ile Brent Adams wiii tl‘lrd‘s lite iiii (men .1 liiirreii \ldllt" as Mr '
u / 4‘ 1 . pl _ i p' 1 _
» At least recombinant eclecticism .1 D _/\a\%\fi _ pariment‘s new adaptation ot mortal serooge supported l)_\ Paul my“. t'hl‘lslmp Johnson at Mpg - ,1 fl ,_..
e is alive and undergoing cellular divi- ‘ lm’ \é\é Charles Dickens ~31, Christmas E Mullins as not, (‘ralt'hll l)a\|ll 1-H”. l‘ildlialll m He'll. Mart Home”. _ ”,1 -‘ A ;, , f,-
sioninLexington. (2K? (‘ar0l“ Schindler hits been t‘iisl as Fret! is \le liiltw’ .Iulm urev-nuwl. d> 4,1
'- The Johnsons — comprising Paul /. . 'I‘wentyrseven people were chosen I)onnii Kelly as Mrs i'ra't'iiit .iiiti \lr~ lemma; he. .i: \liiiii, iis Peter . ,- g ' 5 rig-1",.
g K tsongwriter, lead guitar and to from the 52 hopefuls who auditioned Roii l,ohmzinzis tonne .st rooue .tlui l..s.i l'it\\.tlltllllt‘it\ Tiliii x ‘. ' 2;. :5 -. 1 '- .‘
, calsl, Martel Tumlin (bass and for the show ()t those students. Dudley Stone has iii-en t'il‘l m \iw iiis' not not met designated 1- l‘ ..»<:
backing vocals), Tim Welch more than to are non~theziter ma» Marlins ghost .loining \tone in the -, zoo-x .m- iii: \iz. \Mllh it”: \lei i,’ 'n,’ 1-, '5"! ,
d (drums). and Joel Crisp trhythm tors The part of Tin} Tim. which spirit world will he lid Monacliun .is -‘.;tl. Ht 1 iil‘lll‘i liiiiet t i~izielziis iii. f. ,~ ",‘ t
e guitar and backing v0calsi , sound A will be played h) a child actor has the tihosi oi ('hristinas Present and hen: l~.'.tins l-riiiik 'lurner \l.ii\ .-"i_;o;:",,j".' . i':
e like the inmates' band at a swank A not yet been cast lillll} halt ii\ the (most at i‘ innin- Hull. and '. ‘t‘g‘lllu i-iiinr. ', lg?! V'n‘j-xj'js‘
. sanitorium that provides free care nouunuuums Ko'nolelophiu The script and l}I‘lL'_s for this t'hristinas l’it\l |_ (I; .
e for psychedelic burnout cases, ter- ashtra' f ll f . d d ' d) g i "play with music" were written h} \-1 “WW“ if: ”it uh ”We“: \lUP 2‘; ,. ,1 ,3; ;,-: _ ,‘
- ininally ill old bluesmen and honky- concerlti‘alledo niagtinain finer; a:(_ theater department chairman Among the prixluc'ion s iiioi'e .ii M. 'h. 'l'it‘u't'l ie;,.i"i:.ei‘.‘ rim-e . g 3.; ll... 9:
e tonksingers, with Bob Dylan as rec- “we’re doing things songs are mostlf' about hem: p00: James W Rodgers. while the tour notame ('lltll'tlt’ll’l" is the tihost iii soiize'niw tun. f f} .3
s milligfvgfirl‘dsgdlhg back 197‘). deca- that have been done "W“ ““m “’ "“0"“ m“ “355'“ C b F ' I . 6S 9 ' 9'73!
‘ u .. . i ‘ ,\in 'l'lt'iln t'tenie. of to] *n "e. J . . III III h t ' l, i: 13‘"
ll 3??? "1:3,: 3:913:15“ at]: rebedfo'r"? bClOl'C‘, bill [h6y’VC tiilillt') inmle \tll‘htiul \\\or(kihg, :ieiill OS y , 0X Slzz e ’ u ’ er IS 0 ‘11" “ii-LI,
but They've ngver been doll:- toggth: never been done ""l ' MW”) >3) Violence" Pri- i -'
\‘ er." The result is a mutation with a H marily\iolence.” hesiiid It) Htlil)RUTHEXBERL Michael ,1 Fox iiri- s.//l.iii_' \l'.‘ » sue ~.r,,i i, in, w .r' 'y,.. su- ,..‘ if . ‘1; " 307,-:
‘ country. folk. blues and San Fran. together. . ' 'l‘li' loh . h' t x , .- h. .11 .-\s.socuited l’ress ~."l‘he t‘oxliv Show .init hm. s lt‘rlli‘ e' ‘i>:v‘.'i¢-"_ rim i: ,t t ,r .‘i f' l 13”,;
Ciscopsychedelicgenetic makeup. Tlm Welch. r . (1.1 ,llstrl‘nlx oi u d-‘JU t (_\ . ‘ ’ _ ’ tli l‘irlllll} lies illelll llilllht‘t. :w: .l : “lit y .ti ‘ ,' 7’“ “tufié-I.
c "We want to do stuff that‘s ex~ The Johnsons ); l(d ill‘tiL, .‘ (hisglws‘iit ”it’lllnlt’ \‘ \h“..-\~UR1},\. , lhe Long Hot 1:1“!- iiiitig‘r-t-ontt resiwrtm-it .x't‘il' .' Al Eli/mt)“
‘ tremely American . 4 . There's noth~ » {law-tn mini? (. .dngl-S (ire rt port- ,‘uthillriiiuv s ai‘rint. ‘ lt)ont . lJlohnson t eii I‘lldlclli oxei \t- . hams truth»: ']("A shit} ~ "iii v-".t‘.\ . v, :3 3:
., mg that sounds even remotely En- t( :\ citi‘iiiinioiiphaccli. p (iiittii itltdse sati ((t‘nuw piimL 'tiiiit doot )a game \\«l:‘\lllk‘lllg , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ' :1 2m. ’I‘iip 3