xt7gf18sfc1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfc1r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1977 1977 1977-03-10 2020 true xt7gf18sfc1r section xt7gf18sfc1r Vol. LXVIII, Number 125
Thursday. March 10, 1977

His handshake is
firm, he’s a few
steps slower, but...

and nnuvnv FETTERMAN

We didn't recognize each other. Hours of Maybelline, hot
curlers, blush and Channel No. 5 had manufactured two second-
rate Charlie's Angels. Nice try.

All to see Adolph Rupp...the man in the brown suit...the living
legend...der Baron.

“We were nervous, and who wouldn’t be? Like everyone else in-
Kentucky, we grew up hearing about Rupp—his Runts, the
Fabulous Five, Wah-Wah Jones, Dan Issel...

But basketball wasn’t our main concern. What does Rupp do
now? How does he feet? We wanted to know how the winningest
coach in basketball history handles a forced retirement.

Adolph Rupp opened the door.

He seems taller— no longer surrounded by basketball players—
and moves slower than we thought. His handshake is still firm
and the familiar nasal twang has not changed.

Rupp‘s Eastover Drive home, where he’s lived for 37 years, is
like him— filled with memories, complacent, older. Silver
trophies and awards compete with his grandehildren‘s toys for
space around the fireplace. His worn, sunken armchair is
surrounded by magazines and books; he saved Churchill’s The

Gathering Storm and Eisenhower’s autobiography for

The shades are dowrn.

The Coach lives on the first floor now because he can‘t “make
the stairs much anymore.”

Forty~two years on the road are catching up with Rupp, who is
frank about his failing health. “I feel all right now, but I‘ll never
feel good again," he said. ”We’re here and that’s the main
thin ."

NE one is sure exactly what is wrong with Rupp, diabetes for
certain, (ancer possibly. And recent stays in the hospital have
changed his old. spicey self. “It this health) could be, better. It
could be better.

“During all my illness, when I was 25 days in the hospital, there
hasn‘t been anyone from the University over here. I don’t feel
like part of UK basketball a tall, I don‘tfeel a bit like that. I don’t
feel that I‘m everna pa rt of UK any more, except on the last of the
month when I get a pension check.”

Rupp may feel forgotten by the University, but he doesn’t care.
“It doesn‘t make any difference to me! I got plenty other friends,
too many of ’em.“

Those friends, including coaches across the county, are con-
stantly calling and visiting Rupp, a national basketball mentor,
and seeking free advice.

“I‘ve got more than I can do. I have all of my mail sent over
here now. [went over to the University the other day and dictated
60 letters. I‘ve got 40 more. I thought I‘d get ’em today, but then of
course I didn’t...

“A lot of boys come in here, of course. C.M. Newton (of the
University of Alabama) come up here the other day. Came up
here to work so he paid his own way. Came up here and spent an
afternoon with me and then went home...

“I have so many people call me about problems pertaining to
basketball and of course I like it and I mean the important
coaches. I have some of ‘em come in here and spend as many as
four and five hours with meand we go over things and I’m always
glad to be of any help to any of these young coaches that I can...

“It doesn’t make any difference where they’re from. Some of
em from 1,00(H,500 miles away come here. It doesn’t mat-



an independent student newspaper



MAR 101977

University of Kentoc ky

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

He’s still Adolph-the Baron

—Bruec 0min

ter. . . they drop in . . .”

Rupp hadn‘t stopped rambling. He might as well have been talking to Cawood Leford
at half time.

These coaches make their pilgrimages to Lexington for one thing—Rupp's secret.
hoping success will rub off on them during an audience with the Baron.

He spouts advice with'tln’e style of a man used to giving orders. “I tell them exactly
what has to be done in order to be a successful coach. The first thing is that you‘ve got
to know what you’re doing, if you don’t know what else is the matter.

“And then you’ve got to believe in _ what you’re doing. And then you‘ve

got to be able to communicate that to your staff and to
yonrteam. And that's justas simple as that."

He’s (pinionated, stubborn and fairly underwhelmed with his
method. But they come, and they listen. They’d be fools not to.

“Too many of these coaches like to think it‘s a great secret and
all that. 'Ihere's no secret to it. It's just good, common sense."

Rupp's “good, common sense” brought him four NCAA
championships, one NIT championship, 27 SEC championships
and 879 winning games.

He’s won every award known to the coaching world, so many,
in fact thatlne doesn’tk now what to do with them.

“There‘s a bunch of them in my office i in Memorial Coliseum),
of course the office walls are all covered with them and the
trophies are in my office. Some of them are locked up in boxes
over there (in his office).

“Anti upstairs we‘ve got a whole room filled with them and
they ’re under the beds. That‘s the reason we‘d like to get them

' out.

“They‘re talking about putting a room in the arena and taking
all this stuff because my family, they‘re not interested in it. Well
they are, but then that's only a few of the awards.

True, there was glory in coaching, but Rupp said he wouldn‘t
want to coach today.

“Basketball has changed. At that time teams had basic of-
fenses, many of them don’t have it now. They just get big brutes
arnd put them under the basketand run and shoot.

“In a way I‘m glad it's over with. I missed it tremendously for
a while. It‘s a rat race now. It isn’t a coaching proposition at all.
It's a recruiting problem now. The people who are the most
successful at recruiting are the people who win.

“I wouldn't want to coach today if I had to do all that work and
beg these kirk."

UK basketball has become. big business, backed by a multi-
million dollar arena named for the man who made basketball a
mania in Kentucky.

But Rupp isn’t too impressed with Rupp Arena.

“I think it will sell out for a couple of years, I‘m not too sure
that three or four years from now people are going to get up there
on those seats. And I want to see what the attitudes of the student
body are going to be.

“Naturally I‘m tickled to death because this year they‘ve sold
every seat. But I think you can be too big. I just wonder how long
the people are going to climb clearup to the top."

While Rupp may be worried about UK basketball‘s future, he
sees great things in store for the’football program. ”I think Fran
Curci is doing a tremendous job. With all this bad publicity I don't
see how he‘s kept his temper as long as he has“

Rupp was beginning to tire. He told grandchildren stories and
passed around photos while posing for a few for us. But he was

through talking. It had been a long day.

Our nerves were shot. We had giggled and cooed our way
through the whole conversation, it ’s not every day you talk to a
living legend. But there were still two things we wanted...

His autograph.

And a beer.


Mindy Fetterman, Kernel staff writer. and Susan Jones. Kernel
copy editor, interviewed Adolph Rupp in November. admittedly
without knowing a thing about sports. But the purpose of this
interview is not to feed already obese sports trivia buffs. but to
find out what the llaron is doing now—how he feels and how he
fills his days.


A favorite fable, falsity or gfoible

(‘Iiff Hagan averaged 2t
points a game as a 6-4 senior
cenhr while playing under
(‘ouch Adolph Rupp with the
undefeated "St NCAA


It‘s done everywhere. In the bars,
around the pool. over the dinner
table. For the hst 30‘ years one of
Lexington‘s favorite pastimes has
been "Did you hear about the time

In fact, Rupp stories, good, bad,
and fabricated. are In high demand
around the Bluegrass. New ones are
few and far between.

Of course. Rupp claims he doesn't
have a favorhe, buttlnat he hears a
new one every year. He wonders
where they come from, and so did

we. I-‘ormer Itupp pleycrs‘, old.

friends and sports writers retold
their favorite Rupp stories. Their
authenticity is not guaranteed.


(‘l.II-‘I-‘ IIAGAN—UK Athletic

“In my last year in '53-54, we had
sat out fine year before because of
SEC arid NCAA action against the
University abort fixing gannes arnd
po'rlshaving back in the late 40's
and that all came out whern I was in
school, so they penalized the
University and didn't allow than to
play for one year.

“We qrened up the next season
and got a lot of publicity and
everybody was looking at us Each
game we'd win bolt up mm and

more pressure anti the coach was
having little heart attacks and
things and Inc had to wear a patch
over one eye. We kept trying to get
him to relax.

“We got behind in the game
(LSU—KY) and coach Rupp
grabboi at his heart and said, ‘Oh!
We‘re beat! We’re beat!’

“But after the game when they'

asked Rupp,‘Whatdo you contribute
to the success of your team?‘ he
answered without the hat of an
eye,‘Superior coaching.’ "


director of WLl-IX-TV

“I always thirnk of this when I
think of Uncle Adolph:

“He Insadned his wife, Esther, to
ask the Board of Directors at First
Security National Bank to be his
pallbearers. Because, ‘They‘ve
carried me this far, I want them to
carry are the rest of the way.”


lli'ecbr or mantra qus'rv
Ind rsdb. the “Voice of the tan."

It was the Geo-gin Tech game at
Memorial Coliseum that broke the
Cat‘s home court winning streak in
the early '50's.

“That was a fantastic shocker,

because Tech had a very mediocre
team. The night before the game I
wenttlnrough the (Tech) brochure to
try to learn things about the little
used players ‘cause they were
probably going to get in.

“Thecrowd was in absolute shock.
Fans didn‘t go on the road those
days so there were no Tech fans in
the crowd. Most of them had never
seen Kentudry lose.

“Tech's coach, John ‘Whack'
llyder shook hands with Rupp, and
then Rupp went back to the dressing
room anti said ‘Boys, I just want you
to know one thing. There‘ve been
two catastrophes irn my life: Pearl
Harbor and tonight.’ “

him and learn to love him.

“‘And as the story goes, he would
yell at the players like a maniac at
half-time ‘Boys! I don't want you to
just FOUL the man...I warnt to see
the dent in the floor where he fell!’ "



I53 NCAA teem

“One thing about Rupp, you
couldn‘t plmse him.

“Anti when we finally won the
championsh'p, he took al the credit
and would n‘t give any to his players.
He was the kind of guy you habd
while yor wee under him and for
four or five years after you left. He
wouki try to lumilste his players to
the point whee they wouk‘l fight
beck—and hepefuly they world
tight at besketnsl.

“But then yon bqarn to respect


“UK wasplaying in the NCAA
regionalsand it was Dan Issel‘s last
year, and he was our high-point
man. We got down irn the game
several points and Issel had not
touched the basketball. The story, as
I Was told, was that coach Rupp
called time ort. He called the team
over and mood with hu arm around
Issel and faced the other four
players and said, ‘Boys, this is Dan
Issel, Ire plays for Kentucky...See his
blue uniform? It work] humor rne
gn-eatly, inmy decliningyears, if you
would pas him the basketball once
in a while' “


LOUIl-I liAMPll-th—Ousrd with
Ilupp's “atrium

“I realy don't have too many
funny Series abort the coach. He
reallywam'ta very funny man. You
know, people are always asking me
if Itqnp was really a disciplinen'an. I
say yes."



“Ital lights. Damned red
ights. Whoever sold this town
red lights made a fortune.
Run it, bussie, run the
damned thing. Anybody got a
rifle? I‘ll shoot the damned
linings ort.”

In a hurry to leave Stark-
ville, Min, Adolph Rupp
considered a traffic light a
whence to beeliminated, by
grrflre I necesery.

“Basie, how long to the
a'rpa't? Get us there in five
minutes and yon get $15

(‘erntirnued on page i







editorials 8: comments -----«-

Editorials do not represent tho opinions 0! the University


[florist sou»
Waits-r Ilium

Job Winn Ililior

Lodorsondsolulssbuldbosdboosodtotbol‘oriolodlu. Milanese.”


Hotel Ion-g“ liditors Copy riders mg. u.
like lotions Susanne mm. Hill Indol-
nd Gain-lot ' Dick Doom

Sta-vo Kelli-us Chi“ Photo's.”
Hilts Strange Stewart human
Arts lilies Sports I“. Advertising In..."
Nancy Duly .loo Kemp Ales Kotc

In“. my Inst bo mod. it“



On IWD, concerts
and UK basketball

Editorial tidbits...

. . . International Women’s Day. A controversy
over a $27 request for funding from Student
Government has caused quite a flak lately.

The real controversy over IWD is not the $27
itself, but the principle behind the denial of
funding. IWD supporters felt they had a
legitimate cause for SC support. Denial of that
support represents a callous disdain for the
women’s movement.

On the other hand, McLaughlin and his cohorts
who denied the funds argued that SG had a
responsibility to present opposing viewpoints at
the forum and they questioned the role of
members of the Young Socialist Alliance in the

As we said last week, those arguments in
defense of the veto are trivial, especially since
the funding request was minimal. McLaughlin
and Co. have done a pretty good job dealing with
diverse interests this year. They should have
maintained that calm atmosphere that is con-
ducive to productive government and avoided
the debacle if they‘d okayed the request.

Yesterday the Kernel gave space to three
commentaries and three letters on the subject.
Now that questions have been raised as to the
validity of the Student Senate’s vote, we expect
more mail. However, since several comments
have been printed, we ask that you please send
only letters— 250 to 300 words.

. . .There’s been nothing but bad news lately for
concert goers. Santana and Bruce Springsteen
concerts were in the making, but both have
fallen through. Santana simply canceled;
Springsteen won‘t show because the University
doesn‘t-have a hall the right size.

There was, however, an answer to the
Springsteen enigma. A curtain could have been
hung in Memorial Coliseum to seal off a small


Physical Plant Division Director James
Wessells said the curtain couldn’t be hung from
the ceiling, though Springsteen offered to pay for
any damages. Wessells’ quote in yesterday’s
Kernel referring to “Bernstein, or whoever it
is,” doesn’t exactly indicate an overwhelming
interest in accommodating the interests of UK
music fans.

Perhaps if he’d taken a little more interest,
some arrangements could have been made and
students could have seen another good
Springsteen performance.

While taking this opportunity to criticize the
PPD a little bit, we also owe them an apology. In
an editorial last week, we urged PPD to lend
ma‘e than one can for recycling efforts by the
Environmental Action Society.

A story the previous day reported that PPD
was allocating one can. That should have been
one van (see today’s letters column). Now that
we finally have it straight, PPD deserves credit
for supporting a worthy and grossly neglected

. . .Few things arouse more interest than
basketball in this state. UK’s loss at Tennessee
was painful for fans. But the NCAA tournament
is, forgive us, “a whole new ball game.”

Good luck to the Cats. If they were to meet and
defeat Tennessee in the NCAA final game, it
would be a sweet win. Even if it’s not the Vols, a
win over any team in the final game would
mean UK’s fifth national championship.

It would also be exciting for Kentuckians if UK
were to meet Uof L in the finals. Because the UK

administration is afraid to play U of L during the '

regular season, that’s the only time they could

. . .In case your mother hasn’t already given the ‘

lecture, drive carefully on spring break trips.
And watch for police and others who get off on
taking advantage of innocent tourists.


IWD was not unrepresentative

i would like to reply to Steve
Petrcys commentary suggesting
1 that International Women‘s Day
: thD) was unrepresentative.


i commentary

, _.


_ Petrey states that the forum

would allow for only one particular
viewpoint, that of the Young
Socialist Alliance (YSA) and the
Socialist Workers Party to be
presented. What views is he
talking about?

The YSA did sponsor an after-
noon workshop on Feminism and
Socialism. This was one of seven
other workshops that participants
could choose from: I don‘t suppose
that Petrey‘s denial of the right to
1 choose extends to workshops also?


views! "

No, Petrey was objecting to a
panel advocating that women have
a right to choose or not choose
abortion based on their own per-
sonal values rather than Senator
Petrey‘s or ~Student Government
President Mike McLaughlin’s.

Perhaps Petrey was upset that a
coordinator of Louisvillie National
Organization of Women (NOW)
said we had to organize and
demonstrate support for the Equal
Rights Amendment instead of
relying on self proclaimed friends
of women’s rights; or maybe he
thought a Lesbian woman should
be denied free speech or a Black
woman not be allowed to share her
perspective? Talk about not
“A free expression of

Millions have organized against
the oppression of women including
Black and working people; and to
suggestthese views are held solely
by the YSA is incredulous.

The YSA is proud to have been
involved in the 1WD Committee.
We think the committee did a fine
job despite the obstacles placed in
their path by McLaughlin. Over
100 women and their supporters
discussed and defended the rights
of women at the March 5 com-

My question is: where were the
alleged supporters of women’s
rights, Petrey and McLaughlin?
We know the YSA was there.


This comment was submitted by
Bronson Rosier for the YSA.





Save the satire

i find a number of difficulties with
JD. Slaughter's commentary con-
cerning the Alex Haley lecture. The
first is his assumption that the
system made a “booboo”, perhaps
when the lecture was scheduled
Haley had not acquit 1d such popu-
larity and it was felt that Memorial
Hall would suffice, or maybe the
Jimmy Swaggart concert was just
scheduled for Memorial Coliseum
before the Alex Haley lecture.

Secondly, the separation of church
and state does not mean that the
clinch and state cannot use one
another‘s facilities when available,
andhow is Alex Haley moreapart of
the state than Jimmy Swaggart?

Thirdly, the Christians did not
“take over“ Memorial Coliseum,
they scheduled an event—just like
nrrmal human beings. Fourthly,
there is a doubt that even a few
Oristians would accuse you of being
a “communist pinko fag” if you
advocate meditation, “"om is a
mantra is it not (we‘re not all stupid

tothe “ways of the world”).

And yes, all Christians would do
good to study Jesus Christ, as would
all people—if not for the spiritual
content then for learning how to
treat those people who are different
than themselves.

Last of all if Mr. Slaughter’s
commentary was to deal with the
tsage of lecture halls then why did
he not stick with the subject and
save his comments on Christians for
another time?

Mr. Slaughter, i love you, too, but
save the satire for Dick Downey, be
much better atit than you are.

Rachel Smith
Sociology junior

Do you care?

Does anyone care? Thanks to
Friday’s Kernel (March 4) UK’s
student body has finally been in-
formed that women on campus are
being harassed.

it's hard to realize how scrim
this problem is on campus unless
you or someone you know has been

attacked. Therefore, something
more should be done to inform
students of where and how often
these attacks occur.

We propose the following: the
Kernel should take an active interest
in developing student awareness by
reporting the exact place and time of
those unfortunate occurrences. Re-
ferring to Friday’s article, what is
meant by the “south side" of

By no means should names or the
specific action be mentioned. We
feel it is the Kernel‘s obligation to
distinguish between fact and rumor.

We care. if the only thing this
proposal accomplishes is preventing
one other person from being
attacked, it’s well worth it.


Home Economics senior

. Cindy Paine
Home Economics sophomore

[Editor's note:
editorial board necthg. we decided
to run a short article confirming
poles investigation his the “bar-

After a lengthy.


‘ r

“can.“ mum



IWD supporters: stop the

yapping and raise money

Some people on this campus must
be pretty hard up for something to
do. As background for this com-
ment, note yesterday's barrage of
letters concerning the infamous veto
by 86 President Mike McLaughlin
of a $27.24 SG appropriation to in-
ternational Women’s Day (IWD).

i didn’t give much thought to the
earth-shaking $27.24 veto this
week—l was worrying a bout another
incredibly important matter that
involved abort $3.49—butl know one
thing for sure. The time taken by
MD advocates to express their rage





probably could have been better
spent trying to raise the money

As a realistic proposition, the
purpose of the $27 request was: to
obtain $27 for MB, not to obtain a
forum to raise hell about
McLaughlin's ideology. The whole
situation has now lost its original
character: the able-bodied sponsors
of MD could have done much more
for their seminar's financial
problems, if that‘s what they were
really interested in, by just beating
the sidewalks for a while to get the
budts they needed.

After all, how many dollars were
involved in this effort? About 52. SG
was asked to subsidize over half the
budget fa‘ a project which that body
didn‘t even initiate!

Asa cmtrast to the IWD situation,
let‘s look at the dance marathon held
here last weekend. This event was
sponsa'ed by the UK residence
halls, and its purpose was to raise
money for Camp KYSOC, a Ken-
tucky camp for physically han—
dicapped children.

Almost $4,500 was raised by the
marathon, and that is no paltry sum,
my friends.

How was this money raised? Why,
the peoplelwho organized it got out
there and asked for money from
people who were interested in their
cause. They didn't run to SG or 'any
other campus a‘ganizations with
tight budgets.

Whatwasthe result of this venture
into the not-so—glamorous world of
helping the helpless? A collection of
90 times more money than the sum
of lWD‘s budget. and 180 times the
amount that lWD contributed to a
program that was, realistically
speaking, much more ideologically
self-serving than the other effort.

The marathon participants really
worked hard to raise funds for Camp
KYSOC, They saw the problem—
mon ey—rv and worked for it. lWD saw
the same problem—money—and
asked to be given it. And bitched
about it when they weren't. I just
can't believe it.

One more thing...

Glenn Davis, a zoology grad
student, was published in Tuesday’s
Kernel. llis commentary com-
plained of a previous letter that gave
a woman's first-hand account of her
aba‘tion. She said in her letter that
although she fully supported the
right to obtain an abortion, that

actua lly getting one was not too easy
on her-in fact, it was a harrowing
experience that caused her to be
filled with moral doubt and later

Davis criticized this insightful
writer, calling her letter “ob-
noxious“ and further saying that her
account of her trauma was full of
“emotionalcliches” and that baring
all her doubt was a “manipulation”
of “humananxietiesf

All i have to say to Glenn Davis is
that he is undoubtedly an educated,
scientific moron.

Normally i don’t attack people
who take the time to write the
Kernel, but in Davis‘ case, it needs
to be done.

Glenn Davis, you undoubtedly
don't have the foggiest notion of the
inner turmoil that a woman un-
dergoes in a situation like this. No
man could really know that awful
feeling if doubt. but a sympathetic
one could at least try to understand
it. You show no sign of that un-

You seem to say that the woman’s
realization of her own emotions
clouded the real issues surounding
abcrtion, but Glenn Davis, if that
consideration isn't one of THE
CENTRAL lSSUES in the whole
matter, then l don‘t know what is.

Wake up. Glenn Davis. There are
a lot of smart people in the world.
There are far fewer wise ones. You
are obviously smart. You are ob-
viously not very wise.


Dick Downey, in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is fast ap-
proaching graduation from the UK
law school. ilis column appears
every Thursday.



We thought this approach was the
most responsible way to handle a
particularly touchy subject. Al-
though we were aware of countless
nunors and alleged incidents, none

including the unsubstantiated
material hi the article would not
ally have been reckless but would
have served only to spread rumors]


Being a University student organi-
ation, the Kernel should be hungry
ftl‘ any and all information regard-
irg student opportunities. The pur-
pine of the news media is to inform.
11:2 readers rely upon it.

i recently prepared an announce-
ment for publication and followed it
ts) with a phone call. This short,
simple article concerned‘informa-
tion about auditions for a newly
finned “pop" group. i find it
masonable and equally as irres-
pmsibie of the Kernel to ignore the

The short announcement could
iave neatly occupied your infamous
“We goofed" column. You goofed
again, Kernel. Apologies do not
suffice for last opportunity.

Sara Holroyd
associate Music professor

[The Kernel acknowledges that Ms.
ildroyds‘ announcement was, re-
ceived. The arts editor planned to
fill the announcement but space
limitations intervened. We remind
the University community that the
Memo's column is available for
mouncements of this tvue.l

Crooked facts

A recent article and editorial
about the Environmental Action
Society’s newspaper recycling pm-
hct contained several inaccuracies.
Even though we greatly appreciate
the publicity and support, some of
the statements need to be clarified.
Since the Kernel’s promised correct-
im was never printed, this letter

became necessary.

The article and editorial stated
that the Physical Plant lets us use a
“can” for paper pick-ups. Actually
they let us borrow a van once a week
tocollect the paper from the cans we
have placed in some of the larger
dorms. The cans we use were
purchased with our own funds.

Also, the article said that in the
future we might collect aluminum in
cooperation with Macke Vending
Co. This statement was attributed to
me, but i know that i didn’t say “in
cooperation with Macke”. Macke

was contacted last semester, and .

they showed no interest in helping us
collect the aluminum cans dispensed
in their machines. '

Next time, please get the facts
straight before writing an editorial.

Rick Phillips
8A8 member

[Muir's note: You‘re right. we-

pied. That's VAN. not CAN. We

. 4“...



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Self-proclaimed Christians
badger the UK community


I write this commentary with one
[In-pose in mind—to make people think.
Ido not wish to be vindictive of any one
youp nor do I want to cause any hard
feelings. I DO want to make people feel
uncomfortable with my words; perhaps
lean jolt some of those apathetic minds
into some constructive thinking. I begin
with an example that is most familiar to
me, but I’m sure it has occurred in other
utitures as well.


Since I have been enrolled at UK I
have encountered one minority group on
campus that constantly badgers and
annoys the rest of the student popula-

This harassment takes the form of
telephone calls, leaflets, a plethora of
posters, etc.

Students can’t go anywhere without
seeing these publicity gimmicks-bulletin
boards in grilles abound with them,
buildings and doorways are covered,
even my own dorm window is not
immune to attack.) The perpetrators of
this mass paper smear are those people
who consider themselves Christians.

Notice that I used the word ‘consider.’
For what does it take to be a Christian?
Do you need the fanaticism of the
socalled “Jesus freaks?”

Is going to church on Sunday morning
while all your ‘sinful’ friends lie in bed
asleep going to make you a Christian?

The unequivocal answer I get when I
pose these questions is a resounding
“No.” Well then, I ask, just what does it
take to be a Christian? And, alas, a



torrent of words issues forth that
contains the answers to every conceiv-
able problem that man has ever faced,
that tells of all the happiness in the world
and how beautiful things are.

I remain silent during this deluge and

watch as my friend drowns in his

ignorance. Ignorance is a luxury 1 can’t

I’m sure the preceding encounter has
lappened to all of us at one time or
another. It doesn’t matter what our
particular religious inclinations are,
where we live, or who we run around
with. The adherents of organized reli-
gion are too willing to share their
‘knowledge’ and ‘happiness’ with us.

Suppose I had been born in a tribe of
nomads that live in northern Africa. As I
grew up, the only religion I would have
known is Islam. I would never have been
taught about Jesus (except where he
appears in the Koran); nor would I have
been exposed to Hinduism, Buddhism, or
any number of other schools of thought.

In short, I would be a Moslem because
[knew nothing else. These same ideas
apply to religious upbringing in Ameri-
ca. How many people ever heard of
Mohammed or Buddha in Sunday

If we have been taught only one way of
thinking during our lives, how can we
help but think that way? We assume this
way is right because “everybody else"
thinks like us. We assume wrong.

People constantly tell me what good
Christians they are. I never cease to be
amazed at the blank look on their faces
when I ask them their opinions of the
Five Pillars of Faith of the Islamic

How can I tell you that I am a student
and not a gemishvadoit, when neither I
nor you know what a gemishvadoit is?
We must stay aware of the limits of our

I have stood in church during revival
services and watched as the pastor
implored for all God’s lost sheep to come
home. People stand around you with
their eyes watering and the piano or
organ playsslow, sad music.

All of a sudden some poor soul breaks
out in tears, walks forward in front of the
whole congregation, and then everybody
starts to cry. This newly found soul
utters words to the effect that he is now a
Christian and everybody is happy. The
mly problem is people don’t realize what
being a Christian entails.

I have exposed myself to the major
religions of t