xt7gf18sfb9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfb9w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1975 1975 1975-11-04 2020 true xt7gf18sfb9w section xt7gf18sfb9w  

Vol. LXVII No. 66
Tuesday. November 4 1975



an independent student ne


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 40506

56 votes to provide facilities for gay dance

My l).\\ll) BROWN
Kernel Staff Writer

.\ hill to provide access to l'mversity
facilities for a gay dance was narrowly
passed Student Government (SGt
Monday night. but St; president Jim
llarralson will probably veto the bill.

.‘da rion Wade. a rts and sciences senator.
decided the issue for the Senate when he
reversed his abstention vote and decided
'o support the dance.

Before Wade changed his vote.
senate was tied. 15 to 15 to one.

I abstained because i didn't see any
reason for SG to be sponsoring a dance. but
since now SG isn‘t actually sponsoring the
dance I decided to vote yes.“ Wade said.

The original bill was amended to read
“give access to facilities“ rather than
“will sponsor."

Wade also said he felt the dance was an
acceptable method for the Gay Student
(‘oalition to gain recognition.

llarralson said he had a lot of biason this
issue. but he would listen to Senator-at—
large (a rey Junkin. sponsor of the bill

“it would take an argument I‘ve never



heard before” to stop a veto of the bill.
llan‘alsoii said. He said he will probably
decide on the matter within a week.

The Senate also discussed a bill that
would oiigiiially have directed the SG
political affairs depai'tiiient "‘o lobby
st i'oiigly" for lowering the drinking age to

However. bill sponsor Steve Petrey.
engineering senator'. amended the bill to
read. “research into the lowering to lS,‘
and the Senate sent the bill back to com-
mittee for study.

Senate Vice-Chairman Glenn Stith told
‘he Senate that publicity on this matter
might seriously damage any effort to get
statewide student support for change in
‘he law.

Alter discussing the matter with Stith.
'l‘om Lawrence. business and economics
senator said. “Whatever comes out of an
effort to lobby for a change (in the law)
has a possibility" of hurting the effort.
“The time is not right." he said.

Mary Duffy. arts and sciences senator.
said this is a “method of the Political
Affairs department to get around the
wishes of the Senate.“

Library Science visited
by accreditation team

It) .\lt)\.\ GORDON
Kernel Staff Writer

The (‘ollege of Library Science, ac~
credited since 1942. is applying for re-
accreditation this year and has been

\ isited by an accrediting team.

"'l‘here is no reason to expect anything
other than that the program will be re—
.‘icci'edite(i." said Paul Willis. director of
libraries and acting dean of library

“The team functioned like any other
accrediting team. They visited classes.
talked with students. with graduates and

their employers. 'l‘hey reviewed the
facilities and talked with each member of
the faculty.

“Were simply being revisited for ac
creditation. It's a standard procedure.”
Schools are re-accredited every four to six

years. he said,
The American Library Association
‘.-\l.2\’. w hich accredits library science

colleges iii the l'nited States and (‘anada
issued new standards effective January.
197:; which provide that all currently ac-
credited schools must be re—examined.
Willis said.

Part of the process of re—examination
includes a self-study by the college.
Thomas J. Waldhart. associate professor
of libmiy science. headed the self-study
committee The result of the committee's
efforts is a Butt-page document. which was
sen' to the ALA last year.

(in the basis of that document. the ALA
scheduled the visit by the S-person ac-
crediting team for (let. 12-16. Willis said.

'llie only major preparation made to get
ready for the visiting team was the self
study document. W this said. "We tried to
go about business as usual. We took the
approach of having the team see the

college in operation as it generally tune

l"or library science graduates. a degree
from an £1(‘('l‘(‘(lll(‘(l school is crucial. at
mrding to Willis and Waldhart.

“it means the difference between em-
ploy iiieiit and unemployment." said
Waldhart. “Graduates from unaccredited
library science schools are at a major

"Almost every employer requires that a
person graduate from an accredited
school.” Willis said. “There are very few
jobs for persons from unaccredited library
science schools.“

Waldhart explained that the self—study
coveted such areas as the library science

program goals and objectives.
curriculum. faculty survey. students. and
administrative and financial support.

Siilx'oiiiiiiittees of faculty. students and
staff were assigned to each category and
the sepan He reports wue combined into
one study.

“We worked on it from August. 1974 to
May. 197.3.” Waldhart said. “It took about
33th man-hours and a lot of effort."

Waldhart said he remembered that in
I965. when a team reviewed the school.
"(onside'tiible changes were made in
tums of faculty The main criticism was
the number and qualifications of the

Waldhart. like Willis. said he expects no
major problems from the team report.

“There w ill be observations made. They
are an evaluative team. They will
probably want some minor changes and
adjustments. But I am confident there will
be no problems to jeopardize our ac-
creditation." Waldhart said.

ALA's decision will be made in January.
I976. w hen it meets in ('hicago. l'K has the
only accredited libraryscience college in

Duffy had earlier attempted to amend
'lie hill to read “lobby strongly for..." as it
originally read

The Senate's vote on the Duffy amend»
iiieiit was 13 to 1:3 100110. llarralson broke
'lie tie by voting against the amendment.

in other action the Senate ap—
propriated $100 to the Lexington Student

(‘oalition Against Racism for funding a
teach-iii scheduled for Nov. 22.

llarralson said he wanted to be sure the
money allocated “would be used for
education as it was supposed to be." before

he signed the bill.
(‘ontinued on page 8

Hoering will appeal override
of Free University funding veto

Kernel Staff Writer

Senator-at-large Hal llaering said he
will ask a University J-Board for a ruling
on the Monday night Student Senate
override of Student Government (SG)

President Jim Harralson‘s veto of Free

University funding.

llaering orchestrated a walkout to
remove a quorum from the Senate Monday
night in an effort to prevent a vote on Free
l' funding.


‘ an»


The ruling llarralson made regarding
the two-t hirds vote needed to override is in
question. llaering said.

llarralson ruled two-thirds of the
senators present when the vote was taken
were needed to override the presidential

The SC constitution states that “should
two-thirds of the Student Senators present
vote in the affirmative upon the bill. it
shall be enacted into law without the

president‘s approval."
Continued on page 8


Hare Krishna

Followers of Hare Krishna play music on the Student Center patio to attract
passers-by. They are on campus for a week-long recruiting effort.



Lettas and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Edita'ial Page Editor.
Room "4 Journalism Building. They should be typed, doublespaced aid signed.
Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 7!) mm.


Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor






Student Senate’s









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;'/A\‘ I l s\'/AV WAv/AVA 'A\'i SIN/g
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balancing act

Conservative and liberal
coalitions in the Student Senate
have been battling back and forth
all semester. Both sides, which
seem to be pretty well set for the
year, are so evenly matched that
the absence or presence of one or
two senators can determine the
outcome of any given vote.

Well, the liberals (in Student
Senate terms) were winning last
night, as the senate lent Student
Government’s name to a dance for
gay students and overrode
President Jim Harralson’s veto of
Free University funding.

The gay dance vote was a close
one l6715 in favor. And
Harralson said unless ”he got some
argument he never heard before”
from Senator-atrLarge Carey
Junkin, sponsor of the bill and Gay
Students’ Coalition (GSC)
president, he would veto the bill.

If Harralson vetoes the gay
dance bill, watch the conservative
senate forces craw' out of the
woodwork. ln other words, an
override attempt will probably fail
if the conservatives show up en

In the meantime, the senate
should be commended for giving
more than lip service to gay
student rights. The senate’s earlier
resolution supporting University
recognition of GSC as a student
GSC to use SG‘s name to reserve
facilities tor a dance is, for once,
taking action rather than merely
passing a resolution.

Overriding Harralson‘s veto of

Free U funding was technically a
close vote as well ,,, or at least it
would have been had six senators
who favored the veto not
sophomorically walked out of the
meeting in an attempt to lose a

Apparently Senatorat-Large Hal
Haering, who orche‘strated the
walkout, can’t count because after
the senators left, the meeting
retained a quorum.

The senate finally insured Free
U funding with a 203 margin, and
although 20 9 would have been a lot
closer, the veto would have still
been overridden. By walking out
the senators lost a vote they had a
very good chance of winning
learn how to count, Hal, or stop
gigging political frogs.

Senate coalitions, although they
often make for bad decisions, do
indicate the senate is fairly in
ferested and active in 36 business.
Not one meeting, has been can»
celled for lack of a quorum, as
many were last year. The senators
are at least well enough informed
to debate the issues put before
them. And sometimes a senator
even calls up an outside source
between meetings to ”research” a
given topic.

Harralson should be commended
for doing what he set out to do when
he ran for president increasing
senate participation in 86. it is
abundantly clear that Harralson is
unable to impose his conservative
WIH on the on again, off again
Student Senate.

. mu;

“T m.‘

.‘r. of



 ~‘M” - a.-.”





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Let’s waste no further time

in aiding New York


By Charles Kinkead


I would just like to take this time to
repat to you that everything is still nor-
mal. And to explain myself let me use, as a
prime example, the New York City money
crisis. Here we have one of the greatest
cities in our c0untry and of the world in
dire need of monetary assistance. Instead
of going ahead with steps to solve this
dilemma we are, as usual, wasting extra
money and time, deciding if we actually
need to give assistance.

The need is great and very real. Here
are a few of the reasons why: Cities, as one
means of gaining funds, sell municipal
bonds. The money from these bonds is

used for many public services. In short,
municipal bonds are one of the main
means of raising funds for public benefit
our cities have. Now, to let one of our
greatestcities defaulton its bonds will not
only bankrupt many bond holders, but
weaken the municipal bond market all
over the country. So to let New York City
Adm.” a: tn needleSSlV deprive other cities
from gaining funds they, too, need so

We have given billions of dollars in
assistance to many foreign c0untries,
friend and toe alike. By doing this we hope
these countries can obtain a level of self.
sufficiency. Butwe deny aid to one of our
own cities! What kind of c0untry is this
thatoa n help the world, but refuses to help

its greatest city? Enough can be cut from
the Pentagon budget alone to swing the
deal. There are those who say, you got
ywrselt in, get yourself Out. New York’s
debts are substantially a re5ult of federal
action. Federal assistance can be given in
such a way as to make it undesirable for
any other city to follow in its footsteps.

We were trigger happy to help South
Vietnam and we are wasting no time in
pouring millions into Israel and Egypt.
Let's waste no further time in aiding New


Charles Kinkead is

an agriculture








ltis somehow nauseating to see a Bob
Dylan quote used on a Homecoming
display to describe the changes in UK’s
football facilities. "The Times They
Are A Changin“ indeed!

Frank T. Becker
Zoology graduate student


Council race


present policies of the Urban C0unty
Government IS that the cost of off
campus housing is going to increase.
Pam Miller, fourth district council
member and my opponent in the up
coming election, has supported
. programs which will significantly in
l crease the cost of housing. The ex
tensive and expensive ren0vation that
she has actively supported has
reduced the number of low cost housing
units. According to recent newspaper
; articles UK lost 700 300 students due to
i lack of housing. The student can no
I longer shop ar0und for cheaper housing
1 for such housing is nonexistent. Also,
; the financing of the Elizabeth Street
1 area sewer project will force a price
1 increase in rental units. With the






l An obvious conclusion from the

financing being the property owners
paying l00 per cent of the costs, it will
cost the property owners an average
initial outlay of $2,600 plus SIOS per

L_________ .. _-..

year. Under these conditions the costs
of rental units will increase.

Charles Sutton
Candidate for Council—Fourth District

by Kernel


This letter comes as an answer to
comments concerning me made in the
Oct. 21 Kernel Editorial (u [Moral
convictions’ and the ERA”). I feel that
I was misrepresented by the Kernel
when the editorial quoted me as ”not
having had time to look at the ERA.”
These are the words I used; however,
they are taken out of context by the
writer of the editorial. The Equal
Rights Amendment (ERA) is indeed a
complex issue because of the effects
this apparently simple statement w0uld
have. Exactly what these effects are is
still a subiect of hot debate and not
easily resolved. Thus "looking at”
involves far more than simply reading
the statement.

The Oct. 20 meeting of the Student
Senate was the first time that any
action concerning the ERA was br0ught
before the senate and as such I cer
tainly had not had the chance to
determine how IshOuld vote in order to
represent the engineering college. Had
it been a matter of pressing concern I
could have understood the desire for
immediate action; however, the
Student Government’s lobbying effort
will not begin until January when the
Kentucky State General Assembly
convenes. I simply wanted the Senate to
delay action on this aspect of the
resolution so that it could be giver the






. letters -

th0ught and consideration it deserves.
Contrary to the implications of the
Kernel editorial l consider my at
tempted action to be the most
responsible m0ve I c0uld have taken for
myself, the Student Senate and the
students of the Engineering College,
whom I am proud to represent.

Steven 0. Petrey

Engineering senator



This pet peeve has been building up
inside of me for a long time but W.J.
Kearney‘s comment, Oct. 29 (Kernel.
”Blind Justice") was just the spark
thatmade me write this letter. He says:
"Christians also have the right not to
lunch with homosexuals.” One may
ask, what is wrong with this sentence?
for I am neutral on the subiect of
homosexuality. But you see, I am
Jewish. In that sentence as well as in
today’s society, the word "Christian”
l-as come to mean ”good", ”right”,
"gentile”, etc. whereon the otherhand
"Jew" has come to mean "stingy" and
”a gyp". l am not saying that most
Christiam aren’t good clean citizens.
Nor am l saying thata few Jews aren‘t
stingy. (I would say the percentages
run aboutthe same for both religions.) I
am just saying that these are
generalizations that can couse harmful
stereotypes which breed bigotry and
anti Semitism.

Stove Goldstoin


Free U
is no parasite

Severance of the Free University
because it is an ”economic parasite”
may seem iustified to you, Mr.
Harralson, but not to me.

Free U symbolizes what we truly
want from an ”educational hierarchy.”
You may argue that electives are
courses of which there is ”choice.” But
my c0unter is that electives are still
nothing more that what Paulo Freire
said of our entire educational system,
that it is a system where creative in-
vestigation and true dialogue are

Free U is not merely another
organization; it is truly more than that,
because at least it may give us the
choice to become intelligent human
beings instead of intelligent robots.

Charles Davis
Accounting Sophomore

No trespassing


We wish all students to be advised
that our property at Indian Falls in
Jessamine COunty is posted, ”No
Trespassing,” ”No Littering” and ”No
Dumping.“ The sheriff has been so
notified. Anyone using the property
does so at his own rlsk.

Iottye Loo Moshe
Helene M.'Cox
Lexington rosihm

" "‘“ " \"“""“mm‘ rues-‘- .. . . -











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Ford picks new team
to run security affairs

ly \SlllM.’l‘it\ t.\I’t President Ford named a team ot "my
guys” Monday night to manage national security affairs.

In a nationally broadcast and televised White House news can
terenu‘. Ford said repeatedly that ltis shakeup at the top of the
l’cntagon. the (‘entral Intelligence Agency and the National
Secunty (‘ouncil yy as designed to install his oyyn people. “the in-
dividuals that l yyant to yyork with very. very intimately." and not
to satisly anybody else

He said he yyanted to be sure that [IS allies and adversaries
kneyy there yvould be continuity and stability in American policy
belol'e dismantling the lineupot'ot't'icials he inherited trom Richard
\I Nixon yy hen the tormcr president resigned on Aug. it. 1974,

Ford said he is noyy convinced that has been done.

l"ord also announced that I'Illiot l.—. Richardson. noyy [CS ant
‘tttss’tidttl‘lo (treat l’writain. yy ill become his secretary ot ('omnierce

'l‘hese yyere the lineup changes:

At the Pentagon. White House chiet' of stall Donald Rumsteld
tor Ncretaiy ol ltetense James R. Schlesinger.

.-\t the (IA. (leorge Rush. noyy IXS. emissary to l’eking. to
succeed \Iilltani l‘I ('olby

.\t the National Security ('ouncil. l,t_ (ien. Brent .\coyvcrott to
ake over the directorship that has been held by Secretary ot' State
lleniy .-\ Kissinger. Ford said Kissinger "yyill have the dominant
role in the lormulation ot and the carrying out ot toreign policy”
despite relinquishing the dual lob.

.-\t commerce. Richardson. the tormer attorney general. to
replaceSecretary Rogers (' R Morton Ford said Morton had told
hint he \yanted to resign to return toprivate lite alter the tirst ol the

in succeed Rumsteld. his current \lhite House deputy
lat-hard i'liency

Rockefeller won’t run
with Ford next year

\\ .\Slll \(i’l‘tl7\ t.\l’t—\'ice President .\elson _.\ Rockeleller said
Monday he does not Wish to run on President Ford‘s ticket next
year. thus leaving the vice presidential nomntation open to a tug at
yyar between the Republican right and Mt

“Atter much thought. I have dwided...that I do not yyish my
name to enter into your consideration tor the upcoming vice
presidential nominee.” Rockeleller said in a letter delivered
personally to l-‘ord.

Although Rocketellerhas been under heavy attack trom the (it tl’
right vying. the letter gave no hint ot his reasons tor stepping doyvn
or oil his oyyn liitiire plans.

Senate lteiiiocrattc Leader .\I|I\'(' Manstield said Rocketeller
called to intomi him ol the decision and ‘ ‘said he tell relieved "

‘\ ice l‘resident Rockeleller has assured me categorically that
lit' \\lII suport me in 1976." l’resident l"ord said today. tlzus
dismissing an undercurrent ot speculation that
liockelellei‘ tinglit \\lll(l up as a iatididate tor the presidency


Intelligence Committee to submit

CIA assassination plots report

\\ \s‘lll \ti'l‘itx i.\l’t—'|‘he Senate Intelligence (‘omniittee y oted
\londay to submit to a secret session ot the Senate its report on
issassination plots aUegedly involving the ('entral Intelligence

l'resident l"ord had told the committee that public release ot the
materials \yould do "grievous damage to our country.”

\\ith \ice chairman .lohn 'l‘ower. R 'l‘ex.. abstaining. the com
nnttee voted to submit the report to the Senate sometime before
l'liaitksgiy mg

Kl \lL‘LIx't


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times weekly during the year except during

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weekly during summer session. Third-
dass postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky,
Mil. Subscription rates are Sl2 per full
semester. Published by the Kernel Press,
inc. andloumted in W71, the Kemel began as

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Kernel since ms.

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Robert Brow n t lit) swoops in to block an extra—point attempt by Kentucky‘s John Pierce (95). Brown
is a graduate of Lexington Iiry an Station and is the starting strong safety for the (ireen Wave. The
holder is (iil l’ousliee tilt).

Lexington native Brown
stars for Tulane defense

:y lNH'tt .\l.\Kl’l"l‘l£N
Kernel Staff Writer

Robert Brown is one
Lexingtonian who didn't enjoy
I K‘s 2340 homecoming victory
over 'l'ulane tor a very good
reason. Brown is the starting
st rong safety tor 'he(ireen Wave.

Saturday's game marked the
‘hird year in a row Brown. a
tormer standout quarterback at
lesington's ltry‘an Station high
school. has played on the losing
side of a ’I‘ulanel'K battle.

Brown. a solidly built 3-H. l79
pound _|uiiior. was naturally
disappointed with 'he game’s

Though he said [K has “a
pretty good football 'eaiii.”
tlrowii at‘ributed his 'eam‘s loss
o “bad breaks” notably 'wo
first halt (ireenie tumbles 'hat
ted 'o Wildcat 'ouchdow'ns.

Brown. a physical education
major. graduated from ltryan
Nation [in I973. lie-recalled
playing in high school against
several cun‘ent Wildcats. in.
cluding wide receiver Dallas
Hwens and kicker John l’ierce.

liespite his Lexington
background. ltrown said he
“really wasn" very interested”
in playing tor l’K.

“l‘ 'l'Ki \\as ‘ooclose to home
and a' 'he ‘ime ‘he football
program wasn‘t very good.” he

ltrown said he chose 'l‘ulane
because "he people were mm
and l was impressed by the at-
mosphere ol 'he l.Sl'-'l‘ulane
football rivalry,"

“I became a detensive back
during my freshman year at
Tulane because ‘he team was
loaded with quarterbacks.” said
ltrown. a soft-spoken iunior.

this year is Hithll s tirst as a

“l like the action

strong satety.
and hitting ‘his
requires." he said.

Joe Jones. 'l‘ulane's defensive
backtield coach. said Brown "has
been our imist consistent
defensive back all season.

"I can't be positive until i see
'he tilms. but I 'hought he had a
good game ‘oday." he said

Brown made Two noteworthy
plays in Saturday‘s game.

Midway 'hrougli ‘he 'hird
quarter he tough! oil a [K
blocker “it stop Sonny ('ollins.
who was 'ryiiig 'o go wide. tor no

.\lter l'K‘s tinal ‘ouchdowii
early in 'he tourth quarter. be

blocked John l’ierce‘s extra point

'l'ulane. now 4-4.
season with home games against
.\ll‘ l“t)l‘t‘(‘. North (‘arolina and
arch~rival LSl‘. Brown predicts
“lie Wave will tinish with a
winning record "it we work hard

closes its

and pull Together ”

’il'tinl said he hopes to get a
shot at pro ball alter completing
his college career next season.

Jones is optimistic about
ltrown‘s chances. “Bob is 'ough
and has speed and quickness.
everything you look tor in a
detensive back." he said. “I'd
say be is .‘i delinite pro prospect "

Cats lose soccer game
and top-notch player

the lniversity ot (‘incinnati
il( , soccer 'eaiii put it 'o
l\eti'li('l\'_\ 5H yesterday afternoon
on I K s soccer lieltl

t K tos' not only ‘he game but
shir rover lion llissaiii 'llie
netllol' trom Louisville sprained
his iight ankle and w ill be lost tor
.i‘ teas' one game. 'he Wed-
nesday contest here against
t'en're. and possibly ‘he game
l’i‘iday against Indiana
l nivei‘si’y' in ltloomington.

l’raddy Mangat also suttered
an ankle sprain early in 'he
game. but was able To return ‘o
‘lL"l(lll in ‘he second hall,

it” struck quickly. scoring its
tirs' goal 'hree minutes intoi'hc
game The ltearcats made it 2.0
tine ii inutes later.

(‘incy scored i's last goal with
only 'hree minutes let! in 'he hall
on .I freak play.

i incinnafi was awarded an
indiree' kick as a result of a

moi t K \ iolatioii. The Wildcats

Vere allowed ‘o set up a wall ol
players around ‘he goal .\ It“
player ‘ook a pass and rilled a
shot .i‘ l‘K‘s goal The ball
iletlected otl l K liall'liack
tiabricl \'iei‘ra and into 'he net 'o
i‘ .ike i' Jt—ft.

Ken'udty 'ightened its delense
in ‘he second hall and shut out the
Iii-area's. but were able to score
only one goal. ‘hat one by Bob
Vauble 'hree n,inutes into ‘he
second liall

\Iidw.iy ‘hmugh 'he second
hall. lK‘s Kari 'l'ercslina was
issued a penal‘y shot alter one ol
‘he l (‘ players was detected
using his ha iids 'l‘ereslina missed
‘he shot. and 'hat seemed 'o take
'he wind out of ‘he l'K sails tor
'he res oi ‘he game.

If ‘ook only seven shots ‘he
entire contest. Kentucky took 19.
well below its per game average
ill lll.

(ioing uito be game. Kentucky
was ranked hird behind
Morehead and Asbury (‘ollege


(2 BE

THE KI‘IN'I'ITKY KERNEL. Tuesday. November 4, l975—5







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l'v—TIIE KENTTCKY KERNEI.. Tuesday. November 4. I975





1974 VEGA HATCHBACK. Radials, 4
speed, clean. B2466safter6pm. 4.N10

10-SPEED Gitane bicycle, $65, phone 278
6310 after 6 pm. 31N4

1961 FLACGI 75,(XX), FMtape good body,
best otter 255 7(1):} after 82(1). 31N4

SUZUKI 185 rebuilt for dirt use. Excellmt
condition, call 266m7. 11N5

woven barrboo backpacks, purses, storage,
winncwving baskets 269-4559 evenings. 29N5

RELIABLE small dorm size refrigerator.
Call 2585288 after 6:m pm.

Gmu'ne LeaherCo. 623 W. Main St. Ph. 253-
3121. Hrs.Tues.-Sat.10:(X}5:11 NM

11 Yr old Fender Jaguar $275. Call after
5.00 pm. 29977497. 29N4

1965 FORD gwd nechmical condition,
some rust, cheap, call 253 1217 eveting. 3N5

8,0(1) BTU AIR caiditioner, superb con
dition. 31“). 253mm 710 a.m.

1975 SUZUKI motorcycle, like new, call
Sam 2784564 anytime. 3N7

1%7REMMAI RM guiammMn
Mechanically swnd. 30 :5 two, $45), 58
8:07. 396 ,

‘EE GRAY female kittm wants good
home. Call 29-113 or 2559135. 3N4

TC~255 Sony Tum rmtor recaitty
repaired right mm M incturhs Z) fuli
length tapessoa) cat was after 5 am

AVAILABLE ”vacuum license prime
resort areas. Irio, call 827177 after 9 pm

TOYOTA 1970 Ca'a'ta mimetic list
$1475, sell S975, cal 525877 after 9 pm

TV, 14" Admral, nee-cs picture tube, going
cheap! Ph. 23905 after 6. 3N4

TRAYNOR 150 Watt Base Arm. with
twelve inch J B..

TRAYNOR 19 watt bae amp. with
twelve inch J BL Lansin speaker 54min,
all Debbie, 2333533. 3N7

KING SIZE Mattress, call $54461 ext. 541
betwenB 4 1) Price $40.00

3 SPEED bicycles. Man‘s and Woman’s,
uoodcondition, Call 29 3901, 9 a m 5 pm

lenith stereo hardlv used List $220 VVIII sell

for '120 Tit. 272 6029. 3tN5

STER E0 COMPONENTS at trememdous
savings! Also CB‘s, TV‘s, calculators.
Maior inamfacuturers. Fully gauranteed
Scott 252 7816. 3N7

1966 MUSTANG, very (xxx! condition, call
2664150 or 2786729. 30N5

NOTICE of University of Kentucky
Vehicle Auction. Nov. 5, I975 10 am.
Location Maine Chance Farm on Ncwton
Pike, Vehicles may be impeded Clay of sal 9
only, 8 a m. to sale time. Payment must be
made at time of purchase by cash, certified
or cashier‘s check or money order. 31N3

MOBILE HOME near cams Two
bedrooms, ca'r, many extra‘s, moo
firm Call 252 7923. 28N5

FOOSBALL TABLE Regulation size,
compares to a gameroom table, excellent
shape, call 255m. 31M!)

1967 MUSTANG G T 3 speed Cragars BO
V8 Phone 259 (572. 31N4

AKC AFGHAN FOUND Pups 6 weeks old
'I’tfarlb and iinndles, show potential 277
11.110 .lN/

TRIUMPH 1124 very good uincline, exter