xt7gf18sfb4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sfb4z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1971 1971 1971-11-12 2020 true xt7gf18sfb4z section xt7gf18sfb4z O O . . . .
J-Boartl inactive ' : '
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map-outs resolve Lode molul‘ton eases =
. l / ,I/ ,/ I , / J ) ,' . t " V , j. .
B‘v BONNI BROCKMAN students .lfk l‘t‘ittgf "xt'lijxkt‘tl «Wei i’.‘ I'm. l littiittl llit. ;. .t .; i., . f ~ ' .’ ». ’ ‘ '. .1 ' __ ‘ ‘

‘Kcnltl Staff Writer adiitinistiation” it) “tit .ils” made to !'..\'vi\.t‘tl in tt 2‘ u . I " . . ' . . - i- 'w ' i,‘ ": .i ' V'

. . i’asolie ( title «:ftciises instead .tl ieteiritig the llamiri'» oft» ; "l . ._. ' ‘ 'i .‘ ‘ ' " ' ‘ “

1“”(1“Ulixli'f".”mph-mmum)!”(”ml then! to the l iiiversity Judicial lioaitt, . . , . tiiz; ' i ll ~‘ M i: g ' . ‘ ' '. ' ii -, r. ‘i

trouble. ‘ ' Siiiliiailp. ‘\\\i~.t.iiit lhuiii "i s? lti ii' . M , _ . .. . . . , , . ‘ a 3.. . ff.

. Swap-outs Walter \ltli'llllt'. \ylit- I; with u v.,.,.: ..i i“ i‘ . 5' ii ‘ " ‘ .' , '-

8.» pncgtom A *1)!” wads “lir- Mramst hum. of Students lack ii..ii. min d,.,._h.i,,m; “1.... mm was” ‘ ' ..- ‘ “ " ‘.

”W T ode. ”Uh.” h3g4” SCH/[Hug ' ‘ ' WC i’n'l'U5 1“ ’01” 3115 EUUHM‘HYU’ "“‘nlih‘l’lbt‘i "tive or sii-U c ism from :.i\ with. «1;: I V i f H lus: ‘ i i, i ",

Are ”ch to ”‘51P- ‘DWH “’5‘ "l” and l,\ the man tiltiiiizitely l'c‘it‘tttls'll‘lt' for [hp past {mi yearseventually “Uh; hm”... 1"” in ‘ ‘; ' "i", 1'. i: . 1" ‘ " -,

make ‘1”qu HH‘ I" “5 “I‘ll-w This “ making Student (‘ode violation tliarges. ~LBhdht 11:19.igh‘xk'k'plluu ii“. Mohh‘, .; 1"” HI“ V M '4'“. if ‘1 M‘ i -. _‘

”1“ Student (“l“fnmwm “in“ “l m“ According to his duties listed in the (Ride. t'i”(i he \hkl “lien “j cihih-tm at. ""‘i ”if V '- 3‘, ’Ii‘ 1 .

Student (‘L‘l’llt'h few people have talxeii ”h. ”w“ must charge a student mm ‘m dam“ hum“. h the \la‘. \IMEHMMH haw. -mi If) W.“ 3.), , i_

”1" PM!” ‘ “dub“ ottense if he believes the (‘ode has been I _, “”1" “iii". ‘ \' “‘13 '_

The other door has no signs. yet about Violated. Different sentences. .llld than) ..; ;« Ti" want
l45 students last year went through the The student may agree Him” a "1 until itI'UtCL‘l W-l'itl lllc J-Blttttd Wilt llll<'Y-’ll~ill"li ‘~"‘l3~'~‘7‘ ---' 34W. _- ,«1 1
door to resolve Student Code charges. disciplinary measure during a counseling! d‘LH llall “”d' “I don‘t know “hum” m" ”H.H.H\‘ J mehlr “m . .'

This is the Dean of Students office in session with the Dean m decide to send student will get a lighter or harder St. l’resrdent Scott i “t‘lltllclxtlitll _‘
Patterson Office Tower. his case to J-Board. punishment there. You iust never hilt)“ " agreed that lt'Lii’ «vi-ill: tn seeping . ‘

What goes 0” between Sludk‘nt and Few cases ever go that far. Hall However. hesaid the l4fltlhcstt‘sulV't‘Ll “NM.“ ”1"“ “will!" “*“W‘ “i
administrator behind this door is estimated that only seven of about 100 to in the Dean‘s office last year proyes ‘ “mm”? ““5"” llri‘h“i'”i‘ “H'd‘ I‘d”!
confidential. SC officials have charged 300 cases last year reached the University students are satisfied when reaching a ('oniiniu-d on Page 5. ('01. 1 .1 ‘2.

It .
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wwwwwe‘twremnm a. crne i i
' § LEXINGTON. krix‘ri‘rzin mum, it 3
, x i ’i :-
» . - ' “M N u "m m. t w.
' ‘ ' a S a . . ° 1 . ,. I n ' f. ' 1 . s
» » a:; f t1 1p m l H (. I b ( l d V H (
Vii: row; ‘ .. . .’ ‘_
. , at Frankfort hea [‘1 n it _,-
- g. . . _ Kernel Staff Writer 4; 5',
Kentucky strip miners got their ltllilit\ in "1“;
”WW 2:; , ‘ . . Frankfort Il‘huisda} as environmental groups.
I»; ' ‘ - ' ; .- ' - , conservationists and concerned citizens " , k
V .. , :1 1:35;; ” g . participated in a hearing on strip mining .
. , lL‘nglllllt'Hl. - z ’
_ T ” The Kentucky (icneral Assembly subcommittee ’ ’
‘i 7'; g on natural resources held the public hearing to H I
, . I obtain conservationists‘ and enVironiiicntzilists' l '.
' views or: nth? mining. Representatives from tize I ‘
, . ‘1 siiriacc-ziiiz‘e .ndustr). will be heard l’ridiiy . 'm"
y? \leiiiber‘: oi the UK l‘flVll'rtllltlt’lllili Awareness '.' g"
I Societ} tl AS). ('ampus l‘iriends ot ti‘e l‘ike ‘
(oiling. ('iti/ens ASN‘L‘ldllltn t('l"l‘('('3\t and Saw 1.. 3 I".
‘ .9, ll'.‘l lx'.-.i:tucl\y (SUK) participated ii: tlv. 3: wring '
-- 1.. fig“ . _ Eulogy for streams 9" .
. gt??? . 3: t‘lil’('(}\ conducted a “eiilttg‘t to: :E‘e deal j. , ' ‘ /
' «$253 . .sll'r'J‘ElS in l'astern Kk‘lllllkh}.u \lt‘llll‘t'.’\ ’.‘ eti *' ‘, if
f; with posters ll\lllltl sti‘c:iii1~. and the ism-3 -’ ”A V. ,. .
' xii!” a :‘oilution that destroyed theiii. “ " _' ‘
i' ‘_ “a ”The coal recovered by strip iiiiiiizig ..i: lie ;’ ' ‘.
» gag; recovered by deep mining “llllttlll :ll‘ etoitonne v'. »
‘** ' j. ’15- crisis. said James Bransconic. state direct" or f '. v, ‘ '_
”‘Qfia ' . . , SOK. Bronscome said 175.000 acres ot land haw , - "
H ' I i ‘ ’ V ' been destroyed. and it would cost the state one ‘ .' "
billion dollars to reclaim strip mined land.
WARNING, WARNING ' Branscome presented the committee a 3‘): page i
o 0 document on alleged violations of various coal '
Those persons having the audacity to face the Cosmic Chicken will be eaten alive, it was learned Broad-form deeds 7' 3.‘
Thursday. The Cosmic Chicken arose during a cataclysmic eruption behind Miller Hall Thursday Ms. Bessie Smith. member of Appalachian it 7' '
afternoon. UK spokesmen have emphasized the University can not be held responsible for Group to Save the Land and the People. 3““de : ‘.
inter-galactic incidents arising from desecration, degradation, hazing or other insults to the Cosmic ‘n ', ‘t
Chicken. (Staff photo by Phil Gardner.) Continued on Page 2- C01. 4 .32." ' ~_
,- ' ‘
o - 2
Students for J us two plan courtroom protest .\ . ,
A \ I : , "I i i
I An incident in Lexington City Court NOW’9. has “I have no statement al all." said (‘ity ll W3\ ”10“. (””th said. that ht‘ ‘lk‘s‘ldk‘d 1“ . I I
led to the formation of the UK Students for Prosecutor John R. Adams who “£35 in court at the accuse the city of stealing his motorcycle, ' ‘ ‘ . .
Justice who have scheduled a protest against time of the incident. While waiting in court Tuesday for his case to be '_ ‘
biased thinking for Tuesday. Nov. 16. The incident in question arose when (‘runip was called. ("rump claimed he heard an e\ch:inge of .7 .
Students will demonstrate in the City in court over a parking \iolation. remarks in which Lexington (‘ity Judge Paul \ .. .t ,‘
(,‘ourtroom in the Municipal Building on Walnut Crump s ‘ motorcycle had been towed away (.udgel allegedly called someone .i iailhoiise \ ‘ ..
St. Demonstrators will leave the Student Center Saturday ”0'" an “Cit along tht‘ AVCIIUCHM l‘dWYK‘Y- . .' I. .
patio at 1 pm. Chakrnp'ions. The sign d‘L‘SlgnUllng‘lllL‘ area as d no (‘rump fined . . . .
According to UK student John Crump, piar‘mé‘ [one ““118 Lr‘kECd‘Dnly Sdturd“) ' ‘mfl “‘13 When (‘riimp's case Was callL‘tl. l‘e \lltl l.c .ishi‘d g ‘ .

' ‘ . paced along the avenue mar South Lime. (rump the “d k. what a ailhouse “WW: w D Accordin' . ~ '
Lexmgton Judge Paul (vudgel allegedly told him to said he came in from Harrison Ave where he ‘_1 2 . .t . ‘ t~ .
tell UK students that he is the meanest. toughest could not see the si ti ‘ ~- to ( rump. (tudgel said that he didn t know , ~, ‘
judge there is and any UK student who goes before ‘Ti g ‘ h l ‘ on t‘Xt‘h‘dngt‘ ”l remarks {OllUWt‘d3 .
him will get all Gudgel as a judge can give. 00 "NC ”00b e (rump was subsequently tine‘d five dollars He ~~. \ .

Cars were parked throughout the zone Sunday, asked to appeal the case. Then (.udgel is alleged to = ' Q
‘Misquoted‘ and Crump asked a policeman when the cars have said that if (“rump didn‘t have the five dollars .- ' ‘
When reached by telephone Tuesday night. would be towed away. Crump said he was told it then M W85 ‘0 bt‘ PM in la”. . - l .‘
Gudgel said, “I don't have any statement. I am was “to much trouble to go to“ and the peOplc Cmmp said after a search by several officers he ..
misquoted." were “just going to church," paid his fine. f ‘ .
\ .

Z—THE KENTI'CKV KERNEL. Friday. Noy. l2. l97l _________________________________._.__
arse says world power 0 any= mg I
‘ V
l ' ' By TIM B\LLARll iii!» ‘2 ids? night it: ‘ilt‘lllklllitl coiiiii.i:in'I\ as Well is an another larger ililllllil) l‘tltlEWl ” llarsel‘. “M also *L‘IVUl 41‘ n u
‘ Kernel Sufi Writer to lemyi, ”JIM-1p cine-t “mun“! “WWW,“ Mm» liar ch. ”I'm” \lif ffiuflyl.’ Washington correspondent :1” '
Will the l mted Stiles .tl.\l :Eit Mitt-i ioi lhe (‘hiistian Science Since the nations the U.S.. l‘ uropean ( oti‘=.'\‘l‘“li‘l‘"‘l~ “W (‘h'i‘l‘lmn 8““le Monitor. age
. ~ I Sayre! lfiiioii heroine I": "Ln-M \lwiniiiy spoke upon the USSR, ('l:in.t Brita,“ and mmmkul that ls‘Uldlil'lllHll iii lle coVetL‘tl the early stages o1 Fa
- I . - or the inastotlons‘,W charging inane! structure in the Marne are nuclear powers and the US is the most natural World Will H In lzurope ZHHl the
l’iissil‘l). said last pl: t \\oi'ld and touched other areas other countries could develop thing in the world. But ht’ ul'llV‘.“ “1 ”3w?” 1““ m “m" 1“” Le
~ . . * oi e‘lll'lxlll interest. atomic weaponry. llarsch said he expressed rehet because it comes the buunbing 01 Pearl Harbor. lle '
- - V \Ltiid power. said llarsch. has t‘oresaw the likelihood ot nuclear when the world power strutturc \\ 41> m J‘JV JII” Honorary LIe
3 . l-m". H“. |oji slllllctl trom the two~power US. war steadily declining. is changing. If I" had occurred Commander ot the British - ClV
. ‘ . . I and L'SSR setup to a This would result in a rising under the two-power system. lml‘lfl‘ h} 011W“ lilllubt‘th in
f I .‘ . ', //~/////// ”All! (2' .I IlliL‘\‘~;‘t‘\\ e: structure with the importance for diplomacy. with Russia could have done anything appreciation tor the work he has , “I
.‘ . . -. " ». bum/i addition ot Red China. This possession of conventional she wanted to. m said. done in London. -
. . . I.. (lnl\ at A "‘ could develop into five powers, military power being used for
“ H..l,[,,.,.23 / ‘, with Western l’urope and Japan ett‘ective diplomacy, he said. C
. . ‘ , " / included. he added, Harsch noted that the US. has St ' ° 1 d . 0
i . . . , ’ 5
- ' ' . ovar‘deur .' 9 been preoccupied With being a rlp mlner‘s — rail“ lre S
. , .' . $250 .3 One POWCL world power for the last 30 CO
I . . . Band, 830 W llarsch spoke ot Western years. Because of this, our t F k t h . ne
. .I * Europe as one power because he country has fallen behind in a ran 0r earlng BO
II I . HELZBERG belleVL‘s‘ItliLll. Wllll the additlon m Ll n} areas. particularly (I t' d f P 1 ll d b I.“ Ill tf' h I t.
‘ FAYETTE MALL ot Britain. the (ommon Market economically and socially, said on m“? mm age 5" po “It“ y 51 a 15 cant . wh
. . - , . , will become a [mm-M . . the broad—form deed. which she SUTWVE “1 them. Many speakers '
. y Harsch. T
. . . . . ., . .. ~ ' - u . . - . , t‘tlt r’clamation of stri mii . 0
'. ‘ . ~"lne Russians have sultered. said g3” ‘0‘” mmp‘m'” ”1‘ l'Lilwas" failure p Rd hea
. ‘ ' . ' .. too. They. too. have been right to destroy the ldgd‘ _ “H l ‘ d ' . :
. , . . . IDLE HOUR LAUN DROMAT preoccupied With power and the Smith said the road-toim Water pollution
.. I . . . exercise or ”I Fhey. too. have dud gait lull mineral rights to Dr. Wayne 1”va Ul\ Zoology b
- ' a 2070 Idle Hour Shopping Center tallen behind in the economic fl“ purchaser. who “mid get the PWNSSW- Said the hlgh mineral
. . . race." llarsch stated. coal out oi the ground by any content in streams in Eastern .
. " '5 ' - ‘ ”Service and Coin Laundry Always Attended" Touching on the war In means“. Sh“ 5‘“ the "WW." m KCHYL!CR_V' CHUSCS hard water. m'
. II I .I Vietnam. llarsch Sflld [ll'dt bl’O‘dCl‘lOTlll thCLlS W’CYC SlgnCLl ill COTFOdCd pjpcsI and calcium] tht
'1 ' ' . " 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Weekdays—10 a.m.-8 pm. Sundays ”whim” JOhIL‘R“ “Named the 1h? .tum ”1 the “mu” _“vhc” wrb‘matc dci‘mm m W3!”
'I I ‘ war because he had been given mining meant only deep mining tanks. ta
' '~ GERRY BROWN and ZEKE SICKLER misinformation, although this not 5”}? mining.I DdViS S'did l’OllUth water in LC
2' . fl " , I5 . was not done deliberately. “Strlll mminins 11 short term liastern Kentucky was caused by
. I I . .. I 269‘9960 — Lexmgton, Kentucky ' llarsch declared. “If Johnson CCOROmW Isituation tor l‘flS‘Vm strip mining. The consumer pays co
. n had received adequate appraisals. kentucky. Smith 531d'I Deep for a badly polluted water Mi
. . . ‘4 . a m. CCTIdlnl} wouldn‘t have mining employs three times as supply. he 53de Co
' ~I ,' ‘ ,' . _ 5 "m" . JUST A SHORT DRIVE SOUTH gotten us into this war.” many "‘0“ 35 SHIP mining Ray Harm. nationally known up
‘I " . - ’ \“G‘o ‘“ ’Mcaru ON LIMESTONE—U-S- 27 He said Johnson had received Most participants at the naturalist said. “Mud and silt an:
,' ‘l ".4 ‘ “ on“ ‘/ wwoux' Adm $1 50 Starts 7.30 21 b U ill-in distortion or" he a ring a d v 0 ca ted the destroys life in streams. Aquatic * nec
I' g g - / “0““ ' ' ' intelligence reports from the abolishment oi strip mining in organisms depend on one
4 - ‘. . " ___—___— Pentagon —-“anvthing from the Kentucky. The\ spoke of another to survive The ‘
" ' ' .' T NT — E YOUR FREE COUPON! ' . . . ' . ' ‘ .. . ‘ ' ., -
. .- , ,. OPEN SFlI’lDIEDASY USSATURDAY SUNDAY Pentagon tends to Iiustify crosron. landslides and streams eqtuhbrium must be preserved. g:
f I' I . V . let
. . ;. ‘ it Thousands to be gassed F nday
_ . I' .I -‘ Several thousand living, breathing beings According to Cutler. the new portion of
'I _ »' ‘I '5’ (a ..._ I\,. . on campus will be gassed to death Friday M.l. King was ‘oiult onto old brickwork
..u .. , gm , s- unmounted afternoon. which was “deteriorating."
"_ I '- 7. .. i. 1’) 9" it / "amm- But don‘t run for your wet washrags or gas “Calking had come out of the bricks.“ said
'. . , iII _ ‘. .53?" masks. the critters to be exterminated are Cutler. "and the wasps come into the
. I . '. I .u . v/ ‘. Mgotfllafl... only wasps. subceiling ” l
x . I _u I I.II ‘I I“ If \ :3. If) uprm hath ldll lOIIZJboIUl one and ilIIllilll Itnonths. Thg wasps; Sl‘L‘lltl lllt’ \yintcr lT'lOIllllS in the l
_‘ . . .' i . I ":. / ."- " "/ ., i if.§:;-.:;.,.... wasps invade the tourth and 111th tloors ot bchcjljng and come out again in the Spring 5
_. ' ‘74:. “5': " “is W King librarr- After grudua‘c “Wm Cutler ml the,» have been spraying in the
-_"..-- , ‘7 .II‘ ”133 II -:::~ . ' Cheryl Rottgering was stung Wednt‘sdin morning and late afternoon to keep the
I. '. I It ’ '1 itllCI'llinl‘é. ”10 library ClCCldCCl l0 l'dlx'a) number (ii WilSlW down ”They Sllll manage .
. . 3 I. I' . _’ = fi‘, _ “CW?“- . to come in." he said
. . . I 1 ;' ’* i If}: I‘ There are thousands the} saj. said (‘utler teeis “the library is doing all it can _
12" I‘ I' -. . . If a. Wayne ( utler. assrstani editor o; the lleiir} do” by havmg the subceiling fogged
'.- u‘ '. War. \I. my papers. The oftice is on the tourth tomorrow. “i think they‘d do more if they ,
. " . ,. 1 - 4". 2;. s “00?. had the money."
" f " " 7 :iuiiiiékii I A i ’2Esézézeggg-zségizljii‘:"’ -' ~——~—— -- —-—~W~~~+~~~-»v “—3
~ -. ; .- z ;' . 5 ' i _—
..«‘ . j -. - 2 r u a ' I ' d 7 d T 7
. . . - '. I . I‘I‘ Iu'E=II-a;-:§222“ ,.;;;5i*é§=i;€=§== , O a‘ an omorrO“ Cl
. . . . o '
I. . ,II I‘ . . 'i . - ru~_—___ \\\:~ III on
»- : SHAFT : his name uusuuv‘i- 5‘5
-‘ ‘- ' ‘~ - ' ISAAC I . <44 - - ..
I II I ' - , //,/l‘\\\t:‘ C IThe deadline for announcements is FOR ANY INFORMATION ”1
I . ' ruI s h" ame. . HAYES ! . , ‘ 7I-30 D-m-Iton weekdays pnorI to the CALL: SG Referral Service at .
.: I I_ J . ingls‘tlmlp‘ubhcation of items in this 258-8531 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for
. .V “at; . . '.I V. M’.‘ M {It . nud' 1, ,, > i ' T l' a 1. .,,. f , 69 6 O ' Monday through Friday. 3“
- . at... - v mom
. ,' . ‘ l i. l. D‘IQIIPd by Ly ;"v m l/‘L’KQ A.“ .'G‘FVKK’U: ’ >52 , V —‘ " k VMGM JGI’queYI Newman. soprano, 8:15 women’s center. Call: 252-9358 '
, .III . w. . it . IRI.I_V_.:__I-I Q 9 9°99 p.m. Friday, Nov, 12, Laboratory from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday 3:.
.' .I I I . .-‘ * ALSO # Theater, Fine Arts Building. through Wednesday and 2 p.m. t0 5 o”
,. .I‘. -. .’ 'I‘ . ;,. H I N AV 9 . I, f4"? "14.1.,"- ML: AIDVISING ASSISTANTS will be p.m. on Sunday. If Emergency during ron
. ,. II i I. I I ‘2 3:33;; ETRO COIDWY M l Pr” mg :C’ used-i,- ‘W " avmlable during pro-registration for other hours call Patti 01' Laurie at
. . I. . .. . . A Bum KENNEDY Praooucnou tinge, 3:33 Political Science undergraduates 253-2284-
J - . . , ~ " s?-:;EI'.-'.555£§é5.1"9§° ’3“? .‘3? di h 1 i h d U
. I .. , m .. “I ..,._.I,.I.,.. €579 .' PRIVATE BANQUET ROOM nee “8 e n in sc 0 u ng classes
'u . .' x. DIRTY '.-.--,‘¢;‘“. it s. ‘-. mm 9 “‘m- t" 4130 mm “00m ST Tngfirgnfig‘fic p L 196
- . , j ‘4 {3" u?“ if]; egg ,g. .5". R . 2 004 1661. Patterson Office Tower. - ' . . 1:9 3‘.” c
I I. .I . , t, ;. vfi‘ggctz: ,1, .. :‘ ”Incas man: :12=;""'-,,.:-,::...;.--gat eseyvahon __ 55.5 Socrety of Xavter Umverstty is
I .- . I .' I .I. I Imus, “5" $6 55;; COLLEGE LIFE. sponsored by sponsoring its third annual clinic 194
. . '. II I first-2.31%. h’ I . If .>g§§=.55:..33'§§? ”9 South Limestone Campus Crusade for Christ. will be noon Saturday, Nov. 13, Alter Hall di
. . I. II I ’3 otu' .. x ; g-«Av' i i.- M? w: i " '. -.. GP 0 III 11136213881) lgrgiéulxlday. Nov. 12. Alpha foyer. Xavier University. Cincinnati. A
. . I , . I .- ~ ‘ INDIA ASSOCIATION presents 196
.I , I. I . .' ‘II' ___—___. ___—___ _ the Indian movie “Pehchan" or 4-
: '1' , I ‘ Th P t .II b P ‘ :IAcquiuantance" 2 p.m. Saturday. :3
I 4 L I I '2' ,I - 0v. . Student Center Theater. 1'
g , . I. u. . . e er WI 0 y apers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinber Admission is $1.50 for members. $2
- i , - . . . g {ozrfnon-members and children under
'.~' " .. ' ‘» . J; I ”a”; ,.',: , r * . “’9-
-. ,I . . . , . .. ; .- -- ,_ I g; . 1 u, t 2’ 9/5/94 I 406055 You, LM’CELOT ream/444m ,/ ___—___— L
I .I . i . : ., » , , / 237/“ " A“ 7/ OF ATTEND/N6 7705 (MOVERS/77' EMLL)’ “'5 1'1.c “chunk Kernel .w
.r ' g . . '.- ~~ .,I, 'a/ "of '.V'r 1'" \, v <» "4' V m
- .- . , , r, “I I ‘ “u ,, .yy/ 3- . Wu w/f UNPAID AND UA/ENROLLED IN A/t/y 3) '1 87
, . I . .I . 1 , 7,, was . AW; ,‘l 1, 7n , ”/ 8 v 0/4 (I #55 Iv . I The Kentucky Kernel. University
. A I' w ‘I , .r -_ . ,~ . i ,, . , 'l/ 'I ’ J ‘ ..,> HANNER, WA Y, SHAPE, OR FOR ’4 ,VV Station. University of Kentucky. Lex- P
.. I I . . . I ‘4 i w r .2 all; i Oil/“Eb / W g .’f Fag» FUMCJ. 9 ‘ ' ' m ington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
. . I I, ,4. ‘ , I , .IV I. » , , r/ , . r - .u: ”a postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. V
, r , .' I .I, j; . 4/ Vi If J , It, i hf fol/fl of (II t 14/lyf/L/ / [pg [44/ftggaf LI «In 1" 72/ Along Mailed five times weekly during the
‘ . ' ' , . f / 4 ’1‘ UPI [ we; (in ,‘u t'n ,' ['5 R v (4/ ’[ / 48 y 7V/0{, "ll ~. ~ (g aL’w‘m I“ [u ill,» . m schoooé yeardexcept holidayshand exam LE
-.- u. . . .' * I ,. ‘ ’ -- ” at it 1‘ .'. ~.,-~ “c 7- w v 9‘ peri s. an o d ' t summer
.I i . . I I I A. 4‘ I» ”I, . 1 (SF .Yb I F/ (a A) [) [’l/L; IVAN/1; (.I/IMM/ 7.7/51) t," (11:! i?) I ll. 0/ 6‘6”“. H4 0 r, €‘z‘l» I) 59;)Sl0n. nee urmg C re
; I.‘ - . .. ' , _ I ,. ), II , A . I t. ' I ' ‘ " I'll” ‘ - /-/ , ‘ .- , i' v a, ""0; »\ ublished by the Board of Student
5 . I. _ . I ?' g L up; 5 ,. 5, WM, 1‘. :I i. .47/4/10/"T (WM/é— . . II~‘ ‘.t v ‘1 ’/ f ’ ~42. / $5" lip = 0 Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986. SA
II I I ', i 2” [ref/17 [4/]? ‘_{“\I W~$ .I did/t“; Y 7/” K«. \I 14/4, ”f I ’Qli u. I‘M}, III \ . O ugl'gslllind as ttne Cadet in him}: and X
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. I I, , I ,I , ,4 _4. 0” ’l’ \5“ “N / 1;, w _ . I v. I" ,. g . . I// a :’ , .. \g Advortismg published herein is in-
' . . . 'l ‘ " 00 it! ‘\ " " V} » “w “I n, . N‘ofl‘x‘ ‘ .« '- I , '5 ~ . 4 \ tended to help the reader buy. Any
I I . 6 fi ‘1 l I. 0‘1””. '43 \ 1‘— Q U / v t t \ ",9 ow ‘, .'r ‘I‘ _ 2 {also or misleading advertising should
. . . I I I . c / I /. v3 9 "3 A ~. 7! . _ 2?. I (ll: . , I be reported to The Editors.
' - . , ‘4‘ i/ l’" 4 ’4 4") Mo W: . / . ‘ a"? . \‘ J“ ~ ' r Q SUBSCRIPTION RATES T.‘
. . L“ i .‘I I I H i, . N . / Y a... \I‘_--, // , 13' . 5.“ . ”I”: “. a; ' ti, 4/.3 I‘ m Yearly, by mail — $10.50 1“.
' . - -,‘ '. . I I; ' ,- ‘ 4 "l N. ’l' a 2' ‘~‘ . u .- . . . 133?? .u I, . 2' m 1’ Per copy. from files —- 3.10 H
, . . 4 g I, I . .- I wags-a. . I 1'11. ‘ .u, - , ego; ~. -. a, .\ r” f /// . D KERNEL TELEPHONES
. . .1 3 ~- ,"' ' ‘ 2 i- t: ’ ~~ -, '- . X ' ~l -‘ ' - “WWW? Editor. Mana ‘ Edito 257-1755
, 2 . . > i. ' a. , fl ‘ ‘ .. (/4 . ”2?”? A?“ ‘3 "I ’ mafia? “t 'V 5mm, Pagiméanm, '
Q '7 ‘ ‘ . .:‘ I" ‘ V’.’ IL] 5 ‘ I“ a” //’: /////”:«m ,4 ,1 - --" ,,r.- . Associate E n - 40
hi . .. Ag - ,‘I \ €17)” ,, / a” (g; I / .- —.~:——_ ,. _ V V Am t‘ . git rs. Spoéo .. 25717 M-
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 i , .
_—____________—______—____—__________ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Friday. Nov. III. 197! — ii i t ,
C AM P S BR IE FS *WVMW‘EW 3:31?5%’32:if:':3fEiifi‘zix-Eézétzisizi13213:; Lifzizi;.35'.~.=113335335535:£3555;3335352525?555:5:Egisigsgfgi;és:; 223213;: j;:;i:5;3.:3:::r;,.i’g:55:23.1533i”3323?:325333‘:I;:;Z-33,>‘9533355355:33355;?;5i53:5s55353;335;‘333:'3‘55333:é-:iI 353531;:
L (‘OanlIPd hv grog Ii urimun , ,
‘ .
h L, u'OInPn “They refused to take me because the job don’t have the [0’3 for college" and tile Women’s Equity Action League '3 .
:3” Charges against Lexington employment involved supervising men,” she said. She won’t help them fill OUt college or (WIiAL) told the Caucus members ' ,
mm agencies, finance companies, and some also charged a private employment financial aid applications. “women Who are assuming heavier , . .
, (,i Fayette County high schools came out of agency with screening applicants. Stevens and her group were not allowed responsibilities can obtain the \riice thev - . I. ‘ A‘
and the Thursday night meeting of the A guest speaker at the Caucus into any high school—except Henry (‘Iay deserve through existing laws' [f ”,1. ’ , -»
. p - - - - - - ~ . . ' ' ‘ ' '
r f,” Lexmgton Women 5 Political Caucus. meeting, 'MS. Chlmtii Stevens, Said some Which has not said anything yet —to help present law doesn’t suffice. “the power of , ' .. .
. He One Caucus member accused a adVisors in Fayette County high schools black students. “l’m very discouraged,” women" can be used to change it. ‘. V 3
4”}. Lexington finance company of breaking a are being unfair towards b13Ck students. Stevens commented. The meeting, the Caucus’s second was . . .'
itish civil rights law regarding employment. “Some counselors said black students A second speaker, Ms. Mary Kelly from held at the East End YWCA. , , . . ‘
h in ' ’. '- ‘ -' h ’
. has . ‘ I U coumnkuos m ATRES PRESENTATIINS . I " ' _"
S’llllI’Il’ (‘0(lp broad knowledge oi the Student Code to attend. - a 7 ' ,
What we need to get is input about any problem : KENTUCKY Now :
A series of dormitory hearings on the Student 90““?“1mEUmVCWtY regulations." ' 2" E MAIN ST. 254in FIRST RUN! _ - ,f '
Code will begin next Monday at llaggin Hall. Universrty-Wide hearings Will be conducted in : , ‘ $3?“- . : " ' - ‘. _ ,'
Student Covernment’s St d t Aff _ December. Dorm hearings were scheduled first . :5 , .‘ .1 '.
‘ ’ ‘ u en airs because the committee needs “‘ ' ’ ' ‘ ' 333‘ n I ' ’ ‘ 3 ’ ' f
. . . . , . indiVidual in at . . . ~-
Committee is sponsoring the hearings to obtain - , . . . p ‘ ' '5 ‘1. WALTER MA "A” ' . . ' ._
new ideas for Code revisions to b‘ l t d t th particularly from freshmen who don t come to I . - Aw“? 33:. “Korean f N - ‘ .
Board of Trustees earl in tli s r9 presen et 0 L University-wide meetings and who haven‘t been : 9"“ ~ ’ y ' . N. : ' -.
x y g s . p ‘ , . 3"Ih':'...-.-:‘ 0 r . ‘ >
, y 9 p mg ”“11“ -r. vocal on the Code before.’ Tomasky said. ' ' é“ '~A‘, 3F ‘” “5k “‘ “”" “' "' "'”‘””""“*" GP i5“ " 3 . '-
“ - . . . . . 3°)“ . C(,‘ l . c. -: - ,’
can’t What we need now 15 new student input to hear The hearings Will be in Haan Hall’s upper : . :2. it A. “t k z , , - 7 ' _ 1
, H - ‘1 v .'| I ' ii i- vu. / ,7 .. v. w " f "‘
ikers what StUdCht problems are, said Ms. Susan lounge, 71.30 p.Ili., Nov. 15'. Blazer Hall’s ' “3 3“ f‘ h ”M” “ Wk“ ' " ‘ j . .
iined Tomasky, Student Affairs chairwoman. “The basement, 7:30 p.m.. NOV. lo. and the Complex ..'. ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I z ,. . ‘
hearings Will be informal, and the student needs no Commons. 9 p m., Nov. 17. - c I N E M A -, , p. ‘ 3 . ,.
3 o o ' . .
. mmNOW—FIRST RUN! . .
)logy [)0VC0!’ The group says that a person’s telephone will : 220 L MM" Si. ' . : _
neral . not be disconnected for this action. Instead. the - “Jan Kid" MI £0!!ch 9" _> . ’ -
stern A group of Lexingtonians havejoined a national telephone company Will turn the matter 0"“ I0 : "w "flunk: and mm fl .. : . .- "
, the inter ratio 31 R we S . “ . . “mt M3 CWW.“ “a" pqgst‘ yg . 5322.123; ., ‘ ‘ - ‘v
rater~ movement to boycott a federal tax in protest of ' n _ L tnue ”Wt" _ “mg“ 0' Peg”. . _ _ "g 33. "‘ ' 1- 35;;ng : , . . . ~ . ,
cium the war in Vietnam. The person wrll then be contacted several times . clung experience . . .” . - . I, ' ,' _'
water The War Tax Resistance will boycott the federal by the l.R.S. ending With the'tax being taken from : 4mm R‘f'l' ”A“. 3‘33... : . ‘ 1: - , , . . ‘_
tax added to the monthly bill received from the that person by way 01 his pay check, bank ' “'U." ‘W' certain and!" ..;zifighfifiiiiiééiiz3E.:1}?3’33“ ' ‘. 3‘ ‘ ‘
er in Lexington General Telephone Companv account, or thru property seizure. The resistors ' date for I nomination when 32??" O y . " . , . ‘
. . - , g A -:~:-: '.;._.‘-:-',,,' .;.; .
*d by The resistors bel'w th’ t' . . d‘ also stated only the amount oi money owed can . MOW! mi", 0'0,de 00" m 65 335. , :3 z ‘ ‘ . ,
, ‘ . . ‘ 1‘ e 15 ax ‘5 ‘1 3““ be collected, plus a six percent interest charge. ' “m N "mm, . {iii ' . ‘ .. ~
deS contribution to the war. They quote Rep. Wilbur . . . . ‘ 315252253" .' 3“ #3233. . " - ' 0 - . ‘
water ' M‘ . The purpose of the boycott is to create a direct . Anew “MSW _W W w W, i, .. *9 . 0- . -
1115, C hairman of the House Ways and Means . - , . - - v» ,‘ a? ' . - ‘
Comm'tt t b t t‘ h . . . confrontation between Citizens and the ' AN . , ,. WW? it -' 0 - . . . .
’ \ . , I - . - 'r. _ _..;.:" .
nown u on mega 6:) Si} th mb'llzl‘t'e tlgl6r6dalmds. Btp Mlu’ government, a demonstration of reSistance to the . J .; AM .. . A2; 3.3.;"i=3..- : ' '
l silt afid onl 3 gr (t) e l m - . SE: ’ Vietnam point of law breaking which will possibly compel : filw & "‘- 5‘."“3“"“:""’-"‘"'*‘7"'--‘ ' ‘, _ ".' " ‘
> . . _ .' . ._ . , - . .
uatic . necessar y” ‘8 nam operation ma es ”“5 b1“ others to re-evaluate their Views of the war, and a . e4 {fig-:2": .3312; TigoiiLThfilggggizEletng . _. , ' , .-
L one y. thorny collection problem for the I.R.S. : ¢“°°”°‘“§ ' ' 3-,}: . . . . - _ ,,
- . ; ., '-:: 32:: . - ,
The The group Will deduct the 10 percent federal tax Gary WGtYOUS, 0f the WWW formed Lexmgton - “ ,:.5;‘.: .3... 2:00 3:50 5:45 _ A _ '
ved ,, - from their monthly phone bills. The remaining group, interpreted the purpose 0f the boycott in : _ , -:3:?:!gs§;...3* ’32-» ' 2;) 7.35 9.30 2 " " . V -
' amount is then sent to General Telephone with a saying the revenue from this tax is “frozen energy - . . ' - I 3‘
letter of explanation enclosed, for war, so I’m withholding that energy.” ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
_l- IIIIII 3 ' ‘ . 3 .
1 . . . n . 2 .‘u
referendum 4k now {5' 63m, In Run m a" , _. . ._
f _ - \ “nu?“ ‘ on Q Thu!" 3 ¥ 2 - _ ; L
. _- i . I _ ..- ’. '
. A Student Government referendum is being "Iii.“ .. l A ‘hsfl'fl’fl'h'flm "mum“ L. A L ‘ . _,",A-
distributed to students as they turn in pro-registration THE coMIN TOGET“ I ”I ' .A . V .
1 forms at their colleges. ." U 1 ’
3 The referendum is asking students if they would pay 0' the NEW ”a: the TRUE and ONLY ORIGINAL ‘ , _' ‘j' A f
- $1.50 each semester for a full-time attorney to work for 1,. I}, r 7-" " 17". ‘. i l
. ! Student Government’s Legal Services Office. Students ‘ 3.‘ {,7 WHAT PEOPLE ’ lSNOWPEgs‘M'in’ESgTRA ' 1
' i also are being asked if they would pay $1.50 each ' "I m“? 43,43 -{ - :2." ARE SAYING: a, TOTHOSE WHO ““7235?“ '- ‘ -’ _ .
:emlelstter for a student-owned but not student-run g . ..‘ z. jig: X35"- «Saw both 3‘ "OT‘LLOWED 'rosss,,_usLy ; - . 3
0 S - :3. “s , . . . g
3 O Ore . . . A ‘. '3!!!- v '5‘ movies wuth “AMA SUI-"A 1 , ‘ . , .
) If student support is received, a Legal Servrces ,3" . THERE is 1:“ j . x. u, teenagers ?' thamot.0n~~ , __ saws“ x ‘ ’ J
' attorney could be hired by January, said Student .-./ "”5 WHGEAL ..r ’ 3.3 0 will ‘4 ”m2? Kamas-.3'r?"..'..‘0'i"‘”""“:"/“,"‘?ih:‘ ‘ 3 A 3
. ) ... .3 the'vt “mun“ :“ur'mury . a an 1? _ .
1 Government Pre51dent Scott T. Wendelsdorf. The , , . 111%“ w mmend ’32 , Snows ALL :W’h'r-gniuéu...‘ffi...7il’f'2”m'.:¥§f ‘ ' -' " -
i ' bookstore could be in operation by fall, 1972, he said. {i " ' 7° ”7:3“: " '°°° ‘ out -: ”V3710 ‘ .....‘.'.2;,if,',‘:,';'11{;3:3”...I 2; 1 _ ,_ 1‘ ., .
. . '3; , ' o " '"""" ‘ 1' 4! Mi: sot-w Wm": M to i." . ' _ V ‘ t .
y g Referendum results Will be compiled Nov. 23, when .33" “LEGAL i ‘h'3 ‘ o .. r055: I5:33;,1,"“jfl’j:‘*:“'abli .iimidfl'gf‘; A , ' f
' pre-registration ends. ‘3 ’ fiocmTVu . . ("ends °9 “our :23". {».r....,',..‘,."f :hjlgdAmm =1, . , . , A
E “E“ m ,......u.a ‘ with their 5"" ..0 ,.'.,,";,AA31iveA;A‘i-i»a WWI." ,. . _,
;§.t " ...fih.'. moon I" "w." . .1, was... ii'vrvzlrii‘g"(3‘nnanire and ( . -
W3 3:: - h:‘|::.:::::-:..uiout “:3, ‘ ‘eenagefsfl i fie“ “10M~ ii.\.il:i:ifif: W" .7. .wv win,‘ 1, ..‘ . . I
‘ . . .» :3 '3 or-m'“ ; a * ‘ eWSVJeek W " ' ' ', ‘ j '
+ a S S I I e + i s.” , , “‘6‘ v '13 “was: FLICKS it . . ,_ f‘ _ ,, . . . .
t i .. .s‘“ oi e e , .. . am at“ , - 0
2;... ' 1’“ R D " ’ , . W‘ 1%?) 3 ‘
Classified advertising will be accepted WNW .3 “o ‘ o“ * 'v/ I .. only the screen can L, ‘ ' 3
on a pre-paid basis only. Ads may be TYPING gag-i k . i “Didn't know 13“! 3 bring to me the story i ‘ 3 . ‘
placed in person Monday through WWWW gag.‘ h‘ to“ “V 3 ' ofllanhA" ~ 0' “Ml SUTRI' ‘ ; ..
Friday or by mail, payment inciosed. PROFESSIONAL typing. —» Theses M: “ iv: Co “ C 2,. 5% they were 13;) to h 1‘ f I ,~ '
to THE KENTUCKY KERNEI., Room themes. term papers. Turabian. MLA: 3W . Mi .2“ ‘ “AMA ‘3 .c "mu“ . ' 3 '
TION ill. Journalism Bldg. 60c pp. Paper supplied. Bill Givens, 5" . "'- ' allowed to ,. Couidbeihe neighbor. - .’ ‘
ce at. an“ “C $1.50 ,0, 20 wow“ 5335 252-3287. Daily after 5 p.m. 3N16 lag): ~ k. 1 .( ’ make movies sum“? ’11::13’5’Mabout. , j ‘ .
B p-m- for three consecutive insertions of the 'WW .2 3" V f “‘75 x k u l « a" “hum.“ ‘ ' ' 2
same ad or 20 words. and $5.00 per LOST if, ‘t ‘ :,,,J,.,...~,,.t. » ‘M*‘f",““‘ iikoflhese. _ 351‘: ”mm"!!! or ' . ~ -
AND week {or 20 words. 10 cents per word WWW". ;: whim“ luau- f:“,“"';._~,. “(J-LawW'fgfi’TIfiiffilm ., 2-3;}; ' U‘UOWWV' , . . '
LING. over 20 words. per insertion. RING—“between Student Center and 1“ ffivLJf-iflf‘ijy‘rv'j‘f 33:»:';._'.‘1;‘.§2I11"‘i. {3.07- ‘s R... .. " In Color .- . . I , . .
2-9358 The deadline '5 ll 3- m. the day Haggin Hall. Blue stone in silver x“: " " 3- s" " Y‘agi“ fl; ' . W :5 ' . ,. J . - .
prior to publication. No advertisement setting. Reward. 258—2129. 8N12 -A--\r-‘. .. . ”3.33:...“_~:;;::,.:st;,;:;»§_,gg';3s»A1,,25,33,5252-53s-a52-gsgg‘g‘5n.3,, . _ . - ’ ,, ”3 t .
Ionday may cite race. religion or national . 3,
n. to 5 origin as a qualification {or renting .. ‘
during rooms or for employment. “ _ ' ' '.
urie at W . " , _
FOR. SALE ”- - ,
, 1960 CADILLAC Hearse. Engine in top 0 O” I - PSYCH OS HO . .
rig”: condition. 56,000 miles. 5125. 12N16 THE TERR R “I'M THAT , C Q ' . _
clinic 1947 GMC I/2-ton pick-up. Good con- , m." .. . ' . ‘
er "a" d‘“°“- $200 °r be“ 0““ In