xt7gf18sf94d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sf94d/data/mets.xml Illinois Illinois Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) National Archives (U.S.) 1941 v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.4/no.12/v.B books English Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Illinois Works Progress Administration Publications United States. War Department -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Illinois -- Catalogs Illinois -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IV, The Department of War. No. 12, Illinois text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IV, The Department of War. No. 12, Illinois 1941 1941 2019 true xt7gf18sf94d section xt7gf18sf94d , U“D\\”j\[\ijnj1['ifl“\]l\ll\g Y 01: FED ERAL  
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-; . The Survey of Federal ArchiVes
:; V Division of Professional and Service Projects
3 Work Projects Administration
:1 The National Archives
A Cooperating Sponsor
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E 5k ; Chicago, Illinois
‘ Ea}. The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project
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;f The Historical Records Survey Projects
7 f i Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Lireotor
7 Thomas R. Hall, State Supervisor
3‘ “94.: j,
3 '4? i" 1%; m; "
é Division of Professional and Service Projects
1 Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
1 Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor
3 Evelyn S. Byron, State Director
~ 3
3 3
3 ‘ '
3 ‘ Howard Hunter, Acting Commissioner
‘ George Field, Regional Director
, Charles E. Miner, State Administrator
E '.'. 2
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 : iii
9:23.93. 933 CONTENTS
3 VOL. B Page
, Dam No. 51..................................................... . 1
Engineer Office (not surveyed).............................. .... 1 ‘
Dam No. 53.................................u..°.................. 2
‘ . Area Engineer Officer...........¢.a,....°.,...................... 3
Brandon Road Lock and Damo.,.n.,J..au,\:,J.gn..,-.,‘............. 6 ‘
l Moorings - Engineer Supply Depot}...o:..¢..¢q.4.a.cc...a......... 7
Lockpert Lock and Dam.................g......a................... 9
Organized Reserves............................................... lO
Marseilles Lock and Dam.......................................... 12
- Boat Yard (not surveyed)......................................... 14
Engineer Field Office..........................................-. 14
§ Mound City National Cemetery (not surveyed)..................;... . 18
Engineer Field Office (not surveyed)............................. 19

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WWI ‘1 Table of Content s 4
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£15139} 1 ' [’1 OTTft-‘JI..- I age
"f.“‘féffi‘n ’ 3 .
u a : 13‘ ,
“1‘; Starved Rock L001: and Dam. o r . I I u n I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I I I I I 9 I I I o I I I I I q 19
t "1 1
r ;_, PEORIA
,-.;1{-;.~;.v.-V-_,K.gjz .y ‘1
11'1"c.:-3;7 ' 4 ‘ .
1 g 1. QUINCY
< :v 1 .
V 51.3 ‘ . .
1“ . ‘1 Quincy National Cemetery (not surveyed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . 54
i q ‘ ’ g
:1; _ 1 1111110171.
«:2; ‘ Chanute Field (soc Chanutc Field) . -
-} Rock Island ,
,3: . , , .
w ~ g. . . . . 6
V151", Illinois—Mississippi Canal...lI.00....OOIIDIOIUQOOOII(III-OIOIII 157
Hit, '! R001: Island 1*rSC1’la1.OIIUIOOIOI[ 170
1;,v’fi!_’._ \ K
Vii/3‘: Storage RecordstlllllCl0.0.0.00II...IOOQOI10.00....OJIOCCC'0' 210
I Camp Pike, Little Rock, er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
2‘ Chicago District Ordnance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
:a’ekj“(l Cincinnati Ordnance Office I g I I; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I a l 213
393181,:3132iii?'1'»i Cleveland Ordnance District . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
1 ‘ Detroit District Ordnance Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
‘E‘i‘s DCtI‘Oit District Salvage Board. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 215
z"- 5: Jacksonville, Tenn. , Old Hickory Pcwdcr Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
i, f Little R001:, Ark” Air Intermediate Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
' in“; 11‘2“»? Little R0015, “rho , PiCI‘iC iLCid Plal’l‘t I I I l I I I o I 0,. I I I I I I I I I I 215
I...“ i Montreal ordl‘lal’lco District I I I I I I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 215 ' 1 V
#113 Sparta Ordnance Reserve Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
’ : , : St . Louis District Ordnance Office . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
‘4 Syracuse , N. Y. , Ordnance Engineers Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
tarif, j TOlCdO, Ohio, Ordnf‘d’lcc Sf.1VC‘.gO Depot I 0' o I I I I I I l l I I I I I I I I1 217
figfii“v if T_Qrmt0 Qi£jll€iCt OI'dl’lanCe OffiCO . I I I I I I,‘ O I I I I I o I I I I I I o I Q I 217
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1‘» { ROCLFORD 1
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E§§3‘Cn,x"fi Ordnance Depot...DOODCIOIOSOUOCQOIOI.000...'IDIIIIII'IID‘IIOOO... 255
“J: v* '
imgekiee 1
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 V v
4 . Table of Contents
' page
SAVMTNA (comm)
‘ DOpOtggpcggop-uIc-uooco-na-cuonu-ouccnncnonoonoacct-cocoa 254
’ Quartermaster Detachment................................. 243
Signal Corps Detachment....o.........qc....l............. 249
Medical Detachment..............n.a.........o..........oo 250
SOOtt Fielan-nIccovonnoaonuucoonqnaoangnapaunouo-uttlcoano- 252
let Airship Group Headquarters..........o-.............. 252
Post Hoadquartcrs..................................... . 253 ‘
OperfltiC'nS Officeo..o-vatooloctet...Ito-cnooooonooc-oo 256
Signal foice......................................... 258
LibraryuauuonoaoacuoutI'lllolloocaocooonvlcololatlloot 264
9th Airship Squadrcn......a-.....--...................... 264
Detachment....uq..........u......u................. 265
Airship Hangar.................................-aouo.. 270 1
15th Observation Squadron........s.....q.c............... 275 I
‘ Detachment............................................ 273
Airship Hangarlaolnvgg---oIsolo-coolnllanllsentence-co 276
Supply............o......o.............n.-...-....... 278
let Photo Section..........................a...o-....-.. 279
Base Headquarters and 7th Air Base Squadron.............. 285
Finance OfficeriviIOOOIIOCIIOCOOIOIDCIan-acacacia-00.0.1. 290
Detachment 6th Ordnance Service Company.................. 291
Post HOSpitalovgn.congnogcv.-.-omou.u-aonoagno-con-anncon 292
Hospitaltvocoioocclcco-IscloutIniIullDlIo-nll-aouotltl 292
- Dental 011mm” 299 '
Quartermaster Detachment................................. 299
Air DepotllolitooltOIOIIIOIIDOIlllO’OIJcoOIIDIIIOOIIII!!! 304 1
Supply Division......... ............................o 304
Engineering Office.................................... 509
Storage Records.......................................... 311
, ~ Air Corps Ballomnand Airship School, Langely Field.... 311
Air Corps Balloon and Airship School, Ross Fleld...... 311
Camp Butler National Cemetery (not surveyed)................ 312
Organized Reserves.......................................... 312

 , l y j
1 .
DAM NO. 51
Power House
The Power House for Dam 51 began operations on July 31, 1929. It is one
of the dams built to aid navigation, and is under the jurisdiction of the
District Office at Louisville, Kentucky, and the Ohio River Division Engi—
neer at Cincinnati, Ohio. No records have been destroyed and none are sent
to washington. Copies of daily time reports of operations, reports on mani—
pulations of the dam, and gauge reports are sent to the District Office.
The records are kept in good order.
2993. LOG BoorgJuiy 31, 1929 to date. Record of boats passing through !
the locks of Dam 51, showing name of boat, owner, time of passing, and cargo. ;
. Entered chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 12 vol., 4 in., in I
drawer of desk. Office. (1) i.
2994. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, July 31, 1929 to date. Meter readings, daily
and monthly reports on operations. gauge reports, report on fire drills,
monthly report on bills of lading, traffic, and cargo, report on Government
‘ supplies issued,_supplies for trucks, receiving reports, bills and orders, '
applications for employment, employment data, record of transfer of property,
property returns, and miscellaneous correspondence. Filed chronologically.
, (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
case. Office. (3) . p
2995. PROPERTY CARDS, July 31, 1929 to date. Perpetual inventory, posted
» daily, of materials and supplies received, on hand, and issued. Filed alpha”
betieally. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 7 bundles, 5 in., in drawer of steel ,
filing case. Office. (2)
Main and Cedar Sts.
(not surveyed)

 I 2 Dam NO. 53. Grand Chain
, ._.,|
i DAM NO. 53
. l Power House
5 Dam 53. in the Memphis District of the Ohio River Division, was put
‘ into operation on August 27, 1929, with a Lockmaster in charge. The
f records are retained here and are in good condition; copies of some
‘ reports are sent to the district office.
. r 2998. CIRCULAR DULLETINS, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Bulletins, mostly
' mimeographcd, from the District Engineer's office regarding the admini-
‘ stration and Operation of the dam. Filed chronologically. (Frequently,
; official, public.) 9 x 12 10050 sheets, 6 in., on clipboard. Office-
' (1)
i 2997. DAILY TIME REPORT AND JOURNAL, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Showing
; temperature, water stage. weather conditions and_rainfall, names of em~
i ployees, their duties, and work accomplished; cepics are sent to district
‘ office. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, public.) 9 X 12 loose-
( leaf books. 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6)
Z 2998. [GENERAL FILE, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Requisitions, miscellap
3 neous corrGSpondence, material and cost sheets, receipts of material,
1 contracts, completed orders, bills of lading, safety first memoranda, and
i a record of meter readings. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, offi—
: cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (2)
3 2999. LOCAL RIVER BOLLETINS, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Daily records of .
‘ river stage and weather conditions at the various dams of the Ohio River
: in the Louisville District. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally,
. public.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf books, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case.
3 Office. (5)
. * ‘ 3000. LOG BOOK, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Record of boats passing
E i through the locks of Dam 58, giving date, name of boat, name of owner,
; 1 ports of origin and destination, time of passage, and class of boat.
? Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, public.) 10 x 15 vol., 4 in.,
3 in wooden cabinet. Office. (4)
’ 3001. PERSONNEL CARDS, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Records of employees
, showing names, dates of employment started, pay rates, dates employment
ceased, and reasons. Arranged chronologically. (Occasionally, public.)
3 ? § 8 cards in bundles, 6 in., in drawer of steel card cabinet. Office.
. 3002. 'PROPERTY CARDS, Aug. 27, 1929 to date. Perpetual inventory of
E 1 materials, supplies, and equipment, showing the quantities on hand, re-
: v; - ceived, and issued. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, public.) 5 x 8
, ( cards in bundles, 6 in., in drawer of steel card cabinet. Office. (5)
( .
'1 ,3

Area Engineer Office, Joliet 3 ,
3003. FAX ROLLS, June 15, 1930 to date. Employees‘ time sheets, giving
name, title, days worked, rate of pay, amount earned, and authorized deduc—
tions. Entered chronolbgically. (Occasionally, official.) 12 x 15 loose»
leaf books, 2 in., in wooden cabinet. Office. (8)
Post Office Bldg., 300 N. Scott St. ,
This area office was established in February 1932. Until December 1933
it occupied offices in the Will County National Bank Building. It has juris—
diction over the Illinois waterway through Will, Grundy, and La Salle . ,
Counties. Several smaller units within this area are the Lockport Lock, 9
Brandon Road Look and Dam, Dresden Island Lock and Dam, Marseilles Lock, ,
Starved Rock Lock and Dam, Moorings (Supply Depot) at Joliet, and the Morris .
Field House. !
3004. LAND AND HYDROLOGICAL MAPS, 1900 to date. Showing land purchased I
by the state and Government adjacent to the waterway and the width and depth
of the channel at Various points; also show the Illinois River and the ad— v
jacent topography from Cairo to Lockport. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 _
‘ folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 202. (25) .
3005. BLUEPRINTS, Feb. 1932 to date. Blueprints, whiteprints, sketches,
and tracings of general channel maps, tools and equipment, land and property,
miscellaneous, accident graphs, area costs, Lockport, Moorings, Brandon Road,
Dresden Island and Marseilles Pools, Looks, and Dams, and Starved Rock; the
- prints show structures, dredging operations, condition of channel, equipment,
andtopography. Filed by location. (Daily, official.) Variously sized fold—
ers, 6 ft., in 18 drawers of map cases. R. 202. (11) ’
sheets for computing operating costs, salaries, and expenses, equipment and
supplies of offices in this area; cover plant operations, projects, accounts
of locks and dams, plant rental, clearing accounts, aids to navigation, and
summary of distribution. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.)
Yariously sized sheets, 12 ft., on clipboards, and on steel shelves. R. 202.
3007. CONTRACTS, Feb. 1932 to date. Contracts, with specifications, blue
prints, tracings, Schedule of operation, equipment, reductions of quantities
of material, and correspondence. 'Filed alphabetically. (Older records, oc-
casionally; recent records, daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 10 ft. 6 in.,
in 6 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 202. (27, 33)
3008. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Feb. 1932 to date. Relative to adding ma~
chines, autos, air compressors, anchor beats, annual reports, bidders, bills
of lading, boiler inspection, blueprints, bridges, bulletins, coal, Calumet
Sag, contracts, general orders, dams, estimates, electricity, floating and

 {J 4 Area Engineer Office, Joliet
. i
% nonfloating plants, gasoline, inventory, ice conditions, locks, launches,
} property, pumps, requisitions, telephone, and transportation. Filed by
2% subject. 8 x 10% card index, 6 in. (Older records, seldom; recent records
’1 daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 16 ft., in 8 drawers of steel filing
{ cases. R. 202. (23, 30, 34) ,
. ’5 3009. PERMANENT PROPERTY RECORDS, Feb. 1932 to date. Summary of non—
1 expendable property and fixtures in this area, showing article, type,
3 description, size, shop number, manufacturer, where installed, date of
issue, duty, general condition, authority for procurement, date received,
I epprcprietien,'dnd allotment. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom, official.)
3 9 X 12 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 202. (35)
, i 3010. PERSORRRL'CARDS, Feb. 1932 to date. Showing name and address of
‘ 5 employee, telephone, date appointed, date and place of birth, nationality,
{ sex, marital status, citizenship, date naturalized, height, weight, depend?
onts, physical condition, education, changes in status, and reason for
i separation from service. Filed alphabetically. (Inactive records, seldom;
. active records, daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft., in 2 drawers of steel
} card cabinet. R. 202. (12, 13)
‘ 1 3011. PERSONNEL RECORDS, Feb. 1932 to date. Notices of appointment,
1 leaves of absence, garnishments, promotions, travel orders, applications
f for credits and loans, transfers, reductions, changes in designation, in-
g quirics, and correspondence concerning conduct and character. Filed al—
‘ phabetically. (Inactive records, seldom: active records, daily, official.)
9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 202. (20, 26)
1 3012. PURCHASE ORDERS, Feb. 1932 to date.' For purchase of materials,
; equipment, or supplies for sites in this area, giving purchase order nun;
, % ber, name of dealer, date, quantity, description of articles or services,
3 unit price, and total value. Filed numerically. (Older records, occasion—
? ally: recent records, daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 9 ft., in 4 draw~
; ors of steel filing case and on steel shelf. R. 202 and storage room.
1 (19, 24)
, 3013. REQUISITIONS, Feb. 1932 to date. For material and supplies re-
' ' , ceivod from Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Dredden Island Lock and Dam, Tow—
; 3 boat Gouvernour, Lockport Lock, Marseilles Lock and Dam, Morris Field Of»
3 ‘ fice, and Starved Rock Lock and Dam. Filed alphabetically. (Inactive
‘ records, never; current records, daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 5 ft.

. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case and on steel shelf. R. 202 and

3 storage room. (22, 32)

3014. TIME ROLLS, Rob.'1932 to date. Semimonthly record of time of
all employees in this area, showing location, inclusive dates of period,

. names of employees, designations, days on which services were rendered,
rates of pay, gross amounts earned, deductions, amount payable, and re—
marks. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 14 x 18 vols.,

. 1 ft., on desk. R. 202. (17)

1 a: . 3015. PERSOFWEL CORRESPONDENCE. Jan. 1935 to date. Concerning ab-

, f senccs, applications for employment, civil service, time books, Illinois

l ,

 Area Engineer Office, Joliet 5
State Employment Service, efficiency records, gauge observers, injuries, or~
ganization memoranda, overtime, pay rolls, promotions, grading, designation,
recommendations, salary tables, schedules, locks and dams, transfers, travel,
illness, and income tax: the correspondence is mainly with the district en—
gineer at Chicago: the earlier records are filed in the Employees‘ Personnel
Folders. Filed by subject. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in
drawer of steel filing case. B. 202. (31) i“

3016. PROJECTS, Jan. 1935 to date. Records of projects authorized by the
Chicago District office, stipulating material and men to be used, and con—
cerning work on locks and dams, moorings, field offices, lighthouses, repairs
and alterations to plants, mooring piers, riprapping, dredging, and mainte—
nance. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft., in
drawer of steel filing case. B. 202. (28)

3017. COST ACCOUNTS LEDGERS, July 1935 to date. Summary of operating ,
costs including salaries and expenses for all sites in this area: shows site,
month, subdivision and distribution cf expenses, permanent or temporary force,
fuel and electrical energy, supplies, miscellaneous, allocation for each type :
of expenditure, and totals. Entered chronologically. (Constantly, official)

12 x 18 vols., 4 in., in drawer of desk. R. 202. (16)

3018. DAILY FIELD REPORTS, July 1935 to date. From Various sites in this
area, showing Operating costs of Government plants and storehouse, name of -
plant or storehouse, job, number of hours, cost account number chargeable,
articles or materials, requisition number, size, quantity, unit price, and
total. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, l ft.,in
drawer of steel filing case. R. 202. (10)

3019. REPORTS, July 1935 to date. Semimonthly and monthly reports from

.and to the District office at Chicago relating to plant operation costs, ex~

tra rations served, fire drill, property, flags, voucher adjustments and

transfers, computation sheets, lost property, repairs to floating plants, ‘
lighthouse service, mileage record, safety check lists, gauge readings, sub—
sistence, accident reports, telephone, telegraph, and water and weather data.

Filed by subject. (Older records, never; current records, daily, official.)

9 x 12 folders, 31 ft., in drawer of steel filing case and on 2 steel shelves

R. 202 and storage room. (21, 29) .

3020. RECORD OF LEAVES, Jan. 1936 to date. Showing name of employee,
date appointed, quota of annual, sick, and transitory leave without pay or
military leave to be taken, amount brought forward from previous year, days
of leave taken and remarks. Filed alphabetically. (Inactive records, sel—
dom; active records, occasionally, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 8 in., in drawer
of steel card cabinet. R. 202. (14, 15)

 W! 6 Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Joliet
it Control House, one—half mile south of Joliet
: This lock and dam was completed and put in operation on January 1,
. ' d 1932. It is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Joliet Area Office
{ and is thus also under the control of the Chicago District of the Upper
} Mississippi Valley Division of the U.S. Engineers.
5 3021. CONSTRUCTION DATA, Jan. 1932 to date. Correspondence, reports,
i specifications, and blueprints covering the construction of the control
. house: also schedules and estimates, operation reports, landscaping, deep
‘ well, machinery patterns, purchase orders, bills, invoices, guard railings,
' ] excavation, air compressor, pump, and hoist. Filed by subject. (Ocean
4 sionally, official.) 9 x 14 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing caSe.
? Office. (46)
5 Accident reports, annual leave, telephone, civil service, retirement, com.
. ; plaints, chemical analyses of water, contracts, cost accounting numbers,
: estimates, electrical data, first aid, fire drill, gauge reports, general
3 correspondence, ice conditions, inventory, navigation, pay roll, property,
4 personnel, purchase orders, public service, requisitions, work schedules,
4 and weather reports. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 fold-
; are, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (48)

3023. LOCKAGE RECORD, Jan. 1933 to date. Daily record of vessels pass~.
ing through Brandon Lock, showing date, inclusive time of shift, weather,
precipitation, temperature, snow, fog, thickness of ice, running ice,gauge

, 3 at upper and lower gates, employee in charge, lockage number, name of the
i vessel, pilot, whistle signals, time arrived and departed, whether craft
was towed and loaded, tonnage, and remarks. Entered chronologically. (Occa—
; sionally, official.) 12 x 18 vols., 8 in., on wooden shelf and on desk.
‘ Office and storage closet. (65, 67)
3024. LOG BOOKS, Nov. 1934 to date. Daily record of activities of each
' ‘ eight hour period, showing date, inclusive hours, complete description of
i activities, work done, procedure followed, irregularities or unusual happen—
; ings, etc. Entered and filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14
' vols. and bundles, 6 in., on open wooden shelf and on desk. Office and
, storage closet. (62, 63)

3025. MONTHLY TIME BOOK, Jan. 1956 to date. Time record of lock ems
ployees, showing inclusive dates of semimonthly period, name of employee,
occupation or designation, time worked, nonoperating days, leaves of ab—
sence, summary of total time, salary due, and remarks. Entered chronolog—
ically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 vol.. 1 in., on desk. Office. (64)

< 3026. GAUGE BOOK, Oct. 22, 1936 to date. Recordings taken from gauges

E at each end of pool every half hour, giving date, direction of wind, weather
? u; a conditions, precipitation, exact time, gauges at upper and lower pools, tem—
; , perature, and change of flow. Entered chronologically. (Constantly, offi-
i i cial.) 3 x 5 and 5 x 8 vols., 1 ft. 1 in., on wooden shelf and on desk.

, ; Office and storage closet. (66, 68)

I 3

 Moorings _ Engineer Supply Depot, Joliet 7
830 Railroad St.

This office was established in April 1933, and acts as a Supply Depot for
floating and land plants along the Illinois waterway. Requisitions for ex—
pendable and nonexpendable materials are filled here, after being authorized
by the Joliet Area Office. Mooring pests have been installed along both 1,
sides of the channel at this point, enabling boats to tie up while not in
use, or for repairs, or when the traffic is congested. ‘

3027. SCHEDULE OF COST DISTRIBUTION, Mar 1, 1933 to date. Monthly re—
port on distribution of operating costs, showing balance from previous month,
credit and debit cost numbers, enumeration of each cost, and balance carried
forward to the succeeding menth. Entered chronologically. (Monthly, offi—
cial.) 9 x 12 vols., 2 in., in drawer of desk. Office. (38)

3028. STOCK CARDS, Apr. 1933 ~ Jan. 1935. Record of expendable material
and supplies received and issued to various offices, giving name of article, ,
description, unit, location in stockroom, purchase order number, quantity
ordered, date received, source and diSposition, invoice price, total cost, ;
quantity issued, value, and balance on hand. Filed alphabetically. (Ocean I
sionally, official.) 9 X 12 and 5 x 8 cards, 6 ft., in wooden boxes and
Kardex cases. Storage and office. (45, l)

3029. CONTRACTS, Apr. 1933 to date. For work done at this site by pri— '
vate contractors, with specifications, schedule of operation, tracings,
equipment, reduction in total quantities of material, and related correspond—
ence. Filed alphabetically. (weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in
drawer of steel filing case. Office. (7) _
Covering receipt and issue of material and supplies, adjustments, transfers,

‘ depreciation and plant rentals; file includes miscellaneous correspondence, ,
plant reports, old cost numbers, and field bills. Filed by subject. (Daily,
official.) 10 x 14 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office.

(40) _ I
3031. FLOATING PLANTS, Apr. 1933 to date. Authorities for repairs, cor—

respondence, reports, specifications, and blueprints regarding floating
plants in this area; cover damages, plant rental,c0mputation sheets, tow—
boats, derrick boats, outboard motors, barges, dump scows, sweeping raft,
launches, skiffs, pontoon float, marine engines, pilot and navigation rules,
and boiler data. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 2
ft.,in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (44) p

, 3032. LAND PLANT RECORDS, Apr. 1933 to date. Correspondence, reports,
blueprints, and specifications regarding land plant equipment and structures,
such as air compressors, drills, hammers, diving apparatus, concrete mixers,
cranes, bathahouse, pumps, heating, hoists, lock culvert, valves, housing for
gates, frames, pattern house, mooring piers, control house, and lockkeeper‘s
dwelling. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 3 ft., in
2 drawers of steel filing case. Office. (43)

 ti 8 ” ' Moorings u Engineer Supply Depot; Joliet
l 3033. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ISSUED, Apr. 1933 to date. Monthly re—
? port giving date, requisition,number, article Or material, size, quantity,
% purpose and where used, unit and total costs, and account chargeable.
9 Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 18 vols. and loose—leaf
2 books, 6 in., on desk and on locker. Office and storage. (36, 37) .
' 3 3034. MISCELLANEOUS BLUEPRINTS, Apr. 1933 to date. Blueprints, sket—
3 ches, and tracings, covering structures, dredging operations, channel
f condition, equipment, topography, locks, dams, moorings, pools, etc.
, (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
3 case. Office. (5)
f 3035. MISCELLAEEOUS DATA,.Apr. 1933.to date. CorrespOndenee, reports,
‘ 1 circulars, blueprints, Specifications, and catalogues,concerning light-
5 houses, navigation aids, mooring improvements, shelving, transit and level,
1 and electrical equipmenti also job sheets, district office memoranda, cor—
« , respondence, social data, decisions, district regulations, yard foreman‘s
3 daily reports, and safety bulletins. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.)
: 10 x 14 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing ease. Office. (42)
i 3036. PERMANENT PROPERTY RECORDS, Apr. 1933 to date. Records of non—
‘ expendable property and structures maintained at this site, showing arti—p
1 cle, type, complete description, size, manufacturer, where installed,
; date of installation, duty, general conditions, authority for procurement,
1 date received, appropriation, and allotment. Filed alphabetically. (Gen—
1 stantly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
3 Office. (8) 1
‘ 3037. PERSONNEL RECORDS, EMPLOYEES, Apr. 1933 to date. Change of
_ status cards, addresses, employment questionnaires, approved annual and
sick leaves, personnel correSpondence, general instruction regarding com—
‘ pensatory time records, and travel orders: the correspondence is mainly
i with the Chicago District and Joliet Area offices. Filed by subject.
‘ j (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case.
3 Office. (4)
l 3038. PROPERTY LEDGERs, Apr. 1935 to date. Record of property on hand
% l and issued to various offices in this area, showing article, total, unit,
3 1 date transferred, dropped, or purchased, name and location of site to which
’ transferred, quantity on hand, and balance of accounts. Entered alphabet—
. ically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 vols. (5), 1 ft., in drawer of steel
1 . filing case. Office. (9)
y 3039. REQUISITIONS, Apr. 1933 to date. From the Area Office for sup—
plies and materials for offices of dams and locks, towboats, and field
, ‘ offices in the area. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6)
3 ‘ 304C. REQUISITIONS ON STOREKEEPER, Apr. 1933 to date. From employees
1 ‘ in this area for supplies and materials; show date, requisition number,
i 9: 3 location, purpose, cost number, quantity, unit, articles, price, total
2 ; amount, and signatures of head of department and person receiving material.
s 2

 ' Lock and Dam, Lockport 9
Filed numerically. (Seldom, official.) 4% x 6 loose sheets, 10 ft. 6 in.,in
5 pasteboard boxes, in 5 card cabinets, and in drawer of desk. Office and
storage room. (39, 47)
3041. SEMlMONTHLY TIME ROLLS, Apr. 1933 to date. Separate sheet for
each employee, showing time worked and absent, salary paid, employee‘s name,
inclusive dates, designation, gross salary, total hours, charge to cost nurh ‘n
bers, and check receipt. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14
folders, 8 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (41) '
3042. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, Apr. 1934 to date. Copies of semimonthly
and monthly reports to the area and district offices on Mooring operations,
inspection of storehouse, fire drills, safety chec