xt7gf18sf93t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sf93t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Advertising Excellence in Kentucky text Advertising Excellence in Kentucky 1992 1992 2019 true xt7gf18sf93t section xt7gf18sf93t -’ ‘ ‘ " , was :
f ., . ‘ “EWSPNBE'R 1 W639 , ,
1 ‘f ' Presenting the ‘ .
, Kentucky Press Assoc1atlon .
. e w ' . Advert1s1ng Contest ~ ;
1 . x . . , Award W1nners ‘ .
, General Excellence 5
Weekly Class 1' . Weekly Class 3 1
‘ First Place McLean County News First Place Shelbyville Sentinel News f'
‘ Second Place . Green River Republican Second Place Kentucky Standard f
‘ Third Place . The Lake News Third Place - Union County Advocate :
Weekly Class 2 ‘ 1).“in Class 1 I ' , ' ,
» ’ ‘ First Place Greensburg Record Herald FlrSt Place Henderson Gleaner ‘ ,
Second Place Springfield Sun Second Place Danville Advocate Messenger .
. Georgetown News and Times Third Place Richmond Register a.
' Third Place Owenton News Herald ‘ ' ‘
Shepherdsvflle Pioneer News . ' a * f
’ Dally Class 2 . . 7 _
' ' First Place OWensboro Messenger Inquirer ,
" ' - Second Place Kentucky New Era ' ‘
. ' Third Place Elizabethtown News Enterprise “ '

 Page 2 J. _ _ 2.,
‘ Ve attractive!! most deflllllelyl ' v;
COMMENTS . Dora Lummus/Loyd Ford NEWS’ Ja’.‘ “mg/rem“ RCVIW fail
Flrst Place - THE LAKE NEWS, Dora Forcefull Attention getting Stacy Kassmger/Klm Tomes , 52.:
Lummus , _ ' ' Art work very nice, color plate is a J
weekly Class 1 . Arresting and artrstlc, has strength. Cate or 10 _ MULTIPLE STAFF little Off but still a very nice two pages. _
Second Place - KENTON COUNTY PART I gIPATION/"SIG" PAGE Good use of spot color.
J Tastefully presented, eye-catching. PlIrJSBLIZgiN M' h J Gr NEWS, Jan Young/Stacy Kassinger J
Artwork and typeface geared ‘Owa‘d L0 ’ 1C 6 e ay - Cute idea, but bubbles overwhelm print 3. '
ve the typeface! Eye-catching. J J _ JJ .
' Category 1 ' DEPARTMENT/ WONG"- Stran e but uni ue to run over fold material. One ad has border InSIde the jJ l
DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES Thlrd Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY T gf gnalizes this si ad ' bubble border, should all be uniform. ‘
First Place _ THE LAKE NEWS, Dora NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger Sigsnsgaigf MCLEAN C OUNTY ,-
Lummus Good border, eye-catchlng half-tone. NEWS Jan Young/Stacy Kassinger/ Category 15 _ HOLIDAY GREET- {J
Ad dominates the page, should have Honorable MellllOll - THE LAKE Jeanette Sutherlin ING AD
attracted shcppers . NEWS’ Pom Lummus G d S J an when h some cut outs First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Compelllng, good color. Find the 00 1:; 2 h g NEWS, Teresa Revlett J.
NEWS, Stacy Kassinger motifs a bit effeminate with the football $132131 6 (”1154 CLEAN COUNTY Beautiful color, We style is appropfi_ J
Nice design, easy to read- Player“- Readers Show know What the “5V5 ice Y g/SJ C Kassin er/ ate for art work. Border tape a little Off
Third Place _ TRI CITY NEWS, LWD Inc. is, some explanation. Jeanette Sillihefllil: a y g from color plate. _' t
Delores Jackson/Lavondia Browning I Border nicel done Easy to read sigs Second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY L “I
G°°d placement for coupon, and choice Category 6 - FOOD AND DRUG although I wguld liSt towns and phone NEWS, Stacy Kassinger V ifi I '
0f amount. FHSt Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY numbers in every sig ag. Different, pictures say a lot. Creative. .1‘ 4
Honorable Mention _ KENTON NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger Third Place _ HICKM AN COUNTY
J COUNTY RECORDER, Betty Creative artwork, color done well. Category 11 _ CREATIVE USE OF GAZETTE, Jeane Cromika _
Stallard Some cuts sideways, need to be resized NEWSPAPER COlor attractive, nice to see pictures of J
Has eye appeal. to fit. Color place lined up well. First Place _ GREEN RIVER RE- people although need to be clearer. _ J J
Second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY PUBLIC AN Michele Gray Nice to recognize staff and residents. J}
Category 2 ' AUTOMOTIVE NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger Good art work easy to read and gives Hairline border on pictures would have ,
First Place _ MCLEAN COUNTY Bunny artwork makes this ad attractive. people a benefit by subscribing. Color been given a more finished look. J ' *“
NEWS, Teresa Revlett. Cuts on tilt plus half cuts, not too would have been nice i
Eye-catching and clever, would also be attractive. Second Place _ FULTON LEADER Category 16 _ AGRICULTURE/
gOOd without COlOl'. The art definitely ThiI'd Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY William Mitchell . , LAWN AND GARDEN/FLORISTS ' ‘J
makes the ad. Different type face for NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger Good art work eye-catchin g but word First Place _ TRI CITY NEWS,
autos would have even looked better. Artwork of products Poorly placed. side needs to b; plural. Delores Jackson [Lavondia Browning J J .
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Coupons might have been in color to Third Place _ FULTON LEADER Small ad, but screening attracts _ :i '
NEWS’ Teresa Revlett 9“” attention. Country Hearth Bread, William Mitchell ’ attention plus small art work. Balanced,
,J Again, eye—catching and. clever. You In COIOF Why? Informative. well done not cluttered. .. J. :J
.» have a Clever lay-om person. congratu- C t 7 FURNITURE Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY ' W I
lations! a egory ' - NEWS Teresa Revlett «jars-aw ~‘v
Third Place ‘ MCLEAN COUNTY First Place ' HICKMAN COUNTY 33$??? 12 ENTERTAINMENT/ Creative idea, headline should have i
NEWS’ Teresa ReVIe“ . GAZETTE’ Becky Base“ First Place - KENTON COUNTY been larger and dark face type. A
. WOUTd have been SCCOHd If hadn't been Super sale has strong eye appeal, RECORDER, Pat C016 definite address and phone number
* typo in head (Into is one word here) effective color. ‘ Great use of spot color. Infomafive_ would have been helpful to reader.
clever use of art. Second Place - GREEN RIVER J Everything you need to know is in the Third Place - GREEN RIVER » ,'
_ . REPUBLICAN, Michele Gray ad. REPUBLICAN , ‘J
’ Category 3 - HARDWARE/APPLI- Nice use of Mac, bolder type for face Second Plce _ MCLE AN COUNTY Headline is in middle of ad. Would . ‘J J
ANCE STORES merchandise box would have been NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger have drawn more attention at top Of ad. ‘
' First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY , usefuL Grand openin g specials and prices Good use of space. J
NEWS. Jan Young/Stacy Kassinger Third Place - TRI CITY NEWS, Jeff really need to be in color to draw J .
‘ - Nice clean copy, easy to read, plus Wilder/Lavondia Browning attention! J Category 17 - CLASSIFIED SEC- - “
prices included effective heading. Nicely deSigned. ' Third Place _ MCLE AN COUNTY TION J '
Second Place ' TRI CITY NEWS’ Honorable Mention ' KENTON NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger Certificate Of Merit ' MCLEAN , J ‘J
Delores Jackson/Lavondia Browning COUNTY RECORDER, Pat Cole Martise is effective, really spot lights COUNTY NEWS, Jeanette Sutherlin -:
Ad large enough to see they want to the two items. Well balanced:Heading
sell refrigerators! Informative, nice ad. Category 3 . REAL ESTATE gets attention. Category 18 _ BEST USE OF 53
Category 4 ' FINANCIAL Becky Wadlington Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS First Place — GREEN RIVER RE- ' :_
First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY 1 like the line drawings Ad delivers its First Place - KENTON COUNTY PUBLICAN, Michele Gray ‘ , ~ l
. NEWS, J an Younglmcy Kassinger ‘ message clearly in a most attractive RECORDER, Sandra Daniel Color plate excellent. Composing must 4
Eye-catching and different, you want'to fashion. Nicely done, Informative. have gotten scrap on third column J J
read further after you see the door. Nice Second Place _ THE LAKE NEWS, Second Place _ MCLE AN COUNTY names, but still and impressive easy to .
idea! ' Dora Lummus . I NEWS, Jeanette Sutherlin/J an Young/ read ad! ‘J
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Good art work, catches the eye for a Stacy Kassinger/Teresa Revlett Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY - i '
NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Stacy Kassinger "traditional" real estate ad. Well organized, a very nice publica- NEWS, Teresa Revlett * 1
Very nice art work, bl“ better place: Third Place ' TRI CITY NEWS’ tion, very creative. Four processing color beautiful! J. l
ment in newspaper would have made Delores Ja°kS°"/La"°lldia Browning Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY ThirdPlace — THE LAKE NEWS,
r _ i ,, ad "8de out" more; the vault effect is Attractive! Like the heading typeface ' NEWS, Jeanette Sutherlin/Jan Young/ Loyd Ford ' J4
. different. . "residential - commercial." Stacy Kassinger/Teresa Revlett Very nice! * l
' Third Place - THE LAKE NEWS, Different idea, attractive and informa- . 'j, J
. Dora Lummus Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES tive as well. ‘ J _ _ J .
Nice artwork, especially associatingthe First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY J
' keys with car buying. NEWSJ Teresa Revlett Category 14 - GROUP PROMO- - J
-., , Honorable Mention - HICKMAN Eye-Catching! Layout attractive. Would TIONS ‘ rJJ
. COUNTY GAZETTE, Jennifer like symbols forcredr't cards better than First Place _ FULTON LEADER, J
Cromika- words- Elegant ad- Beck Wadin ton/Lei h Ann Moore , ;; J ~
, Ladder immediately catches attention Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY A lotBCf workient intcg; this promotion, contmued on page 3 J . J _
5 but'no address or phone number on ad. NEWS, Stacy Kassinger J J J J but very. very well (10116.1! A first‘place, J . J J

 E Page 3 ' E
continued from page 2 Second Place - GEORGETOWN Clean and easy, although not exciting. business in town was behind this event. 3
in NEWS & TIMES, Bob Scott/Denise Serves its purpose well. Second Place - GEORGETOWN -
. .53! Weekly Class 2 Combs NEWS & TIMES, Staff '
E Excellent message from early days to Category 10 - MULTIPLE STAFF Beautiful package, but lacks advertis-
' Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/ the present PARTICIPATION/"SIG" PAGE ing from "small business." Where are ,
:y' ' DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES Third Place - GREENSBURG First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, these guys? Nice job of tying photos '
FRSt Place ' THE ADAIR . RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman with some ads. Disappointed with
? PROGRESS’ Renee Reevelelsa Names make a newsPapcr and this is Excellent uniformity and page balance. amount of ads for an area with a hugh .
E ' Robblns fine revenue idea. Color crisp!! Good reader involvement new industry (Toyota). -
f NI“ Clea" 13W”- A“ artwork Sham Honorable Mention - CARROLLTON and information. Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
: E - GO‘P‘I “SC 0f reverses 3"? “(can NEWS DEMOCRAT, Cathy Gilbert Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Staff
' tinting. Clearly the best In thls cat- Interesting use of art. Has eye appeal. Shorty Lassiter/Kathy Young Great job with a moving subject. Tough ‘
x egory. Information flows nicely. Again good to pull together in a short period of i
E Second Place ' CARROLLTON Category 6 - FOOD AND DRUG balance on page. Very nice color. time. I'm sure this section was
. 3 NEWS DEMOCRAT, Cathy Gllbe” First Place - SHEPHERDSVILLE Third Place - CENTRAL RECORD, unplanned going into 1991! -
E TRIS ad catches your eye and uses a PIONEER NEWS. Lisa Bland Pam Fathergill/Shon Hampton Honorable Mention - GRANT
E SllmtIt’le artwork theme without a lot 0f Best concept of all ads in this category. Great Safety tipS! Readership appears to COUNTY NEWS, Ken Stone/John ‘ '
i' l c u er. - Nice selection of reverses and screens. be oun . Color could be cleaner, Hurston
f Third Place ' GEORGETOWN Second Place - THE CENTRAL grainicsgcnsper, Unique idea. Not many ads, but well -
' NEWS. 8‘ TIMES’ B°b SW“ RECORD, Pam Fathergill/Shon Honorable Mention — SPRINGFIELD done.
_ Nlce blg and bold type. Bank logos at Hampton SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kathy Young
5 E ' ’ bottom could have been cleaner. Unusual size 0f ad along With artwork Color and layout very clean! Category 14 - GROUP PROMO- _
running the full length makes this a Honorable Mention - TIONS :
; Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE second place. Ad typestyle fits the ad GEORGETOWN NEWS & TIMES, First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, .
, ; First Place - GEORGETOWN NEWS perfect. Staff . Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman - .
E & TIMES’ B01) SRO“ Thlfd Place - THE ADAIR Promotes community involvement. Good idea for Slow time of year.
. 2' E Christmas in Jlfly’ very good use Of PROGRESS, Renee Reeves/Lisa Informs people of different business. , ‘
5 E COR” and well constructed. ' RObbillS Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF Color attracts attention also. '
‘ Second Place ‘ CAMPBELL Large clean artwork dominates this NEWSPAPER Second Place - GREENSBURG '
- 7 3 COUNTY RECORDER’ Kelly Page All IGA stores would love ‘0 First Place - SHEPHERDSVILLE RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin
2 E Pearman have this layout. PIONEER NEWS, Pete Mio Nice layout, neatly done and easy to .
” .GOOd service ad, WORM really be better Honorable Mention ‘ SPRINGFIELD This is sharp. Shows your paper is on read. Honors people! E . .
' .2 1“ C010“ SUN, Shorty Lassitsr/Kim Hupman top or the news. Eye-appealing, clean Third Place - CARROLLTON NEWS
ThRd Place ' GREENSBURG . Original baseball layout. LIIIOO the four good use of white space. DEMOCRAT, Cathy Gilbert ,
RECORD HERALD Walt Gm" comer bases. and store owner name on Second Place - FALMOUTH OUT- Nice idea. Art work tells the story of ;
E - . ' Eye'caIChing’ Should have generated » back of baseball Player's jersey LOOK, Debbie Dennie each ad. '
. 10“ Of interest. This may have been first if you had T .,
5 Cate or 7 - FURNITURE devoted a full— a e and lar er clip- Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREE -
' Category 3 ' HARDWARWAPPLI‘ First Elacye - SHEPHERDSVILLE pings. I really Iii: the idea.g . ING ADS ,
W ; - . ANCE STORES PIONEER NEWS, Tom Cecil Third Place - GEORGETOWN First Place — OWENTON NEWS . g . ~ . -:;
«We I E' Fir“ Place ' TOMPKINSVH‘LE _ Best design of all submitted Like the NEWS & TIMES, Bob Scott HERALD, Sabrina Bruce . . .
E NEWS’ Sandy Guffey . avant garde typeface. CUIVOII type at Eye-catching! I like the concept. Only This page got our heartsit Good use of
E . Target market, doors Only p lcture and the top'is a little hard IO read, and map changes, make the copy run across the spot color and available size.
5 ”we make 1‘ effec‘we' type is fuzzy- ' full page for easier reading and reduce Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
Second Place ‘ OWENTON NEWS Second Place - GREENSBURG your Press award. ' Kathy Young R
HERALD’ Sabrina Bruce RECORD HERALD, Walt GOIIII Honorable Mention - Very appealing. Very leader friendly. '
; Uste 0f White Space makes this ad Stand Use of light screening instead of solid GEORGETOWN NEWS & TIMES, ' Color balance good. .
0“ j , reverse would have made this ad more Bob Scot enise Combs Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
E . E Thml Place - GEORGETOWN appealing. Border lettering could have Nice, butfiture Should have been Shorty Lassiter/Kathy Young
A NEWS & TIMES’ Mull Gray . been better centered. better. Color needs better alignment. I We read the entire ad to find out about »
E Shows everythlng you need for a do It . like the concept and layout. the "Twelve Days of Tingle." Ask ‘
; E yourself home prolect. Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Santa for a "tingle" of color next year. ‘ T
' category 4 ' FINANCIAL & TIMES, Bob Scott 333?? Category 16 - AGRICULTURFJ .
. FUR Place ' (REQRGETOWN NEWS Simple ad with lots of impact. Using First Place _ GREENBSURG LAWN AND GARDEN/FLORISTS ,
E 8‘ TIMES". MR.” Gray - - Photos of first, 100. and 150th 00min“- RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin First Place - GREENSBURG j
The MORE“ "“3 ad says It all” The Size nity family gives a Personal touch Very effective. Good use of color, easy RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin ,
E and CORR!“ 0f the photo draws you to Second P1306 ‘ GEORGETOWN to read type style. Artwork fits the Very good use of art work. Not .
. read ““3 ad. NEWS & TIMES, Milli Gray store. cluttered, Informative.
- 3 360°“ Place ' LARUE .COUNTY Big clear Photos of homes with light Second Place - GREENSBURG Second Place - OWENTON NEWS j
I E. HERALD NEWS’ Jenmfe‘ 5' background screening sets off these » RECORD HERALD. Walt Gorin HERALD, Staff .
E ' Patterson - two homes In this award Winning ad. Not cluttered. All the information you Color attractive, information in center . -
Bold type style, “can {amt and 1““ Third Place - ADAIR PROGRESS, ma Good artwork, boxed area. Too crowded, otherwisea ,
'3 i - anIIfgheVthl‘e space. Nlce use Of Rita Murrell/Lisa Robbins Third place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, nice ad. '
I ' ype ac ' Nice t st 1e and variations of sizes. ' - 'm H man Third Place - GRANT COUNTY '
_ Third Place - CARROLLTON NEWS Woulfivgukw me bottom fim box 2:13, fizfigfimsfi , says a lot NEWS’ Ken Stone
E E’ DEMOCRAT’ Cathy Gilbert ~ IO be “Ice"ed lighter IOI easier and gets your attention. , Good use of pictures but a one point ’
Nice computer generated graphic 0f reading. . Honorable Mention - GREENSBURG border would have made them stand
= ‘ ”Em“ “6‘ mm aims IRE enough to E RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin out. A good "people" page! ,
L ‘1 thls ad. Bank name In middle could Category 9 _ CLOTHING STORES Good heading and art work. Good ' - 1
. E have been Sharper. FIISI Place ' GREENSBURG copy. Coupons complete and tells you Category 17 ' CLASSIFIED SEC‘ ' ' E
l i RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin to clip. TION , _ .
' E Category 5 ' PROFESSONAL Clever! Eye~catching. ' First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, , j
E ' SERVICES Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTONS Shorty Lassiter/Kathy Young .
E First Place - GREENSBURG Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman FITS! Place _ GREENSBURG NICO modular Sizing, good mix 0f half .
i RECORD HERALI)’ Walt Gm“ Good use of clip art- Easy to read- RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin . . '
E Reader would notmiss this ad. Strong Third Place - GREENSBURG _ Good job-of tying together advertising continued on page 4 ,3
E color. 600d wording. RECORD HERALD’ Walt 60"" ' and youth art work. Looks like every - _ ,1
E ' i',';':"lEt_.E r'li. .El ‘1‘". ' E I . . a WEE .‘ 'A‘ELR E. ’1
E ”I“; é", .‘ ‘52, ,Ee'EtIEt‘ > ‘5"; “a.“ '31.?!” 31"» ‘ . 9:, .;.',r;'.l_ ..,_a_ I 3, i I -' . .‘ t .1 ., 111.2,, EE'E‘EEER‘RVEREE R' 4'. i‘.’:‘:s.':3,:‘g.“.’tll';;‘\ _ .E g
-. W

 E SeCOnd Place ' THE OLDHAM ERA’ Very professional. 1400de like will get readership. Modular sizes help ,
1 continued from page 3 Peachie Armstrong insertion. Clean, easy to read. Nice here. ’
._ Goodfsmall Spafce ad, sironkgi prige, nice tSype-Séygcl. Defiggelyiquitlpgace work!! Second Place _ SHELBYVILLE 3
‘. . . . . . use 0 screen, 1 you're 00 ng or a econ ace - A FAVOR- SENTINEL NEWS, l 11 3?;
3:11:33" 3:112:33'0‘313333' figgzsslfied truck or 4x4 you'll notice this ad. ITE, Debbie Brown Staff ,Debb e Ba ard/ :3
insteadhof riserse and establish your Third Place - TRIBUNE COURIER, Creative use with candy cane art. Some Good use of color, dominant illustra- - 3,3
3 categOries with a printed directory next Patty Stockhaus 3 color3bleedlng, but overall very eye- tion. Too many ads expecially at top, _i
1 ’ Good illustration, I llke the unusual catching and easy to read. these ads take away from overall ’3
£22,331; :12: _ OWENTON NEWS - shape, color could be better. Third Place ' PAINTSVILLE HER' design. ’i
HERALD3 Staff gonor‘gble Mention - OLDHAM ERA, 3313:3333. gifilfoxggt/xarjil: Il-llale Third Place — FRANKLIN FAVOR- {-3343
g - - - erry' ay . . Y T - 0“ 3V6 ITE, Betty Gentry g;
f . £2313: 22:21:33: :fizgijhglffzglgg Organized well, but needs a dominant produced resultsfor client. Lots of names and faces.
3 page (yeah)! Good uniformity on element hire the "off season" prlClng. g§;?rmble Mention ' SHELBYVILLE Honorable Mention - PULASKI
5 border tapes. Suggest screened classifi- INEL NEWS’ Roberta Chesser WEEK, Brenda Sexton '
cation header. Category 3 - HARDWARE/APPLI- Cute dd, bl" shouldhave given more Eye-catcher! Good call to action at end.
? Thde Place _ L ARUE COUNTY ANCE STORES promlnece to the Spices and other 3.53
HERALD NEWS, Staff First Place - UNION COUNTY things they sell- However, the out work Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF
.1 Good self promotion good flow. ADVOCATE, Phil Edmondson/Lisa rs sharP- NEWSPAPER 3’
Honorab‘e Mention _’ Turner First Place - SHELBYVILLE 5;;
GEORGETOWN NEWS & TIMES We're selling lumber and hardware and 1?th 7 figgfljglélyflm SENTINEL NEWS, Debbie Ballard/ 3?
3 - there's no doubt here. Well organized. “’5 ace '_ _ ' Patti Gaston ;
Eggagéiégaige; read classified Second Place - UNION COUNTV DAR”. Shelia Cecrl Well layed out, good-photos, very , I
headers. Why not a classified directory / ADVOCATE, Phll Edmondson/Llsa Excellent border. Use or 00101' re- anltlng to the advertiser. f
3 index to include rates? Uniform Turner strained. Attractive. Lots Of merchan- Second Place ' UNION COUNTY
3 typeface and size could make section Good illustration, use of art and color. dlse bl" all well displayed. ADVOCATE, Linda Robison :‘i f'
3 more attractive. Would like to have seen stronger Second Place ‘ UNION COUNTY Great idea! The only thing I didn't like 5-3,:
‘- Product info. ’ ADVOCATE Staff was the striped background. Too busy. : ’
i Category 18 . BEST USE OF Third Place - WAYNE COUNTY Innovative gimmick Well advertised Third Place - BOONE COUNTY ' ‘ ‘
COLOR ‘ OUTLOOK, Suzanne Dickerson Good use of color- RECORDER, John Cobb ' r}
" First Place - THE CENTRAL Great idea! Don't use purple on black in mud Place ' SHELBYVILLE Very original! Center the body copy. ’ i
3 RECORD, Pam Fathergill/Shon headline. Needs a stronger call to SENTINEL NEWS, Roberta Chesser ; '
Hampton action. Good color, well printed. Good lay out. Category 12 . ENTERTAINMENT/
Good use of color to emphasize the DINING i
"Lions." Football an work fits ad Category 4 - FINANCIAL Category 8 - REAL ESTATE First Place - WAYNE COUNTY i
perfectly. Easy to read. First Place - PULASKI WEEK. Stuart First Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTI- OUTLOOK, Melinda Jones ii;
. Second Place - CAMPBELL Simpson NEL NEWSr Judy James Good reader appeal, backed by , ;
g ‘ COUNTY RECORDER, Kelly Well organized. Ad really sells the Eye-catching, warm feeling. more coupons_ ,
Pearrnan . bank. Easy to read. Shows reasons to personal than most real estate ads. Second Place - TRIBUNE COURIER, :
Martise very attractive. Good use of bank here. G00d use Of 0010l- Terri Dunnigan 3 l :-j:
I color. All around easy to read ad. Second Place — SHELBYVILLE Second Place ' ANDERSON NEWS! ' Shouldn't be a hungry person with this «2;; .--. _
. Third Place - GREENSBURG SENTINEL NEWS, Debbie Ballard Bud Garrison choice of dining places. " ya
: RECORD HERALD, Walt Gorin Sells bank services. Eye-catching Easy to read, nice layout. would catch Third Place - OLDHAM ERA, f} "g
For two-color ad , very effective. graphics. This bank has many outstand- my eye in was a potential buyer. Dorothy Abernathy
Placement of vehicles is exactly ing ads. It was difficult to choose. Third Place ' SHELBYVILLE Dominates page. I -
correct. Eye-catching adil Third Place - LEBANON ENTER-. SENTINEL NEWS. Judy JameSIPatty Honorable Mention - PAINTSVILLE '
3 . , PRISE, Mary May/John Bramel Gaston , HERALD, Jennifer Maynard , -f
Beautiful color! This ad will be read by Eloodérlsei of clip art and good type Nice holiday theme. » ; 3
f everyone. A wonderful example of ace. a '0 566 it's “0t crammed Z
weekly Class 3 bank's community envolvement. together for eye appeal. Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS ,V‘
Category 1 -.DEPARTMENT/ Honorable Mention - FRANKLIN Honorable Mention - OLDHAM ERA. First Place- WAYNE COUNTY *
.3 , DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES FAVORITE, Betty Gentry Victor Giancola OUTLOOK, Staff i
.. FF“ Place ‘ PULASKI WEEK! Stuart Terrific community involvement. This CW3 design, hilt pictures too small, Wonderful, chock full of ads edition, ' _ 2,.
3. Simpson 3 bank addresses the most serious would have been better if sold was all well done for the customer! Good 3 ‘_ :
Well organized. G°°d use Of screens problem facing small communities bigger. Next time “'3’ to sell idea bigger sales job and nice presswork. j
‘g gawk; EasyATrlfztAClflAN today. so you can enlarge concept Second Place - CYNTHIANA ' ;’
n ace - DEMOCRAT, Staff ‘ '2
3 NEWS EXPRESS. Betty Bogar Category 5 . PROFESSIONAL Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES Very, very well done. Can I take this ’ g3
5. Very strong. Dominates the page. Easy SERVICES , F‘m Place '_KEN1:UCKY STAN' home with me? You've obviously been - ,
to find Items readers may want First Place — UNION COUNTY DARD, Sheila Cecrl doing this one for years, and it probably .—
; 3 “ll“! P130“: ‘ PAINTSVILLE "ER' ADVOCATE, Lisa Turner 3 (300d headline (illlllt is £001), domi- _ _ gets better every year. Lots of support
' A”), Jennifer Maynard Excellent design and use of color. nant illustration. G00d use Of 00k!- and shelf life.
. Strong call to aotron-n Shows good 3 Second Place - APPALACHIAN Easy to read product inforrnation and Third Place - PAINTSVILLE HER- '; j ‘
§~ made” bend?“ “’"h “°'"‘°“ey,*1°“’“ NEWS EXPRESS. Joyce Pinson Prices. ALD, Jennifer Maynard/Sheila Whitt/ it
3. often. Headline above art work 15 lost. Nice appearance and use of high tech Second Place - APPALACHIAN Maijie Hall i
; Honorable Mention - APPALA- “mg NEWS EXPRESS, Teresa Fields- Nice job of getting ads and building .13 ,
:3 CHIAN NEWS EXPRESS. Betty _ Branham them special for the customer.
Bogar 3, gadgétaceée?ANKLlN FAVOR. 600d flow, use Of illustrations. Honorable Mention - ANDERSON
3: Clean. "easy to read, Needs a call to W333i devgopedtgyafimal H0 3333 Third Place - PAINTSVILLE HER. NEWS, Missy Feland/Bud amigo“
f $822331 3:22: reason for reader to Week double truck Sp 3:01; SEC“? Whig; 3 Good Great job on a delicate subject. Nice 3
“- ' ' . ' g, omlnan ustratlon. use looking ad. .
.3» Honorable Mention - UNION of white space. .i
f refit; - SHELBYVILLE SENTI- BOX/Li‘sa Turner Category 10 - MULTIPLE STAFF 3:33;“ 14 ' GROUP PROMO- i
. 5 NEL NEWS, Troy 3- McCracken ’ 600d chOlce Of a“ and layout. PARTICIPATION/"SIG" PAGE First Place _ KENTUCKY ST AN- 3:5‘3
Timely tTieme, dominant illustration First Place - BOONE COUNTY D ARD, Sheila Cecil i
. well otgeollflmld". ShOWS scum?!» 93%” 6 ' FOOD AND DRUG RECORDER. Sandra Daniel Beautiful, well laid-out ad! Nice use of 2;
. ' call to action With "bring the kids," F‘m Place ' “ARRODSBURG Nice, clean design, pictures and theme E
33 good ad. HERALD, Bill Mudd - continued on page 6 g
I ‘ ' l

 i 1/ a Page 5 z
: ~ , _ ,_ 1, ~ 11! l 4
’ iii " = 1‘~ 6w w: w ‘11 -
A {9113101011 Bag SALE 1 v
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1' 3‘53“ ' , _ £313» .-.._.\
.211 _ - ' \ \. --—‘-- ' ‘ U” ." V3,.
_ y or 15% Reductlons On All _. “' , fill Jewelry
First Place *3 1:,Summer Merchandlse M ' -
7 Weekly Class 1 35 . ' ' >E\_\ M
Clothing Stores . 3»: BMSYW 01"" .. (MBA; » _.
‘ ”‘ i”. " Brown Bag! (/71 , y
McLean County News . m . b m
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1 LA , Cash or Check S . . 1 -,,, >
r 4 1219 Sk 1m D’ W .1 -;W “i
A A. Q“ Monday—Snlludnyemoggff EA 7
, .f‘ ”v 1 Butwlfly h— » 1 ‘
1.3""- " .n—z... !. ,. :2“ 1.1-1, ,1’ 1, ..u, . ..., 1 .‘d-i“:
! - (tiff-17:1
FAWHERé DAV FlI‘St Place Diamond Rings, Pendants, 8 Earrings ‘51?"
' Daily Class 2 a Colored Stones, 14K ChainsUBraclelets 41.43) ‘
' ' l' ' 8 Earrin 5, Sterling Si ver ewe ry
Clothmg Stores rilllwdfilln Wgatches 30-50% off .
Kentucky New Era Cm Clocks 1/2 Price 3 _ ~
‘ l . Sale Ends Saturday, July 6, 1991 V -- ‘
.. ‘ 111......1 11w 1 . — 1 ' Biggest Event of the Summer ‘
1 1~ ‘
a; A '7. y'l.‘ _ {beg-'1 Friday 11:00 a,m.-1;oo p,m. 1: ‘
‘ 1 . M , .W . 1/ , Stop by for Free HotDogs and l) v
A ,. ‘ :- A e f l' . \ ”7 Ice Cold Lemonade 5, , 1 '17
. A .: 11),. . * 1 J, v to eruoy while you shop. “
‘94: » 3 'u/ 1;?! “I '- , ’ . ' V - V .
"I: I; ivfif 3" . ~' ' ‘ Ma_m11 Em! PUCkett'S JCWClry
- " T: 1% t “w“ 111111111; ,‘°ifil’l§1§‘_§‘i‘“"°“'"%3'JL1?2§§"£2‘$‘7'““
:5:— iii-k-" 53%;: fl Cash Welcome: 527-3040 395-81 14
1" Mi 4% Fm Place I In R l J i l 1‘ 4 l '
‘ 1 .. . ~ , Weekly Class 1 '
K #11. Department/ Discount/ Jewelry Stores ’
. , (‘1: ‘ The Lake News . . .
‘ n , ..
» . DOOR #1, #2 AND #3 .
. ‘ 7 v”; JR» ,1“ ’4‘: , r
1 - . . I“ if - » , 1 , . 411.1% 1| V -
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_ - , ‘ . .-' ' -_ r *' “if: J "515 : "i , 7;. 5" far? -11 ‘L- " :Ai :
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it ,4, ' . . i~<‘-—‘ _—__. :2 :;. j ‘gT—é fl ’iTfl fi' ._*.—_~‘_.E:_;A:
...' .,..,,..;. .. ‘ A. ' .» = .. 1 , Before you choose a door of your own, maybe you should find the perfect bank for you. That's Us. At Cardinal ' l
' I 1 ' Fegegil we offer adjusicable rate mortgagee, fixed rate, balloon loans, and bi-weekly adjustable rate mortgage
For Dad 5 Favorltes afiesfio: '11:; $32: smfiixggeyztlfign? YOUIl needs, More 1mportantly. we re available to answer ..
. i I Cardinal Federal knows you'll be looking hard for that right home for you. Isn't it nice. you won't have to loolr
' J B l ' that hard for the right bank. For a better tomon'ow,’stop by and see Tim or call 273—5235. , -‘
-aleys- c» 1 - ‘ "*
. MEN'S WEAR v Fed r3] --;_=_-;.\ v _ .
Wesleyan Park Plaza, Owensboro Q.“ ‘ Sa . e {2%} ,
Monday - Frlday 10-5, Saturday 10-5. flunk»? “mm Calhoun ' vmgs Bank “mam r €
Closed Sunday . " ' --,A. — «« ——- < ,. — " *“ ...—“......AA. 1 . 1 ~ -' :' .
VISA, Mastercard. Amerlcan Express, First Place '
-Layaway Avallablc Financial
> ‘ Weekly Class 1 McLean County News --

 Page 6 , . _ .
;‘ . ~ 5 Beautiful four-color. Extremely MESSENGER, Jennifer Cobb A top revenue producer and reader
.5" continuedfrom‘ page 4 effective. , Nice layout. Leading is a little cramped interest. ‘5
., - Third Place - APPALACHIAN in body copy. Honorable Mention - WINCHESTER
-_ ' , , NEWS EXPRESS, Betty Bogar ' SUN, Carol Parker
. 5 color and good 10b 0f va‘dmg enough Arresting. Excellent artistically. Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL A great local heart photo.
l ' . Space so Sponsors could Promote their Elegant, befitting a fashion tab. SERVICES - - , - s‘
Products or service Honorable Mention - WAYNE First Place - HENDERSON '
. Second Place - OLDHAM ERA, Staff COUNTY OUTLOOK, Suzanne GLEANER, Janet Morgan figfigfifREAT‘VE USE 0F 5‘
Nice use of color and well done ads. Dickerson Impactll First Pl WINCHESTER SUN 15"
GOOd sales job! 5 , Very attractive, extremely eye- Second Place - MURRAY LEDGER Carol Pig]. 5 £3
3 ”Hard Place - PAINTSVILLE HER- catching. _ , & TIMES, Laura Dougherty ' La, h t f m . 1 di ,1, {a
a; ALD, Jennifer Maynard/S heila Whitt/ - Third Place - HENDERSON conlgiifo: ll]: flOore 535.155 lifts ef 55‘"
, Marjie Hale GLEANER, Shannon Burns . 5 . ‘ ° 5
- Great idea! This 00“” be 501d any- Nice idea. Logo could be a little larger reader appeal mm a Simple theme. 5:
:5 where. Nice size ads to allow promo- D 311 C1 1 55 Second Place - RICHMOND REGIS- 35
“0"” Space ' y ass Category 6 - FOOD AND DRUG {fifgfifig‘fifii’ggn d be t d 75
5‘5 5 5 5 Category 1 'DEPARTMENT/ First Place ' DANVILLE ADVO; services offtllred to [11:33“ if U a 55
5 Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREET- DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES CATE MESSENGER, Jerry Dunn/ Third Place _ WDDLE5§01§3 5 a:
,l First Place - KENTUCKY STAN- CLEANER Debra Fritz Great ad idea Great ad . ’ e _
,t , . . _ ’ , - Paper lists a who's who of advertisers ’-
_, DARE. Joan Hardin . Beautiful! The use of color is eye- Second Place - HENDERSON in a creative la out Ad ert' '11 555:;
it How different” Whose idea 50 Pl" catching and very appealing. You don't GLEANER, Nancy Hamilton have fun findiny their anelsiflrtltvel maze 3%
‘ management first, Why not sort even need the copy to understand a Bright, colorful and easy to read. of names g ‘
,; alphabetically? birthday celebration is in order! Third Place - SOMERSE