xt7gf18scn87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18scn87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-07-21 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 21, 1989, no. 554 text The Green Bean, July 21, 1989, no. 554 1989 1989-07-21 2014 true xt7gf18scn87 section xt7gf18scn87   I
Come one and all to the Library Staff Organization picnic Friday,
July 21, from 11:30 am — 1:30 pm in the Botanical Gardens (the
area between M.I. King Library and the Student Center). Members
will bring a dish; non—members will bring a dish and pay a $3.00
fee. If it rains, the picnic will be held in the staff lounge,
King North.
In addition to food and fellowship, we will be treated to ` `
entertainment from 12:00 noon to 12:45 pm by Tim Lake, a nation-
ally recognized singer/songwriter and master banjo and guitar _
player. Tim performs original and traditional selections in his
distinctive style. In any given show, one can hear jazz,
country, rock, or bluegrass, all performed with the versatility
of a polished artist. Tim and his group have represented the
United States in international music festivals in Ecuador and
Austria. He has released three albums of original songs and has ,
played with Earl Scruggs, Lester Flatt, Bill Monroe, and Ricky _*
_ See you at the picnic! (Submitted by Judy Brown.) _
The Agriculture Library will be vacating offices on July 25th for L
some long awaited renovation. This will require the removal of
all phones except the 7-8369 number. It is not certain where ;
this phone will be placed, so answering it may be a problem. The Q
Library offices are expected to be back in business by August '
9th, but that depends on the painters and other installers. If
your call can wait, please do so, otherwise try the 7-8369
number. The library itself will be open as usual with some -
‘Ihé Newsletter of the University
• O
of Kentucky Libraries v

Theresa Wiley asks that all mail for the CAER (formerly KCERL and
KECL) Library be sent to:
CAER Library ‘
Iron works Pike
00251 , ·
Rush items can be Faxed to 257-0220. The new phone number is 7-
- ¤** F¤£5rQ:E¥C)r4i\I£5L. fJ¢Z77'£Z£S` Mk
STAFF ACTIVITIES your staff, however, which
made the experience complete.
Lew Bowling, Music Librarian, They were both helpful and
was initiated into the Beta knowledgeable -- the two °
Beta Theta Chapter (University things every researcher needs
of Iowa) of Beta Phi Mu, from a library staff.
international library science _
honor society, on June 16, Once again, thank you for your
1989. help. I look forward to
seeing you again in San g §
· Francisco in December.
Terry Birdwhistle recently FROM THE EDITOR
received the following letter
from Alex Burckin of Fountain ·
Valley, CA: Bonnie Cox has retired as
Editor of the Green Bean due
I I’m writing to express my to the increased respon-
appreciation to you and your sibilities of her new position
staff, especially Claire as Director of women’s
~ McCann, for the help and Studies. She served as Editor •
guidance offered me during my for, I believe, six years and
recent trip to Kentucky. I has handed on a publication
T gathered some very good which is informative and
, material from your archives professional in appearance and
which will prove very helpful tone. Bonnie certainly
in writing my dissertation. deserves our thanks and
appreciation for her efforts,
The facilities of the King and as the new editor I hope
Library were very conducive to to maintain the standards she
research. It was, indeed, a has set.
, pleasure to work there. It was Lew Bowling

 Held, Gilbert. Communicating with the IBM PC Series: Concepts,
Hardware, Software, Networking. (Chichester: Wiley, 1988).
[TK5105.7 .H438 1988]. (Submitted by Rob Aken.)
Suchanek, Jeffrey Scott. "Conversations with the Past: Piecing
Together the Fabric of Our Lives," The Circuit Rider. (12/4,
July~Aug. 1989, 1).
This is the text of a speech given by the editor of the Oral
History Program at UK at the Danville "Conversations with the
Past" Oral History workshop in May 1989.
¤¤ .JVc)£3 C)I¤’£5r¢.1Tr¢¢$:i3 ·#¤
CALIFORNIA Salary: none listed. Deadline:
August 4, 1989.
Assistant Librarian, Systems
Architecture & Landscape Department, University of
Architecture Librarian, Deleware. Salary: none listed.
University of California, . Deadline: September 8, 1989.
Berkeley. Salary: $26,136 — Data Base Management Coor-
$33,444. Deadline: August 31, dinator, University of
· 1989. Deleware. Salary: none listed.
French and Italian Collections Deadline; August 15, 1989.
Librarian, University of
V California, Berkeley. Salary:
$26,136 — $35,088. Deadline:
September 30, 1989. GEORGIA
.Assistant Head, Reference »
Librarian, University of
California, Berkely. Salary: Director of Library Services,
$26,136 — $33,444. Deadline: North Georgia College. Salary:
September 1, 1989 none listed. Deadline:
September 25, 1989 or until
Serials Cataloging Section filled.
Head, University of California,
Santa Barbara. Salary: $26,136
— $46,020. Deadline: August 31,
Assistant Librarian, North—`
DELAWARE western University. Salary:
. $21,000 · $24,000. Deadline:
September 8, 1989.
Assistant Librarian, ILL/Copy
Center, University of Delaware.

 . Ku
Assistant Librarian/Technical Serials Cataloger, University
Services, Indiana University, of Oklahoma. Salary: $28,966.
Kokomo. Salary: $23,000. Deadline: September 15, 1989.
Deadline: August 15, 1989 or Social Sciences Reference
until filled. Librarian, University of
Oklahoma. Salary: $28,966
minimum. Deadline: September
. 15, 1989.
Associate Director for Public TEXAS
Services, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Salary: none given. Deadline: Reference Librarian/Collection
August 1989 or until filled. Development, Rice University.
Salary; $22,000 minimum.
Deadline; October 15, 1989.
Database Search Service/User
NEW YORK Education Coordinator, Rice
University. Salary: $22,000
minimum. Deadline: October 15,
Director, Administrative 1989.
Services, New York University.
Salary: $40,000 minimum.
· Deadline: August 31, 1989.
OHIO Head, Humanities/Social
Sciences Reference, washington
. State University, Pullman.
Assistant Acquisitions Libra- Salary: $19,740 — $27,492.
rian, Youngstown State Univer- Deadline: September 15,1989.
sity. Salary: $16,937 —
$29,067. Deadline: until
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.