xt7gf18scn39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18scn39/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1946 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 1946 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 1946 1946 1946 2014 true xt7gf18scn39 section xt7gf18scn39 "'—`-`Y”—
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Courier, Mary Bulkley of Grosse Pointe, Michigan ,
Mounted on Heather
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Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. ·
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year I
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Ofllce at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879." ,
Copyright 1946 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

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  I -1;-  `
V ·  V - A Letter Home Alice Accelson 16 `
  »·_. A Voice From Not So Far Away ;
  J  ;,·. (A Poem) R. A. Bolton 23 E
__:     I Beyond the Mountains 55 p
qi A  *; Burden (A Poem) R. G. Eberhart 11
    Christmas Lingers Catherine Cirves 22
{ ‘     Dr. and Mrs. Waters and Children
  _  * (Photograph) Inside Back Cover
    Drink Ye All of It , E. Dent Lackey 2
gl Farewell Petunia Ethel Gonzalez 18
° Field Notes 65
; Frontier Nursing Service, New York Lucille Knechtly 49
Mountain Social Service Clara-Louise Schiefer 13
,,_, Old Courier News 40
Old Staff News 24
One Winter Week Catherine Uhl 51
’ Rose Anna Came (Illus.) Rose Evans 5
Teaching Is a Joy (Illus.) Henry S. Waters 3
The Floater and Her Horse (Cartoons) Bertha Bloomer 38-39
Too Soon, Mr. Stork Anna May January 20
"Whar’s My Mail?" (Illus.) Hazel Meyer 8
Attention—First Grade 54
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Butler (Photograph) 71
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry,
2 'Kf Jr. (Photograph) 50
  Cold Facts Bulletin, Ky. Dept. ofHealth 4
in ,>· From a Carpenter’s Shop The Pe0ple’s Friend 15
    I Have Two Basic Convictions Harry S. Kennedy, D. D. 54
.; Just J okes—Army Rank 48
{ Just J okes—-Houseboy 54
I So Were It Good John Gower 15
. Tools (Illus.) 17
We Have Today George Adam Smith 54
What Do You Say? Ruth Boswell 12

Drink ye all el il, all. nel iusl a sup—
Drink my laillrm, my love, said Jesus, _  
y Drink llwe lullness el my cup. l
l Drink ye all el il, all, nel iusl my peace—— l
{ Drink my dangerous living, dying- l .
Drink my learless, glad release. T
D Drink ye all el il. all, nel iusl llwe swee+——  
Drink my biller lears el anguisl1——  
` Drink lime dregs el my deleal.  
Drink ye all el il, all. nel iusl my pain— '  
Drink my icy el lile abundan’r—  
Drink my lriumplw, drink my reignl    
—E. Dent Lackey    
The Bulletin of Calvary Bapttst Church, Washington, D. c.  ·  

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3 Dr. Waters and Six Students of the Frontier Graduate School
of Midwifery.
I Teaching is a joy when you have two conditions fulfilled:
. students who are interested in the subject matter rather than in
{ passing the examinations; and plenty of practical material_ to
2 I supplement the classroom instruction. We have both in the
E Graduate School of Midwifery here. I
if Certainly no graduate nurse takes this course, with its
. strenuous days and nights in the saddle and at lonely cabins in
I z the hills, just to "get by" an examination. They are interested
_   in learning to be midwives, to give the best possible care to
I   mothers and babies at all stages—and that is reflected in their
é classroom attitude and in their questions and discussions.
 Q lg Equally gratifying is the wealth of practical illustrative
Q material supplied by the twenty or more deliveries done by the
{   students themselves in the Hospital and on the district in each

* E
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é six months’ course. Hardly a single condition or complication E
, is touched on in the lectures that you can’t say, "Remember  
Minnie B. who was in clinic or Hospital last., ...,..... ," and you  
V T know with that personal observation that the lesson will stick.  
The "theory" of tuberculosis and pregnancy becomes real and  
personal to the student in following the progress and manage-   _
ment of Mattie H. The subject of position and presentation L ,
leaves the instructor no chance to take refuge in "theory" when  
facing the student across the patient, with the X-ray as irre- "
_ futable evidence in cases of question. So it goes, normal and
» abnormal, toxemias, difliculties, complications-—the students see
  and follow them all and have abundant opportunity to translate ;
classroom lectures into terms of their own experience. Hardly  
` a class hour breaks up without one or more students coming up  
with a question, "I had a patient last week who ............. I’m go-  
ing up to see her tomorrow. What shall I take for her ‘?"  
As the weeks pass with their lectures, discussions, hospital  
demonstrations, and district deliveries and you see the novice  
develop into the experienced midwife, capable of handling ma-  
ternity cases "on her own," there comes the final satisfaction of A
a teacher. Such teaching is a joy. {
· ¤
· {
001.1) FACTS  
Colds are the largest single source of lost man hours in industry. _  
Only one person in 4 goes through the winter without a cold.   .
Even in the summer month of July about one person in every 20 is  
suffering from a cold.  
The age group 20-29 has the lowest number of colds—the under 10 · {
years of age, the highest.  .
People who spend the least money for food have the most colds. L
Drops in temperature are followed by outbreaks of colds}  Z T
-——RulletvZn of the Department of Health, Y 
Commonwealth of Kentucky, January, 1946  ; ‘

§ c
  ROSE EVANS, R.N., c.M. l
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‘ This was supposed to have been a routine prenatal visit on
, Mandy, who was nearly at term, and as Old Man Winter was
li having everything his own way, the ground being a mass of ice
Ii covered with snow, my only mode of travel was my own two
{ feet, so carrying just the essentials for the visit, I started.
i A The going was uneventful until I came to the creek—there
  skates would have been better—but keeping my eyes on the
  ground and picking my way, I passed several cabins without
¢{ I mishap. Nearing the last, something caught my eye, whatever
{   was that on the telephone line? My eyes left the ground—and
  then so did my feet! Could it possibly be! Yes, it was. The
  family wash, a neater array I have never seen, pegged Hrmly to
, i our one and only mode of communication in case of emergency. _
 I I sat, stared, and gasped.
  Regaining a posture of dignity, I resumed my travel, as
 Q the family were out-—nothing could be done about it just then.
 ° I I had heard of this being done——but had not actually seen it.
I  . The mountain climb was a feat in itself. I leave that to the

 * — i
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M Reader’s imagination. Arriving at the cabin at last, I breath-  
c lessly slid up to the door and sank with relief into a chair. Dur-  
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i ing a few moments of ease I noticed all was not well with Mandy,  
for she was in labor, Joe had been just about to come for me.  
Activity began again. Joe started posthaste for my mid- p
wifery bags. Mandy’s six eldest children, ranging from eight
to thirteen, built fires, chopped wood, carried water. I searched j
the cabin frantically for items to improvise the essentials for de- {
livery—as Rose Anna was on the way.  
We waited, six pairs of eyes watching me. Something was  
amisseno bags——no baby-because babies always come in sad- €_
, dle bags. I explained. Soon, six little faces lit up. Pappy was
heard crooning, and a man slid into the cabin. The bags, what a
` . In no time all was ready. In the  
 F lean-to kitchen—six little people, 1
 :'A np _ M   2 two impatient dogs, the fire crack-  
T _;   \ =   ling, and the water bubbling. Rose  
-— —— K ’ P fn l ` I Anna did not keep me waiting long.  V}
  ’ ’} li  I l She came in a hurry and with a  
   4     . _ howl to her one sister and iive  ~§
;  »   nv! _ i l brothers, in a room made warm j l
  I `     and cozy by their constant chop-  v
Q     _   ‘ ping and replenishing of the big ¥
-§) - ·\—.~ MK mg nm. ·  Q
·· 1 ‘ .
/ My work finished, Mandy and  
the baby made comfortable, I pre-  ,|

5 pared to leave and was given a wonderful spiked stick to help
  me along, with instructions not to spike myself.
? I left—what a night—the moon was shining, touching the
f » trees with silver and casting their shadows in crazy patterns on
l the gleaming snow.
' 1 All was so still—now. Just a rustle of the wind in the snow-
1 laden branches, dislodging a flurry of snow, like tinsel falling-
? I a cow bell away off—then silence again.
V I breathed deeply and commenced to climb, clutching at
j every branch and bringing down a shower of snow on myself.
l In so doing I lost my stick, so continued on my hands and knees
. until I reached the summit. Down the other side was one big
I slide until I landed in the creek. For about the twentieth time I
. picked myself up and, with the moon behind me—and the stars
I above——a new baby tucked away over that mountain—I called it
j a day, for Rose Anna had come.
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T . BY g
Assistant Postmaster at Wendover, Kentucky. ·
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Wendover is an institutional Post Office but, although over  
. . . 1 Q
ninety per cent of the mail 1S F.N.S., the Wendover Post Office  
carries mail also for the families in the district. Because of its A ’
institutional character, the Wendover Post Office revenues go  ;
to the Frontier Nursing Service and not to any individual. Soon  r
after I came to the Frontier Nursing Service in 1943 I was sworn .
in as assistant postmaster. ‘ .
Since the majority of the people in the district have the  
last name of either Adams or Morgan, it was a mighty difficult , I
job learning who belonged to whom, and who got whose mail. E
"Whose mail do you want, little boy ?" "The Morgan’s." "Which _ E
Morgan ?" "Well, my name is Bill." You proceed to look through I  
all the mail belonging to the Morgans. When you tell the lad ” l
there isn’t any mail for him today, he then begins to name the  
' (

_ Fnonrrrmn NURSING snnvxcn _Q
  members of his family, one by one, and you look through the
Q Morgan’s mail after each person is named. After doing this
a few times, you know this particular family very well. I was
E told on my first day in the Post Office that it was the postmas-
`   ter’s privilege to read the post cards. That too helped me learn
  the families (among other things!). After I had been working
{  in the Wendover Post Office for some time and thought I knew
I almost everybody, an elderly lady came in for mail. I thought
g she was Mrs. So-and-So from away up on the right fork of
Camp Creek. I gave her the mail which I thought belonged to
, her, whereupon she immediately replied, "No, that’s not me;
  that’s my twin sister." Why doesn’t somebody tell me these
y things? y
 P The mail truck that takes our mail into Hyden starts its
 Y daily journey up near the head of the Middlefork River, and
; stops at all the little Post Oiiices along the way, picking up mail,
Q  and carrying it on into Hyden. When the river is high and
 ¥ "in tide" there are times when the truck can’t get out up river,
neither can it get in here. We always manage to get our own
 A first—class mail into town by courier, and bring back the mail for
 ¥ the F.N.S. If the truck hasn’t been able to get in for a few days
  with all the packages and the district mail, we get somebody to 4
1 bring it to the Mouth of Muncie, assisted by one of the Wendover
,‘_| assistant postmasters to make it official. We then carry it in
  here on horses. I never rode horseback much before I came to
 Fi the mountains. Little did I know when I was made the assistant
 ‘ postmaster in charge of the Wendover Post Office that there
 g would be times when I would be riding in with a bag of mail
 , swung across each knee, and two swung across the back of the
  saddle. That is the surest way I know to keep you in the saddle.
  Since we are a fourth-class Post Office we don’t give special
  delivery service. Sometimes, too, telegrams come in the mail for
Y]° people in the district. If either a special delivery letter or a tele-
A gram comes in, we try to find somebody that is going that way
i and send it by them. Many times we have been unable to find
l someone going that way and I have gotten on a horse and de-
 ’ livered it. I always "jump at" the chance to visit with some of
my mountain friends for a chat in front of the fire. Many of
I them stop by the Post Office on their way up or down the creek
4 .

to inquire for mail, bid the time of day, and talk "a spel1." I .
, learned the other day that by the "sign of the woolly worm" Q
 { (the woolly worm this fall was black on both ends and brown in ,
the middle—so they tell me) the middle of this winter in Ken- ”
tucky would be quite mild and the beginning and end would be  
quite cold, icy, rough and rugged. I wonder if the poor little .
woolly worm knows what a tremendous responsibility he has  
on his shoulders. . `
V One of the men that works here at Wendover very oblig- X
ingly carries mail for a lot of the families that live up his way. ?
1 _ He can’t read, but, as I have observed, he seems to have his pock-  
I ets marked in the back of his mind. As we give him the mail, we _ 
, always tell him to whom it belongs. One family’s mail always , 
goes in his right coat pocket, another’s always goes in his back  F
left pants pocket, and so on. They tell me that he never gets  ,_
it mixed up, and everybody always gets the mail that belongs to  i
them.  `
Many of the people order baby chicks from the hatcheries  
in Kentucky and nearby states. Spring is always heralded into  
our mountain Post Office by the "peep, peep, peep" of these iirst Q 
arrivals. It is against the rules and regulations of the Post Office  f2
to feed or water them, so we immediately make every effort pos-  
sible to get word to their owners that they are here. One of the  A
· women who works in our laundry had ordered one hundred baby Z 
chicks last season. The day they arrived she was home "ailin’ ~
with a cold." At 4:00 o’clock I mounted Calico, and with the ’
reins in one hand, the one hundred chicks in a cardboard box  ;
resting on the saddle, and a rain coat tied across the back of the
saddle, I began my four-mile ride up the creek as delivery boy. ‘ g
Calico is a bit skittish, and the peeping of the chicks and the  —,
faraway rumble of thunder didn’t add much to the smoothness ·!
of the ride. In my rush to get off I’d forgotten that the box was    
cardboard, and that it too would need protection from the im-  i
pending rain. The rains came! I had visions of a melted box and  ~
wee chicks taking to the hills in every direction, but the coat ’
went over the box and the chicks arrived at their destination ·  .
quite safely. I was a bit wet. f
Trees and plants come in C. O. D. When they aren’t claimed  _
we have to sell them for what they bring. I became a salesman j I

Fnoummn NURQIEG snnvicn 11
several times, and confronted everybody I met with, "Are you
{ sure you wouldn’t like to buy some lovely cherry or apple trees
i cheap ‘?" They were almost as glad as I was to see the end of the
E fruit tree season.
A Then there is the Wendover staff to cope with. The mail
_ comes in quite often right before lunch. I "put it up" and then
go in to the lunch table. All of the secretaries and nurses speak
, ' up at the same time with, "Did I get any interesting mail today ?"
i "Who’s it from?", "Did my last Tuesday’s paper come yet?",
. and so forth. For some reason, unbeknown to me, I am sup-
, posed to know the answers to all of the questions, and sometimes
  I do. I have become a good listener. Everybody reads me their
  mail. I know about Uncle J ohn’s heart attack, and Art’s landing
v  in Tokyo, Mary’s baby, and The Captain who is out catching `
 p mackerel in the Bay. A
 Q So goes the life in the Wendover Post Oiiice. Never a dull
 · moment, and each day different from the one that went before.
  . By `
¤ Whoever lives beside a mountain knows.
f Although he dares not speak it out. that he
 . lviust always carry on his heart the snows
That burden down the trees. And never the sea
·‘ Will rush around him cool. like snow cooled air,
Q _ And carry him and Iitt him like a leat.
  l l··le will not tind this lightness anywhere
  Since mountains brood, they hold dark league with griet.
  - The pine trees never tire ot moving down
  The slo es to meet him. pointing up trom town
  Beyondgthe tree—line to the rigid peaks.
 Q The mountain holds him though it never speaks.
  He scrambles over boulders on his knees
 I Trying to reach the summit, like the trees.

 i . E
E _ 2
 Y Collected by BOZZIE ‘
(Ruth Boswell, R.N.)  
Brownie: And now we’ll look at the placenta. 4
Eva: If you girls will come here now, I’ll show you this. Q
McCracken: Wait once.
Mrs. Oervis: Isn’t it bee-u—ti-ful? I just lo-ove it!  
( Amy: What is it? J I
  Audrey: What’ve you got there? i
, Jean: Has anybody watered the horses?  
A Penny: I’m sorry, but- . 
  Dr. Waters: Don’t write that down, but-  
Buck: Yes, what can I do for you? Have _you seen the  
Puppies ?  
Gonnie: No, you don’t. T
Sammy: Who’s had my records out?  
Bozzie: Can I walk there? Y
Alonzo: Are you ready for your horse?  
Rose Avery: I think we’d better see that patient.  *'
Mattie: You’ll get nothing in this kitchen but a glass of  
water and that’s all.  
Mary LeFevre: I have to feed the chickens.  i
’ Glenn: Where is the nurse that wanted me to do-  
Bertha Bloomer: Hit’s a sight.  
Aggie: Send me your order for one.  ?
Lucille Hodges: Hello, there.  
Marion Shouse Lewis: Would you like a coke ?  JQ
Jerry: Will you look at your time sheet for the 10th of .  
June ?    
Pete: Anybody home? _ J g
Freddie: (She says everything and anything).  
Celia: Now, if we put that color paint here and that  
color there, and etc., etc., etc.  A
Bea: I’ll see. Q
V Sherry: Good heavens.  AE
Chappie: (Nothing).  
Petania’s calf: Baw-w-w-w- T  `, ,
(And may we never forget our Petunia!) :,   

% Fnoiwxmn Nunsmo smzviom is
si By
  CLARA-LOUISE SCHIEFER, B.A., Social Service Secretary
j Of the Frontier Nursing Service, under the Alpha Omicron Pi Annual Grant.
. In the Wendover district, Delia was not at all well and the
,  doctor thought that her decayed teeth were partially the cause
2  of her weakened condition. Delia lived up Camp Creek about
 · eight miles from the highway. It was more than she could face:
  a trip on foot in the stony, wet creekbed, a five-mile walk on the
*  highway to the bus, then a twenty-mile ride to the dentist in
  Hazard, the waiting there, and the return trip. And several
  trips are involved when twenty-two teeth are to be pulled and
 F a plate fitted a few months later. Then, too, the expense of the
  trips and extractions and plate could not be met for quite some
  time. Her husband had a steady job but not much is left of the
  weekly wages when groceries and clothes are bought for a fam-
 I ily of seven. The social worker told Delia that she would drive
  her to the dentist (along with some other patients in similar
  financial circumstances) and she would pay the dentist bill, which
 5, Delia’s husband could repay at a dollar a week.
  Delia had a neighbor stay with the iive little children, and
  then she walked to a relative’s house near Wendover where she
l "took" the night. Next morning it was an easy walk to the high-
 { way (three miles on a wagon road) where she got the ride
  straight to Hazard. It was about four o’clock when she got
A   back to the mouth of the creek, but Delia was so anxious to get
. Z home to her husband and children that she walked all eight miles
 _` —-after having had ten teeth extracted! and being car sick, too!
. Four trips like that and Delia got her "store teeth." She felt
 · much better, she said.
 QE However, the total bill for the dentist came to sixty dollars,
  and even one dollar was impossible some Weeks. First a newly-
 i, I purchased cow had to be paid for, and then spring planting time
  came along and seeds just had to be bought. Before the dentist

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• L
i bill was paid, Delia had to have an expensive operation at our .
 g Hyden Hospital. It was not so "expensive" comparatively speak-
. ing, as the charge was only a dollar a day (regular charge for  
adults, children are free), for three weeks’ hospitalization, and g
the surgeon gave his services. Since the husband was having i
such a bad time with his many bills, and small wages, and really =
trying to pay all he could spare, Social Service was glad to be p
able to help this family by paying the remainder of the dental ,
J bm. * 
i Jessie is a crippled woman; her legs have a paralysis that i
is growing worse. For several years now she has had to rely V 
upon a cane when walking; now the cane is needed to support  —
her even when she is standing still. And with this handicap,  .
there are four lively children to be looked after—and she a di— .
vorced woman with no man to help her. Social Service has been
interested in this family not only because of the medical atten- 3
tion the mother needed, but because of the children who looked  I
so puny and poorly clad. Clothes were furnished for Jessie and  j_
the children; garden seeds supplied; but that and more didn’t .·a
really help Jessie to get better or make the children better off.  
I Our interest has resulted in the mother permitting the children A
to go off (with our help) to a mountain boarding school this  
year. Their letters home show their progress in school work  ·‘
and their added pounds tell the effects of good food and care.  I
With the children away for the winter, Jessie has been able to T;
look after herself. Examination by our medical director proved  I.
that her condition was too far advanced for our hospital facili— _~ 
ties, so Social Service made arrangements for a specialist (Dr. i
R. Glen Spurling, of Louisville) to see this patient "outside" the JQ
` mountains. Since she has no income anywhere near sufficient
to meet costly bills, the doctor has most graciously offered his  `
services and skills (as he does for all our patients) and Social
Service will meet the hospital bill. By the time school is out, .
Jessie will not be rid of an incurable condition, but progress of
the disease may have been checked and she will be that much  y
better able to care for her children. » 1
. 1

 V . A , A, , A ,_ ,_ ..,, ,..._ . , . A _ _.;n.......::t¤•-::n 
· _ COW _
l . There came a letter beginning with: "I have got seven kids
{ without any milk." It seems that the cow had just died, leaving
hi a large family in the middle of winter without their chief source
E of food. An old and feeble father, a young mother and her chil-
, dren, all without enough income even to begin to buy another
I cow. After making a home visit and getting the information
j that the district nurse could give about this family, it seemed
I  to me wise for Social Service to help get another cow. A half-
L brother offered to help find a cow that would be suitable for this
‘, family, meaning—one used to steep mountainsides, able to forage
‘ for herself in fair weather and to exist on corn and fodder during
.  the leaner months. And give two or three gallons of milk, too!
 · In the meantime, a case of evaporated milk was gotten for this
f family to tide them over until the right cow could be found.
. Such was found and, as soon as Social Service could buy her,
. the half—brother led her up the "holler" to the needy family.
 — For our assistance in this crisis the half—brother was so grateful
` that he offered to refund us for the cow by a few dollars a month
  until she is paid for in full. This was just another instance
  where a little help when most needed has put a family back on
. its own feet, with the relatives taking over as soon as ever they
 -g could.
 , "Life’s a hard grind," said the emery wheel.
 . "It’s·a perfect bore," returned the auger.
 · "It means nothing but hard knocks for me," sighed the nail.
 A "You haven’t as much to go through as I have," put in the saw.
 j "I can barely scrape along," complained the plane.
"And I am constantly being sat upon/’ added the bench.
*5 "Let’s strike," said the hammer.
· I "Cut it out," cried the chisel, "here comes the boss."
  And awl was silence.
J —The Pe0ple’s Friend, England
— So were it good if at this tyde
: That every man upon his syde
, Besought and preyed for the Peace
_· Which is the cause of all increase,
;- Of worship, and of worlde’s wealth,
 _ Of herte’s reste, and soule’s health.
· , —-John Gower "Confessio Amantis" (1393) B00k I.
 · The Challenge Ltd., England.

 r  T-
2 a
¥ . .
9 .
 E · BY .
Student, Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery {
Mother: .
A note, dear, to assure you that although I, alone, was ab- ;
A sent from our home circle this Christmas, I was very happy here. 2
 A T On Christmas Eve it was my turn to be on call for Hospital g
4 deliveries. After a nothing-missing Christmas dinner, the ex-
citement of opening gifts, and the reading of some stories, Bea l- 
‘ . and I were in such holiday spirits that'we made our bed out by  ·
q the Christmas tree in front of the fireplace. The stockings and  ]
pine twigs on the mantle made dancing shadows on the ceiling, `  _~
and it was fun just to watch the fire and feel Christmasy. We ¥ 
had been asleep such a little while when I had to jump up and ; 
get quickly into the proper clothes in which to answer a sum- z, 
mons to the Hospital wards. _‘ 
A dear little mother was so pleased her baby was going to A
be born on Christmas Day that it was a special joy to be with  
her. As the hours crept closer to dawn I thought of the many  
all over the country preparing to go to Christmas Matins, and  if
r the reading of the Story of the Christ Child’s coming. I thought  
too of the carrollers carrying their lighted candles and singing  g.
in the yet dark halls of other hospitals. Yes, I missed it all a  ‘4
Then, I was helping the little baby into the world, and he  
was a beautiful boy baby. Suddenly came the realization that  Q
there hardly could be a better reminder of Him, "Who existing  
in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with ‘
God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form ·*
of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; and being found I I
in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient
even unto death-—-." 5 I
Tears come at times like that, Mother, but not homesick  
ones—just glad ones——for my heart was worshipping with the  
worshippers, and singing carols with the carollers. A new and  .,
4 ,

Faowirimn Nunsmc smavicm 17
S deeper appreciation had been kindled then of His lowliness and
His unspeakable love for mankind. I had been touched by the
A Spirit that is Christmas.
, We name