xt7gf18scj1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18scj1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin- Catalog, Vol. 59, No. 2, 1967-1968 text University of Kentucky Bulletin- Catalog, Vol. 59, No. 2, 1967-1968 1967 1967 2013 true xt7gf18scj1g section xt7gf18scj1g A -   ,,.,    V
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 Registration Fees `
School Year 1967-68
Sruomirs ENROLLING AFTER Tm; iuzcunan REGISTRATION Penton wru. ne cr-nuxorsn AN ADDITIONAL FEE OF $20. A,
Full·tin1e Student: Resident Non—resident Part-time Student: Resident Non-resident
All Colleges except All Undergraduate Colleges
i Medicine and Dentistry- except Law
Semester Fee $140.00 $410.00 Semester Credit Hour Fee $12.50 $37.00
Summer Term Fee 80.00 220.00 Summer Term Credit Hour
_ _ Fee 14.00 37.00
Colleges of Medicine and .
Dentistry- College of Law
Annual Fee 600.00 1,280.00 Semester Fee 14.00 41.00 ,
Summer Term Fee 16.00 44.00
Graduate School l
Semester or Summer Term
Credit Hour Fee 17.00 46.00 `
Auditors: All auditors are charged the same fee they would pay for credit. '
Additional Fees and Deposits
Additional fees and/or deposits may be assessed for certain courses or activities.
Housing Costs
Pear Year Summer Term A
Men's and \Vomen's Residence Halls $850* Meds and Womcnls Rcsldcncc Haus: 00***
Men's and VVomen’s Residence Halls 735** For double mom Occupancy $1 M.,
_ _ For single room occupancy 125
Cooperstown Single Student Housing: Per Year .
Single graduate Sl¤d€¤t in cmcicncy $*80**** ° Includes room and three meals daily except Sunday evening ·
Single graduate student in one bedroom meal.
€1pHl'lZiTl€Ilt $570**** °° Includes room and breakfast and the evening meal daily
· · _ (Sunday noon meal replaces Sunday evening meal).
Nkg§i;:£€§;;d§§;rg1(;gS;ng· lgerglélaoollolg t :l°°tMeals are not included in the housing costs for summer
One Bedroom apartment 95* * ** S u en si - · · » · ·
Two Bedroom apartment ws *#** H..i.ii`LZJSS?dBiof.‘}§?¥`.E`ZT..oZ’f$Z.of“'“`Sh'"gs’ ““l“’“’ ““d
(Not payable to the University) I
Books and Supplies. Range from $40 up, depending on Dry Cleaning. Both men and women students make l
the student’s major Held of study and schedule of classes their own arrangements for dry cleaning. The cost is ,
for the semester. comparable to that in any city. ~
Laundry. For students living in the residence halls, Linen and Towel Service. This voluntary service is pro-  
laundry facilities for personal items are provided. Other vided on a contractural basis for occupants of the resi- l
students must make their own arrangements. Local cost dence halls. Information concerning bed linen and towel l
for this service is comparable to that in any city. service can be obtained from the University Housing ~ I
Am. Fans AND Housmc Cosrs Ann Suajizcr ro Cuanciz Wrrrrour Norrcn.
A bulletin published monthly January to October inclusive, by the University of Kentucky,  
Lexington 40506. Second Class postage paid at the Post Office, Lexington, Ky. Edited by Y
the Department of Public Relations and published under its direction.
VOL. 59 FEBRUARY, 1967 NO. 2

I University Archives
. Margaret I. King Li\:»mry · North
Urn ·· " FV ‘
¤;.m:s:z~,» c» Manuucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
U ‘ ° f
. )'
» This publication is a presentation for the
1967-1968 academic year and preceding
* summer term. It is expected that some
. changes will take place during the year and
  the student using this catalogue should keep
{ this in mind. Fees nre subject to change
without notice.

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  Summer Session Nov. 23, 24, t 2S—Thursday, Friday and Saturday-
Thanksgiving Holidays
May l2—Friday—Last day to submit application and Dc°‘ 12—Tl1€Sday_C]aj; wm-k cids, H . d d
transcripts to Admissions Oflice for Summer Session, D€°· 1S_FndaYTLas€ ev to su mit fl lcquuc °cu`
1967 ments to Registrar s Oflice for admission to the 1968
· ~ · ' Semester
]une 9, 10--Friday and Saturday—Regnstrat1on Spring .
June l2_M0nday__ClaSs Work begins Dec. 14-2li;2hursday through Wednesday—F1nal ex-
. 15-Th d -—L t d t t ' d ““““i" “
J Imc class for 3.; Sgmmgs Scsgm O cn cr an Orgamzc Dec. 20—Wednesday—End of Fall Slfmester, Om b
1 ]une 23—Friday—Last day to drop a course without a D€°·f%F§rldaY“All grades due In cglstmr S Cc Y
grade Z .1]].
]une 26, 27—Monday and Tuesday—Last days for tiling
~ application for an August degree in College Dean’s ,
once 1968 Spring Semester
]uly 4—Tuesday—Independence Day Holiday _ _ _
Iuly 31—M0nday—Last day to submit application and ]an, 15, l6—Monday and Tuesday—Classi5cat1on, regis-
V transcripts to Admissions Oflioo for the 1967 Fal] tration, and orientation for students not pre·reg1stered
Semester ]an. 17—Wednesday—Class work begins ~
i Aug. 4—Friday—End of Summer Session ]an. 23——Tuesday—-Last day to enter an organized class
j Aug. 8—Tuesday—All grades due in Registrar’s Oihce by for the Spring Semester _
4:00 p.m. ]an. 29—Monday—Last day to drop a course without a
grade _
]an. 29, 30—M0nday and Tuesday—l1ast days for Bling
application for a May degree in College Deans
1967 Fall Semester once
Mar. `7——Thursday-—Undergraduate mid-term grades due
]uly 3l—Monday—Last day to submit all required docu- in Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m.
ments to Registrar’s Oflice for admission to the Mar. 16-24—Saturday noon through Sunday-—Spring va-
1967 Fall Semester cation
Aug. 27—-Sunday—Dormitories open for Fall Semester Apr. l—Monday—Last day for out-of-state freshmen to
Aug. 28, 29—Monday and Tuesday—ClassiEcation, regis- submit all required documents to Registrar’s Oflice
tration, and orientation for students not pre-reg- for admission to the Fall 1968 Semester `
istered Apr. 1-Monday—Last day to drop a class before finals
Aug. 30—Wednesday—Class work begins May 4—Saturday—End of class work
Sept. 6—Wednesday—Last day to enter an organized May 6—1l—Monday through Saturday—Final examina-
class for the Fall Semester tions _
Sept. 11—Monday-—·Last day to drop a course without May 10-—Friday-—-Last day to submit all required docu-
‘ a grade ments to Registrar’s Office for admission to the
Sept. 12, l3—Tuesday and Wednesday—Last day for 1968 Summer Session
filing application for a December degree in College May 11—Saturday—End of Spring Semester
Dean’s OH·lce May l2—Sunday—Baccalaureate Vespers
Oct. l9—Thursday—Undergraduate mid-terms grades May 13—Monday—l01st Annual Commencement
due in Registrar's Oflice by 4:00 p.m. May 14——'Tuesday—All grades due in Registrar’s Oflice
Nov. 9—Thursday—Last day to drop a class before finals by 4:00 p.m.
1 1 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 2 1 2 4
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9101112131415 9101112131415 15161718192021 14151617181920 14151617181920
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28 29 30 81 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 26 27 28 29 30 31
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26. Dormitory Complex (8-l)   0  
27. Education Building (2-E) _ @ I W {
28. Engineering Annex (2-F) ®_ ROSE ST- __ I Q A __ z__ ®
29. Engineering Building (5-F) l      
30. Euclid Avenue Building (4-Bl ' -   E 'a  . QQQ   "
3l. Experiment Station, Agricultural (5-l) I} -4""T       " $ $    
32. Fine Arts Building (6-D) ga  =! \ I _ ‘ ·  MED •-[
33. Food Storage Building, K-Lair (7-H) A " @ `·     ,,,.  
34. Football Building (9-l) LQ"/l ® I 0 B3 mww  
35. Fraternities (8-H) " ,' 'l ' Ea"` ""; =   l 59
ee.   Hall le.¤> 5 5   _ QQQ —Eéi|l‘·l;· ?i$
37. Haggin Hall (7-H)   Q ll} {El `I _/
38, Highway Research Laboratory (5~l·l)   9     /
39. Holmes Hall (3-B) LEXINGTON AVE. 3- $ ‘     @
. 40. Home Economics Building (5-H) g sw Y $   ` V
4l. lnsectary and Conservatory (5-l) U       l
42, Jewell Hall ls-Bl ‘6 @ iz'? D    `y\#//
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