xt7gf18sbx9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbx9q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-02-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1928 1928 1928-02-24 2012 true xt7gf18sbx9q section xt7gf18sbx9q SOPHOMORE HOP





Regimental Sponsors





KY. FEBRUARY 24, 1928

Memorial To War Dead To
Be Eredted At the University SOUTH CAROLINA





Trouble Which Grew Out of
'Blacklisting' of University of
Mississippi Settled Amicably,
Doctor Funkhouser Says.

Doctor McVey, Doctor Pitzer,
A. H. Stephenson, Doctor
Morgan on Program




Gamecocks Will Furnish Tough
Opposition; Game Called at
2:30 This Afternoon

According to Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, secretary of the Southern ConferPAUL JENKINS LAST
ence, teams belonging to the Southern
may again schedule
games with Southern Intercollegiate
ConferFifteen of Twenty-Tw- o
Big "Feed" Is Held at City
Athletic Association schools. Doctor
ence Teams Entered; MaryY. M. C. A., With President
disFunkhouser announced that the
land Not Represented
Ray Valade Presiding
pute that raged between the two associations has been settled and the matBy Jchn W. Dundon, Jr.
ter of controversy has been dropped.
The discussion groups conducted by
Kentucky's Wildcat Basketball
The controversy started last fall
the University Y. M. C. A., were forquintet will open with all it3 tricks
when the University of Mississippi,
mally closed Tuesday evening with a
school, was
and wiles this afternoon against the
a Southern Conference
banquet held at the Y. M. C. A. on
South Carolina Gamecocks.
This is
"blacklisted" by Mississippi College,
one of the first games in the Southa member of the S. I. A. A.. When
the corner cf Church and Mill streets.
ern Conference
basketball tourna- the Southern Conference
These groups, which were conducted
ment, which is being held at Atlanta,
heard of this action on the part of
in the fraternity and rooming houses
Ga. Coach Mauer and his able band
the S. I. A. A. they resented it and
where students live, met one night
of Wildcats, led by Captain Paul Jenkin turn "blacklisted" all schools playIntercollegiate
guard, left
ins, former
weeks. The period
a week for eight
ing in the Southern.
Wednesday night for the scene of the
of discussions was 30 minutes and the
Athletic Association, until the latter
fray. This 'is the first invasion of
topics were taken from "Jesus'
apologized to the Uhiversity of MisAtlanta for two years, since the Blue
Teachings," by Sidney A. Weston.
and White did not rate high enough
The banquet, at which Ray Valade,
Yesterday, Doctor Funkhouser rein the South last year to be invited.
president of the organization, presidceived a letter from Dr. J. W. Prov-inThis year fifteen of the twenty-tw- o
ed, was served by the W. M. C. A.
president of the S. I. A. A., statteam3 comprising the Southern Concommittee of the Woman's Club of
ing that the University of Mississippi
ference will enter the lists, each vowthe University, with Mrs. Brinkley
had been removed from the "blac- ing to carry off the highest basketball
Barnett, chairman.
honors to Dixieland. Quite a few
The following groups were guests
Doctor Funkhouser said that he
banquet: C28 South
teams in the South did not make
of honor at the
was very glad that the matter
enough showing to be invited to parLimestone, 100 per cent attendance;
been cleared up at this time, although
ticipate in the festivities. Chief
324 South Upper street, 100 per cent
he said he was positive that the
among those absent is Vanderbilt. It
attendance and Kappa Sigma fraSouthern Intercollegiate Athletic Aswill be recalled that Vanderbilt won
ternity, 98.2 per cent attendance.
sociation would have had to eventu
the championship last season. TenThe Kappa Sigma fraternity, with
ally meet the demands of the resolunessee, Virginia Poly, Alabama,
21 enrolled, had only three absences
tions set forth by the Southern ConMaryland, and Sewanee will not
in the entire eight weeks. The Kappa
ference. "I want to say officially,"
(Courtesy of Lexington Leader)
take part in the meet. Maryland
Alphas were second with 88.5 per
added Doctor Funkhouser, "that the
Above is the architects' drawing of with an organ loft for the future in- had a fine aggregation, but owing to
cent. Special mention was given
matter is now a closed issue, that the
the Sigma Nus for their record of
ban has been lifted, and that the in- the Memorial building to be erected stallation of a pipe organ. In the some previously scheduled games,
92.8 per cent attendance for seven
cident is ended."
at once on the campus of the Univer- balcony a projection room for a mo- found it impossible to be among those
meetings, and to the group of 32,0
tion picture machine will be placed. present.
sity in honor of the World War dead
cent attendDraws Announced
A tower which will rise 135 feet
Rose street for 100 per
of the state.
Kentucky made quite a good showabove the ground will contain a
ance for six meetings.
Banquet Program
The J T. Jackson Lumber Company
clock, above this a space for ing this season. In the Southern Conwas awarded the contract for the the future installation of chimes, and ference, the Wildcats won seven and
The following was the program for
building at the low bid of $95,000. above that a space for lights for the lost two games, and tied for fourth
the banquet:
place. One of the teams which deThe structure complete, with the am- purpose, of flood lighting.
Invocation by Dr. H. H. Pitzer; mass
The lobbies will contain scrolls on feated the Wildcats is not taking part
singing; Report of Discussion Groups,
phitheater, will cost $107,250.
by Bart N. Peak; Presentation of
The auditorium will seat 1,040 per- which will be incribed the names of in the tourney Maryland and the
other team to hand our hopes a jolt,
Winning Groups; Response from A.
sons and the amphitheater 1,100 ac- all of Kentucky's World War dead.
majority of college students at cording to present plans. There will
The architects are Warner, McCor-nac- k is in the opposite half of the draw
H. Stephenson; Solo by Robert Rudd;
the University were grateful to be a main floor and a balcony. The
"Why Discussion Groups?" by Pres.
and Mitchell, of Cleveland, Ohio, sheet. However, the Wildcats will
George Washington, Wednesday, not stage, which will seat a
orwith Robert McMeekin. of Lexington, have plenty of opposition from the
Frank L. McVey; Address, by the
so much because he led his country chestra, will be flanked on each side resident architect.
very outset. The drawings resulted
"On! On! U. of
Rev. W. H. Morgan;
men to freedom but because his birth
as follows: Upper bracket first- K." and Benediction, by Dr. H. H.
day is celebrated as a holiday. The
round opponents North Carolina vs.
George Washington, saint, or George
Louisiana State University; North
The following is the report of Bart
Washington, sinner, controversy, disCarolina State vs. University of MisPeak, the University Y. M. C. A.
turbed them very little.
sissippi; Kentucky vs. South Carosecretary:
of Chicago,
Mayor Bill
Number of groups organized . 25
ultimatum of BECOMES
with his strident
The lower half of the bracket was
Number of student enrolled .... 507
Americans and to h
"America for
drawn as follows: Mississippi A. and
Av. weekly attendance last year 402
England" give them any trou
Lee Univer
(Photos Lafayette Studio)
Av. weekly attendance this year 403
Hugh Entire Cast Has Had Dramatic M. vs. Washington and by; Georgia
ble. Instead, they celebrated jubil Collection of Work of
Total attendance for this year 3,230
Experience; Director Yeaman sity; Virginia drew a
Waine, Student at University
as She is a member of the Kappa Delta antly, this day in the calendar ser- Lucille Short has been
Tech vs. Florida; Aubuhn vs. Clem-soFaculty leaders
Pleased With Work on First
in 1923, Will Be Displayed at
regimental sponsor of the R. O. T. C sorority and is the literary editor of ene in tne consciousness
mat Al
Student leaders
unit of the University, with rank of the Kentuckian.
and Second Acts.
Art Center.
"Father of His Country" could not
Wildcats vs. South Carolina
Martha Reed, of Carlisle, is a soon be dislodged from his pedestal
Battalion sponsors will be
Little is known of South Carolina,
Robinfreshman in the Arts and Sciences of American esteem. In England,
Sarah Warwick and Frances
"Dulcy," the play to be presented except that the Gamecocks are an ag
A strikingly original collection of
maCollege, a pledge of the Alpha Xi
modern art
GIVE jors. who will have the rank of were Delta sorority, and is a member of too, acollege mento and women stopped at the Art will soon The onpaintings by the this week-en- d is marking the gressive bequintet, and to win the will
Company sponsors who
pay respect to one
on her toes
have to
Ameri- are by Hugh Waine, a student at the finishing touches of the first act and tial victory. If the Wildcats get to
rank of captain are Com the Y. W. C. A. council.
elected with
whom they regard not as an
Ann Rhodes, of Lexington, is a can but as a right noble Englishman. University in 1923. Most of these the beginning of the second act.
pany A, Virginia Whayne; Company
the second round, as they should, they
(Addison Yeaman, director, is very will probably meet Georgia. Georgia
B, Elizabeth Robinson; Company C, freshman in the Arts and Sciences
Mr. John Rothenstein, a graduate paintings were made in Florida, New
Julia Marvin; Company E, Mary College, a pledge of the Chi Omega of Oxford and an English citizen, now Orleans and western Kentucky. Mr. much pleased with the interest shown Tech defeated Georgia by two points
F, Martha sorority, and is a Stroller eligible.
an instructor in the art department Waine, is now located at the Grand by members of the cast in rehearsals and as will be remembered trimmed
Senior Engineers to Present Armstrong; Company Ann Rhodes.
Mary Armstrong, of New Orleans,
be in
this Engmargin.
Attack Upon Reed; sponsors were introduced at La., is a freshman in he Arts and of the University, discloses first great Central Art Gallery, but willconduct and hopesthetofirst able toinpresent the the Wildcats by a
Lexington soon to personally
play by
toward the
be seen that
English Prison System; Re- the Military ball Tuesday night by Sciences College, and a pledge of the lish attitude Like most students of a public exhibition of the paintings at A change has been made in the Thus it will schedule ahead, Kentucky
and only
has a hard
hearsals Show Progress.
Delta Delta Delta sorority.
officers of the R. O. T. C.
American history, I had the idea that the Art Center, where a reception part of Blair Patterson which was by the most aggressive and fighting
Marvin, of Georgetown, is a in England, Washington was looked will be given in his honor.
is a
Miss Short, of Middlesboro,
taken by Bill Durbeck. Mr. Durbeck type of basketball can she come out
"Justice," one of Galsworthy's four junior in the College of Education. freshman in the Arts and Sciences upon as an insignificant rebel who
The collection is made up of land- was found to be ineligible and was on top.
best plays, will be produced by the She is vice president of the junior College, and a pledge of the Delta could be sneered at and dismissed scapes, seascapes
portraits replaced by Tom Riley, a member of
Coach Mauer has a team composed
Romany Theater during the early class, a member of the Chi Omega Delta Delta sorority.
through which the artist shows a the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. The mostly of sophomores, and it remains
by sorority, a member of SuKy and was
part of March, it is announced
Elizabeth Robinson, of Danville, is
part of Mrs. Forbes has also been de to be seen whether they can stand
is not our attitude at strong tendency toward impression"But no, that
Prof. C. M. Sax, director of the Kom recently pledged to Theta Sigma Phi. a freshman in the Arts and Sciences all," Mr. Rothenstein
explained. ism. The exterior works are rich in cided on, Miss Elizabeth Turner, of up under the strain of an intense
any Theater.
Sarah Warwick, of Talledega, Ala., College.
"Washington's birthday in England perfect coloration and prespective. the Chi Omega sorority, having been tournament. However, even if the
powerful is a junor iin the Arts and Sciences
Virginia Whayne, of Clinton, is
The play is a vital and
causes a great deal of notice. You Although the majority of the paint chosen.
team is beaten, it will gather valudrama, bringing out Galsworthy's College and is secretary of the class. sophomore in the Arts and Sciences see when the war with the'American ings are done in oils, some water
The cast, as a whole, has had some
inhumanity to man" She is a Chi Omega and was one of College, and is a member of the Delta colonies .was fought a great many color representations add much to little experience in dramatics. Ad- able information and experience, next
idea of "man's
should be a corker of a quintet
prison system. Its pro the winners in the Kentuckian beauty Zeta sorority
throueh the
The dison Yeaman, the director, has shown season. Every loyal Kentuckian beEnglishmen were in sympathy with the versatility of the artist.
Mary Lewis Marvin, of George- the colonies. To them the struggle landscapes fairly breathe freshness his ability more than once by his lieves in his team to the last man,
duction in England caused several re- contest.
Ga., town, was named some time ago as was not one between two separate and vigor. One portrait especially character parts in "Icebound," "The
forms in the prison system there,
Frances Robinson, of Elberton,
and at 2:30 p. m. all those unforthus accomplishing the aim that the is a senior in the Arts and Sciences sponsor of the band, and has the rank entities but between two parties of demonstrates a marvelous interpre Truth About Blayds," and "Candida.'
tunate enough not to be able to make
author had in mind when he wrote College, and giftorian of the class. of captain.
Davidson has had parts in the the trip will be pulling for a victory
of nude art.
the same country: Whigs and Tories. tation
A notable feature of the exhibition Romany production of "Torchbear- - as well as the contingent which will
There were many English Whigs, but
The only feminine role in the play
Tories were in is the work of Mr. Waine on the ers," and last year s aironer piay. accompany the Wildcats to Atlanta.
it happened that the
is to be taken by Miss Jeannette Doctor
ascendency at the time of the conflict, j frames, which were all carved and Miss Mary Virginia Haily was under
Lampert The remainder of the cast
In England, George Washington is decorated by him. The artist was a the tutelage of a noted Chicago dram
the ColTo Chi
has been fillqd by seniors in
therefore revered as a great man and student in the art department of Tu-- a atist for a short while and will be
lege of Engineering.
University for a time after his remembered in the Romany produc
staunch defender of Whig princi-'lan- e
Rehearsals have been progressing Zoologist Thinks Citizens of
work here. An announcement will tions. Louis McDonald was one of
Miss Ann Callihan, art teacher at pies."
since the first of the year under the
"There is a difference, however, be- be made in the near future regarding the winners in Amateur Night this University Musicians Will Make
the University, was elected an hon
Eastland, Texas, Victims
direction of .Elsworth Perrin, of New
orary member of Chi Delta Phi, wom- tween the American and English atti- 'the date for public exhibition of the year, and has since been cast
of Hoax
Second Appearance Sunday
York, whom Mr. Sax called upon to
Romany play. Bob Thompson won
en's honorary literary sorority at a tude toward Washington," Mr. Roth- collection.
in Gymnasium
him in this production.
Amateur Night two yaers ago, and
Dr. W. D. Funkhauser, head of the meetinir held recently by members enstein went on to explain. "Here
Other members of the cast have
besides has been in former Stroller
The second appearance of the condepartment of zoology in the Univer of the sorority. Miss Callihan has you look upon the man as a perfect
been announced as follows:
Dlavs and Romany productions. Hen cert band will be in the Men's gymto been prominent for some time in creature, unmarred by human frailJames How, Robert Harp; Walter sity, said Wednesday, with regard
She is ties. To an Englishman he is a brave,
Doctor Funkhouser will not meet rietta Blackburn showed her wares as nasium on Sunday afternoon at 3:30
the claims of citizens of Eastland, Lexington literary cirdles.
How, Roy Stipp; Robert Cokeson,
actress in two previous Stroller o'clock. Professor Sulzer will conhunt- his classes today as he is attending
been found a member of the Scribbler's Club and hearty, cursing,
Parham Boker; William Falder, Rey- Texas, that astone toad had had been
contributor to "Letters," the Uni ing squire; fond of amusements and a meeting of the executive council of plays, while Elizabeth Turner has ap duct the band. One of the features
where it
a corner
Sweedie, Robert Carnold Ackerman;
peared before the footlights in
fond of sports."
the Southern Conference.
he versity literary magazine.
of the concert will be a xylophone
without food or
ter; Cowly, Lewis Clarke; Mr. Justice did years doubt that the air, thatwas
productions under the direc solo by Ned Lee. The program is as
Otto; Harold Cleaver,
Floyd, Harold
tion of Prof. Edward Saxon. Charles follows:
Ray King; Hector Frome, Don Ed- found in the corner stone, but that
Blaine has shown in rehearsals that 1. March French National Defile
around how
wards; Captain Danson, Oscar Stoes-se- the doubt was centered stone.
he has had experience and promises
Rev. Hugh Miller, T. G. Strunk; long it had been in the
a real treat to those who see him in 2. Overture, "Poet and Peasant"
Dr. Funkhauser cnaracterized as
Dr. Edward Clement, Robert McGar-rHenry Maddox, Tom Riley,
Wooder, Henry Steilberg; Moa-ne- ridiculous claims that the toad had
and John Loving have been in high
Xylophone Solo, "The Doll Dance"
Willis Ranney; O'Clery, Hugh lived for 31 years without food or air
school productions.
and said that he doubted that the
Dohrman; Clipton, Robert Hays.
This year will mark the presenta- 4. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
toad could have lived six months un(By Kady Elvove)
"I thought you would be delighted
Distracted pledges walked forlornly tion of Stroller plays in visiting 5. Grand Suite "The Dwellers of
der these conditions. He, together
when I
for the first time in four years.
the town hunting
.. Sousa
the Western World"
"Bah," disgustedly exclaimed His being. said that," don't the human down thetelephoneofpoles or black cats cities
with Dr. W. M. Mann, of the National
seem im- nails on
In former years, the Strollers were
"But you
a. "The Red Man"
Zoological Park, in Washington; Dr. Satanic Majesty, hurling his fork at pressed."
received with welcome in many towns
on backyard fences.
b. "The Vhite Man"
Officers Raymond Ditmare, curator of the a writhing mortal. "This life is too "I'll try anything once," answered
In lonely cemeteries, scared fresh- but the practice of playing on the road
c. "The Black Man"
New York Zoological Gardens, and monotonous for me. By the shades Mephistopheles slangily. "Lead the
bemen walked back and forth, waiting was abandoned until this year
6. Selection, "The Red Mill"
Dundon and Shropshire Are other leading scientists, is of the opin- of Milton (who unfortunately chose way!"
cause of the lack of adequate funds.
for morning.
ion that the good citizens of East- to elude my realm) I need variety!"
Chosen to Replace Gregory
is the plan at present to make a 7. Descriptive, "Circus Days" Alford
Fashion shows with feminine mod- tour of five or six towns, probably
And he angrily gulped a flaming
land have been hoaxed.
and Bullock
The Ceremony
8. Reverent, "Celestial Choir," King
els, displaying masculine muscles beThe objections raised by natural- glass of molten lava.
9. March, "Valiant louth,"
Two unseen visitors, a darkened neath bursting evening gowns and during the Easter
"Please," a timid voice spoke up.
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour ists have but little effect upon the
room, college men nonchalantly lean- chiffon hose, delighted sophistocated
"Please what?" the devil roared.
nalistic fraternity for men. held a small group of citizens that were
ing on nnilfllps. n crnun of trpmhlinf active fraternity men.
special meeting in Professor Grehan's present Saturday when the toad was
I know an earthly pastime which blindfolded fraternitv members-to-b- e
Green ties and white cotton gloves,
room in the basement of the Science removed from thecould notThey main might please you. Now is the very and fraternity initiation!
have been
worn by initiates on the campus probuilding of the University, Monday tained that they
"A very proper attitude of sub- claimed St. Patrick's Day a month
A leading citizen of Eastdeceived.
Pledging exercises for Scabbard
afternoon, for the purpose of elect
"Then spill it! I'll give you a
Mesphisto, too soon to appreciative spectators.
and Blade, national honorary military
ing officers to replace those who are land said the toad "absolutely could lordship in these fields of Hell if you mission,"
It is said that only
pointing to a group of silent pledges,
in the corner stone and no one
Sorority inmates backing into fraternity, were held at the Military the men students at Kentucky are
not in school this semester.
can. If not well there's plenty of awaiting their turn. "But I'm in a
doors, hastening to answer all tele Ball given in the University gymnasW. Dundon, Jr., was elected have put it there, either beforehand fire to
members of fraternities.
make it hot for you!"
hurry. Let's go some other place. phone calls, cringing at the vioces ium Tuesday night. Those honored
president in place of Kenneth Greg' or before the stone was opened." His
department seems to be
Boldly and solemnly the mortal anIn a second fraternitv house blind- - of active sisters, rising politely at by the cadet officers were Louis Cox, reaching only this third. Cannot
ory. who has left school, and James claim was corroborated by the other
swered, "I'm a fraternity man!"
of an "active," and Jesse Laughlin, K. B. Baker, Elmer this be remedied?
folded boys were groping on the floor the
Shropshire was elected vice president witnesses.
"Well, and what of that?"
for their shoes, some of which were speaking to no one, heralded sorority Gilb, J. D. Williamson, Van Buren
in place of John Bullock, who was
Ropke, William Grant, James Shrop
The fitful flames of Hades crackling jauntily set on chairs and tables,
initiation week.
Mrs. Pearl R. Bullard, instructor in
graduated in January. Neil Plummer
Have you heard anything said
Along deserted highways weary
"It's mild compared to what it used shire, Claude Daniels, James Chap
about this practice of holding miland Hunter Moody will continue as the department of home economics. noisily was the only answer. The
young men trudged on a midnight to be," the fraternity inhabitant of man, Dwight Hamersley, J. W.
secretary and treasurer until the reg has been called to her home at Des man was weeping.
itary drills on the front campus 1 .
James Finley, Homer Carrier Why can't they drill out on Stoll
"What ails the man?" the devil visited to Kentucky stock farms, or
ular election, which will be held at Moines, Iowa, because of the serious
(Continued on Page Eight)
sought water from the reservoir.
asked perplexedly.
and Howell Davis.
illness of her mother.
the first regular meeting.





Students Grateful
Be He
Saint or Sinner












Doubts Toad Story

Delta Phi

Concert Band
Varied Program






Satan, After Journey to Modern College, Says
Initiation Week Should Be Called "Hell Week

Sigma Delta
Elects New

Scabbard and Blade
Pledges Fifteen


Just Thoughts







Subscribe for









James Park, '15
Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21





L. Kirk, '24





Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsen, '13



Early in 1919 after the signing of the Armistice in the World
War there was started in Lexington a movement to raise funds
for the construction of a memorial building on the campus of
the University to commemorate those Kentucky soldiers who
had lost their lives in the war. Similar movements had been
launched in several neighboring states and in some the money
had been raised and buildings started. Preliminary discussions
resulted in the plan to raise $300,000 by popular subscription in
The plan was pushed along several different lines until in
1923, when active work for funds was stopped. About
of the money first designated as a goal was pledged. Since some
of this money was not collectable at once the plan was delayed
for some time. Last fall the executive committee of the Kentucky Memorial Building Fund held a meeting and it was decided at this meeting that a building was to be built. Accordingly President McVey and the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University were authorized to prepare plans for a memorial building and to proceed with the
construction. It was decided that the memorial be in the form
of an auditorium on the campus, of the University.
The plans were made and the contract for the erection of
the building has been let as already has been said in preceding
issues of The Kernel.





one-ha- lf





The Executive Committee of this fund authorized the erection
of this building with the firm belief that all the outstanding
pledges to this fund be paid, and also all the pledges to the
Greater Kentucky Fund be paid in full. The Greater Kentucky
Fund now owes to the Memorial Building Fund approximately
$35,000 in principal and interest. This along with a goodly number of unpaid pledges to the Memorial Building Fund will be
needed for the completion of the building.





Within the next few days there will be a call for a payment
in full of all the pledges to the Kentucky Memorial Building
Fund. This money is needed immediately. It also will be necessary to make a call for a complete payment of unpaid pledges
to the Greater Kentucky Fund in order that the obligation of
the Alumni Association to that fund be removed.
The Memorial Building drive was, of course, not purely an
Alumni drive, but for popular subscription in Kentucky. However, there were a great many Alumni who pledged money to
this fund. It will materially aid the University of Kentucky if
these pledges are paid in full at once. However, more important to the Alumni is the payment of the still unpaid pledges to
the Greater Kentucky Fund. This is needed as much as payments to the Memorial Building Fund. The Alumni of the University are under a moral obligation to remove this debt. It
can be done easily if a prompt and full payment is made on your
pledge to the Greater Kentucky Fund.
We wish to state that further subscriptions to either of these
funds will be gladly received.


Buffalo Club Begins
Drive to Make Club 100 Per
Cent Active Is Started
The officers of the Buffalo Alumni
Club of the University of Kentucky
already have begun their efforts to
live up to their promise to make their
club 100 per cent active in the Alumni Association this year. The office
is just in receipt of a letter from D.

B. M. E, 1927, treasurer
of the club, which enclosed dues for
several of the members of that club.
Last year the members of this club
were about 95 per cent active in the

J. Haury,

Association. This year they began
earlv in their efforts to attain a 100
tier cent membership. In his letter
to the Alumni Association office Mr.
Haury said, "We are going to make
nnr olnh 100 ner cent, or eo broke
trying." We are firmly convinced
that they will succeed in their enorts

By Filling Out This Blank.












Maiden name of wife and date of marriage


Occupation or Employment.



..Give name of firm, etc.

Business Address

Residence Address







Name and Ages of Children.

Note: Please give list of your clubs, lodges and honors.
Give short outline of your life since leaving college.

Safety Made for First Time by
Kentucky Team; Play Is Not
Recognized; History Is
The first game of the season
with Kentucky University was of
ficially called a tie, 0 to 0, but really
resulted in a victory for State Col- lege, 2 to 0. For Wallace, of K. U.,
clearly made a safety and it was only
the ignorance of the official in regard
to the rules of the game that led him
to call it a touch back and hence no
score against the side making it. In
those days we had to rely for officials
very largely on persons who only
knew the rules from having read them
over in a book, and hence decisions
were apt to be pretty "raw."
The other games between State
College and other colleges that year
resulted as follows:
Nov. 6, at Richmond, Central University 8, State College G.
Nov. 12, State College 14, Louisville Athletic Club 10.
Nov. 28, at Lexington, Va., Military
Institute 34, State College 0.
Dec. 3, at Lexington, Central University 10, State College 6.
The other games in the K. I. A. A.
(for the Association was organized
before the season was over), resulted
as follows:
Nov. 6, Central 12, University of
Cincinnati 4.
Nov. 12, Central University 8, Kentucky University 4.
Nov. 19, Kentucky University 6,
Central University 4.
It was this latter game that K. U.'s
seems to have first been tried out.
At least it was the first time the
streets of Lexington had resounded
Before the season had advanced
very far, it was evident State Colcoach and
lege needed a
one "Jackie" Thompson, of Purdue,
was secured for that purpose, and I
devoted myself to endeavoring to provide the "sinews of war" in the management of the finances. It was the
duty of the manager in those days to
dig up the money in some way for
suits, and for other expenses, except
shoes which the members of the teams
supplied individually. If he couldn't
make it out of the gate receipts, it
was one of the privileges of being
manager to foot the deficit.
Professor J. W. Newman, now Commissioner of Agriculture, was the
representative of the College in the
K. I. A. A., and looked after matters
of eligibility that year. Already
charges of "ringers" were being made
and it must be confessed that State
College's skirts were not entirely
clear, for in the second C. U. game
played in Lexington Thompson was
run in on them over protest. There
does not seem to have been developed
in that day the clearly established
principle that a coach should not
play with his team. Indeed for a
number of years Centre College in
arranging games always tried to provide that their coach should play. It
was probably over some disagreement
in this matter that Centre did not
contest with the other colleges in
football during the fall of '92.
The State College team of that fall
was as indicated in the final game:
Carney, '96, left end; Garred, '94, left
tackle; Welch, left guard; Carnahan,
'96, center; Smith, '93,