xt7gf18sbw70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbw70/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1887-02-jun1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1887-02-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1887-02-jun1. 1887 1887-02-jun1. 2011 true xt7gf18sbw70 section xt7gf18sbw70 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May 31, 1887 - page 64

    The President of the College read a communication
adherred to him by Professors Shackleford, Neville, Helveti,
and White praying for an increase of salary, The President
asked leave to be heard upon the request of the petitions
at a subsequent session, which was granted. The letter con-
taining the request was referred to the Committee on the
Reports of officers of the College.

     Professor McClintock representing the Chatauqua University
Assembly presented an application to the Board for the services
of Prof. Potter in the conduct of a Normal School Institute
during the meeting of the assembly in Lexington. Consider-
ation of the application was postponed until tomorrow.

     The Board then adjourned to meet in the Presidents
room in the College at 9-30 A. M. June 1, 1887.

     Board of Trustees met in the College June 1, 1887.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead,    Chairman
                         L. J. Bradford    Seely.
                         D. C. Buell
                         R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         J. D. Clardy
                         Philip Bird
                         J. M. Unthank
                         W. D. Nicholas

     The application of Prof. McClintock was called from
the unfinished business of yesterday and rejected.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1887 - page 65-66

     On motion of the Ex. Committee is authorized to employ
a lady if necessary to do assistant work in the Preparatory
Dept. for the Normal School and College classes and to pre-
side in the girls study room as matron at a compensation not
exceeding the compensation proposed in the Minutes of the
Ex. Com. tendering the appointment to Miss Bullock
Viz: $35.00 per month.

     On motion of Genfl. Buell.
     Referring to the proceedings of the Ex. Com. of date
July 30th, 1886 page 91 on the proposition to employ at his
own expense and discretion an assistant in his Department
the Board of Trustees that it is not advisable nor admissible
that any professor be allowed such discretion.

     The action of the Executive Committee in raising Professor
Scovell's salary from $2000 per annum to $2500 per annum for
services as Director of the Station extending over the whole
year, under the conditions and limitations set for in the
Minutes of the Executive Committee of May was on the
following vote approved.

Ayes                     Nays
W. B. Kinkead            D. C. Buell
W. D. Nicholas           J. M. Unthank
Philip Bird              Lo J. Bradford
R. J. Spurr              R. A. Spurr
J. D. Clardy

     R* A. Spurr submitted the following resolution.
Resolved that no new departments be created - No new Professor-
ships established or abolished and that no changes be made
in the enrollment or salaries of Professorships
except by the Board of Trustees.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES , June 1, 1887 - page 56-67

which was lost, the ayes and nays being as follows.

Ayes                     Nays
R. A. Spurr               We B. Kinkead
D. C. Buell               W. D. Nicholas
J. M. Unthan9,not voting. L. J. Bradford
                           R. J. Spurr
                           Philip Bird
                           J. D. Clardy

     On motion the foregoing resolution was recommended,
and on motion its further consideration dispersed with.

     On motion the action taken in rejecting Mr. McClintock's
application was reconsidered. Capt. W. D. Nicholas then
moved to accede to the application of Mr. McClintock pro-
posing to donate $75.00 out of his salary as Treasurer
to pay the expenses thereof.

     Amended by Philip Bird as follows - That the College
pay the expense of the employment of a professor to
cooperate with the Chatauqua Assembly in substitute
work for two weeks.

     Amendment lost.

     Captain Nicholas motion was then adopted.

     The salary of W. D. Nicholas as Treasurer was on motion
fixed at $200 per annum.

     Ordered that all financi al reports be collected and
bound in a volume, and that from this time forward the annual
reports of the Treasurer be transcribed into a book
procured for that purpose. Report marked (A).


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRTJSTEESjune 1, 1887 - page 67-68

     The 6ommittee consisting of L. J. Bradford and J. M.
Unthank appointed to examine the report of the Treasurer,
made the following report.

     The undersigned having been appointed as a Committee
to examine the accounts of W. D. Nicholas, Treasurer of said
Institution beg leave to report that the aforesaid duty was
this day performed and that the written statement of said
account filed by him with the said Board is true and
                   Signed, L. J. Bradford
                            J. M. Unthank

     By order of the Board the remainder of the salary of
Professor Pence for the collegiate year $400 was ordered to
be paid, half the remainder of the salary of Professor
Logan $225, and one hundred dollars on that of Professor

     The Committee of the Committee on Gen'l. Buelits
Report of the Board of Visitors was then read and ordered
to be seconded, and the Committee discharged. On motion the
recommendation of the Report of Gen'1. Buell in regard to the
value of examinations was adopted and the Faculty instructed
accordingly. The paragraph of the Committee recommending
that " The President of the College be required to
keep a Chapel roll of attendance of the Professors on
the morning exercises in the Chapel and to transmit the
same in connection with his annual report to the Board of
Trustees " was adopted and the President of the College
instructed accordingly.

     The Report of Dr. Clardy's Committee on General Buell's
report is marked (A).


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRRUSTEES,June 1, 1887 - page 68-69

     The Executive Committee for the ensuing year was then
appointed Viz:

              Chairman, W. B. Kinkead
              Asst. Secly. Jas. K. Patterson
                         Philip Bird
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         R. J.s Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr

     Gentl. Buell Chairman of the Committee on the Reports
of the President, Director of the Station, and Professors of
the College then reported. The following action was taken
on the several parts of the report.

     On motion ordered that a committee of four be appointed
to consider the propriety and expediency of purchasing land,
the conditions on which a suitable piece of land can be
bought, the probility of getting money to effect the purchase,
to ascertain the best options that can be gotten on eligible
tract or tracts of land and to report the same to the Executive
Committee, should the Executive Committee when thus advised4
adtise and authorize the purchase the Committee thus appointed
is in such case authorized to complete the purchase. Dr. R.
J. Spurr, R. A. Spurr, W. D. Nicholas and W. B. Kinkead
were appointed said Committee.

     The next section of Gen'l. Buell's report Viz:
" Generally with reference to an increase of salaries -
While we encourage cheerfully the merits of the Professors
(Shackleford, Neville, White and Helveti) who have asked it
we deem it our duty to suggest that the College is not now
in a condition to render the increase practicable " came up
for discussion Dr. Clardy moved its adoption. Philip Bird
moved the following substitute Viz: " Ordered that the
salaries of certain Professors be increased $250 per annum,
the increase to be added when the Court of Appeals decides
our case favorably and when Congress makes appropriations
for Experimental Station." Judge Kinkead made an earnest
and eloquent appeal for an increase of salary.


MIINUTIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 1, 1887 - page 69-70

     R. A. Spurr moved to amend Philip Birds substitute
by increasing the salaries of all the Professors who now
receive $1500 by an equal increasement viz: $250. The
question being taken on R. A. Spurrs amendment to Birds
substitute the amendment was carried. The question thks
being taken on Philip Birds substitute as amended was lost.
The motion on Dr. Clardys resolution to adopt the report of
Gentl. Buell's Committee was then put to the house and was

     The Ayes and Noes on Birds substitute as amended by
R. A. Spurr are as follows.

Ayes                     Nays
Kinkead                  Buell
Nicholas                 Clardy
Bradford                 IUnthank
                         Spurr - R. A.

     That part of Gentl. Buell's report in reference to
the Chemical Department was then taken up viz:
" We recommend the consolidation of the Deptts. of
Professor Peter  and Professor Menke and the transfer of all
the functions of the Agricultu,3ral Department not pertaining
to the Chemical Department proper to the charge of Professor
Scovell, Jr. In this arrangement the Committee deems it
necessary to disperse regretfully with the services of
Professor Peter who as a chemist in various important posi-
tions has had a long and distinguished career not often
equaled in honor and usefulness. " On motion adopted.

     Dr. Clardy moved that the courses of instruction in
Agriculture and Horticulture proper,. instruction under the
charge of Professor Menke be transferred to Professor Scovell
and added to his duties as Director of the Station, thus
establishing a closer and more intimate relationship
between the Agricultural Dept. of the College and the work
of the Experimenttal Station, and that eo Prof. Scovell
is hereby instructed and directed accordingly.
Adopted unanimously..



    W. D. Nicholas then moved that the Chair of Chemistry,
as thus Consolidated be declared vacant. Adopted.

     Genfl. Bird then moved that Professor Menke be elected
to the Professorship of Chemistry, general, organic and
agricultural. Lost.

Ayes                     Nays
Kinkead                  Buell
Nicholas                 Bradford
R. A. Spurr              J. M. Unthank

     Dr. Clardy not voting. Dr. Spurr absent.
The President of the College was then directed on motion of
Capt. Nicholas to enter into correspondence with men of
distinction in chemistry, with a view to fill the chair.

     The Board then adjourned sine die at 7 P. M. June 1,

Jas. K. Patterson
  Assistant Secretary

     Informal Meeting Board of Trustees, June 2, 1887.

     Judge Kinkead's Office.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead
                         L. J. Bradford
                         Philip Bird
                         J. D. Clardy
                         Richard A. Spurr
                         R. J. Spurr
                         W. D. Nicholas

     On motion the following resolutions were adopted -
Resolved that it is the sense of this informal meeting of
a majority of the Board of Trustees that the eminent services
of Dr. Peter regime that in his retirement from the