xt7gf18sbw5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbw5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1882-01-jun6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1882-01-jun6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1882-01-jun6. 1882 1882-01-jun6. 2011 true xt7gf18sbw5t section xt7gf18sbw5t 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,December 20, 1881 - page 17

    At a meeting of the Board of Trustees December 20th,

    Present             W. B. Kinkead
                         L. J. Bradford
                         D. C. Buell
                         J. F. Robinson, Jr.
                         R. S. Bullock
                         B. F. Buckner
                         P. P. Johnston

    On motion of L. J. Bradford, resolved that a Committee
be appointed to manage any case that may be presented
against the Institution before the Legislature - that they
act altogether on the defensive and endeavor to prevent all
Legislation prejudicial to the interests of the College.

     And thereupon the Committee appointed as such Committee
D. C. Buell, P. P. Johnston, B. F. Buckner and A. R. Boone.

     On motion it was ordered that the seal heretofore
procured by the Executive Committee be and the same is hereby
adopted and the action of the Executive Committee in
adopting said seal be and the same is hereby ratified.

     MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6, 1882 - page 19

     Present             Wm. B. Kinkead
                         B. F. Buckner
                         P. P. Johnston
                         Robt. S. Bullock
                         Wm. H. Wadsworth
                         A. R. Boone
                         D. C. Buell
                         J. G. Simrall
                         L. J. Bradford

     Ordered that W. H. Wadsworth and D. C. Buell be appointed


M1INUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 6,1882 - page 19-20

a Committee to examine and report upon the accounts of
the Treasurer.

     Resolved that the Treasurer shall keep the funds arising
from the interest on the land Scrip Bonds and on the tax
levied by the State in an account separate from all other
sums received by him for the College, and that he shall pay
no sum out of said first named account toward the debts
owing for the erection of buildings.

     Resolved that the Executive Committee out of the money
coming into the Treasurer hands from the land Scrip Fund
and the State tax appropriate the sum of two thousand Dollars
thereof to the payment of so much of the note of the College
to Prof. J. K. Patterson and appropriate the balance of said
fund as fast as it may be collected to the payment of the
debts for furniture, salaries of professors, and rent of the
farm, and that the Executive Committee execute notes for
unpaid balances of the indebtedness of the College on those
accounts, they having discretion to arrange proper terms
with those creditors.

     Resolved that the Executive Committee be directed to
appropriate the sums arising from the sales of the products
of the farm, the tuition fees, and fees from the students
occupying the dormitory to the payment. of the debts owing
on the buildings and that they have discretion to make
terms and arrangements with the said creditors for

     Resolved that the Executive Committee make out and submit
to the Board at its next meeting an account of all expenditures
by them in which the various sums paid out be appropriately

     President Patterson read his report which was received
and filed.


MINUTTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 6, 1882 - page 21-22

     R. S. Bullock, Treasurer presented his report which was
received and filed in a recorded on pa. 150 of their book.
Said report was referred to a Committee composed of L. J.
Bradford, W. H. Wadsworth and D. C. Buell.

     Pres. Patterson report was referred to a Committee
composed of J. G. Simrall, R. S. Bullock and P. P. Johnston.

     William B. Kinkead, Robert S. Bullock, P. P. Johnston,
B. F. Buckner and James F. Robinson were then elected an
Executive Committee for the ensuing year and until their
successors be elected. William B. Kinkead was elected
Chairman of the Executive Committee.

     B. F. Buckner was then elected Secretary of the Board
of Trustees and Robert S. Bullock Treasurer for the
ensuing year.

     On motion of W. H. Wadsworth, Resolved that on the opinion
of this Board the annual expenses of the A. & M. College must
be temporarily reduced and that the whole business of making
the reduction accordingly be and now is referred to a
committee of four which shall consider and mature a scheme
of reduction of the expenses of the College and report to
an adjourned meeting on the 30th day of June next.

     The Chair then appointed W. H. Wadsworth, D. C. Buell,
B. F. Buckner, P. P. Johnston such Committee.

     Ordered that the President's report be referred to a
Committee of three - that they shall confer with the President
and Lieut. W. C. M~cFarland and mature a system of rules for
the harmonious and effective government of the College
and report to the next meeting of their Board.

     Ordered that D. C. fuell, P. PP. Johnston and B. F.
Buckner compose such Committee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6, 1882 - page 22-25

     Ordered that B. J. Peters, be and he is hereby authorized
to go to Frankfort and employ Counsel to institute suit
against Alex Brawner and his surety H. H. Murray for breach
of his contract to do the brick work of the College, and to
make such arrangements in regard hereto as may seem best to

     The Committee to whom was referred the report of the
Treasurer made the following report.

     To the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The Committee appointed by the Board to audit the accounts
of the Treasurer have the honor to report that they have
performed the duty assigned to them. We have not had the
means of verifying the statement of the sums received by the
Treasurer from the State Audit or the statement of the expendi-
tures we find to be correct in amount excepting on over charge
of one dollar upon one of the vouchers and to be sustained
by order drawn on the Treasurer by the Chairman and secretary
of the Executive Committee in favor of the claimants upon the
Treasury. Some of the vouchers were found to be deficient
in the signature of either the Chairman or secretary of the
Executive Committee and some lacked the endorsement of the
person in whose favor the order was drawn, but these defects
were subsequently corrected.

     We suggest that for the future all temporary formalities
shall be observed as strictly as possible.

Lexington, Ky. June 6, 1882
(Signed)                            D. C. Buell
                                     W. H. Wadsworth
                                     L. J. Bradford

     And the Board then adjourned to June 30, 1882.


Missing report(s)