xt7gf18sbs7b_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbs7b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbs7b/data/66m38.dao.xml unknown archival material 66m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Carl and Anne Braden papers Case report and chronology text 0.23 Cubic Feet 1 box Case report and chronology 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gf18sbs7b/data/66m38/Box_1/Folder_4/Multipage91.pdf 1954-1964 1964 1954-1964 section false xt7gf18sbs7b_4 xt7gf18sbs7b I N D E X
Chronology of Events of Wade Case (through bombing)

(With references to Grand Jury and Braden Trial Transcript ---------- 1
Question of Bown's Radio ................................................... 5
Matter of Bown's Time Gard at Dixie Cartage ................................ 11
Matter Of Alleged Confession to Bombing .................................... 11
Matter of Alleged Conversation in Dianer's store --------------------------- 1.3
Matter Of Alleged Meeting at Wade house .................................... 15
Matter of Testimony Concerning Lubka ........................................ 15
Matter of Alleged Bowu Stat ement in Jail ................................... 14

‘1‘ fitter 0f Rona at a]. connection with White Citizens Council ———————————————— 14
Speculation as to how ExplOSive Placed Under House ......................... 14
Testimony of Officer William E. Blevins .................................... 16
Testimony of Lawrence Rinehart ............................................. 1-7
Testimcny of Buster Rona ................................................... 19
Testimony of Stanley Wilt .................................................. 20
Testimony of Ralph Diemer .................................................. g1
Testimony of John W. Blair-u-u-g .......................................... 24
Testimony of Carl Heustis ................................................. 25

Testimony of Kenneth Bixby ------------------------------------------------ 26

List of Witnesses (whose testimony was pertinent) before Grand Jury and
at Braden Trial ------------------------------------------ 29

T.ist of Witnesses to be Subpeomed for Bown Trial ------------------------- 32


Appendix ----- Detailed memorandum on facts of



 May- 10, 1954:

Max 15, 1954:

my 15, 1954:



Carl 8:; Anne Braden purchased house on Bone Court from James I.
Rene through Hudson Realty Company for purpose of transferring
it to Andrew 86 Charlotte Wade. (Wade had approached Bradens
earlier in spring of 1954 and asked them to do this, and
negotiaticns had been in progress for some weeks prior to actual
purclnse date.) Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, .pp. 19-25 (Anne Braden's testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. 1, pp. 57-61 (Andrew Wade IV‘s testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. II, pp. 5—10 (Carl Braden'e testimony)

(There was also, of course, testimony about this at Carl Braden's
trial in testimny of both Wade, 1?, and Braden, but facts
presented there are identical to those in Grand Jury transcript.)

Andrew Wade has started moving sons things into the house. In
late afternoon, Rone (the elder) approaches Wade, asks him if
Bradens are renting house to him. Wade replies: "No they are
deeding it to me." Bone: "Deeding it to you? Who is?" Wade:
"Why, the Bradens, of course. I believe they are the mes who

own it. Now, I wonder when you will be able to get to the work

on repairing that defective tile in the bathroom as you told Braden
you would do?" Rona: ”I haven't got tins to think about that now;
I've got things to do." Bone left in rush, and a few hours later
cars began assembling at his house, across Rene Court from Wade
house. Later that night, motorcade of Bone and others came to
Braden home on Virginia Avenue. Crowd approached Braden, led by
Bone and Hudson, real estate man. Asked him to sell house back

to Rona. Crowd surly and hostile, threats made by at least one
person. Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 27-29 (Anne Braddn testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. II, pp. 10-12 (Carl Braden testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol I, pp. 106-107 (Lawrence Rinehart testimony)
(Rinehart admitted he was in crowd that went to Braden's
and that 15 or 2!) cars went .)

(These incidents were also related by Andrew Wade IV in testimony
at Braden trial.)

Andrew 8.: Charlotte Wade and a friend, Carlos Lynes, went to Bone
Court late in afternoon to spend first night there. When arrived,
found front picture window broken out by a rock and grating in
vent on south side of house. (This vent was in general location
where dynamite was placed six weeks later.) At 10 o'clock that
night, Wades saw group of men burning cross on property owned by
Bone adjoining Wade lot. (Rone's son, Bud: er Rene, Stanley Wilt--
young Rome's bmther—in-law who also lived on Rona Court--—and
Lawrence Rinehart later admitted they were in and crowd tint
bumed cross.) At 2 o'clock following morning, Wade: and Lynes


 Late May--


were awakened by shots being fired into house. About 10 shots
fired, some imbedded in woodwork, etc. Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript , Vol. I, pp. 61-66 (Andrew Wade testimony)
(about window, cross-burning, shots)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 70-71 (Wade testimony)
(about broken grating) '

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 107-110 (Rinehart testimony)
(confession to cross-burning)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp. 9—10 (Buster Bone) '
(confessicn to cross-burning)

Graxxi Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp 20 (Buster Rone)
(said grating not brokm out before Wades moved in)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, 1). 9'7, (Stanley Wilt)
(confession to cross-burning) 7

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp. 118-119 (001. Walter Laymn)
(testimcny as to direction from which shots came---

from Crums Lane, from high angle)

Braden Trial Transcript, p. 287 (Wade IV)

(testimony about grating being knocked out on May 15)

(Wade ale) testified in detail about all events of this night
at Braden trial. Same infomtion as before Grand Jury.)

Vernon Born, like many other people, went to call on Wades in
evening to amass friendship and offer support.

Grand-Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp. 75-78 ‘(Bown testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol IV, pp. 225-234 (Cmrlotte Wade Testimony)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. V, pp. 79-80 (Wade IV testimony)

(Wade also testified a‘mut this at Braden trial)

Early June, 1954: Threats to Wades and also Braden: continue. Shively Newsweek

and its editor, John Y. Hitt, carry on militant crusade
against Wadee. Millard Grubbs, former Eleni leader,
calls for organization aginst Wades in Shively Nevseeek.
Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 29, 46 (Anne Braden)

Grand Juiy Transcript, Vol. II p. 1'7 (Carl Braden)
(both pertaining to threats received)

Grand Jury Tramcript, Vol. II, pp. 18-20 (Carl Braden)
(Shively Newsweek and Grubbs)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp. 2-5 (Ralph Diemer)
(About conversation alleged to have occurred in his
store about dynamite being stored on Bone Caurt to
blur up Wade house. This testimony is attached in

run to this memorandum)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, p. 32 (Andrew Wade, Jr.)




Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. V, p. 98, (Wade IV)
(about man seen crawling through weeds toward house on
a Saturday night several weeks before bombing; someone
in house fired shot in air, he ran)
Grand Jury Tramcript, Vol. IV. PP. 252-253 (Andrew Wade Jr.)
(Testified that when picture window was being placed,
crowd in car drove by and shouted they'd break it out

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol II, p. 39 (John Hitt's own testimony)
(thought this situation ,like Trumbell Park in Chicago-~-
somebody trying to stir up trouble)

Mid-June, 1954: Vernon Bown gave up his room in Louisville and moved into
Wade home with all his belongings to be there during day (he
worked at nigit) with Mrs. Wade while her husband was at work.
Wade testified tint this came about after it was announced at
a nesting of Wade Defense Committee that he needed someone to
stay at the house during the day. Two people volunteered--
Bown and a Negro nan, but since the other nan had a family and
Bown did not, Bown was selected. Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. 1. PP. 91~92 (Wade IV) ‘.

(At this time Wade test ifed Bown moved in about two
weeks before bombingé

Gram Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp.'79-82 (Bown)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. IV, pp. 224-230 (Charlotte Wade)

Grand Jury Tramcript, Vol. IV, p. 246 (Andrew Wade Jr.)

(Said: "We were asking for somebody to spend some
time during the day..."

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. V, pp. 79-86 (Wade IV)

(This is testimony about announcement being made at
Wade Defense Committee nesting)

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. VI, pp. 95-99 (Bessie Simmons)
(Said she suggested to Bown that he move into house;
nobody else testified to that)

Braden Trial Transcript, pp. 217-232, 255, 278-279) (Wade IV)
(On p. 228, he testified Wade Defense Committee...,.._-
recommended Bown after h_e_ (Wade) mde request for
'somebody. On p. 224, prosecutor asked if Bown did
not move in on Sunday night rigit after the hhooting,
which of course was weeks before he actually did move
in. Wade replied: ”It might have’been. I am not
sure of the time.” It is reasonable to assume that
Wade was confused at this. time in the tense atmosphere
surroundirg the trial. At all otha‘ times, he be
renembered clearly that . although Bonn Called on him
briefly the Sunday night after the shooting he did not
move in until weeks later.)

1 “

June 25-27, On Friday, June 25,‘ Bown left in the afternoon to go to work and told
1954: Wadee he whuld be gone over weekend on a trip to Milwaukee, 01: that
Friday night, four of Wade's friends spent night at house-n-Robt.
Williams, Eldridge Veasy, Ben E. Smith and a fourth whose name Wade
did not remember when giving testimony. 0n the following Saturday _,
moming, June 26, these four people and Wade 9233 Mrs. Wade and “Phi
little girl all left house about 8 a.m. and care to town. All the};



house was therefore empty and unguarded for first time since Wade
occupancy. (Daytime police guard had been renoved several weeks
before). fl Between 11 a.m. and l p.m. (testimony of several
witnesses vary as to this tins) Mrs. Wade and her little girl and
a friend, Anna Harris, ani Wade, Jr., returned to house. Wade, Jr.,
stwed only briefly am left. Mrs. Wade, Miss u Harris and
little girl were there alone all afternoon. About '7 or 7:50 that
night Wade IV came out. Wbringing Tellus Wicker and Melvin
Edwards. Wicker ard Edwards agreed to stay alone and keep eye on
house ani Wades and Anna Harris heft for picnic. Picked up food
in tom, went to Indiana side of river and had picnic. Came back
to Louisville quite late in evening, dropped Anna Harris at her
hem, took little girl to Wade's parents to spend night (this was
regular custom on Saturday night so she could attend Sunday School
on Sunday morning in town) and Mr. and Mrs. Wade returned to Rene
Court. Wade noticed as they drove into court that all houses in
neighborhood were dark-«an unusual circumstance for that hour on
a Saturday night. It was about midnight. Winn they reached house,
Wicker was on side porch (north side of house) and Edwards was
asleep on couch in livingroom. Wade got soft drinKS" out of
refrigerator, and he and Mrs. Wade sat down on side porch to talk
to Wicker. Wicker reported one unusual circumstance that had
happened C shortly befOre they arrived. Said three lights had
flashed in big triange formation-«the first one near driveway of
Bone yard across Bone Court (where policeman was on guard duty---
policeman Blevins was sitting in chair, no police car or radio
available. Wicker said it appeared to be a woman near him with

a flashlight. Second light flashed in barn behind Wade house.
Third light flasked in field on opposite side of Wade house---
scuthside. A person in position of third light would not have
been able to see first light, as Wade house would have obstructed
vision, but could lave seen second. Person in position of second
light could have seen first. While Wades and Wicker were discussing
this strange circumstance, explosion occurred on south side of
house. Edwards came out of house slightly stunned. ' ,
”Policeman Blevins came mnning, called on phone,

soon other officers incluiing Captain Johns were there. Ijg
neighbors cane out to see what had happened. Transcript references:

Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 7-8 (Officer Blevins)
(Testified no neighbors came out during uproar)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. I, pp. 68-72 (Wade IV)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. II, p. 39 (John Y. Hitt)
(Testified he was on Rona Court shortly before midnight that
night, talking to Blevins. Transcript gives impression he
was in terrific hurry to explain this fact to Grand Jury
before they had even asked about it. There had been
widespread rumors a early after bombing that police were
investigating fact that he had stopped on Rone Bourt about
midnight and edged Blevins if "anything had happened at
Wade house Es" Source of this report is Courier-Journal
reporter Phil Harsham. Blevins has never so testified but
he has never been asked.



Grand Jury Transcript, Vol II, pp. 44-52, (Melvin Edwards)
(He told what happened night of bombing, described destruction
of hcu-se,~. etc. He, of course, has since died,
having (apparently had a heart attack in November, 1954,
before Braden trial. There were insinuat ions during
Braden trial that he could testify to many.;things if he
were alive.) =
Grand Jury Transcript, VoLwIII,;R. 21-23, (Buster Hone)
(He claimed he slept through bonbixg, never heard it,
although he admitted sound of dynamite explosiion would
be quite unusual in that section.)
Grand Jury Transcrim, Vol. III, p. 34 (Wade Jr.)
(Testified that he got out there soon after bombing and
neighborhood was in total darkness)
Grand Jury Transciipt, Vol. III, pp. 47-49 (John Y. Hitt)
(Again displayed anxiety to explain why he was around Rone
Court that night. Said he was there about 10 to 12.
He knew this because Blevins had asked him the tins and
he had "lit cigarette lighter" to see. He said a police
officer called him - soon after beating tOztell him
about it. For some reason, was reluctant to say which
police officer and was not required to do so.)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, pp. 100—101 (Stanley Wilt)(pp. 99-102)
(Claimed he was working unier his car on his automatic
transmission around midnight night of bombing and had just
gone in ard got in bathtub when he heard explosion. (He
lived at dead eni of Bone Court across court from Wades
and down a bit .t) Said he had his porch light on while
he was working, although Wade and others testified neighbor-
hood was completely dark. Also claimed he went down Rona
Court earlier (before explosion) and takked to Blevins.
Blevins the never testified about this, although he has neVer
been asked.)
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. IV, pp. 179-180, 184-187, 188-197,
204-210 (Tellus Wicker) .4.“ .. .-.
i .‘,Tes.tified in detail. Testimony so ut flashing lights is
on pp. 190-191. On p. 205, testifed tkat explosion nade
terrific noise.
Grand July Transcript, Vol. IV. Pp. 231-232, 254 (Charlotte Wade)
(Testimcny in detail about day and night of bombing)
Grani Jury Transcript, Vol. V, p. 97-98 (more by Wade IV
(Testified house was empty from 8 to 1 that day. Testi fied
that he had put a piece of wood in opening where grating in
vent had been knocked out sometime before am that he knows
this piece of wood was still there on Friday before bombing.)
Braden Trial Transcript, pp. 268-300 (Wade IV)
(details on bombing, essentia 1y ame as in GJ transcript)
Braden Trial Transcript, p.442 (Wade IV)
(He was asked by prosecutor whether certain people were at
his house on Friday night preceding bombing. These
mentioned were Lewis Lubka, Henry Rhine and Elizabeth 8:.
Bill Overby. He replied in negative. Later he testified
(p. 269) tlnt four people spent night there Friday night---
Robt. Williams, Eldridge Veasy, Ben E. Smith and another
he could not remember)




Braden Trial Transcript, p. 275 (Wade IV——-teetimony about flashing

lights before bombing) ‘ _

Braden Trial Transcript, pp. 1243-1259 (Capt. J. C. .Tohn‘s'”) "
(Testified that he and Officer Marrs got there 5 or 10 minutes
after explosion-"after Blevins called him. Saw no neighbors

Braden Trial Transcript, pp. 1259-1268 (County Police Officer
Robert Davis) (Testified he was on guard duty'at boxes

that night earlier in the evening, left about 10:15 when
Blevins relieved him, knew nothing of bombing)

Braden Trial Transcript, pp. 1269~1278, Officer Blevins
(Pretty much sans testimony as before Grand Jury. Also
testified that he observed some activity on side ofOWilt
hh'ne'M'l'a‘te that night, couldn't say when their light Went



Question of Bown's little radio

Much, of course, has been made by the prosecution of the fact that pieces of
a radio owned by Bown were found unier the house after the explosion. It is
the prosecution theory that this radio was used to detcnate the dynamite.
Bown has never denied that the radio was his. He says he had it in the back
bedroom of the house, which was the room in which he slept. This was the
room which—“along, with the bathroom-”was damaged the most of any room in the
house. A great hole was blown in the floor. It is of interest to note that
the theory that the radio might have been used to dentonate the dynamite was
first nentioned to the Grand Jury by Anirew Wade 1? (Grand Jury transcript,
Vol. I, pp. 85-95). He said, however, that he did not suspect that Vernon Bown
had caused the explosion, Just that somebody else might lave got hold of the
radio and used it.

The general line of the prosecution theory is that the radio was placed under
the house and rigged up to the dynamite. A radio expert (Kenneth Bixby)
testified at the Braden trial as to how such a device could be used to
detonate dynamite (Braden Transcript , p. 1357). However, there has never been
any testimony by anybody to indicate when the prosecution thinks the radio
was so rigged up arm it was actually nade to detonate the dynamite on the
night of the explosicn.

Actually, the prosecution theory rests on two factors:

(1) Statements by witnesses that pieces of the radio were found scattered
underneath all parts of the house-«even under parts where there was
no damge to the floor above, the conclusion apparmtly being that if
the radio ind just fallen through the floor in pieces it would not have
scattered to parts of the house where the floor me not damaged.



(2) Statements by the prosecution that the handle of the demolished radio was
found after the explo sion hanging from a wire that was hanging from a nail
trat had been railed into a joist under the house.

This latter factor is the most interesting, but to dispose of the first factor

Wade testified he found parts of radio scattered under house O far back up
in corners where there was no damage above ( Grand Jury transcript, Vol. V,
p. 100). He also testified that he found no parts of it in bedroom where
radio normally was and he thought if it had been in room at time of
explosion, some parts muld have stayed in bedroom. (Grand Jury transcript,
Vol I., p. 925). However, Bown said that Wade had mentioned to him the
possibility the radio might have been used the Monday after the eprOBion
and he also inspected the premises. He testified he found these conditions:
that parts of the radio w_e_r_e_ in the bedroom and that pieces of his toilet
articles and other personal belongings that had been in the bedroom were
also scattered everywhere unier the house, just as parts of the radio were.
Grand Jury Transcript, Vol. III, p. 88.

In regard to the statements of the prosecution that the handle of the radio was
found hanging from a wire hanging from a nail in a joist under the house:

This statement was made by Commonwealth's Attorney A. Scott Hamilton in his
opening statemnt to the Jury in the Braden trial; it was repeated in the
closing argument; it was repeated again in the brief which the Commonwealth
filed with tin Court of Appeals in the Braden case. It has been said so
often tint practically everyone who has I‘een following; the case has assumed
tint at some time someone testified tlat the handle was so found.









The fact is that nobody has ever testified that it was so found. Such a
circumstance was not maitioned in any testimony before the Gram Jury. In
the testimony at the Bradm trial, it was mentioned only in guest ions asked
of the elder and younger Wade by the pro secutor and both replied they didn't
know whether it was foumi in this manner. In fact, a reading of the two
tianscripts indicates that it was not found hanging from such a nail, because
officers who investigted the case and wondered about the radio talked about
the radio but never mmtioned a mndle hanging from a wire m a nail. If it
had hem found in this mnner, it would have surely bem mentioned before the
Grand Jury. The pertinent testimony, either in summary, or verbatim follows:


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The only three police officers who testified before the Gram Jury were
Officer Blevins, who was on duty the night of the explosion, Colonel Layman,
the chief, and John Burke, a detective. Blevins said he never did any
investigating after the bombing at all. layman supposedly summarized for the
Grand Jury what his force Ind found on the case. He nantioned the radio
only-brid'fly toward the and of his testimony (p. 127, Vol. III, GJ Transcript)
nd then only to say that Detective Burke couldn't stop worrying about that
radio, thinking it had something to do with the explosion. In the course of
his testimony, Layman enunerated for the Grand Jury clues they had been able
to fini---dynamite fuse) pieces ani wire, foot prints of which they made
plaster caste---but he nade no mention of a radio handle. He said: ”Every
piece of evidence went right to the lab. The reports actmlly was no evidence
that was valuable." (Vol. III, p. 123 Burke later testified before the

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Grand Jury that he was indeed suspicious about the radio and how it was
scattered in pieces under the house (Vol. III p. 141)_ 13 he nadn no

, wuss. M as? M
mention oil: radio 2&9 81% ‘ 4L: ‘w @h

The only County police officers who testified at the Braden trial were ‘
Officer B evins, Capt. J. 0. Johns, and Robert Dagis. Officer Blevins gave‘ad.
virtually the seams testimony he gave the Gramd Jury, was askedmo questions
abcut the radio, didn't mention it and said he did no investigating (Braden
Trial transcript, pp. 1269-1278). Davis who was on duty before Blevins that
night gave no testimony about investigation after bombing. (Trial Transcript,
pp. 1259-1268). Capt. .T. C. Johns said he was at the sdene five or 10

minutes after the bombing and had been in on the investigating. He did

not mention the radio and was not asked about it. (His testimony, pp. 1243-1259)

The following bits of testimony from Andrew Wade IV at the Braden trial bear
on the radio handle question:

646e,: Now immediately after the explosion, Mr. Wade, did you or not find a
portable type battery-type radio suspended from a joist, or did you
see it?

A: I renember when the investigating officers shine d. a light under the
house, making a temporary investigation, and I remember seeing parts
of a radio. I do not recall seeing the radio parts, any particular
parts supsended from a wire, but I believe that it has been ascertained
that there were such parts suspended.

The Court: Not what has been ascertained, but just what you W
‘ a ‘ ’ ‘“ Braden Trial Transcript--p. 290.

a: * as a:
I will exhibit to you what purports to be the handle of a radio and

ask you if that resembles or is identical to, except for its damaged
condition, to the handle that was on the Bown radio?

It looks like it’s part of the same outfit.

*C * * *

Now, Mr.. Wade, after the explosion occurred, did you have oddasion to
examine this hanle or not? In other words did yOu ascertain any wire
mrks on it? Have you done that yourself or not?

I” examined the entire radio and its parts, and I don't particularly

re r any wine narks.

. Trial Transcript, p. 294
Shortly thereafter, prosecutor introduced in evidence a piece of wodden

joist in which a nail was driven ani a piece of wire hanging from the nail.
He edged Wade IV if it as identical to piece of joist and wire cut from
house after explosion. (At this point there was no mention of radio handle).



Wade answered: "Yes, I remember them cutting that piece off." (p. 296,
Transcript.) Erosecutor then pointed out dent in wood under nail where
"apparently something blew up or was blown up and struck it, is it not?"
Wade answered: There is an obvious dent in the wood." (pp. 296-297)
Prosecutor then asked him if it was in the same condition after the
explosion. A: "I did take particular note of it, and I remember that ..
it's verygclose if not exactly the same." Prosecutor: "And the nail and ,«A‘
wire were attached to it Just as it is now?" A: "That's right and I
remember the dent." (P. 297). “AA

:0: * * a: *
The following testimony of Andrew Jade, Jr., bears on the same points:

The prosecutor showed him the joist with the nail and wire and asked him if
he had seen it before.

A: Yes sir, I have seen it before.

52%;: With that wire attached to it?

A: That's right.

339,: Now after the explosion, tell the jury where you saw that.
A: You mean that piece of wood?

34s,: Yes.

A: That was attached to one of the—--where the flooring formerly was, of course
the floor was blown away, and we got a saw from someone and
* sawed this piece of wood off of that Joist.
(Transcript, pp. 1307-1308)

Prosecutor then showed him some radio batteries and he said they were found
in the vicinity of the vent on south side of house. (Transcript, p. 1308)

42%: Now was there any part of the radio attached to the wire when you first
saw it? Do you recall or not?

A: I kind of believe it was-~-

Mr. Zollinger: Objection to what he believes.

The Court: well, his best recollection. He can give that.
439;: Do you recall having seen that radio handle before?

F? "In"
A: That's right.

44oz, Now I will ask you, Mr. Wade, if that was not sfienfled to that wire
immediately after the explosion and when you fi 5 saw it?

A: I am not too sure. There was some kind of commotion there, the way
this thing was hanging up when we first discovered it. But I am not too
sure that it was attached to the joist or not. It's been quite some

Tmagj , h' - (sot—nag)



Other matters of interest concerning radio:

The prosecution's expert, Kenneth Bixby, testified that if such a radio
were rigged up to detonate dynamite, the battery would go dead within a
half-hour or possibly Just a little longer. (Pertinent excerpts from his
testimony are attached to .this memorandum. His testimony starts on

p. 1355 of Braden Trial Transcript.)

There has been testimony about the“ tubes being out of the radio after
the explosion, although it has never been made too clear what significance
this is supposed to have. Wade IV testi fied before the Grand Jury (Vol. V,
pp. 55-66) that it perplexed him why they were out. He said he found in
examining the parts that they were gone and had been taken out clean--—in
other words, no prongs from. tubes had broken off in sockets, indicating
apparently to him they might have been removed before the explosion. A1;

the Braden trial, prosecutor produced some tubes while Wade IV was testifying.
Wade commented that this was the first he had see f any tubes, that he had
never been able to find any. (Braden Trial Transc ipt, p. 295)

There were also some questions during Wade IV's testimony about a piece of
tape allegedly on back of radio. It was not clear what significance this
was supposed to have either. Testimony on this:

850% I will show you anot er part, and I will ask you to state whether
or not you ever saw a piece of tape on the back of Vernon Bown's
radio affixed in that manmr?

I never noticed it?

., 1.. ’1‘ s

Can ya; tell whether or not a new radio would ordinarily have a
piece of tape stuck an the back of it like that, and if so, if
you know the purpose of it?

Apparently this tape was used to keep down unnecessary vibration
betwem two dissimilar materials. There is metal and plastic.

I don't think it is customry for them to use scotch tape or this
type of tape for that purpose.

( Prosecutor then offered this in evidence)
---Braden Trial Transcript, p. 292.

twee-*— r": -
, it .


Wade IV testified (p. 95, Vol. 1, Grand Jury Transcript) that explosion
blew big hole in back bedroom floor. Police who testified also said this.
It might be well to bring this out to show how radio could have fallen
through floor. In fact, might be well to take jury to view house.

1‘s?" “ ".
Wade IV testified ( p. 86, Vol. 1, Grand Jury transcript) that there was
no clock on Bom's radio.

Wade IV testified (p. 94, Vol. 1, Gran} Jury transcript) tint the windows





in Bown's bedroom were not locked on they preceding explosion when nobody
was in house. In fact, windows in house were never locked througiout this
whole period. It might be important to bring this out, in case prosecution
convinces Jury radio was used to detonate dynamite--~this Would give idea
that even if radio was used it was not necessarily Bown who did it, that
anybody could have reached in and got radio out of room. Wade could also
testify that Buster Rona Htsn walked by this side of house on his way
back to a barn or field or something where he had some cows or horses

(not sure about this). He has neveriite‘st ified in court to this fact, but
he has commented on it in conversat icn.

Matter of Bown' s time card at Dixie Cartage Company where he worked.

At Braden Trial, prosecution brought in timekeeper from Dixie Cartage,
apparently in effort to show that Bown worked Saturday night, June 26,
although he said he was out of town that night. This was John W. Blair.
(Testimony on pp. 1206-1210 of Trial Transcript.) He started to testify

that Bonn worked that night, defense counsel - objected on grounds

this did not pertain to Braden. Curtis upheld objection but allowed him
to make avowal into record out side hearing of Jury. When he and lawyers
got out in 3 hell to rake avowal he looked at his records again and
discovered that in fact Bown had n_o_t worked Saturday night but had worked
Friday nigit of that week.” (Pertinent testimony is attached to his
memorandum “%~

latter of alleged confession of someone connected with dynamiting.

There are a nunber of reports about this, little of which has ever been
brought out in courts. .This information is detailed fully in long
memorandum on bombing dated December 23, 1955. To summarize facts
On July 1 ,/Hamilton had told Wade Defense Committee he'd have Grand
Jury probe bombing tint day. Whai Attorney Ewbank Tucker ani members
of committee arrived for investigation, Hannltcn told Tucker the police
had found who did the dynamit ing and there would soon be arrests, therefore
Tucker agreed to postponement of Grand Jury investigation. (Source of
this information: Tucker)

During tlmt same period, Coloml Walter Layman told committee from
Wade Defense Committee "We could put our hands right now on man who
did it, but we want to get more evidence before linking arrest."
(Source: Tucker who was present anl heard statemnt.

Reportedly, the Rev. G. W. Sims and Booker Sitgraves were present
and also recall statement)

On July 1, 1954 (later in afternoon after Hamilton called off Grand
Jury investigation), City Police Chief Carl Heustis called Carl Braden
to his office, informed him he had informtion from County police

that some of same people. involved in Wade bomb mg- planned
boating at Braden home. He said he was putting 24-hour guard at
Braden home and did so.



On July 2, 1954, Heuetis told Anne Braden that the people who blew up
Wade house were a "bunch of ignorant asses” and would be under arrest
within 48 hours.

On July '7, Heustis withdrew guard from Br