xt7gb56d585m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d585m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1945 1946 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.2, December 1945 - January 1946 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.2, December 1945 - January 1946 1945 1945 1946 2020 true xt7gb56d585m section xt7gb56d585m  





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VOL. XVM December, 1945 - January. 194$





Louisville Kemeky









The Kentucky ’
State College

1888 Funkfofl, Kentucky V [“5


Co-educafional Class A College


Degl-ees offered in
‘ Arts and Sciences ‘
Home Econamiu 4- Agriculture
Business Administration





won MWN mum



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 l'his page in the original text is blank.

 The K. N E A Journal

Ofiicial Organ of the Kenimcky Negro Education Association
VOL. XVII December, 1945 - January, 1946 No. 2



Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 7230 West Chestnut Street
Louisville 11, Kentucky

W. H. Perry, Jr., Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Edit!“
Mrs. Lucy Barth Smith, Lexington, President of KNEJL

A 1“. Gibson, Pineville Victor K. Perry, Louiwflle
Mrs. Mayne S. Morris, Louisville they M Young, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the school year
Dumber, December, February and April

Membership in the K. N. E. A. includes subscription to the Journal.
Rates of advertising mailed on request


K N. E. A. Officers .............................................. 2
Editorial Comment ........ . ............. . .............. . . . . . . . . . 3
K. N. E. A. AnnouImements 4
Convention Commitltees .................... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . 5
Day-time Sessions Scheduled at Madison Jr. High. . .. ........... .. 6
The President's Message, Mrs. Lucy Haiti: Smith ...... ........ 6
Del-Rey Sponsors Home Economics Contest. . . .. ........ . . . . . . . . 7
The Kentucky Commission on Negro Affairs, A. F. Gibson ........ '7
The Teacher Who Learns About Polio, John W. Chenault, M. D.. . .10
The Report of the Kentucky Commission on Negro Aifairs ........ 18
Kullings ...... ... . ................................... . .......... 25

Honor Roll .......... 26

 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS FOR 1945-1543

Lucy Harhh Smith, President ...........
Robert L. Dowel-y, First ViceJPresiden't.
T. J. Long, Second Vice~Pre5ident....
W. H. Perry, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer.


. Louisville





Lucy Barth Smith President. Lexington
A. F. Gibson Pineville
Mame R. Man . .Muisville
Victor K. Perry . .lnuisville

coln Ridge

W-hitney M. Young

Edward T. Buford, High School and College Dept. .Bowling Green
Mayme R. Morris, Elementary Education Dept.
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Dept.
R. L. Carpenter, Music Depatnnent. .
B. W. Browne, Vocational Education Dept... .
W. O. Nuckolls, Hincipals’ Conference.. .
Beatrice C. Willis, Primary Teacl’iers' Dep
Anoma Beard, Youth Council..
Hattie Figg Jackson, Art Teacher
G. W. Jackson, Social Science Teachers’ Confe
Gertrude .Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference. .
Jewell R. Jackson, English Teachers’ Conference.
C. Elizabeth Mandy, Librarians’ Conference...

W. L. Kean, Physical Education Department. . . . .
W. H. Craig, Guidance ‘Workers’ Conference .....
A. J. Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference.
William D. Johnson, Adult Education Departmem ......


l—Bettie C. Cox, Pad'ucah .First District Association
2—Herbert Kirkwood, Hen ecand District Association
H. B. McClaskey, Russellville Third District Association
4—Russell Stone, Bloomfield. ourth District Association
5—Efizabeth W. Collins, Louis . .xFifth D‘istnict Association
6—‘Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge. . ue Grass District Association
7—H. R. Merry, Covington. Northern District Association
8—E. M. Kelly, Jenkins. . .. .Eastern District Association
s—J. .A. Mamhews, Benham. Upper Cumberland District Assn.


l—aE. T. Buford: High School and College Department, Principal-5’
Conference, Librarians’ Conference, Adult Education Department,
3A)” Teachers’ Conference (Section 1): Music Department, (Section

Z—uBeatx'ice C. Willis: Elementary Education Department, may
Teachers’ Conference, Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 2), Music
Department QSection 2).

3%. W. Jackson: Social Science Teachers’ Conference, Science
Teachers’ Conference, English Teachers’ Conference, Foreign
Language Teachers’ Conference, Physical Education Department.

4—W. H. Craig: Guidance Workers’ Conference, Youth Council, VOCH'
tional Education Departmenl, Rural School Department












Editorial Comment




Educators, through the field of race relations, have an opportunity
to strengthen the position of the United States as a leader in world
affairs. Our nation is challenged to become as effective a force for
peace as she was in war. America, “the arsenal of democracy,” made
vital contributions to the victory of allied arms through use of her
natural, human and spiritual resources. Our statesmen advocated, as
the basis for dealings within nations and among nations, the princi-
ples of democracy and christian-Airy.

Their practice is imperative if every citizen is to make a reasonable
contribution to progress, and if dissatisfaction, hatreds and wars are
to be avoided. Scientific knowledge ‘has made it possible for all the
culture and wealth developed during the ages, even civilization itself,
to be destroyed in an instant. There is urgent demand for a World
leadership that can direct thinking in ten-nu of practical idealism.
This is an obligation of American diplomatic leadership, But our lead-
ers cannot speak convincingly in international affairs concerning
democratic and christian practices until the American people them-
selves develop strong convictions and customs consistent with them.
There is an obvious inconsistency between American ideals as ex-
pressed in the Constitution, and practice in the area of race relations.
This seriously impairs America‘s opportunity for leadership mung
the nations, whose complex problems include many of a racial nature.
America’s gross inconsistencies furnished useful propaganda material
for the Germans and Japanese during the recent war.

Experience during recent years has furnished abundant evidence
that mixed racial groups can work together efficiently and with mu-
tual respect and understanding. Despite traditional conservative atti-
tudes, there has been evident a consistent and easily recognizable
tendency for members of the majority group to disregard racial lines
in business, labor and many public associations. The time seems to be
at last “ripe” for educational policy makers to establish programs
lplanned to foster and develop such normal and natural inter-ming»

Thoughtful, forward-looking Negroes in America see local race
relations in national and international perspective. They believe that
tolerance of undemocratic practices is a dis-service to our country;
not only the interests of the Negro group, but those of the nation
are affected favorably by insistence'upon the ideals to which Ameri-
ca gives lip service. They not only appeal to the courts to secure con-


 formity to established law, but seek to mold public opinion and to
develop the possibilities inherent in education The opportunity for
the educator is obvious

The schools of America were our first line of defense in time of
war‘. They have the opportunity to stand in the front line of attack
on world problems through the establishment, nationally and inter-
nationally, of good Willi


\As this issue of the Journal goes to press, the secretary is con-
ferring with departmental and group chairmen in the arranging
of the program for the April Convention, in order that the ideas
and wishes of the classroom teachers themselves may be the basis
for the program, The central theme is: “Meeting the needs of Ken-
tucky’s youth." ‘ ‘ * ‘ ‘ * *

Membership cards and badges are being mailed teachers along
with their receipts for enrollment fees. .These should not be lost
The card is necessary for identification when voting and for ad
mission to the evening general sessions. The badge admits teaehers
to special movies as guests of the management ‘of the Lyric and
Palace Theatres

n a a: a: s n it

THE SPELLING CONTEST will be resumed this year, under
the direction of Mr. Theodore El Rowan, teacher of English at
Louisville‘s Jackson Street Junior High School. Mrl Rowan suc-
ceeds ML A L. Garvin, who resigned as director of the contest
due to the pressure of other duties.

~ u t 4: e a s n

An art exhibit, featuring the Work of the schools of the state, has
been planned. Schools desiring to send work will please notify the
secretary, so arrangements for its display may be made other
departments desiring to present exhibits are invited to do so, and
to give advance notice of the intention to the secretary

it a s , e s s

The annual election of officers will be held on Friday, April 1?,
1946. The names of all persons who seek elective office at the con-
vention must be submitted for the purpose to the chairman of the

_Nominating Committee, or to the secretary of the Association, by
March 11, 1946.
e e e r s » a:

Payment of HONOR MEMBERSHIP REES of two dollars per
year will help the Association m its plans, particularly in the de-
velopment of its departmental and group programs. Association
officials are finding it difficult to secure educational leaders of
the calibre desired as speakers at group and departmental sessions
with the present financial limitations

c a u >1: u c s _

President Lucy Earth Smith has amounted the personnel of the

following committees, to report at the April convention.

Legislative Committee

Mr. M. J. sleet, Chairman.
(Address: West Kentucky Vocational Training School; Pudacah,

President R. B. Atwood, Frankfort, 'Kentucky.

President H. C. Russell, Paducah, Kentucky.

Miss Maude E. Brown, Louisville, Kentucky.

Mr. Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky.

Mr. W. L. Shobe, {Ly-nah, Kentucky.

Mr. H. R. Merry, Covington, Kentucky.

Mr. H. B. Kirkwood, Henderson, Kentucky.

Mr. J. A. Matthews, Benham, Kentucky.

Mr. C. -B. Nuckells, Ashland, Kentucky.

Representative Charles W. Anderson, Louisville, Kentucky.

Mr. A. F. Gibson, ‘Pineville, Kentucky.

Miss Harriet LaForrest, Louisville, Kentucky.

‘Mr. W. H. Story, Jr., Henderson, Kentucky.

Dr. G. D. Wilson, Louisville, Kentucky:

c. L. Timberlake, Morganfield, Kentucky.

Numinafing Committee

Miss Mary E. Fishbackflhairman.
(Address: 2316 West Chestnut St., Louisville, Kentuclq.)
Mrs. Cornelia J. Weston, Hopkinsvllle, Kentucky.
Mr. William T. Gilbert, Wheelwright, KentuCkY.
Mr. James B. Brown, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Mrs. M. J. Egester, Padueah, Kentucky.
Mr. E. '1‘. Buford, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Mr. H. s. Osborne, Middleshoro, Kentucky, -
Mrs. Jewell R. Jackson, Covington, Kentucky.
Mr. Russell Stone, Bloomfield, Kentucky.

Reselufinns Committee

Dean J. T. Williams, Chairman.

(Address: Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Kentucky.)
Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington, Kentucky.
Mr. Elijah W. Bates, Campbtfllsville, Kentucky.
Mr. E. W. Whiteside, Paducah, Kentucky.
Mr. H. E. Gondlae, Danville, Kentucky.

Mr. R .L. Bowery, Franklin, Kentucky.
MT. G. W. Adams, Winchester, Kentucky.
Mr. S. L. Barker, Owensbero, Kentucky.
Miss Amelia Sawyer, Louisville, Kentucky.
Mr. George W. Parks, Jenkins, Kentucky.


The day-time sessions of the 1846 K. N. E. A. Convention will be
held in the beautiful Madison Street Junior High School, Eigh.
teenth and Madison Streets, which has been made available through
the courtesy of the Louisville ‘Board of Education. The building
is conveniently located, being on the Eighteenth Street bus line,
and one square from the Walnut Street and the Chestnut Street

Its gymnasium provides a place suitable for large group meet
lugs, with nearby classrooms in which may be held conferences
of members of departments, and of committees. The set-up should
prove economical of the time of those in attendance, and should
contribute to the convenience of any Wishing to Visit the meetings
of several departments. The meetings and addresses may proceed
in quiet settings. Clerical facilities may be utilized as needed.
Arrangements are being made to provide hot lunches, sandwiches,
and soft drinks in the school lunch room.

The evening sessions Will ‘be held, as heretofore, at Quinn Chapel
A. M. E. Church, 912 West Chestnut Street

(Mrs. Lucy Barth Smith, President, KNAEAA.)

The annual meeting of the Kentucky Negro Education Associa-
tion will be held April ’1043 in Louisville. iAzfter a lapse of two
years we should be eager and anxious to use every minute of our
time for the improvement of teaching and the conditions under
which we work. Many outstanding educational problems are await-
ing solution and we who are peacetime wantioxs can best solve

The atomic bomb and its possible consequences have forced us to
see that the principle of ”The Brotherhood of Man” offers the best
solution for future living. I think the classroom is the best place to
teach and practice this great idea]1 for it is there that we can train
our children to combat ignorance. greed, selfishness and prejudice.

The Negro soldier has now become a member of our student
body. With his experience with world citizens, combined with our
experience as educators, we ought to be able to open new doors
of opportunity and make the World. a better place in which to liVE.
President R. B. Atwood is now a member of the Kentucky Com-
mittee for Distribution of Surplus War Material. We request every
Kentucky teacher to keep in touch with this committee, to let their
needs ‘be known.

While we in Kentucky can vote for our governing officials, there
are those in various parts of the country who are not pannit-ted to
vote because of poll tax requirements We can help those citizens
by getting into direct contact with those who can help Every
teacher should write Senator iAlben Barkley, and request that he


 fight for the bill, and that he use his influence to bring the poll
tax bill up in the present Congressional sessioni Also, write Sena-
tor W. E. Stanfill, and solicit his influence in its behalfr Urge all
organizations with which you are connected to do the same thing.

At our April meeting we plan to bring to you individuals who
can give to us inspiration and information as well As a member
agency of the Committee for Kentucky you are assisting to raise
Kentucky's rating among the states of the'union. We urge every
teacher to assist the committee in its work.


An exhibit of products prepared by home economics classes of
Kentucky High Schools Will be a feature of the 1946 K.N;E.A,

Types oi exhibits which may be entered, and regulations of the
contest may be secured from the office of the K..'NEA secretary.

Several cash prizes are offered for the best exhi its. The judges,
tentatively selected, are: the head of the home economics department,
Kentucky State College; a representative of the University of Louis—
ville; the president of the Louisville Housewives League. Standards
for judging the entities have been set up by the home economics
classes of Kentucky State College, under the direction of Mrs. Grace
5. Morton, head of the department.

Mr. Robert B. Lewis, well known columnist and socio~civic
worker. and former production manager for the Kentucky Macaroni
Company, is the proprietor of the Del—Rey Restaurant, which will
sponsor the exhibit. He will give demonstrations on “The Miracles
of Macaroni" in the Del-Rey Experimental Kitchen, and will have
as dinner guests, the teachers of the prize winning pupils.

The contest is directed by Pratt “Mr J. Strong, formerly principal
of the Campbellsvi‘lle High School.

by Alvantus at Gibson

(Mr. Gibson, a director of the KN.E.A., and formerly chairman of
its legislative committee, is on leave of absence from his duties
as Principal of the Roland Hayes High School, Pineville, Kentuc»
ky, in order that he may continue his graduate study in the city of

When some fourteen months ago, Governor Simeon Willis, of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky, appointed the Kentucky Commis»
sion on Negro Affairs, he rendered a service in the field of race
relations that no other chief executive of the state has even ap~
preached. The appointment of this commission did not stem from
political expediency, hut emanated from the desire to lay before
the citizens of the Commonwealth, in the most intelligent, forceful


 and efficient manner the social, educational and economic status
of 115 hegro citizens A further evidence of this great desire is
witnessed in the personnel of the commission, it being composed
of an equal number of appointees from each race, each having the
intelligence, training and ability to find the facts and the courage
to present them as found.

We lhave read and studied the report of the commission. It is
clear, concise, and truly revolutionary, especially when viewed in
the light of the status quo. The governor is to be congratulated on
the creation of this study group, and the members thereof should
receive public acclaim for the magnificent service they have ren-
dered. The role played by both races in its membership is an ex-
ample of the attempt to approach the ideal which should lie prac-
ticed in every true democracy.

Space will not permit a detailed discussion of the study phases
of the report. However, the K. N. E. A, should feel that since the
commission has incorporated within its report the most important
aspects at its legislative program for 1943, plus many long range
educational changes necessary for the improvement of Negro edu-
cation, Kentucky has at least become conscious of the existing
inequalities and inadequacies, and is able, ready and Willing to meet
the issue squarely and to set its house in order.

As chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Kr N. E. A. for
the last two years, I believe v1 vaice the sentiment of the entire
membership when I say that it seems that our efforts have not
been in vain, because our requests have already been acceded to,
partly, by the direct action of our Governor and the Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction, and, likewise, other of our recommena
dations have been broadened and amplified by the Commission on
Negro Affairs.

There will doubtless be some among us who will say that these
changes are too radical, and impossible of attainment We must
remember, however, that these are momentous times, that events
of worldwide influence come hurrying along at a pace that leaves
mankind breathless and confused. ’We realize fully that not all
these things can be acwnplished in the framework of our present
legislative, administrative and judicial set-up. But the opportunity
is here, the challenge is for us to use our intelligence, our ingenu-
ity in finding or creating the ways and means necessary m reach
our objectives.

The General Assembly of Kentucky is now in session, and as
citizens and educators, it (is our duty to inform the members of this
august body that we are placing upon them the specific respon-
sibil’ ies for using all legal methods necessary to help correct the
existing conditions, and to pave the way for future further con-
structive actionr rlt is our solemn duty to inform than, and to keep
them informed of our wishes and our determination. We must
ever keep before the citizens of Kentucky that “the whole is the
parts, and the parts are the Whole; what benefits the Whole benefits


 the parts, what benefits the parts benefits the whole." We must
ever keep before our citizens that these long overdue changes are
the warp and woof of. not only local patterns, but new world pat-

Yes, such changes will surely impose new duties and responsi-
bilities But they are the sort no honorable citizen would wish to
escape, Never before has the moral obligation to be intelligent and
unselfish been so great; never has there been such need for the
fundamental Christian virtues. By ignorance, suspicion and greed,
we may all lose, We must work in our communities to spread con-
fidence, good will and intelligence among all the people, setting our
influence against the divisive forces that would array one class or
group against another, We must by all means keep our professional
house in order, and give to our united organizations and our educa-
tional association the strength, vitality and voice needed to cope
with the gigantic task before us.

Our Governor Willis, his Kentuoky Commission on Negro Af-
fairs, and our own K N E. A., having gone this far will not waver
in their zeal to see their efforts bear fruit It is then' a first duty
of every person worthy of the honored name of educator, or citi—
zen, to support them in their task of rushing 8 living, working,
dynamic democracy There are many adjustments to be made,
many difficult problems yet to be worked out, 01d scores to be for-
gotten, personalities to be harmonized, sacrifices to be asked and
made, and new relationships to be established But, considering
the nature of the times, the long overdue reforms, the requests
and recommendations of the Commission are modest, reasonable
and within the power of the citizens of the Commonwealth to ac-
complish, if we all work at the task in the spirit, “Love thy neighe
bar as thyself."



Paducah, Kentucky

Graduates are fast entering the industrial and business life of
the State.

Harvey C. Russell. President




by John w. Chenault, M. D.

Medical Director, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama and Director of
Orthopedic Surgery, Infantile Paralysis Center

In 1944 there was an epidemic of “polio" or infantile paralysis
in Kentucky. It was not state wide but was concentrated in oer~
tain localities, particularly in Jefferson County which had no few-
er than 264 cases out of the 756 in the state as ‘a whole. Teachers,
one or more of whose pupils were victims of that epidemic, have
not forgotten it. But what about the teachers in other parts iii the
statel Do they know any more about infantile paralysis than they
did a year ago? Do they understand that until the scientists have
found some way to prevent this disease, it will in all probability
come again to Kentucky, and that next time it may be in their
own county?

It is well for teachers to be prepared for such an emergency,
since every outbreak of infantile paralysis is an emergency.
Though they cannot take the place of doctor or nurse, there is use»
ful work for teachers to do,

When it becomes known that a case of infantile paralysis has
been reported, people become frightenedr They are afraid for their
children; this is natural. But roften they have mistaken ideas about
”polio," ideas which cause them needless will They want to pro-
tect their children, but do not always know What to do or Where to
go to find out. This adds to their distress. Children, seeing their eld-
ers frightened, are frightened too, without knowing exactly why.

'Perhaps the mothers want to take children out of school. even
though the Health Officer may not have ordered it; or perhaps
they come to the teacher for advice, as she is an influential person
in the community In one way or another she is sure at such a time
to be in close touch with many parents, and if she has informed
herself about the disease, she may be of real help and comfort to
anxious mothers. She wiu know, too, how to quiet the children’s

Although “polio” can be a painful and crippling disease, it is
not always as serious as many people think, Fully half of those who
contact it recover completely with proper treatment and are none
the worse off for their experience Others are left with some slight
weakness. Only a few, perhaps 15 or 20 out of every 100 suffer any
serious permanent crippling. Then, again, when an epidemic of in-
fantile paralysis does occur, comparatively few members of that
community become infected—probably not more than one in 8
loan. The percentage of children will be higher, as they are more
susceptible than adults; perhaps one child in 800 will come down
with the disease, Sometimes the rate is higher. But it must be re—
membered that the one child who “catches” it ‘has better than an
even chance to get well. These are reassuring thoughts to parent;

When a child does not completely recover, but is left with some


 paralysis, the paralysis may prove to be only temporary. It may
quite likely yield to treatment. Sometimes treannenvt must go on
for a long time in order completely to overcome the weakness of
the muscles. Because progress is slow there is always danger that
parents will grow disheartened or skeptical, and want to take their
children out of the hospital or convalescent home too soon, or that
they may get tired of taking them to the clinici The teacher cannot
too strongly urge the parents not to give up Courage and will to
get well count for a great deal in infantile paralysis, This is true
for the patient also, provided he is old enough to understand.

:When treatment fails to bring back power, sometimes the ortho-
pedic surgeon by muscle transplants or other means can help the
patient, or enable him to walk by means of well-fitted braces.
There are many things that can he done. It does not do to give up.

All these treatments and this equipment are expensive, but
thanks to the National Foundation for infantile Paralysis no pa~
tient, whatever his age, race, creed or color, need go without the
medical care he needs because he cannot pay the bills. There is a
Kentucky Chapter of the National Foundation situated at 72‘!
Marion E. Taylor (Building, Louisville. Mr. M. C. Browde'r is the
Executive Secretary, and he can be called on for advice or assist—
ance. «Financial assistance is made possible through the generosity
of the American people in contributing each year to the March of
Dimes, which in 1946 will be held January 14 to 31. How much aid
can be given ’to the people of Kentucky depends in large degree on
the people of Kentucky themselves.

\It is important for parents to know that treatment in the first
days of the illness m'ay oftentimes prevent unnecessary crippling.
When infantile paralysis is in the neighborhood, a child who is
only slightly sick should he put to bed at once in a room hy him-
self. He may seem to have simply a cold, or a sore throat or head-
ache, perhaps an upset stomach, but these are often the first
symptoms of “polio," and a doctor should he called without delay.
Later the patient may develop a stiff neck or back; he may be ner-
vous and irritable, or very tired. His hands may tremble. He may
be terrified if he finds he cannot move his arms or his legs The
mother who can calm his fears, and bring about a relaxed attit de,
may aid in his recovery. Since there is no known drug or medicine
which has any effect on infantile paralysis, it is useless and may
be harmful to give the child any medicine not recommended by the

There is no way of preventing infantile paralysis, but there are
same precautions that can be taken when it is known to be about.
The d/isease can certainly be passed from one person to another,
though we do not yet know exactly how. And it can be passed on
by people who have such a light case that they do not even know
they have it, but are going about as usual. This is what makes it
Very difficult to protect any child It is wise, however, when there
is an outbreak of infantile paralysis to keep children from meeting


 new groups of people, and thus run the extra risk of meeting one
of these “carrier‘s" It is wise also to keep them from becoming over.
tired or suddenly chilled, as this seems to produce a worse case of
the disease. President Roosevelt came down with a serious attack
two days after he had plunged into the icy waters of Maine on a
hotvday, Two more precautions are to keep flies away from food,
as they may carry the virus, and to always Wash hands before
handling 01' eating food, and after the toilet. These are habits in
which the teacher is frequently training her pupils, 'but there is a
special urgency in emphasizing them when infantile paralysis is
epidemic, She will understand this when she learns that the virus
is always found in the stools of patients and often in those of per-
sons who have been in contact with him,

Altogether, the teacher who has grasped the main facts about in-
fantile paralysis, who does not let herself be carried away by the
general alarm during an epidemic, and who knows her local and
state resources, may be a tower erstrength in her community,
calming exaggerated fears and replacing heresay statements with
correct information.

NOTE: Pamphlets on infantile paralysis may be secured on re-
quest to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis,
120 Broadway, New York 5, N. Y. Science teachers in high
school ai‘e invited to 86nd for the Unit on Poliomyelitis.

The Domestic Life And

Accident Insurance Co.
22 Years of Satisfactory Service


Has Purchased $820,000 War Bonds
All Claims Paid Promptly And Cheerfully

Insur- In THEE DOMESTIC and Help Mnkl John for
You: Sons and Daughters




L. SANDERS, President J. E. SMITH. Vice President
D. TERRY, Secretary and Agency Director





(Publication of the report of the Commission, which completed
its work on November I, 1945, is begun in this issue of the Journal,
and will be continued in succeeding issues)

The Kentucky Commission on Negro lAffairs was created by an
executive order of Governor Simeon Willis on September 21, 1944.
It was instructed “to obtain and to study all the facts and condi-
tions relating to the economic, educational, housing, health, and
other needs for the betterment of Negro citizens of Kentucky,”
Both races are equally represented in the appointed membership
of the Commission.

The executive order further stated that “the Commission shall
provide its own necessary expenses and shall make its own organi—
zations i . . . appoint such committees and sub-committees as may
be needed . . . that its jurisdiction shall provide its own necessary
expenses and shall extend throughout the Commonwealth . i i ” and
all departments of the government were requested to cooperate
fully with the commission,

During its first meeting, the Commission elected the following
officers: J, M. Tydings, Chairman, William H. Perry, JR, Ctr-chair-
man, and Robert E. Black, Secretary

Committees on Education, Economics, Housing, and Social Wel-
fare, Health, and Civil Affairs werer appointed Each of these
recommended the members of their sub—committees. The members
ship of these committees, and sub-committees were selected on the
basis of the connection of each member with professional organi—
zations, or employment in the type of work related to the various
committee assignments Everyone served as a public spirited citi—
zen, without compensation of any kind.

The Negro members of the Commission were requested to ob-
tain irom their respective professional organizations recommenda—
tions as to the problems which the Commi