xt7gb56d582v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d582v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2008 2008 2008-01-16 2020 true xt7gb56d582v section xt7gb56d582v  



JANUARY I b 2008










A man talks on his cell phone while walking down Rose Street past Parking Structure #2 yesterday.



Romney wins Republican primary in Michigan

By David lighth
McClatchy Newspapers

SOUTHFIELD. Mich. — Mitt Romney's
pitch that he uniquely understood Michigan‘s
economic plight _ and some help from an
ovemight snowfall ~ carried him to a win in
the state‘s Republican primary yesterday and
revived his staggering campaign.

Arizona Sen. John McCain had hoped to
all but knock Romney out of the presidential
race here. but he and other Republicans now
move on to Saturday‘s Nevada caucuses and.
more important. South Carolina‘s primary the
same day in a nomination struggle that has no
clear front—runner. With 40 percent of
precincts reporting. Romney had 39 percent of
the vote. McCain trailed with 30 percent. and
fomrer Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had 15

The economy was most on the minds of
this state's voters. and Romney. the son of a
fomier Michigan auto executive and govemor.
blitled TV screens reminding people how
“Michigan is personal to me" and this is “the
place I feel at home." At a time when the na-
tion's economy is widely believed to be slip-
ping toward recession. Romney. a successful
businessman. may have found a message he

can sell.

McCain was wounded here. but he lives to
fight another day. A week after his New
Hampshire primary victory. he figured that he
could again mobilize the armies of backers
who gave him a Michigan triumph eight years
ago and that his feisty. tough-guy style was
well-suited to frustrated voters in this econom—
ically ravaged state.

Romney. the former governor of Massa-
chusetts. fought back by stressing how he had
a special understanding of Michigan's ailing

“Tonight is a victory of optimism over
Washington—style pessimism." he told a cheer~
ing crowd yesterday. adding that “America
now understands that Washington is broken
and we‘re going to do something about it."

An example he often cited during the
campaign here was the effort to impose strict
fuel efficiency standards. a plan backed by

On Monday. Romney told the Detroit
Economic Club what it wanted to hear. ex-
plaining that “Washington—dictated tfuel effi—
ciency) standards is not the right answ er." Mc-
Cain told the satire group in October that
tough standards are necessary and that the
auto industry could adapt.


McCain was gracious in defeat yesterday.

"W' did what we always try to do: We
went to Michigan and told people the truth."
he said. “I am as committed now as I have
ever been to making sure that no state.
whether it‘s Michigan or South Carolina or
anywhere in this blessed country is left be-
hirid in the global economy.

But it was Romney s message that res-

onated. Fifty-live percent of GOP voters said
the economy was their top concern: second
was Iraq. at Its percent. according to exit
polls. And ()8 percent said the economy was
"not so good" or “poor."
, Romney also got a boost from the weath—
er. Snow. accumulating as much as 6 inches in
some places. held down voter turnout. and
fewer independents and Democrats crossed
over to vote Republican than in 2000.

McCain leads in the latest Nevada and
South (‘arolina polls. but Romney is lieadrng
to South Carolina Wednesday for" a daylong
bus tour.

Huckabee has a sizable following among
South ('arolina's huge GOP eyangclical Chris-
tian community. Also banking hard on a big
showing in South Carolina is former Teri-
nessee Sen. Fred Thompson. w ho's making a
last-ditch effort to keep his campaign aliyc.

Varnado blocks 10 shots, rejects UK’s bid for 2nd straight win

gyTravis Waldrog

Patrick Patterson. meet Jarvis

On a night that pitted one of
the nation‘s top young scorers
(Patterson) and its top shot—block-
er (Varnado). Mississippi State
swatted UK back to Lexington
with a ()9- 64 loss yesterday at
Humphrey Coliseum in
Starkville. Miss.

Vamado. who entered the
game averaging more than five
blocks per game. blocked I0
shots for the second straight game
and held Patterson to just 10
points and 3 rebounds.


Vzu’nado added 10 points and
12 rebounds to cam just the third
triple-double in Missis-
sippi State history.
But Patterson wasn‘t
the only frustrated UK
player in
Playing against the na—
tion's top scoring dc—
fensc. the Cats shot just
field. despite a hot start
from the Cats that might
have suggested otherwise.
UK started 5-for-7 from the
field in the first six minutes but shot
just I8-for-46 the rest of the way.
MSU took a 10-point lead
into the final two minutes of the

to-back 3-poi

Starkville. Cats went to


from as 1] points e

Cats to a victory over
game yet again.

With Patterson


first half when guards
Gordon and Phil Ttrmcr hit back-

senior guard Joe Craw—
ford scored the final five
points of the half. and the

room down 32—
stretched the lead as wide

second half. but the
two seniors that led the

Saturday willed UK back into the

Crawford and fellow senior guard
Ramel Bradley took over the UK

offense. cutting the deficit to just
five. 54—49. with (r43 to play.

Bradley scored 22 points.
making him the first UK player
since Jamal Mashhum to score at
least 20 points in five straight
games. Crawford added 20

UK fell behind by seven
points late. but Crawford’s 3-
pointcr with 7.6 seconds left cut
the lead to (to—()4.

But MSU. which made just
I7—of-32 free throws. was able to
ice the game from the free—throw
line. sending UK back to Lexing-
ton with its seventh loss in the
last I0 games,


nters. but

the locker

arly in the


Streaking C 00] Cats eye pos Sts eason play

By Mat: Camtrgfl


The UK hockey team took to the ice last
weekend looking to take another step toward
their dream of making it to the Division II Na-
tional Totrmament for the first time in I4

With just over a month until the Regional
Playoffs. where UK will have the chance to
play its way into the National Tournament. the
Cool Cats are trying to put the final touches
on their season as they prepare for postseason

After humbling the Dayton Flyers 6-] on
Friday at Dayton. the Cool Cats returned
home on Saturday to the Lexington Ice Center
and defeated the Flyers 7-0. The win im-
proved UK to a l2-9-2 record on the year. but
more importantly. the Cool Cats have won
five of their last six games after struggling
earlier in the year.

Many of the UK players credit their tum-
amund to senior forward Mike Barnes.

“He‘s an athlete. he‘s always at the right
spot and his work ethic creates everything." ju-
nior forward Chris Protenic said. “He's the guy
where you know if you work hard positive


‘0 'Jv

things will go your way. and that s what he s
Bames. the team‘s captain. was selected

earlier this year to compete for the American

Collegiate Hockey Association Division II Se»
lect Squad. The team. which includes some of

the best Division II players in the country.

played over the winter break. traveling to Ger
many. Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

“I was really proud to be a part of it."
Barnes said. “Representing UK meant every-
thing. I‘m a senior. and it was kind of like my
last hurrah."

Head coach Rob Docherty said he knew
the experience would have a lasting effect on

his senior leader.

“He is a true leader: he leads by example
and is always giving Ill) percent." Docherty
said. “He doesn‘t expect from others what he

can‘t do."

The joumey lasted ll days. but it didn‘t

take too long for Bames to find success over-
seas. In his second gamc during the visit to
Germany. Barnes found the back of the net on
a shot from the point.

“I felt like my work paid off. and I really

See Hockey on page 5





Team captain and senior forward Mike Barnes sets
up fora shot during the Cool Cats game against
Kennesaw State at the Lexington Ice Center.


Sorority honors
members' work
over 100 years

_By Wesley Robinson


About 130 people attended last night‘s celebration of
the first black sorority‘s 100th anniversary and the achieve~
ments of its members who include Coretta Scott King
Toni Morrison and Alicia Keys

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. was founded on Jan.
15. I908. by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle on the campus of
Howard University. She recruited the initial group of nine
members and began laying the groundwork for the organiv
zation in the spring of I907.

Since becoming the first black sorority, AKA has been
a leader in the black Greek community as the first to estab-
lish a permanent headquarters and the first to incorporate a
national organization.

“Their contributions locally and nationally need to be
acknowledged," said Veleashia Smith. director of UK‘s
Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center.

“As a Greek. I know what it means and how hard they
have to work." Smith said. "This speaks volumes to
African—American women."

But Smith said she knows there‘s more to be done.

Alise Marshall, president of UK‘s AKA chapter. said
that her time in the sorority has helped her grow as an in-
dividual and as a woman.

“It's a lot of pressure — Coretta Scott King is my
sorority sister." Marshall said.

On campus. AKA members work on programs that in-
clude health promotion during "Think Pink Week." where
they provide information on several different health con-
cems. and during “Breast Cancer Awareness Week."

One of the sorority"s major services in the community is
tutoring at-risk youth at Bluegrasstspendale Teen Center.

The current UK chapter has been on campus since May
9, I975 and has had 210 members. The current active
membership is 24.

Social work senior and Vice President Erica McClellon
said AKA has been a family to her and has made the colle-
giate experience more enjoyable.

Twins LaTonya and Yolanda Jackson grew up wearing
the colors and the signature pearls of AKA. their mother's
sorority. When Yolanda. a dietetics senior. and LaTonya. a
recent graduate. came to UK. they f )IIOWCLI in their mom‘s
footsteps and both became member s.

AKA members have been consistently successful. both
in their academic work at the university and in their service
to the community. said biology freshman. AIeidra Allen.

“Their service has been important because it‘s a black
organization: it started in a time with more racism." she
said. “It's impressive that they started their own organila—
tion and began to do service as an organi/ation and better
black pcoplc."

"They are trying to fulfill the purpose they were built
on and better themsclyes as AfricanAAmerrcan women."


ED manusws 1 STAFF
A slideshow outlining the history at the Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority Inc is is presented to the audience during the sorority s
centennial celebration last lllglli in the Student Center

Stews Bthgrjs

SG committees to meet tonight

Student Govemment committees will meet tonight to
recommend legislation. The Appropriations and Revenue
Committee will vote on funding requests and a Senate spe-
cial project. while the Intemal Relations and Academic &
Student Affarrs committees will vote to recommend rcsolur
trons. No agendas for the committees were a\arlable yes.
terday because the deadline to file legislation was c\tcnded
to today from Sunday to accommodate the winter break.

Online database available for collision reports

Lexington residents will now be able to access copies
of collision police reports online at
ww w.PoliceReports.l‘S. Mayor Jim Newberry and (‘href
Ronnie Bastrn announced yesterday.

The sen ice. which began runmng Jan. I. has a $5 fee
and requires the user to enter the date of the report and the
name of the vehicle owner or the driver. according to a
news release.

The service should make it easier for people to obtain
reports for insurance claims and give front desk employees
at the police department an easier workload. New ben'y said
in the news release.

Police looking for man charged with manslaughter

A man treated at UK Hospital on Monday night is un-
der warrant for arrest Justin Deaton. 24. was driying in
Wolfe County when his car collided with another car. ac-
cording to UK Interim Police Chief Joe Monroe. The dri—
ver of the other car died. and Deaton was transported to
UK Hospital. He left the hospital at 7:30 pm. Monday and
since then has been charged with manslaughter. Although
police were still looking for Deaton yesterday. he does not
pose a threat to anyone at UK because the charges are re-
lated to a car wreck. Monroe said.

Mm 257-1915; Mine 257-2372
a b


 PAGE 2 I Wednesday, January 16, 2008






























4puz corn



By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 5 — Finally, your work is paying
off. And, besides all that, you're be-
ing watched for a promotion Put in
your applications,

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is an 8 «A OK, you can travel now
publish, and start new enterprises
You're very lucky, especially With
things you‘ve done before Don't

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 6 __ Settle down and finish all
the stuff left on your iISlS, To make
it easier, start another list of all the
things y0u'll give yourself in the way
of rewards That's the fun part
Cancer (June 22 - July 2) Today

w. “ms


is an 8 ~ Friends come through for
you, just in the nick of time Contin-
ue to provide encouragement. Push
your team over the top Together,
you're awesome

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
6 . Oopsl The boss is watching.
Better look busy Hmmm The boss
is looking closely Better actually do
something This lS even more impor-
tant if you're self employed

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 2) Today is
an 8 — All of a sudden, everything
looks poss:ble again It is. too, so
make lofty goals and post them
prominently, On the refrigerator
works fine

libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today lS
a 7 Shopping conditions are ex
cellent, especially for household
items linens, towels and crockery
are offered at excellent prices Don't
Wipe out your sayings by getting
more than you need

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is an 8 . lt seems like you're slog?
ging through mud, as your effecrent
pace slows to a crawl Go back to

1? Accepting all‘tmurmu 11%
170 Dennis Drive (2 miles from name)


Collision Como-r H

the books, to help you explain corn
plex procedures to a helper.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 —-— The task isn't easy,
great determination and discipline
are required Your efforts will defir
nitely pay off, however You can do
it for the money.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To;
day is a 9 You can't always get
what you think you want This lS not
a terrible thing, Sometimes, like
now, for example, you'll get some-
thing much better
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 6 ~ Clean out the closets
and the garage, while you still have
time lt won't be long before you'll
be immersed in a new project, and
won't want to be disturbed
Pisces (Feb. 19 ~ March 20) To-
day is an 8 ~ Conditions are good
for studying, so find a quiet place
lVlrnimi/e distractions and soak up
the material If you need some
coaching, your friends will be glad
to help




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‘I'I'Ie DiSI-l

the beach of an island near Bora
Bora. “It had been raining all
day. but the skies cleared shortly
before the ceremony."

Ending weeks of speculation.
Nicole Kidman’s rep confirmed
to Us on January 7: "They‘re cx—
pccting a baby." And a rep for
the Golden (‘ompass star‘s
singcr hubby of a year and a half.
Keith Urban. ~10. adds: "They‘rc
thrillcd!" Which is no surprise to
those closest to the actress. 40.
who has spoken about hcr pain
over miscarrying and confessed
this fall. “l‘m ycaming to have [a
childl." Now that she is, a sourcc
close to Kidman says. “She‘s fol-
lowing hcr doctor's advice to the
lcttcr. But at this stage. his
biggest tip was. ‘Try to rclax.‘
which Nic is finding very hard
bccausc [baby prcp) is all she‘s
thinking about!”

Gisele Is Tom's No. 1 Fan

Nobody"s more cxcitcd that
Tom Brady. 30. lcd the New
England Patriots to the NFL‘s
first undcfcatcd lb-gamc rcgular
scason than thc QB‘s low of a
ycai‘. (iisclc Brindchcn. “Shc
gocs to cycry game.” says a pal
of thc modcl. 27. "She's bccomc
such a hugc fan that nobody
around her can talk to her at the
gamcs bccausc she‘s so scrioUs
about thorn!"

Eddie & Tracey's Tropical

“it‘s going to bc fun!" pro-
diiccr Traccy Edmonds. 40. rc»
ccntly told T‘s of hcr plans to
wed Eddic Murphy. 46. And a
guc‘st at thcir New Ycar's Day 1
do's says it ccrtainly was. “It was
quuisitc.‘~ says tlic pal . onc of

just 25 at the sunsct nuptials on

Dax & Kristen's Romance
Heats Up!

"ll’ soniconc can make me
laugh. you‘re in like Flynn." He~
rocs star ~Kristcn Bell has said of
her relationship requirements.
"That‘s the number one for me.“
So who better to help her bounce
back after her October split from
her beau of five years, producer
Kevin Mann. than comic Dax
Shepard? Since November. the
actress — who confessed this
fall. “Thc idea of dating makes
me want to vomit" n has been
glued to the actor (who previous-
ly dated rcbounder Kate Hud-
son). The couple rang in 2008 at
the Bclvcdcrc bash held at Mia-
mi Bcach‘s The Raleigh hotel
and continued their festivities in
thc Bahamas January 4. But just
bccausc Bell. 27. and thc Punk'd
alum. 33. have heated up so
quickly docsn‘t mcan they‘re
ziislc-bound. “As long as you‘re
happy whcrc you arc," she tells
Us. “that‘s all that's important."

Downeys—Damons' Double
Date Night!

Matt Damon and wife Lu-
ciana. 32. doublcd their fun in
Miami Bcach on Dcccmbcr 28.
whcn thc couplc of two ycars

joincd pal Robcrt Downcy Jr.

and his wife of two years. pro-
ducer Susan. 34. for dinner at
South Bcach catcry Quattro
Gastronoinia ltaliana. “They cn-

Univcrsity ol‘ kcnttu ky' Bands

see t "


Keith and Nicole:
Baby on the way!

joycd a nice time here.“ restau-
rant manager Drew Peterson
tells Us of the actors, who have
a mutual friend in George
Clooney. They had such a nice
time that Damon, 37 (who is
scheduled to begin filming the
Iraq-war drama Imperial Life in
the Emerald City next month),
and Downey. 42 (next up in the
May comic-book action flick
Iron Man). invited another set of
stars to partake in the festivities:
singcr‘ Billy Joel and his wife.
Katie Lee Joel. They were din-
ing at a nearby table and joined
the couples for dessert.

Zac Loves Cracking Up

“He literally knows exactly
what to do to make me laugh,"
Vanessa Hudgens. 19, tells the
February Seventeen about her
High School Musical love. Zac
Efron. 20. And he flaunted it af-
ter their New Year's lunch at
Patty’s Restaurant in Toluca
Lake. California. where. says a
staffer, “He even opened the
door for her. It was too cute!“

Zoe Kravitz 8i Ben Foster:
Cute New Couple!

Ben Foster and Zoe Kravitz
(Lenny‘s daughter with Lisa
Bonct) not only costar in the
Sundance indie Birds of Ameri-
ca. they're dating! “They're a
really private couple." says a pal
of the actress, 19, and the 3:10
to Yuma star. 27. “Neither’s into
partying. They just enjoy each
other‘s company."


" St'i'yuursv/j ‘in UK Bum/s!






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Wednesday, January 16, 2008 | PAGE3






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January It), 2008
Page 4


Koith Smiley. editor in chief
3m Konhl. managing editor
Soon Rm, managing editor
Limo U, opinions editor

Eric Lindsey, sports editor
Conic 8m, columnist
Bryon Kennedy. columnist

The opinions page prov/ides a forum for the exchange of ideas Urililte news stories, the Kernels
unsigned editorials represent the Views of a rriaiority of the editorial board letters to the editor. columns, canoons and
other features on the opinions page reflect the Views of their authors and not necessarily those of the Kernel



Get more users,
working sign-ups
for UK Alert system

( ampus safety got a boost Monday
when U K finally launched its new
emergency alert system. but efforts to
make the university more secure
should not stop there.

Students. faculty. staff and anyone
else connected to UK can now sign up
with UK Alert (w‘wwukyedu/UKAleit)
to receive text messages. e-mails. faxes
or phone calls in case of a campus
emergency. President Lee Todd an»
nounced in a campus—wide e