xt7gb56d5777 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d5777/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 2004 2004 2004-09-28 2020 true xt7gb56d5777 section xt7gb56d5777 Tuesday

September 28. 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue free Subsequent issues 25 cents.

Grant supports
new scientists

UK among a few to receive funds

By Samieh Shalash
iii: mourn mat—t

A $10 million grant recently awarded
to UK will pave the way for new re-
searchers to study human diseases.

The Center of Biomedical Research Ex-
cellence grant was awarded to UK. one of
about 60 applicants from 24 states, said
Louis B. Hersh. a molecular and cellular
biochemistry professor.

“They awarded about half a dozen na-
tionally." he said. “I'm very happy“

The application took nearly half a year
to put together and included a series of
project proposals from the newer scien-

“It will help jump start research."
Hersh said about the grant. “It will cer-
tainly provide some money for student
stipends and doctoral fellowships."

The grant. awarded by the Maryland-
based National Center for Research Re-
sources. was established to encourage
newer researchers to utilize the award for
projects of their own design.

Five tenure-track assistant professors


Celebrating 33 years of independence

Columnist: Burning rubber
never felt so good

Page 3


Cat's kicker star of offense

Page 6


will receive $160,000 to 8200.000 annually
for the next five years. Young-In Chi will
focus on diabetes research. and Paul Mur-
phy. who will start at UK this January. will
study Alzheimer's disease. Richard Mc-
Cann. Haining Zhu and Rina Plattner are
researching cancer.

Money from the grant will also support
core facilities that will be shared as the
projects progress. “They‘re facilities with
fancy microscopes. not something each
one could afford to purchase." Hersh said.

The microscopes used for the research
range from 350.000 to 8100.000 in value. Ac-
cess to a mass spectrometer -- a device
which measures wavelengths worth
$500,000 and previously purchased by UK.
will also be available in the facilities.

“This will help pay to run it." Hersh

A pilot grant program will also fund
two professors each year for the next five
years to help them as they apply for grants
of their own.

Currently. each of the tenure-track pro»
fessors involved with projects is paired
with a senior faculty member who guides
their research.

“it is gratifying to see the focus on
mentoring." said Wendy Baldwin. execu-
tive vice president for research in a press


Last weekend. the junior

summer. Kaplan‘s parents took

through this."‘

autumn "All I sun

Amy Kaplan has bounced back from a rocky year filled with injuries and heartaches. The junior middle blocker has already surpassed what she accomplished last
season for the UK volleyball team. Kaplan had a combined 32 kills and 14 digs last weekend against Alabama and Auburn.



By Laura Nelligan and Derek Poore | THE KENTUCKY IEINEL

For much oflast season. Amy Kaplan’s mind was elsewhere.
l ler mind was on her younger brothers cancer. Her mind was on an injured kncc and
fractured shin. I [er mind was anywhere but volleyball. One year later. it's a different story.

sport athlete.


"Often we think of researchers as iso-
lated in their laboratories. but a key fea-
ture of a research university is that it pro-
vides mentoring to students and new fac»
ulty to help them develop-their careers
and better develop their research areas."

Molecular and cellular biochemistry
professor Robert Dickson said he is men-
toring Plattner. whose office is right next
door to his.

“We'll have meetings where they‘ll
present their data. and we'll talk about it
to make sure their research is running in
the right direction." he said.

“i think it will be a great help for assis-
tant professors who are just starting their
career. it's always a big worry to get grant
money. so it's nice to have some when
you're just starting out."

E -ma i I
sshalashw kykernelrom

middle blocker had a combined
32 kills and H digs against A]-
abama and Auburn and has al-
ready surpassed her kill total
from last season.

Things hare changed since
last year. Her health and that of
her brother have both im-
proved. but last year her dream
sport a sport she never
thought she would like was
the furthest thing from her

Problems at home

.lune zoos: her lti-yearold
brother Jacob was diagnosed
with Ewing's Sarcoma a rare
form of cancer found mostly in
children in the right side of
his jaw.

While she returned to cam-
pus for preseason practices last



Jacob to Mexico for treatment.

“Preseason was rough be-
cause ] couldn‘t call him in
Mexico.“ Kaplan said. “I didn't
know what was going on."

But she kept playing.

"I put on a happy face for my
team because I didn't want
them to wonder." Kaplan said.
“It was amazing how much sup
port 1 got."

Her coach. Jona Braden. and
teammates gave their support
on and off the court. And Ka-
plan inspired them.

“Amy set an example of
strength and courage. and the
team encouraged her every
step." Braden said. “My heart
sank knowing the shock her
family had to feel. i really want-
ed to be supportive.

"1 said. '()K. we can get

She received numerous e-
mails from concerned
strangers. Her teammates re-
spected what she was doing by
keeping their support silent and
encouraging her on the court.

Last December. Jacob‘s tu-
mor and part of his jaw were re-

He is now cancer-free.

“She truly accomplished an
amazing feat." Braden said.
“Amy keeps everything in a bal-
anced perspective. "

Different sports.

From Kaplan's standpoint.
volleyball hasn't even been the
highlight of her athletic career.
it hasn't even been her favorite

At t‘ary-(‘yrove High School
in lllinois Kaplan defined multi-


She lettered in basketball
four years and twice was named

“Basketball was my favorite
sport.“ she said.

Kaplan was all-conference in
softball and won the Fox Valley
Conference championship in
shot put. discus and high jump.

“It was hard to chose just

But with volleyball. success
was absent at first and Kaplan
wasn't too thrilled herself.

“I hated it." Kaplan said of
her freshman year of volleyball
at Cary-Grove. "l was bad at it."

She led her team to a gaudy
3642 record her senior year.
where she earned all-conference
honors and was named second»

See Spiking on page 2

i UK survey to include statistics
on prevalence of campus crime

1,000 female students surveyed regarding violence against women

mm man | "A"
Pro-pharmacy freshman Carolyn Parish receives a copy of a promotional computer program offered by Microsoft
at Uk bookstore in the Student Center. 1im Casey (right), an employee of Mr. Youth, the company distributing the
software, explains how the program helps give students “a better way to take. organize and use notes."

i r b

By fiffany Stephens
YHE rtkiucn rrnnri

Stalking. Sexual Assault. Rape. For
many women. the threat of physical or
sexual assault may be hiding around the

With the safety of female students
and employees in mind. the UK (‘enter
for Research on Violence Against
Women and Student Government.
among others. conducted a project adv
dressing the common types of violence
against Women.

At 10 am. tomorrow. the results of
the Campus Safety Study will be an-
nounced at a press conference in the UK
Student Center Theater. President Lee
Todd. UK Police Chief Fred Otto and 86
President Rachel Watts are all sched-
uled to announce findings from the

The Campus Safety Study involved
1.000 anonymous phone calls to female
college students. Researchers surveyed
them on experiences with violence. fo-
cusing mainly on experiences in college.

The research goals of this project
were to determine the prevalence. atti-
tudes and risk factors of violence

against women.

(‘arol .lordan. the director of the
(‘enter of Violence Against Women.
said they are hoping that by having
strong campus figures
speak at the conference. ‘
women will take these ’
findings seriously.

“The university cares ‘
and will take great ~
strides to prevent any
woman from ever being
victimized at this uni- ‘
versity." she said.

Jordan said that it is ‘
important for everyone
to attend. regardless of

“The data is not only
for women. but for men. Men care about
women. so they have a role to play in
this." she said.

Researchers in this study focused on
the poor reportage rates among women
that have been victimized. among other
things. The study uncovered extremely
low reportage rates for female college
students. she said.

Campus 4















Continued from page 1

team All-State by the Chica-
go Tribune.

Kaplan. the girl who hat-
ed volleyball freshman year.
left Cary-Grove owning the
school's all-time block

Volleyball came late. but
Kaplan said her busy athletic
life was worth it.

“I didn’t want to leave
high school thinking that I
hadn’t tried what i wanted."
she said.

But by then, she had fall-
en in love with the volley-

“Who wouldn‘t get
hooked?" she said. “it‘s so
fast paced with the combina-
tion of finesse. power and
technique — it has every-

Kaplan was recruited in
three sports. but not heavily
in volleyball.

UK saw it differently.

“No matter what sport.
Amy is an amazing team
player and a leader." Braden
said. “We wanted an athletic
player with a passion for the
game. passion for competi-


Continued from page 1

Jordan said that about 16
percent of women actually
report rape cases to the po-
lice. Some victims choose
instead to tell friends. rela-
tives or physicians. ()ther
victims decide to remain

Jordan said it is impor»
tant for the victim to tell
anyone she feels comfort-
able with. whether that be a
friend or the police.

“The bottom line is that
we want women to reach out
in a way that is appropriate
to them." she said. "if they
do tell someone. what
they‘re going to get is sup
port. They are not going to

Putz | Tuesday Sept. 23, 2004


tion. and a love for the sport
someone who would fight
until the bitter end."

Kaplan ultimately chose
UK because one of the coach-
es came to her high school

a rarity and watched her
Perhaps the best recogni
tion came from her team.
Braden chose Kaplan and ju-
nior setter Leigh Marcum as
this season‘s team captains.

“One reason we chose
Amy was because of her
character." Braden said. She
inspires others to play hard.
She wants to grow this pro-
gram forward. She cares
about the team."

Kaplan said it was a huge
honor to be chosen as cap-
tain. Setting the right exam-
ple is important. she said.

"To be a good leader. you
have to have good followers."
Kaplan said. “The team must
be trusting and believe what
you say."


Kaplan had her fair share
of struggles on the court last
year. She was out with a
stress fracture in her right
shin and again with a knee

"Amy had a hard time sit-
ting out.“ Braden said. “But
she matured in the area of

be blamed."

Threats made by the per-
petrator. embarrassment
and self-hate are reasons
many victims choose to re»
main silent. she said. Vic-
tims often feel like it was
their fault or that they sent
the perpetrator the “wrong
signal" that sexual advance-
ment was OK.

This study also ad-
dressed the fear of victim
ization that women experi
ence. Jordan said that the
researchers often see “trau-
matic reactions to fear”

“We see behavioral
change in many women be»
cause of fear. and this nega—
tively affects their personal.
academic and overall health
and wellbeing," Jordan
said. “Women have fear of it
(the attack) happening
again or being out of cull
trol of their life. Fear can

understanding that it was
not a reflection of her com-
mitment. but necessary to
get her back on the floor. She
is very brave and coura-

The injuries irritated Ka-

“To practice in the gym
while injured. but not able to
play. is so frustrating," she
said. Now Kaplan appreci-
ates volleyball even more. “It
makes me more grateful."

()n the season. Kaplan
has 140 kills. 60 digs and 54
blocks. and she‘s on pace to
pass her freshman and
sophomore stats with ease.

Kaplan wants to use her
sports experience after grad-
uation. She wants to be a
high school basketball coach.
but her dream job is to be an
ESPN broadcaster

"My vision for her is that
she will have impact on peo-
ple. whether it's teaching or
coaching." Braden said. “She
will inspire others to be the
best they can be and give oth-
ers direction."

With distraction and ad-
versity gone. Kaplan's mind
is back on the volleyball
court. And someday. she may
very well be on the minds of
many others as well.

sportsu kykernelcom


She said that one goal of
the press conference is not
to scare females. but to en»
lighten and educate them.

“We don‘t want women
to be afraid all the time. but
we don't want them to stay
in denial and think nothing
could ever happen to them."

The press conference is a
free event and .lordan en»
couraged everyone on cam-
pus to attend.

“I hope people come on
Wednesday to learn more
about violence against
women because when we
have a more informed cam-
pus community. we will be
in a better position to pre-
vent the victimization of
any woman," .lordan said.

news a kykernelrom








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Sept. 28, 2004

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Release your road rage with ‘Burnout 3’

I enjoy good video games. though I
rarely get the opportunity to actually
play them.

But when I heard
that EA Games was
releasing a new edi-
tion of one of my fa-
vorite arcade racing
games, I knew it was
time to dust off the 01‘
Xbox, scrap every-
thing I had planned
for the weekend and
invite over my test
group — namely. a few Greg “CINE
of my friends _,_ to mm rrcu cowmiisr
play it with me.

Burnout 3: Take-
down is honestly the fastest racing
game I’ve ever played.

It‘s ridiculously fast, and I'm
amazed the game is playable at these
speeds ~ Burnout .3 could be the best
arcade racer ever.

At its core. it is a racing game. but
it has numerous elements that differ—
entiate it from all other arcade racers
out there.

There are three main scenarios
available: “Race.“ “Road Rage" and
“Crash." The racing mode is pretty
self-explanatory and entails racing
against five other opponents in differ»
ent city locations to the finish line.

Unlike the prev10us Burnout
games. where simply touching the op-
ponents' cars would result in a slow
motion crash. Burnout 3 introduces a
“takedown" feature.

The takedown option allows you to
battle with your opponents, forcing
them into oncoming traffic. off the
road or into walls to get ahead in the
race — you accomplish this by nudg-
ing. slamming or. my personal favorite.
shunting other drivers.

With each successful takedown you
earn boost. and as your boost meter
fills, you can use it to accelerate to in-
sane speeds.

While boost also can be earned by
driving in the oncoming lane. surviv-
ing near misses. drifting and catching
air, the meter fills up faster by destroy-
ing your opponents‘ cars. The addition
of the takedown allows for much more
interesting races. as the computer-con-
trolled cars attempt to take you down
as well.

The newest and possibly most en-
tertaining play mode in the Burnout
series is Road Rage. This mode takes

the takedown feature to a new level -—
instead of racing others to the finish

line, the goal is to take out as many.

cars as you can before getting taken
down yourself within a certain time

In case you‘re unfamiliar with the
Burnout series. a typical wreck treats
the player to a spectacular slow-motion
display of his (or her) vehicle‘s de-
struction. Sparks fly. cars explode and
fly off the track. but once the chaos
ends. the car reappears without a
scratch and is placed back in the race.
This has always been a grievance of
mine. but the Road Rage feature finally
allows the car to show damage
throughout the race.

In fact. damage determines how
long players stay in the race. With each
crash, the car is weakened and will
eventually stop running. thus ending
your rage. Though your car shows
damage. it does not actually affect the
car's performance in any way.

Lastly: and most notably. is the infa-
mous Crash mode Burnout 25 claim
to fame (and rightly so).

This mode places your car at one of
100 junctions with rushvhour traffic
and allows you to create the most spec-
tacular crashes possible. Rewards are
determined by the amount of damage
done to each vehicle. calculated in dol—
lar amounts. which gain players

Burnout 3 takes crash up a notch
with the advent of power-ups. crash-
breakers and aftertouch.

Burnout 3: Take-
down is the lat-
est ot the
Burnout series
for Xbox. it com-
bines the best
elements of the
first two games
and adds new
features, such as
the takedown
option, to allow
players to vent
their road rage
onscreen - as

' opposed to Lex-
ington drivers.

The latter allows
you to slow down the speed of a crash
and control the car‘s direction. This al-
lows for more impressive crashes and
also helps you reach the power-ups
scattered throughout.

It's an interesting concept. but I
found myself forgetting to use it

Power- ups include cash multipliers
and instead of studying a junction to
determine the best route for a spectac
ular crash. I plan my route around
picking up the multipliers. This
method almost guarantees a high score
but takes some of the fun out of it.

This game is massive in every way.
The World Tour. the main single~player
mode. combines the three modes de-
scribed above into a cross-continent
event spanning 70 racetracks and 67
types of cars.

Though I've only had a few days to
play it. I’ve barely scratched the sur~
face and am already hopelessly addict-
ed. Multiplayer mode mixes Race, Road
Rage and Crash modes and provides
plenty of opportunity to waste away an
entire Saturday — which is sadly what
I did.

Burnout 3 offers something for
everyone and each mode within this
game could easily be a separate game
in itself w» and a successful one at that.
If it weren‘t for things like school and
work and life. I‘d play this game non-
stop not that I‘m condoning that sort
of lifestyle or anything.


It’s ridiculously fast, and I’m amazed the game is
playable at these speeds — Burnout 3 could be the best
arcade racer ever.”




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Sept. 28, 2004


That point gets lost somewhere between
the tailgating and new friendships and be»

tween the football games and road trips.

The sad realization often comes with the

It’s one thing for students to pursue their
undergraduate degrees for more than four
years on their own bank accounts 7 even if
the extension is a result of their own lac of


But it’s another for students to continue
paying tuition and attending class because the
university could not provide the students with


Unfortunately this happens more often

than it should.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember that the
purpose of going to college is. in fact. to gradu-

with graduation contracts.

contract that guarantees
they will not face delayed
graduation due to the un-
availability of classes if
they follow a prescribed

If a the student has
done what they can and a
class is still not available.
UK will pay the tuition
and fees associated with
the class and the student
can take it in a future se-

“The agreement allows the student to focus

Freshmen can sign a ---~—~


will be beneficial to UK
students, but they must
effectively plan and pass


Earlier graduation



all their classes.

Emily Hagedorn. Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor

Ben Roberts. Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal, Asst. managing editor for news

Graduation contracts save money, time

Thankquy UK is trying to figure out a way
to help students avoid landing in that situation

ahead of time on what classes will be avail-
able." said Victor Hazard. vice president of
student affairs. recently to
a Kernel reporter.

It keeps the cost down
for the student.
them from paying for extra
hours or possibly extra

The program. which is
based on a program at the
University of Iowa. has

If a student follows a


worked to plan out their
education. they shouldn‘t
have to pay more money to
make up for what the university is lacking.

Q&A with Don Blevins




Opinions editor Andreu' Mar-
tin sat down with Fayette (‘ounty
Clerk Don Blei‘ins to talk about
student voting. colunteeri’ng and
county elections.

it! Which voter precincts are
located close to UK's campus?

like There's a precinct iii i‘oop
erstown. There's a precinct that we
call Towers There are 2.71 of them
quite frankly: There‘s Seven l‘zirks tiff
Nicholasville Road

But we don't structure the
precincts just to try to absorb the an.
versity campus Iiut it's spread out so
we pick a few ot them here and put
them anti this lll‘l‘l'illlf booiiise :ts
contiguous to other precuicts .t~ we go
around campus.

The university student population
is dispersed across a number of
precincts. not just one or fun but

And now they've betoiiie mobile
Like Red Mile Road. there are seyeral
apartment complexes over there
They‘d be in that.

You have the university communi
ty. the student population iii as many
as maybe twenty precincts

(‘5 Has there ever been talk
about putting a voting precinct on

I\ Well. not really Because
other than having one at (‘oomrstown
for a long time. all these other
precincts are so close to campus it's as
if they are on campus.

First of all. the student has a
choice. They can either register to
vote here. or they can maintain their
registration back in their hometown.
whether that's in Kentucky or else-

So except in the presidential year
we get virtually no participation from
the university student population.

As a matter of fact. if you'll listen
to all the national news programs. the
voting group age 18-30 is the smallest
participant in the whole voting

Q flow can students rods-
torod elsewhere transfer their reds-
tratlan here?

A 0 Simply by registering here.
And they have until the close of busi-
ness on Monday. October 4 to do that.

We‘re happy to do it either way. Ac-
tually. they probably are better sei‘ved
and more knowledgeable about what
goes on at home than they are here
other than the presidency. and they

can vote absentee ballot back home if

all they got to do is apply:

The law has been specifically writ-
ten to accommodate students away
from home We have a special catego-
ry for students away front home

Has your office done any-
thing to attract students to register
or conducted registration drives?

.\'o. There are a number of
registration drives out there. however.

There's 1 ti‘ious and sundry groups
that are doing it.
w line not done any outreach

voter i‘eg:~~ti.itiiiii since the advent of
National Voter Registration Act of '93
where it {ill ks up registrants at a van
ety oi plat es and it's registering that
vas' :n'iior.t\ of people who have any
lllli'f‘i st wli'itsoever iii voting

‘ What kind of turnout do you
expect in this election?

Huge There s a con
tentioiis presidential election We
have 12 council districts up for elec

There is a pro water purchase can
didate and an anti water company
purchase candidate in several council
districts. There is a ['S l‘ongres‘sion
al election. a l' S Senate election. and
there are state representative and
state senate elections.

There is a constitutional amend-
ment oti the ballot. that if it passes.
Would ban civil unions and same sex
marriages And I anticipate that that
will get some turnout

There is a local referendum to
fund LexTran that will bring out some
extra voters that will vote in favor of
that plan.

The presidential election alone by
and in itself in a fouryear cycle
brings out a huge turnout.

We voted over 108.000 in 2000. And
I know we'll beat that. I don't know
how bad. I'm looking for something
over 110.000 quite frankly

Q llowlspl'tyallllatlondls-

i“ . It‘s a little less than two to
one favoring the Democrat.

But it‘s misleading because until
about 15 years ago the Republican par-


Jonmun MLII 1 sun
ty in Kentucky never had primaries.

And so you have a whole lot of

people who register Democrat who are
not really Democrats.

And in 1970 or thereabouts there
were more than three Democrats for
every Republican in Fayette County.
As you can see. over time the county
has gone more conservative

And since the Republican party
started having some primary activity.
it‘s in the interest of people to be
more accurately registered than
maybe they did in the past,

How can students volun-
teer to work in polling places?

By calling 255-“ )TE. Every
election we're practically begging for
people to work at the polling places.

The presidetitial year is the one
that's least hard to fill. But neverthe-
less. we still have a lot of work to do
even to get all the places filled.

Part of the problem is you start
out having to live in the precinct
where you work so that limits the
number of students we can take to
some degree.

We do have a standby group that
we call alternates that take a good
number of students. But any student
that wants to work can call 235—VOTE
and we'd be happy to have their par

C .3; Are volunteers paid to train
and work at polls?

The big money is working
Election Day We pay $100 if you vvork
Election Day
If you‘re an alternate we pay $33
for training. if you're a regular we
pay you $10 for training

r llas unlit-in absentee voting
sumo yet?

3 « It starts Monday. Oct. 4. We
operate here 21 busmess days before
the election, The law is that you have
to do it for 12 days and can do it for
longer. And we've. just arrived at 21
days on every election.

(x) lhydoyou um student

\ . Students have their mind
on school. social activities and are not
tuned into the political and public pol-
icy-making side of things until they
mature some. It's just a matter of it
not being a priority for them.



Steve lvey. Managing editor
Josh Sullivan. Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham. Projects editor
Tim Wiseman. Sports editor




Richard Greissman. assistant provost for
program support. told a Kernel reporter that
the program will hopefully help establish “mu-
tual expectations."

W . agree.

It is nice to know UK is working to take
more responsibility for helping students grad-
uate on time.

There are only 14 majors participating in
the program so far. and it would be better if
more majors were included.

Hopefully as the program goes on. mo
major choices will