xt7gb56d558q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d558q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1987 1987 1987-11-24 2020 true xt7gb56d558q section xt7gb56d558q  





$4) Former player Ft
a different fashion.SEE PAGE 5.

oger Harden is at UK in





Appalshop premieres its latest
documentary film.SEE PAGE 2.



Today: Cloudy
Tomorrow: Chance of rain





hdependont since 1971


Tuesday, November 24, 1987

UK taskforce to vote next on alcohol policy

Executive Editor

The alcohol task force will vote on
an alcohol policy next week after
briefly discussing UK fraternities
and housing.

UK Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs James Kuder, who chairs
the task force, said that if the task
force can reach a consensus and
make necessary adjustments in the
policy, it would go next to Art Gal-
laher, chancellor for the Lexington

Most of the discussion at previous
task force meetings has centered on
the liability problems of allowing 21-
year-old students to drink in their

At yesterday‘s meeting, UK Assis-
tant Vice President for Administra-

Food drive
brings in
record crop

Staff reports

The Student Government Associa-
tion‘s food drive ended Friday, top-
ping its goal by more than $500 in
canned food and cash over a two-
week period.

Although the exact figures will not
be known until later this week, SGA
President Cyndi Weaver said the
drive raised a little more than

The goal‘s drive was orginally set
at $2,000, but through a “real coop-
erative effort,“ Weaver said SGA
was able to surpass its goal.

“I‘m really pleased with the suc-
cess of the project, and I think stu-
dents really came through," she

One reason Weaver said the food
drive was so successful was because
“it‘s one of those things that people
can easily agree on.“

The money and canned food SGA
raised through the food drive will
benefit three organizations in the
Lexington area: the Community
Kitchen, God‘s Pantry and the Sal-
vation Army.

The food drive was the first time
the entire student body had united in
an effort to give aid to needy Dex-
ington residents. said Sandra Bar-
nett, co-director of the newly formed
SGA Community Affairs Committee.

“The three organizations were
chosen as the most efficient means
to aid a large number of needy peo
ple.“ Barnett said.

Student donations and pledges
were solicited at tables set up in the
Student Center and in cafeterias
around campus. Students could ei-
ther donate canned food, cash or
money from their meal cards.

tion Nancy Ray told task force
members that any alcohol policy
that could not be enforced would in-
crease UK‘s liability.

Ray was brought in by task force
members to answer questions about

Thus, the battle lines in forming
an alcohol policy have shifted from
liability problems to those of en-

UK housing officials say they be-
lieve the current practice of no alco-

hol in the dormitories is being en-


Problems in the residence halls —
such as vandalism and discipline —
have decreased since enacting a no
alcohol practice two years ago, said
Bob Clay, acting director for resi-
dence hall life.

Greg Wilborn, an RA and member
of the task force, agreed, saying the
current practice was favored by the
hall directors in the residence halls.

However, Student Government As-
sociation President Cyndi Weaver
said that UK can’t possibly enforce
the practice it has now.

The alcohol policy, she said,
should reflect the reality of the situ-
ation — students drink.

Weaver said she believes that the
no—alcohol practice is being enforced
the best that it can be but the over-
riding question is “how successful“
is the enforcement — “how much al-
cohol consumption can happen in the
dorms to put us in a liable situa-

Weaver said she has recently
talked to three lawyers and each
told her that there doesn‘t have to

be a “tremendous abuse for our lia~
bility position to be a dangerous

The “University would have liabil-
ity if it knew drinking was going on
and wasn‘t enforcing“ the policy,
Ray said. “If you had a policy which
said you cannot drink at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, the (Resident Ad-
visers) . . . would be expected to tell
people the policy."

Clay said that's exactly what‘s

Enforcement of the no-alcohol
practice in the dormitories is a
three-step process, Clay said. A per-
son who‘s caught possessing alcohol
is verbally reprimanded and a note
is sent to the hall director.

The second time a student is
caught with alcohol he is sent to the
hall director, Clay said. If the stu-

dent is caught a third time. he is
sent to Clay for disciplinary action.

In addition. anyone who becomes
an RA is told they have to enforce
the no-alcohol practice. Clay said. If
an RAdoesn‘t do it,he‘llbefired.

Ken Walker. an RA and member
of the task force, said that while
RAs do enforce the policy when they
see a violation, he knows violations
occur that they don‘t see.

For example, Walker said he can
walk down his hall way one night
and not see any sign of alcohol. But
the next morning there will be
empty beer cans and bottles in the
lobby. he said.

“The residents know how to get
around the alcohol rule without get-
ting caught," Walker said. “A lot

more goes on than what is clearly

There would not be a major dit'l'ei
ence in the enforcement of alcohol
rules if 21-year-olds were allowed to
drink. Walker said. The majority oi
students would be under 21 and
could not legally drink anyway

About 90 percent of the students
living in the dormitories are under
21 years old.

However. Richard t‘laytor.
ciology professor and memhei oi the
task force. said the problem \‘t till the
more permissive alcohol policy is
the availability of alcohol

il 50-

“’l‘he cleanest policy l\ no alcohol
in the dormitories. regardless of the
age.” Clayton said




Staff Writer

Do the Dance Cats reveal too
much flesh?

Some basketball fans seem to
think so. Complaints about the
dancers‘ new uniforms have re-
sulted in a ban against this sea-
son‘s costume.

UK Athletic Director Cliff
Hagan announced in a meeting
last week with Dance Cat choreo-
grapher Diane Evans, several of
Hagan’s assistants and Sports ln-
formation personnel that the
long-sleeved, royal-blue leotard
could no longer be worn at the
group’s performances at half-
time of UK basketball games.

The costume made its debut
when the 20 dancers wore the leo-
tard at a Blue/White scrimmage
game on Nov. 5 at Rupp Arena.

Hagan said the decision is a re-
sult of regular complaints over
the years from alumni and
frienit who felt the Dance Cats‘


Dance Cats’ outfits said to bare too much

uniform revealed too much. He
said the athletics department had
met several times in the past and
wanted to take a “middle of the
road“ philosophy regarding the

“You've got alumni represent-
ing all different tastes, as do the
faculty, and as do the students.“
he said. It all comes down to
“what you think a college dance
group should represent on the

Hagan said his goal is to get
the Dance Cats “just basically
trying to cover up a little bit.“

“The only resolution we came
to is that they‘d wear a little
wrap-around skirt,“ Hagan said.

Several Dance Cat members
said it was ironic that these par-
ticular uniforms were objected to
because they in themselves rep-
resented a more conservative
look from the blue unitards that
the group wore last year.

People said that last year's uni-
form looked like it had been

spray-painted on. said co—captain
Carie Moak.

“I can understand why people
feel maybe it‘s a little much for a
basketball game.“ Moak said.
“We wanted a dancer look. like
the dancers on TV ~— we didn’t
want to look like the cheerleaders
or take anything away from

Evans said the new uniforms
are similar to the original ones
designed five years by Hagan
and his wife, Martha, The dance
troupe had decided this season to
return to these original leotards
and those the Hagans had chosen
in order to look more like danc-

“They designed the original
style that they wanted and
that is the design that they (the
alumni) didn‘t like.“ Evans said.
“As long as we cover their be-
hinds, we‘re all right.“

Hagan said he wasn't sure who
had designed the original ones.

Evans said there has never

Complaints that the UK Dance Cats‘ uniforms are too revealing
have resulted in the group‘s uniforms being banned in favor of

something a little more conservative.

been a lot of complaints about the
costumes.“lt‘s just that the ones
who complain are the ones who
carry a lot of weight,“ she said.

Future uniforms have not been
decided upon but the new deSigns
will be revealed at the Dec. 1
basketball game. Evans said.

The Dance Cats plan to wear

jeans to go along Wlih a 30‘s
dance routine scheduled for to-
night‘s game against the Rus-

Information for this sion was
also gathered by Editor ('1 i-hiel
Dan Hassert.





White Castle kin

Sixteen hungry contestants. one from each of
Haggln's floors, raced to eat 15 "Whities" and
drink a large Coke in last night's eating contest
at Haggin Hal. Kevin Perreut (far right). on ani-




met science freshman from section 03, was
first to finish and won a White Cestie party tor
his floor at the expense of the Heggin House



Soviets experienced

Staff Writer

If you‘d listen to coach Eddie Sut-
ton, you‘d think UK‘s game tonight
against the Soviet Union National
Team is the second coming of the
“Red Scare.“

“We‘re the decided underdog,“
the Kentucky coach said. “When
they want to play, they‘re better
than any team we‘ll see.

“They qualify for the lower divi-
sion of the NBA.“

The Soviets certainly have the size
to compete in the NBA. Head coach
Aleksandr Gomelsky will start two
of his namesakes. 7-foot Aleksandr
Belosteni and 6-9 Aleksandr Volkov
imide, along with 6-6 swingman Ser-
gey Tarakanov and 6-4 guarcb Sha-
runas Marchulenis and Tilt Sokk.
The average age of Soviet players is
almost 25.

To counter the more experienced
Soviets, Sutton will go with four se-
niors — Rob Lock at center, Winston
Barnett and Cedric Jenkins at the
forwarth, and Ed Davender at
guard. The lone widerclassmn
starting for Kentucky will be sopho-
more guardRexChapman.

UK assistant coach Jimmy Dykes.

who scouted the Soviet team when
they played their abbreviated game
Saturday night against lndiana. said
the Soviets are big and experienced.

“They‘re very big, very physical.
very strong," Dykes said. “Obvious-
ly they‘re the most experienced
team we‘ll play all year from the
standpoint that they‘re all in their
mid-2th. they played in the Olym—
pics, and have played together as a
unit for four or five years now."

Dykes said the Soviets like to run
the floor and score off the transition
game. They also frequently utilize
the three-point shot.

“They push it (up the floor) at
every opportunity,“ Dykes said.
“And they'll probably shoot any-
where from 20 to 25 three-pointers.

“Like all foreign teams, they real-
ly utilize that three-point stripe, es-
pecially here in the states because
it‘s closer (19 feet, nine inches) than
what they're used to (20 feet, six
inches in international competition).
So it's kind of a chip shot for them."

Dykes said the Cats‘ defense will
be put to the test of defending the
Soviet guarth. Both inve the ability
to penetrate as well as pull up and
hit the outside jumper. Dykes said.



Metchup: Soviet National team
vs. Kentucky.

Time: 7:30 pm. tonight.
Piecethupp Arena.

Radio Coverage: Live on
WVLK-AM 590 with Cawood

TV Coverage: Tape delay on
WKYT«TV at 11:30 pm. with
Marty Brennunan and my




”What they want to do basically is
just play one-on-one, penetrate and
create a help situation. and then
dish it out to the guy on the three-
point stripe.“ Dykes said

The player Dykes feels UK must
contain is Marchulenis. He had 28
points against the Hoosiers. even

though there were 15 minutes still
remaining on the clock when lndia-
na coach Bobby Knight withdrew his
team from the floor after being
ejected from the game.

See sowm. Page 6


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. November 24, 1987

Appalshop’s Herb Smith produces big effects on low budget

Staff Writer

"1 was a senior at Whitesburg
High School back in 1969 when
Appalshop opened in my home-
town.“ said Herb Smith. “I just
seized the opportunity and went with

Smith is a filmmaker for
Appalshop, a non-profit organization
that has made numerous films and
recordings chronicling mountain life
in Appalachia.

Tonight. Smith‘s latest project,
“Harriette Simpson Arnow 1906-
1986" premieres at UK‘s Student
Center Theatre.

Smith grew up in the small town
of Whitesburg where his father was
a coal miner. When he began direct-
ing films for Appalshop, he also
found a direction in life.


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Appalshop was backed originally
by an organization in New York.
said Smith. “We eventually formed
our own nonprofit organization and
set up our own board of directors."
he said.

Smith began working on "Har-
riette Simpson Arnow" in the spring
of 1983 when they filmed one of Ar»
now‘s readings in Appalshop‘s the»
ater. Due to low funds. though.
Smith was unable to resume filming
until the fall of 1984 when the film
crew visited Arnow and her husband
on their farm.

Fortunately, Smith received
grants from KE'I‘ and the Kentucky
Humanities (‘ouncil and was able to
finish the film. “I didn‘t edit it until
this year as I had another project to
finish," said Smith. "I had hoped to
finish it before she died but we just
didn't have the funds back in '15."


“Being based in Whitesburg, we’re in daily
contact with the entire (Appalachian) region, so
ideas are cheap. We just don’t have the time

and money to do them all."

Herb Smith,
Appalshop director


lack of funds is a problem that
plagues all independent filmmakers.
Appalshop is no exception. “Being
based in WhitesburE. we‘re in daily
contact with the entire region, so
ideas are cheap," said Smith. “We
just don't have the time and money

Tonight‘s premiere of the film is a
fund-raiser for Appalshop, financial
help for future projects is on the
way. “We have a certain amount of

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from all of us

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Kentucky Kernel



credibility due to the large number
of films in our catalog and the fact
that many of our funding sources
know our work by now," said Smith.
“It‘s still tough. though, because

with the economy of eastern Ken-
tucky there's just not a lot of loose
change there," he added.

After choosing the subject matter
for his latest film, Smith must then
begin the arduous task of research.
After coming up with file photos and

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film from the National Archives and
Arnow’s children, Smith began to
form a picture of the film in his

That initial idea began to change
once he began filming. “There were
a lot of spontaneous things that
came out of the stories she toldin
addition to what I expected," said

That spontaneity has a bearing on
the editing process which, according
to Smith, is a crucial element in the
making of a documentary. “1n
scripted films, they have a firm line
that they‘ll follow, so you have a
strong notion where the high points
are going to be," said Smith.

In crafting this film, Smith first
had to build Arnow’s life story in
order to make all of the pieces fit to-
gether. “You have to develop those
characters first before you start dev

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

ciding on where to insert scenes like
the walk in the garden with her hus-
band,” said Smith.

Much of Smith's film was made
duriru the time that Jane Fonda
was filming the movie version of
The Dollmaher. “I didn’t want to get
lumped in with those reporters who
had just discovered her (as a result
of Fonda's film), so I steered clear
of that in the film," he said. Accord-
ing to Smith, when asked if she was
happy that Fonda changed the end-
ing of her novel, Arnow replied “I
guess that’s Hollywood‘s idea of a
happy ending."

Arnow was working on a Civil War
novel before she died. “She didn‘t
say anything else about it because
she found it important not to tell
what you wrote,” said Smith. “Part
of the joy of writing to her was
working those ideas out on paper."



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Appalshop director Herb Smith captured the real Harriette Simpson
Arnow in his documentary of the author of “The Dollmaker,”


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By non servo
Staff Critic

“I work from these notebooks
first," says the elder. wizened figure
as she thumbs through the pages of
text that are beginning to yellow and
crinkle with age. “and then I revise
them. There must be a hundred
more out in the chicken house. "

These are the words of Kentucky-
born author Harriette Simpson
Arnow in the latest documentary by
Appalshop director Herb Smith —
“Harriette Simpson Arnow 1908-
lmli." Arnow is best known as the
pen behind the classic southern
novel, The Dollmaher.

Director Herb Smith has come up
with a film that is as colorful. vivid
and varied as the life Arnow lived
and wrote about.

“Harriette Simpson Arnow"
paints a picture of an old-fashioned
traditionalist who still uses a man.
ual typewriter because she “can't
stand the whirring, mirring noise"
that the electric ones make.

Arnow began teaching at age 18 in
a one—room schoolhouse in Pulaski
County. She later took a teaching as-
signment in Louisville but soon dis-
covered that the unruly public
school kids would “have caused my
death to come sooner."

Kentucky Kernel, Tueedey, November 24, 1981 — 3

anocumentary of authorArnow

is as colorful as her characters



Cl“Harriette Simpson Arnow
1906-1986" premieres to-
night at the Shidmt Center
Theatre. Tickets are $5 for
the general public and $3 for




Life was wonderful in 1 936, according to
Arnow, as her first novel. “Mountain Path,” was
published. Reviews were good except from
those offered by her mother who was
disgusted. “She said, ‘Why couldn’t you write
about nice people, not moonshiners,’ and I
thought these were nice people," Arnow said.


She moved to Cincinnati and took
various odd jobs, such as wait-
ressing. In her spare time she read
the great novels in order to learn
from them since she had not ma-
jored in English at school.

Life was wonderful in 1936,
according to Arnow, as her first
novel, Mountain Path, was pub-
lished. Reviews were good except
from those offered by her mother
who was disgusted. ”She said, ‘Why
couldn’t you write about nice people,
not moonshiners,‘ and I thought
these were nice people," Arnow

Arnow didn‘t publish another
novel until 1949's Hunter's Horn. She
devoted the majority of that time to
the raising of her family, which in-

volved living in the crowded war-
time housing in Detroit. "1 did my
best writing there," she said. “I
stayed up and wrote after putting
the baby to sleep. I usually got
about three hours of good. quiet
writing time in."

Her experiences in those crowded
and cramped conditions gave her
the inspiration to write The Dole
[maker in 1954. The novel tells the
story of Gertie, a strongrwilled
woman from the hills of Kentucky
who raises her children in Detroit‘s
war-time housing. “1 wondered what
it would be like for a woman who

had never used modern utilities to
be faced with all these problems."
said Arnow.

Many have mistakenly taken the

book to be autobiographical. Al
though Arnow did live under the
same conditions that Gertie does.
there all resemblances stop. Arnow
said. “Too many people never give
writers credit for their imagina-
tion." she said in reference to an in»
cident where her publisher was
shocked to meet such a small
woman who wrote about such a big.
strong woman as Gertie.

The film's closing image of a de-
caying farm amidst browning leaves
is an appropriate contrast to the vol
orful images of nature in full bloom
that begin the film. By this time. Ar»
now‘s youthful vigor had gradually
given way to the autumn of her
years. A fitting epitaph adorns her
tombstone: “She was the maker of
the song she sang."


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SGA commended
for spirit of giving
during food drive

The Student Government Association has shown the spi-

rit of giving this Thanksgiving.

For two weeks, SGA set a goal of raising $2,000 in food
and money for the needy of the Lexington area.

The food drive, which began Nov. 9, raised a little more
than $2.500, according to unofficial SGA tabulations.

“I‘m really pleased with the success of the project and I
think students really came through," SGA President Cyndi

Weaver said.

We agree with Weaver and commend the SGA senators
for putting their philosophical differences aside and work-
ing together to make Lexington a better place to live.

We would also like to congratulate Lexington Commu-
nity College Senators Chris Essid and Betty Reed for their

hard work.

Without being asked, Essid and Reed took the initiative
and raised more than $100 in canned food from LCC stu-


Several students also provided manpower during the
food drive by taking donations and pledges at the Student
Center and the various cafeterias around campus. One stu-
dent. Stephen Taylor, was especially responsive to the call
as he raised more than $100 in cash.

With the money and canned food raised through the
SGA food drive. three Lexington organizations — the Com-
munity Kitchen, God’s Pantry and the Salvation Army —
will be able to assist those in the Lexington area who
would otherwise have gone without a Thanksgiving meal.

We hope this spirit of cooperation shown by the SGA
senators during the food drive will carry over through the

rest of the school year.



from as my writes as possible.


Letters policy


Writers strand addrae their comments to: Editorial Editor, Ken-

Ietta'ssheuldbewwmku less, while guest ofinions should be
seaweeds or less. All material must be typewritten and double-spaced.

Frequent writes may be limited so that we may publish letters

Writers must include their name, address, telephone number and
major ciassficattmueonnectim with‘UK on all submitted material.

If letters and opinions have been sent by mail, telephone numbers
mustbeinchidedsothatverifieationofthewritermaybeobtained. No
material will be published without verification.

The author’s name mt appear on all material published unless a
clear and present danger exists to the writer. All entries are subject to

Lexington, Ky. «506-0042.





Young people
should vote

On Nov. 3. 1987. I had the privilege
of voting in our state election. How-
ever. as a young voter. I noticed
that even though my precinct had a
moderate turnout, few youths were
present. Most of us are raised with
the belief that. as Americans. voting
is a democratic method by which
the United States‘ citizens of voting
age decide issues and choose their
leaders in government. The freedom
to vote is essential to self-govern-
ment. But according to Parade Mag-
azine. Nov. 1. 1987. three-fourths of
our American youth between the
ages of 18 and 24 fail to vote. In my
opinion. if the United States is to re-
main a democracy. then young peo-
ple should vote.

Many of today‘s young people.
nevertheless. feel that voting isn‘t
important. Some of them feel that it
is a waste of time and that no
changes will occur regardless of
their voice in government. These
youth feel as if they aren‘t expected
to vote because they're too young to
have serious views about “adult
matters.“ Others don‘t like the can-
didates and their issues. Still others
dislike negative campaigning. such
as mudslinging. In essence. perhaps
these youngsters just aren‘t moti-
vated and do not consider voting as
an enjoyable experience.

Today‘s youth should vote because
it is essential to a democratic socie—
ty. Democracies attempt to preserve
individual freedom and to promote
equality of opportunity. The United
States’ Declaration of Independence
expresses the belief that all men are
created equal, that they are en-
dowed with certain inalienable
rights such as life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. The declara-
tion added that the people may
change or abolish the government if
it interferes with those rights. As
Americans. today‘s young people
should feel honored and privileged
to voice their opinions on the local,
state and national level.

It seems that those students who
got involved in the life of their com-
munities at an early age become in-
terested in the voting process and
take a greater interest in politics.
Many of those students also tend to
vote became they feel it is fun.

Presently, there is movement to
integrate votim into daily life. Some

states are allowing young people to
register on election day. Still other
states are allowing registration by
simply checking a box on new driv-
ers' licenses. Soon it may be possi-
ble for high school graduates to reg-
ister when they walk to the podium
for their diplomas or when they reg-
ister for college classes.

As young Americans, we should
start taking pride in our country and
its democratic form of government.
We should vote!

David Dean Deaton is an unde-
cided sophomore.


Mike Ekman's letter on Nov. 18 is
an insightful and true statement of
life in the 1980‘s, It is especially true
in Kentucky and on our campus. I
went to high school in an affluent
suburb of Nashville. and I had some
friends who were black. I never con-
sidered that a problem. and I never
thought it was a problem for anyone
else either. Only when I came to UK
did I realize how people here feel
about black-white relations. It is
really sick when the only time some
people are not prejudice is if the mic
nority student is on the basketball or
football team.

Like Mr. Ekman. I was raised to
believe in racial. sexual and reli-
gious equality. I never realized the
silent racism that is still prevalent
in our society today. I always
thought racism took place in places
like I-‘orsyth County. Ga., and not
here on the homefront. It is a rude
awakening when you realize that
some people have been looking down
on me at times because of my black

friends. UK. especially, is so strati-
fied that I sometimes find myself
being awkward and alone in my
views. I am glad that Mr. Ekman
had the nerve to splash his views all
over the Viewpoint page, so maybe
enough people like myself will write
in, and we‘ll create a majority in—
stead of a minority when it comes to
respecting people‘s rights.

Jonathan D. Niemeyer is 0 mar-
keting sophomore.

C.A. Duane Ioniter
Editorial Editor

Dan Haeeert
Editor in chief

Jay Ilanton
Executive Editor

Thomas J. Sullivan
News Editor

Michael Brennan
Editorial Cartoonist

Karen Phillips
Design Editor



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College often a change in philosophy

The other night I considered going
to church, but I stayed home and
worked on a paper.

Just another one of those priority
choices college forces you to make, I

It hasn’t always been that way.
Going to church used to never be a
question for me, even after I began

Some of the oldest memories I
have from my childhood are of my
mom waking all my brothers and
sisters up on Sunday mornings in
time for a big breakfast before we
packed in our station wagon and left
for mass.

When we were really young. my
sisters would wear skirts and
dresses, my brother and I dress in
shirts and sometimes ties. We’d al-
ways go together.

I remember specifically whenever
I was the kid appointed to put the
envelope in the collection basket,
when my little sister snuck behind
the family three pews away and
when my brother and I served as
altar boys.

Later on, when one sister got mar-
ried, another moved out, my brother
started working nights and another

Changing times



» Dan


sister and I had basketball practice,
we‘d file in the pews separately.
And as our dress code relaxed, so
did our attendance.

Still, when I was a freshman liv-
ing in Haggin Hall, I trudged down
to the Newman Center almost every
Sunday, rain or shine. snow or

The fact that one of the priests
taught me in junior high probably
had something to do with it. but per-
sonally. the experience still meant a
lotto me.

Now I don’t make it like I used to.

I won‘t offer any excuses, nor will
I even care to debate the rightness
or wrongness of it all. It just goes to
show that who you were and what
you did in grade school or even in
high school isn‘t necessarily who
you are once you get out of college.

College represents a maturing

College represents a matu