xt7gb56d5574 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d5574/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1985 1985 1985-11-04 2020 true xt7gb56d5574 section xt7gb56d5574 __—_________________————_—_________—_______________—___
UK crowd . U . S . arms proposal ..
it“. o o o 0 V'.'.,.
‘stung’ by i ' ’3’ ~ SCtS m1ss1 e CBllln S i w' ‘" ""
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solo Stm r’ ” ' =
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ltyGAltYPll-Iltt‘l-I ~ .3‘ L . B) BARRY-5‘11“ H“ siles bombers and nuclear with“, I v) iii...
Arts Bin”)? . . q 4 m * ' ‘ L Associated Press “he3 , l . .l‘ If" '. ". ".{i
and-li\.\(.\Rl.‘lh‘l.l-. 5*" id 5:.“ The l' S 0tllt'l.il said that .l the 'L‘: ‘J-f ,‘,
AsSistani Arts editor = L 5‘3? -A HELSINKI. Finland - The t'mted Sovtets Lit‘t‘oplt‘ti the Ann-mun. .1 {ft-'3-

‘ . . , .. *' ' 1_ fit? ’4‘ " . States has proposed a ceiling on package deal. there would he flii tzw vi : -.' i4" 3

Lit-Policeman Sting made his . -. 1.5.3.. an American and Soviet sll‘hlt’glC bile Soviet strategit lll'.s.\llt'r .i: .iiiL. (WK {TX}.
solo Lexmgton debut in Memorial ~ . if? . - bombers and a freeze on nuclear new heavy lnlerCtinllllt‘llLii lulln'n ‘2' Lid-:72»:
(oliseum 185‘ night ‘0 11 WNW Of a; "' i; a misSiles in Europe as part oi a new missiles added to the supi'rlmwei ~ ’4: .2" ;‘ -‘ fi-‘T'H’r
6.500 . 4 I ‘ L "__‘ arms control accord with Moscow. a arsenals , J .1 . L L‘. "t:

If. indeed. solo is the word. for * ' ,_ :rg senior L? S officialsaidyesterday This would pl‘i-xunmmi, PM”: ,v '-L _‘._‘{ ’.
the crowd Jomed in during the . ;I’ f L other key elements of the package the l nited states in :etiirir to . J, u L': 4
majority ot songs. a collection of ; g A . .15. _._ now before Soviet negotiators in Ge scuttle the single Aiirllt-ml ilitigt-r ;4 -.i' 1 :L» 'L ,1,
cuts from his recently released ‘ ._ :3, a neva include a ceiling of toot) on Man. which n.” turn-ii .'i)[','.,i“IiiLl'. 7’ .‘
hit LP The DH‘ulil oi the Blue ' ’ . . it: . long-range nuclear warheads and no by some members of .‘iiiLg;-..c. n”. ‘LL. ~j
Turtles and reworked l’olice _ f. ~ limits on submarine-launched cruise s'miet 8s 3; llilssilt' and \\ _v M, v. f 'i‘ - J "..'.I'

I tunes done UP I” a rousmg and l L ,2 ~74“ ‘7 missiles bile missile are lliUtl‘ more .iv; ,; _ I‘L, ",
sometimes frenetic style which ' . is .1 L‘ - The official. who spoke on condi- vanced than the Midget “ML “Mn . .' . L
showed off the impeccable precr ‘ g 1-3, ' tion of anonymity. said there is 15 stillon drawing hm“: ‘ LnL‘L ,- ‘ .>

" L sion of his tightly wound jazz. ’ ‘ ' LL “compromise" in President Rea But the outlook to. h, mg, . '. ‘." L‘ . ,5. -.
band. ’ _ X; ‘3, '7‘. gan's proposal to overcome what he agreement appears 'lim yd Ii'lul . " .' L . t ‘. ".

Backed by saxophonist llran- b ‘P ' _ described as "hookers ' shares of State George P Shuliz sh m i.
iord hlalfix'dllb brother of \t'yn- ‘ , m the plan Soviet leader Mikhail 5 peeled I0 discuss DNNW‘ ,_ L,_ 2 if
ton and an occasional member of Gorbachev guhmmm {ms weekt aceord during NU days o: ,NL .: 1 L.
the Grammy awardeinning ‘L L" 3g? Moscow beginning Wm} M4 i..I,.,.~ ‘».' I . . .
trumpeter s band veteran . For instance. the ceiling of tool ers the two “has rm,” . . . ,~_
Weather Report drummer timar ‘. on intercontinental ballistic mlSSllt distanceapart -_ ‘ L ‘ .-
Hakim. liarryl Jones. recent 50» I it“)! warheads is 500 higher than the mi L L, . .. . '. ' . W
sion bassist for Miles Davis. and " :‘ tial t' 5 position in the Geneva ne Eh:Lm‘LHnITUH‘LML‘fl' ‘_' k. j \ 'L‘L, ' " . .‘ 2"?
handy backup keyboardist Kenny , t ' gotiations It would allow the Soviets firtmiugdnh i: (frh‘mdii‘ “j i ‘ ‘ . L. "
Kirkland. Sting arrested the audi- I L,” to retain more of their landbased ” i l fpdk‘ e “f” V' "l . * " ' V; ‘ ‘-

L , - - . L . L said Moscow s delimit» rm .::. . \ ~ ~. »
enccforzl, hours missile arsenal. the heart of smiet L . . . .. , L . , ~ . - , -‘ .

Sting mixed a batch of Blue ' s nuclearstrength “use“ ”“1 ‘5 ”Hemp“ " “”3"! L i ' L
.. ‘ .. . L a ‘ Ol)](’Cts in space I: ....-:.m. .i' ~. ‘ "

lurtlcs tunes like Moon Over i ~‘. s , . .., t. _.,~ ‘ .
Bourbon Street." “Fortress . :3 . Gorbachev called for a .l.600~war- stopping Reagan s strait-ell lIt li'llsi‘ L L , .i . ,L
Around Your Heart" and ..H You . . 11.x ' a head limit on strategic ground ml.» \c-t unis - >~ _ _ .- - . t, ‘
Love Somebody Set Them Free." $9,. “' L i . . i " , . ‘L L .'
with a sprinkling of Police cuts Kg ' * l IK t d t d F d - 3 5L: i .'
and nearly gritty hlues tunes .. ’ . _ ' .. 1 S 1] en leS r1 ay L " ‘ ' «_ ".L

Sting even resurrected "1 Burn ' ‘ , ' ' . L ‘L -

l-‘or \‘ou.' .in original piece from . . ' . ° ' ° . . ~ ' -'
the "Brimstone and Treaclc" I J ‘z . ~ x In automo l e ace] ent '. ‘ " I ' 1
soundtrack. but it was his we're I ’ . . . . .4 1- ’ 3-.

taunten-and \\t‘ knownt-hut-we- r, . "g. . L B) .\I.I'ZX.\.\'DI‘IR§.('Rtll'(‘ll According to police l‘tptil' lie: L _ i r ;

('ill'lltx'krtilli too hand that car- a 2* Editorial Editor ers .-\.\lt‘ t'oncord glam-wt . L ,- 9'

mod the show chiarkabl) re- . Honda (‘ivic then struck aro‘hvi' .n ' i " .

served for a rocker with so publi I fit .« .' __ A series of automobile acCidents tomobile and posheii it din“; . u . " .» ‘ ‘

Cl/(‘d anego, Sting created plenty . ’ - -' LL . Friday morning left a [K student hill lloth cars he stroll um 1.: .

of spaCes for each of his :ellcho .— ' .v ' ‘r .1: dead. and a witness says he had parked . 7 ' .L ‘ . ' '

sen musiCIans to make t eir own . L . ' , beendrinking Lynn Redmon. vii. “madam . L ~ .- . ”

considerable talents tell i! . ‘ ~?\ _ Bryan Wayne Heifer. a .ltryeaiold apartments moi 1h.- .\'\ t'l.-‘ a: 'ilt .. 4 ‘ 3‘, ' ’. ' .

lxirkland seared through a cou- ‘ . . ".5 .4, . . .eL . . . undecided Liunior. was pronounced cident said he and another “one“ . . ‘ z 4

ple of fiery keyllxmrd solos. “mama “mum. dead at the scene from "massive ll‘lt’dltlgt‘lllt‘llt‘l nut-lllllt‘t'nf ‘2 W .3

Hakim made the ob igatory drum head injurltx" at 3-ng a m by (yep. . L -. L' - .

50h, palatable with h]_\ absorbing Sting and his guitar perform "Driven to Teors' moriol Coliseum. Lexington was one of the uty Fayette County coroner Rolan Although H"“’“"“ “‘ ' i" ““1 i - ' ' "

free-form jun style. and together to about 5.500 conceriQOers last night at Me- legs of Sting'slirstsolo tour. Taler After hitting it “‘09. ”Mme smelled a) If he M” “W" 1“ ”"1”“ ' i l. . - '1

with Jones laid down a rhythm car was brought toa stop by a chain 12‘3“” 53‘” there “Ur" 3:“ ‘~" ‘ ”1 ' .' j 7

foundation [hill ("WM have S1019" ———————————— lllt oi the llUllli'l‘Utb encores iilond iormer schmlteaclier the link fence near the intersection of {)0thle m the car and "MM “”3" 3‘” r . ' j ', ~, .

the Sim“ ll not ‘0" Xlal‘fiillls‘ wel- stiii l he -uit.'ir led the crowd iiiltllt'llt't’ sang a Lill)p‘~’llii during! Fontaine and McDowellroads mm whether Heller “‘h ”mm” "M“ , f ' '.

comely lllslslt‘ni interpolations REV'EW ih- h »l ”\1 7. r» . l " l - . ~ i 3 th » - t -l . . um” 11”) r990”: Com“ “Nb 1:. "'4'“ .- ‘ ,A . . ..

. t i'h .. l t St' . iiiugLi . essagt in a llotte lit (iioitis oi e comer 4 osing The string of accidents began at loltidavs » .. , .-‘,’

M“ :1 (Ll-dill 'L-HLl-“L‘Ltl‘r 0, L- ltngl: — and ltoxaime. both made popu- ".less.ige. and wit the collseum 4 40 a m on Fontaine Road between ' . . . ' > .- - . .

son-it ”tits in... Muir) stra c .\ lai' h}; the original Police trio .ii‘ea in“; of lilllt‘ turtles and Richmond Road and Lakeshore Heller 5 fatal aCcident “(Thu-f; L, » . .» v. .‘l

totals \\liile the hand rested during laiicoiiraged by the bleached _\(‘;jli1lll;_‘Litli more Drive, after Heifer had left a part) mile down Fontaine ltoat: ain‘t), t-tt - _ . ’L .-' L _' » ..
'l‘di'lor band see u ( ll)t\l :2...» ~' g n V I: .

-. 1 . ’. L .

Conference addresses * - ‘ Grou reviewin orientation
' t rs nb lt ‘ r ~ "
. . 1’ ‘- ”.1 t,'-.i
2 , . _ ".,. 2 ‘." .

impor ance 0 ll 9 . l L UK studies approach to welcoming freshmen, transfers -. ~ _ :. ., .z
. w 4‘ _L 1",. 1"...L'. .3 f“

By JOHN “INSTEAD The conference is Significant, i . N R". . By Bl-ITIII.\WSO\ mittee» is to be able to meet the and director oi titillilssi‘n'o it L. . 9-} ' L
(‘ontributing Writer Brunn said. “because it is the first " f, . Staff Writer needs of the students.“ said lirema scribed orientation as llli t-ll- t hat . .3 . .,‘ L, i
time that geographers and histori- L f ' . ! Howard. committee chairwoman method of introducing smith-ills ti: .1 ' ,t '

The Sunbelt. recognized as one of ans have gathered to focus on this x - An adLhoc (‘ommittee on New Stu- and assomate director of‘the t'areer tering t'Kto college life ' ’r ,' , g' . 5
the fastest growing and most imPOr- regionin particular " ' ‘g‘s dent Orientation L‘ taking on a b‘g Planning and Placementtenter “ll don“ “He‘ll“‘h 1.: 3"” M» ; ~ . '. ‘t
tant regions of the country. has re- Even more important. Brunn $ challenge over the next 4i: months, Other objectives. according to become more aware oi ungi ~i‘l\ . _. . . . . .
ceived little orgamted study from added. was the fact that "this is the é‘ ‘ said Ann Fister. a committee mem- Howard. include looking at where ices and programs are Knight“. xi. _ T , .' . . . ‘ .
scholars first time that geographers and his- ‘ ber and assistant registrar for regis- UK. is now and where it should be. them." Rice said students dil‘; ml L ' '

But this week in Miami, geog~ torians have ever jointly gathered in trationandadwsmg. . . _ revrewmg other campuses pro- jmt to campus quicker and mold " 'L , ' -‘ L‘ '_;-
raphers and historians will gather at aconference." . . The committee Wlll partICipate in grams and looking at the pros and making errors in (lt‘t'lsliills m. , ;. L- w . »
a conference to examine the region A concern for the conference “.1” . a thorough study of undergraduate cons of orientation. added L l. .. .
indepth. be defining the boundaries of the .' freshman and transfer student "Student input will be very impor- Fister believes t'h' has a quality L . ' '. L, .* i.

Stanley Brunn. chairman of the Sunbeltregion.hesaid. . ‘ orientation. make recommendations tant." Howard said "It torienta— program but she said she would like) ' v . ‘. ‘
UK geOEraphy department. is one of “The media and politicians under- ‘I and submit a report to Robert G. tioni will be representative of what to see more tw-oday adxisiiig Hilil er ' - ‘ '-
the primary organizers of the con- stand the Sunbelt to be a swath from Zumwinkle, vice chancellor of stu- best suits the L'mverSity " encos “We're trying to look at all _ . > - .
ference. Virginia to California.“ but geog- . . dentaffairs.by March 21.i986. . There is quite a bit to look at. such factors in an Objeclhe’ \‘xH_\ ' . LL ~. . . _

Brunn said the idea for the confer- raphers have vet to agree on precise STANLEY BRUNN “it's been a while Since we ve as rules and options. Fister said she said ' . . - - - ‘ ',
ence originated more than a year positions of boundaries hesaid. large growth since the end of World taken a g°°¢ [00“ 3‘ student orien- 5"? suggested going to the 990919 on you can get a mnwmm am”! ' .. > .
ago during a discussion with 3550. The conference will also address WarlI.Brunn said. “390”"? sa'd orientation “"11 affect “Ch as fac~ things that need to he changed on ' . . .'
ciatos The National Science Foun- the economy. population and politics “Growth has been continual bl" liumwinkle announced the ‘3 ulty. staff and students because the student orientation the best thing to ‘ . . » .3 '.
dation and the National Endowment of the Sunbelt. not uniform in the region." he said. members, which include faculty. committee wont have time to look do l< to be realistic to the students . - - . _ LL .
for the Humanities approved an ap- _ Both the economy and the popula- The greatest growth has been in Cal- Staff and twoLKstudents. 0“ 28 ateverything said Douglas Witten. a mmmmfi. _ =
plication {0"310‘000m “1“de- tion or the region have experienced 5°C Sl'NBEl-dess.‘ “The main objective (of the com- Kendell Rice. committee member Sec ORIl-txnllux page < V. .
“Le 'n ton’ h' t t '

t». ".\.i L f L l l. u y l '\

gmwumwwm a; «More oca ivery takes customers for a carriage ride downtown ~

% ”u ”r H . WV" ‘. 3." LINDA 5' HENDRICKS used as a t‘nion headquarters durr through downtown. the livery is also .

III ' é ' Senior StaffWriter ing the Civil War. the Hunt—Morgan available for different events such .

* ' a " ‘1' ; . House and Transylvania Universi- as weddings and UK‘s homecoming, ~

2:4" i " "‘H ‘ -,. 3‘ W. One ‘10P?“ have to leave ll“? fu' ty‘s Administration Building are all People often take the carriages to

W ; i . $1”. tore to “sum past. The Lexmgton scenic points along the trip. celebrate special occasions such as

i w. - LiverydoeSitforyou. - . . . , . .

It .- fl _ Footman Eric Craig said he annitersarios and birthdays. .

1”” ”'lmm'. Us “34 , Started more than a year and 3 doesn‘t get bored reciting the same Railey recalled one time when be

t . “to-“if“ ' -~ , ..5 half L880. the livery offers half-hour information allthetime. took a man on a ride where. after

5: - _ L' ‘ -: - 1,3 ”“3, “"1389 excursiom W historic “It's always nothing but facts, but the tour through Tramy. he stopped

x; '53”; dedmtmlfllnstm each time it's always different." the ride, got off and retumeda few

i“ \ L'f?;;,_..:’-:.'§;s${ Located at 171 5",“31‘97 Ave. The said Craig. an undecided sopho- minutes later withhis new bride. .

~ m - .. Lbexmston Livery men-“ted from an more. He added that a few ghost sto— Both Craig and Railey said that
“393 0' owner Fred Vater. “9 P‘t' rim are always thrown in for good this is a normal occurrence and
W the 59W“? after one oper- measure. nothingsurpriseo them.
atedby his brother m Indianapolis. The Transy curse is always an in- The carriage also stops at neigh-

3.» ., . . . . e; Initially. the livery “'35 built as a teruting tale.hesaid. borhood watering holes. Usually, the Lunar! "~4de

‘a’teo‘fi ‘_ . :21wa stable about ‘00 years 880 and later It seems that more than 100 years footman will ask if the cmtomers

L ._ . . LL . .. ,L «A L, in}; bad to be remodeled to accommo- ago a top official had an affair with want “,5ng The SIX can-loge drivers, who by Indiana Amish They cost be-

__ 1-“ . - 149.5...» 43-5.. as“. datetliesennce. . . the vice president‘s wife The affair T fulfil the t t' 't of dress in coat and tails, must also tween $5,000 and homo. depending

. L.” ' . 5%”! meme Dunn the 5-minute excumon was exposed and the official |efl the 9 ' si'enm 3° '_"‘ y. meet certain standards: upon the equipment used in each

gr _ -. » u. L L; ”wade-es» g thmugh Gratz Park. the footman re- school.leavingacursebehind. WW8 the “”188” a 09m") kind carriage.

an? 7 3 u an 3.; 4 g m“ "“55“" facts as the car- “In 1939, we‘re so"; to change 0‘ hm" ‘5 needed for "3e trips d1" "You have ‘0 be “I" 0‘ it ‘0 Wk .

Sk‘_ ”fl” It {,3 nage passes one of bexmgton‘s our route." said Danny Railey an- tance of 1.6 miles. They (the here."Raileysaid. The livery offers rides through

i; ”I . . . M}? many historical buildings. other footmiin. ‘ horses; get mad. they pout. Craig Doc. 31. Each ride costs 820 and res-

ww~ 31:»ngxéiggag . sald, “They all have their own dis- . motions can be made by callim

-' ’ “ . The Ridgely House. which was in addition to the hista-ic tours positions.“ All marriages are handmade ass-om,

 2 - KENTUCKY K ERNEL My, Norm ‘, 19“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activtti‘ ' 'es Office.
203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The infor-
motion is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart~
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
_ ‘ ities Office.
' m n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Mon-
‘ V day preceeding the publications date.
-' V . . , , ' ~ ~ ' _ 0 Meetin s: Baptist Student Union student luncheon $1
. . e k; he. UNICU Greeting Cards °\01l0ble tn the Old ' Academics Last day to submit 0 Notification of Intent :t CIOEICQ'I'SC'OLneI"Tg'lin'ghltgfi‘figlcagounmg 19:7”: (Conn Baptist Studgent Center: 7:30p.m. Call 73489
' . . .' Student {enter 108 Bradley Hall 10 o m 4 P "1 CO” 7 '0 “hedule final exam '" the Grad. SCh°°l for doctoral ce 5' ee, e o e s, l a. ‘ 0° ' a 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting free instructions
. I ' 55,“. candidates for a December degree 2334226 . . h ‘ Alumni Gym‘ 7.30 p m Call233-5201
.V‘ ' I. ‘ . ' h" c.' "‘ P'WWQIOF’N‘ bit Len Jel‘5hel CFA A” MU . Meetings SAB PM)“: Relations Committee meeting, . Meetings. National Student Speec Language Hearing ' Meetings: Student Organizations meetin 106 SC 3
. “ ~ . sec" ‘2 : 'ue Sur‘ Cali 7 5’16 115 SC 4 p m Call 7886? Association meeting, TBA, 6p.l;\. I I p m I Call7 3191 9
‘ ' y . ,, ..\ _ I e M , UK Wate Sk Cl b meet it ; 228 SC, 7 .m., 0 Meetings: Emergence- A eminist Womens Press: stu- ' " . '
, . ° " " . 8m" " "‘9 “9'" H“ p'em‘e'e "" °T°" c ”2:333; r I U I 9 p dents interested in NOW call 231-7985; 109 so 6 p.m.: Call ' Mov'esr Worgcmes, $175 w UKID Worshom Theatre
_. . . , Jblc ."'~-1 to a m Worsham Theatie 7 30 o M Call 7 ° ' 7:30am.
. . I. < , .I 128‘ ' Mavtes On the Waterfront $1.75 w UKID, Worsham 23"7985 . . . 0th . P . fF
_ ».' - ' . . ' ,_ A t . ,, Th , 7 30 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC; 5 er. resentation o rontier Nursmg Service Collec-
.. . was mm M Be A De( 6 on campus Interviews 9° W P m . tian-Centerforth At 230 c ”73145
- . .~ ._ w I . . h T T d . T d - T p.m.,Call7-8867 . e ’5 P-m- 0
c '. r ‘I Ar ~‘-""9->5'd9 0' 9' N Baptist Stu ent Union ues ay Nite o- , . . . o Other‘ Junior Hi h School Choral Festival Center i r
' . .- IIt gether Baptist Student Center 12Noan'Call7-3489 ' Meetings: Maranatha Christian Fellowship- Students , . 9 0
1‘ . ' . " - . Other Apply ‘0' Dec. 2. Dec 6 on»campus interviews With a Purpose: free: Maranatha Center: 7 p.m.; Call 231- theArts,7p,m,:Cal|7-3145
II , - "‘01 Motthe 5 Bldg ‘ 7W1 0 Other: Nov. 11- Nov. 15 on-campus open sign-up 201
, ' L W
I- , . . Other Nov 11. Nov ‘5 an~campus priority lists pub- 0 Movies Wargames; $1.75 w UKID; Worsham Theatre, MatthewsIBldg.
v‘. I. , . .~ I Iished 201 Matthews Bld 7.30pm. D Meetings Pre-Vet Club meeting speaker on embryo
1 ‘ - ‘ . Meetings LKD COrEmtlfee meeting ”3 SC 4 pm: ' Lectures: Seminar on Mutations in LDL Receptors by "°"5Pl°"'5‘ ‘06 Animal pO'l"°'°SJY 7 30 pm C0“ 754
. ‘ I . , Call 7-8867 Mr. Muhammad Shahabuddin, Dept. of Biochemistry, Rm. 8254
’ I ’ ‘ If MN 463:4p.m. 0 Meetings: Commuter Cats meeting 117 SC 5 p m
. ,' Ij '- 0 Lectures: 'The Ins and Outs of Modeling and Outs of C9ll299'0757
' - , , - I Modeling and Acting' by Michael Metz: free; SC Grand
. I . " Ballroom: 8 p.m.z Call 78867
. . Iv 0 Discussions: 'Curriculum Expectations: What to Look
. » ' 1' for In Choosing Classes': Food for Thought discussion 119
' , - .. - ‘ _ ' SC: Noon: Call7-3295
’ _ . , ' 0 Other: Nov. 11- Nov. 15 on-campus priority sign~up'
. “ V 201 Matthews Bldg.
‘ . II ' . ' Other: Missing in Action/Prisoners of War Memorial
' .' ,. - Service, free outside Memorial Hall; 4 p.m., Call 8-4184
I , .' I. 0 Arademics 86 Spring semester advising conferences 0 Movies Wargames $1.75 w UKID: Worsham Theatre, . Concerts Central Kentucky YOU'h Concert O'ChES'TOI e R.E.M. in concert. $10858 MemorialColiseuiv 8p m
. . for new 8 readmitted undergraduate students 7 30 pm Center for the Arts; 3 p.m,, Call 7-3145 Call 7-8867
. c (pumps World Saxophone Quartet 597 Ind” ticket . Other National Teacher Exam- required '0' new ’90 I Concerts Maysville Community College Chorus in Can»
I . . I Si” sin. 1,91th & s32.pub Serles Memorial Hall 8 p in (hers ’spectaltv test} will be notified; Call7.2791 cert Center for the Arts, 3pm.: Call7V3145
' _ , ' C4" ‘ I378 ' Recitals Faculty Recrtal Michael Fogler, guitar Center . Meetings: UK Badminton CIUb' $90.0" Gym, 2:303:30
. ‘ ‘ t CCrKerts 5th Annual Central Ky Mus“: Educators to, the Arts 8pm Call 7.3145 P "'1- C0ll273'7l38
I ' Ahoc Elementcty Choral reshwi Center to, the Arts 'Sports UK Footballvs Vanderbilt: Vanderbilt 0 Recitals Faculty Recital: Dmitry Feofanov, piano: Cen-
' ' l 7 309 m C0” 1 3M5 0 Sports UK Cool Cots Ice Hockey vs. Eastern Kentucky ter for the Arts, 8p,m.: Call 7'31“
. e Lemwes grown bag lunch 59mm, on 5,10,, term Univ. 52sz $3-pub Lexington ke Center 3:30 p.m,, ' Sports. UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Eastern Kentucky
. I . I, fly In Germany 205 5C 124 p m: Call 7 8139 Call 266-8 Univ: SZ-stu , Sit-pub, Lexington Ice Center; 3:30 p.m,;
- ‘ ' Meetings UK Badmmion Club Seaton Gym 5 30-6 30 COIIIM'M
c "a Call 278 7198
. ' Manes Wargarnex $1 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre
V ’ 51: p it'
' ' ' Other Words Without Songs Goidon Cole flute
. Dela-ti Simpson bassoon Ron Monsert clarinet King Lt
. b'a'» North Noon
, - ‘ l
—~ my... msmmm “
. ' I I. ' 4 30.7.. tC the nght. nee pyemlere m, available after 10 a m Worshom 11 6 Lexington Philharmonic Young People's Concerts- free, Center for the H 93 UK FOO'bOIlVi Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt
. . - ”Pm”: ~ 300 T Arts 1030a.m.&Noon, c°||233_4226 11 9 UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Eastern Kentucky Univ 52 stu. $3 pub
,, '- , f " , . . 11 t On The Waterfront $1 75w UKlD Worsham Theatre 7 30;; m 11 8. World Saxophone Quartet- $9 indiv. ticket S27-stu. series, $32-pub, se» Lexington Ice Center: 3.30 p.m.. Call266-8666
A”, . ‘ ' f ‘1 6 Wargames $1 75» UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30;; m ries MemoriolHall, 8pm., CalI7-3145 11 10: UK Cool Cots Ice Hockey vs. Eastern Kentucky Univ, S2-stu $3~pub
, , , I - 11 ‘1 Wargames Si 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30pm. 11 8 5th Annual Central Ky. Music Educators Assoc. Elementary Choral Festi- Lexington Ice Center, 3:30pm.; Call 266-8666
, I,’ I '_ ~ . 11 a Wargames $1 75 W UKID Worsham Theatre 7 309 m val Center for the Arts: 7:30 p.m.z Call 7-3145
I ;_ 'I '. . ' . ti ‘4 Wargarnes $1 75 w UKID Worshom Theatre 7 30pm 11 10 Central Kentucky Youth Concert Orchestra; Center for the Arts: 3 p.m.:
‘ , ‘ ,. , Call7-3145
" .f . " I- I’ 11 10 Maysville Community College Chorus in Concert: Center for the Arts: 3
' J - . ‘, p,m. Coll7-3145
‘; I, U ' C 11 6. Curriculum Expectations What to Look for In Choosing Classes' Food for ‘
', ; .' - ' - " I Thought discussion, 119 SC; Noon: 7-3295
1 ’ I ' . . 11 4-12 29 Photographs by Len Jenshel: CFA Art Museum; 12-5Tues.-Sun.
'I-, i. . 'I ‘ . 11 9. Futulty Recital. Michael Fogler, guitar; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.: Call
. .. ..’. .' 773145
‘ .’ 1 ,' '. ' 11 10' Faculty Recital Dmitry Feofanov, piano: Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.,
' : Coil 7-3145
-. l. ' ‘ , ‘1 l t
i ;.. ; ' m m SPEC'AL EVENTS CON"
1 ' I-'I -. ‘I' i" 1‘ 6 Le1 Brown bag lunch seminar on short term stuov m Germany 205 5C 12 1 11 4712 6 UNICEF Greeting Cards available in Old Student Center; 108 Brad-
. . '.:, - c ' Cali'8‘39 leyHall 100m.~4p.m. Call7-6601
" l. .2 ‘I ' 5 Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meetmg 115 SC 4 pm Call 11 4 5 Apply for Dec. 2‘ Dec. bon»campus interviews 201 Matthews Bldg.
, 5 : ‘ , . II . ‘ aar,‘ 11 5 TNT. Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite Together: Baptist Student Cen-
. I I . .- 1' D UK Water Ski Club meeting everyone welcome please stop by‘ 228 ter l2Noon CalI7-3489
'. I» ’ . - M v' D m Call 277 0618 11 5 Nov 11- Nov, 150n-campus priority list published. 201 Matthews Bldg.
' :I' .‘ ' ' l: 5 “(0 Comm'"9e “99""9 ”3 5C 4 P” CO” 78867 11 6 Nov 11 Nov 150n»campus priority list sign-up; 201 Matthews Bldg.
. ‘ . 'I; . ‘3 5 NO'Ionol Student Speech Language Heartfig ASSOCiotion meeting TBA 6 11 6 Missing in Action Prisoners of War Memorial Service-free outside Me-
I , n ,,. mortal Hall 4 p.m., Call 84184
I- . . . . 11 it Emergence A Feminist Womens Press students interested in NOW call 11 7 Presentation of Frontier Nursing Service Collection, Center for the Arts:
' , ' '. I 23' 7985 ‘09 SC 6 p m Call 2317985 2 30pm. Call 7-3145
' 'I. 1‘ 6 SAB Concert Committee meeting 228 SC 5p m. (0117 8867 11 7 Junior High School Choral Festival: Center for the Arts, 7 p.m.; Call 7-
. . . .' . 11 6 Maranotha Christian Fellowship- Students With a Purpose free. Marana 3‘45
. _ ’ the Center 7 c m Call 231-7m1 11 7 Nov. 11- Nov. lSon-campus open sign-up: 201 Matthews Bldg
. ' . . 11 7 Baptist Student Union student luncheon- $1 Baptist Student Center, 7 30 11 8 Words without Songs' Gordon Cole, flute: Peter Simpson. bassoon; Ron
‘ ', I . : ll 7 UK Fencing Club meeting AlumniGym 7 30p m Call 233-5201 11 9 National Teacher Exam- required for new teachers (specialty test), will LOOKING AHEAD
, ‘ 1‘ 7 Student Organizations meeting 106 SC Sp m Call 7-3191 be notified Coll 7-2791
. , ' 1‘ ‘ Pro-Vet Club meettrtg- speaker an embryo transplants 106 Animal Pa 11 ’13: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring semester
- ' ”"9ng 7 309 "1 Co'l75‘375‘ 11/13: Symposium on Eating Disorders by SAB 8 Kappa Kappa Gamma. SC
. ll 7 Comtmiter Cats meeting, 117 SC 5 p m Call 269-0757 7:1) p.m.: Call 7-8867
‘ ‘1 8 UK Bodmmton Club Seaton Gym 5 3076 30 p m Call 278 7138 1114: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring semester
' 1‘ ‘0 11K Badminton Club Seaton Gym 2 303 30p m Call 27877138 11/14; Greek Night at the Oscars; $2
11/14: UK Basketball vs. Cxechoslovakian National at home, Rupp Arena Call

 KENTUCKY KENNEL My, November I, 1986 - 3
A": Editor ,
Lyric-u. ,
Auustom An, gang. .
ww' ' ‘ ‘ “9" Ah f'dhlh ° 1 '
,, n .
Crensha 1t and flair mew _. .5 , ut or in s o y umor in nove ,
. ‘ , i? ll 1 , NEW YORK AP If you want a (Li‘et-k \t'ir) tull oi iKltl luur‘l‘iv- uui tent him ('ornpuelelt i:.u»u.i.u;o-r‘-'vur' 2 2 ;
OSt In owntown t f 1. '° , ’15:}: funny story. British author Anthony vul and vaguely sardonic ir‘.pr.ut:-\ triu- nature- of ’u‘liristiariity pi that . r ' ’ ' .' Q
/ ‘ a ,7 Burgess says. read the Bible .und madu- ut .nth thin; " -- . Q. ' .
. . . . .. ____._______ c. 5 Three tales fill tiuu- met that . , . ‘ _ ‘ . . y 5' .3 . ",
“2‘" “‘Rllhtkhaut ”'51 . r ' Burgess read the AC“ Ul lht‘ labor and the depi'ayity oi the h‘n‘mm" M m“ “MW” '\ "h . ' '
(ontriiu mg ri er REVIEW ~ ~ 5; . . . ; Apostles. m the original Creek. as Roman court. both based ”n m“ yuthout Some deifieatLLruu lt'\t.' l" ' I .,- '. -
Do t ‘1. ‘h' ll(‘rinsh‘ w ) ';- ' " _ . _ ' , research for hrs recent “0‘91 ”KIHH andafit'tioristory oi aJewish girl ”flu“ 0‘ per‘fl‘m“ ”9‘7”“ ‘ ' l j" I ,
“arn‘elr‘ gity‘Ribor‘as “ d — 5‘, ‘ *. '- . , ju- dom of the Wicked“ Arbor House Loin» «degenerate emperor . 5', _, .' . L
5 . r t . .; ' u”: v;.“.-.
In all fairness Downtown is an ‘ r .» "Paul L‘ ”"9 "l the” hm‘m'm “01L ”‘0‘“ Weed“!S ~l"‘ 'l‘ u' '. J, ' 'u .‘ ' a
Some artists Just don‘t hold up to honest if not “6558 attempt to étab- " 5‘ {‘3 *5; 5' ‘80 l got a new look at it.‘ Bur phenomena v.0 lime to bellow in at purge» can: Av. two '{.t "t .7 , 53:9
change as “'3“ 35 others. When .\lar- lush some sort of stylistic recedent “ {fa—«F- 8953 >3|d ”1 an interview "It struck least I hate to." Burge» said Ht‘ ni~t uru.ur. \UCltmth u ..u .1... ' ~ .t ' ‘Iu .' . (J:- '.' ’. 5.
shall (‘rt-nshau opens side two of beyond the predictable. fun‘damental ‘ , me as being a comic story. a very obvrously exrstetl you t‘t)ultll‘rl .ui fling-happened .‘ 5.,,.:.r-'-.~-.'._ .f:
Dmuntumn wrth. "Here We go again rock sound “5 t‘renshatt's [“0 pre- MARSHALL CRENSHAW fix-{Q}, if", I
lmmn“: each otlher 5 tilme. ml???“ "'0‘” albums U‘der the PFOdUCUOH long—running NRBQ also add a WP fluffy-[7 ,‘x; t'
.urises an unsetting feeing a .e ”f T-Bone Burnett. Downtown ically bluesy backbeat to give ~ '.-:'l,..",':'“.-‘ ,
us leaxing behind some of the wt “new” “5 a dense mesh of sounds "Yvonne" depth The album. h0wey~ _ . 2. ”A” ‘:."".-"." ‘
.uiiul tl.uir that once seemed to be his t‘t)n>t.~llng 05 rhythm and blues “(my er. becomes t'laued through stag~ > .V .- {(112}... 7." .
lil\""'1f‘“d‘l°“l“m“ pounded on mainstream rock With namsoundg and cliched lyrics ' ; ‘ ; 55,, ,-‘ _ ,
t‘rcnsnrm .\ main problem is he tinges of mum” and bluegrass A}. .. .. .. - . g“ ,i _' t Ii .
utllpt'lll“ 1" "9 experiencmg 3“ end though the album l.\ a definite at .011” Terrifying Love and Right 7‘3; ' elf".- (it ' 5.7
to.» lilt‘lllll} t'i‘isix Suu-h Ll condition tempt 5., break ground. it falters by Now. DOit‘ntu/u‘n eventually reverts ec I a 7;:- ‘ $91.3"
map \t‘l') well be due to his Jllhn spreading use” too thin and reduc- back to what (,“i’L‘ha‘V knows best - "5."; r: ,le .12.
”mm“ ”’1" ”l m“ stage production my, aim chance-slur realetlect ' simple rock n roll that beckons . ‘.-.‘ l4}; ”1 3:3
oi "Bealleiiinnm ' (luring his prerev ‘ the listener ‘0 stop thinking and 2 j‘. ,'-. Lifttf. ..
u-orutrng l'()nlrilt‘l days Now, after Downtown is initially fervent. ap— start dancmg. However. the moment : ) V-‘l i 5 3" . ,' I: “1.5.;
ii‘uattiriiig .t.\ a singer and song, pouring solid and progressive on l.\ oyer toosoon. leaving you waiting ( 1 “(5. . , I t: , r', 3.1“. ;
.tlllt‘l l'i'enxhnu still seems unsure such cuts as "Blues Is King " Tom for more high points that are srmply ; A1 3;... ‘ . . '4\* . 5:; '5 '. i :3. ;’
uut tht-tlirectionliismusic I,\ going Ardolino and Joey Spanpinato of too slowm coming a I. O _ D)‘i\. I! \ i‘ §t .2 ‘53-}- Ic‘t; .'
’ 5‘ A . L, " “I 251' y"-
". ' ’ '2, " I: 3:.
'3 ’; ..., 5' H.
‘r! x 2“ it }_ gun.”
it I. ‘ ‘4: ‘ Q . (is l i 1 25):. .i t‘..‘
l . / ' ‘ - v‘ x. _ .3 o .r “l l “.1 Q
,_ h / ‘ . :,. yus‘ll, ‘4’? : d .4 _v I 5 it 514.1“
:2 .~_ 4 . r u - ‘ . ' " ‘~ - ' l ,z' .» -:u

Work With experts in tout 'Technolosy transfer .2‘ . ~ 2 A . " \ row-u... Axum 5.. , . . .

fueld, Continue yOur educa- CIA ' ° ° your formula 0 Aircraft systems 1 V A... ’29.: _ . .25 ‘gS{"’i;fj'.lfla"." ”"M' "‘ ‘ ' l 5.1 2 ~‘ 5‘ 5 J ‘ 2. I '5;

tron. Travel. And contribute to for a career that 0 computer and signal ‘ ~A£W w): 3 , I. . . .5 “-3" ;:_

Vital national and International d. processing technology .‘ -""'"~‘ ' l ' 1' l j‘. l . -".

efforts while you advance lfl 0 Computer hardware. sott- ' l -’ ; . i . g". I

your career and education in makes a erence ware, and military , A” Thi w k l ' . . j '5 : -

a state-ol-the-an envrronment. app'icafigns ,: s ee . , 7' y ‘. _,

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Where can you find an organization that burlds ' Nuclear technology. materials production. :_ . 0 g i : . ‘ ., 1‘ _

all these opportunities unto your protessronal life’7 weapon Gee-9n. and nucleatprollterafion I wo I ACORRI |c I ACOS . ‘ r ., V

Only at the CIA. It you are an electrical. mechani— . Tactical and 9909”“ [Pl-"9°99 “(9390“ "3'9"“ , f- l ' ~ . , .' ‘ .. .

cal. or nuclear engineering maior or math or ° Naval weapon ”"9"“ and anti-submanne g. . . . . ~

physucs maior seeking a unique envrronment like wartare ”3‘9"" l ' ‘,. ,‘i .5 ‘

ours. sugn up now to meet wuth representatives of ° Remote SGMMQ 3 l 2,3 ~ .5 ' ;_ , . . 1

the Central Intelligence Agency's Office of Scren- Jom the CIA and find out what it‘s like to have a i O | a» . . .

mic and Weapons Research This office provides career that really makes a difference. Our sala- l at j‘ ~ . .~ -., . 2 ‘ g .

the Presudent and senior U S policymakers with rues are competitive wuth private industry. We also }. l 35 '- . ’ . ' '.

assessments of foreign hugh~technology weapon prowde complete benefits. .4; N l g; _ ‘ , .

systems An informational sessron IS open to engineering, a ’, ‘1 , , : _ _ j -

This is a high-level challenge that demands the mathematics, and physrcs majors on Thursday 5- . 5 , .. . . f

right undrvtduals. If you measure up. we'd like you evening, November 7 at 7:30 pm, in Room 228 in .54; l . _;_ - ‘ j,

to conduct research