xt7gb56d529n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d529n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1940 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1940 Vol.11 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1940 Vol.11 No.6 1940 1940 2019 true xt7gb56d529n section xt7gb56d529n ) . I 1 11 I. 1-“ 11:11:11111111’1 1' 11:11: :17 :1 .1 :11 u 1:1111, 11_1, 1 _ '.' w - . v , , .7. 1.1“

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 1 ‘ .2 if:
1 11 ,_ Page Two TI—IE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1940‘,
. ‘ 1
.' 3. 111 i . o or clipped editorials will be considerchir ver
21:1: S11ver Prizes Offered For in n, .I. ,h,
1 11 1 Grehan Memorial Plaque .1 I
1 1 1| 0 The winner for the best editorial will 3’ .
2‘1 11.BeSt 1 940 Newspaper Entrles again have the name of his newspaPeT 1 11::
1 1 1 1 11 engraved on the beautiful Ench Grehan *1? eat
1' 1 11111" 1 1 Call is hereby issued for the 1940 prize Contest Selection Rules Memorial Plaque which was established car
. 2 1.1 11 contests of the Kentucky Press Asso- Each contestant may select any issue by Mrs. Enoch Grehan and the members 5- mm
3 111 11" ciation. Every editor of the State, Wheth- of his paper, or may clip any specific of the Department of Journalism in ant
, - ' 1111 11: 1 er member of the K. P. A. or not is eligi- entry, between the dates of June 1, 1939, memory of Mr. Grehan. The first name 1f Tr:
. 1 1‘ 1 ble to enter the contest. and May 1, 1940. This change from re- to be engraved on the memorial was [01
' 1 111 1 Please read the rules governing each quiring specific issues of newspapers was that of The Pineville Sun, Herndon J 1- ' 1
' 1 “ 11 ' contest and follow them to the letter. made at the request of many of our Evans, editor. Last year’s winner was .1.' Sm
. 1 11 Any violation of the rules will result in members. It has also been suggested The Shelby News, “lade McCoy, editor. ,1“ C01
'. 311,1: 11 the entries being discarded. Send in as that “election” or “special edition" is- SPaC€ 15 reserved on the plaque for sub— 1 for
j 1.: many entries as you please, but observe sue should not be included in the All- sequent Winners and your papers’ name 1 51m
‘ 3.131 1 the deadline. The rule that no news- Around Contests entries. wil look proper thereon. ~1 sen
. 12.111 1 . paper is eligible to enter any contest in Beautiful Trophies Procured Best News Story Contest 21 for
' '2 11 which it has won first place during the Beautiful silver prizes will be offered At the request of a number of editors, 1 the
3 :1131 preceding two years will be strictly en- in this year’s contest. These are made tins contest is continued for competition 1. pre
1 «‘ forced and your cooperation is requested possible through the courtesy of the this year on the best community news .1 on
. 11.3. when you send in your entries. Louisville Courier-Journal, Lexington story. The factors to be considered are.1 111d
.1 111‘ 1 1" Attention is particularly called to the Herald-Leader, The Kentucky Post, Cov- content, sentence‘ and paragraph struc- 1, ' 1
g ' .1111 1 requirement that entries in the editorial, ington, and President Gracean Pedley. ture, thought, unity, coherence, vocabu-11 ed.
' '3 11.1 news, and advertising contests must each All-Around Contest lary, the lead, and community serVice ‘1 eve
{1.1 be pasted on separate slips of paper, or For guidance of the competitors the value. Each story is to be pasted on a ‘3 mig
1.: 11,11 ’11 cardboard, elsewise the entries will not following will constitute the percentages sheet of paper With the notation of the 2,: at :
11.111 11 be considered. The exhibit this year by which the newspapers will be scored: name 0f newspaper, date of issue, name 21 be
1 1 n1 1 promises to be one of the largest and General appearance, 30 per cent; local 0f edltor, and name of the writer of the ~ 1
1 3 @111 1: best since the contest began. news, 25 per cent; county correspond- story. Open to weekly, semi—weekly, ‘1 2
1' 111‘ 1 Open To Every Newspaper ence, 5 per cent; personal items, 10 per and COuntry dailies in tne state. Only 2. 3
1115; 1 Each and every contest is open to cent; farm news or news pertaining to crime stories will be barred from this 1 3
1 f . . ‘ every weekly or semi-weekly in the state. the chief industry of the section where contest. _ 21: 5
2' . {11.1 , ‘ The news story contest is open to coun- the paper is published, 5 per cent; gen- Best Editor-ml PageContest 11 6
' 1 11 i try dailies. Every editor is urged to send eral news, 5 per cent; and editorial, 20 T1118 contest, again sponsored by The 1 7
: 111 x 3 in his entries for each contest and every per cent. Factors to be considered in Shelby News through the Ben C 7in61 8
2 1:. 1' Is 1 entry will be judged on its merits. Let scoring of general appearance include Tmphy is announced in another column. 1" 9
1111 ‘1 1- is make this 1940 contest the biggest make-up of front page and inside pages, Daily Contest Added 11' 10
1 J E1 * contest ‘of them all! No newspaper shall advertising make-up 'and composition, A new contest for the smaller papers 1 11
i 1 1 1 be eligible for more than one of the headline. schedule, literary excellence, was added year before last. All dailies 11111 ‘12
1 1 1 11:” 1 above first prizes. clqmrtnutnity sterV1ce, lieadliges content the state with the exception of tho"“1111i 1””
11 1 .211 1 1 May 15’ Deadline . h h d f 17,118 tlaplons,Cyp(t)grap Y an press wor ’ published in Ashland, Owensboro, PEI-1.11 CW
11 1 1: 2.11 1 All entries must be in t e an s o ron age onhest . . ducah, Covington, Lexington, and Louis-1‘ 1<
' j 1‘ 1111 Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or before Factors to be judged include headline ville are eli ible to enter The 53111611 ers
111 111 May 15. Entries can b6111111C111d€d in t1:e forge-nu headline sclhedule,dt)’Pe balance, rules, slightly5 modified, that govern the l Ber
‘1 C 1 121 1 3 same bundle, but eac entry pmust e 11 k6Up21 name p ate an ears, press selection of the Best All-Around Weekly P05
11 I 3 .2 plainly marked as to the contest. The wOr- an .lnklng, appearance and illus- Newspaper will be applied in this Daily 1;" jud
11 t package mu“ be marked K' P‘ A' News- L1 ations (If all” and contrast. contest. The committee solicits entries’ .Th'
11 G 33 11 . . paper Contest, and addressed to Prof. (Nplterslpeaal emphaSIS Will be placed from every small daily in the state. Pres- .21 for
11 E 1 113 Victor R‘ Portmann, UniverSity 0; Klen— 21:1 0:1: tm: 6:11: apd Of the entries m the ident Gracean M. Pedley will present a 1 MC‘
1 9 511 tucky,‘Lex1ngton. It ls suggeste “at W C n es 5') handsome trophy to the winner of this 1' N61
11 .1 113 the editor write a note announcmg that Best Edztorzal Contest contest. yea-
1 11 3 1 - 1he pagkage 111115 lbeen £56315 mid/01d de- In order to stimulate the editors in Best Ad 11' , C it '1 E11"
1 t i 1 ‘ . ay an P0551 e 055 o e en “es' expressing individuality, initiative, and ver zsmg omposz 20” .. ra
1'. E I 1:1 ‘ ' Dzsmterested 1 “Olga: to A“ leadership in this department which is Three prizes will be awarded to Ken- 1 altl,
l"; t; 1 1 : 1' Competent outside judges will study the editor’s own, attractive prizes are tucky editors in this contest: 5135 for 13651 ' [651
1 V; ‘ 1 1; the entries in the contests. Because of the offered in this contest. The factors full-page advertisement; $5 for best half- 1 Kg
, Z 1 _ ' necessity of getting the contests in their which will be considered in the judging page advertisement; $5 for best quarter-1f T“
2; p 1 1 ,_ , hands at an early date, all entries must are: subject matter, thought sequence, page, or less, advertisement. Factors tofi 2:]
g ‘1: 1 11.1 3 be in the Universny postoffice not later community appeal, rhetoric (diction, be judged include type content, type?“ 0 r1
1 11 1 than May 15. Please follow all rules re- unity, figure of speech, punctuation), arrangement, value of illustrations, seIEC-if1 n
1 n ‘1 garding preparation of the exhibits and and vocabulary. Each editorial should tion of border and decorative materiaL-iiz _A
1 17‘ 1 the deadline. The job printing exhibit be pasted on a sheet of paper with the and fulfillment of the three functions of 511V
. O 1 ' ‘ shall be brought to the meeting, all oth— notation of name of newspaper, date of advertising—attention, interest, and 6011’ 1 mel
1 n ‘, ers must be forwarded immediately. issue, and writers’ name. No “canned” viction. The entries are limited to a‘1"_1jWh(
\ \ 1 2‘7 ;_.

 w‘ ' ~ ‘9 9 9: 9"
. an 3 :9. ‘9 1199
{f , . 9.: 9,9999 ‘
1, 194035-19.“ ' April, 1940 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ‘ ,‘9 99199 ,
may 9 ‘33 ..;
it? ' - 9993 ‘19 2;
onsidercd 2:99 vertisement’s office. either hand or ma- standing example of the best in jour- Predict No Change 9‘, 999 99 .9,‘
. 9 - chine composition. nalism, and his editorials a far-felt force In Wage and Hour Law 5 ,9 , 99 ; ,j_ 9 j_
9 Each contestant may select any ad- in his town and his state. To retain William L. Daley, N. E. A. Washing— . , '3.‘ ‘ 9 .3:
orialwill‘t vertisement that appeared during the permanent possession of the cup, the ton representative, reports that Congress 9 9 .,
.ewspaperii- year, June 1, 1939, and May 1, 1940; newspaper must win it three times. is unwilling to revise the Wage and 9 99199 ’12
‘ri Grehan ‘9' .each entry to be mounted on a sheet of The following rules were made to Hour act at this session. Business Week's ‘9 9 9 :9 , '...i_
;tab1ished cardboard with the notation as to the govern the selection of the winner each bureau (March 9) predicted no changes 9 :9‘ 91:99, 9 if
members ,5» name 0i the newspaper, date of issue, year: in the Wage and Hour act because of 9 99 5}“ ..
ialism in and name of contestant. l. Page content: the page muSt con- stalemate on Capitol Hill, either to 9 99 99 ““9 .'
irst name ‘9’ Trophy Offered For [3.1.11 articles of literary, feature, and broaden the act to include more work- 9 9], 93,9 ,'
arial was;.. [097 Printing Exhibit editorial matter only. ers, as may be deSired by the White 9999 9‘9 f
:rndon 9, ‘9. ‘ Through the courtesy of Thomas F. 2. No advertisement should appear House, or to simplify the law, which ’9 ‘9 ‘9‘; ,9; ~ .
nner was .9 smith, president 01‘ the Louisville paper on the page. However, this will not bar busmess wants. 9 9 9 :9 99': 99 :
9y, editor. Company, a special contest iS again Open contestants using such advertisements, Col. Philip B. Fleming. administrator _ 99‘} 99' 1‘9 .
3 for sub- 9 for the editors Of the state at the mid- but said use will count against perfec- of the Wage and Hour division of the " 999 999 9 I:
ers’ name 9 summer meeting. Mr. Smith will pre- tion. 9 Department of Labor, wasiinterviewed ‘99 9‘9
9 sent a handsome and valuable trophy 93' Editorial matter: preference Wht be at length during the National Radio . 9999 ,9
, 99 for the best exhibit of job printing at given to “home-written” editorials Whht‘ Forum late last month. Full report Of 9. 999 9'9 .99
)i editors, 9 the meeting. Every editor is urged to "canned” editorials will be a detriment. the ECXt appeared 1n the Washington 1‘99 9 99 99 '
‘hPetttioh 9’ prepare an exhibit, preferably mounted 4- Clipped editorials 0t community Evening Star, Significant paragraphs 0f 9 9 99; 9 9 . 99
my news '9 on a large cardboard, for exhibition and nature Will be acceptable. Wthh are: . 9; 9991“, 99993
iered are.9 judging duringthc ineetIng. 5. Features and literary: features such _”I intend. t0 permit employers not 99 9, 9‘99 999
Ph struc- .« 9 The following items are to be includ- as “Twenty Years Ago,” syndicate 1ha' Wllfhuy. inv1olation to make voluntary 9:9 999 9.99 999
9, vocahu-99 ed. Exhibitors are urged to include terials such as written by Doctor Cope- 965919.1“1011- HOWCYCF: where a violation * ,9999 :‘9‘99 , 9 ‘
:y same ‘i_ every item, but, to aid that printer who land, Bob Burns, etc., essays, poems, etc., 15 ‘w11full or malicious 0}" where com- 9 “999 9999.9 99
:ted on a 9 might not have every item in his files, will be acceptable. pliance is not obtained Within a reason- 9 99 99 .
on of the ,9. at least eight of the twelve listed must (i. A column, whether serious, humor— able time, I intend to TEfCI‘ the violation .99 9 9 99‘.
«ue, name 9‘ be included: ous, or a mixture, will be considered to our attorneys for civil or criminal , 99 9 9 9 9,9
ter of the 9- 1. Letter head—one color. editorial Page material. litigation under the terms of the statute. 9.95.9 9. 9
ni-weekly. 1F 2. Letter head—two or more colors. 7_ Editorial cartoons will be accept- The matter will not rest there. The re- "99 9 999 9 9
ite. Only -. 3‘ Envelope—one color. able. sulting court orders for restitution and 9.999 '1 9 9 9 9
from this .9 3‘ Envelope—two or more colors. 8. Headlines, whether spot heads or compliance I intend shall be enforced 999 9 .- 9999.
.9 5. Program. standing department heads, will be by continued ipspection of the establish— 999 99 99 99 9 .
9 6. Booklet—four or more pages. ludged for typographical balance. ““33“ m 991099991091 '. ' '. . . .199 999 999 99
1 93V The; 7, Business card. 9. Mast head: the typographical ap- I have Since 111“th PCUUODS for 99.9”, 9 99 9‘9 21
n C 7911959 8. Calling card. pearance, the content, and relation to hearings on proposed re-definition Ch > 999‘9 99 9:99 9
rcolumn. 9. Wedding invitation. the page as a whole will be considered. these terms (administrative, executive .99» 9
999 90. Statement of bill head. 10. Art work: if any, will be given full and professional workers) within the in- .99999‘ 9 ,‘ 9
er papers 9 11, Blotter. consideration. tent of Congress. Onlyitoday I issued 9999 9
dailies in ii 12. “What you consider your best job. 99- Make-up and balance: the page formal notice 099.1 hearing April 10 to 999999 ‘9: .999
of tho” ‘9 Entries Wanted For Cozine Trophy make-up w1th emphasis on balance, sym- cons1der redefinition 0f CXCCUUVC em— 31 ‘, 199
boro, P3299 Cup For Meritorious Editorial Page metry, and contrast Wlll be given close P109?“ 35 applied to the‘wholesale 1n- 9 99 3‘: 9‘ 99
nd Louis-9‘3 K6ntucky Press Association newspap- 9 5C19ht1hY-_ Extra Wldth columns, inlsym— 999955199“ I would hke to reiterate what I 9 9 ‘ 9 ,
The 53111699 ers will compete again this year for the ‘hEtrY Wlth the rest Of the page, W111 be lave stated several times — that I am 99,99; .9 9‘ 9
avern the 9 Ben Cozine Memorial Cup, awarded given special cons1deration. _ 0991999999199 open to COHSlder applications. for 9 9 9,39 9. ,9 9
d Weekly 9)OSSession to that paper in the State ad— 92' StheCt matter: as a COIhhhthlt." K ieaiings on any rules or definitions 7‘99 9‘9 ' 9
this Daily i9 Judged as having the best editorial page. paper should emphasue community news Wh‘hh 9thc fCt reqiiires the administra- . 9:999 9. . 9 '
ts entries 159 The Cozine Memorial Cup was offered and community interests, too much 909 to issue. . ‘ 99.199 9. 9, ,9. 99
late, pie. :3,‘ tor the first time in 1935 by Wade M. “outside” news will _be marked dqwn- 9‘9“ Dal?" has been ‘ntohrled by 001‘ E999' 9. 1 ‘, 9
present a ‘ McCoy, managing editor of the Shelby 13, 51360931 attention. Wlll be given to one‘Flceming fthat the administrator has _ 9‘9 “ 9,99 , ,
er of this 9‘ News, Shelbyville. The winner in that the rhetoric, punctuation, hhltYi coher- icceive‘ no ormal request from any 999199999 9 .L3 ,
, Year was \Marren Fisher‘s Carlisle Mer- cnce, expression, dignity, vocabulary, responmble .assoc1ation Of publishers for 9‘5 9 2 9 .
9' cury. Mr. Fisher won again in 1936. contents of this page. public hearings to clarify administrative 3 99999 .
Gracean M. Pedley, Lyon County Her- 14. Each contestant will submit three lhteertatlt’hS 0t th‘? act, and was 935‘ , 9 9
i to Ken- 99 ald, won the 1937 contest. The 1938 con- consecutive issues of his newsmper “ted that.” ”9‘9 h“ Staff “90““ g”? 9:99.991 ‘ 9
5 for best : test was won by Editor W', S, Wathen, from which the judges will select the thhh COhSIdel‘htloh to any formal Pett' {,9 999‘ 9 9 ,
best half. 9 Keiitilcky Standard, Bardstown. The best single issue for competition. t‘mh for 1hetltrlhgs~ The administrator; . 999 : 9
t quarter- 1‘ Th‘CItY News, Cumberland, ‘9. P. Free- —___— “99999999991 .9966 p Ubhc meetings on hls 5,‘ ,=,9 f i 9. >
Factors [0,999 man, editor, was the 1939 winner. The Chauncey Alcock Injured In Accident (shannuatwe' If SUCh hearings are9held, {.99 99:5
ent, type-9.. contest is “wide open” this year. Come Chauncey Alcock, managing editor of .Ot efmployees and. employers W111 be ,9999 ‘9
let-i199 On In! 9 9 . _ . _ gixcn ull opportunity to present their 4 92,99 9““ .;.‘,9
ons, 56‘ 9 the Danv1lle Advocate Messenger, was Views on the sub'ect under co sid t' .9999”. .3 39
matenalfliz AS the title implies this handsome injured in an auto accident in Danville , -J n era ion. 3 119,999 9 , :‘9
, . - , , . , ’ , , , —N. E. A. Publisher. , 9:1 : .99
actions 09 9 511‘61 lOVIng cup is dedicated to the on April 25, but was able to resume his ‘9 9:";
and con 9. memory of our: beloved Ben Cozine, duties after a short solurn at the hospi— _—__‘— ' - 5599 9: L ,9 9 .~
ed to all: 939999910 made his editorial page an out- ta]. 9 ‘Ve’ll meet you in Paducah! , 999 . 9
i ;: . ‘ ,‘ .99 9.. U9 39 9
y.‘ : p.99 9:. 9
. 9 . . “41339915 919
.. _ 5‘99 «‘9. 9 “ '

 1 1 111 111 1
‘ i : " . -
1 1» 1111 ‘1 Pa e Four THE KEN’I UCKY PRESS ' Aprll, 1940 111‘ A
1 1 1111 11 g ’ l1
' 1 {11:15 _ z.
1 111 11 11 , over to ascertain the return address, and dustrial developiiicut of a sorely-tried , Out
I ‘1. ,51‘1; 1, 3 7/78 in many cases the return card will be and backward section. The Come, Get
. ‘, , . ‘ overlooked entirely, and the matter not Journal was the first paper east of the 1' F
1 ,,, ,1 en I, r .88 returned.” MiSSissippi river to use the product of l Tin
, 1; 1,11, 1 1 1 The department will conduct an edu- the new mills at Lui:k1n, Texas. 1. tion
1 1,111 1 —-——-— cational campaign to confine the print- 1" 0ft
. ' 1, 1111 1 ‘1‘ official Publication of the Kentucky ing of return address to the address Side . seas
1 1 1,1 1 1.. Press Association of envelopes. Concealed Taxes I n1 , ter
., I 1.1.1 l . '
. 1. 11.11111 .1 _ , __.___ Prmtmg Order 1 his
1. 31,151: ,= Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher _ ‘ . , [he
. i, ,,1 ‘ 1. ____ Con/est Entries Wanted! The Galley Froof ol. Chicago presents , som
‘ ,,.‘ll ,11‘ , 1 Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington . ' _‘ l C t 't the tollowmg 11st of direct and indirect 1 sa
i 11 1 1111111 1 ——-———— Elsewhere m 11115 issue, me on es taxes aid b a Hindu establishment: 11.5
1 =11? 1 1 ' ‘ ' th ntests l) y 1 g ‘ tion
1 , 1,1,1 ,1] Press Association omceis Committee. is announcmg eco ‘ Federal Income tax, Federal Motor
I 1: 1111‘ 1 1 ghgggllnDlgehlgegfliede-giggldlfimfiidggiihenefil-efiglfii and “1165 101 the 1940 COHIPQUUOH‘ 11? Fuel tax, Federal Excess Profits tax, So. 1 1.1
. 1,11 1, .1. Curtis Alcock, Sec.-Tres., Messenger, Denville urge that every newspaper in the state cial Security Old Age Benefit tax, 50- I [115
1 1 1111111111 1|; 1 new“; (ampere: ,t hair will send in entries for one or more of cial Security Unemployment tax Real ,1 The
1 1.33.1“ i, H r Lee Waterfie , inon aze e, C j - , - ' . ‘ - 1 1 1 . 1 '1
I ,1 14‘ 1 11123;}! Tyler tMuItIIOIE, _iig,f§argi§1,r,ie lagging: these interesting and instiulctizie C1011 Estate tax, Personal Prep erty tax, State ‘ 2111111st
11;,-.1.' ‘E ‘ , ouisv1 - 1 .. , . - _1
,5 ,1 ,, 321““fi,c,fi,fi’gggnf°é,asg.,vw Timefii 3353:1313 1513—16515: LVCIYFMEY “£1111 be lut gde . 5:1) :11 MOtoi- Fuel tax, State Unemployment , met
1 1 12‘11; ' ; iciar , ' 1 . ‘4 u 11, . 1 1‘ ‘ ,
1 131.1; 111 111611113 3131133121112;N§vr11§d B.e$§§hs, Lexington Her- on Its merits y ISln‘t‘CICS e J 1% . tax, State Occupational tax, State Fian- ,- that
14’ 3,1 1 ald-Leader; Victorvgil. Portganaixentflkgy 33,5115, and the old fallacy that we do not iavc chise tax State License on Trucks and , d
1111‘ L - tn; T. T. ison, yn iana . 1 - 11 ‘ ’. . an
i 1 1, F3111? Ciseii, lBegllordldDeénlpcrat ;yWFa,>1;<;gyRoAbsifi— a chance against the other £63110,” “‘1“ Autos, City License on Trucks and f 01 I,
(.5: j , - '1 ; aunce 1 ' . ' ’ 1
‘ 1'1 lsaglntl lizgetisigdimtfrfiobert L. Eikin, Lancaster, not influence the Judges deCISions in Autos. 4,01“
‘. 1:"...3‘1 , Honorary. l C m the least. we hope that you Wlll do yom Besides this printers purchase sup- , t
,1 71.111111 Legislat v0 0mm 06 . . . . , _ . 1 . ‘ l as
,1 1,13. ' Tym Munmd. Morganfiélithdigcate, chgfigmagg Pirtl 111Amak1ng 11115 the biggest contest plies, materials, and outSide work from 1 P (.
1' " =1? ‘ L Wt field, in on we 0? - t1 ssoc1ation. - _ _ ‘
- 1 1’1 1; gérfisiiderfiisood? eiiexington Herald; Harry_Wargi, 0 e paper merchants, ink makers, photo en You
'1 11111111» ‘11 Paducah Sun—Democrat; George .R' Joplsln Jr: __________ gravers, electrotypers’ trade COHIpOSltOl‘S,
11‘ 151‘ .1 Somerset Commonwealth; Cec11 Williams, omer d b' d h f h 11 fenc
, ,, ,1, ,, 1 set Journa, I . "d t and tra e in ers, eac o w om paya , 0, 1
, ,k 1‘ Newspaper Exhlbit Committee Wallace Elected A. S. N. E. P1851 en the taxes in the above list which are , (‘
1 ' R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, chairman; , . . . . .r " z
. 1 1.4, 1.1 ‘ 3151121211 Spenceé‘. Kentuclg {1.1115111331333111 .L‘fifs' Tom Wallace, Kentucky’s foremost ed- naturally Included in the price the print- ' coui
5. 1: 5 . 1 . t ' on, ra. 1 . - . . .
1 ,1 1,, 1 EgngO‘figwnfig? Williamsbul‘il Iligpubhca“? itor and leader in conservation, was er pays.‘ . , . I oifio
., 111111 ,5, Miss Jane Hutton, Harrodsburg era . signally honored in his election as pres— ‘COHSldeI‘ all thlS pyramiding Of ,ax_ , [1161'
i 1 I, ‘ _ . u _- ‘ , ' u ,' . ‘
,. 1, ,11 , 1 1 w ident of the American Soc16ty of News- 65. continues the article. and you “111 ,1 MW,
1, , ‘ NATIONAL €DlTORlAl._ paper Editors at the Washington meet- agree that the man who stated that 30 , tlier
1 1: 15:11 ., >1" ASSOCIATION ing, April 19. As editor of the Louisville percent of the price of a printing order , rout
1 -. _1 . mm -—,.-:I:n_: f . . - H .1
' ,1 1‘_ ‘ 1 1'11"! 1 7” Times, Tom has made the editorial page 13 taxes, may not be far wrong. ‘N- E' A' ,. (5
. ,, 1., 31 nationally known, and he is recognized sugg
1 ,1 ”11:31; ———'——‘ as an outstanding authority on inter- . ,1 (2
11 115 11 national affairs and the conservation Essenlzals 0f GOOd 1 tob
1 . 1 1 1:; 11.1... - ~ .~ . ‘1‘
1,1 3 E11 11 =1 1 MEMBER @‘fi movement, both as a writer and speaker. Edilmzal Department , agre
. 1 ‘1 «.9 , . . . . . .
11; i ,1 11, .1 K‘s-ti” His many friends in the KPA Jom in ex- What makes a good editorial page” ing-
. , ‘ I . _ - - . ‘ ' 1
5 ‘1 1: ~ 1 this hontn . . . . 1
1 1 g, ,1, _ 1 . K 1 TUCKY PRES tindilng congiialtulgt 011565011 It is difficult, of course, to set down any 11 b11111
1,; 1 ,1. 11.111 ASSOCIATION t at 1e SO “C y eserv ” hard and fast rules, but the judges of ,1 BmE
1, 1 l1 1.1111 V 1 -——— an editorial page contest out in Oregon :end
.1 _ 1" if j ‘ oncuuzzn unuur. nu _ ' . - . , . . 3 111 ow
, l 11,, ,; ' Courier—Journal Prmts' Issue ielcenfily did settlcti oIrIi sevsral standaiél‘s , mak
1 I 1 1‘“ ‘1 1 W . - ' w 11c seem soun . ow oes your e 1-
. ,1 1 11 . ‘1 - 0n Southem Pme News rmt ’ _
, 1 a. 1 1 11 . P. 0. Against Name and _ _ I? ‘ _ torial page measure up on these pomts? 1 (1
I ‘, ‘, , 1, Address 071 Back Of 527112610118 The issue of April 23 Of the C0u1‘161‘- 1. Interest in home affairs, tendency ,0 1 to b
1 t '11 The N. E. A. Washington oflice ad- Journal was printed on newsprint mid: write with interest and judgment about , ‘VhK
1 :1 3111 1 1 vises that the Post Office department has from ”Uthem pine, an 11111011111110“ 1 a events within the home and community. , “VIM
C 1 » E . . ~ ~ _ . . . - ‘ .. .
1 2 1 ‘1 " 1' renewed its drive against printlng the 33‘“? a new @511 C101) and a new CCO 2. Skill in selection of outside topics , tl1 .
1 1 11 '1 ~1 = name and address of senders on the 119mm 111011111311 tor 5011111611“ 51131611- Man- for comment and ability to make the ;. “,6.
1' I 15 ‘1 1 back of envelopes. Job printers hand- ulactured from slash pine by a process nearest possible local application. 1 f e
1' 1: 1 1 . ling business and personal stationery developedbyl Dr. Qharlesbfl. 111631)” to 3. Literary qualities of breVity, humor. , 01:1;
1 1 ,., t . . . 1as, - ' ' "i '1
t '1,‘ .1! will soon find their local postmastei surmount amostimposs1 e “11113.19 l)‘ surprise, pungency, sentiment, cla. [\ ‘ blan
,1.1f]1 .11 1, ‘1 1'1 11 seeking their cooperation in an effort to the new process opens new P9551 .1 111155 and ease of types, heads, etc. . ,
11 t1 1 ‘:'31 1.1 ‘ discontinue the practice in th edevelopment and explmtation 0f 5_ Variety on editorial page as (1,5. , men
., I.. - _ y _ , _ . z")
, v, 1 1 1 .‘ ‘ 2 Local pOStmasters have been instruct- the Souths most valuable natural ie- played m selection of material, depart 1, Lip:
,, Z 1 ,1, 1 31. ed to direct the attention of users as well sources. The Southern region from the merits, editorial features, etc. , a1o
, p 1,1,; ,‘, 1 a5 Printers to the requirements of the Carolina’s most valuable. natural re- 6_ Ahility to take a line 'of poliCy and , g(c
1 a 1111 111-1 postal service. The main objection to sources. The Southern region from the follow it up; skill in securing the nects- , ‘
1 ' f] 1 1' 1 11‘ the use of the return address on the back Carolina’s to Texas is an almost end- sary repetition Without monotony- l 1. 116313
1 n 1 1 - ;1 ' of an envelope is that it ”necessitates the less extent of pine woods which, if care- 7. Intellectual leadership display€( ;‘_ Add,
11 1‘ 1, : 1 ’1: expenditure of an unwarranteed amount fully conserved for its fullest usefulness, throughout the page. . Rem
1,1,1 ,11 11 of time and labor in turning the mail will become an important factor in in- 8. Commuity leadership shown.
1 1 1"1 ‘ ’ - 1 Keri." _
1L . 1.1i1 ‘ . '

 4 4 44 4 5.11“ i555;
, 940 55 Aplll, 1940 THE KENTUCKY PRESS P ' 5555555555 5
4f age Five ,1II54; }4;}4} 4 .
rely-tried ‘ One Wa TO DO It — ' ‘ ' 5555 5
courier 5 Get outyAnd WOT/44 44 Withdthis equipment you’re ready to for the agency to do business with him 5555555 ‘55
st of the ‘55 . . ($1.0 5555. get em, says Mr-.Hall, who then he’ll get more business.” 5 ' 55555 55555 5
oduct of .5 ,Frank Hall of the Hill City (Kan) £14635 some further suggestions about In one respect, he is right. There is 5555555} 5'5
. } Times before the Kansas Press associa- a rug buSlness first and ”Visiting” later, always has been and robabl 1 5 “55555555 555555 55:
44444 440444 told how he had taken advantage making your call short, not wearing out will be diflicult in ett'p ' Y a ways 555 555 5 5555
of the opportunity Offered by the “slack YOUF welcome and getting a new item from a long lizt ofgwelzrllg m [ear Sheets 5} 555 5555 5555
5 season" (Incidentally, we like that bet- abOut eVery one you visit, whether he is \Ne are all still too rone ty nehlspapem 555 ‘5 555555
, [er than “summer slumpl55) to build up a Subscriber or becomes a subscriber or things, even thou 5h the O neg ehCt Shhh 5 55555 55 555555555 555
., his circulation by personal calls out on 110t- He then lists the potential results blood of our busiiess Fhraffl' t e 12556- 5'5 55| 5
Presents 4F the rural routes4- In his talk he offered Oftstlfih an expedition as follows: the M. E. A. fills the capacityfifrfzfih: 555 5 55555 5
indirect 5} Some very Practlcal suggestions on “nec- . en You return to your office, here agent for the agencies mailin out ' 55555 555555 5
ishinenti } essar)’ eclulpment” for such an expedi- 15 what you have: ders, getting in tear sheets and d'055 5 5555 5
.1 Motor 5 tiOn as follows: (1) A true cross-section of the senti- out checks. This is an ex 5en 5 sen mg 5 5 55555555 5
4 tax, 804 } 4(1) An old automobile. Don’t take ment of farmers in your community and sition for the agency everi) thifielfnopw 555535 5555}
tax, So. } this year’s model out to their farmyards. a county-Wide acquaintance. B0511 ”5 paper on the list get; its )rOOfngfevehy 555 55 5555555 5
ax, Real 4 They’ll want to spend all of the time these w1114 help you in forming the edi- lication in on time, and 1when thepud- 55555 5‘5! ‘5
ax, State . Inspecting the car and talking about torial POhCy Of your paper. “05’ it is extremely hard y 0 55555 555555
)loymem 4 automoblles. Also, they might decide, (2) A complete and up-to-the-minute There will be a development of th' 555:5 5‘ 555555
Ite Fran 4 then and there, to save every cent, from mailing list of your community. in the future, as agencies find the calls 5555 5, 515555}
icks and } that moment, to buy a car just like it, ’ (5) A sure-fire PrOSPeCt list to be now handle country newspa )er aydve 5 55} ‘5 i555 5
Cks and I and your efforts are wasted. Alight coupe worked by correspondence and sample tising as profitably, or more1 rofitablr' 5;; 555'55‘5}
44 or roads-[er 15 economical and practical COplCS durlng the fall and winter 11101111118. than through other mediums pwlth thy? 55555 55 5; 55. }
ase $44444 4444. for drivmg over country roads and over 1(4)4 A newspaper4census to show your help of the Central Office. 5 C 555 5 55 5515‘5 1
)rk from 444 pastures and plowed fields, If necessary. asvel [1561's. ThlS Wlll show the nunlber ll: might bC well to mention a ‘ - 5555 5555515555‘}X5}
ihoto-en- (2) Borrow or rent some old clothes. 05 boxes on each route and the number experience, however to show 55565633555 55 5555555555
4p054mrs4 You may have to sit on a barbed wire of subscribers. It will also show, in com- advertising agent, :fhe M E A0 let 35553; 5155 555‘
1 pay ,1; I fence ora dusty cultivator 0r greasy piece parison, the number of copies of your Side of the picture to this'dis5 runtlleil ii 5555;;
lich are 4 of machinery. competitors paper which goes into your Gently set OUE 21 small ad to begrun f 5555 2555555 5‘555555}‘55
he print- at 5' (3) Get a4County road map from your THROW, as compared With your CirCUIa' several weeks in for ty-eight dail he 05 5555 5555555 5
county engineer. Take it to the post [10114 4 papers in Minnesota and b0515de ws 55 5}}55555‘
4 of 43444 4 05h§€ and ask the mail carrier to trace , This 1s a good way for any publisher states. It was rather surprisin t0 Ifimcgl 5555 5555555
you “4444 444 IIW routes 014 it. Almost every farmer to spend a part of his time during the that there were nearly as many gno-rudlsu ' 5.55515 ;}};55
that 30 I ives 0444 a mail route. Using this plan bblack season 4—that 15, if he’s not too and missing tear sheets among this list . ’55 515555;
g order Here Is less danger of retracing your usy uncovering and developing .hCW of daily newspapers as there usuall a: ‘ 555-1}} 55.522155555355555 .
N. E. A, l rOute or missng some one. sources 0f advertising revenue 01‘ in 311555 ofweeklies. Dozens Of 5 555 5565 555 555 555555 555
55 (5) The following blank forms are étl‘engthening the content Of 5519 read- about tear sheets had to be semlgqtumeé 5555555 55555555 55555555
suggested to be used: Ing matter in his paper. Even if he two of the dailies have not res 5:)151d5nd 5 555555
55 t (1:) A blahk order book, in duplicate, doesn 5 get a Sing]? new subscriber, any This is mentioned Simp 155 m Shgw [5:555 55 55555 55555
44 0 6 filled in for new subscribers who one of the results listed by Mr. Hall will the country WEEkIY is 1105 the 001 C15 55 5 555 55555555
5 lgrhe to pay at a later date. The Word. have made such a trip worth while. To um WhiCh can be CFitiCi7€d for Y 1141494414 55 55 55555555
11 page? '3 mg may be similar to the following: “1, those results might be added one more— ness in handling advertisin ca“ 65555 55 555555555555 5
)wn any 5; bl_anl<4l0r name, hereby authorize the the behefit that will be his from the It is certainly obvious hghweVC 1" 555555 5555555555
idges 0f 5 BiiigVille Bugl