xt7gb56d5145 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d5145/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2011-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2011 text GLSO News, February 2011 2011 2011-02 2019 true xt7gb56d5145 section xt7gb56d5145 "Fee am
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 33 Number 2
Let Your Voice ' I V
Be Heard ‘
Justice Dept. Outlines I ' \l L
Anti-Gay Marriage f « I . .
Case j * I

 Calling All Young Lexington Pride .
Gay Professionals Festival Committee 1
Jesse Howard, Contributor iS in FLI" Swing
. Orvis Kean, Contributor
Are you a young gay professmnal?
Are you looking to make a name Plannin -
. g for the 2011 LeXIngton
Egysogfigrng’g fleaiigvékggvgd: Pride Festival, themed “Raising I
in the workplace,'if you _can be out griffin; mgkbirgeggfiéd N312 I
at atwmsoSk§°ezl°gks2ozgf§z§§2t age '
yofu arel interested inJoming, e-mail We are still looking for volunteers
'” o@g so.org. to help plan the festival, and those E
Are you interested in becoming a infterresged'inlvolunteering the day
mentor to young gay professionals? 0 t e estiva.
Want to help others like you Be - . - - l
. ginning in February, we Will be
succeed? We want you too! E-mail meetin - I
. . . g twme a month on the first
:nfggg'fifrg 'nggoirgr'gtegelfgfd and third Saturdays at Noon. The
9 pe ' February meetings will be on the I
Editor’s Note: Young is defined by 5th and 19th' ‘
your profe55ional career only, not If you have any questions or would I
y age. like to join the committee, please |
contact orvis@g|so.org.
A“ the Single We look forward to seeing you! I
Ladies... and Men I
We are looking for volunteers 5:13:12; 99.30 m '
who would like to be auctionees ’ ' ’ ' p. ' l
in our second annual Bachelor &
. . . Come support the GLSO at our
Bachelorette Auction this April. February 2nd show at the Bar ¢
- “ .. Complex. $5 at the door will benefit
figfigflegzda:agglevifiobghe the GLSO. _Entertainers will be :
expected to have dinner with their giggihzvv’ a132,“ 5:1; figizngalgge;
bidder. A gift certificate to a local fun so confe out and su rt the J
restaurant will be provided to help GLSO d | | ppo_ ,
cover the cost of the meal. an some oca entertainers. :
If you’re interested in be
auctioned, please send a headshot 9Q :23
and short bio to info@glso.org I

 Issue 2 2011 Feature Story Page 13

Justice Dept. Outlines Anti-Gay
CONTENTS Marriage Case

Let Your Voice Be Heard
Page 6 GSA Meeting

Every Tuesday, 7 pm.

Pride Center

GLSO Discussion Group

Every Wednesday, 7 pm.
Early Detection is the 5 Pride Center

y Lexington Pride Festival Meeting

Lexington Lesbian 5 Saturday, February 5 81 19, NOon
coffee House Pride Center
Let Your Voice Be 6 PFLAG Board Meeting
Heard Sunday, February 6, 1 pm.

Pride Center
Eventful February 8 . _
Ahead for the ICK MISS Gay Valentine

Wednesday, February 9, 8:30 pm.
My Name is Harvey 9 Crossings Lexington
Milk... and I Want to
Recruit You! Fur Ball

Friday, February 11, 9 pm. *
Casting Call 10 Crossings Lexington
Kentucky Bourbon 11 GLSO Board Meeting
Bears Elections Sunday, February 13, 1 pm-

Pride Center
Justice Dept. Outlines 13 _ _
Anti-Gay Marriage Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Case Sunday, February 13, 6 pm.

Pride Center

GLSO News Issue 2 2011 t

_ _ Dennis Wheatley, President It
The GLSO News IS published Vacant, Vice president tr
monthly by and for the Lexington Jane Minder, Secretary te
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Ginger Minder-Moore, Treasurer is
zation members and community. w
The mlSSlon of the LeXIngton Gay te
and Lesbian Services Organization Glenn Blind, At-Large m
is to provide support and services Charlotta Brunson, At-Large C?
to the GLBTQQIA community. Mary Crone, GSA d'
Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales E
The vision of the Lexington Gay Mark Johnson, At-Large M
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Orvis Kean, Events C,
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups ca
community through voice. David Spencer, Webmaster n1
The Lexington GLSO is founded GLSO STAFF 6!
upon the core values of fun, in- tr
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, Bill Chandler, Admin. Assistant C<
service and competence. Vacant, Advertising Coordinator 0'
389 Waller Avenue i:
Suite 100 The GLSO is currently looking for tc

Lexington, Ky. 40504 new contributors and editorial

3592533233 staff. If interested, e-mail If
www.glso.org editor@glso.org. te
2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available! m
E-mail editor@glso.org to pick your package today! JCC
— 2:
_ I

 Early Detection IS Lexrngton Lesbian
the Key Coffee House
Mark Johnson, Contributor Brandi Mahon, Contributor
Cervical Cancer can affect any After moving to Lexington to be with
woman who is or has been sexu- my partner, Sheri, I was looking for
ally active with a man or woman. a way to meet other women out in
It is found in women who have the community. Last June,Icreated
the Human Papilloma Virus, bet- the Lexington Lesbian Coffee House
ter known as HPV. Cervical Cancer as a social group to fulfill that need.
is more likely to occur in women
who smoke, have HIV or AIDS, or We now have over 160 members
haven’t had regular Pap test. A pap and host different events out in the
test detects HPV and cell changes public a few times a month. On Feb-
in the cervix that can develop into ruary 12th, we are holding our Club-
cancer. The risk of cervical cancer Skirt Valentine's Dance. The venue
drops dramatically with regular Pap will be private but all lesbians or les-
tests. bian-friendly women are welcome
to attend. Tickets to the dance are
Many gay women are at an in- now on sale at our website.
creased risk for cervical cancer be-
cause studies show that they are LLCH is also looking to recruit new
not screened as often. There are members. Membership is free and
also misconceptions by both lesbi- open to all women. For more infor-
ans and health care professionals mation, please visit our website at
that lesbians are not as likely to meetup.com/Lexington-Lesbian-
contract cervical cancer. It is rec- Coffee-House/
ommended that all women ages 21
and up get a pap smear annually to
prevent cervical cancer. Early de- @
tection and finding cancer before it (Mali/M,” fl
is spread gives you the best chance % / /
to get successful treatment. W (0‘
If you would like to schedule a pap V-
test please contact the Lexington- .r 9’
Fayette County Health Depart— '
ment at 859-288-2483. For more ’1
information please contact Jessica ‘7
Jackson-Sisters Fighting Breast and ’
Cervical Cancer Coalition at 859- From all of us at the GLSO!

 Let YOUI‘ VOICE Be the LGBT community. With

Heard this fight, the coalition has

Craig Cammack, Contributor recently commissioned a
survey on Kentuckians’ per— I

Each year, we come together to ceptions and support of the

rally around the legislative efforts LGBT community. Look soon

of the LGBT community. This year for the results of this survey!

is no different. For the past sev-

eral years, we have been forced to Also, please join the coali-

fight against anti-LGBT fairness leg- tion for the annual Statewide

islation. However, we now come Fairness Lobby Day and Rally

upon an era where we introduce on Wednesday, February 23.

pro-fairness bills and push for their This is your opportunity to

passage. learn how to lobby state leg-
islators and participate in a ‘

The next big step for our communi- rally supporting pro-fairness

ty is ensuring the expansion of civil legislation.

rights protections to all Kentuckians.

As of today, only those living in Cov- Statewide Fairness Lobby

ington, Lexington and Louisville are Day and Rally information:

protected with local Fairness Ordi- .

nances, ensuring discrimination pro- Wednesday, February 23rd

tections. However, if you step out- at Capitol Building, Frankfort, :

side those communities, you may KY .

still be denied employment, service

at hotels and restaurants and public 9 am. — Lobby Training l

accommodations. Currently, strides Capitol Annex, Room 125 .

are being made to bring Richmond

into the list of cities with Fairness 10 a.m.— 1 pm. —Lobby and I

Ordinances. Speak with Legislators 1

The Statewide Fairness Coalition 1 pm. — Rally in the Capitol :

works throughout the year to help Rotunda 1

increase the number of localities

with Fairness Ordinances, including We hope you will join us in i

introducing and lobbying for pas— having your voice heard for i

sage of a Statewide Fairness Bill and fairness and equality for all in

expanding civil rights protections to Kentucky! l

l— I

 TIE use non-on

1 The Imperial Court of Kentucky

5 impctky@aol.com

a www.ImperialCourtKentucky.org

_ —

3 GLSO News Monthly Sponsors


! SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women

3 Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201

I 1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside

. Shopping Center


- KCHIP 877.524.4718

i www.kidshealth.ky.gov
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road

Lexington Fairness 859.951.8565


, Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish 859.338.1195
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867
474 Silver Maple Way

I Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road

| Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Blue- 859.338.8483
grass Realty, ackermanteam@aol.com

I Gay and Lesbian Services 859.253.3233

' Organization and Pride Center

Lexington Pride Festival 859-253-3233

| —

 Monday, February 14th, spend the eve—
Eventful February ning with Emperor 29 of all Kentucky,
Ahead for the ICK Clayton Burchell, as he hosts a show
Helena Handbasket, Contributor called “Single and Bitter". Who says
Valentine’s Day is just for couples? Of
If you are looking for something fun to course, couples are more than welcome
do in the month of February, then look but this event is dedicated that night
no further than the Imperial Court of to all of the single ladies (male and fe—
Kentucky. We have 4 exciting events male) who feel left out on Valentine’s
planned and hope to see all of you there. Day. This is for you baby. This night
is guaranteed to be a good time with
Saturday, Feb 5th, can you say ROAD- great talent and lots of laughs. There
TRIP? The Old Street Saloon in Monroe, will be people from the Court looking
OH (just past Cincinnati near Ikea) has to find the person who best uses the
graciously asked the court to bring our color pink in their wardrobe that night.
fabulous entertainers and an entourage Be creative and be there. Door opens
to do an ICK show that night. The girls at 8:30pm and the show will begin at
are already getting excited about this. 9:30pm.
It will be a night of drag queens galore
(some of ours and some of theirs). The Lastly, on Wednesday, February 23rd,
drinks at Old Street are, can we say, there will be an event held at Crossings
plentiful, which is why they refer to them whose name and theme have not yet
as “big girl drinks” and are very reason- been determined. This is because we
able. The show starts at 11pm and will are having a contest among the girls
be over in enough time for you to drive on the line. They have been asked
home, if you choose to (always have a to submit a theme idea for a show.
designated driver). However, several of These ideas will then be presented
us will be spending the night in a local to the board and they will choose the
hotel. For more info or for hotel informa- best theme from those submissions.
tion, contact me on Facebook. This place The winner will then be the host or co- '
is a lot of fun and they sure know how to host to the event. Watch for posters
treat their Kentucky cousins. Come on... for this event or check out the website, ‘
go with us. www.ImperialCourtKentucky.org and I
Facebook for the winning show theme. 1
Wednesday, February 9th, is the night of This show will be at our regular show i
our annual “Miss Gay Valentine” pageant. times... door opens 8:30pm and show :
We are very proud of our pageants and starts at 9:30pm. This could be inter- i
expect nothing less than a great time esting so put it on your calendar: I
that night. I have already heard rumors i
that a few girls are already preparing to In last month’s newsletter, I listed dates i
WOW us that night so you won’t want to for our Project Drag Runway competi- (
miss it. The show will be at Crossings tion. Due to location and scheduling
and the door opens at 8:30pm with the difficulties, we are postponing the '
pageant starting at 9:30pm. Come out event. As soon as we get it re-sched- E
and see if you can pick the winner. 0000, uled we will announce the dates and f
a challenge. location. :
— I

 Last month, I also made an appeal for Hodges. Beginning in February 28,
you to reach into your pockets and sup- 2011, audiences across central Ken-
port the Court this year, as the recession tucky will experience the story of Har-
has taken its toll on our fundraising ef- vey Milk as told through the words of
forts. I am proud to say that you really those he touched, loved, educated, and
came through and we had an improve- inspired throughout his all too short life.
ment in January with many of you com- Mounting a full scale theatrical produc-
ing to the “It’s Just Sex” show and the tion is no small feat, but the work is
“Country Divas” show. Thank you for already well under way as The Imperial
that and let’s keep it going for February. Court of Kentucky (ICK) works towards
We are still looking for sponsors for the a fundraiser for the Harvey Milk Foun-
Mardi Gras ball and the Falsie Awards. dation that promises to be both phil-
If you would be interested in more info anthropically and artistically satisfying.
about being a sponsor for one of our ma-
jor events, contact myself or one of the Motivated by last year’s call to support
board members and we will get the infor- the Matthew Shepard Foundation, The
mation to you. It is a great way to help ICK sought to think outside of the nor-
your community and also get your name mal realm of fundraising. Recognizing
out there. that this foundation was born in the
wake of a truly tragic and compelling
Until next month... Hugs, Kisses, and story, they immediately saw the oppor-
DIVA Wishes from H.M.I.M. Empress 29, tunity to not only raise funds, but also
Helena Handbasket. the chance to educate and entertain lo-
cal audiences. At that point they took
- on the daunting task of producing not
My Name IS Harvey only their very first theatrical produc-
Milk... and I Want to tion, but a production that would tour
_ through the area and play to local col-
RECI'UIt YOU! lege campuses. Through the incredible
Wes Nelson, Contributor hard work and determination of this
new troupe, made up of Court mem-
“We can read books and find joy and bers and local acting talent, The Impe-
excitement and wisdom and wonder in rial Court of Kentucky mounted a tour-
them. We can do much by looking at the ing production of “The Laramie Project”
warmth of the past. But to look out into that played for six performances, and
space and see beyond, that is the mean- made it possible to donate $8,000 to
ing of life. It is this look towards tomor- The Matthew Shepard Foundation.
row that I share with all. As for the fu-
ture, well, with the stars now open, there Based on the ovenNhelming success of
is no limit to what I can do and where I “The Laramie Project,” the ICK has de-
can go." — Harvey Milk cided to once again take a turn at pro-
ducing another theatrical production.
These beautiful and haunting words will “Dear Harvey” lends itself perfectly to
soon come to life on stage in The Impe- this year's mission of supporting The
rial Court of Kentucky’s upcoming touring Harvey Milk Foundation. This remark-
theatrical production of “Dear Harvey,” by able play,
Patricia Loughrey with music by Thomas (’Mi/k”is continued on page 72)

 casting call "an d (I: Giam some eixtrta cash
Terry Mullins, Contributor an e fi:::erg:" za '°“
ActOut will hold auditions for . .
its spring 2011 world premiere The :Lio '5 lawn?!" a
production of “The Happy Hour" by pa ' Imea ve Ismg
Stephen Currens. c°°rd'"at°r'
The play chronicles the earliest Find °ut "1°"! by visiting
days of the AIDS epidemic in W- ' ISO-0'” -
an inner-city community and a
young man’s attempt to flee the
impending crisis. ”Keep the Love you Find,
Get the Love ou Want.”
The production will be directed by J. y
Michael McCullough and performed . .
April 21-23, April 28-30, and May 1855'“ 39mm?“ LC5W_
5-7 at the Downtown Arts Center Imago REIatIONShIP Therapist
in Lexington. EMDR Trauma Work
Couples, Family, Individual
AUdition to be hEId at GLSO: Imagoconnectionfiom ‘
February 17, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. 859.552.6533
February 19, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
_ _ Monthly Workshops for Couples ‘
More info at ACtOUtLeX©Qma'l-C°m check web site or call for information ‘
or by calling 859.576.5262. ,__ .
Jug... "5' {4% Listening is probably the most important factor when
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Web: \wnixglgsacontbsrcaltonicon‘ MK :
€13 ms 3:: Creative Realty
_ I

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
E 3
1033 Industry Road
Bourbon Bears and big fun that benefits the
' Central Kentucky Humane Soci-
EIECtIOHS _ eties. Several club members will
ChUCk Embs, Contrlbutor be in the show like you’ve nev-
er seen them before (and they
After a successful first year, The claim never again... we’ll see).
Kentucky Bourbon Bears held
officer elections for 2011 on On Saturday, February 12, Cross-
January 15th. ings will be hosting the Kentucky
Bourbon Bears’ One Year Anni-
KBB 2011 Officers: versary Party and Membership
President - Scott Perry Drive. Come hang out with the
Vice Pres. - John David Elam bears for raffles and drink spe-
Treasurer - Jim Ferguson cials. If you’re interested in join—
Secretary - Chuck Embs ing our club this would be the
Webmaster - Johnathan Helm time to do it. It’s $20.00 a year
Historian - Aaron Huddleston and $30.00 for a couple. The
Kentucky Bourbon Bears have a
The new year of activities and big year of activities planned and
fundraisers will kick off the sec- we’d love for you to be a part of
0nd weekend in February. On it.
Friday, February 11th at Cross-
ings, come experience the FUR For more information about KBB,
BALL. It’s a night of big hair visit kentuckybourbonbears.com

 \\ - n
Mllk It takes a great deal of dedication, G
Wes Nelson, Contributor commitment, and passion to produce
a touring theatrical production with- N
(continued from page 9) out having the reputation and fund-
originally commissioned by the Divisionary ing of a well established professional D
Theatre in San Diego, CA, recently saw a theatre to stand up as the producer A
successful run at the NYC Fringe Festival. of the project. Artistic works such
Six actors play multiple roles throughout as this are almost never easy, and C
the show, giving each of them the chance it is at those tough moments that An
to step into the role of Harvey Milk at differ— those involved must find something
ent points. Highlighting the International to hold onto, something that inspires Re
Court System's strong ties to GLBT history, them to keep working. Every artistic fOL
our very own Queen Mother of the Ameri— piece must have a heart. There is no big
ca’s, Nicole the Great, is a character in the doubt that Harvey Milk is the heart of cor
piece, discussing her memories of Harvey “Dear Harvey,” and his message and is
and her thoughts on his legacy. memory are sure to captivate the elS
people of Kentucky in 2011!
To make this touring production possible, Th‘
planning began six months prior to opening “I do not win all the time. Many days 50'
night. Currently the ICK has booked per— I lose, but I try harder the next day, the
formances at the University of Kentucky, and in the past I think I have won Y°'
Eastern Kentucky University, and Buster’s more than I have lost. I will try to gai:
Billiards & Backroom. As the ICK em- better that in the days to come. My 12%
barks on the long road to opening night, walk with the stars will help guide
court members and the community mem- me, and I am happy.” “W
bers alike are filled with artistic energy and — Harvey Milk mu
excitement. Preliminary work has begun chi
on set designs, costume designs, and gen- mu
erating buzz about the upcoming produc- _ _ cer
tion. Seeing that last year’s production GLSO IS looking wh
was not only a philanthmpic success, but for new board members
also a creative success, the ICK has been Gar
able to peak the interests of extremely tal- . . . . ver
ented regional actors. “Dear Harvey” will . Are you Interested m 10m" wit
feature the talents of Terrence Trchener, Bo "‘9 the board 0f directors for Lat
Macguire, Jenny Fitzpatrick, Sarah Tackett, one Of Central and EaStem Wh
Kimberley Proctor, and Jacob Karnes. Bit- Kentucky's fastest 9"0WiI19 the
ten by the theatre bug, other local non- GLBTQQIA organizations? COL
profit organizations such as AVOL (AIDS hei
Volunteers of Lexington) and Lexington E-mail dennis@glso.org to :3:
Fairnests hatpe offetrjregtltheir assifitance in find out how you can get on
romo in e ro u Ion as we as ro— - -
Biding thgir own) facilities to be utilized3 as board and ms“ GLSO.org A".
to learn more about us and Unl
rehearsal space. The net proceeds from h t d the
the touring production of “Dear Harvey” w a we 0'
will benefit The Harvey Milk Foundation.
I— I

 Gay Parenting IS Justice Dept.
More Common Outlines Anti-Gay
Down South Marriage Case
' The Associated Press, Boston
According to
census Eié’giani‘i‘ém‘ilé‘ii£32352:file:
- o
o .
Annie R oney, 3659ay com decision by a, judge in Massachusetts who
Recent data from the Census Bureau Egafladedghat tum“? Of a federal law
found that Jacksonville hosts one of the r' .g r: cogs; (En 0| same sex mar
biggest gay parent populations in the iage '5 U con I u iona.
country and child rearing by gay parents . .
anhevwe i"
else m the country. said the federal Defense of Marriage Act
. ' titutional because it interferes
The survey found that gay couples in the '5. uncons , . .
South are more likely to raise children gn?d:n::t:1:r;ilggtg;: 55532522232:
than gay coup es on t e West Coast, New . .
York and New England. The amount of gatigzrfloge?;fits given to heterosexual
gay couples raising children is 32 percent p '
itrgrilgcksonwlle and 34 percent In San An- The Justice Department argued in a brief
' filed on Thursday that the law was Con-
“We’re startin to see that the a com- gress’ “reasonable response” to a debate
munity is verygdiverse ” said Bog Witeck among the states on same-sex marriage.
chief executive of Witeck—Combs Com: In its brief, the Justice Department said
mu ni cati 0 n s which helped market the the federal government has the right to
census to gay people. “We’re not all rich gin: marriage differently than indIVIdual
white guys,” he told The New York Times. e '
. The appeal is expected to be heard by
Gary Gates, a demographer at the Uni- . . .
versity of California, Los Angeles, worked Ehitlslt U'S' Circuit Court Of Appeals m
with the Census and found that black or o on.
Latino gay couples are twice as likely as
white gay couples to raise children. Gates A Gay Jersey Shore
theorizes that a possible majority of gay _ .
couples have children from a previous Sltuatlon
heterosexual relationship but continue to Advocate.com Editors
raise the children in his or her gay rela-
thllShlp- Producers of a new reality show are look-
ing for the next Snooki or Situation —
An estimated 581,000 gay couples in the only gay.
United States were recorded in 2009 by
the Census Bureau. Auditions are being held February 5 at
Club In or Out in Hammonton, N.J., for
the new show inspired by Jersey Shore.

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or SisterSound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
_ _ Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 Transmtuc” 859'963'6606
. United Way 859.313.5465
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776
888.425.7282 _ .
Health Dept, Fayette 859.288.2437 new
877.606.2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St' Martha’s 8595339851
Health Dept, Woo dfor d 859.873.4541 IntenNeave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV / AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319 _
Louisville Region 502.574.0161 Mercy Minisw Chum 8593583357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 270'443'3339
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264 '
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643 Studentfimuns
Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
. . Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332 _
mssooo Morehead State University 606.783.2294 Na
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 UK Gay Straight Amance 8595597464
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 8593233312 —
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 ‘ - Ad'
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 / It.
Council for Peace 8t Justice 859.225.6999 ( _
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 edgy; Cit
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 ; Cgi§eo<§§g
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 -\ac\°vétce _
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ :Qteéiéfi I“. Sta
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 99:22.0“)
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 G ,
Lexington Fairness 859.951.4450 E;
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 .
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 E] I
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline *Dc
MACI' 859.358.8335
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send :2E::2’ni°ads to
PFLAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@giso_org
_ I

 Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Waibel
Professional Spiritual Direction
Ecumenical 0 Holistic . Inclusive
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; rss ay
‘ Kentucky
pageant ,
Wednesday, February 9““
Door 8:30pm L
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