xt7gb56d3n3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d3n3g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1975 journals 219 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.219 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.219 1975 1975 2014 true xt7gb56d3n3g section xt7gb56d3n3g |   1 g . 1 s W SL I
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 ls,_entucky Soybean Performance i
_ Tests ~ 1 9 7 5
By D. B. Iiglz', Charles Turf, ]. ill. lt'n. The testing locations, soil types, planting date and
_ rot: xqitlzli are shown on the opposite page. Each variety was
pl;·_nt:‘ almost all
plants erect; 2 I all plants orer sli;;htly or a lex ·—.‘ down; fl 1 all

 plants over moderately or 25% down; 4 = all plants over con- '
siderably or 50-80% down; 5 = all plants over badly.
Maturity Date
This is the date when the pods are dry and most of the
leaves have dropped. Stems are also dry, under most conditions.
Maturity may also be expressed as days earlier   or later (+)
than that of a standard variety. Maturity dates were not record-
ed at all locations.
Plant height was measured in inches from the soil
surface to the tip of the main stem. V
An important step to profitable soybean production is
to select good seed of the best variety. The Kentucky Soybean
Performance Tests are conducted to provide information useful _
in making this selection.
Performance of soybean varieties is affected by many
factors including season, location, soil type, and time of plant-
ing. A particular soybean variety is adapted for full-season
arovvtli in a band approximately l00 miles wide from north to
seutli. Thus, the best variety in northern Kentucky may not be
the best in southern areas. I·`or this reason the Kentucky Soy-
bean Performance Tests are conducted at several locations in `
the major soybeanprodueing areas of the state. Data from the
loeation nearest to a particular soybean grower’s farm probably
provide the best estimate of the potential of the soybean
\arieties in that area. ,
l‘erformanee of the varieties will vary from year to year.
llie average performance of a variety over a period of years
protides a better estimate of its potential than its performance
in a particular year.

 Small differences in yield are usually of little impor-
tance. The yield of two varieties at a single location may differ
because of chance factors (difference in soil characteristics,
9 viiity, or availability of moisture) even though the inherent
; j-.‘i<.tt1i·.l at the bottom of the tables. If the difference in yield is
i r ;;r».it¤;i‘ than the LSD value, you may be reasonably certain that
t the +.·:1*ries actually do differ in yielding ability.
. . D .
The performance of soybean varieties varies from year
as yur and location to location depending on adaptability,
,   —’.` ather conditions and management. For this reason the per-
formance of the varieties will vary from year to year.
"·.ari<.·ty Adaptation
liarlyanaturing varieties (Group lll), such as Calland and
\\'ilhams are best adapted in areas of Western Kentucky north
of the line indicated on the map shown below. The line is
;ip;nw»ximately the same as where the Western Kentucky Park
w;i-J is located. l,ate-maturing varieties (Groups V and `\'l), such
as Urn 3 York and Forrest are best adapted in areas south of the
iiirlivazt d line. Rlid—season varieties (Group IV), such as Cutler
Vi. Meister and Kent, can be successfully grown in most areas
in Westemi l{entucky.*
P i
e. .~‘   V
cw. * J ..,.. ’g3J k.
fs, W-  __ · ....., _
t.... ..., ___ ""— r..·.. .»-tl
M:;... W. .   »~» $7; *.
/f`3$i°<‘»”‘§*-{ (gg) -»//»  ..., . · ·  E   ee
(,..,3-1;@P}OUM_A;~·   <   _  F   _,_.. · t.t·r \ M  
····—. my/l ` iu? \\!  ~¤·* a*—\..,. Y"lf.\*"‘ 'YI , Q--Lf /‘
. · \ GP·O_`,. .... x"? )  LT;     RL 5..;/ .
' \ .. \2""' "}—·"»,`i¥;’y I .,.¤ .
Q- ·~ .»C~ GROU? V w= —--r· t=.y;4;X»-._,(  
·""   l ', )`iy“e{`“kS;}—i,,_."j I (L   [ t ,./
N —J-. if;. "L'- "'L —-·L \.L·...--.L..a ,_'_G J"
KU-'*¤'-— =·¤:-.1
/l)l?IfU'(}XIi?77(l(1' {17't`{l.»’ Og/i {1/]Uf)f(l(l·//71 Off file 777/[fI1T[-fjf _Q7`(}Z(//\ 1l}77I7IZ//HJf>\`
A Qmzwn in /(cnfzzc/:j·.·.
"'\`1n‘ieties for other groups not nzamcd are not zwlgeptcrl for L'l`(r\".'lIlU_ in

 Certified Seed
Always pltmt high quality seed of recommended varie-
ties. Certified soybean seed is a reliable source of good seed.
Certified seed has passed rigid field and laboratory standards for · _
genetic identity and purity of a variety. Certified soybean seed  
also has good germination and freedom from noxious weed seed ,‘ 
and other crop seed. The Experiment Station recommends that {   · n
Kentucky certified seed be used whenever possible for growing { 3 .
a commercial crop of soybeans. i
Average Statewide Performance
The performance data of varieties that have been in the V
Kentucky variety test for at least three years are averaged over
years and across locations in maturity zones and shown in Table
l. Performance for a variety across a period of years and at
several locations in the state is a good indicator of its produc-
tion potential. i
Varieties that have shoxvn satisfactory yields and lodging
resistance in Table l can be expected to have satisfactory field
performance under similar conditions and locations in Ken-
tucky. lf you have soybean cyst nematode problems a resistant
variety should be used in conjunction with a recommended crop
rotation in your production system. (See Ky. Coop. lixt. l’PA—3,
"Soybean Cyst Ne1natode," available at your county extension

 Tulzlc l.—Avcmgc PC1`1_()l'lHZ1|’\CU Across Years amd I..or;xLio11s.
Henderson, Hartford Princeton and
and Lexington 1973-75 Mayfield. 1974-75 2/
Yield Lodging_ Yield Lodging_ Approx. Approx.‘
(Bu/A) (Bu/A) seed/pound 2~iet;urit;y _
Egrili (Group 111)
_ Eli? 3079 47.6 2.8 -- -- 2800 -3
nL.":en;1 45.1 2.3 -- -- Z600 -1
  gm 45.8 2.5 —- -— 3600 O
  48.4 2.8 47.1 2.3 2600 0
LQ;=;&,;;;;  -— -- 33.0 2.5 2800 +30
1.1-y 48.6 2.2 42.4 1.9 3500 +27
*1 · V —- — 40.9 2.4 2600 +31
ie.   -— - 40.4 3.0 3200 +32
Fw ··».   —— - 42.0 2.1 3500 +33
~`I`E— mf; —- — 31.8 2.9 —— +35
&o1;.~r llil -— - 41.0 2.0 -- +42
Hope __ - 33.8 2.6 3000 +35
Avet‘:a;;_· 45.9 2.4 41.2 2.4
1,/   ·'.{31Z31`A3C1.0I1 in text.
2/ . rs: · earlier (—) or later (+) than \·.'il1iams.
    vxjanr to the Soybean Cyst Nematode (Race 3).

 Sources of Seed .
Iintry Source
SM 3-Ii Seedmakers, Inc., Sidney, Ill. 61677 `
SRF 30712350, Soybean Research Foundation, Inc. y
~’100,yI»(·21n \`;u`i¤:ty 71_Q$\€-·-I1(']l(1C1`SO1'l.
-7 . . . . . 1/7 l
Y1e1d(Bu/A; _ Luc1g1ng— ,)/.
V?lL`1&Cf,' 1973 1974 1975 1973 1974 1975 Ht.;
-75 -75 -75 -75 (In.}
1.;..7;.; (Group III)
. ‘ 307P 52.2 49.9 50.4 3.7 4.6   40 ·
—7f*lH(1 50.6 46.7 48.9 3.4 4.1 3..Z 39
  ~ 3 —-— -— 47.6 - - 3.0 36
.. :0* -- —- 51..1 - —   40
‘ J .` `PRU 35 —·· -- 55.9 — - 3.2 42
{   myth —~ ~· 48.0 - - 2.5 36
{ f ·}Z -- -— 47.5 · - 5.0 51
` ~· ..Lv:>.r 80** -— --· 53.4 - — 2.7 40
TZ. E50 53.4 54.3 54.0 3.3 4.2 3.3 42
  Jams 57.5 55.1 50.6 3.9 3.7 2.5 41
  » laezsagl (Group [V)
  -00 48.8 46.8 50.9 3.1 3.5 3.2 40
.`1   —· 51.7 49.6 - 4.0 3.5 43
1*;; T 71 53.8 51.6 48.0 3.6 4.4 4.0 47
  25 53.4 49.0 50.0 4.2 4.7 4.3 46
T‘· -·:?’e11 -· -— 63.9 - - 4.3 42
Z Y1 var 90* -- -— 45.1 - — 2.5 40
.’·J·'..;:SOI\ 3125* -- -- 53.1 — — 1.3 41
  56.6 56.5 59.0 2.9 3.4 2.3 49
.; H —-50 45.0 43.3 47.6 3.6 3.9 3.0 46
...1.1 51.5 48.2 49.8 2.9 3.7 2.7 44
Iii, 1*.1 -- 50.3 50.2 - 3.5 2.5 45
2m. (Crump V)
I . *5 —·— —— 38.9 - - 2.5 49
I *56 -- -—— 52.4 ~ — 3.3 5].
‘* 55 -— 35.4 33.9 — 3.7 2.5 35
  . 55.0 47.8 43.4 2.7 3.1 1.5 31
Data -- —» 33.4 — - 4.5 34
YOfk3/ 48.0 42.5 41.4 3.9 4.7 4.3 38
Nazis- K, 50.1 48.1 50.4 4.3 4.7 4.3 49
F0r1‘cst;·-/ 50.3 40.3 41.1 3.7 4.0 5.0 33
.\vu1‘.;x5;u 51.9 48.1 48.6 3.4 4.0 3..1 4l
}.SD(.05) 11 .4 Hu/A
  Sec ¤a.;g:1rumti0:1 in tc:rth -— —- 50 . 4 — - 1 . 0 9/13 34 _
*2-1 3-1-1 —- —— 47.3 — — 3.0 9/16 42
>1u1;.1··;.r 80* -— -— 54.3 — — 1.0 9/13 35
SRF 350 51.7 52.7 51.9 2.3 1.6 2.0 9/12 35
‘.·T1i1iams 53.7 53.8 55.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9/12 36
I-;1_cj_;igns0n (Group IV)
.S’?` JL'? 41.7 42.6 45.2 2.2 2.5 2.3 9/14 37
··‘·`[i 444 -- 46.7 47.9 - 2.0 2.3 9/15 37
i§.;`.—1 71 48.8 48.1 55.7 1.6 1.5 1.7 9/17 38
;¤ii*` MI5 53.3 54.6 55.8 1.9 1.8 1.7 9/18 41
?`it·.]n·1.1 -- -- 63.5 - - 3.0 9/20 40
1l1[1.1"£EI 90* -— -- 51.0 — - 1.0 9/15 35
`»;1ier;~<—n 3125* -· —- 56.5 - - 1.3 9/17 38
`cyzuxs 50.6 50.6 53.3 1.9 1.8 1.3 9/16 41
:"}dt (Race E).
* Blend

 liixhlv   Kcmuuky Soyhvnn Yznninsty '1`L'S[S·-Pf1llCL‘H)Il, Double-
croppcd. 19737
7/ HC
Vausiccy Yi.cld(Bu/A) Lodging; Maturity (in.)
E;1r1‘; (Group 111)
Williams 31.4 1.0 10/13 19
iQ;i_·Scason_ (Group IV)  
Bonus 27.2 1.0 10/11 21
Rani; 33.7 1.0 10/2O 23
igii (Group V and V1)
Essex 35.0 1.0 10/25 21
York ,,/ 36.7 1.3 10/28 23
l?`o1:rcst;/ 35.3 1.3 10/29 28
Hood 40.7 1.7 11/3 28
Ln; TQ 36.3 3.3 11/4 28
Average 3i+.3 1.Q 24
1/ No—Li11 planted after wheat on July 7, 1975.
_;/ Soc tcxc for explzmaciou.
2/ Resisstaut zo tho Soybean Cyst Elonxacode (Race 3).
1 3

 1`nblc 6.-Kentucky Suybc;111 \’zu’icty 'I`c>ts-~-Nl;1yl1u1(I.
. . 1/
Y1e1d(Bu/A) Lodguzg 7/
1974 1975 1974 1975 Ht;
Variecv -75 -75 (In.)
K;ar1X (Group III)
Wiliizzcxs 40.4 42.9 3.6 3.0 41
};g_i;_Eason (Group IV)
FFR 444 39.8 39.4 4.5 4.7 43
$Z¤,:c1e1‘ 71 40.6 42.9 3.5 4.3 41
Mitchell —- 49.5 — 4.3 41
?·Zu1tf‘.’;1I‘ 90* -- 42 .0 - 2 . 7 40
Bunur 42.4 45.2 3.2 3.0 45
SRI? 450 37.8 40.1 3.2 3.3 41
heat; 42.8 42.2 1.6 1.3 43
}'ua..·572e -- 44.0 - 4.0 41
  (Group V and V1)
M12 555 29.2 31.1 3.5 3.7 39
Iisszir; 41.6 38.9 2.8 2.7 36
Ease —- 32.4 — 3.7 38
Y #1; M. 34.2 38.5 3.4 2.7 38
`·'·1c;.t··' 36.1 35.4 3.8 3.0 40
Lor,.»~e,f‘§-/ 37.5 44.2 3.2 3.0 38
!1·‘i¢w66 26.8 28.1 3.8 3.3 36
;0ker 136 35.3 35.2 2.0 2.0 44
F.;wmi 27.7 30.6 3.6 4.0 41
Iwo 7 »’'- 3/ -- 32.8 - 3.0 40
l’i.»;}¤=·Lt; 71—· 26.4 30.5 3.8 3.3 36
Average 35.9 38.3 3.3 3.2 1*0
LSD (.05) 9.7 Bu/A
1/ See explanation in text:.
_2_/ 1975 data. 0n1y.
3/ Resistant to the Soybean Cyst Nematodc (Race 3).
* Blend.

 Table 7. —Kcntucky Suybuun Variety 'I`cst.s·- Lexington.
.. , . 1/
'11@1d(Bu/A) Lodging- 2/ 2/
Variety 1973 1974 1975 1973 1974 1975 Maturity- HL·
-75 -75 -75 -75 (in.)
Early (Group III)
- SRF 307`P 49.9 46.6 36.8 3.1 3.6 2.0 9/11 34
Callzmd 46.5 43.6 39.8 1.9 2.0 1.5 9/12 36
A3300 -- -- 42.4 - - 1.3 9/9 34
A3440-'° -— -- 42.3 — - 1.5 9/12 36 `
AGRIPKO 35 -- -- 45.9 - - 2.2 9/20 34
2-fcudworth -- -— 43.8 — — 1.2 9/9 33 _
SI1 3-IZ -- —— 38.6 — —· 1.8 9/12 39 ·
?·Iu].L.ivnr 80* —- -- 40.6 - - 1.5 9/12 33
SRF 350 49.5 48.0 43.2 2.8 2.8 3.0 9/21 34 ‘
Williams 48.1 47.8 43.7 1.5 1.4 1.0 9/12 34
Plid-Season (Group IV)
SRF 400 41.5 40.5 30.4 2.8 2.2 1.7 9/19 35
FFR 444 -- 42.5 35.0 - 1.8 1.5 9/14 34
Cutler 71 43.8 38.4 34.7 2.2 1.8 1.8 9/21 39
SRF 425 41.2 45.0 33.6 3.0 2.6 2.8 9/27 39
Mitchel] -- -- 40.4 — - 3.0 9/28 37 '
I~Iu1t;.ivaxr 90* -- —— 41.4 - - 1.7 9/21 34
}’¤Lur40n 3125* —- —- 39.2 - - 1.8 9/23 36
Banu;. 54.2 54.8 49.2 1.8 1.6 1.3 9/23 40
SRF 450 40.6 39.2 34.9 2.4 2.5 2.2 10/3 39
Kent; 39.4 39.0 34.7 1.9 1.5 1.5 10/2 36
Pumunsx -- 39.0 34.3 - 1.4 1.3 9/30 35
1.ut¤ Ulroup V)
Jsnnegs -· -- 28.2 - - 1.3 10/4 41
I·l·`}< 35h -- -- 33.9 - - 2.0 10/27 48
¥·`f·`I< 5.35 —— 31.2 32.9 - 2.6 2.3 10/29 40
Y*is1;·.z:-; 45.6 43.4 43.7 2.3 2.2 1.7 10/6 32
Darn: —- -— 39.6 — - 3.0 10/14 36
'¤'0r}·1,;/ -- 42.6 50.6 - 3.0 2.7 10/22 36
3·1:auI·.—’ .1/ —— 32.8 37./. - 3.8 3.0 10/14 32
i·'u1ir·;»:L¥ -— 40.9 47.6 — 2.8 2.5 10/16 37
.`.*.w:·.w¤ 45..3 42.1 39.3 2.3 2.3 1.9 36
LSD (.03) 8.4 Hu/·\
1/I Sue ·;xg~1z2tmLi.wn in i;.;:·.t1.
if 1973 V1A;<`(] In ‘{!TOZ’I‘dlY TPye‘z1TC}1, 4‘dl1C(1f[U71u] 1`71fAO7‘771afI`Ol1 (ITIL! z}!]1Ff
5/`7T'7`(`<`.Y ()7l!j.` fu I-7Z({l~Z’l>/iII1I[.\ und I'71.V[l4l°7l[lAO77..Y [}lH{fiL71CYZ~(J71 aw`t/wut
T1’j]¢Z7'd to 7`IICU, {Olin', SEX OT 7141fZA/MIG! UTIQQZ-71.