xt7gb56d338k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d338k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-10-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  8, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  8, 1948 1948 1948-10-08 2013 true xt7gb56d338k section xt7gb56d338k Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

Weather Today
Sunny And Cool;
High Of 60

Cat And Dog Fight.
Athens, Saturday







Vets Club, SGA
Favor Mid-TerCommencements

Guignol Cast Selected
For New Producfion


The Veterans Club has joined
forces with SGA in the fight for
winter commencements. The Vet
erans Club passed a resolution at
their meeting, Oct. 4, stating that
they recognized the need for, and
strongly advocated, a commence
ment at the end of the first semes-

Bowling Prices Given


To Sign Painting
On UK Property

Sidney Neal, Veterans Club presi
dent, explained that his organiza
tion felt that the size of the fall
semester class constituted a real
need for a commencement in January.
Officers Elected
Four executive vacancies in the
organization have been filled. The
newly elected officers are Franz E.
Ross, executive vice president; David Shropshire, vice president 1 n
charge of business; John Whisman,
vice president in charge of publicity; and Elliott Jones, corresponding secretary.
To Resume Round Table
The veterans round table will be
resumed over station WLAP on Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., beginning Oct.
16. and over station WBKY
Thursdays at 7:45 p.m. beginning
Oct. 14. Milton Kafoglis will moderate.
Proposed constitutional amend
ments to take care of the change
from the quarter system to the
semester system will be presented at
the next meeting.

Student Government Association
members at a Monday night meeting voiced disapproval of painting
campus buildings and walks with

Alarie To Open
Concert Series

Making plans for the Y membership drive which starts Monday,
are Jo Frances Daughrrty, chairman of the membership drive, Virginia...
Henry. Frances Farmer, Sara Mae Greene, president, Betty Strunk,
and Dee White.

Wildcats, Bulldogs
To Clash In Georgia

Tough Georgia Team"
Favored To Win Tilt Objections
By Tom Diskin
Kernel Sports Editor
Kentucky's exacerbated Wildcats
left last night bound for Athens, Ga.,
where they will tangle with the potent Georgia Bulldogs Saturday at
Sanford Stadium. The Cracker State
gridders are favored to win by a one
touchdown margin.
This contest will be Kentucky's
second major test in the past two
weeKS. Last Saturday, the Lynxes
were beaten by Ole Miss, 20-after
they had whipped Xavier, 48-- 7 In
the season's opener. The game will
also be the Cats second buG conflict
of the current season.
Georgia Has 1 Record
The boys of the red clay country
took Chattanooga, 14-in their
and then lost to a great North
Carolina eleven last week,
after leading 0 at the half.
UK's Ocelots will be without their
first-stricenter, Harry Ulinski, as


lid-lift- er

21-1- 4,


result of a shoulder Injury first

suffered In the Xavier game, then
reinjured last week against the
powerful Rebels. Coach Paul Bryant
remarked that "we couldn't have lost
another man on the squad that
would have hurt us more."
The Cats three sophomore centers.
Bob Wodtke, Roy Ford and Walt
Yowarsky. are all expected to see
action tomorrow in place of Ulinski.
Toogher Than Ole Miss
To make matters worse, Kentucky
scouts report that Georgia is tougher
than Misissippi. Said Coach Moseley,
who witnessed the Bulldog-Nort- h
Carolina clash last week, "Georgia's
edge on us is enlarged by its reserve
strength. They are three-teain good replacements." Head Coach
Paul Bryant predicts that Georgia
and Tech will fight it out for the
conference championship, with Ole
honMiss a good bet for runner-u- p
Ranch Leads Bulldogs

Quarterback Jovmny Rauch is the
spearhead in the Georgia offense.

Last season, in completing 110 passes,
the Pennsylvanian became the fourth college player ever to gain the
hundred mark in aerial connections
for one season.
But Georgia is no
Far from it. At the halfback posts,
UG Coach Wally Butts has such
talented players as Lukie Brunson,
a sophomore speedster from South
Carolina, who made the first team
as a freshman; Billy Henderson, a
dangerous runner anytime; Eli Mari-cicthe Chicago flash who raced 75
yards last week against the Tarheels
Georgia's first ID of the game;
versatile Joe Geri, who great punting
is credited with keeping the score
down against Carolina; and last, but
far from least, Floyd ( Breezy Reid,
one of the beggest threats in the
Dog backfield. Reid, Maricich, Henderson and Brunson all are exceptionally fast.
At fullback. Weepin' Wally can
choose between nowerized Joe Tillit-sk- i,
a Canton, O., sophomore and Al
Bodine, an
husky from
Youngstown, Ohio. Both are experienced and hard runners.
Payne Tops In Line
In the staring line for Georgia,
which averages 198 pounds per man.
Porter Payne, a junior guard from
Atlanta, leads the attack. Bernie
Reid, brother to Halfback Floyd, is
one of the fastest in the conference.
At tackles. Jack Bush, Nick Feher,
Howard Johnson and Ernie Reid
Continued on Page Three)


Proficiency Exom
Dates Announced
Tne foreign language proficiency

examinations will be given November 3, 4, 5, and again January
12, 13,14 this semester.
The examination is required for
all students of the College of Arts
and Sciences with the exception of
those students working for a
specialized degree, namely, B.S. in
industrial chemistry, A.B. in journalism, B.S. in library science, B.S.
in medical technology, and A.B. in
The examination must be passed
before the final semester of the
senior year. The details of the ex;
animation scheduled for November will be given in next week's
edition of the Kernel.

school slogans.
This practice is currently meeting
with some faculty disfavor as unsightly and costly to remove. SGA,
however, opposed only those slogans
printed with colored or permanent
paint, according to Johnny CrockettJ
SGA president. The painting Is intended to encourage school spirit
before football games.
Other discuss on at the meeting
included a proposal to have com--


The Sunday afternoon muslcales
presented by the music department
start Oct. 24 with a program featuring Pierrette Alarie, Columbia con-

cert artist.
to appear this season include Walter Cassel, Columbia concerts singer,
and the Columbia concert trio.
The remainder of the season's
schedule Is as follows: Nov. 7, Gordon J. Kinney, cellisC Edward B.

muter's aid cards printed and distributed. The cards, designed to be Hornowski, violinist. Ford Montgomcarried on a notebook, would indi- ery and Boies Whitcomb, pianists.
Concerts Listed
cate that the bearer is going to the
Dec. 5, Ruth Pinnell. soprano; Dec.
The cards are to encourage pass- 12, the Choristers under the direcing motorists to offer rides to the tion of Mildred S. Lewis; Jan. 16, the
University Symphony Orchestra uncommuters, Crockett said.
der the direction of Dr. Edwin E.
Themes Wanted
Another current plan is a con- Stein; Feb. 13. Walter Cassel. bariGlee Club
test for the best freshman theme tone; Feb. 20, the Women'sMildred S.
on some phase of SGA Freshmen, under the direction of
according to the idea, would have Lewis.
Feb. 27,
to write such a theme as one of Kiviniemi, the Men's Glee Club, Aimo
director; March 6, Ford
their required English themes.
The best papers from each class, Montgomery, pianist; March 30,
Columbia Concert Trio; March
graded by the instructor, would be
Mu Alpha; March
submitted to an SGA committee for Phi Robert and Pi
jiorgan, pianist.
final judgment. The contest is
planned to stimulate interest in phony mixed schorus and the MoOrchestra will present
SGA and understanding of its acti zart's "Requiem" on April 10.
vities orett.kCc iorved ETAOINILD
Dr. Edwin E. Stein will direct, asvities. Crockett said.
sisted by Miss Mildred S. Lewis and
Directory To Be Out Soon
Aimo Kiviniemi.
The Student Directory will be On April 24, Edward B. Hornowpublished by Nov. 1, Crockett an ski, violinist; May 1, University Connounced. Like previous directories. cert Band under the direction of
the publication will include names, Frank J. Prindl; and May 15, the
addresses, classifications, and home Symphony Orchestra, with Dr. Edtowns of all University students.
win E. Stein directing.
Chairman of the directory comThe band and orchestra concerts
mittee is Katherine Barnett. Other will be repeated during the spring
committee members are Rusty Rus- music festival in May.
sell. Harold Holtzclaw, Katherine
Greenwood, and Crockett.
Speech Topic Given

'Spice' Moved
"Spice of Life" appears on page 9
section two this week.

"Consolidation or else" will be the
topic of an address by W. A. Hifner
before a luncheon to be given by the
Department of Political Science at
noon Thursday in room 205. SUB.
Reservations may be made by call
ing University extension 112.

Heating Experiment Responsible
For Quadrangle Excavations
A device for vaking heat from the4
At this time the amount of air
earth and pumping it into homes is
responsible for all the digging going heated and its temperature change
will be measured in an attempt to
on in front of the Engineering
find out how efficient the pump is.
Prof. Penrod 's work has aroused
According to Prof. E. B. Penrod,
head of the 'Mechanical Engineering such interest that a bulletin publishdepartment, the trenches are being ed by the Engineering Experiment
dug in preparation for laying ground Station regarding the pump, has
been requested from such places as
coils for the pump.
France, Holland, Switzerland, EngThe objective oi tne experiment, land, Egypt, Pakistan, and some
said Prof. Penrod, is to see if the South American countries.
earth is a practical source of heat for
the pump when used to heat small
homes, and to make a careful study Kyian Staff Appoints
of transient heat flow through the

He pointed out that while electricity performs most of the services
in the home, it is generally too expensive for heating.
It has been found practical to use
the earth, waste heat, the atmosphere, or even water, as a source of
heat for the home. With an electrically driven pump, as much as
four times the heat may be obtained
as compared with direct electrical
heating, he explained.
Approximately 500 feet of tubing
will be laid underground
for the
pump, and will take up all that area
being dug up.
The heat will be taken from the
earth, say at 50 degrees, and pumped
into the Mechanical Engineering
laboratory in the quadrangle, said
Prof. Penrod.
The moving parts of the pump will
be placed in the laboratory, which it
is hoped may be heated entirely by
heat from the earth. It is expected
that once the pump is in operation,
about Jan. 1, the steam heat will be
cut off i nthe laboratory and it will
cut off in the laboratory and it will

New Associate Editor

Anne Pardue, journalism senior
from Frankfort, was named associate editor of the 1949 Kentuckian
Monday night at a meeting of the
editors in the Student Union Building.
Miss Pardue will fill the place
left vacant by Sue Warren, who
resigned to become news editor of
the Kernel.
Pictures for the Kentuckian are
being taken in the Y lounge of the
Student Union. Anyone who failed
to sign up for his picture last week
may make an appointment to have
it taken at night, it was announced
by Charley Whaley, editor.

Letters In Disfavor

New students are reminded that
there is a Student Government
Association request not to wear a
school letter other than the official University of Kentucky letter
on campus.
This applies to all high school


Opening Scheduled November
UK Freshmen Receives Role

Four University students, one of
them a freshman, have been cast for
roles in '"Pygmalion." Guignol
Theater production scheduled to
open Nov. 15.
Tryouts for the George Bernard
Shaw play were held in the theater
auditorium on Euclid avenue behind
Jewell Hall Sunday afternoon at 3
Cast Announced
Wallace Briggs. Guignol director,
has announced this cast: Eliza Doo-littl- e
Beth Caddy: Henry Higgins
Charles Drew; CoL Pickering
Kenneth Scott; Mrs. Pearce Alice
Dean Bars tow; Mrs. Higgins Norma Bradley Arnold; Mr. Doolittle
Harry Stanton; Mrs. Eynsford-Hi- ll
Charlotte Renfro: Clara Eynsford-Hill
Priscilla Hancher; Freddie Eynsford-Hi- ll
William Nave;
Sarcastic Bystander
Graine; Bystander
John Renfro;
Parlor Maid Louise Hill.
Freshman Gets Role
Miss Hancher. Miss Hill. Stanton
and Graine are enrolled in the University this semester.
Graine. a
freshman, is one of few first-yeever to receive a speaking
role in a Guijnol production. Miss
Hancher. a scphomore. and Stanton, a junior, are also making their
debuts with Guignol. Miss Hill has
been seen before in juvenile roles.
Other students will be cast as ex-

Students bowling for physical
education classes will be charged
20 cents a line at the University's new recreation center.
A story printed two weeks ago
in the Kernel stated that the price
would be 20 cents for all students.
Price for students not
registered in physical education
classes will be 25 cents a line.

Plans Announced
Mc-Clu- re,

Carnegie Library
Receives Original

Operatic Records
The Carnegie Record Library has
been loaned an original collection
of operatic arias by Arthur A. Bod-na- r,
agriculture sophomore from
Cleveland, it was ennounced today
by Mrs. Lewis H. Mills, receptionist
of the Carnegie room.
The collection includes the following arias sung by Caruso ;
"Faust" "Salut Demeuse," "Aida"
"Celeste Aida," "U Trovatore
"Ah si ben mio," "L'Africano"
Paradiso," "Carmen "LI frior che
avevi a me," and "Favorito" "Spir-t- o
Two numbers sung by Luisa
are: "Mignon" "Polonese,"
and "Lucia" "LI dolce suono.'
Other recordings listed: "Forgotten," "Oh, Dry Those Tears," and
"Open the Gates of the Temple,"
sung by Evan Williams, and "Ah
fors' e lui" from "Traviata" and
"Air des bijoux" from "Faust" by
Mme. Melba.
Also included are: "Othello' "Ave
Maria," sung by Frances Aida, "Carmen" "Habanera," by Emma Calve
"The Snowy Breasted Pearl" by
John McCormack, "Pagliacci"
"Prologo" by Antonio Scotti, and

Of 'Y' Cabinets
The annual fall retreat of the
YMCA and YWCA cabinets will begin tomorrow at Camp O tonka on
the Kentucky River.
The retreat will end Sunday,. according to Mr. Bart Peak, director
of "Y" activities.
Mr. Peak said that campus problems and things of interest in the
lives of students would be of primary importance in the discussion

Vets Checks Due
November 1
Veterans may expect their first
check on or about November 1.
the Veterans Office announced.
This includes all veterans under
Public Laws 346 and 16 regardless
of whether they attended summer
school or not.
The check will include subsistence due from the date of entrance through October 31, 1948.


Junior Dies

Traffic Accident

Charles Coburn. movie actor currently working en the film "San
Francisco", will speak to the Dutch
Lunch Club today in room 205 of the
Student Union Building.
Students who are not members of
the club, may hear Mr. Coburn speak
at 12:30. If the room designated for
the actor's talk is too small to ac
comodate the audience, the ballroom
will be used.
The celebrated actor will be In
troduced by Sue Warren,
ioent in charge of programs, and
Dean Sarah B. Holmes will be a
guest of the club.
Born in Savannah. Ga., Mr.
became the manager of the
Savanah Theater at the age of 18.
When he was 22, the actor began his
professional stage career and played
In numerous stock companies. He
with his wife in his
early days.
Mr. Coburn appeared in his first
movie in 1937, and won an Academy
Award in 1944 for the best support
ing male actor of the year.
A story on Dage four of the back
section of the Kernel states that
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin will
speak to the club today. Miss McLaughlin will talk to the group a
week from today.

Co-bu- rn

Thurmond Talks
To Students Here



ad-dr- es

YW Opens Drive

For Membership

resolutions committee.
Ken Desotels, Louisiana
The annual
University student who is national drive will open YWCA 11,
and conUK
chairman of the States Rights cam- tinue through Oct. 15. Sara Mae
paign in colleges, addressed the Greene, president,
Workers will solicit in the dormiStudents and faculty members of
tories, sorority houses and other resithe University of Kentucky are
dence units, and booths will be set
eligible for three annual prizes of
up in the Student Union Building
$500 each to be awarded by the Oak
and the post office.
Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
All member will 8a uropri tn pn- for outstanding slcentific papers,
Vacancies in the board of direc- roll for one of the YWCA activi
it was announced Tuesday by Dr.
tors of the Chamber of Commerce ties. These include Freshman Club,
L. A. Pardue, dean of the University
caused by graduation were filled for all freshmen; Upperclass FelSchool and repesentative
Tuesday night. The new board mem- lowship; Dutch Lunch Club, a
on the institute council.
bers are Jim Vainer, John Owens, luncheon club for town girls and
Competition for the awards is limRalph Tatum, and Mary Slaughter commuters; and the Live Y'ers, who
ited to the 19 universities of the
do volunteer office work.
of the College of Commerce.
UK is one of the southern
A membership committee, a comOther committees are related to
Pre-Ga- me
school members of the organizamittee to work with the Commerce social service, worship, race relation.
Association, and a tions, public affairs, work with WS
pep Employment
Suky sponsored a send-oPapers are to be judged on the rally last night at Union Station committee to select the outstanding SF. world affairs, social activities,
importance of the scientific research before the boys left for the Geor- alumnus of the College of Commerce publicity, poster work, and general
reported and the extent to which gia game Saturday.
were formed.
the subject matter relates to reThe "Best Band in Dixie" fursearch being carried on by the nished the music while UK's twelve
Atomic Energy Commission labor- cheer leaders led the yells. Suky Zip-Boom-Bah
atories In the Oak Ridge area.
tryouts painted the train with sloThe institute is sponsoring the gans. Frank Maturo was in charge
awards to stimulate the developof arrangements for the rally.
ment of scientific research in the
Suky has made tentative plans
South and to provide additional to send a special student train to
Wallace J. Fox
recognition for outstanding work.
the Tennessee game Nov. 20.
Ever wonder who the kids with the able reputation. She and Manager
Dean Pardue said.
Weakley, chairman of the loaded larynxes and terrific tonsils Janice Stille, on their trip to New
committee in charge of arrange- are? Those guys and gals who wrap York last Easter where they per
ments, will announce the plans later. their amplifiers around your ear- formed as
at the
drums and extract excrutiatingly Olympic
Reporters To Meet
at Madison Square
loud responses from the stands? In Garden, are said to be the only two
Monday Afternoon
other words, the cheerleaders!
to ever appear in
sereThe Greeks got this year's
Well, there's twelve of the
the Garden.
There will be a reporter's meetDelta
nading underway when the
boys and girls eight reging at 4 p.m. Monday in the KerCheerleaders Razzed
Deltas made ulars and four alternates. All are
Zetas and
Incidentally, according to Janice,
nel newsroom. Sue Warren, news the rounds Delta Tau night.
kept in voice by Janice Stille, a the razzing they took over their
editor announced.
The Delta Zetas serenaded all
veteran of three years southern accents was terrific!
All reporters for the Kernel are fraternities,
and the Delts serenaded at Lafayette
and two more
Bobbie Dean Yates of the short
required to be present if they have the women's residence units, the Al- - seasons right High on Stoll Field's
curly-locand bright smile is a
no classes at that hour.
pha Delta Pis. the Tri Delts, and
freshman alternate. Her rah-ra- h
' the Chi Omegas.
Lexington Represented
have two years experience behind
O'BanA trim little blonde. Ann
them at Lafayette.
non. can turn as shapely a cartwheel
Charley Wise knows what it is to
as ever seen in a college colliseum. hear
the crowd's roars from the floor.
An Alpha Gam, and a regular memis an outgrowth of two
His crew-cber of the squad, she hails from Lex- years as a first stringer on Henry
ington, where she had previous ex- Clay's basketball team. He's a regperience on the University High ular and adds a dribble-bo- y
point to the squad. He is also a SigBrunette Fatty Wilkinson, another ma Chi.
regular and a freshman did her preOver 2,000 students, faculty mem -Oy Fort Knox immigrant Philip
King-burvious yips, sprints, and shags on Kingsbury alternates. He lives in the
bers, and townsfolk turned out Fri- les Wise, Ben Jackson, Phil
Yates, Mary Ann Henry Clay's
Bobby Dean
day night to witness the selection
Two Phi Tau's, both from Louis- Scott Street
new cheer leaders and stayed to McQuaid, Betty Massey, Patty WilFinally comes regular Bill McClure,
snake kinson, Ann O'Bannon, and Betty ville, who made the squad one as Henderson sophomore. He belongs to
parade downtown in a gigantic
an alternate, the other as a regular Alpha Gamma Rho.
dance in honor of the Ole Miss Thompson.
are Tom Faulkner and Ben JackAfter the contest, the spectators
football game.
There they are that rowdy,
One of the largest crowds in re fell in behind the marching band son. You'll see Ben as the reg, and raucous, rousing bunch that do their
gathered in the Alumni and the SuKy members for a snake Tom as the alternate.
cent times
caper-cuttiall during the
"Topper" Davis, another regular, frantic season. We wouldn't be
Gym as SuKy Selected the new dance down South Limestone si.
season. which took them through the Coney and no relation to Thome's Smith's without them, even if they are right
cheer leaders for the '48-'is a Pewee Valley at our
Island cafeteria and William's Drug
Judges in the contest were Mrs. store, and wound up in front of the boy. He belongs to Alpha Gamma
new cheer Rho.
Revell Estill Shaw and Maurice Phoenix Hotel, where the
Two Betties On Squad
Clay of the University, Mrs. Runelle leaders were named.
Two more regulars are Betty
Traffic Tie-u- p
Foster of Lafayette High School,
The Independents voted to sponTraffic was tied up in Lexington Thomas and Bettie Massie. Betty of
Charles Whaley, president of SuKy,
and Janice Stille and Nancy Potts, streets for over a half hour for the Thomas clan, springs from sor a fall dance at a meeting WedSuKy members.
about five blocks on all sides of Louisville, while Mrs. Massie's Bettie nesday.
comes from Lexington. Both flex
A social committee was appointed
Forty-foparticipants led the the Phoenix.
in the best col- to take care of arrangements. MemThe crowd broke up on Main their
crowd in UK cheers.
bers of the committee are Gloria
Street after a few band numbers legiate fashion.
Alternate Mary Ann McQuaid, Bilancio, Bryan Whitfield. Al Milby,
The winners were Bill McClure, and cheers led by the new cheer
sophomore Alpha Xi, has an envi Farnum Lewis, and Ellis Foster.
Tom Faulkner, Topper Davis, Char- - leaders.



Students Eligible
To Receive. Awards


at the retreat.
The "Y" program for the coming
year will also be analyzed and furWeek-En- d
ther plans will be made.
Song fests and athletic contests
have been planned by "Y" members.
Interested students who are not
on the "Y" Cabinet may attend the
Beth Caddy, a former graduate
Wallace Estill. 23. a junior In the student, will return to portray Eliza
annual retreat if they will notify
College of Engineering, died Mon- Doolittle. Miss Caddy played the
the "Y" office, SUB, not later than
day afternoon of injuries received role of Lilly
4 p.m., Friday, Mr. Peak said.
in "John Loves Mary."
in a motorcycle accident Saturday. which ran for two weeks this past
A member of Triangle fraternity, summer.
he was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
The leading roles in "Pygmalion"
Douglas Estill of Frankfort.
are Henry Higgins, Eliza Doolittle.
Estill entered the University in CoL Pickering. Mr. Doolittle. Mr
the summer of 1946, after serving Eynsford-Hil- l,
and her daughter
Gov. J. Strom Thurmond. States for three years in the Army Air Clara.
According to Mr. Briggs. the play
Rights candidate for president, will Force where he held the rank of
speak to the student members of the sergeant. He was graduated from has not been produced in Lexingshow,
ton before. It is a three-sparty at a dinner at 5:30 p.m. Tues- Frankfort High School in 1943.
Estill was a member of the Ken
making it extremely difficult to pre- day In the Student Union Building.
tucky Engineer staff.
Thurmond will give another
Funeral services were held
Earn Keys
in Lexington Tuesday night.
Keys for work in Gaignol may
Harry Rouse was elected president Wednesday at Frank'ort.
t be earned by working a minimum
of the student group Tuesday. Other
f 25 hoars in each production
officers include Harold Standi, vice
secrepresident; Warren Albright,
this year. Work is open in the
Critchloe, treastary, and Carolyn
box office, costuming, Bhering.
urer. Robert Lentz will head the
properties, stage, and Hinting.


Actor Will Speak
To Lunch Club



For Fall Retreat

Casually relaxing on the SUB steps are the twelve new cheerleaders. From left to right are Topper Davis, Ben Jackson, Bill
Charles Wise, Phil, Kir gsbury, and Tom Faulkner. In the second row are Bobby Dean Yates, Ann O'Bannon, and Patty Wilkinson.
Mary Ann McQuaid, Betty Massey, and Betty Thompson are 'in front.




Commerce Group
Appoints Directors


Lads, Lassies
Urge The Wildcats To Victory

Former NSA Head
Will Speak To SGA

Ry-bu- rn

Bill Welsh,












Fall Dance Planned


lung-muscl- es




the National Student Associatior.
will speak at Student Government
Association meeting at 7 p.m. M n- day in the Student Union Building.
Johnny Crockett. SGA president,
emphasized that the meeting, like
all SGA sessions, is open to tha
student body.

try-ou- ts



one-we- ek




five-we- ek


Two Thousand See
Cheerleader Tryouts


Rehearsals Begin Monday
Rehearsals will begin Monday
night and continue for the
period before opening. The
staff and extras have not been
named by Mr. Briggs.
will go
Tickets for "Pygmalion
on sale Nov. 10. and the play wilt
run the following
begin a
Monday. It will be held over if
box office demands justify it. "John
Loves Mary," the first Guignol production to be given in the new thea
ter building, opened July 28 for one
week and was held over.
"Pygmalion" is the 155th Guignol production in its twenty-on- e
years. Other plays for this season
have not been announced.

SuKy Sponsors



or Mrs. William RosmII. asiness
manager, in their offices in the
theater any afternoon Monday
through Friday between 1:0 and


Greeks Serenade


the Guirool staff this season may
contact Wallace Briers, director.




Seniors Requested
To Sign For Degrees
All seniors who expect to com- plete their requirements for grad- uation at the close of the First or
Second Semester or the Summer
Term, are requested to make ap- plication for degrees on Friday oi
Saturday. October 15 and 16. This- applies also to Graduate Students
who expect to complete their re- quirements for graduate degrees.
All applications should be filed in
Room 16 of the Administration
As the commencement list are
made from these cards, it is very
important to file an application
at this time.
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree will be charged a sradua- tion fee of $9.00. This will cover
the rental of cap and gown, diplo
ma fee. The Kentuckian and other
expenses. Candidates
for advanced degrees will be
charged a fee of $15.00. which will
cover the above with the excep- tion of the Kentuckian and in ad- dition the cost of the hood to be
presented the candidate. Gradu- a tion fees are payable not later
than the fourth day preceding the

� DCOl





Poae Two



Helen Deiss

Bntrmi ai th Post ofTir, .t Lriinxton.
Kentucky, t
oni ciasi matter under
me rtci oi xaarcn j, isiy.



rlgnet mrticlet mnt eoriimai ere to t
camttitrei the opinion, at the wntm Harry Green
themnivrt. mi do not necemriii reflect Sue Warren
int opinio e Tne Kernel.
Tom Disk in

Managing Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor

National Editorial Association
MeKMNTM eoat national aovafcTiawHl


National Advertising Service, Inc.
CtUf FmUuken MtmMmtivt
Ni tons. N. Y.
420 Madison Ave.
tirm - ectoa - tot imilii sa raaactaet



11 50 On



Eli tor of the Kernel:
While dashing off to class through
the eight a.m. haze, a most startling thought occurred to me. Not
only was the thought startling,
but I was startled to have the
thought at that unspeakable hour.
Could it be that the students and
faculty on this campus think that
the pathetic little "Please" printed
so hopefully on a sign on the lawn
of Norwood Hall over by the sidewalk going down by the law library
is an abbreviation for "Please keep
toff the grass"???
"No," I told myself, "people just
can't .be that stupid."
And yet as I opened my sleepy
eyes a little wider,, there was the
evidence: ' men, women going or
coming to and from McVey, with a
behind - the - Engineering-buildin- g
route, would walk at least 225 or
250 feet out of their way to walk

Feature and

Assistant Editor

Joan Cook and Monte R. Tussey

Associate Managing Editors
Hollingsworth and Dudley
Kentucky Tntereolleitlate Prus Association Saunders .. Associate Sports Editor
Allen Terhune .... Business Manager
Lexlnton Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
Frank Cassidy
















Donald K. Clark, Charles Breckel,
and Joan Cook
Irene Haynie Circulation Manager
Rusty Russell
Rubye Graham
Society Editor
Herbert A. Moore

Med School Again
W'lien the current controversy was dragged up over entrance
of VK
giadtiatrs inlo I he University of Louisville
medical school, some students were asking why our Vniveisity
had little to say alxmt the situation.




Why should they have any statements to make? Neither they
nor I'L officials are provoking any quarrel.
The whole discussion, aiising from the discovery that five
l"K graduates are enrolled in the med school, seems
to lie a I ( hash of this summer's brief furor.
Any new entrance lequiiemcnK for the University of Louisville will have to come fiom the University of Louisville. It's their
It is to lie hoped, however, that the system will be worked out
to the Ust advantage of UK. UL, anil Kentuikians who may need
medical attention any time in the future.

Those Freshman Caps

Betting On Anybody?
Many students who are registered voters will lose their ballot this fall because they didn't take steps necessary for absentee

This sinister message, postmarked Boston, Mass., infiltrated
into our mottling mail the other day: "Communist students and
faculty will renon for Sov iet retaliation anv criticism, in classroom
or publication, ol Soviet science, labor control, or intellectual


j With our

Sorter belt

Freshman caps are an old institution lierealioiits, and are
reminiscent of the era when the freshman and sophomore men
over Clifton Pond, resulting in a dunkhad an annual
ing for the losing class.
1 hose days are long gone, but the bright blue caps, revived
after the war, are still a pleasant sight around the campus.
This is no plug for the Rook Store, which obviously doesn't
need it. It's just a word in praise of the many freshmen who have
their caps, and a reminder to those who haven't gotten around to
getting theirs.
men are jiermitted to wear freshman caps. They
wt'ar them to show that they