xt7gb56d2s0d_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2s0d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2s0d/data/2012ua007.dao.xml Prather, Otis 0.01 Cubic feet 1 item archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Otis Prather University of Kentucky 
                Varsity Handbook student diary College students--Kentucky--Lexington College students--Social life and customs Otis Prather University of Kentucky                          Varsity Handbook student diary text Otis Prather University of Kentucky                          Varsity Handbook student diary 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2s0d/data/1/71436/71436.pdf 1924-1925 1925 1924-1925 section false xt7gb56d2s0d_1 xt7gb56d2s0d f V V
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  F RATERN   ....................T  
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  SCHOOL ARE YOU ?       L   Y
  NOTIFY   we  
f CHA . 2.4 1.zv,.../(/ .....  

 L" . •
 F Umversnty of Kentucky
I nANnn00x I
V   {I 
E }
‘   CUMPLIMENTS 0F Y. M. C. A. .
i. I .
  Y. W. C. A. 2T 
I ...  
V . Liditor-in-Chief
  -• .\s:
1 A   L
` ;  

 2 |{i·:x*i*n<·iimm<
` l)EI)I(?.»\'l‘ION
1924 11118
‘ i
(`l,,\SS TEX
i 'l`u lhc l'vl`L‘Flllll2ll] Class .Iil2·l-28 this lirml;  
`, ie: rlvnliettletl with the hupo that you will
I read it e:u·efully; preserve it during the 1
E ezumimx yezirs, mul elierish its innnirwy l'ni··
L ever. [
i lt is our request thui. you, at un curly
Y period in the eollegc life you are just uu- i
; ieriug, get at glimpse qf real w<11`tliwl1il<* I
; university eiuleetvor mul strive tu zi<·c;umpli>;h I
· :1. genuine ztim in life. If y0u do tlizil, then
J 5uu will lmve rlum: something nuhle ;1i1·l
, eurieliing uml when you pass {ruin old "l{»·u»
5 tu¢·ky" you will be un .\lumnu:< ui` whivli she
‘ \vi1l ba proud. `
` \\`¤· greet you uml wish you lmii \‘ny:1y,:r·. _
2 I

 l{i;xri~c1 ward realization of its calling. Q
  This happy condition owes itself as much
__ ‘ te the admirable spirit of thc student body —
as it does to the acknowledged excellent. ,
[ leadership and vision of its faculty and it is ·
_ confidentially believed that with contlnu· .»
ation of`tliese happy conditions it will grad- E
\. ually continue to go forward in the sublime i
l`_ _ cause in the behalf of which its energies V
M_ are enlisted. Q
ll . I Tt is gratifying to' reflect that the ses· E
n i sion next preceding this one was an occa- Y.
ll sion of outstanding achievement on the part f
.. { of the student body, the administration and L
ll- the teaching force of the university. But lj
· only a continuation of such loyal and sin- '  
1.;le—heartcd effort can continue to produce tf
these happy results. To that end. there- tc
fore, this little publication is launched with k
the confident hope that it may prove a *;
guide and an inspiration to young men and
' women who are coming into our midst for ’
the first time to remain for four years.
I U ln behalf, tlierefore, of our common Alma `
Mater we greet you, we proffer help, we I
hope you will permit us in some way at ·
( least to serve you that both you and we ·  
may be able thereby to serve the state and ~
humanity. _

 A , ` l
' J
" ` .
- J
e ! ’ENTUCKY Hnumooxc
1 T 4 V
F   l V
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I V ig / ¥€’ _ ;  ff“~:§a;;_V I ‘ -· ,
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L ;·

 ` 1(l£NTUlIK\' llAN1mool< 5
l nm sure zi student rissnclziting Q
himself with the \'. M. t`. A. and ]
Y. \V. C. A. during 1·0Sldem·v at thv ?
lllll\`t`*l`Sl[y will bu thc richer in spir· Y
itnul life. Spiritual force is 41 grant J
agency for accomplishing things. lt {
is worth having and worth cnlilviit- ;
V ing. Conscquvntly. thc n¤>wco1nor .
{ t·:in‘t afford lo pass by the Y. M. C. A. 2
limi Y. W. C. A. §
In :1ddiii0n those organizations ;
bring fellowship, new vision und ain L
opportunity for sorvlcc. livory mztn _=
Q und woman should join when com- ;
i ing to the university. Tho student j
Q who docs will bc huppicr. Happiness .
§ nmkvs for boils-r wnrl: und zi l»i;:p;x:i· ·
I ( ;ippi·eciut,i0n of llfc. `
V l
i l·RESlI`»lQN'l‘ FRANK I, Mt·\‘l·l\'. L
i l
l i
: F
c N I

 fl ]{l£X'l`UCKY lhlunuooic
· ll.\(`K T0 OLD Kl€N'l‘ll(‘K\' I
By James 'l‘nudy Ellis
T want ln get buck.
And 1’m yez1rnin' today
For the sweet scenes of nhl,
And the folks far mvny. ~
~ T want to get brick {
. YVhe1·e the hlue grass grows. _
` `Where the breeze \\'lliS]N~I`S musli-
i And love us it hlmvs:
' * I want tn get back
\\'he1·e the sunlight steals V
Q (Yer the golden tohzicon
i And broad hemp 1'ieI•ls·—· `
, lkml; in old Kentucky. .
I l xvnnt I0 get back
, \\'here the women all ure ‘
1 The sxveetest uml fuirest I
1 . Of earth by fair,
V I xvunt to get. hm-l<
5 Just to lim-nr the rin;
’ Of their voioes :1g:1in——
7 l'earan:·e here is not intentletl to convey that  
  itlen, and is not as fainous as "ln Ken-  
  lllt'l()',n written by Judge James H. )lnlli— 2
E ( gan, who lived in the old "Maxwell 1‘lace," Q
l 1.r.w owned hy the university for the pres— Q
[ i

 S Krsxrucxcy IIANDBOOK g
` CALENDAR FOR 192-I-l925   I
Summer School  
· 1924   _
e June 16·Aug. 15.  
  1924 Entrmwo Exmnixuntiuus  
Sept. 11, 12, 13, ’l‘l1u1·s., Fr]., Sul, {
  First Sennéslvr {
f Sept. 15. 16, Mon., 'I‘ues.~—Ri·gisIr:ilion in  
· all departments. E
g Sept. 17, Wed.—Instructi0n begins. l
i Nov. 27, Thurs.—Thanl:1»111<-ti111‘·
1 ziven :1 el1z1.11ee to take another ox:1111i11:1ii1»1 3
‘ within one month zifter the opening of tin
1 next semester.
Z A sturlent is reqiiired to h:1ve 120 cre1li1: {
, to grmluute from any eollc~;.;1—. A 1·re1ii1
Q ropreseiits 0110 hour of recitztiioii or i.11·1» `
= hours of I¥Lbl1l`flt(lI`)' work :1. week, 1:<111ii11111·1i
T for one semester. Most of the eo111·s1·s ull {
; fwreci are for three hours ot` rc:·i1:1iio11 .1 1
J week, thus giving II11`00 credits il s11111<—s11—1·. `
2 V. thi- i
. 1'
i ;
» I BICl,IICVl·l I {
' 1
` I lwlievo in -l{CIllll<‘l()', of 11l1i1·l1 I :1111 :1 I
1 pnrl, and in the wor]: Il1:1i I :1111 t:1l1i111J.  
< :111rl i11 my ;1I1llity to get results. ’ [
¤ I believe in workiiig, not \\'l'(‘])lllg§ in
‘ hr1r1:=ti11g, not kllOL‘kIHg', :11111 i11 the 11le:1s111‘1· Y'
I of my work. .1
I believe 111 tO(IZl}’ :1111l the xrnrk I :1111 rl1·  
- ing; in tomorrow :1.1111 the w1>rl< I hope i1> ’
d0. :11111 in the sure l`l"l\'€1l'(I il1c· f11i111·e holds. [
' I believe there is so111eil1i11;.r lining, some `
11·l1e1·r·. for every 111:111 re:11ly in (I0 It.  

 irb fle\rt1lityu and gcalthftilness, ·
; ·: : it en y, eu ure an agrnzu ure, ·
7 race horses and true Americans. is its home. I
lll 'i*' ? Tn the year 1860 the Agricultural & Me-  
one i*· ’ vlninical or Kentucky lfnivcrsity, as it was 1
ll¤l*lF- [ walled then, opened its first session with [
some ‘ President John Augustus \Villia.ms. four {
‘ Drofessors and a commnndant. Professors  
{ :idher¤·d slrietly to high standards of schol- ,

 12 1{HNTUCKY lrlannnonx
t ornin; board was a Board of t`urat0rs. EY-
arship from thee early days. lts first g0\`~ '
ery student was required to be morally [it
insidc and outside of the univr-rsity and was
compelled in attend Sunrlay school and
tyhurcli regularly,
Thu present University of l{<~ntuuky's first
‘ name was Agricultural & Mechanical Col- ,
; lege. In 1878 the name was changed to -
State Vollcgo by which nanin it. was known
; until 1908. when it was changed to "State
` Univ<·rsity." ln 1910 the name "Univcrsity L
of Kentu<;lu1 ISTS to 1RSl saw a hulldlnx
lmmn on the- vaimiiis of tht- pwsteiit univrirr  
j sity, 'l‘lio .\·ln1inistra,tion huihlin:. \\’hit one church where you think you will fool U
li :xL homo und identify yourself with its life  
  while you ure in Lexington. You will look `Q
_ _ book on that cxporienco as one of the most _
{ll liolnfnl fouturos of your university career. l
'li' V A. \V. FORTUNE, Ph. D.,  
DM · l’;istor of Control Christian Church.
____ l
ph- . i Y __ _ Q
W,. . \.\Rl()l~¤ BALUTATIONS E
\\'ll } "How do you do‘!"—l§nglish. and Amor-  
lll- a ioain. "How do you onrry oursel[?"—Fronch. ·
QW · "How do you sl:ind?"—ltnliu.n. "How do L
` you find yourself?"—t,lorn1un. "How do you
_ i`(Ll'O?H·—-Dll[L'll. "How con you?"-——Swe¢lish. ‘¤
  . ` ‘·How cio you perspire?"—Egypti:1n.. "How  
is { io your stoinnoh? Hztvc you onion your }
mm   ri<·e?::-—l`lii·nose. "How do you have your-  
will i seli‘?·—-Polisli. "I1ow do you live 0n?"-—  
M. ¥( ltussmii. 'Mzzy thy sliunloyy novor be less."  
I_B_ —i‘o1·s1o1i. .·\ll nionn practically tho some. {
ror- :
·ie¤l ,,, _ , I
·od>= A )I;\h b (/REP.!) Y
( I would he truo for there ure thoso who `
Y V trust nro. I would bo puro for thorn- nr<~ ~
* 0 ` those: who cure. I would ho strong for `
|u<‘0 xhoro is much io suffer. l would bn hruve l
wh- for ihoro is muoh to duro. I would bo f`ri<·nd l
Ulf?   ii. nll——lho foc-——tho fricmlluss. I would ho I
¤:iy»; ,,;i\‘iug, und i`or;:,*ot tho gift. l would be {
hunihlo, for [ know my wenknoss: I would '
look Ll]J*~Zlllll luugl1—uml low-—:inil lift l

» 16 Kexrucicy Hzmnnooxc
Ashland Baptist——Ashland avenue. l·Li·x‘.
Clarence Wallcer.
‘First Baptist-—Vi/est Main and \\'. Short
` streets. George Ragland, 1*11. D.
; °Calvary Baptist-—High street and limlvs
avenue. Rev. T. C. Ecton.
; °Immanuel Baptist—High and \‘\’oo` Do not attempt to conceal the fact that li
- you are a, Freshman. The seasoned col- Y
'orth ; lege man can identify a.Freshman one hun- `
g dreml yards off; unless the latter should try 1
root. ; to disguise the fact that he is TL Freshman, `
i in whivh eatsu ho can be recognized at half '*
Ulu}, . 1; inile. Q
' Y
) . I Ask questions. Bc natural. Do not ho A
JDM . loo vhatty with upper-t·lassmen. Having fi
l been provirloil with t'wo oars, two eyes and I
l"E“"i‘ gi only one mouth. the rgtio should he oI»» l
_ · soryc-il lo thi- point of hearing and seeing  
"'("[‘ twice as much as one t:LTks. This is an ini- E
I iuzdent ri~mark. It is also true.  
i llvll ii
1 ul
" srmxu A
N·\'· Spring is :1. young gml 5
( In green sandals i
atreet. Tapping at the window {
. Of zi. hermit`s eottage. i
unda) —\'lRGIL LEON STURGILL, 'ZS. {

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 · 2** Kr;>·‘1‘¤u·r<\· lllxxnrmrut A
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216 South Limestone

 I{I2N'l`UI`I{\' lI.xx1>n001; 21
* I
A KI D D ’ S I
) Il·`u1·mc·1·ly IIllI\'(*I'SII}' (\()1'1[(?(TIIOI1€l`}') I
"The Same Old Hangout; Ask Any I
  Old` Student"
( .
_   OR DRINK  
.1 I 1_
  Webb and Capt. Still Here A
I coma IN  
I 214 S. Lime Just ABOVE High  

 ` 22 l{l€N'l`\Tl`l{\' Ilrxxmmoaa
Sl`)l\l.\R\' ()l·` S'l‘l`I>I·ZN'I'S '
.\rt~e uml S•·i•·u<·<·s _
-—-l·`rl~slmu·n »—
'lhwys ........4.,.....,.,...,,...... I l'~
· Girls ...,,...,......,..,......,.... wz:
; — Sl»‘»lmx1l·»:···s ·
; Buys .............,...,.........,.. 1l·l
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