xt7gb56d2r94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2r94/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1965 yearbooks ukyrbk1965 English Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection 1965 Kentuckian Centennial Year text 1965 Kentuckian Centennial Year 1965 1965 2012 true xt7gb56d2r94 section xt7gb56d2r94   University Archives Margaret I. King Library - Nor* University or Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506
centennial year  1965 KENTUCKIAN
Centennial Year
University of Kentucky Lexington Vol. 67 Foreword
A University is a place, it is a spirit. It is men of learning; it is a collection of books; it is laboratories where work in science goes forward; it is the source of teaching of the beauties of literature and the arts; it is the center where ambitious youth gathers to learn; it protects the traditions, honors the new and tests its values; it believes in truth, protects against error and leads men by reason rather than by force.
Dr. Frank L. McVey President, University of Kentucky 1917-1940
2 1865-1965 Index ............................................................ 384
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Teaching ...
a traditional university role
Teaching is believed to be one of the oldest arts known to man. When we first think of teaching we automatically picture a professor lecturing to a class or the many hours spent working in lab. However, the student must make a contribution if he is to benefit from the teaching process. He cannot merely sit in a classroom staring at the blackboardhe must respond to the information presented. He must investigate to see why a law is so stated or question the accuracy of a fact in history. By exploring all these possibilities, the student builds upon the foundation that the instructor has provided. Through participating in class, experimenting and practicing, the student learns to perfect his field of study.
Knowledge is available, but the student must seek it. A student spends only a fraction of his college life in the classroomwhat he does with his time outside of the classroom probably will develop the full meaning of learning. Additional reading in the library, quiet study in his room and independent research often means the difference between success and failure.
Indian summer moved the classroom outdoors.
Classrooms in the new commerce building are a contrast to those in White Hall.
 First hand experience in livestock slaughter is required in the Meats Laboratory. Registration may seem like an endless ordeal to students; yet the learning process runs smoothly because o
Common concern for knowledge brings two students together in the library.
Preservation ...
a basic supporting function
Even though the means of preserving knowledge have drastically changed since the time of hand-written scrolls, serious students today, as in past years, still make use of available materials. Without UK's libraries with their collections of books, papers, microfilm, and other recorded information, the University could not perform its teaching and research functions. After discovering this information the student must then absorb it for his future benefit. In many cases, as illustrated at examination time, he must rely on this store of knowledge.
A college not only stores its knowledge in library volumes but also in the minds of its graduates. The long hours of study and preparation is the living link in preserving the wisdom of man. It is through the work of man that the achievements of our civilization are passed on to future generations.
  ROTC men realize a feeling of patriotism while the flag is raised.
Developing ...
a transition to adult maturity
Students are individualsthey are enrolled in different colleges, represent different sections of the world, belong to different groups; but all are here for one common purposepersonal development.
College and college life offers a wide spectrum of opportunities for personal development. In the student's four year period he matures mentally, socially, and physically from youthful exuberance to mature adulthood. During this time he sets forth goals and ideals that will be followed throughout his life. The University is a mold for studentsin which his future will be cast.
Expanding in only one of these capacities is developing a portion of one's ability. While at the University a student gets a fresh outlook on people and life because he is constantly confronted with new situations and environments.
Maturing not only includes parties, dates, and occasional sessions in the Grille, but it is the association with people. The campus offers opportunities for participation in various organizations and activities which are based on the principle of cooperation. As the student assembles with others and develops an interest in his fellow students and their ideas, he thus matures.
Students in the quadrangle get acquainted at an informal afternoon jam session.
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  Expression ...
a reflection of association
The roar of the crowd, a football game, a painting in the art gallery, a Student Congress campaign poster, and a foreign student performing at the Cosmopolitan Club's annual show, all exemplify one ideaexpression.
A student expresses himself by his appearance, his choice of environment, and his associations. He sees expressions displayed as he greets his friends on campus. A sad look probably denotes a bad test grade or the Monday blues. A happy smile suggests that it is Friday or an "A" on an examination. The student's outward appearance reflects his inward feelings.
The student seen in the Grille talking with friends, chatting with someone in McVey Hall, or taking a cigarette break with a study-date in front of the library, reveals his need for companionship. The University is the setting in which the student expresses his needs and desires. It provides a place for the student to express himselfit does not give the student an expression.
A way of life, an atmosphere, is revealed during sorority rush.
Determination is demonstrated avidly by the Thetas at the first pep rally.
  Alter completing practice teaching, student teachers will help alleviate the demand for well-trained teachers.
Serving . ..
the needs of a commonwealth
The University of Kentucky provides many services to the state. It furnishes an opportunity for higher education for more than 10,000 students yearly and supplies the state with teachers, business leaders, lawyers, engineers, and other professional persons.
It cannot accomplish all this in the classroom but must extend research into areas for economic and social improvements. The University Medical Center provides the most recent techniques for medical personnel and institutions, and the Agriculture Experiment Station aids agricultural production in Kentucky in reaching the one billion dollar industry as outlined by Governor Breathitt.
Conferences, conventions and meetings are held throughout the year on the campus. These gatherings connect the University with the people of the state and the Kentuckians with their University. UK provides not only educational facilities for its followers but also a common bond to the state. The University is concerned with life surrounding it and an enthusiasm for service to the people whom it represents.
Coldstream Farm enables Kentucky agriculture to exhibit the latest in experimental development.  Research
looking toward the future
Research is not all test tubes, white mice, and people in white coats. It may be the history major in the archives trying to establish the motive of a famous political figure; or an engineer with a maze of numbers, wires, and tubes assembling an electronic computer. It may be the agriculture major in dirty blue-jeans calculating the correct ration for a beef animal. Research is conducted in many different places and many different ways to improve our way of life.
The Chemistry-Physics Building, Computer Center, Margaret I. King Library, experimental farms, and other laboratories offer a vast layout of facilities for the graduate student. These facilities in addition to state and national research grants provide our state with solutions to various problems of our society.
If we were satisfied with a complacency in everyday life, then we would have no need for the University or its research. But, we are constantly aksing for new and better drugs, more efficient machines, scientific products, and art to represent our era. These are the results of research.
Geologists measure and record in their field study to facilitate the discoveries of their research.
For the researcher, electronic tape recording machines are an invaluable source of data. 15   President Henry S. Barker taking a stroll across campus in 1911.
Dr. Herman L. Donovan signs a diploma, one of the many issued during his fifteen years of office.
Stalwart Educators Built the University
The following is a brief historical outline of the development of the University of Kentucky. The Historical sketch is in chronological order with pictures grouped according to subject matter.
In comparison with most of the state universities east of the Mississippi River, the University of Kentucky is a young institution. The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky was chartered on February 22. 1865, as a part of Kentucky University, which then absorbed Transylvania The college opened its doors in October. 1866. The Agricultural and Mechanical College was, at that time, beginning its illustrious history. It was founded as a result ol an act of Congress, the Morrill Land Grant Act. which, through the sale of a donation of land amounting to 330,000 acres in Kentucky, would provide sufficient capital to being a state institution which would teach such "branches ol learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts."
The older Kentucky University was the continuation of Bacon College, a denominational school which was begun in Georgetown in 1S36. This school was moved to Harrodsburg in 1839, and abandoned for financial reason in 1850. Through the earnest efforts of John B. Bowman, it was revived in 1859 under the name of Kentucky University. The College building was destroyed by fire in 1864 which forced Kentucky University to begin looking for a new location. By the time the university admitted its first students, Bowman had raised funds to purchase Ashland, Henry Clay's old home, as well as Woodlands, an adjoining estate, as a campus and experimental farm. Finally, in 1878, the governing board of the University removed Bowman from his position of regent by the simple expedient of abolishing the office.
  Even though the stress on physical fitness didn't come until 1960. this 1908 sophomore gym class opened with group exercises.
Class Facilities Have Served Special Interest
Two hundred and twenty men students comprised the enrollment of the college in its second year, and in the third year, the first term of the presidency of Patterson, there was an enrollment of 285 students. W. B. Munson, graduating this year, was the first student to receive a B.S. degree from the Agricultural and Mechanical Department.
A look into the minutes of the faculty in the opening year of President Patterson's administration will partially serve to show the close supervision placed upon the students at that time. From the minutes of October 8, 1869: "A number of students absent at 9 p.m. roll call last night were put on limits of 20 days." From October 20, 1869: "resolved that students rooming at the Woodlands be prohibited from visiting each other's rooms after 6 p.m. during study hours at night."
Kentucky University flourished with a growing enrollment for several years, and it appeared that the institution was going to overshadow every rival in the Mississippi valley. Yet during this time, factional strife had arisen among the curators, dissatisfaction being born from the facts that Kentucky University was influenced by denominational control. The University was financially embarrassed in 1873 when some of the stocks, upon which the institution depended, for its continuance, were failing to pay dividends.
Kentucky University was completely reorganized and the state Legislature of March 13, 1878 separated the Agricultural and Mechanical College from the institution. A commission was appointed in 1879 to re-locate the A. and M. College and devise a plan for a "first-class university." Thus the culmination of the separation of the schools which were subsequently to be known as Transylvania College and the University of Kentucky were enacted.
Three models of the human form surround a 1902 anatomy lecture class. Agriculture students surround their mascot at harvest time in 1904.
The suspect is caught and another phase of the Law School's moot crime and trial is complete. This activity was popular in the 1950's.
A scene from Mechanical Hall's senior drawing room 1904.
21  Faculty Have Grown In Knowledge, Number
The same year, the State Legislature, which had become concerned about the welfare of its division of the University, separated the A. and M. College from the larger institution. John A. Williams, the first presiding officer of the college, had resigned in 1868 to return to the direction of his own school in Harrodsburg. Prof. Joseph D. Pickett, of the School of English Language and Literature, succeeded him on an acting basis, he resigned a year later. The difficult and burdensome position was then given to James K. Patterson who remained at the helm for forty years. Patterson's administration brought the University from infancy to adolescence, secured financial support, and protected it when disaster threatened.
During the first year of the actual operation of the A. and M. College, 190 men students, under the guidance of the twelve faculty members, began working a curriculum of the College of Arts, stressing civil engineering, modern languages, and military tactics. The students were required to work two hours daily on the ornamental grounds, the farm and in the shops of the institutions.
President Frank McVey, in center, with faculty and friends in the spring of 1918.
The 1911 UK faculty on the steps of the Administration Building.
Dr. H. H. Downing supervises a Kentucky lad's first look through a telescope in 1936 at UK.
23 The University orchestra of 1904 was much different in appearance than the 1965 orchestra. Coeds were trained to operate telegraphs for World War I service.
Part of early student training was working in the campus shops.
A Century of Students Took Varied Classes
The City of Lexington granted to the Agricultural and Mechanical College the site of the City Park of 52 acres valued at $250,000 which had formerly been the fair grounds and a Civil War camping ground. The city also granted $30,000 in bonds and Fayette County supplemented $20,000 in bonds to be used for building purposes. The land extended south on Limestone and east on Euclid Streets. The formation of the ground and water from Maxwell Spring afforded the construction of an artificial lake, with a boating course a quarter of a mile long. At the same time, plans were made for the construction of a new college building, containing a chapel, society rooms, lecture and recitation rooms, sufficient for the accommodation of 500 students. This structure, now known as the Administration building, was completed in October, 1880. About the same time, a brick residence for the president and a brick dormitory with accommodations for 90 students were erected on the new property.
An act of Congress in 1887 gave impetus to the organization of an agricultural experiment station ... A yearly appropriation of $15,000 was given to each state for the purpose of establishing an Agriculture Experiment Station in connection with the A. and M. colleges. In 1888 with Prof. M. A. Scovell at its head, an experimental farm of 48.5 acres was purchased and equipped with suitable buiidings. A $20,000 structure located on the campus was completed in August, 1889, to serve partly as the experimental station.
Students received practical experience by reading a dramatic script over University Station WBKY.
25 Training camps at UK sometimes became bogged down in the rush of training for World War I.
Governor A. O. Stanley delivers the farewell to UK men before breaking camp during World War I.
Training in advanced field communications was stressed at UK as students went to war for the second time in 1941.
Members of the campus Signal Corps show both casualness and concern in this 1906 view.
 Two Major World Wars Brought Campus Training
A practical mechanics course was first offered in 1889 but no regurar mechanical department was organized until two years later. The mechanical building was completed in January, 1892, the "new Dormitory" now White Hall, was completed in 1890. The A. and M. College, which contained a Normal school, a classical course, and an Academy in addition to instruction in the mechanical arts and modern languages, was growing rapidly and expanding widely its scope.
The decade previous to the turn of the century had found the College in a period of extensive growth. In 1880, the College employed six professors and, in 1898, sixteen professors and eight assistants. Picture the main building, the dormitory, and the experiment station in a semi-circle and Maxwell Creek flowing east to west below the administration building of the Kentucky State College. Boys delighted in bathing in the creek during the summer months, while skaters found it a strategic point when it was covered with ice in the winter.
Organized athletics did not find its beginning on the campus until the fall of '92 although previous to this time, occasional games of baseball had been played between teams of the various colleges in the state. No games of college football had been played in the state previous to the fall of 1891. Centre College boasted a football team and, toward the end of the season, sent a challenge to the A. and M. College which was accepted. The students at A. and M. had no idea how the game was played. The A. and M. team had no suits and had to be given preliminary instructions on the field before the game was started. The game ended 10 to 0 in favor of Centre, yet all the scoring was done during the first half before the State team had "caught on."
Major Byers and Pres. McVey review troops in 1915.
It's all aboard and farewell to wives and sweethearts as UK students leave Lexington in 1915. Campus Events Evolve With Student Interests
The minutes of the faculty of May 7, 1902, give an insight to the social activities of the campus during the Patterson administration: "President Patterson called the attention of the Faculty to the fact that he had received intimations that the frequent 'Cadet Hops' were resulting in the deterioration of the quality of class work by the participants, and asked for the opinions of the faculty upon the subject. Professor Kastle thought that as the rule, the privileges of the Cadet Hops should be restricted to the upper class students and that the general student body should only engage in them at long intervals, such as once a year." The report of November 16, 1903 stated: "a girl was requested to withdraw when reported seen on two occasions waltzing with a young man in the college gym." In 1908 the name of the institution changed from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky to the State University. In the same year the College of Law was established with W. T. Lafferty as dean.
The sophomores dragged the freshmen through Euclid Pond in the annual class tug-of-war in 1913.
William Jennings Bryan and President Barker ride in the back seat of a 1911 convertible after a speech Bryan delivered on campus. The formal convocation and opening of the University for the school year 1921-22.
 Once Essential Sites Have Been Replaced
With the college now a university, Patterson on January 15, 1910 resigned his position to become President Emeritus of the University. Patterson's successor was chosen from one the board of trustees, Henry Stites Barker, chief justice of the Kentucky Court of Appeals. Barker brought to the University a relaxed atmosphere unknown under Patterson. The enrollment and financial support grew, a graduate school was established, and the agriculture department was expanded. The name of the institution was again changed, this time to the University of Kentucky (in 1916). In 1917, the trustees accepted a recommendation by a survey commission that Barker be retired, and he resigned immediately.
Frank L. McVey's position was made somewhat difficult by the strain of World War I, in progress when he came to UK in 1917. There was a threatened passage of an anti-evolution law, which could have impaired freedom to teach, and the war had brought on the great depression. Although McVey was faced by these problems, the University saw great progress. The value of the property of the campus increased from $1,750,000 in 1917 to $4,000,000 in 1931. Three boys' dorms and one women's dormitory were erected during his administration, and McVey Hall was opened in February, 1929, made possible by the economic ability of the president through the saving of University funds.
"Mr. Basketball", Adolph Rupp, lays the cornerstone for Memorial Coliseum in February, 1949. Next to him is President H. L. Donovan.
At the century's turn a boating date is enjoyed by a UK couple on the site of the present Student Center.
30  Campus Complexion Has Flexed With Innovations
The Greater Kentucky campaign was launched through the efforts of McVey and conducted by alumni, which made possible the construction of the concrete stadium, the Main gym and Memorial Hall, the auditorium which was completed in May, 1930. The three engineering colleges were combined into one, the College of Education was expanded, and the College of Commerce opened. Several agricultural buildings were added, the engineering quadrangle completed, a new Law College building was placed in operation, the Student Union building opened, and improvements rapidly progressed toward a greater University. President McVey brought the University through the depression but most of all he gave to the institution a respect for scholarship and a better understanding of what a university should provide for its students.
Leadership of the University changed hands when President McVey retired in 1940. Acting as president the following year was Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the College of Agriculture. In July of '41, Dr. Herman Lee Donovan was appointed fourth president of the University, an administration that lasted for fifteen years. During his administration the University promoted higher education in Kentucky. Just as his administration began, World War II broke out, bringing chaos to the University campus life.
In 1913 a Kentucky co-ed paused at a bench that still remains near Frazee Hall.
An early 1954 aerial view of the campus shows substantial lawns now devoted to classroom buildings.
  regardless of the year.
Dormitory Life Changes Little Through Years
As the United States returned to normal life after the war, the tide of veterans enrolling under the "GI Bill" taxed the teaching resources of the University to the limit.
During this period of leadership changes, UK sports were leading the Southeastern Conferences. The Wildcats captured six conference championships. Three of these successful seasons came in war years when it was uncertain whether there would even be a team. In football, the outstanding achievement came when Clyde Johnson, Ashland, became the first UK Wildcat in 51 years of the gridiron sport here to be named All-American. Other memorable sports events during these years were the basketball Sugar Bowl victory over Pittsburgh, in 1939, the golf team undefeated in '41, and boxing entertained SEC fans for the last time in 1940.
The late thirties and early forties found campus activities multiplying. The first issue of Sour Mesh, a campus humor magazine supervised by Sigma Delta Chi, the journalism honorary, appeared. In 1937, the national history honorary, Phi Alpha Theta, was established at UK. Some memorable changes were made in '38 when the "Grill" was founded and the cafeteria was moved from McVey Hall to the SUB. That year the Student Union Board also began operation. Establishment of student government was the big event of 1939.
Hemlines may rise and fall, but the spirit of group activity never alters. White Hall, soon to be torn down, is known to most '65 students as the "old Commerce Building," but it has served in the past in no less a capacity than residence hall.
Whether they are going home or to visit a friend, students have always looked forward to those weekend trips.
 Seasons Have Regulated
Student Activity
Hamilton House was added to the University's residence units and land for the Coliseum was donated in 1942.
In 1945 the University of Kentucky, for the first time, went big time in both basketball and football. The Canterbury Club for Episcopalians at UK was organized, and advanced ROTC training for senior men was initiated. Cooperstown, a housing unit for veterans, elected a city council and a mayor, and the construction of Shawneetown, a barrack like housing unit, was begun in 1946. Plans were being made for a Journalism and Fine Arts Buildings in 1947. That same year UK changed to the semester system, and the restriction of the number of out of state students was abolished. Colonel, a live wildcat, was adopted as the official UK mascot in 1947.
The growth of the University in the Donovan era is noted by the establishment of the Northern Center in 1949. During this time Bowman Hall was being constructed as part of a future quadrangle. Mechanical Hall was being renamed for Dean F. Paul Anderson, and the University Library was renamed to honor Margaret I. King, chief librarian. The year of 1948, was the big year for University of Kentucky basketball, the team held SEC, NCAA, and Olympic Cage Championships. Dr. Donovan decided in 1949 that graduate school would be opened to qualified negroes.
In 1952as in every yearthe varsity Lexington orphans at a Christmas party.
were hosts to
Each college in the University had a float like this one for the big June parades in the early 1900's. MART DRUGS d
Probably the all-time campus extravaganza in the century was the annual May Day celebration The tradition lasted over 70 years before it was discontinued in the 1950's.
The Hanging of the Greens has evolved into the tradition that ushers in the campus Christmas season.
A late afternon shaft of sunlight falls onto the May Pole dance of 1907.
The campus photographer surrounded the Class of 1910 Mascot with books before taking his picture for the Kentuckian.
 Part of the June parade in 1917 was a co-ed float featuring Dutch costumes and windmill.
Weekends Are Key to Student Life
In 1951, it was decided that the section of Euclid Avenue, between Lime and Rose Streets would be known as the Avenue of Champions in honor of the UK basketball and football teams. The new Journalism Building was dedicated in this year also, by which the Kernel and the Kentuckian found a permanent home.
The administration announced in 1952 that all sororities and fraternities must maintain a 1.3 average or lose social privileges. Physical education courses were given credit for the first time. The card section which cheered during UK football games was abandoned in 1954. 1955 was another year for buildings. Donovan Hall, a men's dormitory, was completed, Keeneland Hall was dedicated, and the building of a sorority row and Holmes Hall was authorized.
In the spring of 1956 University President H. L. Donovan announced that he would retire and Dr. Frank L. Dickey became the new president. Student enrollment was then at an all time high of 7,000 students. Election year found President Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigning for the Presidency on the UK campus. Plans were made that year for the first Little Kentucky Derby. The Board of Trustees approved the purchase of Colstream Farm and Dr. Doris Seward became Dean of Women in 1957.
In the spring of 1958 the Wildcats, under Coach Adolph Rupp won the NCAA basketball championship for the fourth time. The fall of 1958 saw the Kentucky "Kernel" change to a daily newspaper. Research facilities were further expanded with the purchase of Spindletop Farm in 1959.
The Alpha Delta Pi sisters were part of the winning float in the Push Cart Derby weekend of 1954.
Lances Carnival, an annual all-campus party until it was discontinued in 1957, featured varied costumes and a unique band in the 1952 version.
38 Maxwell Springonce a landmark on the campussupplies a resting place for two hiking co-eds.
The torch light march for victory has become one of several traditions associated with Homecoming.
Sloppy but happy action from the 1913 class tug-of-war in Clifton Pond.
The Marching 100, UK's all male band, performs before 30,000 fans in 1954.
39  Fine Arts Production Stimulated Creativity
The youngest of the University's presidents, Dr. Dickey placed the University Medical Center in operation in I960. Senator John F. Kennedy visited the campus in the fall during his campaign for the Presidency. That same year Neville Hall burned. It housed the psychology department and most of the department's records were destroyed.
1961 saw the addition of two sororities to the UK campus, Pi Beta Phi and Delta Gamma. The next year football coach Blanton Collier was replaced by former UK football player Charlie Bradshaw. Academic freedom became a major campus issue in '62 when professors were questioned for their interest in a pacifistic movement.
President Dickey announced in 1963 that he would be leaving the University to head the Southeastern Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges. The board of trustees selected Dr. John W. Oswald, vice president of the University of California to be the sixth president of the University of Kentucky. The faculty approved the new semester system, beginning approximately two weeks early with no Thanksgiving vacation, final examinations before the Christmas holidays, and the second semester ending early in May.
Memorial Hall, the landmark of the campus, is oil painted by a solitary student in 1951.
Although the May Pole Dance was the highlight of the entire spring season on campus near the turn of the century, it was discontinued after twenty five years.
One of the four National Championship teams produced at U K returns to the campus for a jubilant reception.
Saddle shoes, high leaps, and both men and women were characteristics of UK cheerleaders in the early 1950's.
The elation of the runner and the roar of the students were the same in 1909 as they are in today's track meets.
Bundled in the sporting garb of the 1880's, a tennis team exhibits one .reason why co-ed athletics were shortly curtailed.
 UK Teams, Individuals Excel for a Century
Homecoming in 1963, proved to be a mix up as the new president crowned the wrong queen. The news reached all parts of the country, in November of the same year the news of President Kennedy's assassination reached the campus. The administration planned a special Memorial service.
The folk singing phase came to the campus during the 1963-1964 school year. It was reflected in the selection of Peter, Paul and Mary, The Kingston Trio, The Brothers Four, and the Chad Mitchell Trio to provide entertainment for students. Senior hours for women were put into effect in 1964, and the Dean of Women's Office announced that any woman student could live off campus in approved housing. The fall was another election and students chose Johnson to be the next president.
Despite the lack of uniform uniforms the 1909 Wildcat baseball team played a full spring schedule.
i i
43 Traditions, Mascots and Big Wins Marked Sports
The University of Kentucky needed someone to carry its development into its second century and it has been instituted by Dr. Oswald. He has centered more power in the president's office, permitting the University to guide itself. Dr. Oswald's long range academic plan predicts that 50 percent of the University's underclassmen will be studying in Community Colleges in 1975. He considers that the community college system is indispensable in the challenge of tomorrow. Along with his em