xt7gb56d2r8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2r8j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2011 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2011-02-22 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2011-02-22 2011 2011 2012 true xt7gb56d2r8j section xt7gb56d2r8j Minutes of the Meeting ofthe Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
February 22, 2011.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 in the Board Room on the 18m Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A. Meeting Opened
Dr. E. Britt Brockman, chair ofthe Board, called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. He
asked Ms. Pam May, secretary ofthe Board, to call the roll.
B. Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call ofthe roll: E. Britt
Brockman (chair), Sheila Brothers, Penelope Brown, Jo Hem Curris, William S. Farish, Jr,
Oliver Keith Gannon, Carol Martin "Bill” Gatton, Pamela T. May, Everett McCorvey, Billy Joe
Miles, Teny Mobley, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Joe Peek, Erwin Roberts, Charles R. Sachatello,
Frank Shoop, Ryan Smith, James W. Stuckert, and Barbara Young. Dennontti Dawson was not
present at the meeting. Ms. May announced that a quorum was present.
The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost
Kumble Subbaswamy, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler,
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpft and General Counsel Barbara W.
The university faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council Hollie
Swanson, and the university staff was represented by Chair ofthe Staff Senate Jann Burks.
Members ofthe various news media were also in attendance.
C. Consent Items
Dr. Brockman called attention to the three consent items. They included the minutes for
the December 7, 2010 meeting of the Board, PR 2, which deals with personnel actions, and FCR
1, a gift from the estate of John W. Denton, FCR 3, a gift from E.ON U.S., FCR 3, which deals
with the creation of a Human Development Institute Fund for Excellence Quasi-Endowment,
FCR 4, gifts and pledges from Don L. Jacobs, Sr., and the Don Jacobs Charitable Foundation,
Inc., and FCR 5, a gift from the Kentucky Christian Foundation. Ms. Brothers moved for
approval and was seconded by Mr. Stuckert. The motion carried without dissent. (See consent
items listed below at the end of these Minutes.)
Minutes — December 7, 2010
PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 Gift from the Estate of John W. Denton
FCR 2 Gift from E.ON U.S.

FCR 3 Human Development Institute Fund for Excellence Quasi-Endowment
FCR 4 Gifts and Pledges from Don L. Jacobs, Sr. and Don Jacobs Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
FCR 5 Gift from the Kentucky Christian Foundation
D. Chair’s Report
Dr. Brockman spoke on behalf of himself and the Board in expressing condolences to
Ms. Patterson and her family on the passing of Ms. Patterson’s husband, Mr. Bill Patterson. He
recounted that Mr. Patterson was "part ofthe Board” and that he would certainly be missed.
Dr. Brockman moved next to CR l, which contains the appointment of a committee that
will be titled "The Celebration of the Lee T. Todd Presidency Committee.” The committee’s
charge is to plan a celebration of President Todd’s ten years as president ofthe University of
Kentucky. Persons selected for the committee are Board member Teny Mobley, the
committee’s chair, Board members Ryan Smith and Everett McCorvey, President’s Chief of
Staff Doug Boyd, Alumni Association Director Stan Key, Vice President of University Relations
Tom Harris, and Director of Campaign Services and Donor Relations Paula Pope. Mr. Smith
requested that First Lady Patricia B. Todd be included in the celebration, and Dr. Brockman
concurred with his request. Fonnally put, ‘“the committee shall select an appropriate site and
make appropriate arrangements to celebrate the decade of change and challenges that President
Todd has brought to the university with his vision and his limitless energy and passion.”
Dr. Brockman called for the Presidential Search Committee’s report.
E. Presidential Search Committee Report
Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe committee, reported that the search committee had been very
active since the last board meeting. He thanked everyone who had helped them with their
activities and expressed particular appreciation to Ms. Peggy Way for keeping the activities
flowing. Next, he announced that Ms. Curris and Ms. May would conduct a presidential tour of
the Commonwealth and requested that they describe their upcoming activities.
Ms. Curris discussed a chart that she had given board members called the University of
Kentucky Presidential Tour ofthe Commonwealth. The background of this project is that in
200l a similar tour was conducted by the Board and the search committee across the
Commonwealth in order to keep citizens updated as to what was happening during the process of
choosing a new president. She and Ms. May will likewise conduct a similar tour during this
search process in which they will share with Kentuckians what is going on and at the same time
engender any comments that they would like to have brought back to the board. Ms. Curris
showed a map with Kentucky divided into five regions, which were detennined with the help of
UK Public Relations personnel as being central to and inclusive ofthe regions. Dr. Lee Meyer
ofthe search committee has contributed the services ofthe Agricultural Extension Center to
collect data in each county on local groups’ availability for meeting with the search team. In
addition, Mr. Stan Key will engage the electronic services of his alumni database to help get the
message out to alumni about the tour. Meetings will be planned, two per day, for the month of

March, in which teams selected from among the search committee members, current and fonner
board members, and others will travel across the state to meet with Kentuckians and circulate
infonnation as well as gather input relevant to the presidential search.
Mr. Stuckert emphasized again the importance of total confidentiality of search
committee activities. He described the committee’s meetings on January 28 with separate groups
of faculty, staff, and students an hour at a time in the William T. Young Library. After those
meetings, the search committee met that aftemoon and produced two resolutions. The day after
the board meeting, February 23, the committee will meet again and will go into closed session to
review the candidates that have expressed an interest in applying for the job of President. March
22 and 23 are expected to be the dates of the first round of interviews.
F. Confidentiality of Presidential Search Process (PSCR l )
Mr. Stuckert continued his report with the first of the two resolutions, PSCR l, which
recommends that the [search] process remain confidential until the Committee reaches the stage
of finalists, that the candidates be queried regarding confidentiality, and that the process become
open only if all finalists agree. He moved approval of this resolution. Mr. Gatton seconded.
Ms. Brothers made a statement that she agreed with the purpose ofthe resolution and that
she felt UK would be risking having a reduced and less diverse pool of applicants if the search
process were completely open.
Dr. Brockman asked for additional comments. Mr. Stuckert then moved approval of
PSCR l. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gatton and passed without dissent. (See PSCR l at
the end of the Minutes.)
G. Process for Introduction of Presidential Candidate (PSCR 2)
Mr. Stuckert stated that this resolution seeks approval from the Board of Trustees of the
recommendation ofthe Presidential Search Committee to bring in one preferred candidate to
introduce to campus prior to making the final commitment of executing the contract. He made a
motion for approval, it was seconded by Mr. Mobley.
Dr. Peek expressed doubts about the necessity of having both of these resolutions. He
felt that because there is almost a zero probability ofthe first situation happening (in which all
candidates would agree to have their applications for the job released before a job offer is made
to one), all that is needed is PSCR 2. Discussion followed on this point, and Legal Counsel was
consulted. It was eventually decided that both resolutions should stand. Dr. Peek and other
board members asked about and discussed further the intent of PSCR 2. After the discussion,
Dr. Brockman conducted the vote, and PSCR 2 passed without dissent. (See PSCR 2 at the end
ofthe Minutes.)
Dr. Brockman requested the President’s Report.

President Todd began by introducing his guest speaker, Mr. Vince Kellen, Chief
Infonnation Officer, who joined UK in January 2009 from DePaul University. He lauded Mr.
Kellen’s expertise and enthusiasm for dealing with all parts ofthe university, including the
academic and the medical areas.
H. CIO Update on Infonnation Technology
Mr. Kellen thanked President Todd for asking him to speak about his area to the Board.
Within the past two years, much has happened regarding information technology at the
University of Kentucky. Faculty and student adoption ofthe university’s leaming management
system (Blackboard) has grown significantly, and faculty are quickly using the new lecture
capture system (Echo 360) and web conferencing systems (Adobe Connect pro) recently funded
by President Todd. In November 2010, the IT unit launched UK’s mobile application available
on iPhone, Blackbeny, and other mobile phones, with over 5,500 uses adopting. Use of wireless
devices is growing significantly on campus for academic and health care purposes. UK IT also
helps lead the development ofthe statewide networks KyRON and KPEN connecting
universities, working with the CPE. Continued leadership in this area is critical for extending
education and telemedicine across Kentucky.
Looking ahead, the IT unit is currently proceeding with several projects in an effort to
reduce the demand for computing services in the university’s on-premises data center through
"cloud services.” These projects include student email, enterprise systems, and high
perfonnance computing (HPC) cloud projects. The university expects electronic textbooks to
increase in use in the coming years, which will increase student demand for more wireless access
as many of these books will be read on iPad-like devices. Open educational content (free
electronic textbooks and course materials) are likely to grow as some state systems adopt open
content in an effort to reduce the students’ costs of textbooks. Funding and strong support by the
President, Provost, and the Executive Vice President for Fiscal Affairs have enabled this recent
progress in these critical areas.
I. President’s Report (PR 1)
After thanking Mr. Kellen for his presentation, President Todd had some good things to
discuss before moving to PR 1. He praised DanceBlue for its February 17 and 18 dance
marathon in which students raised $673,000 for the pediatric oncology children’s unit at the UK
Children’s Hospital. DanceBlue once again eamed a record amount for the benefit of the
children. President Todd asked representatives from DanceBlue to stand and receive a round of
applause from the Board.
The president also informed the Board that this Wednesday Kentucky satellite number 1
will go into orbit and will cany a proj ect into space which will orbit the earth and allow school
children to access it. Also, UK’s College of Engineering houses a command center for projects
connected to the Intemational Space Station. Individuals, including students in schools
throughout Kentucky, are allowed to suggest an experiment to be done in space, to access the
space equipment, and to communicate with the astronauts. A current project involving
nanoracks should receive some coverage that board members are likely to hear about.

UK Reduces Carbon Footprint with $25 Million Retrofit
President Todd called to the attention ofthe board that this $25 million proj ect had been brought
to them before. He remarked on the numbers involved that UK will save and the reduction in
our carbon footprint by 23,000 tons of carbon dioxide. He lauded our effort to be green.
UK Libraries to House Georgia Powers Papers
UK Libraries will house the important papers and oral history interviews related to former
Kentucky State Senator Georgia Powers, the first African American and the first woman to hold
a seat in the Kentucky Senate. UK will also house an endowed chair in her name at the Center
for Research on Violence Against Women. The president recently met with Senator Powers
when she was on campus. He found her to be a dynamic lady and welcomes her papers and oral
history interviews to the university.
UK Ranks First for Creating Start-up Companies for Third Consecutive Year
UK-Affiliated Companies Attract 60 Percent of $65 million in Venture Funding
The president pointed out that these two items are linked. UK is number l among 20 benchmark
universities, which include University of Wisconsin — Madison, University of Arizona,
University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of Illinois, The Ohio State
University, and University of Florida, in the number of start-up companies created by its faculty,
staff; and students according to a recently released report by the Association of University
Technology Managers. During fiscal year 2009-20l0 UK eamed $2.2 million is gross licensing
income and managed l62 total licenses. In addition, UK is well-known for attracting large
amounts of venture capital. The university has celebrated each year since 2005 the amount of
new capital that is invested in early-stage companies in this region, figures based on an annual
survey by the Lexington Venture Club. In 20l0, $65 million was attracted to the Bluegrass
region, and UK-affiliated ventures received 60 percent of that money. The 89 early-stage
companies that participated in the survey reported having an average full-time salary of $63,485
for the 748 people employed full time in these finns. In 20l0, these finns hired 240 people for
newly created jobs.
UK Center Awarded $5.5 Million Grant to Examine Childhood Hunger
The U.S. Department of Agriculture‘s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service is looking to the
University of Kentucky‘s Center for Poverty Research (UKCPR) for help in devising effective
strategies to confront the problem of childhood hunger. UK Gatton College Professor James
Ziliak, Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics and director of UKCPR, and Craig
Gundersen, associate professor of agricultural and consumer economics at the University of
Illinois, have been awarded a five-year, $5.5 million grant to establish aResedrch Program on
Childhood Hunger. The program to be funded through this grant is soliciting extemal research
projects through UKCPR. When completed, Ziliak and Gundersen, as co-principal investigators,
will review the findings and make recommendations to the USDA.
Student Government Launches Cats Cruiser
President Todd asked Ryan Smith, Board member and Student Government Association
president, to give statistics on the Cats Cruiser program which was recently launched as a new
initiative to aid student safety while supporting existing community transportation efforts. The
program was launched at the beginning of 20ll and in the first three weeks had l,500 riders.

Over the past two weekends, 700 people rode on the three nights each weekend. President Todd
thanked Mr. Smith for starting these programs while he was president and pointed out that he has
had an impact on the campus.
Gatton School Accountancy Scores Get National Recognition
The president praised the School of Accountancy for receiving national recognition of its pass
rates among advanced degree programs on the certified public accountant (CPA) exam. It ranks
sixth in the nation for students’ test scores.
Department of Art Launches First Public Art Smartphone Application
President Todd stated that Mr. Kellen’s reference to mobile apps in his address to the Board is
confinned by the accomplishments of students and faculty at the UK Department of Art and the
Gaines Center for the Humanities. "Take it Artside!” was made available free in November
2010 as an iTunes app and as an Android app in February. It includes images of local public art
in the Bluegrass area along with a brief description of each piece, artist infonnation, and its GPS
location. The president thinks that having such an app may raise the art and cultural IQ of
Kentucky, one of his stated goals.
Company Founded by UK Graduates Wins Award Presents in New York
AwesomeTouch is a company started by some UK engineering and business students. It was
recently selected from more than 50 participating companies to present at Vator Splash NY, a
business start-up event in New York City. AwesomeTouch was the only company from
Kentucky to be selected. The company is developing applications for large multitouch screens in
public places. Its first product, AwesomeMap, is a way-finding solution that allows visitors to
quickly and easily discover dining, shopping, entertainment, and similar venues in a downtown
area. The company will receive $5,000 and six months of free rent in semi-private work space.
Patterson School of Diplomacy Uses iPad to Enhance Master’s Program
The Patterson School of Diplomacy and Intemational Commerce has begun a maj or 18-month
trial ofthe value of Apple’s iPad in supporting professional graduate education. This will be the
first instance where an entire professional school — faculty, students, and staf`f — will use the
device. This maj or technology initiative will encompass student recruitment, admissions,
seminars, and graduation. In addition to Apple, the trial is being supported by software
application developers, media companies, and hardware and accessory providers from the United
States, Canada, and Europe. The goal is to transfonn the student leaming experience, enhance
overall school operations, and prepare graduates to advance diplomacy and intemational business
in the digital age. President Todd added further that the Patterson iPad users are now negotiating
with companies to give them online iPad access to a large number of intemational newspapers as
part ofthe resources available to be used in their studies. It is also likely that some students will
develop their own apps for the iPads.
Nearly 600 participate in December Commencement Ceremonies
President Todd announced that the first December commencement involved 600 people. He
thanked Provost Subbaswamy and his staf`f for accomplishing this first for the university and
announced that it will be continued in coming years. Having the December commencement
allows a personalization of graduation that was heretofore not available in the spring

commencement ceremonies because of time constraints. The president was able to shake hands
with all graduates and have pictures made with them. A more personalized commencement will
also be held in May. To allow this, UK will reinitiate Founders’ Day, at which all faculty awards
will be given — the Sullivan Awards, the Kirwan Award, and other awards that have in the past
been announced at the May commencement. The president thanked all who worked to make
these changes possible.
University Press Books Receive Acclaim
The president urged board members to read all ofthe PR l articles, but he jumped to this item to
speak about the University Press’s outstanding accomplishments. He announced that, in addition
to the books mentioned in the PR article, yesterday the Press published a book on President
Frank L. McVey. Because there was no biography about President McVey to this point,
Presdident Todd had wished to commission one and get it done before Dr. Thomas Clark,
longtime UK professor and Kentucky state historian, passed away. Dr. Clark regarded President
McVey very highly. The book did not materialize until now, however, and President Todd
welcomes it. Three generations ofthe McVey family were able to attend the ceremony
announcing the book.
SKY BLUE House Featured on KET
SKY BLUE House, which finished ninth of 20 competitors at the 2009 U.S. Department of
Energy Solar Decathlon competition, was featured on a program that ran on KET, KET2, and
KET Kentucky through February 22. UK‘s solar house team was an interdisciplinary group
comprised of students, faculty, and staff from six colleges and 16 centers and departments within
UK. The television program on the university‘s solar house was produced, shot, and edited by
the College of Engineering and the Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments at UK.
President Todd elaborated further on why a benefit is derived from sponsorship of such projects
for students when he described a grant offered by the Kentucky Highlands, an investor group
from London, Kentucky. Part ofthe grant had the purpose of applying the knowledge gleaned
from solar decathlon participation to make energy-efficient bulk-manufactured housing. This
housing would be usable as standard housing as well as during national disasters where a large
number of homes were needed in short order. The president expressed his wish that research we
do here would furnish ideas and concepts that could be applied in other parts of the state so that
we can create real jobs and put real people to work. Research really can make a difference in
Kentucky, and the president is proud that our students are having success in their research.
President Todd urged the Board to read all ofthe items in PR l.
J. Waiver of Part X of the Goveming Regulations Pertaining to the Employment of
Relatives: Brian P. Butler (PR 3)
President Todd introduced PR 3 and asked that the Board authorize the continued
employment of Brian Butler, the son of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Frank Butler, as required by Goveming Regulation X, Part X. Two years ago, the Board
approved a waiver for Mr. Butler, and circumstances have not changed. Brian Butler is four
levels removed from his father, and his father will not be involved in any personnel actions or
decisions concerning his son. President Todd recommended that the resolution be passed, and

Dr. Brockman asked for a motion. Mr. Shoop so moved and Ms. Patterson seconded. Approval
of PR 3 was awarded with no dissent. (See PR 3 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
The president addressed one other issue, President Todd’s decision earlier in the month to
extend Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart’s contract until 2019. Feeling that it is his responsibility
to recruit and retain top talent in the university, the president has had in mind for several months
to extend the contract, as requested by Mr. Barnhart, so that Mr. Bamhart could remain at UK
until he was 60 years old. The president defended his decision but said that he could certainly
accept challenges for his timing. Getting involved in other issues delayed the president’s
announcement of the contract extension until after the president had made his decision to retire
in June 20l l. Mr. Barnhart is doing an outstanding job, not only in the president’s opinion, but
also in those ofthe student athletes and the coaches.
On a related topic, one which he has previously discussed with Dr. Brockman, President
Todd urged that oversight of the Athletics Department be an important topic of discussion with
any presidential candidate looked at by the search committee. The presidential search might
present a good opportunity for board review ofthe structure of Athletics at UK. The search
committee might usefully inquire about the experience of each candidate with athletics issues.
The president concluded his report by recommending Mike Slive, commissioner ofthe South
Eastem Conference, as a good resource for explaining the available structures of various
Athletics Departments at institutes of higher education.
Dr. Brockman thanked the president for his remarks and asked for the Academic Affairs
Committee’s report.
K. Creation ofthe Department of Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) Education (AACR lg
Ms. Brown, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, began with AACR l, which
recommends the creation ofthe Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Education in the College of Education, effective July l, 20l l. The
proposed department will expand and enhance STEM Education at UK and for the
Commonwealth in significant ways. The department will work in synergistic ways through the
use of focused disciplinary and transdisciplinary practices to prepare 2lst century STEM
education leaders and to improve STEM education through implementation of research-based
practices, engagement with the P20 communities and businesses, unique research experiences,
and innovative programs. Along with strengthening teacher preparation programs already in
place in continued collaboration with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the STEM
Education Department will build new bachelor’s and doctoral programs in science, technology,
engineering, and/ or mathematics education. The department will lead the Commonwealth in
STEM Education research by attracting graduate students as well as future STEM faculty
researchers pursuing cutting edge research in these disciplines. Ms. Brown moved for approval
of AACR l. She was seconded by Mr. Miles. The motion passed without dissent. (See AACR
l at the end ofthe Minutes.)

L. Academic Degree Recommendation {AACR 2)
Ms. Brown explained the background of AACR 2. The Department of Behavioral
Science is establishing a Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science to support intellectually
rigorous research education, training, and career development of Clinical and Translational
Science scholars at the University of Kentucky. The Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science
is an interdisciplinary training program. Scholars enrolled in the program will have completed
tenninal professional training in interdisciplinary programs, and the curriculum reflects the
rigorous training that scholars will have completed prior to enrolling in the program. The Ph.D.
in Clinical and Translational Science is an interdisciplinary training program. Scholars enrolled
in the program will have completed terminal professional training in interdisciplinary programs,
and the curriculum reflects the rigorous training (e. g., medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing,
public health) that scholars will have completed prior to enrolling in the program. On behalf of
the Academic Affairs Committee, Ms. Brown recommended approval of AACR 2. Dr.
Brockman asked for a second of her motion, which was supplied by Ms. Curris. The motion
passed without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
M. Change in Degree — College of Agriculture {AACR 3)
AACR 3 is a change in degree for the College of Agriculture. In 2008, the University of
Kentucky Natural Resource Conservation and Management (NRCM) undergraduate program
was reviewed by an extemal committee appointed by the Dean ofthe College of Agriculture.
One key recommendation of the extemal review committee was to revise the NRCM curriculum.
The June 2008 Extemal Periodic Review report recommended ‘“the steering committee and other
UK faculty work together to develop a set of more well-integrated courses that would better train
students in the particular knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to succeed in enviromnental
science and policy careers.” The curriculum has been revised based on input from the NRCM
Steering Committee and stakeholders. The curriculum has been restructured to provide better
focused and more integrated study of specific natural resource and environmental science topic
areas, explicitly related to a student’s selection for the required intemship or research experience.
Because of the growing interest by students in environmental sciences and the addition of
environmental science topic areas, the college proposes to change the name of the NRCM
program to Natural Resources and Environmental Science (NRES). Ms. Brown moved for
approval of AACR 3 and was seconded by Ms. Brothers. The motion passed without dissent.
(See AACR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
N. Change in Degree — College of Communications and Infonnation Studies
{AACR 4)
Ms. Brown introduced AACR 4, a change in degree for the College of Communications
and Infonnation Studies. It recommends approval of a change in the name ofthe Bachelor of
Arts/ Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Telecommunications to Bachelor of
Arts/ Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Media Arts and Studies, effective in the spring
of 20l l. She explained that the current name ofthe program, Telecommunications, has always
been rather opaque to prospective students. It is not a tenn they are generally familiar with, and
does not help to convey the true nature ofthe program. Thus, the name change to Media Arts

and Studies is intended to communicate more effectively UK’s program to students who have
academic and career interests in broadcasting, cable, multimedia, and the audio-recording, film,
and electronic game industries. Ms. Brown moved approval of AACR 4, she was seconded by
Mr. Stuckert. Dr. Brockman called for the vote, and the motion passed without dissent. (See
AACR 4 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
Ms. Brown then gave a short report on the presentation of Dr. Mike Mullen, UK
Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, who spoke about the Honors program. The
program began in 1961, and it will celebrate its 50m anniversary this fall. It has between 225 and
250 students who enter as freshmen. Currently it has two tracks but is revamping its programs.
Undergraduate Education looks forward to involving more colleges directly with the Honors
program and to finding ways to foster deeper relationships among the students and faculty, to
incorporating honors advising, and to encouraging co curricular activities and study abroad. She
stated that it is extremely important for UK to be @ destination for Kentucky’s top students.
And to educate Kentucky’s elite, you must be willing to make creative efforts to attract and to
keep them. The committee looks forward to hearing more about the program as it develops.
O. Finance Committee Report
Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe Finance Committee, began by reviewing the Finance
Committee items that were among the consent items that had already been approved and
expressed his appreciation for each gift. These included the estate of Mr. John W. Denton,
E.ON U.S., Mr. Don L. Jacobs, Sr. and the Don Jacobs Foundation, Inc., and the Kentucky
Christian Foundation. He also expressed appreciation for the future effects of FCR 3, which
authorized a Fund for Excellence Quasi Endowment.
P. Data Center — Hospital (FCR 6)
FCR 6 recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the initiation ofthe Data Center
and Related Support Space project in the new Patient Care Facility currently under construction
and approve the increase of the existing $570 million scope of the total project to $575.6 million.
The project will fit up approximately 2,000 square feet for a new computer machine room on the
fourth floor ofthe new Patient Care Facility for a new hospital data center with redundant air
conditioning, electrical, and communication support systems. The $5.6 million will be funded
by UK HealthCare operations (agency funds). Mr. Stuckert complimented Dr. Karpf for his
ability to generate funds from UK HealthCare operations which have allowed the hospital project
to proceed without being dependent on state money. This increase in scope ofthe project to
$575.6 million is well within the total Patient Care Facility legislative authorization of $7
million. Mr. Stuckert moved approval of FCR 6 and was seconded by Mr. Mobley. The motion
passed unanimously. (See FCR 6 at the end ofthe Minutes.)

Q. Renovate Schmidt Vocal Arts Center {FCR 7)
Mr. Stuckert introduced FCR 7, which recommends that the Board of Trustees initiate the
renovation ofthe Schmidt Vocal Arts Center. The legislatively authorized scope of the proj ect is
$1,500,000 of agency funds. The initial funding for design services will be $150,000 of
accumulated agency funds, and it is hoped that the remainder ofthe funding will come from
private gifts. It is important to note that upon approval by the Board of Trustees and the receipt
ofthe private funds, the university wil