xt7gb56d2q57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gb56d2q57/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-02-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1927 1927 1927-02-25 2012 true xt7gb56d2q57 section xt7gb56d2q57 1






R. 0. T. C. CORPS

Manufacturers Plan to Hire
Several Students After Their
Graduation in June




The commendable reputation of the
Engineering College of the University Special Room in Art Center. Is
Fitted to Accommodate Doof Kentucky brought to the school
nation of Carnegie Corthree high executives of the White
poration to University
Automobile company last week, who
interviewed senior students with the
DRILL WILL BEGIN SOON purpose of hiring several members of TO OPEN TO PUBLIC SOON
the graduating class for engineering
Promotions Are to Be Effective department of the automobile com- Kentucky Is One of 20 Ameripany. The men from Cleveland were
can Institutions Honored
for Second Semester
E. P. Campbell, factory controller, M.
by Such a Gift
of Year
B. Munnfi repair service engineer and
L. G. Avery, manager of sales proThe art collection which has been
The Military Science department of
received by the University of Kenthe University of Kentucky, under di- motion.
year that thp White tucky from the Carnegie Corporation
This is the first
rection of Colonel H. P. Hobbs has
officers Company has made any effort to em- was installed in the Carnegie room of
ploy men just out of college for the the Art Center Monday and Tuesday
for the second semester of the current
school year. In last week's Kernel, engineering department of the com- and will be open for the inspection
the list of commissioned officers was pany. The General Electric and the of the public next week. It will serve
published, and this list is supple- Westinghouse companies have for as a laboratory equipment for the
many years sent officials to the Uni- teaching of art.
mental to that.
Including a collection of reproducDrills of the R.O.T. C. unit will versity of Kentucky to interview
begin soon and the following promo- seniors in order to obtain Kentucky tion?, original arid prints, textiles and
tions, appointments and 'assignments men for their engineering depart- books, this gift represents a systematic representation of the evolution
of noncommissioned officers in the ments.
of the occidental art. It will enable
regiments are to be effective at once.
an instructor to make references
concrete and to illustrate a generalizaTo be color sergeants E. M. Bowtion. It is composed of the works of
ling; E. M. Newman.
outstanding men of different periods,
To be first sergeants Company A,
different schools, different techniques,
C. B. Rex; Company B, J. J. Richardand distinctive cultures.
son; Company C, H. V. Fried.
One of the twenty American colTo be platoon sergeants Company Department of Public Health leges to receive a similar gift from
Makes Extensive ImproveA, J. M. Sharp, B. W. Fortenbery, D.
the Carnegie corporation, the univerments ; Much New EquipC. Carpenter, W. E. Durbeck, J. P.
sity was not allowed to unpack the
Glenn, J. 41. Morris; Company C, C.
ment Is Added
collection until the Carnegie room
K. Nave, O. F. Terrell, W. K. Mann.
was ready. Adjoined to the Little
To be sergeants, guides Company DISPENSARY
IS REFITTED Theater, the room is now complete and
A, A. H. Stephenson, K. H. Poison,
the collections arranged in it.
The university dispensary has been
The collections arc virtually the
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) remodeled throughout, and will be
open to the inspection of the students
and faculty in about a week or ten
days. The dispensary remains in Neville hall, but has been extended
throughout the lower floor.
The new dispensary now boasts a
completely new laboratory with new
improveRepresentatives and Alumni of equipment, which is
ment over the old one. There is a
32 Chapters Were Guests of
which is devoted solely to Mothers' Day, Vocational Guidnew room
Kentucky Chapter Here
ance, and Problems of New
department; the machine
Last Week
Women Students are Topics
is one of the most modern types, and
Discussed by W. A. C.
the corresponding equipment is comLOCAL DELTS WIN PLAQUE plete in every detail. There is a
separate basal metabolism room, re- ARM BANDS STILL WORN
The first combined meeting of the furnished throughout. Dr. Rush's prinorthern and southern chapters of vate office is in a new room, and is
The Women's Administrative counDelta Tau Delta, international social furnished with new office equipment. cil, composed of representatives from
fraternity, was held last Friday and Mrs. Tate's office also has new furni- all campus organizations in which
Saturday with the Delta Epsilon chap- ture and fixtures. Mrs. Long's office women take part, met in Dean Bindter of the university as hosts. The is not new, but has new equipment. ing's office Thursday afternoon, Feb
two day conference wa? attenliCj by Dr. Zwick's office and rooms are ruary 10, at 4:30 for the purpose of
chaprepresentatives of thirty-tw- o
equipped with much new furniture, discussing the development of campus
ters, alumni from various cities, local and the remainder has been done over. affairs and to solve the problems relaalumni and active and pledged mem- The offices of Dr. Rush and Dr. tive to the new women students in
bers of the Kentucky chapter.
Rhodes as yjell as the examination the university.
Thursday night a smoker was held rooms haVc been done over and comApril 12 was the date set for the
at the chanter houre as a
pletely refurnished.
university women's banquet. Charl-se- y
meeting for the delegates who had
public health
The department of
Smith, Pauline Ashcraft, and
arrived in the city that day. Formal and hygiene has been striving for
opening of the conference was at the some time to get the dispensary re- Eleanor Ballantine place named on
and decora
Phoenix hotel at 10 o'clock Friday modeled and to procure the additional the committee for
tions. The stunt committee consists
morning with addresses by local
equipment needed to take care of the of Lucille Short, Willy King, and Ella
of the fraternity and responses
by visiting Delts. The northern and (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Marie Kinsler. All representatives
were urged to arouse interest in their
southern divisions held separate sesgroups. Jane Manly volunteered to
sions Friday, but had a joint meeting
Club make posters.
Saturday morning, when they were U. K.
It was decided to give a tea in comHolds
pliment to the new girls of the uni(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
versity with the council acting as
Art Committee Presents Pro- hostesses. The date set for the tea
gram Followed by Business
was Wednesday afternoon, February
Session and Tea
16, in Boyd hall. A member of each
Rifle Range in Practice
On Girls'
of the following organizations: SuKy,
The Woman's club of the University Strollers, W. S. G. A., Wv A. C. Mofor Interclass latches
of Kentucky met Monday afternoon at rtar Board, and Y. W. C. A., was apThe girl's rifle range is ready for 3 o'clock in Patterson hall. An at- - pointed to explain the aims of these
use and practices are being held this tractive program was presented by societies to the new girls. The counweek. The W. A. A. council initiated the art committee of which Mrs. E. F. cil also decided to present the first
semester freshmen girls with their
the range with heavy firing Monday Farquhar is chairman.
Mrs. Alfred C. Zembrod, who has arm bands on this occasion.
vening, and reported that everything
traveled extensively in Spain, gave
is ready for a banner rifle season.
The question of the sophomore class
Eight girls are enrolled in a class, the club "A Bird's Eye View of Span- enforcing the wearing of arm bands
supervised by a coach, and each class ish Art," which was very enjoyable. by freshmen girls will be put before
meets twice a week. Each girl has She brought with her a small collec- the sophomores at their next meeting.
a chart, and by this she is enabled to tion of art objects with which she ilknow how she stands in regard to the lustrated her talk. There was also a (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
other members. It is hoped that inter- ' very beautiful exhibit of Spanish
class matches can be held the last laces and embroidered shawls.
Mrs. C. R. Meleher, the president Dr.
of March, and the girls are practising
of the club, presided at the brief busfor this event.
If any girl is eligible to sign up for iness session. The hostesses for the
a class, and has not done so, she must tea, which closed the program, were International Relations Class
enroll at once or be dropped from the Mrs. C. S. Crouse, chairman; Mrs.
Hears Review of U. S.'
list. Only those whose names appear S. E. Leland, Mrs. L. B. McMullen,
Latin American Policy
on the eligibility list can sign up for Mrs. A. Vandenbosch, Mrs. J. W.
classes. Others will be given prelim- Whitehouse, Mrs L. A. Piper, Mrs..
A meeting- of the International Reinary instructions later, and are re- E. L. Gilis, Mrs W. W. McGill, Mrs.
quested to watch the bulletin board E. L. Recs, Mrs. B. B. Mclnteer and lations Club of conducted by the Kenthe University of
Mrs. Wellington Patrick.
for further
tucky was held in Patterson hall on
the evening of Washington's birthday, at which time the topic, "The
Monroe Doctrine and Latin America"
was discussed by Dr. Edward Tuthill,
head of the department of history of
'.University of Idaho Co-eStart Merry Battle by Refusing to was university. order by the meeting
called to
Mrs. J. B.
Date Unless They Are Allowed to "Dutch" the
Miner, who presided, the class sang
Expenses; Argument Spreads to
West Virginia University
Doctor Tuthill subdivided his talk
into five parts. He gave the origin
Having noticed in our
"The duty of protecting the weaker of the Monroe Doctrine then followed
' that there is a wave of discussion sex has always devolved to man," rewith a short summary of attacks on
sweeping through universities and col- marked one mere man, "and this prin- the policy.
He closed with releges concerning the system of "Dutch ciple has a very direct application on marks on extension, benefits and evils.
treating" as applied to collegiate this particular matter. The duty of Doctor Tuthill gave a very interesting
dates, The Kernel has decided to pass entertaining has always fallen to the sketch of the characteristics of the
man and I believe it should continue Latin American countries. He told
the matter on to the university
dent body for their opinion on the to do so,"
of the Christ of the Andes, and resubject. All students are invited to
But then there was one of his fel- counted how commercial invasion had
comment either in favor or in opposi- low sufferers who, lacking such ex- been brought about by infringements
tion, mailing all opinions to The Ker- pressions as the "weaker sex" or was by fruit companies. He told how,
nel at once.
more experienced, thought that inas after a discussion between Adams,
The whole matter seems to have much as women are yelling for Monroe and Henry Clay, the text of
originated at the University of Idaho equality in everything else, the priv- the Monroe Doctrine was written in
where the
have agreed to give ilege of "Dutching" should be given 1823.
the "cold shoulder" them without further ado. And then
Doctor Tuthill also gave a very
who refuse- to allow them to share in he scored a touchdown and a home-ru- n comprehensive review of the Mexiat the same time by remarking can and Nicarauguan question. He
the expenses of the evening, such as
generally speaking, are presented the revolutionary history of
they may be.
Recently the question was thrashed more able to pay than male students." the Latin countries in as brief a man
Of course there were those who ner possible, and pointed out defects
out at the University of West Virginia and there the
were heart- were more or less cautious while and high points of each. He said
ily in favor of the "idea" while the passing on to the world little drops of that Uruguay is the most modern
masculine portion of the student body golden wisdom. For instance we read: state of the group, and that it has
"threw up their hands in holy horror,"
4, figuratively speaking.











Regular Meeting

Firing Begins





Do You "Dutch"?








University Band Will
Give Concert Sunday


Students' Ego Wounded by Unkind Examination Given by
Art Department; Kernel Feature Writer Wracks
Memory and Concocts Similar Cultural

Offfi-cer- s,

Supplemental to List
Published in Last Week's
Kernel, Is Given


KY., FEBRUARY 25, 1927

Factory Men Interview ART COLLECTION
U. K. Senior Engineers


List of



Ideals battered.
Illusions shattered.
We're not cultured.
As if it mattered!
And that, Mr. Sax, proves that, we
can write poetry when we try and
we have determined to try, for the
culture bug has bitten the campus.
From the Art department comes an
instrument of torture, cunningly devised, which baldly proves that we
are on the level of the
French phrase) and totally lacking in

knowledge of music, literature, painting and. the kindred arts.
And we had always been so comcommon

- The music department
of the Uni
versity of Kentucky will present the
other Big Bens than alarm clocks. university band in a concert, Sun
Until this cursed quiz we were quite day afternoon at 3:30 o clock
comfortable within our own "little the university gym.
It is the
policy of the department to give
"'Why should I stir myself,'
a concert every two weeks, alternat
mused the oyster, "Does not the
ing between the band and the orches'
sea support me, and the earth toil
to give me sustenance?'"-HoThe band's program follows:
unkind of you, Mr. Sax, to make
Overture Stradella by Flotow.
us uncomfortable!
Serenade "A Night in June"
We've been thinking seriously of
that quizzical questionnaire, without
Scenes from the musical Comedy
ever having determined the answers
"Rose 3Iar!e" by Friml and
to any of the questions, and we've
made up some more which are just
The Old Church Organ Chambers.
as hard, though perhaps not as subtle.
Selections from the Opera
We considered usiqg the ohl on,
Borgia" Donizetti.
"Why is a doorknob?" but decided it
A Hunting Scene Bucalossi.
was too trite. Add the following to
The Lost Chord Sullivan.
your other nine. We guarantee your
"Angelus" from scenes Pittores-qu- e
hypograde will look like one of those
thetical grades from the
Bell Solo, "Anvil Polka" Barlow.
Coronation March
10. What is The American Mercury
noted for aside from "Hatrack"?

Forensic Season Nears Height;
inree Debates Are Arranged
for March 4, One Will Be
Broadcast Over Radio


Naf Represents

state Meeting;


University in
Will Choose

Other Representatives

Forensic activities at the univer

sity are taking on increasine Dromi- nence as the season for debating and

oratory nears its peak. Five debates
have already been scheduled for next
month and other matches will probably be arranged.
Three debates have been scheduled
for Friday night, February 4. One
oi tnese debates is tp be held in Chicago and will be broadcast over
WMAQ, the Chicago Dailv News
sending station,. In this contest with
the Chicago-KeCollege of Law
Kentucky will be represented bv J. C.
Burnett, W. H. Hanratty- and John
Y. Brown.
The subiect will he- n
proposition advocating the extension
of the five day week throughout all
Eight Outstanding Juniors in In the second of the three debates
to be held March 4, T. E. Skinner and
Military Department Are
Alfred Naf will represent the univer
Taken into Honorary R. O.
sity against Berea College in a debate
T. C. Organization
at the university. On this same night
WILL INITIATE IN JUNE night James O. Baker and W. B. Graham will go to Danville to meet the
Scabbard and Blade, national hon- representatives of Centre Collecc.
orary military fraternity, held formal The proposition for both these de- pledging service for eight outstand- Dates is "Resolved, that the federal
ing juniors in the R. O. T. C. corps,
at the Military Ball held Monday (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
night in the men's gym. Pledging
took piece between the third and
and was conducted
by members of the university chapter,
Company D of the Fourth Regiment.
Following the pledging service,
cadets wearing the red, white, and
blue ribbon of the honorary military District Winners to Compete in
fraternity were: Leroy Miles, J. J.
State Contest, Sponsored by
Richardson, Waller Jones, William
Extension Department, at
Crutcher, Stanley Stagg, William
University, April 16
Maschmeyer, and A. H. Stephenson.
These men will remain pledges until BULLETINS ARE PREPARED
June when they become commissioned
officers in the R. O. T. C. and then
The Kentucky State high school
they will be initiated.
music festival will be held at the
Scabbard and Blade is the only University of Kentucky, Saturday
military organization outside of the April 16. This festival is fostered b"y.
regular government schools. Found- the department of University Exten- ed in 1919, the frateTr-rtnow has sloB- - A number of music contests
62 chapters and 3,000 members. The have been provided including th? fol
local chapter was installed in 1919.
lowing: band, orchestra, chorus, vio
Membsrs of the university chapter lin solo, piano solo, vocal solo, bovs'.-- .
are: Honorary, Col. II. P. Hobbs, Capt. quartet and girls' quartet.
Spalding, Capt. Taylor, Capt. Schmidt,
A copy of a bulletin giving the
and First Lieutenant Keasler, U. S. A ; rules and regulations governing the;-inactive J. D. Augustus, D. Z. Forry, contests has been sent to every music
J. R. McFarland, and L. Root; active supervisor and music teacher of rec
R. I. Mcintosh, president; T. L. ord in the high school of the state and
Adams, secretary; R. H. Ackerman, to the principals of schools which are
members of the Kentucky Intersonoi-asti- c
The music festival is a feature o
the State Interscholastic League tour- -,
Room Completed;
nament which has been an annual
event at the university since 1920.
"Lu-cret- ia

pletely satisfied with ourselves! It
seems unkind for anyone to expose
deliberately our shortcomings.
had always had the best of intentions
it's a fact that we had already bor
rowed "The Plastic Age" to read some
time next week. "And who and why
are the Jones," says Mr. Sax heartlessly. He also inferred that there are (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)

To Have Nursery

Programs Will Be Given Every
rwo Weeks, Alternating
With Orchestra


Announcement has been made that
a pin designed especially for the
W. A. A. of the university is to be
awarded each girl who earns 250
M. J. Crutcher,- superintendent of points in the association.
The W. A. A. council has arranged
the department of buildings and
grounds of the university an-- ! for a woman's convocation to be held
2 at 2 o'clock.
nounces that
a nursery on a Awards will March
be made at this time,
small scale has been begun on the uni- and all girls are requested to be presversity campus by his department.
department has converted
buildings and grounds at the underground on Rose street into use for
this new botanical garden; more than
ninety feet of hotbeds have been set
up which contain cuttings from the
plants and shrubs on the campus;
these cuttings will be nurtured and in National Journalism Fraternity
time transplanted, thereby forming a
to Establish Chapter at Kennucleus for campus arboretum.
tucky; Indiana Editor to Be
Mr. Crutcher says that more than
in Charge of Ceremonies
300 has been spent recently in purchase of these plants, and that he REPLACES
has hopes of modeling this new abore-uafter the botanical gardens at Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Delta
Michigan State University.
Chi, national professional journalism
fraternity, will be installed at the
University of Kentucky, Sunday,
February 27, according to an announcement made by Warren A- - Price,
Square and Compass Take in president of the Henry Watterson
Two New Members
Press club of the university. This
chapter will be the fortieth chapter
The Kentucky chapter of Square of Sigma Delta Chi, which is recand Cumpass, national intercolleg- ognized as one of the leading profraternity,
at a. fessional international fraternities.
meeting held Saturday
The Henry Watterson Press club .is
19, at the
an outgrowth of Alpha Delta Sigma
Temple, initiated the following new fraternity which served as the jourmembers: Thomas B. Wilson, of nalism fraternity of the university.
Endee, Ky., and Marcus L. Napier, of A few years ago, Alpha Delta Sigma
Hindman, Ky.
changed its policy and became solely
The officers of the Kentucky Square an advertising fraternity.
The local
are Edwin O. Ross, president; Roy R. chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma is beRay, vice president; W. B. Walker, ing retained at. the university.
secretary, D. J. Haury, treasurer, JL.
The Henry Watterson Press club
H. May, corresponding secretary and was organized early in the fall of
Ted Creech, chaplain.
last year for the purpose of petitioning Sigma Delta Chi. It was accepted Carnegie Collection of Paintings,
into the national fraternity at the naPrints, and Books Will
tional convention of Sigma Delta Chi
Be Shown

Botanical Garden Will Be Locat
ed on Rose Street










Is Ready for Exhibit

Sorority Incorporates

Alpha Gams Plan to Purchase held in Madison, Wis., lastclub repreKenneth Gregory, press
New Chapter House
sentative at this convention, was initiated into Sigma Delta Chi at this


"Y" Brings Speaker

The room in which the Carnegie art Dr. A. W. Taylor to Deliver
collection is to be exhibited has been
Address Next Wednesday
completed and early next week will
be opened to students for inspection.
Dr. A. W. Taylor, who recently reThe installation will be in charge
The room is done after'the sixteenth
where he
of Edwin O'Neel of the Indianapolis century, Spanish style of architecture, turned from Mexico conditions made a
of that
Times and he will be assisted by the with a heavily beamed ceiling sup- study of industrial
country as a member of a committee
associate editor of that paper.
ported by oak brackets. The walls of 30 men, will deliver an address to
Members of the Henry Watterson are done in buff plaster, and are very
Press club who are expected to be rich in effect and color. The general the University of Kentuckyo'clock
initiated in the Kentucky chapter are: effect of a light gray surface with Wednesday, March 2 at 4
Dicker Hall under the auspices of the
a dull red showing through, is copied university Y.M.C.A.
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) from the house of El Greco at Toledo,
Doctor Taylor has traveled extenwhere for centuries the walls have re- sively both on this continent and in
ceived one coat on another, and the Europe. He has served on a number
texture of the; colors beneath has of committees for the Federal Couninfluenced the color of the surface.
cil of Churches and for the Social
The Carnegie collection
consists Service Department of the Diciples
Play Directed by Former Stroller of a number of copies of famous Church: He was formerly a member

Alpha Gamma Delta
incorporated with a capital
sharing stock
were filed in the county clerk's office
Saturday under the name of the Alpha Gamma Delta Realty Corpora;
According to the articles, the pur
pose of the new corporation is "to
acquire and hold real estate for the
benefit of Epsilon chapter, Alpha
Gamma Delta sorority." This move
is directed toward the. ownership of
a house, and although one has not
been selected as yet, the signers
several prospects at hand.
Seven alumnae members of the
Man Is Favorably Received
sorority signed the papers and they
by Gotham
are all stockholders. They include Mrs.
W. H. Prewitt, Miss Annelle Kelley,
John E. Burks, who was director of
Miss Mary Beall, Mrs. Mathew
the Stroller productions at the Uniand Mrs. Kate Pence Pirky.
versity of Kentucky during 1922 and
now director of the
o 1923, is an amateur company Central
in New
York, which recently presented an
the Berries,"
original comedy,
o which was written,"It's
orchestrated and
(Taken From the 1922 Files of
staged by members of the company.
The Kernel)
The production played to full houses
February 10, 11 and 12.
Kentucky is asked to join in a meetMr. Burks organized the company
universities at and wrote all the situations and asing of
at which meeting it is sisted in the composition of the lyrics
planned, to organize a new conference as well as inventing a mechanical
for major collegiate sports.
horse which received much favorable
comment from the New York Press.
Eddy, noted student
Several former University of
speaker, begins series of lectures
students wre present at the
university campus.
play on Saturday night, February 12,
among them Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity wins D. Graham, Miss Eleanor Morse, Miss
basketball champion- Nan CJienault, Miss Betty Barbour,
ship of the university.
Miss Claribel Kay, and Oskar Ham- bleton.
Despite a persistent jinx which
followed the Wildcats throughout the
season, the university basketeers
close with a record of 10 victories and
Fraternities which have not turn
six defeats.
"d in at the office of the Dean of Men
the list of pledges which they expect
Sophomores win interclass basket- to initiate are requested to do so with
ball championship.
out delay.
Under the university senate rules
L. C. Fielder will represent Ken- no fraternity, social, professional, or
tucky at the State Oratorical Con- honorary may initiate a pledge until
test to be held at Danville.
a certificate of initiation has been issued by either the Dean of Men, or the
Wildcat wrestling squad leaves for Dean of Women.
match with Iowa University at Aimes,
Initiation of members may take
place after February 28.

Burks Directs Amateur
Players in

Gar-sid- e,


Out of the Past


paintings, oriental prints, and an exn
cellent library, of
on art. The University of Kentucky
is the only stafe university in the
United States to receive this collec

of the faculty of the University of
Missouri. His home is in Indianap--


An invitation is extended to the
student body to hear Doctor Taylor's


Post-Ba- ll

Writer Adopts "See All, Tell All" Attitude for Giving
on University of Kentucky's Annual
Soldier Struggle; Good Time Is




Had by All

future gentlemen of this unit of the
Queen's R.O.T.C. were there in aH
The able and astute Peffley having the resplendence of which khaki i
done the advance on the annual dance capable and the downtown reserve
party of the campus soldiery the edi- -' officers had been roped in to lend
sheet sug- - their uniforms to the scenic effect.
tor of this such-as-it-- is
gested that I should do the follow-u- p.
Grandeur was reflected in the mirrow-li- ke
Which in all probability meant that
shine of every boot and splendor
I should be observing things while he glistened from every polished gold
was having a good time. Well he had button. Medals which had lain nega good time all right and I, observing lected in trunks and bureau drawers,
things sweet young things in partic- for months were exhumed for the ocular had a good time also.
casion. The cadets were sparing no
Knowing the unwritten law of the pains to look their best, for was it

campus that a dance begins an hour
and a half after the scheduled time,
I ambled over with my date about 10
o'clock expecting the dance to get
started about 11. Contrary to all
expectations I found the two orchestras already tossing jazz across at one
another and a goodly number of couples strutting on the

All in all it was a grand party. In
the first place all the officers and

not their night? It was and they
knew it. Every outfit has its season
and this night uniforms were trumps
The gym was elegantly decorated, in
old rose, white and baby blue which
passed by proxy for red, white and
blue as those exact colors were net
included in the crepe paper stocks of
Flags and
the city of Lexington.
company guidons lined the walls. In

� page two




And Help the Association

Published By And For University Alumni

Subscribe for

Edited by



Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Louisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.

Mechanical Branch

In the Alumni Association .




"Bo it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Ken-

Regular Monthly Meeting of
Falls City Alumni .Is Held
February 5 at Brown


Section 1. ."That there shall be and

Free you from the paying of yearly dues
to the Association
Assure you of every issue of The


Sidney Goodwin Has Contract
With Louisville Team for
that "those
Season of 1927
of learning related to Agribranches




Save you considerable money in the years
to come

Make you a better and more loyal Alum- nus.



It would put the Association


a sound

financial basis

It would be a matter of great saving in the
running of this office

It would enable us to give better service to
the Association and to the University
of Kentucky.

Give the matter k thought
when your dues are due in the
spring. Better still send in your
check mow while it is fresh in


your mm a.
branch office of the C. A. Dunham
His Address
Company of Louisville.
is 1417 Starks building.
o William Neal Hughes is commando
er and officer in charge of the PurMinnie Lee Horton, (Mrs. Catesby chasing Division, Bureau of Supplies
Woodford, Jr.,) is living in Paris, and Accounts, United tSates Naval
Department, Washington, D. C.
Philip Preston Johnston is a farmHubert Lee Humphrey, is with the
er and lives on the Bryant Station firm of Merrifield
and Humphrey,
pike near Lexington, Ky.
Bloomfield, Ky.
John Hunt Jackson is principal of
the graded school at Defoe, Ky.
Calvin Evans Hardin is an attorney-at-lawith offices at 1401 Courthouse,
Theodore T. Jones is professor of
Leesville, La.
Latin at the University of Kentucky.
John Pelham Johnston is an at- His address is 406 Rose Lane, Lextorney with offices in the Guaranty ington, Ky.
Bank building of Lexington.
Edgar Basil Gaither is with the
Mary Logan Gordon is a teacher Guanajuato Mining and Milling ComDeaf pany, Havienda El Portrero, EI
in the Alabama School for the
at Talladega, Ala.
Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Robert Bruce Hunt is, a mechaniLloyd L. Hamilton is
cal engineer with the Florida East and general manager of the
Coast Railway and is located in St.
Wholesale Heating and
Augustine, Fla.
Plumbing Company of 405 Main
Leila Eleanor Jones, (Mrs. T. L. street, N. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Richmond) is living in Arlington, Cal.
Herman Creel Heaton is a mechaniHer address is box 411.
cal engineer with Sargent and Lundy,
Chicago, 111. His address is 1C2
Clyde Grady is a lieutenant in the of
avenue, Kenilworth, 111.
United States Army and at present Arlington
John Bacon Hutchings, Jr., is an
is stationed at Chilkoot
engineer and architect with Charles
Haines, Alaska.