xt7g7940w06g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940w06g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-04-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1993 1993 1993-04-07 2020 true xt7g7940w06g section xt7g7940w06g       

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By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


After months of restructuring,
new initiatives proposed by U niver-
sity administrators may be ham-
pered by the latest budget crisis,
UK President Charles Wethington
said yesterday.

Wethington reiterated his pledge
to maintain quality at the institu-
tion, but he said that progress
would be slow.

“We're going to do the very best
job we can of managing the budget
and to protect students and protect
academic programs.“ Wethington
said after yesterday‘s Board of
Trustees meeting. “But we simply
are not going to be able to do as
much as we‘d like to do."

UK has had a contingency plan in
place to deal with a possible 2 per-
cent reduction in state appropria-
tions since November. Last month,
state officials announced that per-
centage would be withheld and ad-
vised state universities to prepare
for another 2 percent reduction for

The 2 percent would mean a loss
of about $5.7 million. UK already
has suffered more than $26 million
in cutbacks since Fall 1991.

University administrators had
been working on next year‘s budget
for nearly two months when the an-
nouncement came. But they had
"somewhat expected it." said Ed
Caner. vice president for manage—
ment and budget.

Wethington said that he will treat
the situation in the same manner he
has treated previous cuts.

“We will handle the situation in
the same way in that we will contin—
ue to review virtually everything
we do in the University of Ken-
tucky." he said. “Fortunately. we
have been involved in a restructur-
ing and reallocating process that
gives us some flexibility."

One additional source of revenue
for UK next year will be a tuition
increase which was approved by the
state Council on Higher Education
in February.

“Obviously, the tuition increase
is a benefit for us at this time be-

Bosomworth resigning
as chancellor — sort of


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Peter Bosomworth, chancellor
of the Albert. B Chandler Medi-
cal Center, is resigning his posi-
tion — sort of.

Bosomworth’s son and daugh-
ter-in-law were accepted into
the UK residency programs in
Pediatrics and Family Practice.
University Governing Regula-
tions prohibit a chancellor or
vice president‘s relatives from
being employed in that chancel~
lor or vice president's sector.

Bosomwonh did not want to
prevent his son and daughter-in-
law from attending UK. so he
decided to resign. effective June

But UK President Charles
Wethington did not think that
would allow the University
enough time to find a suitable
successor. Upon Wethington's
recommendation yesterday. the
Board of Trustees accepted Bo-
somworth‘s resignation. then
approved the waiver of the Gov-


erning Regulation and named
him “acting" chancellor effective
June 26.

In effect, the move changes
nothing, since Bosomworth, 62,
had planned
to retire in
June 1994

1 “I will be
~ prepared to
step down at
any time," he
said. “i do
not expect to
continue any
BOSOMWOBTH longer than 12

“Dr. Bosomworth has provid-
ed and continues to provide very
strong leadership in the Medical
Center," Wethington said. “To
choose a successor in the right
way we need time to do that. My
feeling is that in the best interests
of the University we need to
have Dr. Bosomworth in his po-
sition while we try to find a suc-





cause students are going to be pay-
ing more for assistance to the bud-
get of the University of Kentucky."
Wethington said.

Wethington said that the reduc-
tion will affect all areas and pro-
grams and will prevent the Univer~
sity from hiring new faculty. UK
has been in a hiring freeze since
December 1991.

However, Wethington pledged to
continue his policy of protecting
employee's jobs rather than laying
them off.

“We‘ve worked too long and too
hard for the University employees
to have that happen now." he said.

Wethington also said that his
“strong desire and hope is that we‘ll

be able to put forth a plan that will
have some salary increases for fa-
culty and staff.“

When Wethington told the board
members the situation. board chair-
man and former Gov. Edward T.
“Ned" Breathitt urged the trustees
to do their pan in helping UK.

“T his is not something that we
need to wring our hands over," he
said. “This is a very influential
board. We need to use our power to
let it be known that it‘s essential
that we not turn our back on our
most precious resources — our
young people."

in other news at yesterday's







ABQVE: David Troost of
Akrb‘ri’. Ohio, watches his
merchandise at a tent on
Limestone Street across
from Memorial Hall. Troost
said UK's loss in the Final
Four hurt his business.
“We’re gonna come out
about even." he said.
RIGHT: Prices on UK me-
morabilia were slashed af-

ter UK’s loss Saturday

Photos by

Jeff Burlew









By Jennifer Aiken
Contributing Writer


March through June is the peak
of indoor tanning season for Cen-
ual Kentucky. Many tanners be-
lieve the darker they become the
healthier and more attractive they

Skin expens disagree.

“Beauty, in this regard, is defi-
nitely in the eye of the beholder,"
said Joseph Bark. 3 Lexington
dermatologist “Going to a tan-
ning salon is an open and frontal
assault on your skin."

Bark compared lying in a tan-
ning bed to “giving yourself a
spoonful of arsenic."

The increase in the number of
visitors to tanning salons likely is
related to increases in melanoma.
a dark-colored. malignant mole
or tumor. said dermatologist Pa-
tricia Dickerson of Dayton, Ohio.

“in the past five years. we‘re
seeing more skin cancer in wom-
en in their 20s and 30s. especially
the pale person. and this was un~
heard of." Dickerson said. “Part
of it is tanning beds. Pan of it
outdoors is the thinning of the
ozone layer. Part of it is people
getting large amounts of sunlight
very early in their lives.

"The number one person going
to the tanning salon. a teenage
white female. can‘t appreciate
what's going to happen to her
skin 20 years down the line."

Dickerson said that skin dam-
age from tanning beds includes
early wrinkling. uneven skin tone
and dilated blood vessels.

s9. TANNING. Page 5



Karri Smeal. a communications freshman from Tipp City, Ohio, tans recently at a local sa-
lon. Although doctors say tanning can be harmful, many students say it has its benefits.

Students say benefits outweigh problems


By Amy Barnes
Staff Writer


Warm weather. sunny days and
a beautiful, dark tan.

beginning. many UK students are

Tanning like ‘arsenic,’ doctor says

flocking to local tanning beds to
get a head start on sunbathing, de-
spite warnings that overexposure
to ultra-violent rays can be haz-

“l have been tanning since my
first year of high school." joumal-
ism freshman Bethany Brewer


said. “Sometimes i worry about
the possibility of skin cancer. i do
get sun spots. and sometimes
blotchcs. But i love laying out in
the sun and i love going to tan-
ning beds."

Allysia Gmcrck. an employee
See BENEFITS, Page 5




~»¢w1WrM-n ‘~‘ " '

Parents’ incomes not used
to figure need for new loan


By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer


Students who thought they were
ineligible for financial aid may be
in luck.

As of July 1, a new student loan
is being offered by the federal gov-
ernment to students who do not
qualify as having a need for finan-
cial aid because their parents‘ in-
come is too high.

Financial Aid Director Bobby
iialsey said that the new loan is an
unsubsidized Stafford Loan and the
borrowing process is the same as
the government subsidized Stafford
Loan. The federal govemment guar-
antces the new Stafford loan, and
repayment does not begin until six
months after the date of graduation
or departure from college.

However. there are two important
differences between the subsidized
and unsubsidized loans.

first. the government does not
pay the interest on the loan while
the student is enrolled. That is why
it is called "unsubsidized." The in.
terest accrues and is added to the

Second. lending is not based on
need. In the past. students had to
show a need for financial assistance
to get a Stafford loan. but with the
new loan students who do not quali-
fy as having a need for financial as.
sistance according to government
standards can borrow money for

During the 1992-93 academic
year. more that 8.000 UK students
received loans for college adding
up to more that $23 million.
in addition to the new IOII, the

limit on the amount of money a stu-
dent can borrow will be raised July
1, said Don Mills. student loan offi-
cer at Bank One.

This past school term. second-
year students could only borrow up
to 52,625. Now those students an
get as much as $3.500 per year
from a Stafford Loan. Third- and
fourth-year students now will be
able to borrow up to $5.500 per

See LOAN. Page 5


Jim Mayors and Calvin Diver
were delegates to the Greek
Polical Action Conant... for
Lambda Chi Alpha social
fraternity. Their geek
affiliation was incorrect in
Friday's Kernel.


What's not to like about
baseball? Grass, dirt and
laid-back announcers —
baseball has it all. Column,
Page 2.


UK students are among the
most stressed people

anywhere. Column. Page,


Partly sunny and Wm
today; hiw in the it“
Cloudy tonight; “MM ‘
45 and 50. dfi’jfi ‘








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Staff reports



The Board of Trustees yesterday
approved a resolution commending
the UK basketball team for bringing
“a fantastic amount of pride and na-
tional attention to the University."

The end of the resolution reads:
“BE IT RESOLVED that the llni~
versity of Kentucky Board of Trus<
tees officially gives its highest com-
mendation and registers its greatest
appreciation to Coach Rick l’iuno.
his staff and the University of Ken-
tucky Wildcats for the wonderful
job they have done this past year
and for the honors they have be-
stowed on their University
”This Board. and the citizens of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. shall
be forever grateful to the 1902-03
team for its special achievements
and accomplishments."

The Wildcats finished the season
at 30—4. They won the Southeastem
Conference Toumament in Lexing-
ton and made the NCAA Final Four
before losing Saturday to Michigan
81-78 in overtime at the Louisiana

Several trustee members com-
mended the team not only on its
success. but on the way the team
handled itself off the court and the
way the program has changed smce
incumng NCAA probation.

In particular. the trustees congrat-
ulated Athletics Director CM.





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Newman Center
Holy \Veek Schedule

April 6

Penance Service. '7 30 p m
April 7

Newman Center Clean L'p,
6 p m

- April 8. Holy Thursday
? -.Vlid Day Prayer,
12le p m.
OMass of the Lord‘s Sup-
per and Footwashing
I Ceremony, 7-30 pm.
I -Ad0rau'on in the Eucha—
ristic Chapel.
I9 p.m.-114Sp.m
oThursday Night Prayer,
11:45 pm.


, April 9, Good Friday

I 0 Morning Prayer.

f 7:30 am.

-\X’ay of the Cross,

,& 12:10 pm,

i OCelebration of the Lords
I Passion, 7:30 pm

...M-._«.mma‘1»m=w grown-i -, sum " .‘ . ’ v‘ ,


IAer 10, Holy Saturday l
: ~Morning Prayer, 9 am. ‘
I 0Evening Prayer, 6 pm. ,
I -Easter Vigil, 9 pm. i
I l

IAprll 1 1. Easter Sunday
i-Masses: 9 a m.,

11:30 a m, and 5 pm,
[(no 8:30 mass)





2 - Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, April 7, 1993

Trustees commend Cats’
’93 season with resolution



WW3” each member of thl Univ
“wally of moldy Wildcats basketball
"I. ll” dmmlahed himself n In
excellent rapes-mauve of this Univer
my, both on ma oi? the baketlnll
"court. aim; the «trim 199243 basket
g 3WHRREAS. under the leadership of
CM Rick Pilino and his assistants the
tinnitus translucent“ in capturing
“M05 Wm all across the
mi! N UK m mrywhue, and

WHEREAS, the University of Ken
tucky Wildcats, Mush their talent,
grit ltd determination have brought a



attention to their thermally.
SOLVED thal the University of Ken-


past year and


tucky shall befomrer grateful to the,
199253? learn for Its special um



rrtenls and accomplishments


Newton for his approach to the has-
ketball program. as well as the oth-
er 20 varsity sports programs.

Board members also praised UK
President Charles Wethington for
his oversight of the basketball

The trustees. many of whom had
just recently returned to Lexington
from New Orleans. approved the
resolution unanimously.

TOP: Junior Jamal Mashburn
shoots against Florida State's
Doug Edwards on route to the
Final Four. RIGHT: Guard
Tony Delk shoots a floater
against Wake Forest. Mash-
burn, Delk and the rest of the
UK basketball team and staff
were honored yesterday by
the Board of Trustees with a
special resolution.




The Student Development Council is now accepting applications
for "Partners for Excellence." You qualify to apply if you


- Contributed money directly to a UK program
- Sponsored a fund-raising event in which the revenue went

to a UK program

- Participated in an event which has directly benefitted or

brought credit to UK

Competition divisions include dependent student organizations.
fraternities. sororities, graduate organizations. and independent
student organizations. Each divisional winner will be recognized
as a "Partner for Excellence" and honored with a plaque in

the new library.

Pick up applications at the Sturglli Development Building on
Rose Street (next to the Chi Omega house). Applications are
due on Friday, April 9, before 4:00 pm.

Call SDC at 2576288 for more information.







I can't understand it, I just can't
understand why some people dis-
like the sport of baseball.

1 mean, what is there to hate
about it'.’ You have the grass. the
sun. the dirt. What else could you

No matter. someone always find
a way to spoil the party.

The complaints are endless. First.
you have somebody complain about
the length of the game. They say
that it is too long and boring and
that they just end up falling asleep
around the fifth inning anyway.

What is so bad about that? If it
makes you happy and relaxes you.
then that‘s great. How many times
can you say you felt relaxed while
watching a basketball game? Your
pulse quickens. you begin to sweat
and get chills at the same time and
you feel nauseous if your favorite
team doesn‘t win. Now that is what
IcaII fun.

In baseball, there are 162 games
and plenty of chances to enjoy the
game without having to see a doctor

Another thing, announcers in
baseball never take the game too se-
riously. Never have I heard an an-
nouncer almost have a heart attack
on the air because they got too ex-

Here is a typical conversation be-
tween two announcers during a typ-
ical baseball game:

Announcer I: “You know. Bill. I
was out in downtown Los Angeles
when I ran into Larry Miller. the
Reds first baseman. who was with
his wife and kids the other day. and
he told me the funniest story about
his latest attempts at fly fishing and
about how he wants to fish every-
day after he retires

Announcer 2: "Uh. Joe. they just
hit back-to-back home runs to tie
the game and send it into extra in-

Announcer 1: “Oh. ()K. Well. be-
fore l was so rudely interrupted. he
said that he had loved fishing ever

tieKcntuc. .Kcmcl



Representatives from regional law schoob
and Kaphn will be there.
Guest speaker '5 Mr. Duane Schwartz,
Hard of the Criminal Division for the
Western D'strictof Kentucky.








Draw rg upon the coo"
it” m' on Kathy Ro-iir
. mega

iclioecres ‘roc' Soar sh ‘ri



Classes are closing

faSt ! Closed
‘ Class ListI

Register .,
now for four-

week, eight-
week and/or
fall classes.






What’s not to love
about relaxation of
national pastime?


By Lance Williams
Kernel Columnist

since he was a kid. except for the
time when he was nine and his old-
er brother pushed him in the lake
and he almost drowned

Announcer 2: "'lhe bases are
loaded. Joe. I think you may wzutt
to watch this.“

Announcer 1: “OK. OK. So arty-
way. he said he almost drowned.
but his father. who was on the other
side of the boat. hooked his nose
accidently and helped pull him to

Announcer 2: “Uh. Joe, the game
is over. everyone is heading home.
I‘ll see you tomorrow."

Announcer 1: “Yeah. anyway.
speaking of game over. Let me tell
you folks about 1964 and the funni-
est thing that I ever saw after a
game. or was it 1965. Well, it might
have been last week. but it was still
the funniest thing. You see

And he continues on his merry
way until some station executive
decides to shut him up or they just
turn the camera off and let him
keep talking until the next game.

What's not to love about that?

There are so many reasons to
love baseball.

How many times can you remem-
ber baseball fans having to stand in
below-freezing weather to watch a
game? When is the last time you
could sing in the middle of a foot-
ball game?

()pening day was two days ago.
and already it is moving too fast.
Instead of crying about how long
the season is. we should just relax
and watch the grunes. even with all
its craziness sometimes.

Staff Writer Lance Williams ts a
journalism freshman and u Ken-
tucky K ernel columnist.



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id in
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Goose, Library,
Fonz only things
missing from ’70s


Dave Lavender
Kernel Columnist


As little Stevie Wonder would
have said. I’m “superstitious."
That’s why I hocked my cheap gui-
tar and plunked down every nickel I
could find on the Cats to bring the
Championship back from New Or-

We were destined to win. It was
in the stars. The stars of Dallas.
Iiveryone's read about how when
UK won in 1978 Dallas took the
NFL Championship, Alabama took
the National Title in the collegiate
ranks and a southern governor was
elected president.

I started thinking about how
much has really changed since the
‘70s. Sure. there is no Goose throw-
ing in 41 for the Cats these days.
but Eric Clapton swept the Gram-
mys. Elton John and Richie Havens
are the big concert tickets in town
and Parliament has a new album
coming out soon.

So, I did a bit of research in some
ancient Kernels (mostly 1976s) and
found that other than Elvis, things
haven't changed much. And there
were some things that have, that
were probably best left alone.

Believe it or not

oUK not only won football
games. they shutout Tennessee 7-0
in 1976, which led to the resigna-
tion of UT coach Bill Battle. The
Kentucky Kernel reported the reac-
tions of a couple of UK players.

“Hey that was far out." said
James Ramsey.

“Gawd---—. that's great. We beat
them,“ said Clarence “Buckshot"

OK. so maybe we didn't suit up
Rhodes scholars, but by Gawd we
actually beat teams that weren‘t in
the Mid—Atlantic Conference.

°Thc Library really was the hang-
out. No. not the confusing corridors
of Margaret I. King, but the cosy
confines of the Library Lounge, lo-
cated at University Plaza at Euclid
and Woodland avenues where Ly-
naghs is now. The Library Lounge.
which gets considerable mention in
Sally Demon‘s book “Bluegrass
Conspiracy." had a pound of brew
for a buck in the mid-70s and pro-
moted such nights as Titanic night.
“9 pm. begins an exciting evening
of disco as you and the Titanic
slowly sink." declared a Kentucky
Kernel ad.

-It wasn't until Sept. 17. 1976.
that UK put its very own ice cream
parlor in the Student Center. To add
to the frenzied euphoria that surely
swept the campus, Nancy Books.
manager of Student Center Food
Services said in the Kernel, “We
might even get the pinball machines
back in the grille."

Between September 1975 and
August 1976. flashers struck UK’s
campus 13 times, according to UK
campus security statistics reported
in the Kemel.

-Jimmy Buffett and Bruce
Springsttxm performed in the UK




Student Center between 1972 and
1974 as a pan of Student Center
Board‘s Mini-Concert Committee.
(Admission: $2)

-The 1976 UK Homecoming fea-
tured a malt-drinking and Fonz
look-a-like contest. This was prob-
ably because the Student Center
TV room got so crowded during
“Happy Days" that. according to a
information desk clerk. “people
can't walk through the aisles."

- Lexington, Ky.. was the hotbed
for an absolute honeybucket of love
(groovy ’705 lingo) as it had a host
of naughty theaters such as the Lex-
ington Drive-In, where fine. family
entertainment was shown, like “Pi-
nocchio," which had the teaser.
“See the surprise when he lies." If
one couldn't get his jollies from
“Pinocchio," (“It‘s not his nose that
grows”) then he could stay for the
erotic adventures of both Zorro and
Robin Hood.

Some Things Never Change

- A singer named Larry Redmon
was playing the Brewery

0A second-year law student
named Gatewood Galbraith formed
two corporations to help Kentucky
farmers attain “their fair share of
the multi-billion dollar marijuana
market." Galbraith formed the Ken-
tucky Marijuana Feasibility Study,
Inc. and The Future Kentucky Mar-
ijuana Growers Association, Inc.

-Pictures of squirrels on the front
page of the Kentucky Kernel:
“Nuts to You," October 5, 1976.

- The midnight show at the Gen-
eral Cinemas theaters in Lexington
featured Woody Allen in “Every-
thing You Always Wanted to
Know About Sex. but Were Afraid
to Ask."

' The Kernel did an editorial in
the Sept. 15 edition about careful
biking after two students were hit.

Arts Editor Dave Lavender is a
journalism senior and a Kentucky
Kernel columnist who thinks KC.
and the Sunshine Band hung the
moon or at least helped.




“Jack The Bear"
Starring Danny DeVito
20th Century Fox


By Jami Beavers
Contributing Critic


Combine “Wonder Years” with
“Stand By Me" and there you
have it, “Jack the Bear," a film
that is presented as a flashback
narrative by Jackie, the troubled
son of John Leary (Danny DeVi-

“Jack the Bear" offers a de-
pressing look at a family trying to
cope with the recent loss of a wife
and mother.

It is 1972 in Oakland. Calif.
The A's have won the World Se-
ries. and the Learys just moved
into the neighborhood.

John Leary makes his living as
Al Gory. the Midnight Shriek. a
late night emcee of classic horror
flicks. He has been cancelled by
several stations because of the
tasteless nature of his rather dark
humor. Coupled with alcoholism.
John is in danger of losing yet an-


other job.





John has, however, become a
favorite with the neighborhood
children because he still has a lot
of the child left in him. The chil-
dren come daily, asking for the
monster they see on television.
and John always obliges them by
chasing them around the yard
growling like a monster. His old-
est child. Jackie, doesn‘t always
see the humor in his antics, how-






Because John is so childlike
and often irresponsible. Jackie is
left with the responsibility of tak-
ing care of his younger brother.
Dylan. This creates an even
greater strain on Jackie in his at-
tempt to get over his mother‘s
death and his own sense of guilt.

“Jack the Bear" is not. howev~
er. simply two hours of continu-
ous depressing self pity. The chil-
dren in the neighborhood and


Danny De Vito is John Leary and Miko Hughes is his son in the dramatic movie ‘Jack the

Dramatic De Vito bearable in film

their quest to discover who their
mysterious neighbor. Norm “The
Zombie,” is and their subsequent
terror of him offers a much-
needed comic effect. Danny De-
Vito is also quite humorous in his
portrayal of Al Gory, the Mid-
night Shriek.

This fear of Norm is validated.
though. when it is discovered that
he is a white supremacist. looking
for new supporters of his cause.
John makes a drunken rebuttal to
Norm's solicitation for support on
his show. This results in the kid-
napping of John‘s three-year-old
son. Dylan. by Norm.

This forces John to re-evaluate
his life. actions and his role as a
father to his sons. Through this
trial, John is able to turn his life

Danny DeVito offers one of his
best dramatic performances yet in
“Jack the Bear." What the film
lacks in originality and content is
compensated for in performance
and comedic interludes.

"Jack the Bear. " rated PG-l3,
is showing at North Park. South
Park and Man 0' War Cinemas.





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The Student Development Council (SDC) is
now accepting applications for two $1,000


Applicants must be currently enrolled full-
time UK or LCC students who will be
enrolled full-time during the 1993-94

academic year.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of
reasonable academic success (minimum GPA
of 2.5) and service to the University as
demonstrated through campus involvement

and leadership.

Pick up applications at the Sturgill
Development Building on Rose Street (next to
the Chi Omega house). Applications are due
on Monday, April 19th.

Call SDC at 257-6288 for more information.







What do Santa
Claus, the Easter
Bunny, and the

of Jesus of
Nazareth all have
in common?




Glam record
has a few
bright spots

Enuff Z'nuff
Animals With Human Intelligence
Arista Records


By Chris Kidwell
Contributing Critic


It would be very easy for me to
come straight out and say that Enuff
Z'nufl's new CD is a lousy excuse
for music. I remember back when
its first release was overplayed on
MTV and how much I hated it.
However. knowing things change
and that music evolves, I‘ll give
these "Animals With Human Intel-
ligence" a fair chance.

On their debut. vocalist Donnie
Vie. bassist Chip Z'nuff and guitar-
ist Derek Frigo teamed up with an
impressive crew. This release was
produced by Richie Zito (Cheap
Trick. The Cult) and was mixed by
Nigel Green (Def Leppard, Bryan
Adams). Regardless, this band and
its third release will have trouble
shedding its MTV pop-metal band
image in the mold of such glam
gods as Poison and Warrant.

There are a few bright spots on
this album however. Guitarist Frigo
is an extremely solid riff-master.

Frigo‘s melodic fretwork is high-
ly showcased on “One Step Closer
To You." This track is probably the
strongest on this collection of 12
pop-metal ramblings. Even the vo-
cals on this song aren’t too bad. Vo-
calist Vie and bassist Z"nuff har-
monize quite well at times.

Two other tracks, “Superstitions"
and “Bring It On Home." stand out
above the remainder of this release.
These two. along with “One Step
Closer To You." would be likely
candidates for singles.

For the most part. Animals With
Human Intelligence wasn‘t as bad
as I had expected. However. I
wouldn‘t recommend mshing out to
add this to your musical collection.
You might be more content just sit-
ting up late on a Saturday night and
watching MTV‘s Headbanger’s
Ball. You‘re sure to see plenty of
this dying breed of pop-metal and
probably too much of host Riki



Answer: Many people perceive all three to bc myths minim/it in nntim‘ and morning but nf/ttt/r or in) l
Initinim/iiniiilit‘iina‘l. however this perception is only No thirds correct.
The resurrection ol‘lcsus ol‘Nizarcth is one ot‘tlic best attested historical events ot‘antiquity. l
llcrc on campus there are many who share the joy ot'knoyving that lcsus (‘hrist provides intellectually and l

spiritually satisfying .lllS\\'t‘f\ to life‘s most important questions. We Sincerely invite your questions.

Suzanne Badenhop
Coop. Extension

Evelyn Banks

James Banks
Family Practice

James Beidleman

Joanne Beidleman
U ndergrad.Studies

J. T. Broderson

Susan Cooper
Library Science

Douglas L. Dahlman

Renee V. Girdler
Family Practice

For more information about the historical reliability ol‘thc resurrection of lcsus Christ, we are
making available to everyone who aslts an article by the noted author and lecturer losh McDowell.

Ken Goad

Peggy Harrell
Family Practice

David Hager

Tom Hayden

E. Preston Hicks

Sam Jasper

Keith Kinderknecht

G. Tom Kluemper

Chuck Lord

Arthur J. Nitz
Physical Therapy

Lindell Ormsbee
Civil Engineering

David Pien kowski

J. David Robertson

Craig Shellhart

Melanie Sowder
Special Education

Joy Terhune
Library Science

Larry Wells
Agr. Engineering

Ron Whitley






isir ._








4- MuckmeLWM.APfll7. 1993





h---.-.... ..- .. ‘

Taped testimony used as both Sides rest in King trial


By Linda Detach
Associated Pm


LOS ANGELES - Testimony
ended in the federal Rodney King
beating trial yesterday after prose.
cutors showed jurors a videotape of
one policeman condemning his co-
defendants and his sergeant re-
turned to the stand to rebut him.

But Sgt. Stacey Koon‘s attempt
to contradict Officer Theodore Bri-
seno's taped testimony from last
year‘s state trial gave a prosecutor
an opportunity to tell jurors a Brise-
no remark that had been edited out
of the videotape —— that he believed
another officer was “out of con-

Briseno broke ranks with his fel-
low policemen in the state trial. in
which they were acquitted on near-
ly all charges. He joined their de-
fense in the current trial on federal
civil rights charges. and he didn‘t

Over defense objections. howev-

er. the judge allowed prosecutors to
play a videotime of Briseno's state
testimony. in which he said King
wasn't a threat when he was beaten
on March 3.1991.Brisuio a