xt7g7940vz6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940vz6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1985 1985 1985-01-21 2020 true xt7g7940vz6d section xt7g7940vz6d ______—________________—_—_______~________—____
‘ _>._ _ s5 _ . ., , 3.13:1: ;-;7.scs....:t;::7i_ 1:. fails-.- . 1 r- r‘.‘ "dud”? ' - - . ' .. i - I ’ I
New Store a . " . , ‘“ "- Memorial Coliseum '
f hionable “ i ‘ / A l ‘
as 1 \t ~ ' converted to shelt r -
erience * '* " e ” " ‘
'1 , I .
exp 1 . e ,. . , . .V .
. . J . . V t or or y s eat ess . ,
Students planning I 1 it . _ t . ’ . 1 ‘-
‘ ' r . 1 .t 1 ' "q‘ - By FRAN STEWART Although no one took advantage tll . z 'j .. . ,,
flrSt buSlneSS " ' g ' ". . i . I SeniorStaff Writer L'K‘s warmth. the coliseum l‘e 'j . ‘
t ’1 » 1 ‘3‘?” ' malned ready for guests from about ‘ .- i1 . 1
By DOUGLAS E. PITTENGER . .. j ‘ . ' "“ ’ Memorial Coliseum yesterday be- 2:30 to 5 pm. for anyone without ' ' . ' .-
Staff Writer 1 _ 3 t -’~ 1 came an “open public service shel. heat and in anticipation of the possi 3 . -- ' ' '
j 1 . 4353 1 ‘ 1 3 ter" for Lexington residents without bility of power outages caused by - r '
Kim Hall and Kelley Eberweln are V ' 5- I ’ 1 3 heat. the extra load on the rerouted cir ‘ ' ' - o '.
__ '- Setting a head start in the bustnoss . 1 e ' r 1 . x ’ When a failed transformer shut off cults. ' t A .
' :1 world. , j 1 i " h . .3 _> . .' *' .‘ power to thousands of south-side res» "My understanding is that the . ’ :1. '
. i They re getting started on their t v 1, 1.. ~ h j » e idents Sunday morning. Mayor Scot- power is back up.“ Skibti said ‘
J careers before they graduate from 3.1.. ' ‘r ' ,; 1 we; r , ty Baesler turned to UK for assls- "Given that. I‘m sure the people \\lii ‘ 2‘ .
. ' UK and If all 898 as they plan. by l " " ' .1 W’ V " ‘t éy ag _ . _ tance in providing heat. according to stay in their homes unless it goes - -
it: March they Wj‘h open 1 the" own .% 11r- E: K »_ $1.51 i... 1 . «g Wally Skiba. acting director of pub- back off again “ ' ' 1
clothing store m the CW” Center i V .' \ I '3" “f r ‘ t _, V“); lic safety. Van Hook said that extreme care 1 1. .
Shops. . 1 l‘ -: _ _ g» . . ._ -.1 it: “For whatever reason. if they was taken to relieve the chances oi ‘ 1 ' ~ .

Hall. 8 business senior. had al- \. , ' 2 " 53 need to get out of the cold. they can other poweroutages . . .
ways dreamed of starting her own . e. ' i 7 t just come on in." Skiba said “The "We've been careful in tho sVlitL'ii- . . .' -
store after she 81' aduated. hilt In DC ' a 1 3,; public service announcement on TV ing of other L‘erUiL\.”h9 said 1 ‘ .
tober she dectded she couldn't Walt 2* ’ ~ _ fie = said to call in to the police if you are \'an Hook said the restoration was ‘ ~ . ',
any 10'188'3 ”I'm Mt a_very patient ' .- a . i ' ’ or know anyone without heat," a gradual process. hampered ey en
person." she said. I d‘dn‘t want to “ ‘ ' . ‘1 s S - .1 ”'13 Kentucky Utilities workers battled further by the bitter cold. but ‘ '1 ' -
wait. lwanted 30601! 00W."_ h '- -' I; ‘ .. 1 ' ‘ g :t‘ the bitter cold to reroute the power “they'll stay with it until merythlng 1'» . .

She then discussed the idea wtth 4;, t ‘ " 'V l .13‘ supply and restore heat to residents is back in order again ~
her friend, Kelley Eberweln. a my e?! . s 1”. i g 1 between ““5 Creek and Nlcholas- , . .
chology senior, who also wanted to e 1 . ‘N ' g “11“? ' . ; 1 » ville roads. "1 can‘t tell you why the trans
open a clothing store. Hall said they ' f ' e 2312; " Egg“ -' g . “We've been doing some restora- former tailed." t'an Hook said "The ‘ 1 '
both spent the next two months get- % f, . _» / $1 ‘ 213‘ tion of service this afternoon by heavyioad conditions because of the 1 . .
ting information on ninnlng a CIOth- ' -' ' 1 .. (17 ‘ 1:. ' a; switching to other circuits." 53“} Ed extreme cold weather and the ht’ill' ' -
ing store and took out a loan With _ . . .‘ .. .. . h Van Hook, director of public infor- ing needs has contributed to some oi .
helpfrom Hall'stather- ‘ ' ‘~ 5t 7' " ~ mation at Kentucky Utilities IhrproblemS ” .. ‘

Then they looked around bexing- ' 2- . ' " =.~ ._ ' ’ '
ton for a good location and finally ' " , ‘_ , r ' , O .
sodium... 5...... . a i ew remedial classes ~—
after talking with Martha Smith, "Iti jg e132. :2; 33 iii“ 1
head of leasing there. “This was the 1 I, 1 1 i 3 ' -
best option for us as far as money." . “2;; i _' _ 11:9? «:3 - , l l f . 1 1
Hall said. “lire Civic Center was r - - ~ , ‘- " e t 011 Clll’l‘lClllllm '
willing to give us a chance to make .2 1“ ye: , - ' .1- é “o
‘ . wer ’t ex ti is to 1‘; ,

Sufi?!“ 310mg: nmgoney “32% , . r ‘ev \ ' e ‘\ " Selective admissions policy eliminates - ‘ ' ‘
we weren‘tmaltintghtzilnyugonely."lked | \ 1 . i A x?) i e e. v .. _

Eberwein said t y aso i y 3 3.: .1 ‘1
the Civic Center Shops miss a lot ‘ Z; - {E I it need for numerous precollege classes ~1
of the other tenants there owned . ‘
their own stores; whereas the malls i t ’ 1' fl * By KAREN MILLER "Qu1te a few students. maybe 60
were funofchain stores. . 1; ’- .. : Staff Writer or Tli. who were not accepted at l'K

The Civic Center Shops leased l .4 a ' _ 5‘ i came here for instruction." Pagan
them 1200 square feet of space. 1.“, »,‘ ’_ > "‘ V. l Although the new selective admis» said "We have developmental . ‘

. leaving about 900mm feet, for dis— 's;.1 7fi.,<,‘é.a . u .1 i sions policy eliminated the need for murses in writing, math. account~ ' .
play. Hall said. “It's small, but W ‘ X ’ 1 a remedial program designed espe- ing. reading and study strategies " .
(good) for the kind of store we want. " e 1 “>wa 5 cially for ill-prepared StUdehtS 9” u" currently has two remedial
We want to keep it a little, intimate ..- - . ‘ if. (- I‘ ‘5'» 1 . \ i ““98 UK. academic help is 5““ classes. Math .10th and Chemistry
kind Of a boutique atmosphere With‘ -. 15; "’3 ‘ . (a ’ i 5 3 available to those who are academy 102R. “These classes do count for I
out charging outrageous prices," "3. are“ (l -. f. ., l cally unprepared for college college credit and that is an issue
shesaid. “ . . ‘ , . J g 1, V. The Developmean Studies Pro- that has been debated periodically .

After deciding on a location, they ‘3‘?“ "1 1.1-..1 V"; M ’ . Emmi Wh‘ch began m “”5 and con- In most institutions credit is not ' ' -
went to New York in November and _ fl. 3 h tinued until 1983. was deSigned ‘0 awarded for remedial courses.“ - .
b01181“ the lines 0‘ clothes. Eber- v»? W V r W H ru¥ ua\|L§§|(, kernels‘raff ”Eridgetelt'zs gag: begs}??? Setugsg‘ls \Iabrysald V t

- - ~ . . , woen M a iCiaa i- . ~.
x‘hgffiygggdxhgdfim Florida sophomore guard Andrew Moten. who scored 26 pomts, goes up against Kentucky’s caliy and to bring them up to col- Since the end of the Developmen- . . 1.
she likes more traditional clothes Winston Bennett in Saturday 567-55 Kentucky loss. iege-level performance." said Bar- tal Studies Program the slack has . , .
while Hail likes more contemporary . . bara Mabry. director of special been taken up elsewhere , . - »
clothes. H h t t f ll h t. programs and adVismg for the (01» "We're having to do more with . _

Hall said the items are geared for lg exp ec a Ions a S or , lege 0f Art55‘SClehCeS- less and by and large we're being _
college—age women. but she said it “Some students that came to “5 very creative." Mabry said “There . .
wouldn‘t be limited to jtst them. . . had never really‘wntten a term are bits and pieces of help all over ' ' . -
“We want to try and key in on some- Pallet? been 0“ the" W7“ and some campus. including the writing lab , '
thing we know. but atthesame time a ors 311“] l a e a S - hadn‘t passed high “"001 math." the counseling and testing center. V ' ‘ ' ' -
we want — my mother. say — to be ’ said Mary Franke. former director tutorial help from individual depart: ' 7 ' ,' -
able to come in and if she wants a BD'WtLUEHMW 1°55 to Georgia 0“ their home Walker dunking spree. Trailing 0f the program. "Students were ad‘ ments and the chemistry resource .' '
skirt and blouse to be able to walk Staff Writer court Wednesday. had never 34-25 early in the PerlOd. ”Sk)" vised according to their ACT scores room Manv students don't know . . '
out withapackage.”she said. beaten KentUCky in RUPP Arena. Walker" t00k a pass from Roger to enter our program and once '" where to look for help and it takes " I '

Eberwein said they will carry a Coach J°e 3 Hall had warned Ahd though Florida Coach Norm Harden on a fast break. dunked the program were h0t dropped from some initiative on their part to go I ‘ . ~
variety of women‘s clothes including against expectations just a couple Sloan said it wasn‘t his biggest and completed a three-point play the University for three semesters See adVlSerS like mvself and sav. ‘ 1 j
some exclusive lines. “We‘re going of days earlier — they were too thrill.he was certainly pleased. after being fouled by Florida's even if they were in trouble acade- 'l‘m having academic (“mum- and ~
to have a little bit of everything." high, he said. Even though Kenny “For us to be able to beat one Danny Sheldon. mically,"Franke said. . ‘where can i get help?‘ “she said » .
she said. “We're going to have any- walker "V“ “P ‘0 9“"wa 5' 0‘ the great “Miles and one Of A minute and a half and two The center held classes In math Attention also has turned to sec— - ‘ ,-
thing from cocktail dresses to sweat the Cats still lost 67-55 to the the great programs in their own Walker dunks later, UK had cut and English. with a smaller number ondary schools concerning prepara- . . '
suits and cropped pants." She added Florida Gators Saturday af' building is very satisfying to Florida's lead to one. 34-33. with of students in each. Counseling was iionfor college. . ‘ .
that the store will be a combination ternoon. me," Sloan said. “It should be a 15:3’719ft in the game. available and a study skills course "We are no“. preparing a pamph- ' . .
of traditional clothes, such as The loss dropped UK to 943 great confidence builder for the UK had momentum. it ap- wasrequired. let for high schools entitled ‘Prepar- ' . " '
dresses for formals' as well as the overall and forced a four-way tie people supporting our program.“ peared. Florida, however, had “At one time we had about 240. to mg for the University of Kentucky" . \
newest fashions. but not the New for the ever-precarious SOUth' Walker. who missed nearly 10 Moten. 260 students in the program “{thh and it will outline what expectations ' . . ,
Yorkpunkstyleofclothes. eastern Conference lead. UK. minutes of the first half after Sophomore guard Andrew wasdesignedfor200."Frankesaid.' are for incoming freshmen.“ Mabry . .

After they got the loan. picked the Florida, Mississippi State and drawing his second foul. scored Moten, who led the Gators with “Supposedly Wlth selective admlss said. 1 . -
location of and the merchandise for Tennessee all have 4-2 conference all but four of his thrilling 26 26 points on nineof—ls shooting sions criteria we‘re not getting those h .. 1 h _ .
the store. Hall and Eberwein were records after Saturday‘s games. points in the final 20 minutes. Se- from the field and eight-of-io students anymore." Mabry said. She added I at "0 matte: "“ '
faced with the task of naming it. “We never had any illusions nior Troy McKinley. who came from the line. squelched UK‘s “They have probably been going to the VPOPUIHUO" Of, our {Stu f?“ Slim - -
They decided on “A Bite of the about being a power in the con- into the game for Walker in the drive with a 12-foot jumper in the vocational schools. to Lexington prove. dis far as her orrnltlinclc on , , .
Apple.“ ference, but losing at home is first half, hit four-of-five long laneandalayuponafast break. Community College _ to the com. standa; zed [Sab‘iiegelreli HWS}: 1

Hall said they pickedthename be- certainly very damsins." Ha" jumpers to slightly open up the Asked in the lockeroom if he munlty college _ system. ‘ which be triduhems ; ‘tm U _. Play" 1 .-
cause they wanted to incorporate said in his post-game interview. Cats‘ inside game. A Walker-less took the game into his own hands doesn‘t'have selective admissmns. W0 Opel a he "IVZFSI .V C3" 1 4
something with New York. “We "It was a night we did!” have UK team, though. fell behind 30- at that point. Moten said. “1 felt Bonnie Paganh chairman of hu- keep all 939 0" t 9m an 9:]th 9
wanted to bring New York fashion to much to sing praises on, and it 23atthe half. great. 1 had the shot and I felt manities at lyexmgton Community help wherever “if“. Overa 0:

Lexington. New York is ‘the Big waSaSOOGSamebyFlorida1" in the second half the Cats thatlcould take it." College, said UK's selective admis- realll'tei‘ctiisd‘t \iiletnt éohsvlmpgtjdl
Apple.’ We‘re mm a bite of New The Gators. coming off a 7160 fashioned a comeback led by a SNEXPE(1AT|0Ns.page5 ih?;l:dicy has had an "“93“ 0" 3:1; iniongs are really looking up .. . ~
SeeSTORE.pagc5 1 1 ' 7-, 1 ,, ,. . . .
1 HM (onus Kernelhrl hm '
. E lO- p ‘
Cold as ice --\
1 c 93> " / .
y Wag Keeping warm outszde essential, anIde sometimes difficult ~ ~ \ ., t
3:. i=3“ §?t‘$e“e‘g“§‘j‘2$ ""“‘,;"§w‘:§& i . “0 KP; '
g1 '1 1 3W «yfsfigoi By CYNTHIA A. PALORMO People get in trouble when they do Limbs that suffer from a loss of 50 P K i
3":3 Staff Writer not anticipate having problems. One sensation or movement after re- \ 4D i, ‘
“twitugm twmgwg IM NANCY MAHL'RIN result of overexposure is frostbite. warming need medical attention. V .1
*’ stoke: s e“ Shimmer Necrosis. as it is medically termed. Carter said. 31 ,
«*3 it» “ area?" it“ “it? if» is death of tissue — the most severe Although there have not been ' 10 w I
3,. : .. S .51. m’";uu kind of frostbite. Carter said. It is a many recent reports of frostbite. , r W Wit}
with}? Q éé‘egfi M33: The cold weather has made it dan- result of a decreased supply of oxy- Carter said that once the work week 0 9
33y: £393ng féfig gem to be outside and ._ to some gen due to decreased circulation. begim. people will start getting out —lo U /
gigosfiéig‘sfiesgmmt mim hall occupants _ mm The euro. timers and toes are espe- and will pay less attention to dress- J Toocuo'
fortnbletobeinside. cially smceptibletothis. ing properly. Those who go outside. 3 '
Sl-ie Carter. clinical nurse man- If someone does become overex- even fora short period of time. must ‘ .'
agar at the Medical Center. said posed to the cold. it is important to take precautions to stay warm. That - I W“
1 1.111 _ _ _. 1 people must take certain precau- remember not to rapidly rewarm. mambondleup. -*~——r
-"po 11* : tions before goim outside. “They "Rlpidly rewarming come: In in- This may even be necessary for oily chilly swooping-a. while stu- Willie undulating has been a
1 we": 1 mu m as if my might have crease in the oxygen demand to some students who don‘t plan to dents interviewed in north campus problem in some halls. overheatim
- . ‘ We and will be exposed to the outer area instead of the internal leave their rooms. The heat in rui- halbannportedlycomfortable. is sanetimes the case in Blazer
. mm than they expected" she organ. This is datum." she dance hall: varies from building to Ann Bristol. a resident advisor at Hall. Stephanie Smith, an EA at
. said. “All skin should be covered. said. 31W. steady Warming allows buildllu, according to students. Ra- Bland"; I. sold mat of the rooms Blazer. said although there is ice (ll
.1 Extra socks. face masks, stocking the internal organs and external idents in south campi- halls said are cold. "My room to train." theimideofthewindows, heat is no
up. our muffs. and gloves are ne- are“ ‘0 Idlilt ‘0 the warm temper- "It may of the rooms have ice on Bristol said. “it‘s not unbearable. problem. “i turn off my heat at
' m1" nturewithwt W“. the lmide of the window: and galer- butlt‘s manta-table." night became“ geranium."
, l

 z-xmvxmmmn I“ y
, .
Information on this calendar at events is collected
- - * ' and coordinated through theStudent Genter Activities
Oltice, ”/204 Student Center, University at Ken- '
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
on-campus sponsor. with editorial privilege allowed
tor the sake of clarity at expression. For student orga- ‘
nixations or University departments to make entries on '
the calendar, a Campus Calendar term must be lllled
‘ out and returned to the Student Activities Ottice.
0 Exhibitions: An Exhibit at Monoprints 8 0 Academics: Last day to add a class tor the ' Meetings: National Organization for 0 Movies: Oxlord Blues: $1.75; Worsham
Tea pots by Garry Bibbs; Rasdell Gallery; Call 1985 Spring Semester WOMO" Meeting; 109 5C? N00" ”I ‘100 p.m.; Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
255-7850 0 Academics: Last day to w/draw from UK CO“ 254-2946 . O Other: Library Tours for Adult Students ~
0 Movies: Indiana Jones and The Temple of or reduce load8receive an 80% refund 0 Movies: Oxford Blues; $1.75; Worsham (Registration Required): King Library; 5:30
‘ ‘ Doom; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. 0 Meetings: Snow Ski Club Meeting; 228 SC; Theatre; 7:30 p.m. p.m.; Call 7-3383
. 0 Other: Library Tours tor Adult Students 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-7644 0 Other: Adult Student Reception; 106 Fra- 0 Sports: Wheelchair Sports Clinic; Free;
(Registration Required): King Library: 5:30 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women's lee Hall; 4:00 p.m.; Call 7-3383 North Gym Seaton; 7:00 p.m. til 10:00 p.m.;
p.m.; Call 7-3383 Press Meeting; 111 SC; 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-2946 ' Sports: UK Basketball vs. Georgia; Athens; Call 7-3928
~ 0 Movies: Indiana Jones and The Temple of TBA 0 Meetings: GALUS Meeting; Free; 109 SC;
. - Doom; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 730 p.m. 0 Sports: Club Sports Day; Old Arcade Room 5:00 p.m.
. 0 Sports: Entry deadline for intro. Basketball (20d Floor) SC: 10:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m.; Call 7- 0 Lecture: -We'll talk about procrastination- ~
' (at Mgrs Meeting Only); Worsham Theatre; 3923 tommorow- 2i 8. older; 412 Rose St.; 5:30 p.m.;
; 5:00 pm; CalI7-3928 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee Meet- Call254-1881
' ' Sports: Entry Deadline for lntra. Basketball "‘91 228 5C Addl'iO"? 530° P-m-i C0" 7'66”
' tor Fac. & Stall SC Auditorium; 5:00 p.m.;
Call 7-2898
' Sports: Sign-Up for UK Adult Fitness Pro-
gram; Deadline Jan. 29; 203 Seaton: Call 7-
0 Concerts: Mozart's-The Magic Flute-; 55- e Concerts: Mozart’s-The Magic Flute-; $5- 0 Movies: Police Academy; $1.75; w/UKID; 0 Movies: Police Academy; $1.75; Worsham
Reg/$3 Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Center for the Arts; Reg./ $3-5m. 3 Sr. Cit.; Center for the Arts; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.; Call7-4900 2:00p.m.:Ca|l7-4900 0 Lectures: Lecture by Robert Hemenway, 0 Sports: Sign-up for UK Adult Fitness Pro-
‘ ' M°Vl°$= PW“ ACOdemYI 51-751 Worsham 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats vs. KY Wesleyan (H); Chairman, UK Dept. of English: Center tor the gram-Deadline Jan. 29; 208$eaton; Call7-3695
Theatre; 7:30 p.m. $3 w/UKiD-Pub. $4, $5 3 $6; Lex. ice Center: Arts;3:00 p.m.; 7-3145
0 Other: Biblical Prophecy tor Prophets 8:30 p.m.; Call 7-2898 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. Tennessee:
, Today: Newman Center; 7:30 p.m.: Call 255- e Movies: Police Academy; 5135; Worsham Knoxville: TBA
8566 Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
0 Sports: UK Cool Cuts vs. KY Wesleyan (H); ' ” ' ' ‘ ' ‘
' $3 w/UKlD-Pub. s4, :5 a so; Lex. Ice Center; .. we .
8:30 p.m.; Call 7-2898
’ x
. I \ ‘ Movies 4? Arts & Concerts 6.1g} Intramural and Athletic Events
1/21.].22; Indiana Jones and m. Temple of Doom; 51.75; Worsham Theatre; 1/21-2/1: An Exhibit at Monoprints S Tea pots by Garry Bibbs; Rasdell Gallery; 1/22: Entry deadline tor lntra. Basketball (at Mgrs Meeting only); Worsham
7:30 p.m. Call 255-7850 Theatre; 51!) p.m.; Call 7-3928
, 1/23-1 ’24: Oxtord Blues; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 730 p.m. 1/25: Concerts: Mozart's-The Magic Flute; SS-RngSli Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Center for 1/22: Entry deadline tor lntra. Basketball tor Fac. I. Staff: SC Auditorium: 5:“)
' 1 (25-1/28: Police Academy: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p_m_ the Arts; 82C!) p.m.; Call 74900 p.m.; Call 7-2898
‘ 1/26: Concerts: Mozart's-The Magic Flute; S5-Reg./S3 Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Center tor 1/22: Sign-up tar UK Adult Fitness Programs-Deadline Jan. 29; 203th
. . . - the Arts: 21!) p.m.; Coll 7-4900 1/23: UK Basketball vs. Georgia; Athens: TBA
.. . 1/23: Club Sports Day: Old Arcade Room (2nd tloor) SC; 10-4 p.m.; Call 73928
1/24: Wheelchair Sports Clinic; Free; North Gym Seaton; 7-10p.m.; Call 7-3928
' . , 1/25-1/26: UK Cool Cats vs. KY Wesleyan (H): 33 w/UKlD-Pub. S, S5 8 $6: Lex.
ice Center: 8:3) p.m.; Call 7-2898
‘ ~ 1/27: UK Basketball vs. Tennessee; Knoxville; TBA
‘ y - . 1/28: Sign-up tor UK Adult Fitness Program-Deadline Jan. 29: 203 Seaton; Call
' " ' 7-3695
. . k h d
. ‘ _ ' . I Meetings and Lectures a Special Events Loo Inc A an
. ’ _ at
V ' ' , I ‘ I 1 /24: Lecture: -We'll talk about procrastination»tomorrow-21 8 older; 412 Rose “223 Lastdaytoaddaclasslorthe1985 Spring SW5.“ l/gafimy Mn". torintra Racquetball (D); 135$eaton; 4:“) p.m.: Call
. 5L 5:30pm.; Call7-254-1881 1/22: Last day to w/draw lrom UK or reduce loadG recieve an MW. retund . 1/29; Last day '0' ment of r i trati nd/ hou . d d' . i .
' . . 1 27: Lecture by Robert Hemenway, Chairman, UK Dept. of English; Center for 1/21 8 1/24: Library Tours tor Adult Students (Registration Required); King order '0 avoid camera); "9. and/gmmlggr: °' ""9 0" "“09 0“ l"
' m. Arts;3:mp.m.;Call7:3145 l'b'é'Y? 53°91“: “”74?” _ . ‘ 1/29: Entry deadline for lntra. Mixed Doubles Rac uetball~ 135 Seat : i-oo
. p22: Snow Ski Club Meeting; m SC: 7:” p.m.; Call 7-7644 1/23. Adult Student Reception, 106 Fralee Hall, 4.0) p.m.. Call 7-3383 .m.; Call 7-2890 q - 0": -
, 1'22: Emergence Feminist Women's Press Meeting; 111 SC; 5:30 p.m.. C0" gggsaisngl'ml P'°Pl'°CY 10' "0909'! TOdOYZ "OWN" C“""’5 7130 p.m.; Call I13/29: Entry deadline -Mixed 0005)., Racquetballlor pod IStatt
‘ . 15:32:9Nfstional Organization for Women meeting; 109 SC, Noon til 1 p.m.; Call ljng/rgymdmémfscgzgrzzm‘ "09mm; MSeaton; Call7-3695
, . _ 25:32:43 Commcommi’m Mum‘s: 223 SC “dim"; 5:00p M Call ”6” £37281». Magnilicent MAIOWSZE; sio.oo; Center tor the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call
' , 1 24: GALUS meeting; Free: 109 SC: 5:(X)p.m. 1/31: UK Basketball vs. 1.50; llupp Arena; TBA
‘ t

 KENIUCKYKERNEI. My, “721, 1“ - J

: Spring Break 1985 *
. 2:5 ;§;E=E52;33;§::;J'~ ' , >_ 3.. .::-=:-.:...;¢.;eg.-:z ;;€:;g.‘;"-i:-:§:jg'...:.e':::Eff-£53 V it: ;:-:-..::::,;_3: 3:, 2355.5... ,,§?me\‘W':535113;:4235.atzzfi:2533322233:::V:»:~;:V:r:. 4;; 9-; * . $300 1 _
Meeting Tuesday, January 22 *
e ’ * Student Center 228 7:30 .m.

[I S S [I in " It
a ry O“ S 0 e e on camp“ S _ Contact Werner Waldner 257-7644 J
3 “mums . _ ****************

y ter in 'order to be hired again, Boyd must also audition Jan. 22 at the University of Louisville Music Building '
itepor 2?an} s. Product:ons btuht saidlal:dis [Salilylllme'lfsm in South Recital Hall. HUNGRY? -

. . f hi iningapom ionwt Opry .m. as VI e, enn. King's Productions also supplies information on audi- ,

Now you t°° 9n 9” Ml?” Monte a run or s 'l.(ev1n Kennedy, a theater arts Jumor who has also au- timing and future audition sites. interested persons Call Bilbo Ba ins v' ’
money by entering the excmng world of amusement ditioned had onl ood thi . . . , 99 . ,
park entertainment. . t, y 8 .. "85 to say 8PM“ the illidlt‘i‘ms should contact the Entertainment Department. Kings FOOd DOIIVO .

Representatives of King's Productions will be holding ‘°'. “’23 s P‘°d“c“°“s- They we "we aud'mns. .he Island. Kings Island, Ohio 45034 I'Y v .
auditions from s to 9 pm. Wednesday in Room 17 of the .sa'd', " “is "9‘ a “me ca“ ““9" “View Y?.”"‘8 ’0' YOU? *OVOI'liO from r.

. . . next. next! but instead they were very consnderate. @ n -'

Fine Arts Bu‘ld'm' . . . Kennedy also noted the level of professionalism main- McDonalds ' Hardeesc I ‘ ' '

All performers who are interested in strutting their . . .. . .. I Q ‘ .
stuff this summer for money at King’s island or a num- has“? “1M8.“ They wanted ‘0 get ”“85 done. Arby S or Taco Jahn'fi - é .
ber of other amusement centers are welcometo audi- mg! ~ but 5"" cared am the Hammers feel- BUYKERNEL CLASSIFIEDS 254-3978 . . .
:‘(lnsl‘mg simaw‘gmmabmcrhglmfimeargufingf According lto_inf<;rmation hrierlgdsedpgf the production 4:30 - 10:00 p.m. f . . ' ' '

Dom . ,' ‘ company, sa arias orthose ' to orm or otech- and e : ’ ' ' .
Barlbsara Land and Canada 5 Wonderland amusement nical work ranges from 3190-8270 a week. One round trip malt. a hobbit of it! . ‘. ‘1 ’ I ,
paigositions are available for singers dancers imtru- air fare will 315° be paid ‘0 those hired who are tl‘éwel- _: , v. . t.

i t ' -. ‘ . y
mentalists and variety permm'u’rtzckhmfiian inter lni‘gzetltflml: tgtuulleeiiigrkiivho cannot attend auditions “mg”? C II 278 7 I A V ‘ V
viewswillbeheldseparateya wi e acea n- . . , - -, a _ "I .2.
diana University from 1 to 5 pm. Jan. 30 in the Student at UK, app"°a“‘s w‘“ 3‘50 be ““8““ "m“ 34* P’m- g5 F A . '481 . . 1 ,
Union Alumni Hall and at King's Island from noon to 4 4 7—7”? :1. or Om m 4 ‘ ,
p.m. Jan. 26 and Jan. 27 in the American Heritage > ‘ A %7; PP en, _ , . L -
Music Hall. :3 i ‘ g ' ‘. " .

According to Keith Boyd, a senior marketing major {é ICC Skaflng Cla§§es “y \ j . . _‘ r A- (_ '
m: T352 i533 mfififgflgufifisfix . For Fun and Credit (’ , 1641 Nicholaswlle Rd. _ ' . - . :.- -

0 a . , I
in front of two judges. He said accompanists will be pro- ' ’ , "PR 122 - 8:00-9:15 TR A57 7YL/575 (Next '0 Dominos Pizza) _ . ‘ - ~ . ;

Vim by Woompany . . , r] , _‘ Enrol' NOW Through HNRSTVLING FOR EVERVIONE‘E ‘ . ‘1 '

Boyd said the auditioners must supply then own if , _ a

music and should “prepare an uptempo song and a bal- 5' ADD/ DROP f ~ ‘ ‘ .

lad. There are seven people in a group. but each person 6,, '. . ‘ '.- . .

aigtions ”hia'l“?§§;”e¥t?§‘csis$n§2li'bfi'§c§$ M Classes Include: Va hr. Instruction * ———-—————-——______________ ‘ fl ' -

wreyou ve Sl . v i ‘3

alsoprepareadanceroutine." , A hr' Prod": "m. ”r ch“ * SAVE s 5.00 ‘ . ' . p

Boyd also said that auditioners do not try out for the x 5k::. "nu" ‘ . fl” Oddlflonfll PR ' . , - i t .

show of their choice, but rather do a more general audi- I) u k ““30" admissions _ . . ., .

tion and “once they find your forte, they place you in 5.--,55573- P ECISIOINI gTYl-E CUT . . . _‘

theshowbestsuitedforthem." u__ __ "I . re U or 14.00 - '
Boyd was quite active in musical theater before being - t "‘ ”— ""- P—' "— 560 Eureka Springs Drive 9 Y ~ g. ;

hired by King‘s Productions. having been a member of 'p -e l r” _ ‘1‘“ Lexmgton, Kentucky 40502 Now $9.00 ‘ ‘ .

American 'MlfilCBl Theater and Young Americans - a -_____ ______ __' (includes shampoo, conditioning a, blow dry) . _‘

both traveling mus1cal companies. Dracula noun-ran Telephone. 606/269 _ 5686 OtterExptres Feb 28 1985 . e _

rm Kentucky Kernel, 210 Jour- s A ' ‘ l 2

WW“ WW W D . . v: $10.00 ,, . ‘ .,

enruc , Lexington, Ky, . .-
W m, mm! ,3 t are?“ on t Get Booked Up. BODYWAVE or PERM -

Weadulm xfinmwfd? M'e‘elZII”i§t;zeT"sU.ie'ie regularly $35.00 ' ‘ ,_
”,9 m m m. M 2134 Nicholaswlle Road UKSGA Bock EXChunge catalog NOW $25.00 ‘
Lexington. Kent it ‘0603 . .
3.: $.35.» .r Luz: ”mg; is available - (Haircut Extra) .
retes'mporvfll, 315”” Lg‘zlamcw‘l‘? II lg) —_—--_—-_£"e-’EX_P':5:b_28-19-8-5-_—_-_- V .
master mailed ' — — .
- .... ... 3-". . NOW ,
K" .t ...., «- .. 3 Qt, SAVE $5.00 .. .
n . MCAY - My birds 00- e '
Classifieds! :gm_n;-migmsgr-I ‘ SUNTANA TAN N I NG
Call . WM," ' Pick yours up at the SGA office. dorms, I .
257-2871 are: starting in latO & other campus locations. [L BED SYSTEM .
Call . , 17 Buy One ViSit
C- A service of your Student Government Association OigieEngyiionl-eeiges . , ‘
l ,
/ Would you like to be chairperson ‘ ' ' '
”N35 PRODUCTlONS of the Unlversit J .- plntucky's 1985 . ,
umvsasmormucxv " g '1 _ ' ' '
Old FineAns Building, Room #17 Ho , i : NG , .
Wednesday. January 2109 PM u y 5,, , fl . “ . ' ' ‘
umvsesmonouusvm / .. l v .; g , ~. ' . .
Musx: Building, South Rectal Holl 5' ~ ‘3 *‘ .‘ ‘
luesdov,Jonuory 22,3~6PM f i . . , ,
Techntctonintervnews wtllbeheid atlndtono Unwersutytn the If the m0! ’0 *hfl' question I! '. _ » .
Student Union Alumni HollonWednesdoy, January 30 from , - "1 ~ WM 9 . _ ' ' ' -‘ _
1 5 PM and at Klngsisiand in the American Heritage «1 1X ’ 1“ , , . 1- -
MUSIC Hall on Saturday, January 2o Sunday. January 27 .- ‘ ’a; 3', . , 3 ’ A y , _ y i
from 12»4PM(both days] i w x *2}: ., W , i , x‘ . .,
J‘ \;.“.;'e.;..‘l‘mg. ,, \_ . . '. y '

_______—_————— _ ., a _ , q ». .

9 . \ if yer “t (. I . . .. t .

Singers- Dancers-Instrumentalists ~ j - ~ W.- e _ In stere l , . . _ 4 A.

technicians-Variety Pertarmers- . ’5‘ ' emote Room udent Center ‘1‘ 0') . - y , _- '

seesaw/week ( t if, “N tartan ap ation. ",2; ~ i _ , . :

53$;En3332?2%5*:.:::2°:e°32,?:°“m ”We“ , it ~ , - ;; Your wall .3 Over - - r y

‘ [Notations are e no later than 5 MTV MUSIC Tetevigitm :, 1 e . Jr . , ,.
Contact EntertommentDepovtment long island 3 ‘ I i , m ‘ ‘ , .
Kingslsiand OH45034 . y , “Way. Jan cry 29'... j Cdble SYSTEM? 44 lftxi‘u'r5 (.1 gm. , rillC i" \ltj""‘< , ,' , ‘
. - 1‘ ..c\\\\_ :;\)y :‘>.‘ , V , ‘ \ N , \ / ' q . so , >
1;:(‘1’1331’3‘igj‘fi'mm m2ww~enue E E «H . -.s......e..,.-,.e....m£v’ #131881 GigaegthC-NK {My l‘e’ITb’ an: US; VOL. VIGBO I V p;
.. ,, t: 0D zinc,» L icjrir"m’t<: Fm e , , ‘
mosm-mosoommon~cammswouocm® STUDENI" ACT'VITIES BOARD mowes MUSlC flows MW ,r "l [MK ~ _, - . .
Womrmmca-mmwm BE A PART OF "u to t ~44 our, (New to wet, K . ~.
Weekend SpeCIaiS Cc nteste r” res Am: 541*! . .3 J
brought to you ’ j r .
by our VJ s ' , - .
’ (that S. Video .
DOMINO S Joctsr if you -, a ‘ . ' '-
want MTV.
PIZZA en . - . I
oofio‘h Sign up on $36
TM ‘5 0 Jan. 21-24 err ' _ ‘
LI E 9 0 '
FREE 9“, SECOND SEMESTER WW mic mtwsnou ,.
I ,
rum-eu-i-munu' Rafi! '- Representatives from TeleCable of Lexington . ,
._ ; ‘7‘ will be in your lobby from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. '
$1.00 OFF . m
252 5 .I 2 1 Jan. 21 - Kirwan Tower.
_ ' Blanding Tower
$1.00 ott any pizza. . C Ed 7 d k a
One coupon. per pizzas 0‘ ay3 a wee Kirwan I
Expires 1.2m -\ 0 Tons of Equipment '
h“. ,m Mm" ’ 3‘ 0 7 minutes from Campus Jan. 22 - Haggln. Donovan,
Good at any Lexington ‘ ° him" SUPOWlst’d" Blanding I ‘ N.
m". ' 0 We Tanning B s
, . Aerobic Classes Jan. 23 - Keeneland, Holmes,
- i,; d } Blazer, Klrwan il a m.
.. =0 '23-. Fangs Jan. 24 . standing in a w.
5",-” 95:“ . _ , -- _ Kiman IV. Boyd.
I” . mug-33 Jewell 1. Patterson.
4 ' _ - We
Our driven 0W too 2100 Oxtord Circle Lexington. Ky
then moo. W IE
United delivery area i o
"rum-emu fi

 l-KWYKW MuhIIUyII, 1‘
11.]: %E% PRESlDENT “ V '
0' N ms ”IM ... k
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VIEWP | .. on - . ,
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“will“ ‘0” mound. I”! . "I((.§~ \ d ‘c
,. fire—x. 9‘ .- . “a - \
JothoekuN «opium. Wellner ,/ f’ , ~ 1- ' \ f \
Editor-in-Choef Monoging Editor é ’ ’7‘ l / "I ‘® w@ 1'. ‘/
Ilia-both Cere- white" - ' - l 0' (3
News Editor Editorial Editor 'I‘ n I , "I ‘ 9
ll 3 ”e" " (fi§ <3“
—— . , .;— ail-nu
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Inau uratlon s cost 1:3.. an. n. .
. ' e‘ r——- 7 n. >
1600 . ’:‘
makes it expensive ' ”W“ ' ’ "
L.‘ fi
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. F \
° ° - .- —e\ new llll
merlcan ra 1 1071 v -- —-“e\de/
[tn-l! _,,_: — ‘t’é .
‘ Some people say the human condition is nothing more “
- than a series of ceremonies. m
' When we’re young, we have baptisms. When we wed, — ' , ' "WW
, ~ we have marriage ceremonies. When we die, we have fu-
. neral ceremonies. 9
- . nn neeen one on nave ew ear s resolve should last 52 weeks
. ceremonies that supposedly make our lives meaningful.
Birthdays. anmversarles and h°llday5 are ceremonlous 0C' I did not make any New Year’s the resolution has little to do with to achieve them. Often the goals set is tsually the end of it ~— becoming
caSlons,tobesure. Resolutions. the results. and the changes ex- arehigh.ifnotimpossiblyhigh. anexcisenottokeeptrying
Over the weekend, our nation staged one very tradition- Ifanything.Iresolved not to. pected to last 52 weeks are often for- For a smoker consuming three
m it 'h' _ ' . n t i mi - Of course. there is nothing wrong gotten in two. Actions, inevitably. packs a day. a resolution to quit _
lailircierf‘icgnga hiltiglllltl 333mg: Ktire]clfaef-jdulcedacl‘lo tsitslvfiasn‘lt “’"h the New Year‘s Wider "self Speaklouder "Enli