xt7g7940vx9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940vx9m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1979 1979 1979-11-02 2020 true xt7g7940vx9m section xt7g7940vx9m . ... .... ...-ro-~ _... .v...4"'5'e' ' - n.. “ "
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K Uiiirdbéty of denim
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2 s Future“ of Kentuek
Vol. LXXH. NO- 55 lexlngfon Kentuck;
Friday. November 2. 1979 an independent Itudcnt newspaper , ,
# _——
. ' _, a?" .s" e .“s” IIIry-I‘Ie’igw If" ' _ I
“Ki/WW Wr/l hurt Brown 3 cause
' V y I 3‘33" " “y .- WM”, ‘ ‘.
aw‘flW .w' .. Inge KL: ':E.':
“* *w» «s . ‘ oa n e a a | n St Wl‘lte - I n VOteS
s... x “in“ "“ war. w :5?”
I _ w i ,. fig}: .: ‘ .... By VK'KI P001}: choice lot that otticc on .i Pllpt'l toll.
' My” a " .,-.‘«e.« 3;;
* . ~ = .2 4s :..; , . .:w *w" “in“ QC IO “"“"’ “”"""“““”‘ “‘“‘ “"“*”"‘ ""’
;;III MtMWII“ - ~I HQ“. I i§~§ 'hI. “I.” ‘. ‘ltl
t " ”"EEFEQ' :.:; g“ ' “louie B. Nunn is the last titan I‘d ‘ ‘\ sitrtlsvsiiirit‘: 'iorn i csiitgtoii;
I .4”..- 33 will ' vote for and I'm not so sure i want to __ i _iicttt 1 than (oiiiiti. (ioteiiintent‘s
wwwwww... a...“ A: ' "i :3 see John Y. Brown Jr. elected. .so I‘m i lL'\ltl‘lt ('oiitnnssion ()iiicc said that
:34? . s. , w. s . - ., ~ -’ i ~"*~..-\ . ‘\ writing in my vote," election. ,lohnson tloiihts t‘:'.-i . \iiit' .iltliotiizn \t’\;'Till people hmt called
lites: ' ‘ ,. , .,» Aimee-n s ~.-~ an» - 5 it; : -- O . ' . . ,\ 5‘ .
‘3 ‘ ‘ .*’*"-” ' It‘s; If . J x’r “ - ‘ t .‘s i . = l‘ranccs .lohnson. a librar\ sciencc cast on either rttoun slliill on. and rationed about the torrent
{yeti-s. , i t, .. . .-.a - . ~ =I;.;t ‘ _ . I
rat-es." 4. I.‘ ‘ 1 "” ~ '1, 3., ' 's ‘ I :6 a g 55;" graduate student. is casting her vote gicatls .iitect t‘t out. i‘ttl;' oi the niott'dtiie, she could not predict how
.“iséf'ss , . .- -' . a" ‘ ' ' ‘ g. "l - ’ 1;“.- ' .- ~ . 5 . . - .
Rt" (- w 3)" J: V . , ‘ ', ' 3“..- :52? _ ior Harvey Sloanc In ncst lticsday s giihci'iiatoiiai int-t t‘iill‘s Int-opt \sll' .iciisiili. wine in
Kn“ '9- ! I 2 , 7‘ ‘ I . ' "‘4 gchrnatoritil election. “i don‘t know how ”is. to ll‘iilst' 'l‘-\ \« tcs
--;;'_;-\.;> . ' '-. m ., ' ~ , . .. _; . ' _ .
,;:'g-,-;::-:-.;_ -’~ b ' u' I Q ‘\ o; c 0' i . But the former mayor of |,ouisvi|le. icclintzs known. site \tilLl lse in wt \tttl .i \l‘itl'.t'\llliill truth i csitigton s
’ 1-ss-i- it: s .\ i r ‘
“pg. -7— , ..II . Nfi j . II} _ ‘3'". I“ . I‘I , ’1 {‘t; thonas tinsucccssiul in his priinaiy Icl. so iiti tiattti i.. tlktltll..I_ hot. i. l<.pr.h|it.rii litutltiuaite ss.nd lit ind
‘s w a f “a U ,s in". " ’ ab." set-t 2*».- A‘C .fi‘ - ~ - bid iorthc Democraticgubernatorial sott ”i" “W's? Jmlll'“? “hm“ “WW-”t
Mr » f... .. a.“ v“ d- ‘O‘ M L‘ "' ‘ ’ k ‘ nomin'ition last May is st'indint \n elt-ttmn privatiziss onei ago notes lhe ltcniociatt lit-.idoiiarteis
. we as!“ ‘ . ‘:N,KI'~ . ..' . ItI . . I. . . g . . I I I I
w.“ “ .‘t '1 I ' s. ‘ ' o . ‘ behind his so ort for Brown. declined to L‘i\L‘ htt il.r'2r‘. said twosc in . “_il\\l3lt.' ilttil no ki‘lllll‘c‘ll' on
‘ 'vv _.~ , G ' ‘3 t“ - pp .
f is {‘9' I ‘ ’ '3, w i. ,, . ‘ ‘1 ' “I would encourage support ior wishing to tote ' : wtit‘rc‘t‘ltt‘ oilxi Aliit in totes
- V. .- -,.’ ‘~., ‘ k” \ ti ‘ ‘_ " t '_ .lohn Y. Brown." Sloane said, "\nd than a party's llt‘fli‘llk‘t’ can do sit \iotine. torched .it ills tilllL'.‘ in
t. » . it - w“ , . . . . . , . ,
u a 'fl ' “ f k ‘ any write—in votes. irom Brown spoint easily l “le"- Nl'd “L' “-t‘ ”<3le that
9 ' ’ . h ‘1 l i‘ '1‘ ‘ "Tm oi view. would iiist detract irom his Sliesaid t‘iewtvi ~‘lilllliiittt‘i. it the .lellcisoi. t tit:l!l\ pi:eii.ct~ will he
. i i i‘ ' i“ support." tow tli'wevls .:l‘- - I. o‘ snowictlt'r.r“5l; about the write-tn
' . Q. ‘ 5 Johnson. however. said she hoPcs Piot‘os_-t‘ \itli‘l’lrlitit'H'. .nixtnt: t‘ltksw i‘ttii midi-ti ”it “HUM he
' BY DAV“) ('OH'L/K'mdm'" more people will voice their ill the soung hot-1h il' tita‘. too. 1115 intictithlv sliilltllll to uiitc in many
The new'l'K (‘enterforthe Fine Artswasdedicated last night withaconcert disapproval of the two niaioi totei \‘.|ll see .r ciax lctei diiett'is totes unless people .ilL teriihly
performance of Verdi‘s “Requiem." The performance in the acoustically candidates by taking the opportunity above the tililst’ .i liteii hennsiies :o tenacious .
o a superior (irand Hall was conducted by Robert Shaw. famed leader of the to write iii their votes, write in .i iidll.’ ‘dtc‘ pushing llt’ trsorge \l'nllls. h'iotvr. s campaign
Atlanta Symphony and Chorus. Although she \otcs itt cvci'y le‘w." tilt. the anti-t ettt‘ write itt lijs 'r‘...ti.:_t!ci st'io,iimuttsnnunsuccessful
I ' ' candidate iii \iav's Democratic
I I , . . ’ .
,iiiiiirrij. .rgiceo ll‘tti tne \\lilc*lll
state Reqmem a success at Arts Center gala
its INFANT not wasin critical he put into “mic its:
condition )Cstcwiay in lithium. 3‘ THOMAS (LARK threatened to drown out the chorus imitation-only event. with lainilies (CHIN \‘lll ".‘l‘t its tlt'iii-edl'rill \t his offiec lf‘ ii.iulioit. \tkiits
I’ Ky . inlet .9 tamily pet a small. MINIIIIUM“. HIM and the intii\1iitt.tl soloists “etc and lriends oi the pcriorincis. \t‘fc'lll'llH i.;._i u, t .i ii,:.. ‘s 'utit .ti st" ‘lliu it ‘»\.l ptol‘nhh hc itictttiiy
reddish dachshund attacked hint. .iudihlc c\ en at their “mp“ person ngl ti o nt \ 3 “one ”It opt‘tti'tg title to: 5:; ;I_o_;r hail. t. ‘1 Mt] opp, \l'tjts liar llgiitey Sloane. (icot‘g‘:
“(mug 50:11:31.“!”kl“? l li'ces were hint: on their side and lhe perioimancc. utili/ing the organi/ations arotind the state and is .ilicady heme wen: i“. =t'ltlctits to: \i‘sis s or lilcitttn Mouth. hot I tell
‘ rid chi: JPI IIIIII: 'ltiliilsoti‘ ii “\‘is titl'ph L‘O\c‘lC(l gffilllld turned o\er in [ lll\Cl\|'I\ (horns and [ l'tl\ Unity irlCl‘lds 0i iht‘ l lll\L‘lelI\ iille’ding‘. Pill \K lid . Mt; . ll'l.‘ li‘.s',\i \4 tilt \t olrt t\.t'i'. [Huh s1\\ll\lilllnt.lll
out.“ unis ”Suppl tow-mm.“ picparatioii tor bushes. but on the Orchestra and rooted by \ocalists and Missing was l is President ()tis teas“, in. c ei'i5‘_c“i\ ,. . t- tgzr to; .i \ote .loltn\ Brown ,lohn \.
\.Ls\ \r.-\ i ‘. , ., . . . . ,' . .I . II - i' I I ,.,'_t;.. ._,H .th,I.‘ t, .._ it . ...v-,.,- .-
atternoon His mother was sitcplny: inside the l is (enter ior the Arts was lit-\ltltms‘nldlms ”0m the sillllmllnlly. Miltllkldri- “h" it ‘-"““t~’ 1 “mi“. \sltssltilctl ll" .ln mm; in, t in. Ilium-H \M - its ”Ht -ts\iII.L0-Hm‘- Mid
in the itc‘t town at the time ol the open and ready itli hUsiness, provided a INK-voice choir and "5- lhe art gallery also located in the cud oi the setrtvstt-i t. ~- out itoititi‘.t‘c now
.ittaci. lastnight‘s business was dedicating piece orchestra ior the wtzrls. ioui I
. . _. , - ;‘ ; t r , t ; .. \o‘ali ts so rano l’hsliss Bran-
HHtMHt I“ All. lNSt R- thtIImiin hill wiIh i peritrmincc of I ; s . p .. ,IIII III; l« ,
I .ts'iit. COMMISSIONER Harold ('UNPPCI Midis Rt'qtm‘ttt ”an ~U W'II- "MN-“tithing W o.
. ‘.‘:/‘;="7~ '2‘ rizet‘. to. ,. on 1.. ,~ Reheit \‘h:i\v,I conductor oi the Mantnou. tcitt't' 'ohii \tv‘sar' And .3 a. “I RI . ‘
hours» yesterday heloie a sPL'CIal Atlanta SHttPliotty and Chorus. lcd bit-*5 .lolin (hm-‘1‘ “CW brought ”' m er sem lnar l Illt d IS a
lcdeiai grand iury probing alleged the l‘niversity (irchcstra. Chorus and irom New \orlt (‘ity to sing the solo I
'sll' ‘l "t‘ ‘t ' " ' - t s“)’t. . ; '
”t lkdmn‘L n “Tm Emunlmn iour guest “flows through ‘1 llawlcss “i“ I \ , By H 8 Fl“ 0% want to esp-me both people lioni couiscs is .in introductoiy class taught
the Iiury has oeen looking into performance. Shaw. well-known for hl‘s many . ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ \ I l i ll III i I; in 'il‘ hv Hil‘incs ('urrtntls it I‘II ttJundcr
. 5 . ' . . . i .ic‘: .' .irs‘ia‘ . t ' ‘ . . s " ‘
1111686“”ngllar'mhm‘h“ hitndling recordings oi choiis and orchestras R‘pm‘" Pl ‘ .. I i h t i k ' “r\ t l8 t ‘()til I
, . , .. . ,. . x - '* 1. ~ . ‘ , 1- u, \n .lsIl‘tL'c‘Hli ts'ittt . clctccs_\ t is ttt‘.
"' “d“ 'n‘m‘m“ ”mm“ “”d H,“ ensembles “Mk “. 1‘ “L“ periormnig both Popularand classical . . . .. . k i . i, . .i | it.» i . .. t - r - B it i ‘5 *
agent-licensing procedures. received by the audience. a lull-house ntusic conductedthedein'indingworlt Lditors note: H.B. I‘ields m" be llieie .ne silll‘tiili all est..n.iitt. ni e ot.tei specia Litell'scsI. I ingsis
I (ti more than l..~iil0 \ standing “‘l'll energy DOUDCHI "il'irOUIll lllC reporting on programs at the ~1.ililil stiltltjlls .;i l h lliiltt lilt' hopcittl Illill lli\ class “ill l’lUl DC
nat'on ovation greeted the end “i the hour- bold mg} sections ,If he “Em!“ Appalachian (‘enter and other csents »\pp.il.iciti.in region. Billing salt: t'tar dropped from the l is curriculum.
THE ('AR'HR ADMINI- and-loity-fiu‘ piece. “”h Saia the performers to new limits 'ind concerning the Appalachian region. ”M113 people-grow nptnthfiinoiint irns lhe class esptoree the image. Iiic
. » - , ‘ ‘ t . . ' .,. . . . , . i .. , . . . . v
STRAHON went to the rescue ol Holroyd and Phillip Miller (regular delicately calming the ; ttllld a; it She is currently enrolled in one ofthe and tlorit itallt .rppiteott thti .inrl reopomt oi -\pp.il.icliia through
the tinancially staggering (‘hryslei conductors oi the chorus and \s t\ d tht‘ in ‘h the sol mu a ' itil Appalachian classes offered at l K_ ctiltiii.tl lcgacj. the use of litciattne. llll’ils. and
torp )tlettlr’t}.tll'glng(tmgrcssto orchestral toining Shaw ior several :rt't) “ml. 1‘ L 'pL ii Io supplement hotii courses and lectures, lhiteicnt hooks. both pro -
_ . . v \ ‘ \ ) 'I I .
“PP““C UP ‘0 3'15 hill'm‘ '” “M” bows. pt RI} n t [L H ru_ 1' . \4,.1». Appalachia. to many people. is a research. there is a special \pp.i.elti;iti and con. depict ti hroad picture oi the ,
r L‘U‘dtilms‘t“ it" lhs‘ Italic”? nunihei t . . . . * . . . “11mm “‘1‘ “n ‘n ‘1“ m L” l 5 . . : , . . ’ - ‘l‘t- .. i \i l is ‘l' lihi’ii\— I" tioi lli”ings slid addint Ill‘ll by
h ; BL” thy dsllldl “Jr 01 ”is tuning liie “mud‘ the end “1 the 19th land of stereotypes, fun a sociologist U“ H .o.. -H |- .- » ~ , st~ t~ .. . . ~ 2— t .
x m dumm‘ll” . . itself was the new hall. Designed and t r- ' . . has dubbed this region “the other \oi'tli iliei'ealsoazelieltl‘ilts‘m‘ltll“ ”W “mi ”l “‘1' WWW- ‘hc student
lrciisury 5mm“) (r \trllmm it td v 'th h m n in century.Althoughareagiousworls A _ 5. * ‘o “NW {In \Hdcm; sho'ild have 1 Chem, picture or
‘Vliller said the administration “0' 5 tuc L H haul; d it ; it is a ( atholic funeral mass written in Um” ()I ‘ )I m_ m x,“ ,\ “M“ H -\pp'il‘iciiia
ticcidedto i-‘o ahead \tiththchailout, mindflh‘ Li‘OiI'kKka .d. :1“ up [0 I 1" tttcmory oi a lricnd and sung in latin IO dispcll many Ti ilk comtInoply K i k ‘ l ' l‘l h t ‘ I
.:. . .. . - ~t t i ‘l... ' 4 .. . ., »\ {“11 - ,'
”is “HEW UH '01 d l 5- bragging 0 ( m 1‘ it bears many similarities to the Edd “:IRZQP“ d I" ppm} it! ”pf ‘
Cstfpstritli‘IInI CW" ‘hrtutlh 1‘ lhe stage area is framed on three opera \Hillss ior which Verdi is most ‘3‘” ”5 Ngm “our” ism“: . " .I -' ' '
diingrers I: itIssophicillt with the sides by wood paneling which angles ”()1ch in proIgrims ItItI exp ore t rici %
n) ton ‘ (it "t 't\‘ t‘nt - . . . y '5‘ ; - y; m .
ititers MK; II phi II Hriikr'riiri “ out towards the audience. moving the lhe operatic elements of the piece ill)” “fl? I” mi '1. . - ”w, ,
‘ c ,i ice c sc . , . . . ~ . . ' i; ' .
sound in the same direction. lhe are heard in its atmosphere and d T." I ‘C“.“‘“7‘\”J‘IPWWV‘“ 4,. ,,
“HOLESALE PRK‘ES IN- tingling continues o nto the styling. which are more di'amaticthan ‘1 u 0m” ”in?“ "I u “m” lh “:1 It?!“ .: I.
. . . - . . . . , . t - r y w : ..2 r _ . . ,1
('RiASH) another one percent in auditorium s rounded walls. allowing in most sacred pieces oi previous eras. 'hnmurlljkm “11 meta strings “ Kli ’ 5' 32:“ ,5 gt,
' ()s‘mhfr- 10* than Ihs‘ September the sound to expand throughout the This was especially evident in two \as l cg.” " "four“ of nine I“? I/ -
' ”mm“ hm “”9“.“ “‘ “tint“ m‘m‘ audience. T he result is near-perfect areas. the reoccuring ”Dies irac“ ‘ PIPKI M Ildn mu“: l" . k _ , ”‘ ..’<' .
“with twin.“ W '"lldlmm‘cari acoustics. which is iar superior to theme with its pounding bass drum. H “0 Iagyou; fugim‘}: [ma :5“ 2.31 l
“mjum r‘ Memorial Hall. the Centei s and the lulta. mirum with oil-stage omer c H ‘ inc 9 er , ‘ . .
Vi hole-sale prices had increased . ‘ , . and Edd Presncll 0i Banner Hit. N.( .. .
, . predecessor. trumpets echoing the tin-stage piavcrs. . . . , "
l 4 WW“ I“ hs‘Pts‘ntbL‘I-“hlchW‘ - . 4 4 - ~ - -‘ ' , will be in the Rasdall (tallerv Student . .
, .; . ), lhe hall s design aided the It is this Romantic. grandmas stsling . . . " . ' .
‘h‘ ““N "” "”4‘ mon‘h m mm) . - , '- . ,, ' Center displayingtheirworkmanship.
“Wham periormance greatly. allowing each which has made ReqiuemVerdismost l'h ‘ b , . I M d I d ,5:-. '
“IN "0“ ARI) BAKFR R segment of the overall sound to come popular sacred work. if program Egms T? 'd on d} an
‘. . ' .. II ‘ 'I , through clearly, lhe orchestra never l'he dedication concert was an “l ”min.“ I roug U “i' . '
Tl'\\. announced hl\ Ldndlddk) In addlnon to dysplaylng [he bathS '_\I
ior piesiIdent yesterday. urging I ' of playing. they will Show how a «
mitt: ,5 omecoming ommi ee .. . ‘
. t. .. . ‘trt |.I t i , , , _ _, .' .-. .
K ’ ML” 0 “Hm . L, When making a dulcimer for a .. :1.
ninth contender lot the (i()l I _ , I , _. ( , w
nottitt‘ni in 9 en S ueen se ectlon customei. l.cdiord carefully chooses ,‘ ,- V ., ' ' -
Bum Wdlhaldlmbpmmmlhc wood from various places. For . ‘I‘ . s III II 9. .
tact; lot the Mt) Republican example- he RHOWS'Sxactb'“hatcahm . , .4 ' 4 5?.
presidential nomination. Ronald By JA( Kl Rl DD asked were tip to individual Judges, irom which the wood came as well as . 1&5?" it;
Regan is the front-runner Reagan soil writer ’I hree judges. chosen from the its history. One person who bought a , ”iv ‘ S 1: I, ”" 4 _ V? .
plans to announce his candidacy Lexington community by the SCB Ledford dulumer said the frettridgcs 5‘ $31 :" (w _ gr .
. . e e ; ' ' . .. ; ';» .III ._ II _ It 1 _
\0‘ ‘3 ()ffiCtals oi the Student (enter Royalty Homecoming Committee. on the fingerboard 0f the dulctmer) 4:“ . fl i’ ‘
. ‘ . ' ; . e gt .
Id Board Homecoming Committee have were “selected on the basis of came from 3 01d bed In Shakertown. ‘~ 1 ' . D 'I
I WOI’ said there was not as much emphasis community involvement." and were l‘rcsncll has been called the most 4 as ‘ $3 .3 i
MEAN as .M'IA'IIOV IN- placed on sorority membership in not connected with the l'nnersity. photographed craftsman in the w.ir|d 'it‘ ,r' 4. ; *5: M“ k _ '.
\‘ESTIGATORS say their Ch‘W‘ing Homecoming Queen “We tried to get prominent Framed by a long white heard. his s. w- .
Inscstlgii'ion of Wednesday‘s candidates as many students lexingtomans.“ he said. portrait has been sought out by many ”1"“ , ‘ l :
Wcstcm Airlines l)(‘-|0 crash in apparently believe. . photographers. His wife. Nettie. will b ..-» . , ’5‘ g
‘VI . (~ .. . ._ Mary (roke. Rovaltv chairman. . . I
. coco ityuntcrsonwhythc pilot the controversy arose when the said that m k with 1:“;an tie be at the seminar to periorm. -" ' . ., ' 3
U‘td «3 TUT‘MN ht hdd his" mld “‘1‘ \Vedncsdav edition oi the kernel ; p“ p . Along with the craits. therewillalso . = .
do“, . ' . . could not even be consuiered as - . _ . . ; ; A; k -- t _
H I ih h I printed a letter. signed by a dolenl K iud I“ the mom she said was that be a qutlt display. The quilts are ,» \I .s, , ,
u c 'n‘c‘f'g'm‘” “ "‘“m' students. claiming the committee 2 5‘ “ ' i ‘ .“ provided by the Appalachian Shop ‘r' ' t 4
not to he identificdfiaidthex‘ are not . . . iaculty members or advisers might be . s g, ..
- spent half of the candidate interview . . . . . , located at Lettington (enter. . at? -;- .- ;
ruling out what could be other stilt . . . . unable to be obiective intheir decision. . . . -- , f .z ---w - -t- m ,
, 5, » , _ session with questions about (ireek . . . . A reception. to which everyone is '
. undetermined causes tor the crash. , . Kupar said candidate selection is a . . . ': " i . - .
, h hit . 71 . , liie. .. .. inVited. will be held at the Rasdall ; -,'”5 "it
w IL Illtd . oi the 89 occupants , long, hard process. ‘ , _ -.;:- 1‘13 }; fl. 7- a
(,i the mime, and mm perm,“ ”n According to the letter. questions (tallery next Monday. 2m 4 pm. lhe .- ' k if? 4 t
the ground included “Why are you not in a Cruise would not release the names rest ofthe week-long seminar will run , ' ; .
. sorority?" and “What do fraternity of the judges because of “the from H am. to7p.m. The programis ’ ,sI a ”a”; h ,
weather guys think of you?“ controversy with the black students free and open to the public. For more _ - _ ' ‘ " I \
THE SHOWERS Wlll END But Greg Kupar. adviser for the and recent letters tothe editortabout information. call the Appalachian v . _I z ,I‘ ,
i EARLY TODAY with the mg,“ m committee. said the Student Center membership in sororities. which Center at 258-4852. " 1.} ‘I ‘ 4 . 3
- - me mid gm ”mg,“ m“ be partly Board proposed the areas to he appeared in the Remit/J" Dr. Dwight Billings. professor oi ' ' ' " B DO! (. KVN'HT’KNMItIfl ' V
' . s . ‘ ‘ . , . \ I I - ‘
cloudy and cold Mm mchmhemihc covered by theyudges qucries. but not kupar said the S( 8 did not tell Appalachian studies said the purpost C ‘ _-
mid 30s the questions themselves. He said the Judges what to say. and that different ofthe program is to show the valuabli I Op ats 5. -
y Weather for the t'K‘s homecom- areas were poise. personality. “goal- questions were directed toward each living tradition of Appalachian arts _ . II b Id t z:
"18 M“ be Partly ClUUd) With the directedness."generalappearance and candidate. “ those questions and crafts. Members of [ham "Illblfildl ny'm“ IthstmshtspeprI- y 9"; g
“‘3'“ 'n m“ 50‘ leadership. concerning sorority membership all “Appalachia is rich and diverse m MemoriaHoliseum. A good-sired. vocal crowd showed up nanc 0 t4;
Kupar said the specific questions came from the same judge." he said. history and culture." he said. “Wt "‘ I" ”‘9 ( "‘ P‘Vifh'd {0' their homecoming game tomorrow. at»
“ "" ‘ "" ' ‘ ' ' ‘ " ‘ ” "' ""-"‘v-4m«r~r4s 5.1.: «nu-n» A'zfi‘fl .. i i I ‘ i. \ V I : t
. / .~ ' .____ _‘U_ ‘ . , ' _ .
——-———.—___. ,.
{ 'i
5 « BEQT 0an iumn ADI :-

KENTWKY Debi. MCDIIM Malt Gnu Pod Mun Tho-I Chrt J“ Clay Guy Landau
Editor m am] 5“" MI.” Riel-rd McDonald Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Director of Photography '
' Associate Editor: CH) MCCOO
Cary Wit Khy Stephen. Cynthia DIM-m- Ilka licked David Maynard ,
”min; Editor Lh DWI COP." Editors Alli-"0M Assistant Sports Editor Photo ”(DWI ‘
Editorial Editor Entertainment Editor
Jay Fit-on . . . .
editorials o comments “W W m i.... .
' Special Editions Editor - E.
—————————————————————————-————————————-—————————————————_ , L
M th d to Homecoming Queen selection leave much to be des' ed "
lhere are 17 finalists for l'k’ Homecoming queen was apparently not up-to-date. As a result a primarily sororities and fraternities. The candidates percent ofthe student population‘.’0fcoursc not. but
, this year instead of the traditional lo. We hayc the substantial number of organizations failed to receive were asked questions by a panel of three judges iii the blacks were allowed to waive the usual ‘
persistence of the Black Student [him and the information on the procedure for registering a selected from the Lexington community by the preliminaries an interview session conducted by
weakness of the [K administration to thank for that, candidate. According to Jonathan Hines. president of Royalty (‘ommittee ofthe SCB. These questions were three judges from the Lexington community then 3
There haye been a lot of problems with selecting a l'K‘s Black Student Union.thosewhofailedto receive made up by the individualjudges based on guidelines where does it logically end? .- 3;
Homecoming queen thisyear. Not only‘doesthe entire this information included‘ nine of the twelve hiat‘K set by the Board. Judges were told to determine their The Administration. in givingintothe “requests“ of .
- concept of a Homecoming queen and her court seem organizations. lhe Black Student Union has as much choices for finalists based on poise. personality. goal th‘ BSU . . .. ... .. . ‘
, . . . , . . .. . .. c . has sacrificed not only the autonomy of the 4
more suited to a small community college than to a as said that they were singled out in not being allowed directedness. general appearance and leadership. S I . .I . .' '
I I _ . I ,_ . , V, ‘ , ,. _ , . . .. ‘ . . . . ,. ,. .tudent Center Boards selection procedure but has - ‘
university of this sire. but the methods this i niyerslty a chance to enter a candidate. This is ridiculous. ()ne black candidate sponsored by Delta Sigma 1 beta , , ,. , ~ _ .. . . . . . .
. ' . . t. . ' ‘ x . ‘ l'yiduals . . . was interviewed bv the anel alon t with the other 44 opened tht W.” for even more requests from interest
employs in choosing the“ method m“ lhere was certainly no conspiracy to ensurefhat no ‘ . . . . ' . p h .. . groups WhiCh COU'd “WIN turn an already ‘
163“” Shmt‘lhlhg to h“ “med lhe mayor argument. black candidates would get achanceto become part of thq'ddtch She wasnt chosen as a finalist. . questionable campus activitv into a complete hike-i ‘
howeyer. against the Homecoming queen selection the Homecoming rovaltv The worst the Student lhe BSU. the largest black organi/atlon on ' ’ i
' process this year. is the way the Black Student l'nion‘s Center Board can be accused of mi] this count is campus. took advantage ofan accidental oversight to Maybe it‘s time to evaluatethe whole Homecoming Q
"requests" were handled by the administration inefficiency and the dean of students office is pursue their own interests. Fine and good. except for royalty concept. [)0 we really need somethingthat can - i,
Any registered student organization is entitled to probablvas‘much ifnot more to blame for rovidini the fact that it amounted to asking for special be so abused by interest groups? Probably not. if you '
enter a candidate for a place on the Homecoming old information ‘ p 1" treatment. Why. pray tell. should the black asked those who attend the Homecoming game on 5
court. The Student Center Board w hich sponhors the ' community be given a Homecoming finalist? Should Saturday who was named queen. very few could tell
selection process. obtained a list of registered campus There were originally 45 candidates for every racial or ethnic group on campus be allowed an you and even fewer would care. Can 58.000 Big Blue
organizations from the dean ofstudents office which Homecoming. sponsored by various UK groups. automatic representatiye if they constitute at least 2 fans be wrong?
‘ - \ ° _ .
\‘\ ‘\ \ _ ‘ l
-\ we>~§9\
s T S‘EJ“
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n l l N \\\\~ 1 . . ,r\ r\ .
S/It skirts, sex r0 es that are ;\ . f lip _
- \ \ ‘1‘ ‘ l . i i I
I I a . (l 'y I i i Ilil l till ..
far beyond the Northern Sea w! _ _ é : i U .
A.— "‘1, r F —
l l \. l! 4\ | /\ / - :
also examined by column/st ; .. l . * i, its
\ ll ‘ i i I ,/'I“ Itfii /' -/ \ \i i,
C i 'i‘ ll ‘ '7' [43% " l.
B) RALPH E. JOHNSON playing fields simply are nottolerated. while seated. I understood it when. asa \ \ [ vi ‘2 i l. l ‘ . ‘ ' l' "hi ii I‘ \l: l 7-
Some years ago.whi|e in New Orleans boy. women still wore ankle-length . T i l i r ‘ Ii 1 h It ’, T
l‘ye been wondering for several to cover the Sugar Bowl (used to be garments. But now? " 1 My" 2 7’s“%\ en” (3/ ‘ JK / '
years now about whether or not we held out of doors. remember?) it ; i , ‘ I a A {w 1 M; pw ’i' M [”75“ fa 5‘. 5 g
have a legalprcsident. The maninthe chanced to frost before game time. . :3 .w a. / S ) .7 liter $1”qu , - -. ("Vi . . - Eh .
White House was ‘born James Earl Created one hell of an uproar. \l' w ’ t9 /” ( f (0 5‘ h; h . ' . '4 \ i ‘ é
Carter. christened James Earl Carter. What. the officials wondered. would ,I i ’ and ”9.3,. ... 5 \y \ ' \ i ‘1
probably ioined the church as James *fi— When i wasatad and attendingfirst ’ \‘ g , V/i he " 0 i \ a in , \ ’ §
Earl Carter. and [‘11 bet he “a, born . . and second grades we were taught a \ \ m‘ \ _ .c It 7 J 7 ‘ l ' . ‘ _
again into the Baptist church asJames pos’tlve song. the words of which I still recall. . lihv \\‘ n... :5 g l i i, .\. ’ . . h ‘ :
Earl Carter bill be was sworn into ”9 ative The boys in the class sang. “Reuben. ‘ \ ' w H w 3' {it - i, T" ' i i
the presidency as Jimmy Carter. ln 9 Reuben. I‘ve been thinking. what it \. r 2! l5 i ii i 1
legal matters the law can be stern _____________ great world this would be. ifthe girls \g 'Q U‘ . .5? ~ ' " l l . '
about such lil\ltli:_\. theworld think ofthem when national were all transported. far beyond the ti ' S '3‘ / 7F] ' l ‘
TV reyealed a brown playing field? Northern Sea. . . ,9 O i" f
. When one official suggested that the .. To mm" the girls would We thk- ‘ ‘ . "
I I field bedyed green he wasimmediately Rachel. Rachel. Ive been ‘h‘hhlhg- i" p ~ - "/ I i
, lhe frost got on the pumpkin in acclaimed as a genius. whatagreatworldthls would be.lfthc ' m .
Kentucky mighty early this year. But Must 53} thetransformation looked boys were all transported far beyond ”WWW
haryest was well on its way and few great. the Northern Sea." ’ ‘
farmers regret the froren dew, But The battle between the sexes began ——-————-————————————————_ 1
when the frost cameto the pumpkin it . early then. as now. Guess the major . '
also cumc to Commonwealth difference now isthat it hasintensified .
Stadium‘s defenseless Bermuda grass Apparently lie“ women WhO dareto in the later )‘ears. Lat-tars pallcy '
playing field. I hayen‘t looked. but i wear the So'lish slit skins have the That all-time great black pitcher. - i
don't hayeto that "green s“ard_"ag courage of their convictions. Satchel Paige. warned. “Never look The Kernel may condense or Letters: interest ‘0 the UK community. ‘I ‘
we sportswrltcrs used to cit-ten} refer The more daring the slit. the more back. Something may be gaining on reject contributions. and frequent Should be 30 lines or less and no ~
to the gridiron (another neat term h”. reluctant. it appears. is the wearer to you." writers may be limited. Editors more than 200 words. They should C l
the football playing fieldy for the m1 disolav the calf. the knee or the thigh True. guys. true. Look around you. reserve the right to edit for correct concern particular issues. concerns osrplmclntges . . "
of this year will he the "brown swam“ (if it goes that far). What. pray. is the You‘re surrounded. surpassed. spelling, grammar and clarity, and or events relevant to the UK on d 90 1m“ or less, w'th no T.
It just should not happen to the difference between the bare thigh may delete libelous statements. community. more than 800 words. These “he!“ i'
home turf of the Kentucky Wildcats. beneath a bikini and the stocking—clad are ":3er“! l°l authors Who‘ In the ; '
which also is the home of Kentucky thigh beneath the skirt? Ralph E. Johnson is a professor of For legal reasons, contributors Opinions: . editors opinion, have .spccwl I?
Bluegrass. What are we doing with But. as it is. there‘s a lot of wild photography. His column containing must present a UK 1D before the Sim"? be 90 lines. or less'and credentialsicxpencnoe, training or
Bermuda grass on our playing field? clutching at skirts in abreere.and ever reminiscences and insightsintothe [1K Kernel M“ be able to accept the should give and explain a posrtlon other qualifications to address a ‘:
lhere are places where brown so self-conscious fumbling with skirts community appears on Fridays. material. pertaining to topical ‘55“‘55 Of particular “the“ .
—.—_———_—_——__—__ —___ I ————_————_—_—_——_———— ’.
L . .
otters to the Editor
W .
M|n0f blundeflng Theta docsnotexist~» PhiKappaTau Lynch denied what I said and “ridiculously simple plodding,” you lst semester was 2.72 and UK‘s all- you to make derogatory comments on '
. was the fraternity house shown. threw me some out-of-context could have at least talked to women‘s average was 2.65. How can the sex lives of sorority girls. They are ‘-.
Since'l have been a student here at in conclusion. I would like to ask arguments that evidenced a lack if someone who was there. I’d like to that qualify the sororities as having just like any other girl on campus . E
the L’mversrty of Kentucky. l have this question: If Channel 18 WLEX understanding toward what Mor- see you plod along asde bellind a lQ‘s of30.unlessthe rest ofthewomen they ShOUld be treated With respect. . I.
faithfully readthe student publication can have full details ofthe outcome of mons and many Other religions typewriter on campus havea lower lQ.which we What anyone does is their own '
I the Kentucky Kernel. For four years the fraternity flag football really believe. Those Who Ponder If the Kernel “#53 “1 sending know isn‘t true. business and not for others to make ' i
’ now I‘ve been amared at the ever championship on their ”:00 news MaxLylich’sstatementsslnild {Gite Walter 0‘“ to ”View any future 2) Many Greek men are “real men," negative comments on! i I
present flow ofminorblunderingsthat broadcast that same night. why does them With a Bram 0‘ 39“- ”- - - it '3 concerts Please send someonehlohg Try them. you might like them. PS. The girls in sororities don‘t all . ,
seem to plague the newspaper. the Kernel require four school days to ””9th equally {hollsh to he“?t to make 5hr? he hr“ removes his 3) Many sorority girls don‘t need to look and dress as you seem to think 3 ,
Perhaps I am mistaken. but I was report those same results? 9”??th reasoning from a head from his 355' “paint“ their faces with a lot of they do. some do. some don‘t. UK‘s ,; =
alfwiys of the belief that publications . . Taillight-ix? andtondfpmand f2!!! Jack D" o makeup. Women everywhere. Greek Greek community is notjust one great
p0 iris-nature employed proofreaders Blll King (Aristotle Nichsuenb c 9&0“?! -) UK Concegrt Committee or independent. use makeup at one big animal house! There isadifferencc ‘; ‘
. ewew copies before they were Microbiology senior ’ omc can cs time or another. Don't you? between fantasy and reality! l, '
phmch ()bmusly. l was wrong or Political Science senior 4) Don‘t d l $500 . l
. . . . _ Merrill “"8““ . . you spen at east on . 5
your proofreadcr '5 no .Vet 0i C0lle8e Graln Of salt A a S junlor Unreal'stlc food and shelter in dormitories also?! Brad Nelson ‘ i
age. . . 4 _ . know Greeks spend that amount on Architecture junior "
. At this pomf I will give two I found it interesting that , We would like to respond to Nicki such precious commodities. What do
examples Of recent mistakes .WhICh “Chnshan” MRX Lynch “hem sma" amount 0f p'ty Carlson and Karen Rauch's unrealistic you think they spend ll for? Pill] T.d.‘.d.
irritated myself and my fraternity. ln Mormonsto be nut-Christian. Last statements in the Five Questions May we also ask what a bear Journalism sophomore "
. your 0‘"- 30 issue YOU reported that Pt 39"“! as Lynch w“ 3mm on his In the [93St we came" Committee editorial letter. exercising his natural body functions Rh“, 5‘0” 1
‘ Kfagpa lau won the fraternitydivision soap bhx I '90ka Oman“? ‘0 h“ read Walter m" ”twins.“ A lot offraternitics and sororities on in the woods has to do withUK?What Mechanical engineering junior SI
_ o ag football.Lafcrintbearticleyou “1k With him “I ‘ Whhe; ”M £1le and concert me“ “nth campus entered candidates for the do one-legged ducks swimming in Randy Black l ‘
r. referred to the Winning ream as pm asking him what hi! Minittm of I both humor and I small amount (1 Homecomin - - - - ., t l
I, . . . . . . . . g Queen contest So did CIrCles have to do With human lives. Computer science junior i
. 3 Kappa Tau you were correct with Chhshhh What he filled With the ptty.Buthelievetbottn his “me man cam us dorm'to ' d th What kind 0f comment is “is K I: ‘
g your second guess. The other mistake heh‘hccepted definition of “a belief to ““9"th h“ Nd.” concert camyus orp “mat-0i “JCS :nbco er Mac the last white ho at UTE?“ G". Carter it i
. that bommd me was in your 0“ 29 in Christ." lpolntedout to ltim tint by Max Roach Walter bu strayed . I” 3 . - ' "5' “S 63““ y _, P‘ - Undecided frabmnn .3
I . Mormons (I nickn { the cm! the how. (I h“ gir s representing Greeks were selected supposed to mean. . Dbutll Shukla , i
supplement. Homecommg 79' 0“ me “ hey cm)“ doesn‘t mean therew l tb th Parents