xt7g7940vx7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940vx7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1976 1976 1976-11-17 2020 true xt7g7940vx7f section xt7g7940vx7f a. 4

_ :5 .’ Employment rule suspended

‘Ruff’ play

Pitcher James llenning throws one to Dan Bellack despite a shaggy in-
terruption in a wiffle ball game outside Kastle llall. llenning and
Bellack are psychology graduate students.


Guthrie’s widow promotes public recognition of disease

Copy Editor

Marjorie Guthrie, widow of
folksinger Woody Guthrie, spoke
yesterday at an afternoon seminar
on the cause of her husband’s death,
Huntington‘s disease (HD).

The conference, held in the
Continuing Education Center, was
sponsored by the College of
Medicine‘s neurology department
and the Committee to Combat
Huntington's Disease. a national

Guthrie, president of the national
committee, stressed the need to
publicize HD because in the past it
has carried “a great stigma.“ This
stigma was caused by the grotesque
spasms and personality disorders
the disease causes, symptoms many
people used to associate with mental

In fact, Guthrie said, “it has been
documented“ that women in 17th
century New England who were
thought to be bewitched actually
suffered from HD.

In addition to this stigma, much
misinformation has surrounded the
disease, Guthrie said. It is a


Assistant Managing Editor

With 1976 ranking as the worst
year on record for forest fires in
Kentucky, the death of Smokey
the Bear last Tursday has taken
on a special significance'for a
group of UK forestry studerfifi ,

The image of Smokey in a W
brimmed forest ranger‘s hat' {
become an internationally , fig
since he was found by
1950, an orphaned ,5
burned black bear c -' -

a treein a National
Mexico. '

Danny Koon,

major and cha'

American l-‘o -. '
forestry studen
wearing black a ‘
attempt to draw . .
forest fire problem in
by mourning thedea
who has long sy
problem nationally.


hereditary disease but many people
thought mly women or only men
could have it. In reality. Guthrie
said either sex of any racial or
ethnic background can have HD.

Because of the misinformation
and stigma, HD has been
“misdiagnosed“ many times, ac-
cording to Guthrie. For a long time,
people with HI) assumed they should
live in a mental hosptial until they

For example, Guthrie said her
husband “was in and out of mental
hospitals for IS years~only because
it was assumed he would be a mental
vegetable by the end of his life."

Guthrie organized her committee
in 1967, “shortly before Woody died."
She said it strives for a “team ap-
proach" in bringing HD to the at-
tention of the medical profession.
This “team“ comprises
neirrologists, social workers and
researchers. she said.

Guthrie said her committee
”doesn‘t know how widespread" HD
is but “we‘re looking for families
with this disease.“ She added that
researchers are “nowhere near a
cure" but treatment and “sup-

Smokey dies: lights student interest

“We‘re trying to make people
more aware of the danger of
wildfirej""Koon said. “especially
since we- had more forest fires in
Kefifsckygmn was any

hard ' “div-sir m
.. Mnmdfitfl 2 77
W W am is

symbol of forest fire . -‘ '3‘. ' .

. e sent 31 people and another

,. .tand the aesthetic

:1 atural resource that

95 nearly 46 per cent of

.. tucky. many do not un-

' ’tand how forests also affect
. directly in our daily lives.

Law faculty studies al

Assistant Managing Editor

Law school students have won a
temporary victory in their battle to
change a school registration policy.

Nineteen faculty members
yesterday passed three unanimous
motions which are designed to in-
vestigate and clarify the law
school’s student employment policy.
Law school officials had previously
required full time students to sign a
form stating that they will work at
outside jobs no more than 15 hours
per week.

But student opposition was strong
and vocal, so faculty members met
with two student representatives
and Robert Jaffe, Student Bar
Association (SBA) president, to
discuss possible alternatives.

The two representatives, second-
year students Bob Vice and Eva
Crowe, both presented three-minute

Vol. LXVIII, Number 68

arguments to the faculty members.
Jaffe then introduced an anonymous
poll by which law school officials
could determine if, indeed, there is a
problem with students who have an
overloaded work schedule.

Following the presentations and
discussim, the faculty members
passed motions which recom-
mended that:

— the survey be conducted;

—- the matter of clarification of the
American Bar Associaation (ABA)
standard .concerning student em-
ployment be referred to the law
school Academic Status Committee,
which will study the rule and make
an appropriate recommendation,

—~all students who did not sign the
employment form be deemed
registerable and that the exisiting
signed forms be either returned to
the students or destroyed.

“We all want to comply to ABA


NOV 1 71976

guidelines," Vice said. The ABA
established the registration policy
as an accreditation standard. “None
of us want to lose our accreditation.
But is it necessary to comply in this

“Before we start prying into
personal lives," Crowe said, “there
should be some showing of some
justification for doing this. Students
have the right to a life other than the
law school."

Law school Dean Thomas P.
Lewis explained that law school
policy had previously limited
students to a 20-hour work week. The
15-hour limit was decided during a
meeting of the ABA’s Council on
Legal Education last summer.

“It's possible that the council was
more concerned with the institution,
rather than the individual,” Lewis

Lewis explained to a group of law
students last Thursday that the


an independent student ne

Wednesday, November 17, I976

portive services“ are available.

Treatment consists of medication
(sedatives) to control the in-
voluntary spasms. Services are
available to help the HD victim live
at home and maintain a semblance
of normality. These include daycare
centers, Meals—on—Wheels and
visiting nurses, which are available
in Lexington, according to Dr. H.
Douglas Jameson, associate
neurology professor and coordinator
of yesterday's conference.

Jameson said there are 63 HD
cases at the Medical Center, in-
volv ing 34 families. This number has
increased in recent years because
more families are coming in for
diagnosis, said Jameson, who has
been at the hospital for 10 years.

“People used to stay home or go to
nursing homes or mental hospitals—
— now they come to a doctor and ask
‘what can you do to help me and my
family?‘ "

Of the roughly 100 people at-
tending the seminar, Jameson
estimated 60 per cent were
“families, relatives and patients
who have or think they may have
HD.“ He added that if a person


“The forest acts as a huge
sponge which holds the moisture
on the land and provides man
with a watershed. The value this
watershed holds, especially in
terms of drinking water, makes it
so important to human life,"

,, ause the fires were so
":e this spring, Koon and
me fellow students were
released from class to aid in the
'irefighting efforts on two oc-
, asions. “The first time we were
' ontacted by the Forestry people

time we sent 18,” Koon said.
”This included work in Virginia
as well as Kentucky.“

Koon said members of his
orgam'zation plan to hand out
more bladt armbands to fresh-
man and sophomore forestry
students during pre-registration
this week. (More than loo have
already been distributed to
junia-s and seniors, Koon said.)

Continued on back page



suspects he or she has HD, that
person should go to his or her family
doctor first and then “get in touch
with" the Medical Center.

Guthrie also stressed the need for
people with suspected HD to get in
touch with their doctors or write to
her committee for more information
on the disease. The committee’s
address is Committee to Combat
Huntington’s Disease, Inc., 250 W.
57th St., New York, NY, 10019.

Calling herself a “full—time
volunteer" for the cause of
publicizing HD, Guthrie has recently
been appointed chairperson of
HEW‘s Committee for the Control of
Huntington Disease and Its Con-
sequences. She said this
organization is using HD as a
prototype for promoting
neurdogical research in general.

Ending the interview, Mrs.
Guthrie said her son, Arlo, had his
story told in the movie “Alice’s
Restaurant” and recently her
husband's story was filmed in
“Bound for Glory.“ Now, she says,
she wants to tell her “story" and it is
called “Making People Live with

Kernel Reporter

(Editor‘s note: this is the first ar-
ticle 'm a three—part series on the
Blue Grass Trust.)

In 1955, a house at North Mill and
Second Streets across from the
Lexington Public Library, was
threatened with destruction to make
room for a parking lot. The house
had once been the home of John
Hunt Morgan, a Confederate general
who became famous for his raiding
parties during the Civil War.

A group of citizens, under the
name Foundation for the Preser-
vation of Historic Lexington and
Fayette County, joined and bought
the house, saving it from destruc-
tion. The group then restored the
house to its original grandeur and
today it is one of Lexington‘s major
touria attractions.

The foundation that rescued the
Hunt-Morgan House is still active.
Under a new name, the Blue Grass
Trust for Historic Preservation
(BGT) is actively working to

University of Kentuclq

ter‘i'i'h ti ves

policy is not new, it had simply not
been enforced for the past three

“We question making an af-
firmative showing of compliance,"
Vice said yesterday. “I submit that
all we do is show a good faith
minimaleffort. If we try to go too far
in compliance, we could use means
some students consider offensive."

Vice also pointed out thatthe ABA
definition of “full time student
doesn‘t take into account the per-
sonal finances of students.“

(‘mtinued on back page


Weathering heights

Sunny and mild weather today.
high in the mid-50‘s. Clouds will
roll in and the temperature will
drop to the low 30‘s tonight, but
sunny skies return tomorrow.



University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky


Ruth Matting"

. . . “full-time volunteer“ for lluntingdon‘s disease

BGT guards old architecture

preserve a slice or more of old
Lexington, reflecting the city’s past
architecturally. In the BGT‘s in-
formation pamphlet, the value of
such preservation is expressed:

“Retaining our early architecture
makes apparent the age of the city,
the oldest cultural center west of the
Appalachian Mountains. The
uniqueness that makes Lexington
different from other cities is saved."

Preservation of days gone by is
not the only work the BGT hopes to
accomplish. In looking at the
present, the society recognizes the
needs of a growing and maturing

”We feel our contribution to the
modern Iexington is to get people,
members of all classes, to live in the
downtown area. rather than the
suburbs,“said BGT President John

"We appreciate what tourism and
urban renewal programs have done
and are capable of doing," he said.
“However, these two programs
alone cannot cure Lexington's
problans all by themselves. The

present condition of housing in the
downtown area will not bring people
back from the suburbs.

“This is a major part of the BGT’s
function, to help stimulate a rebirth
in the downtown neighborhoods. We
more or less play the middle ground
between wanting to preserve
historic Lexington and not wanting
to impede the progress of the
present. We walk a very thin line."

The BGT has done a great deal of
work with the Urban County Council
(UCC) in the areas of preservation
and urban planning. It has been
instrumental in the establishment of
a professional planning staff for the
Lexington-Fayette County Planning
Commission, a Board of Ar-
chitectural Review and - the
lexington-Fayette County Historic

Through these agencies the BGT
has seen fair "historic d'aticts"
declared near the city's center. The
districts are Gratz Park, the
Western Suburb area, Old South Hill

(hntinned on back page






Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

editorials 8: comments


kdltnrin thict
Minna Kiwanis

I alt-nut I duur
Halli-v Humi.

“Ind“lll“, ditur
lilil” \5 Inn Miller

I Mll'r\ end Q llln"lt'lll\ should be addressed to the Editorial editor.
\[Ihtl‘l and signed n Ilh name. address and trio

in am

Assistant Managing Editors 59"“ Editor
M! u- Meuser Joe Kemp
on k Gabriel “mu-II: III-lav
Art: Editor Alu ““0
('0’! Editor: Mike Stranle
\uldmw thrmm Production In...
Dirk Dvwn») (‘hlel Photographer 14“"! CW" Mr

Steve Halllnser

Stewart Bowman

Room Ill, Jouruflun IIMII‘. Thu nut be typed. Milo-
phone number. Leltrn ( mum exceed 250 words and comment“ are restricted to 7|.


veryone loses without

rational arms control

The Russians have more than 1.5001and-based

intercontinental missles and more
based misles in operation. That's

than 800 sea-
about a third

more than the US. has, but American missles

are more accurate.
Though the Soviets are gaining,

three years away from matching the (1.8. total of
warheads, according to latest estimates

intercontinental missles

What do the figures mean? Who'
arms race? There is no clear answer except.

perhaps, that everyone is losing.

The US certainly isn‘t winning. In fact, $104.3
billion has been appropriations to the Depart-
ment of Defense for fiscal year 1977; much of the
go for construction of more
wea pons— conventional a nd nuclear. The Soviets
are spending in an equally inflated manner.

money will

There is no effective control over the arms
A bmad outline for nuclear arms

limitations was negotiated at

U.S.S.R. in 1974, but terms of the Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks (SALTJ are pending.

The total distrust which is becoming a by-
product of U.S.-Soviet relations has so far
prevented effective amis limitation.

But the conclusion of eight years of con-


they are still . . .


5 winning the


Republican ad-
leaves hope for a more ra.ional

view of the worlds arms race. A recent report
from a panel that included advisers to President-
elect Jimmy Carter is a case in point.

The 24-member private panel proposed that

the US. and the Soviets work toward “mutual

each power to
per cent.


example” reductions of military spending for
conventional weapons. The proposal calls for

reduce its military budget by 5-10

The US. has spurred the arms race by
becoming the world’s greatest arms distributor.
Any rational control of arms depends on a
revetsalof that policy. The panel report is a good
sign that arms limitation and sane military
spending are distinct possibilities under the
coming administration.

Interview with former narc

raises a variety of questions

By P.-\TRI(‘K l). NAl'GllTUN

To have someone such as William
Canan as a cop is an insult to the
people of Lexington.

The above may seem to be a harsh
statement but in rereading the
Kernel interview with Canan. con-



sider the following: Canan stated
that “the tactical unit was disband-
ed after two years because of
political pressure due to deaths
attributed to directions being fol-
lowed by the tactical force. ’

He seems to imply that if it hadn t
been for those nasty politicians
getting upset about people dying
because of police tacticsthey would
have kept right on going.

Canan also states that “the mari-
juana arrests were selectively made
to influence legislators for revision
of the narcotics laws from a felony to

a» .. f‘



t i \ , I
\ ~\‘ I."


a misdemeanor. Has it gotten to
the point in this country where. no
matter what the reason. laws are
being enforced according to the
beliefs of the cops? I must say.
George Orwell wrote the book of the

When Canan talks about his
arrests, he states that . . lknew it
was in their best interest anyway. As
a matter of fact, most arrested in the
campus area. especially the ones not
involved in narcotics, are still
friends of mine. It 5 amazing to me
the great powers that he has when it
came to knowing what‘s best for
everyone else.

As for the statement that most
people arrested, especially those not
involved in narcotics, are sitll his
friends. I can‘t help but wonder why
they were arrested in the first place.

(‘anan states that “policemen to a
very great extent reflect the atti-
tudes and mores of the community
in which they work] Try telling that

to someone from the City of Louis-
ville. and they will laugh their ass

Throughout the article, Canan all
but comes right out and says that he
smokes pot as evidenced by his
answer to the question: “For legal
reaSons id rather not answer.” Not
to mention his childish appeal for pot
tobesent to him.

I can't help but wonder if Mr.
Canan has ever taken the time to
read the Bill of Rights and the
Constitution of the United States.
Apparently not. for if he had, it's
made very clear in both that
equality under the law is supreme -
and Mr. (‘anan obviously docsnt

Finally, Canan states that “I'm
not the son of a bitch that everyone
thinks l am ' Wanna bet‘.’

Patrick Naugliton is a junior politi-
cal science and history major.

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Only objections to unjust work statement

1) lCl.l.lC\ l.llili.\l.\\ and

We are not surprised that Scott
Schulten tin his Nov 1:3 letter) was
“not roused" by the inequitable
policy droppcd on law students by
the administration this week. He is
certamly entitled to that opinion


We are distressed. however. that
Mr. Schulten was distressed by the
honest feelings of his colleagues.
What he terms our "petulant
overrcaction” w as no more than the
vociferous objections of those who
find the employment statement
unjust. lf Schulten is perfectly
satisfied with the policy, we would
suggest that he sign the statement
and refrain from belittling these who
refuse to sign

llis chamctcri'zation of "born
again radicals" is a gross misr
appreciatim of. first. what tran»
spired during the met-ting with the
dean. and second, what genuinely
motivates the students in this
necessary protest

Schulten suggests that we have
several options “to make our
opinions known in a reasonable



fashion.“ but he ignores the fact that
this was nota problem until students
were confronted with the form. The
Bulletin clearly states: “Any upper
class student who works more than
20 hours per week may be required
to reduce his academic load."
What many students object to is

that the new policy on employment

as articulated in the forms was not
presented to us in a “reasonable
fashion." but merely appeared at
advance registration.

Thus. the problem did not arise
until then. It is not that the channels
for ”redress of grievances were not
open. There was just no need to
make use of them until then."

Finally. in reference to “equal
administration of governing prin-
ciples" of which Mr. Schulten
suggests we are unaware, it is clear
that the employment statement is
itself unequal. It discriminates

. - Letters

Transforming man

The article about Bill Canan is
pail of a biography of the transform-

These were people who paid
dearly to have the simple pleasures
of smoking weed. We have now seen
how the levels of lower conscious-
ness work. Drug law enforcement is
no two«way street-~imagine what
(‘anan would do to someone who
imjx‘rsonated a police officer.

Sincc the (‘anan epidemic, thous-
ands of others have gone to jail. and
gone broke because its not in the
interests of Big Bureaucracies to
ailow small, untaxable free enter-
prise. such as marijuana traffic.

(‘anan ought to realize who he‘s
trying to lie to when he paid lip
St‘l'Wt't‘ to those who lost money and
went to jail for, as (‘anan put it. to
"influence legislation to revise nar-
totic laws from felony to misde-
nu-anor Stow ll. Bill. marijuana
and narcotics are two different legal
classifications. Busting folks for
wcul does not and will not revise
narcotics laws

I share (‘anan's hopes that
marijuana will be legalized, so that
llll' huge consensus of us who turn on
\\lll not haw to sullct‘ anymore lhi‘
esoteric and iiit'lextble law. Also, Bill
(avian and his cronies will have to
not lllt‘ll‘ \U‘t'tl like the rest of us.
instead of confiscating it from me
.intlyou .

So. Hill (‘anan up there with all
you "good ol boys who sell people


against women with children who
are not required to report time spent
caring for their families, as well as
those for whom this policy will
amount to a severe financial hard-

(Ylearly, most law students are
concerned about the requirement to
sign the employment statement.
None of us, however. is so self-
serving as to pursue a course which
would result in the school's ac-
creditation being threatened,

The implication of Schulten’s
letter is that the students who ob-
jected to the form acted
unreasonably and irresponsibly. On
the contrary, the students clearly
behaved with necessary expedience
and justifiable concern.


Ellen Liehman and Frank Wer-
mcling are first-year law students.


out for a living in your uncorrupt
community: ha, have a nice dream!
l'll look for you to join the ranks of
lawyers someday. As for me, I
protest the enforcement of mari-
juana arrests everywhere!

Jane Smith
.-\&S junior

Is Latin dead?

First I read of IlK‘s transporting
students to distant Rupp Arena;
next. I noticed we‘re providing
campus police protection to those
energetic and bold enough to walk .8
of a mile to attend a basketball
game: and now. there seems to be a
great to»do about Law School stu-
dents working hours.

Andi thought in loco parentis died
years ago!

John Johnson
[K graduate student

Letters policy

The Kernel recognizes the
obligation to provide a forum for
reader resonse. Submission will be
accepted in the form of letters to the
editor or comments.

Letters cannot exceed 250 words.
They must be type-written. triple-
spaccd and signed with the writer‘s
name. classification and major.

('oniments cannot exceed 750
words and the above information is














ildren who
t time spent
. as well as
policy will
ncial hard-

tudents are
uirement to
is so self-
ourse which
chool’s ac-
nts who ob-
rm acted
nsibly. 0n
nts clearly

‘rank Wer-
w students.

ice dream!
he ranks of
for me. I
t of mari-

Jane Smith
A&S junior


pp Arena;

n to those
hto walk .8
ems tobea
School stu-

arentis died

hn Johnson
late student


nizes the
forum for
ion will be
tters to the

250 words.
ten. triple~
he writer‘s

xceed 750
rmation is



31.5mm ' ' ' "‘-;-:



gagfigéfiavffi... .


news briefs}



Non-Democrats likely
to fill cabinet post

WASHINGTON [AP] — President-elect Jimmy
Carter‘s new chief talent scout said yesterday he is
sure some Republicans or independents will be in the
Carter Cabinet. although no special effort is being
made to recruit them.

Hamilton Jordan, who managed Carter's Democrat-
ic presidential campaign and was named Monday to
lead the search for the faces of the new administra-
tion. said his job is to help Carter “find the best
people" and that there is no commitment to form a
bipartisan Cabinet.

But “I’m sure it’s inevitable," he added, “that there
will be some Republicans or independents in there. as
well as Democrats.

Meanwhile, the White House announced that as a
result of a telephone call between Carter and
President Ford, arrangements are being made for the
two men to confer in Washington next week. No date
has been set for the meeting, their first since the final
televised campaign debate.

It was also announced yesterday that Secretary of
State Henry A. Kissinger will fly to Carter‘s Plains.
Ga., home Saturday to brief the President-elect on
foreign policy. CIA Director George Bush briefs
Carter on Friday. Vice President-elect Walter
Mondale will attend both briefings.

E Presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Ford

and Carter spoke by telephone Monday night in what
was described as a cordial and businesslike conversa-

As the Carter transition team was formally moving
into its new quarters at the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, the President-elects first
White House appointee. Press Secretary Jody Powell.
was meeting in the White House with Nessen.

Carter‘s appointment of Jordan to run the recruiting
drive reduced the authority of transition coordinator
Jadt H. Watson Jr., who had been in charge of what
was called a “talent inventory” staff.

That staff, according to a spokesman for the
transition team, has been transferred to Jordan‘s
control, leaving Watson in charge of budget planning.
policy and liaison with federal agencies.

Key Carter aides Stuart Eizenstat and Bowman
Cutter will be working with Watson on transition

Jordan, at an impromptu news conference outside
thetransition offices, said he would be surprised if any
Cabinet appointments are announced soon.

Jordan said his team has defined the personal
qualities needed to fill each Cabinet post and is calling
people around the country for recommendations.


Carter said Monday they already have 6,000 to 7000
suggested names in their computer.

Carter and Mondale are beginning to call people
themselves, Jordan said, in addition to those being
contacted by the talent scouts.




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Gilmore tries suicide

Gary Mark Gilmore. whose
wish to die before a firing
squad has been delayed by a
reprieve. and his girlfriend
were found unconscious Tues-
day in an apparent suicide

Authorities said they be
lieved both had taken drug

“lie tried to take his own
life," prison medical techni-
cian 'I‘om Anguay said of
Gilmore. “He tried to 0D."

Gilmore, who has contend-
ed he prefers death to Ian
guishing in prison and asked
a court to disregard appeals
on his behalf, was rushed
from the Utah State Prison to
the University of Utah Medi-
cal Center. His condition was
listed as serious. but hospital
spokesman John Keahey said
it was believed Gilmore
would pull through.

Nicole Barrett. 20. was in a
coma and in critical condition
at Utah Valley Hospital in
Provo, 40 miles to the south.
hospital officials said. She
was rushed there at 9: 13 am.

alter being found in her
apartment in Springyille.

The development came one
day before (iilmore was
scheduled to appear before
the Utah Board of Pardons
for a decision on whether it
would commute his death
sentence to a lesser penalt y.

Gilmore, who has spent IX
of his 35 years in penal
institutions. was critical of
(lov. (‘alvin Hampton when
ltampton stayed (lilniores
scheduled execution so the
board could review the case.

Gilmor, originally sched-
uled to die this past Monday
for killing a motel clerk
duringa robbery in July. said
delaying the execution sub-
jected him to the “stress of
cruel, unusual and inhumane

Gilmore is known to have
attempted suicide while an
inmate in the Oregon prison
system. There also have been
reports of a pact between him
and Barrett. a mother of two.
under which she would coni-
mit suicide after (lilmore was

State Democrats to hold
precinct elections Dec. 4

FRANKFOR'I‘ I .-\P l—Ken-
tucky Democrats will meet
Saturday. Dec. 4, to elect
precinct committee mem-
bers. state Democratic Chair-
man Howard “Sonny” Hunt
said yesterday.

Hunt said anyone regis-
tered as a Democrat as of
Oct. 4 may participate in the
precinct meetings, which will
be held at the polling places
used Nov.2.

Each precinct will elect a
committee of three. which
must have at least one male
member. at least one female
member and at least one
member 30 years old or
younger, he said.

In Fayette and Jefferson
counties, where there are
more than five legislative
districts. precinct committee
members will elect legisla-



The Kentucky Kernel, IN Journalism Building, University of K “ ‘,, |


published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.

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live district chairmen. yiee
chairmen. secretaries and
treasurers, Hunt said.

In those counties. he said.
the legislative district chair»
men or in their absence. the
vice chairmen, will serve on
the county executive commit

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