xt7g7940vt41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940vt41/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1994 text GLSO News, March 1994 1994 1994-03 2019 true xt7g7940vt41 section xt7g7940vt41 A PubliCAriON b The LEXiN TON GA ANd LESbiAN SERVlCES OR ANilAIiON
MARCH + 1994
WASSON Awmd Nominees Souqln Nafioual Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line
It' ti f th {T'sic'RiAd P 'd k d (800) 247—4283
15 me or epanmngo ay r1 ewee ,an _
accordingly, the Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association Teenage Gay/Lesbian SMPPOH
(T.S.G.R_A_) is putting together the third annual (800) 347~T65N
Lexington Salute to Volunteers Banquet. For Thur5.-Sun. 7pm—Midni9k+
anyone who is not familiar with this event, it is
the closing event to_Pride Week festivities, and. it A LASTiNq IMPRESSiON
18 where each organization in the gay communlty
gets to honor its outstanding volunteer of the 'T‘ BMNSCUM
year in front of the whole gay, lesbian, bisexual, The Medicine Shoppe is one of our new
transgendered community (hereafter referred to advertisers. On Main Street near the Long John
as llcommunityl')- Silver’s, they are conveniently located to serve all
For one low price, everyone at the of Lexington.
banquet experiences dinner, a speaker, and the Approximately one year ago, I was
awards ceremony. The banquet has been at the looking for a pharmacy to work with me in
Marriott for the past two years, but this year it has providing medication for a very dear friend.
moved to the Radisson Plaza Hotel and will be Someone in the community recommended the
Sunday, June 12- Medicine Shoppe. When I contacted them, they
Last year T-S-G-R-A initiated an overall assisted me in walking through the red tape
Volunteer 0f the Year Award, and there was one associated with government aid and insurance.
overwhelming choice for receiving the award. Not only did they take the time to become
His contribution to the community was so familiar with medications, illnesses, and payment
monumental that the award is now named in his options, but they also took the time to get to
honor. That person was Jeffrey Wasson, and we know us_ Imagine my surprise when on my
continue to owe him our gratitude. second visit I was greeted by name and
50 now it is time to find the recipient 0f questioned about how my friend was doing. It
this year’s Wasson Award. T.S.G.R.A. is very was almost like dealing with family.
pleased to host this event and will continue to do Since those first few visits, they have
so for a long time to come, but it does not feel helped work through a myriad of problems,
qualified to choose the winner 0f well a questions, and concerns. All with a personal
prestigious award. Therefore, it has asked the touch and free delivery. I liked them so much, I
Gay and Lesbian Services Network to be the even moved my prescriptions to them. Thanks,
vehicle through which this award is determined. Webb. You and your staff make us feel like
(continued 0N pAqE 7) family.
CLSO News . Much I 994 r'l

 CILSO N CouqnsssiONAl Reponr CARd
P 51' + I b +
(A [Shed Mon 1" Y Y he The Human Rights Campaign Fund has
LEXiquN CAy/LEsbiAN SERviCES “S“.Cd mungs 0? Amen?“ 3mm” based °“
. ' their votes on nine lesbigay issues over the last
Nineteen senators, all Democrats, sided
p-O- B°>< “471 with the HRCF 100% of the time: Daniel Akaka
Lexing’ron, Ky 40575 (HI), Barbara Boxer (CA), Bill Bradley (NJ),
Christopher Dodd (CT), Dianne Feinstein (CA),
€di+or= Daniel Inouye (HI), Ted Kennedy (MA), Frank
. Lautenberg (NJ), Patrick Leahy (VT), Howard
BR'AN THROCkMORTON Metzenbaum (OH), Barbara Mikulski (MD),
Layoufedifor: Slarolh Moim-Brgun 164114), Dfiitei Sam‘s:
. . . oyni an , atty un‘ay , on
El'lAbE'l‘ A‘ G'H'AM Riegle (MI), Chuck Robb (VA), Paul Sarbanes
(MD), Paul Simon (IL) and Paul Wellstone
DUES lOR CouplEs: $20 Three Republicans received the only
NgwglEnER Ole; $10 zero scores: Jesse Helms (NC), Lauch Faircloth
(NC), and Malcolm Wallop (wy)_
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of the In the Kentucky delegation Wendell
th andd 't cessan‘iyrepresemm ftheGLSOBo d f . ’ .
aIIDH‘LreOctrsms. Suilinigions are welcome. AlolseSSbmissions bacon: tliJe Ford VOted favorably 56% 0f the time, and MltCh
property of GLSO and must indicate full name and address of the McConnell had a 33% record.
author. The staff reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to The Human Rights Campaign Fund is
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right to reject any - v - - -
submissions. Placement of advertising in the GLSO News denotes the . nation 5 largest [CSbIgay pollLiCal
neither a person's sexual orientation nor a business' customer orgamlatlon-
eAT The U.U. Chunch»
The GLSO News gratefully acknowledges the The first meeting of this new group will
generous °“‘P°“““g °f “PW” "1 response ‘0 be held on Saturday March 12 from 1-3pm at
our call for financial help. We received several the Fellowshi Hbuse of ’ the Unitarian
donations, in amounts of ten, fifty, one hundred Univers alis t Cgurch "Comba tin racism is
and even five hundred dollars! It’s nice to be . ' . . g .

. . something that people in this community are
appreCiated, and to know that Lexmgton values wantin to talk about," 5a 5 Barbara O’Hara the
the newsletter and the other work done by ou ’Eor izer y ’
members of GLSO. Let’s hope these angels who gr P Thgeanmeeitin will feature two women
rescued us inspire others to subscribe or add a . .g . , . .

. . . . from the Muse Cincmnau Women s ChOir Will be

little something to their membership renewal. s akin about how White Woman A ain t Racism

And although ads alone won’t keep the G150 1:: startged in their area For more infoirnation

News solvent, please advertise with us or let us g ' ’

. . lease contact Barbara at 255-3819

know of hkely new advertisers. Thanks! p '
GLSO NEWS e MARCH 1 994 ,2

 News Shows . NfWHamPsW‘e‘ _ ..
by Jeff Jouss A bill to add . sexual orientation to New
Hampshire’s anti—bias laws has passed the NH
5 Texas: House and is now making its way through the
1 The Texas Supreme Court issued in January a Senate. prassed, NH will become the ninth state
t decision that has invalidated TCXfiS’ same-sex to protect all orientations from discrimination.
only sodomy law. In a bizarre 5-4 decision, the
.1 Court refused to judge the law by stating that the W
a Supreme Court did “Qt have the right to decide The Services Network has agreed to this and now
’ this law as it involved a criminal statute and not a asks for nominations from the community.
’ constitutional question. Yet, the Court let stand We know there are lots of people who
K another decision involving the invalidation of the have worked very hard for charity and /or social
1 sodomy law involving a case of the Dallas Police causes in our community in the past year. So we
, Department refusing to hire a lesbian applicant. want you to write us a nomination letter on their
§ Thus, in a back-door manner, Texas’ sodomy law behalf. This letter should list their
1 has been abolished. accomplishments within the community, either as
5 California: a part of an organization or organizations, or in
a Gay author and AIDS activist Randy Shilts died the community {It large- Please be very detailed
Feb. 17 from complications from AIDS. Shilts is in your nomination.
V the author of And the Band Played On and Conduct _ The criteria are very loose. We . are
1 Unbecoming. looking for someone who, through self-sacrifice
of labor and/ or time, has in some way helped the
1 Columbia, SC: community. This person does not have to be
1 State Farm Insurance has dropped coverage 0f homosexual. If you know of a straight person
the new Colmnbia gay/ lesbian community center who has aided the community, then don’t
5 after deeming it too controversial and risky as to hesitate to nominate him or her. The person
1 vandalization, etc. Unless the center is able to may be a member of several groups who, by
find another insurer by February, it Will have to giving time to these organizations, has helped all
Close- of us. Or, a person may have devoted his or her
Cin - ti: efforts to. a specific {action of the community
The American Historical Association has moved (people “nth AIPS’ for example). _ ,
its conference from Cincinnati in protest of One thing .we are not looking for 15
Cincinnati’s November anti—gay vote to prohibit someone who has given only in monetary terms.
1 any future gay rights legislation. The city and Although we realize that this type of contribution
t several hotels are threatening to sue, however, 15 0f tremendous need and w? venerate each and
1 for breach of contract. every donation, we are looking for 'volunteers
‘ and not benefactors. We also know that anyone
, Tyler , TX: who is an active member of a community
i A crowd of 1500 protested in Tyler, Texas, to call organization gives a lot monetarily just to keep
’ attention to the brutal murder of 23—year old the day—to-day business going. Maybe T_S,G,R_A
Nicholas West. Police and local activists say that will create a category for this type of contribution
1 West was murdered because he was gay. Again, in the future.
3 this murder points out that gay-bashing occurs Nominations should be mailed to GLSO,
’ due to identification of a person as gay, rather PO. Box 11471 Lexington, KY 40575, Attn.:
' than homosexual behavior. Wasson Award. The deadline is May 6.
GLSO News . MARCH 1 994 J

 LESBAENQTWERC'E Have you been disrciminaled against in
FAMILY BUSINESSES lhe Commonweal’rh of Kenlucky due lo your

Is itjust me being slow to notice, or is it sexual orienlaiion?
really the case that in the past couple of years RE?OR‘I’ l‘l‘ ‘I‘O ‘1’}.15 GLSO
there’s been an explosion of economic
development in our community? To me it seems DI SCRI "A! ]\I ‘9.le or] PROJ 5C1.
as if Lesbian and Gay businesses are springing up ' ‘ ’ p. ' .
the way mushrooms appear overnight after a l/O‘NUSdS
spring rain. One day those businesses weren’t
there, and the next they were. And I don’t mean . ,
local bars and boutiques; I mean national _ A second economic resource that s
corporations like my long-distance company. In relatively new to our communlty is the Dallas Gay
case some of you aren’t aware of this economic and Lesbian A‘lllance Credit pmon' The
growth and haven’t plugged into it, I thought I DCLACU 15 the Issuer of a small piece of magical
would write about my own experience of plastic in my billfold which reads "Dallas Gay and
plugging into the queer economy. Lesbian Alliance Credit Union MasterCard."

First, the long-distance company... It’s Every time I use it I puff up a little bit With
called Community Spirit, and my partner and I happlness. . _
dumped MCI in favor of it a year ago. CS‘s rates To find PM more about the credit unlon,
are lower than MCI’s (and according to their ads, I called lts presrdent,’ Charles Howard. He told
Ana’s and Sprint’s), I like the one bill billing me ‘hat the cred“ “mo“ hf“ aI’Pl’mflmamly 1500
(their charges appear on our phone bill), and members and 3‘600’000 1n assets. Assets are
they donate 2% of their gross income (not just llmlted to savmgs- accounts and accounts
their profits) to Lesbian and Gay causes. We’ve receivable (loans) srnce the CU doesnt offer
had no problems with the service and are very checlrlng accounts. However, tht? CU W1“ begin
glad we made the change. I‘ve surveyed friends offering checking accounts thls spring, and
who’ve switched to CS and they also report being expects thls to dramatically boost membership
satisfied. So if you’ve heard of CS but haven‘t and assets. Charles also told me that plans are
tried them ’because you’ve wondered about underway for a second Gay and Lesbian CU in
service quality, or have doubted that our A9511?" wrth talk 9f others in 'Houston . and
community could actually manage an enterprise Wichlta. just lmaglne the financral clout 1f all
as complex as a long-distance company, cease around the country we pulled our money out Of
doubting. ATScT, MCI, and Sprint offer no strarghtfinancral institutions, put that money into
advantage over CS that I can see. In fact, based our own credit unions, and financed our home
on the past year’s service, I see no reason why mortgages, car loans, and credit. card debt
anyone in our community should be getting ourselves. That day may take a while to come,
long-distance service from a "straight" company but Charles Howard firmly believes it will. Until
instead of a company which not only keeps our then, credit cards, home m9r‘gage5’ new car
money "in the family", but which estimates that if loans, student loans, and certificates of deposrt
just one out of fifteen of us participate, we will are avallable from the DGLACU' Write t?
generate $21 million yearly in funding for our DGE‘AQU’ P‘O' Box 190712’ Dallas, TX 75219 If
community. If this is enough to make you youd like to become a member and get your
interested, you can reach CS by calling l-800-It’s- own Gay and LeSblan MasterCard.
Ours. (CONTINUECI 0N mm 5)
CLSO NEWS ’ MARcli I 994 ’4

 (Family Busiusssss . continued futon paqs 4) patronize SG more, I still end up giving more of
Yet another new business serving our my dollars to L. L Bean. However, in a phone
community is Network Q. Network Q is a interview of Cynthia Cisneros, owner and
nationally distributed monthly video magazine founder of SC, I was told by her that SG hopes
featuring news, comedy, drama, art, travel, and eventually to become a retailer of general
entertainment for our community. Subscriptions clothing and furnishings for our community. So
are $24 per month or $199 for a year. I have a I continue to hope that someday I’ll be buying
year’s subscription and have received two issues, my flannel shirts from a "family business".
each slightly over two hours in length. It took According to Cynthia, the odds are favorable.
me a while to decide to subscribe because I She reports that SG’s gross in its first year topped
feared I would be buying some tacky beefcake $1 million. When I asked her if any of that was
. video. I shouldn’t have worried: nothing on donated to community causes, her answer was:
: Network Qwould warrant more than a PG rating "There’s no fixed percentage, but yes, definitely.
and most of it wouldn’t warrant that. The most This business doesn’t exist just to make me a
; controversial piece so far has been a story on the living. We’re here to put money into our
' Gay porn industry. The story was strictly community and provide a homophobia-free
; journalistic, but it did include some off color workplace. And of course we also try to provide
language and "artfully blurred" film clips. A products that reflect people’s lives."
' more typical Network Q feature spotlights To me, those sound like good reasons
families. January’s issue included an interview of for supporting any of the businesses mentioned
‘ a gay father and his son with film cuts from their in this article. After all, it’s a safe bet that AT8cT
; home life. Other features have been a and L. L. Bean aren’t going to become corporate
documentary on Lesbian/ Gay youth, the donors to the N GLTF any time soon. With that
: International Gay Rodeo finals, and a production thought in mind, if you’re interested in getting
: of "The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me". One of on SG’s mailing list, write to them at 1216 East
my favorite Network Q moments, however, has Euclid, San Antonio, TX 78212-4159.
been least expected. It’s simply seeing the
' network name display: "Network Q, Television
i for Gay America". It appears amid the kind of AIDS BENEFIT
space age special effects I associate with Steven ' _ r _ .
Spielberg. Network Q. is definitely not an The Imperial Court of Ixentucky lS sponsonng an
amateur effort. For those who’d like to give it a AIDS benefit for the AID S Volunteers . 0f
' try, the address is 4001 S. Decatur #367, Las Lexmgton (AVOL) and other AIDS charities.
Vegas, Nevada 89103. The benefit 15 sceduled on Saturday, March 26
Last but not least in the roster of new national and The Connection 1n Loursvrlle, from 5-9:?)0 PM.
businesses is Shocking Gray. SC is a mail-order Cover charge at the door 15 $500
' catalogue offering home furnishings, clothing,
jewelry, notecards, books, and videos. LESBICA)’ FAMlly CATAlOC.
At present, SG’s product selection is
‘ limited and most items are "gay-themed". Tapestry Books, based in New jersey, has created
' Unfortunately, one household can only absorb so a new catalog called "Joined BY Love," WhiCh
_ many lambda-embossed mugs, wall clocks, bath offers 35 books for lesbigay families. There are
towels, and door mats, On the other hand, there titles for children and for adults, dealing Wllh all
is, at least in my book, no limit to the number of manner 0f alternative family structures.
flannel shirts one household can absorb. This To order your catalog (at a COSL 0f 351-00): C311
explains why, despite the fact that I would love to 800-755-2357-
- GLSO News a MARCH 1994 ,5

 b She said the hospital food
was awful and her room
was really grim. So I
smuggled her a cheeseburger
with a side of daisies.
32;? i331 A A
93%”; w:5; gig“
M é m: .55: i j
‘1 ‘ a‘ifi-{lfi ‘”
R‘ J“: % 43m-
Q: as, 1st?
\ fi’ V ‘kfi‘ :05 .-:~-,—--
“‘aughm is great $1377
medicine. But we have y’gaflfiéw .
something that works even better.
39::‘253'6‘3? _ .
gggfis. Imperial Plaza Slyoppmg Center
23%;}? 393 Waller Ave. - Lexington, KY 40504
';~‘ ‘4‘" («a
33’: "- l 4' (606) 233—7486
CLSO News r MARCH 1 994 ’6

 . Regardless of the insistence of the
5;; b EYTEb Operation Rescue, etc., groups that their over-
zealous violence in some way constitutes free
speech, I think many people feel as I do: they are
Allow me to introduce myself. Since my stepping over the boundaries. I am very pleased
earliest computer-geek days on the Internet, I that the Supreme Court chose this case to remind
have been known as BeeTheGreaL I come from us that they are the final defenders Of freedom
a very strange background. I was raised a devout after all.
Southern Baptist on various Marine Corps bases, All I thought] wanted was a place in the comm)!
and was in fact training to be a Marine Corps I recently received word from the Lake
officer when I woke up one morning and Curnberland/ Somerset area that a social group
realized that it wasn’t just a phase, and that I who call themselves "Country Dykes" has taken
couldn’t with good conscience pretend to be root Debbie (502-866-2304) has described a
somethinngas not. ThenI got mobilized. thriving nest of wimmin who get together for
So you have on your hands a reactionary parties, cards, picnics, and all manner of Fun
dyke. I‘m very out, and very vocal about it, Schtufl. They are seeking to make the second
because just a couple of years ago, I was one of Saturday of every month their established Quality
those people on the other side of the line. I was Time, and Debbie says they are always looking
the one saying that gays were abnormal and for more dykes to join them (honey, aren’t we
unnatural. I was part of the problem. I was all?).
taught to detest homosexuality, like a good Say, Debbie, that reminds me... have you
portion of those from "traditional families." I tried the Herald—Leader’s "Meeting Place"? The
strongly believe that if I had been exposed to out really great-sounding prospects all seem to live in
queers sooner, I would have been at peace with Corbin, Berea or Somerset (just my luck).
myself much sooner, instead of at war with gays Kids Today '
for so long. Feel free to oppose anything I say, or "...and is so common that one out of
to send me bits 0f info to be featured here; every ten babies will probably have one."
points and counter-points are all welcome. Bifihmarks. That's what it was refening to. I
Courting Terrm‘ists came across it in one of my sister's ba—zillions of
I go through life being continually baby books - right before, incidentally, the
surprised by things. Just when I think that there section entitled "Penis Care". (You know, this
is no hope for society, and I should move to latest edition makes the sixth time I have become
Wyoming and refuse to speak to non—bovines, an Aunt Bee). Anyway, I was wondering how the
something good happens that restores my faith in phrase would read if it had been about
humanity - at least until the next insane societal homosexuality. "...and is so rare that only one
move. out of ten babies will be av..."
Shock #1: On January 24, the federal
anti-organized crime law (RICO-1970) was put to ‘_ .J V _ ‘ _ . . ,-
good use. Shock #2: the US. Supreme Court did 9:»A'meric'afis..W1thIIDlsabIhtles Act
it ‘r : “2:2 :. -‘ ' " ' '
The Court ruled (94):!) that the statute if Yokgafsélfgzthat youffihfiveii’bcéii,fdisqirninated
that deals with racketeering can be applied to the gagainStbecauseof Pang HIVfiyOUII-m‘ay C9nl53'Ct
extremist abortion protesters who bomb clinics, theseFederalagenC1es Chi-'15:: v 1",..‘i'
threaten - and sometimes murder - doctors, and EVEMPIOW'ENIK EEOC) _'I'ég'fifZO'Zlfiio314900 ; ' V
go so far to harass women considering abortion MEdlCAlCARE,pAVY..CAR£, PUbUCACCQMMQSlNEONS. '
that they will call them at home and vandalize (DEproHUSTICE) (202)54l1030l »
their houses. 'iHé'iiiiNiii'HU'D):i’3??i.2-"73‘ "'is‘iii:{SOO‘l‘bfibQfl-H? , '»
— _—_—_————————_——u_—__-__—
CLSO News , MARCH 1 994 ,7

 Pnooio F
MaI'Ch 1 994 Hll Brood Pol Grooming
- Ex onionood
GLSO Is 20 Years Old This Year! P
1 .. ,.'}3f;: 2 3 4 5 - _
6:00pm Frontnmmrs-Woodlnnd 7:30pm Men‘s Chorus 82001311] Gay/Lesbian 9:00am anh’unners
7:30pm Gay/mum Al-Amn 63:3; MCGUWC 7:30pm UK Lambda AA 10:00“ HIV/AIDS 5" G --
8:45pm RainbowBowhngso 7:00pm GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00P”! HIV/ AIDS
, . ."w= if} 8: Ga II; binnAA S .G .
- . 1;: °°Pm y 1 PP‘ TP [CM/‘4 f, [an/QM) Mf/M
6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 6521/5141, J’ac/iz/ [Va/{er
6:00pm MCC/LPX- 7:00pm GLSO Board. 7:30pm Gay/ Lesbian 510013“! anmfi-WW 7:30pm Men’s Chorus 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Fronlrunncrs ggfit/lfie’dg'hmwlpe/m/"mf 60““‘5’
Gre’enleaf Motel @Tfio‘lhxs V AMIM " Pm , .. 7:30pm UK Lambda 8"” G“ “55““ 10mm “IV’NDS 5" G -
7 '00pm Gay/Lesbian ' 3-45 T‘Ra be 6330”“ MC“ “11° 8‘00pm HIV/AIDS 910°?“ ’1‘" Eva“ CD“ 190” WW Wm“
' - 7:15pm GLSO Support 1- PDT In W 7-°°Pm GDOBALjU 0‘ L- ‘5 Ha. um * ‘ nimtRacism—UU Church 4.76 Wedfwdl/rftrut
AA . ‘Grou Bets. V. . Bowling-Southland 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA' ppt.Grp. . ‘ .
m [ex/gt”, [Warez
13 14 15 16 17 . 13 19 flea/2544772
6: rial Ct-Club U . . - . . .
6:3: fimfwflmf Idul-Fin- (End of ‘I . 7.30pm Gay/Lesbian 6122:1211 ant'mrs-Woodhnd :LSP‘ZEWIH Dmdlfm 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian —_Camoiicmv Minis Work...
More: Ramadan): ~=- .: Al-Anon 6. . .— _m— AA . .
7:00”, GWMMM 8-45 . sewn mcc Lune WW1 cm
7515p!“ GLSO Support ' p“? Rambow gm 253$; 22‘ 7:30pm UK Lambda 9:00am Froun'unncrs
Grou. meets a: I. BOWllng‘SOUthland ‘ y 8:00pm HIV/AIDS SppLGrp. 10:00am HIV/AIDS SppLGrp. .
l 1 ' 10:00am Men’s Network ‘1 menu-(S vmm “trump "Iain Slum 1'er ctr—our 1.1:.
20 21 22 23 24 25 ‘ 26 :21: e 0 1:“ '
27* em miamcLso .. , 73pm6ay/Lesbm 3.91m e “W inseam 1323::sz [10 (9 e
Support Group ' ' n _ 6:30pm MCC-L'villc 8: a in HIV/AIDS 5.1.6 .. 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9=00m Fromm “m" ' ""‘5
6:00pm MCC/Lex.-Gmeuleaf meets . - 8:45pm Rainbow 7:00pm GLOBAL-U ofL. 10:00amHIV/A1Ds SppLGrp. cu. m. mm
Motel _ - Bowling-Southland 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9: m COLTS M . - "5- sour-mm “was“: he:- uo straws-1:7 :2 sure: not; 9.:
7.00pm Gay/mm M 00p tg ICK Coronatlon XIII , .
. 1:1. (Hum lerI'JI vzucl SILI SIN :7? 5331. _';:l l-‘an:n .4
27 28 . 29 30 31 "’3‘ ‘iiiéff‘éé‘éisflfiéi ‘3'? 35212522122”;
. . -‘ “1"le . - :3 cm
7:30pm Gay/Lesblan 623$ Fronmmners-Woodland 7 :30pm Men‘s Chorus m. m Ergi'afe‘g’ill'i'1cive‘2‘é?» ginngi‘r‘E’: "A ..

. - . v I E - a " ‘
232111215271“?me Al—Anon . 5:30pm MCGLWC 7-30pm UK Lambda m 5‘ pen52uni°szfi§°2¥§p$§i$ 23593552 \ ,
mm X-- m 8:45pm RambOW 7:00pm GLOBAy-U on. 8‘00an HIV/AIDS mm 35553: crew:3°:3’e'cufl§uz%"§:srn2 "m 1'
7:00pm Gay/InbiAnAA Bowling-Southland 850°?“ Gay/LesbmnAA SPPt-GFP- ' mu mmuosr Inrenesnnc. INFOWHWE. MO -m.

"1' 7‘ IIuSIC. vnorocnnvnv. ms Emnnouusar. “tn-.-
,,.Mn nun. looEnM PmmthS. POLITICS ._,~,~.-
February April m -u:- uuosr our omen tonic gguetzsifig an
S M T w T F S S M T w T F S W" $313125; 11155;." EaSixsi‘s’fi‘Z'lens.‘ 2m . ..-. .
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 u.- at. LARGE SELECIIOM as meanness: comes ; -,.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ‘96 WEI Jc-r< nlAsIltI mvtorun 5'74? arm -c. I-rnuv
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Si: SUNgTfiiEé‘ITZgAvimA-gfiE?Z-fl ”Tun";
2° 2‘ 22 23 2“ 25 26 ‘7 ‘8 19 2° 2‘ 22 23 «wearseecewaaesee m n
27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 at. ”flawlflll’ Ila-nus “launch! V“ Ml.
March is Women’s History Month .

/ ' a W a
' {éflg [I i , mfg ;
CM iii/WM 1 TM FW
44» Coma/21
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CLSO News a MARCl-l 1 994 ’9

 Do You Know Your H.|.V. ABC's? Itht ‘1‘“th P0int °“t that there is “0 91011
by Hank Lam leiff tlung as a "dumb" question. Questioning is the first
step of HIV disease education. We should make up
During my work With AIDS Volunteers Of our minds to take the next step, now that we have
Lexington (AVOL), I have received numerous phone some knowledgeable measure of protection, and build
calls from concerned, worried, and sometimes frantic ourselves the additional security that comes with
people. Some are afraid they have placed themselves knowing what HIV is all about.
at risk. Some just want more information. Most Greg Lee of the Lexington-Fayette County
have SPCCtfiC questions about how human Health Department's HIV/AIDS Program says that
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) canbe contracted. Lexington has a Significantly higher proportion of
Even in the days Of Benjamin Franklin‘s uninfected people than comparable areas and that
popular __._____.——’P°°1' Richard's Almanac people longed for now is the time for us to seek preventive care.
quk and simple answers to problems occurring in "Educating ourselves removes the fear,
everyday life. Today is .lUSt the same. Almost reduces the stress, and frees us to educate others,"
everyone knows to use a latex condom, and some adds David Mawn, executive director of AVOL
know how to use it correctly. But many do not know For more information, contact AIDS Hotline
exactly what HIV iS- Lexington at 606-231-7545, AVOL at 606-254-
Most of the questions I‘ve encountered about AVOL, or the Lexington—Fayette County Health
HIV disease and routes of infection have indicated Department HIV/AlDS Program at 606-288-AIDS,
that people only know basic rules of "how not to get and don't forget your public library.
it," but not what HIV is. People need a clearer ___.————_____—.——————-——-——-==——~———-—_==
understanding of HIV.
Ifwe know more about the actual virus, nine -
times out of ten we will be able to assess risks with 51”“th SPOUSE SUPPORT GROUP
confidence and without worry. We have all been If ou know of a s or lesbians whose 5 use is
taught that knowledge is power. In the case of HIV, y- g y . . . p0.

. . . straight, tell them there is interest in forming a
we can arm ourselves With information whereupon straight spouse support group Call P-FLAG for
healthy judgment can dictate rules of behavior with more information at 276-1777.
which we can be confident and comfortable.

The question at hand: Do we only know
how not to transmit or contract HIV, or do we really
know the invisible stalker we are up against? , , ,
How large is an HIV particle? What is F11”: 7’15 TIMES O’HARVEY Mlll‘
seroconversion? What environment does HIV thrive
in? How little do we know about our anatomies? UK Lambda and the G150 Coming Out
It is believed that rates of infection within Support Group are co-sponsoring the showing of
the Lexington lesbigay community have dropped The Times of Harvey Milk on March 28 at 7:30 at
dramatically, and the lesbigay community is quick to the New Student Center.
attribute that fact to behavior modifications. But the Winning the Academy Award for Best
greatest number of risk questions I have encountered Documentary, this film critically-acclaimed film
come from the lesbigay community, which seems to details the San Francisco gay rights activist’s life
skew the statement ab0ut behavior modification. and subsequent death at the hands of a gunman.
Even today, more than ten years into the epidemic,
lesbigays are still asking specific risk questions even F0r more information, contact Mary at 266-5904.
though they know the "how not to get it" guidelines.
What exactly does this say about us?
GLSO News ’ MARch 1994 a] 0 ‘

by BRlAN IliRockmonmN
Since many people don’t think of
themselves as writers, or are still coming out
gradually and don’t want their name to appear in
the newsletter, we have come up with a way for
more people to share their thoughts. Here’s how
it works: we’ll publish a list of questions (see
below) and any of you who want can send us your
brief answers via mail or telephone, or your ALPALFA
suggestions for future questions. This way we _
can all support each other and share our ~ _ ~.
accumulated wisdom. ' 22’”)?! » .
Q: What do you do if someone on the - f"..?,:! :y L
street calls you a "faggot/dyke"? _ I w j ‘
A; "I may be lucky but the faggot I 7 ' ' ‘ '
comment is seldom used toward me! Honestly,
I’d pay no attention and not respond."
A: "If someone I didn’t know called me a
faggot, I’d show strength through eye contact, in
the form of a withering stare."
Q: What’s the best response to someone
who claims that gays/lesbians are sinners who ' CHICKEN; SEAFOOD;
will go to hell? VEGETARIAN
A: "If God made us all with love, then
that love expressed in us can’t be wrong or a sin." . BEER AND Wl N E
Q; Tell us about something somebody ,.
said or did that helped you come out. . HOM EMADE BREAD AND
A: "A friend came out to me months
before I was able to come out to her. She said DESSERTS
she had no idea! Her ability to deal with her
gayness made it easy for me to take the first step." .
Q: Does the gay community have enough
in common to band together and be a political
force? Se d f m 557 SOUTH LIMESTONE
11 your answers to any 0 ese
questions to either 275—7801 or write to: GLSO 253—00 1 4
Roundhouse, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, KY
40575. If you really want your comment
attributed to yourself, include your name (and a FREE EVENING P ARKING
Phone number—tor verification 01W)- Ptease BEHIND THE RESTAURANT ON PRALL 51'.
take a moment to contribute to our collective .
CLSO NEWS . MARch 1994 zl 2

606—299-741 O
Acreage for Trail Riding
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
Lexington, Ky. 40516 Instructor-Trainer
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Kentucky’s Oldest Gay and Lesbian Organization
Working T o Unite Our Diverse Community Since 1974
We would love to have you join us. Please consider becoming a member, subscribing to
i the GLSO News, or volunteering your time. We need your support.
Address _ _ ._ ____.___..
City, State, ZIP _ _ _
$10 Newsletter Only $15 Membership and Newsletter
$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used
exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
Mail To: GLSO Newsletter, PO. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575
, GLSO News , MARCH 1994 r17

 A Hisrony of LcsBiGAy Lexinqron POW“ 1“ the 18005, ”dP‘T‘Y law? were “Ed ‘0
(A Saris by Jeff Jones) control black people resrstmg