xt7g7940tf6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940tf6m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1943 journals kaes_circulars_003_399 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 399 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 399 1943 1943 2014 true xt7g7940tf6m section xt7g7940tf6m  i    . • •
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_ Circular 399 "_ 4
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· , umvsnsnv or KENTUCKY c° AGMCULTURE AND { .

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Boys from l4 to T8 (most of them lo or l7) from cities and
villages and smaller farms throughout Kentucky are now being re-
cruited to help Kentucky farmers with their general farm work-
both full—time and seasonal work. Many of these "Victory Farm
Volunteers" as they are called, who are recruited for full—time work,
have had some experience with farming, though not necessarily
with the kind of work they will do in their new jobs. But whether
they have had experience or not, most of them can become valu-
able farm hands if the farmers who hire them will be patient and
understanding at the start and will take extra care in teaching
them. The farmers who can and will train inexperienced help
secure an advantage by getting the help they need. Thousands of
farmers have maintained their farm production, ancl some have
increased it, by using boys and girls under l8 whom they have
trained to do many of the jobs around the farm.
For the most part, those who are placed for the summer live
with the farm family. For berry—picking and other special, short-
time farm jobs the Victory Farm Volunteers stay at home at night
and are taken to and from the farms on which they work.
Placed by Farm Labor Program
The placing of boys for farm work is a part of the Kentucky
Farm Labor Program, carried out by the Extension Division of the
College of Agriculture and Home Economics, working through
county agents and home demonstration agents in all parts of
Kentucky. ln placing these boys the Extension Division agrees to
see that each boy is physically able to do a boy's share of farm
work. Only those boys are taken who are recommended by people
of the home community who know them. Wherever enough interest
is shown a special short—course farm-training school offered by the
Department of Vocational Agriculture will be held to give the boys
wanting to work on farms some instruction in farm worki lnsofar
as possible the boys placed in a given community will be local boys
or boys from a nearby county.

 [ 2 ]
Last year the farmers most successful in using boys as farm
hands paid them by the hour for all work done and for all hours
worked, and in addition furnished the boys room, board, and laun-
dry service. lt is recommended that the boys be paid in this man-
ner, and that the rate of pay should be determined after a 2-week
trial period. The rate of pay should usually vary according to the
season and the type or urgency of the work being done.
Wages for boys who worked last year were less, as would be
expected, than the going rates of pay for experienced farm hands
Extra payments for overtime cost very little extra—perhaps
not more than $lO a year; and yet such extra payments help to
make the work attractive, and may be the deciding factor in get-
ting and holding desirable farm workers. Farmers compete for
farm labor in the open labor market against construction com-
panies, factories, railroads, grocery stores, and all other employers
of able—bodied men and boys.
What To Do T0 Get Farm Help
lf you need farm help and would like to have the aid of the
Extension Division in getting it, be sure to do these five things:
l. Continue your own efforts to find the help you need.
2. File a complete application with the County Agent
as soon as it is realized that extra farm help will be needed.
3. lf you believe you can use the right kind of boy,
instead of a man, state this on your application.
4. lf you are willing to try an inexperienced city boy,
state that also on your application.
5. Notify your county agent promptly when you hire a
farm hand to fill a place. Tell the county agent whom you
hired.-A post card will do.
Your wishes in regard to the kind of man or boy you want,
what you want to pay, and so on, will be followed in recommending
workers to you.

Let the boy know that he is expected to do a day’s work for a
day's pay, but allow him at least a few days for a gradual break-
in period until he becomes accustomed to his new work. Even if (
you have shown him clearly and patiently how to take hold of T¤l
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THESE BOYS ARE MAKING GOOD- They can handle many man—sized jobs
on Kentucky farms, if you will train and guide them, They can milk cows,
cultivate and harvest tobacco and corn, drive teams, drive tractors, handle
machinery, and do numerous other jobs.
Lexington, Kvntuvky May, 1944
Cooperative Estcnsion Work in Ag1`iCllll~ll1`(‘ and Home Economics: University of Kentucky,
College 0f Agriculture- und Homi- Economics, and the United States Department of Agricul-
ture, cooperating. Thomas P, cooper, Direclor. Acts approved by Congress May 8 und
Juno 30. 1914.
_ 10Mv5-44