xt7g7940t98k_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940t98k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940t98k/data/69m40.dao.xml Tuttle, John W.,  (John William), 1837-1927 0.09 Cubic feet 1 item This diary was kept and recorded by Captain John W. Tuttle (1837-1927) from 1860-1867. The diary spans Tuttle's social and family life before the Civil War, his time serving in Company H of the 3rd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry for the Union Army during the Civil War, and the post-war when he returned home to his legal work in Monticello, Kentucky. Existing in a single bound volume, the diary features printed type rather than handwriting. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. John W. Tuttle diary Atlanta Campaign, 1864. Diaries--United States--Kentucky. Lawyers--Kentucky. Lookout Mountain, Battle of, Tenn., 1863. Shiloh, Battle of, Tenn., 1862. Soldiers--Kentucky. Soldiers. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Bound typescript of John W. Tuttle diary text Bound typescript of John W. Tuttle diary 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940t98k/data/69m40/69m40_1/0001/0001.pdf 1860-1867 1867 1860-1867 section false xt7g7940t98k_1 xt7g7940t98k DIARY OF CAPTAIN JOHN W. TUTTLE
Monticello, Kentucky
Third Kentucky Volume Infantry
Company H

 1860 ‘
Friday, June l. Com enced reading Roscoe‘s criminal evidence, but having
lost several hours‘ sleep last night made but poor progress reading only twenty-
one pages. Was at a social party last night given by Mr. Henry R. Saufley.
Accompanied Miss Mary E. Sallee. Enjoyed the party very much. Read a few news-
papers this evening and assisted J. S. VanWinkle, Esquire, in computing the ac-
counts of Mr. C. Worsham‘s creditors. At night played a game of euchre with
Miss Mary E. Hardin as a partner against Miss Charlotte Duncan and J. S. Frisbie
in which we were beaten ten games to seven. Retired about l2 o'clock.
Saturday, June 2. Engaged to defend Tolison Dehart in a suit brought against
him in the Wayne Qnarterly Court by Jacob Eades. Brought suit for W. M. Burton
against John Chrisman and James H. Meadows. Spent the greater portion of the
morning examining J. S. Frisbie on the law of Bailments. "Spent the evening read-
ing miscellaneous works, though was so frequently interrupted that I had not an
opportunity to read a great deal of anything. Retired about l.
` Sunday, June 3. Did some little reading and lounged around the remainder of
the day in company with Messrs. J. T. Bramlette and J. R."Wheat of Columbia now
here on a visit. At night accompanied by G. C. Hayden, visited Misses Mary E.
Smith and Sue Phillips. Fixed the thirty—first day of February next for Gord to
marry Miss Mary Smith. He agreed to abide by the time I should designate and
took no notice of the impossibility of the date. The girls did, however, and
seemed to enjoy the matter very much, greatly to his perplexity. We left at
half past eleven.
Monday, June 4. Read twenty—five pages Roscoe. Spent the rest of the day
reading newspapers. Went to a ball at night at Mrs. Bobbitt's. ‘Accompanied
Miss Mary Jones. Retired at 2. ‘
Tuesday, June 5. Read a few pages of Roscoe. .Also some of Maoaulay's
History of England. Felt rather too (sic) drowsy to read, having lost so much
sleep last night. At night, visited some young ladies at the residence of _
E. B. Jones (Welsh). Present Misses Mattie and Mary Jones, Mary Smith, Sue
Phillips, Nannie Coffey and Vie. Berry. We were all sleepy and adjourned at
half past nine o'clock.
Wednesday, June 6. Read about twenty pages of English History. Memorized
the names of the English Kings and Queens in the order of their reign from
Henry Zrd down to Victoria. Undertook a case for Nath. Merdia to be tried
before Thomas Pile, Esquire, on Wednesday, June 20. Fee, $10 contingent.
Refused to take a mortgage on his land to secure its payment.
Thursday, June 7. Read about forty pages of English History. Wrote
letters to N. Mchenefee, Louisville, Kentucky; Hugh Logan, Lancaster, Kentucky;
and James Baird, Pickneyville, Illinois. Examined J. S. Frisbie upon the law
of Bailments. At night sat up with General Buster who is now a paralytic
invalid. I assisted him to walk across the room every few minutes during
the time I stayed, which was until sometime after 2. He weighs more than two
hundred.pounds and is utterly helpless. Assisting him, to walk is nearly
equivalent to carrying him. I became very much worried and at the time I
was relieved of my lonely watching by one of the negro boys I was almost
ready to sink with exhaustion.

 1860 . 3
Friday, June 8. Head forty-three pages English History also several
newspapers. Feeling considerably debilitated on account of my exertions
and loss of sleep last night, I took a nap during the evening by which I
felt greatly refreshed.
Saturday, June 9. Felt unwell-·read miscellany most of the day but
changed often from one thing to another.
Sunday, June l0. Called on Miss Sue Meadows early in the day and
remained in her very agreeable society until the bells rang for dinner. .
At night visited Misses Mollie Smith and Sue Phillips.
Monday, June ll. About 9 o'clock this morning Dr. C. A. Cox and
I started to Jamestown, Kentucky, where we arrived about two. Leaving
the buggy in which we went in Jamestown, Dr. Cox returned to Monticello
leaving Jamestown about 4. Dr. Cox rode the horse we drove over, I put
up at Eubank's. After dinner went down to the school house to see Mr.
James M. Saufley, the reigning pedagogue of that institution. Spent an
hour or two with Jim and returned to the hotel. V
Tuesday, June lz. Spent the day attending court. Late in the evening
Jim Saufley and I took a long walk and conversed on the subject of sweet-
hearts (sic) generally and Misses Sallie Coffey and Mollie Smith in par-
Wednesday, June 13. .Attended court during the greater part of the
day. Spent a couple of hours with James M. Saufley in his room at Lucas'
Hotel. Shel. Coffey upon being requested by Jim some days since to ob-
tain Miss Mollie Smith's miniature, wrote to him that he had gone to the
gallery in Monticello for it and that I had just left with it. There J
was no truth in the statement and was merely a trick planned by Shel. to
devil Jim. Unknown, however, to Shel., I did actually get the miniature
in question upon a promise to return it in a short time. Jim accused me
on Monday evening during our walk of having the miniature, believing that
what Shel. had written was true. I denied it however in such round terms
that Jim concluded it indelicate to press the matter further so we dropped
the subject for the time. On yesterday, Jim received a letter from Shel.
correcting his former statement with regard to my having the miniature.
But while in his room at the hotel today, he discovered that I had it.
He now thinks that Shel. told the truth at first and was attempting (sic)
to play him off by the correction. Neither of them understands the
matter and each suspects the other.
Thursday, June 14. Attended Court during the greater part of the
day. The several members of the bar consisting of the following gentle-
men took dinner with Elsy Hays. E. L. Van Winkle and Sherrod Williams
of Somerset, Hon. T. E. Bramlette, L. Wheat, Tim. Cravens, T. T. Alexander,
Jim Garnet, Judge Suddarth of Columbia, and John S. Van Winkle and myself
of Monticello, Thomas Winfry and James A. Rousseau of Burksville and N. B.
Stone, J. M. C. Lissenby and Jacob A. Williams resident attorneys. We had -
and excellent dinner and there remaining little to be done in court we
spent about half the evening with Hays.

 1860 3
Friday, June l5. Borrowed a horse from Joseph E. Hays, Esquire.
Paid my bill (2.95) and started home in company with John S. Van Winxle
Met a horse this side of the river which Dr. Cox sent to meet me. Sent
Hays horse back by the mail boy. Reached Monticello about l. Received
letters from Grandpa Metcalfe, James L. Hardin, and Gabe C. Wharton. That
from Grandpa states that Uncle Robert B. Metcalfe is probably by this
time in Paris, Kentucky. Answered Hardin’s letter and wrote to Uncle
Robert and directed it to Paris, Kentucky. was applied to to attend to
two negro cases. Learned that a ball had come off at the Masonic Hall.
Cox said he represented by interests upon the occasion.
Saturday, June 16. Read snatches in Irving and Byron. Wrote two
letters for M. D. Hardin.
Sunday, June 17. Visited Miss Mollie Smith this morning and re-
mained until noon. Returned the miniature I borrowed of her last Sunday.
Spent a considerable part of the evening in company of several young
ladies at the residence of E. B. Jones, Esquire. At night visited Hisses
Eliza and Ett Frisbie.
Monday, June 18. This is the first day of the June term of the
Wayne Quarterly Court. Spent the greater part of the day in the Court
house attending to divers and sundry small cases. Lost a case for
David Dane which the sum of $4 was involved for which I hear him cursing
me at this time. Received a letter from J. L Hardin which had been de-
layed about a month. Answered it at once. At night in company with Hr.
A. E. hcBeath sat up with General Buster.
Tuesday, June 19. Slept until about lO o'clock having sat up nearly
the whole of last night. was awakened by a man by the name of Stephenson
whose wife had abandoned him taking with her a quantity of bed clothing,
etc. Gave him the advice I deemed prqper under the circumstances. Be-
came fully aroused and got up. Attended court until sometime in the
afternoon when I again resigned myself to the soft embrace of Somnus
until supper time. After supper, I visited Misses Mattie, Mary, and Sally
Jones. Retired sometime after 1.
Wednesday, June 20. Hired a horse from Hr. H. Huffaker for $1. Went
to Esquire Pile‘s court a distance of fifteen miles over the worst roads
in creation. Started from Monticello at 7 o'clock and after losing my
way several times--riding several miles out of my way—-encountering many
difficulties and vexations on the road I reached the locus of the August
tribunal before which I was to appear. At two the case of Redman vs. Merida
”was called. I represented Merida. Charles L. Higgenbotham, Esquire, rep-
resented the qpposite party. The jury thought proper in their wisdom to
decide the case against my client. I had the satisfaction of seeing Redman ·
hand over a $5 Kentucky bill to his attorney while I started toward town
not only without any addition to my purse but with an empty stomach and
weary bones. Reached town about 9o'clock p. m. having ridden thirty—five
miles without dinner or supper. Vexation disappointment and chagrin are
terms which but feebly express the feelings with which I review this day's
occurences. -
Thursday, June 21. This day felt little or no better from my
yesterday's excursion and read nothing but a few newspapers. Wrote a

 1860 4
letter of nine pages to Aunt Margaret Polk of Independent Texas. In-
dulged in a few fond reflections upon the scenes of yesterday. 0h
how very dear to memory will they ever be.
Friday, June 22. Spent the morning mixing among the multitude
assembled to witness Everett's varieties. Accompanied Miss Rose A.
Worsham. She has just returned from the Tevis school (sic) at Shelbye
ville, Kentucky. Received a letter from John.A. Middelton. Uncle
Robert B. Metcalfe late of Oregon reached here today on a visit.
Saturday, June 23. Spent most of my time in company with Uncle ,
Robert. Today he loaned me $400 in gold. Took dinnerbver athome.
Sunday, June 24. This day Uncle Robert,Phil., Mary, and myself
visited.Mill Springs where we spent the day rambling over the hills.
We visited the gypsum cave the falls of Meadow creek and several other
places of interest either inherrent or from association. Uncle made
Mary a present of $100 in gold and a carbuncle ring worth $20.· Cut my
name on a birch tree standing nearly on a line between the graveyard
and the mill.
Monday, Jnne 25. This is county court day. Spent most of my
time mixing among the people forming acquaintances. Collected $100
from J. T. Wilhite for Hugh Logan of Lancaster, Kentucky. Uncle Robert
left this morning. I gave him my note for the money he loaned me on
Saturday last which he accepted with much reluctance.
Tuesday, Jnne 26. withdrew the letter I wrote to Aunt Margaret
Polk and wrote another. Sent a check to Hugh Logan for $118.41, the
balance due him upon the Hbpper claim entrusted to my care eleven
months ago.
wednesday, June 27. Spent the day attending to various small
business transactions. Loaned J..A. Carter $40, J. M, Clemens $10,
paid C. Toler $30, J. T. Marshall $23.10, John S. Van Winkle $15,
borrowed of him when I started to the Columbia court about the middle
of last month.
Thursday, June 28. Wrote letters to Prof. H. F. Simrall, Louisville,
Kentucky, John.A. Middelton, Shelbyville, Kentuoky;.A. K. Russell, Louis-
ville, Kentucky. Subscribed for the Louisville Daily Journal, $5; the
New York semi—weekly Times, $3; Cincinnati dollar weekly Times $1; sent
the subscription prices for the above mentioned papers to their re-
spective editors by mail. Read fifty—five pages in Butler's Analogy.
Found it rather dry and abstruse so I laid it down and took up Goldsmith.
Read the Vicar of Wakefield through (126 pages), Hon. Jas. L. Chrisman
defeated contestant of Hon. W. G. Anderson's seat in Congress reached
home this evening. Retired about 12.
Friday, June 29. Received a letter from James L. Hardin, Esquire,
now in Lexington, Kentucky. We have agreed to form a partnership in the
practice to commence about the lst of Sept. Answered his letter and re-
quested him to purchase the reports of the Ky. decisions. At night went
to a ball at the masonic hall. Female school (sic) ended today.

 1860 5
Saturday, June 30. Called upon several of the young ladies who »
have been attending schoo. They all take their departure today for
their respective homes. Had a conversation something like an hour in
length with Miss Mollie E. Smith. Regretted.parting with her very much.
During the time she attended school here I formed a much greater attach»`
ment for her than I suspected. Paid A. K. Russell my account with
Messrs. Heyman and Wri ($11.50). Slept during the evening.
Sunday, July 1. In the morning visited Misses Mattie and Mary
Jones. Borrowed Irving's catechism on English History and read it
through also Abbot's Mary Queen of Scots in which latter work I read
eightyefive pages. At night in company with L. P. Baker visited ‘
Misses Mary E. Hardin and Rose A. Worsham.
Monday, July 2. Read 2ll pages in Mary Queen of Scots which
brought me to the end of the work. Received a letter from Hugh Logan
receipting the check for $118-41 which I sent him on the 26th. Wrote
to James T. Bramlette, Columbia, Kentucky.
Tuesday, July 3. Attended the taking of depositions in behalf
of Buster and Wilhite in the suit brought against them by A. S. and E. B.
Jones commonly known as the Porkhouse case. Took no fee but simply
supplied the place of J. S. Van Winkle Buster's Attorney now absent.
Wednesday, July 4. Continued taking the depositions begun on
yesterday. At night went to a ball at Worsham‘s Hotel. Stayed until l
about 2. The ball and day broke about the same time.
Thursday, July 5. Started to Louisville in company with John
T. Sanders, Cashier of Br. Commercial Bank at this place. We took with
us one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in paper for the purpose of
obtaining gold to meet the demands of Cincinnati brokers. Put up with
Ingram & Lackery at Somerset. Visited Mr. E. L. Van Winkle late of
Monticello with whom we stayed until morning.
Friday, July 6. Took the stage this morning for Standford. Dined
at the"Williams house" situated a short distance above Waynesburg.
Arrived in Stanford about Sundown. Put up at the warren house. Met
with John S. Van Winkle on his return from Harrodsburg to which place
he accompanied Miss Mary Phillips. Wrote to James L. Hardin, Lexington
Kentucky, and to John A Middelton, Shelbyville, Kentucky.
Saturday, July 7. Left Stanford this morning at 4. Breakfasted
at the Sneed house in Danville- Took dinner in Lebanon. While there
I gave directions to a stone cutter as to the kind of an inscription `
to be made upon the tombstone he was cutting designed for the grave of
John H. Jones who died at Columbia, Dec. 18, 1858. Took the cars at
1 for Louisville. Mr. Sanders stopped at a station thirteen miles out
of the city and placed the money in my care to be deposited in the Br.
Commercial Bank at Louisville. Upon reaching the city I hired a hack
and was driven to the Bank. Bank hours were over but the Cashier l
happened to be there. Having deposited the money, I started to the
Louisville Hotel. Looked out at the window of the hack, saw W·.A· Buster
on the streets and hailed him. He got in and accompanied me to the
Hotel. A short time afterwards while rambling around promiscuously

 1860 . 6
gazing at the many strange sights a populous city ever presents to the
backwoods I met with Judge Bullock who invited me to his office. I
accepted his invitation and remained with him about half an hour. I
went from there to the office of Prof. Simrall. I spent an hour in
conversation with him quite agreeably after which I went to the office
of Judge Henry Pirth but did not find him at home. At night met with
my fe1low—townsmen James A. Stephenson and John T. Marshall who
accompanied me to Court place where we heard Cashius M. Clay make a
speech advocating the claims of Lincoln & Hamlin to the Presidency and
vice-Presidency of the United States. Retired about lz at night in
Room Ho. 67, Louisville Hotel. i
Sunday, July 8. In the morning met with several friends and
acquaintances with whom I spent two or three hours in conversation.
I then visited the residence of Mr. Samual Wbmmack a house at which I
boarded a part of the time while attending Law Lectures in the city last
winter. I found no one at home except old Sam. Miss Lenr and her mother
having gone to spend a few days in the country. Spent the evening
in company with Marshall and Stephenson in the upper end of the city.
At night went to church on Green St. between Centre and Sixth where
we heard an excellent sermon.
Monday, July 9. Spen the day roaming around with my old ac-
quaintances. At night went to hear speech from R. B. Pittman, Esquire,
one of the Douglas electors. He spoke from the portico of the Court t
house. The scene soon bacame highly interesting. He had spoken but a
few minutes when the highly a preciative audience began to manifest
their appreciation of his efforts by a full diapason of hisses groans
and strange noises inexpressibly funny which soon swelled into such an
uproar as rendered it impossible for him to proceed. I felt sorry for
Pittman as he was a classmate of mine last winter yet I could but laugh
heartily at the farcical scene of which he was the chief actor. Marshall
left for Monticello this morning.
Tuesday, July 10. Bought $165 worth of Legal and Literary works.
Subscribed for the Courier and Democrat. Called upon all my old
Professors and several of my classmates. ‘Went into several whole-
sale merchantile establishments and made arrangements to do all their
collecting business within the length of my cable tow. Paid Fielding
& Truman for a hat bought of them.last Spring.
Wednesday, July ll. Mr. Sanders and I started home this morning
via Lebanon (sic) with seven boxes containing $120,000 in gold. Reached
Danville at 6 o'clock. Here we stopped half an hour to await the
Nicholasville stage bound for Stanford. Met with Hon. W. C. Anderson
our present Rep. in Congress- went on to Stanford where we stopped
for the night. Met W. P. Crow one of my last winter's classmates with
whom I lounged around an hour or two and went to bed. We had our gold
brought into our room the vault or safe of the bank in Stanford not
being large enough to hold it.
Thursday, July 12. Started this morning for Somerset where after a
slow tedious journey we arrived about Sundown. Played euchre in Wm.
McKee Fox‘s office until bed time. Received a couple of books expressed
to me from Lexington by James L. Hardin.

 1860 7
Friday, July 15. Beached home about 2 p. m. Found two Cincine
nati brokers waiting to receive us with $45,000 in bills on our bank.
Received a letter from James L. Hardin.
Saturday. July 14. Wrote to Davis Waller Evans & Co. M. B.
Perkins and James L. Hardin._ Received a letter from James T. Bramlette
which I immediately answered.
Sunday, July 15. Lounged around town all day. At night in com-
pany with Messrs. A. M. Sheppard, George K. Noland, M. D. Ingram,
W. M. Burton, C. A. Cox, Joshua Berry and Isaac Huffaker all well armed
and equipped went in search of one J. D. Magowen a gentleman whose
penchant for horse flesh render his confinement an object much to be
desired. We first went to the residence of J. A. Huffaker & Josh Berry
about six miles from town where the rest of our company waited until Cox
and I went out and got Sam. Hensley and Rice Hubbard to join us. We
put up our horses loaded our arms and started out on foot. We marched
all night and just before day divided out into companies of two and three
each to watch for him about the premises of some of the good citizens of
the neighborhood.
Monday, July 16. Daybreak this morning found Isaac Huffaker and
myself watching the house of James Turpin. The dogs gave the alarm
and we were discovered. Having searched the premises we started towards
the spot agreed upon as a place of general rendezvous. On our way we
fell in with several others of our company. Upon arriving at our
rendezvous I lay down upon the ground and was soon asleep. When I was
awakened I found our whole company had collected and were now in motion
towards the Berry and Huffaker mansion where we were invited by those
estimable young men to take breakfast. When we finished the hospitable
repast prepared for us we mounted our horses and started again in search
of Magowan. We scoured the hills and valleys for miles around some-
times mounted and again on foot sometimes all in one company and at
·’ others scattered and separated by miles. Neither finding our man or
any clue to his whereabouts we gave up the search and returned to town
where we arrived about 3% o'clock p. m. having taken a toilsome marchl °
of 21 hours without a moment's rest and with but one mea1's victuals.
When I reached town, I immediately went to bed and slept until the
morning of--
Tuesday, July 17. Had a good appetite for breakfast this morning
having eaten nothing since yesterday morning. Wrote to T. C. Brown, _ '
Macon, Georgia.
Wednesday, July 18. Spent the day reading newspapers. John
Carter's child, Braxtony, died today. At night went to hear Prof.
Simon‘s lecture on Physiognomy and Phrenology. After the lecture,
Misses Mollie Jones, Mollie Hardin, Sallie Elam, Charlotte Duncan,
J. B. Berry and myself sat up with the body of Carter's child.
Thursday, July 19. Slept a considerable portion of the morning.
Wrote a letter to Aunt Mary S. Carter, Waco, Texas. Read newspapers
during the remainder of the time I was awake. At night went to hear
Prof. Simon's lecture.

 1860 8
4 Friday, July 20. Read newspapers during the morning. Received a
letter from James L. Hardin. At night went to hear Prof. Simons after
which answered Hardin's letter.
Saturday, July 21. Read some of G0ldsmith's essays some politics,
etc. In the evening John H. Goddard and myself went to the creek and
took a wash. At night went to hear Prof. Simon's lecture.
Sunday, July 22. Rev. Lewis Parker preached in the Court house
from ll until 1. I accompanied Miss Sallie Coffey to church. After
dinner John B. Ingram and myself visited Misses Jennie Jones and Sallie
J. Coffey at the residence of Mrs. Bobbitt where we spent the evening.
After supper John A. Carter and myself walked out to C. H. Buster's to
see Hon. W. C. Anderson and E. L. Van Winkle who are stopping there for
the night. Found there C. H. Buster, M. P. Buster, G. C. Ingram, N. D.
Ingram, J. M. Hewit, John S. Van Winkle, James V. Warden and others.
Politics of course constituted the main subject of discussion.
Monday, July 25. This was county court day and a great many people
were in town. It had been announced that Hon. W. C. Anderson would
address the citizens of Wayne and render an account of his steward-
_ ship while in Congress--that Hon. Jas. S. Chrisman would reply and that
E. L. Van Winkle would address them as Elector for the State at large
upon the Bell & Everett ticket. At ll the court house was filled
full of people. Hon. Jas. S. Chrisman opened the contest. He spoke
for a few minutes upon national politics favoring the Breckenridge
and Lane ticket then opened his battery upon W. G. Anderson charging
him with having violated every pledge he made to the people while a
candidate and with having acted with the Black Republicans in order to
secure the vote of that party in his contested election case. Then
followed W. C. Anderson in a speech of an hour and a half in which
he ably defended the course pursued by him in the last session of
Congress. Chrisman replied in_a speech of thirty minutes after which
Anderson spoke the same length of time. E. L. Van Winkle then took
the stand and spoke an hour and a half upon.National politics.
Chrisman answered in a speech of similar length. Van Hinkle replied.
Chrisman declined coming any more. At night attended the Masonic
Lodge after the adjournment of which I heard the latter part of Prof.
Simons' lecture.
Tuesday; July 24. Wm. A. Hoskins, Esq., Bell and Everett elector
for the 4th Congressional district is in town. He intends making a
speech today at the residence of John H. Phillips. Loaned him Percy‘s
anecdotes. J. M. Hewit leaves today for Burksville. Went by stage to
Uncle S. E. Tuttle's where I stayed all night.
Wednesday, July 25. Uncle Sherman accompanied me to the resi- .
dence of T. M. Cooper. Collected from Cooper $32.65 for William
Simpson and $20 due me for services rendered in the case of Weavers
heirs vs. Weavers heirs. Returned to Uncle Sherman’s in time to take
passage on the stage for Monticello. Found Mrs. Sarah Lankford in the
stage on her way to Monticello. Found my companion highly entertaining.
Received letters from J. L. Hardin, Maxwell & Co., and Mr.M. B. Perkins.
Answered that of Maxwell & Co.

 1860 9
Thursday, July 26. Spent the day arranging notes and accounts
placed in my hands for collection. I
Friday, July 27. Continued listing notes and accounts placed
in my hands by Toler and Carter. Spent the evening reading the polit-
ical news.
Saturday, July 28. Wrote an account of last Monday’s speaking
and mailed a copy to the Eds. Louisville Journal and another to
Zimmerman and son of the Danville Tribune.
Sunday, July 29. Visited Misses Mattie Jones and Jennie Jones.
At night Dr. C. A. Cox and I called on misses Juan and Sue Phillips.
Fearing it would rain we took an umbrella with us. When we left,the
moon was shining very brightly and we spread our umbrella to prevent
the moon from shining on us fearing it would injure our fair complexions.
Monday, July 50. Spent the day listing notes and accounts and
in making a few little settlements with those upon whom I held notes and
accounts. Collected no money.
Tuesday, July`3l. Received the lot of books I bought of Maxwell
& Co. on the tenth instance. Employed Lloyd to make some shelves for
which I paid him $l.50. Spent some time in arranging my books.
Wednesday, August l. .Attended the trial of E. Fewston for
maliciously shooting at and wounding William Hinet. I appeared for the
prosecution. J. S. Chrisman, Esq., defended. Made some few small
collections. Borrowed a horse from Buss. Jones until the first·day
of October.
Thursdayy August 2. iMr. John Kindrick spoke here today. Quite
a crowd assembled to hear the speaking. Made a few small collections.
At night accompanied Miss Jennie Jones to the Court house to hear a
speech from W. A. Hoskins. He had quite a fine audience considering the
short notice the citizens had of his intention to address them. All the
ladies of the town and vicinity turned out to hear him,. When the
speaking was over I attended Miss Jennie home and went on up the streets
to Worsham's Hotel. Dr. J. B. S. Frisbie, W. A. Hoskins and myself
were sitting in the porch when all at once a meteor of the most intensely
brilliant character arose in the S. E. rising in its course at an angle
of about 200 and moved with an apparently slow motion towards the N. W.
Its light was of a peculiarly white character more brilliant perhaps
than that of the sun. It completely blinded for a moment all who behld
it. After the meteor had disappeared I walked downtown to learn the
sentiments of the people generally with respect to the strange visitor.
The matter was being discussed freely and many opinions expressed with
regard to it. The savants differing among themselves displayed a depth
of research into the hidden mysteries of physical science truly astounding.
Illustrious examples shining forth from the page of history should have
taught them the folly of attempting to tamper with the staid orthodoxy of
the common mind to popular opinion. The theory finding favor with the `
greater number was that the "last day" of the existence of this little
ball of dirt had most certainly arrived. Some minutes after the disappearance

 1860 . l0
of the_metecr a sound deep and unnatural, not unlike the rumbling of
heavy thunder in the distance when near the earth but partaking of a
roaring nature more like the roaring of a whirlwind. The sound con-
tinued for several minutes and gradually died away greatly to the relief
of those who regarded the sound as the herald of an earthquake or
judgement day.
Friday, August 3. Read about half of Major Jones' Courtship and a
few newspapers. Made a few small collections for Toler.
Saturday, August 4. Finished Major Jones' courtship and read 100
pages in the Knickerbocker.
Sunday, August 5. This morning read 40 pages in history of New
York, After dinner called on Miss Mollie E. Hardin. About 3 o'clock
had my horse caught and went into the valley to see Miss Sallie Coffey. ·
Remained at Miss Sallie's until sundown and returned to town.
Monday, August 6. I am this day 23 years of age. Was elected Lt.
Col. of the Ky. Militia for Wayne County. Spent the day doing what little
lay in my power to secure the election of Flem. Bates to the office of
Sheriff. A difficulty occurred between George W. Twiford and W. M.
Worsham. John H. Goddard was Clerk of the election. Thos. Eades
Sheriff and J. J. Garth and M. Stephens Judges. John S. Van Winkle
started to Somerset this morning. William P. Goddard was knocked down
by Morgan Daffron while walking quietly along the stiaets. Daffron
hit him in the back of the head with a large stone. His skull was
fractured and he was for sometime thought to be dead. John H. Goddard
pursued Daffron for the purpose of arresting him. He found him back of
the gaol and was attempting to arrest him when Cannon Singleton (who had
followed Goddard from the Courthouse with a pistol in his hand) ran up
within six feet of him and shot him dead upon the spot. Goddard neither
spoke or breathed after he was shot. Old Robert Singleton was seen ad»
vancing toward Goddard with a butcher's knife in his hand. Morgan Daffron,
Robert, and Gannon Singleton were arrested upon the spot and committed to
gaol. Robert Singleton being gaoler the keys were placed in the hands of
L. P. Baker Deputy Sheriff. Their examining trial is set for Wednesday next.
At night I visited W. P. Goddard twice. His case is considered hopeless.
About ll o‘cl0ck I went to sit up with the body of John H. Goddard deceased-
Found there Judge Geo. W. Mills and lady and.Mrs. Peggy Carter. They left
about 1 and their places were su plied by Misses Mollie Hardin and Jennie
Carter and Mr. John B. Ingram. We remained until sometime after daybreak.
I accompanied Miss Mollie Hardin home.
Tuesday, August 7. Slept an hour or two after returning from the
house of mourning after which I got up and assisted in making arrange-
ments to inter the remains of John H. Goddard with the honors of the
Masonic fraternity. Wrote a letter to Mr. John S. Van Winkle who is still
at Somerset informing him of the melancholy occurrences of ye