xt7g7940sx09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sx09/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-05-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1935 1935 1935-05-03 2013 true xt7g7940sx09 section xt7g7940sx09 Best Copy Available
rKIIIA Y Kill I Mini














News Flashes

May 2
President Roosevelt is a "Politician,
running for
and will
sign any bonus bill passed by Congress, Senator Huey P. Long (D),
Louisiana, declared in the Senate
this afternoon In urging support of
the Patman bill, as passed by the
House. Earlier Senator Pat Harrison (D), Mississippi, told the Senate
the President would sign his compromise measure.




Powerful Tennesseeans Offer
Most Talented Outfit
to Face Local











Willis to Meet Acid Test of
Season in Hurdles and


Paris, May 3 (INS) A Franco-Russipact of mutual assistance
was signed tonight by foreign minister Pierre Leva! and ambassador
Vladimir Potemkln of Soviet Russia.


Vienna, May 2 (INS) All street
cars halted and electric lights
throughout Vienna went out at 2
p. m. today as a result, according
to reports, of the dynamiting of the
municipal power plant by Socialists
or Communists. The power station,
located In the suburb of Opponitz,
was reported partially destroyed.
Tokio, May 2 (INS) Four soldiers and five civilian passengers
were killed when bandits derailed
an express train on the Hslnking-Tume- n
line In Central Manchuria
today. Sixteen more were left seriously injured, while the bandits
carried off 15 persons for ransom.
London, May 2




announcing expansion and acceleration of Britain's air building
program to match the ships and
Europe, Prime
guns of a
Minister J. Ramsey Mac Donald today Issued an impassioned appeal
to Germany to Join with the other
powers in a general peace settlement.
Addressing the House of Commons when debate began on German rearmament, Mac Do n a 1 d
pleaded for cooperation in a general new agreement to supplant the
outworn arms clauses of the Treaty
of Versailles.
"If that could be done successfully," he said, "The greater part
European dangers
of Immediate
would disappear."

Home Club Holds
Annual Meeting
On UK Campus
Mrs. Frank L. McVey Is One
of Principal Speakers
on Program
The third annual district meeting of the Blue Grass Homemakers'
was held Thursday,
May 2, at Memorial hall. Mrs.
Frank L. McVey, Lexington; Mrs.
J. E. Houck, Chippewa, Canada;
and Mrs,. W. W. Oliver, Paducah,
were among the principal speakers
at the convention of the organization
Several hundred women from
Fayette, Clark, Madison, Garrard,
Rockcastle, Boyle, Kenton, Campbell, and Breathitt counties attended the convention. The meetings
consisted of addresses, reports, and
entertainment by the members
from all counties.
Mrs. McVey's subject was "Widening Horizons," and the subject
of Mrs. Houck was "Canadian
Country Life." Other speakers included in the program were Mrs.
Luther Todd and Mrs. Aton Smith,
Madison county; Mrs. T. F. Lynch,
Fayette county; Miss Vivian Hard-est- y,
and Mrs. R. A. Lipps, Boyle
County; Mrs. John Land and Mrs.
L. O. Davidson, Garrard county;
Mrs. H. F. Klemoe, Campbell coun-


One of the most powerful Ten
nessee Volunteer track squads in
recent years will invade the lair of
Coach Bernle Shlvely's WUdcat
thlnlles tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
to stAge a dual track and field meet
on 8toll field.
The Vols have one of the best
cinder teams in the south. They
lost by only five points to the crack
Alabama outfit which is undefeated so far this season. In Anderson
they have a man who can run the
century in the excellent time of
9.8 seconds. Besides being fast, he
can high jump six feet, and broad
jump 22 feet. He will match strides
with Willis, crack WUdcat dash
man, whose best time In the 100- 1
yard dash is 10 seconds flat. Their
high hurdler, Blackburn, came in
second in the Tennessee-Alabam- a
meet which was won in the time
of 15.3 seconds.
In the distances the Vols have a
Woodall, who has run
this distance in 10 minutes and 11
Pounders, who heaves the weights
for the Tennessee outfit, can put
the shot 44 feet, and heave the dis
cus a distance of 120 feet. The Vols
also possess a man that can throw
distance of
Esther Briggs, Paris, junior in the College of Education, the Javelin a and Stanley 173 feet.
Joe Rupert
will preside as queen over the fourteenth annual May Day WUdcat weight men, have put the
fceremonies on the lawn in front of Mechanical hall. She is shot and heaved the discus for 41
a member of the Delta Delta Delta social sorority, the W. S. feet, and 120 feet, respectively.
G. A., Y. W. C. A., W. A. A., and was a beauty queen at- Langdon Hay, who pole vaults for
the Cats, has been able to do only
tendant in 1933
10 feet, 6 inches this year, while the
Vols have a man that can clear the
bar at 12 feet.
In the meet tomorrow, Willis and
Walker will run the 100 and 220









The next regimental parade of
the ROTC unit at the University will be conducted at 4 o'clock
Friday afternoon, May 10, it has
been announced by Major B. E.
Brewer, head of the department
of military science and tactics
at the University. The public is
invited to attend the event,
which will be held on Stoll field.

W. van

Haitsma, of the


ing School of Aeronautics,
Gives Illustrated Lecture
at General Assembly

W. Van Haitsma,

director of place-

ment for the Boeing School of Aeronautics, Oakland, Cal., addressed
the general assembly of engineering
students of the University, Wednesday illustrating his talk with three
moving picture films of the manufacture, operation and preparation
of airplanes, training for aviation,
and of a flight across the continent
in 20 hours.
Acting Dean D. V. Terrell presided and Introduced the speaker. He
also announced that at 11 o'clock
next Monday morning. Freeman
Barnes, Schenectady, N. Y., representing the General Electric Company, will discuss "The Science of
Seeing" before students of the College of Engineering in Dicker hall.
Mr. VanHaltsma showed the
minute details of construction and
operation, different types of motors
transand the Boeing

Mrs. T. N. Cotton, Richmond,
regional director of the Kentucky
Homemakers' Federation, presided
and Mrs. H. C. Robinson, Lexingport line
ton, directed community singing.
"Planes travel as far la five
Special entertainment was provided
minutes as covered wagons used to
by the Homemakers' clubs of Faytraverse In a day's time," said Mr.
ette and Breathitt countes.
Van Haitsma in showing the picture
"Flying Across America in 20 Hours
with United Air Lines"
The speaker pointed out to the

Spring: Work For

WUdcat Netters
To Start Monday


ROTC Parade


Science Academy Members to
Convene Toojay for Twen






ing of the Kentucky Academy of
Science will be held at the University today and Saturday. The affiliated societies of the academy include the Junior Academy of Science, Kentucky Academy of Social
Sciences, American Mathematical
Association, and the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Members of the University faculty who will speak on the programs Include W. D. Funkhouser,
Jesse Adams, Amry Vandenbosch,
J. Holmes Martin, C. O. Eddy, G.
Davis Buckner,
Amanda Helen
Harms, Alfred Brauer, Charles E.
Bortner, P. E. Karraker, W. C.
Wlneland, F. W. Warburton, O. T.
Kopplus, W. A. Bruce, N. B. Allison, D. E. South, John Kuiper, Mar-Jor- ie
Powell, D. A. Mahoney and
Alexander Capurso.
Registration will be held at McVey hall this afternoon and will
be followed by an address given by
Dr. A. M. Peter, of the Experiment
Station, president of the academy.
Prof. L. S. O'Bannon, of the En
gineering College, will lecture.
At 8 o'clock tonight Dr. Howard
E. Enders, Purdue University, will
give an address on "Leaf Cutting
Ants," at a general session in McVey haU.
Saturday morning the visiting
scientists and educators will divide
Into groups Interested in biological
sciences, physcal sciences, psychology and philosophy, mathematics,
physics, social sciences and the
Junior Academy of Science.
Officers of the academy are Dr.
Peter, president; Dr. J. 8. Mc-argue, of the University,
Dr. Austin R. Middleton,
secretary, and Prof. W. 8. Anderson,
of the University, treasurer
The president of the Junior
Academy Is Susie Bullock, Anchorage High school, and Frank Edwards, Waco High school, Is secreH

students that both the
lines and the United Air lines
depend almost entirely on engiCoach Adolph Rupp announced neers for their personnel, and inyesterday afternoon that the an- vited inquiries from those students tary.
interested in the field.
Charles J. Turck, president of
nual spring practice of the WUdDr. A. W. Kelly gave a short Centre College, is president of the
cat baskeVall candidates will commence at 2:30 p. m. Monday in organ prelude at the opening of the Social Science Academy and Prof.
J. W. Manning, of the University,
Alumni gym.
is secretary.
These spring drills, according to
W. R. Hutchinson, Berea College,
Coach Rupp, will continue for about KENTUCKY WOMEN TO MEET
will be chairman of the meeting of
two weeks. They are primarily inThe annual convention of the the American Mathematical Assotended to acquaint the players with
the new rule changes. It was orig- State Federation of Women's clubs ciation and A R. Fehr, Centre Colinally planned to hold these prac- will be held May 8, 9, 10 at Dawson lege, is secretary.
The president of the American
tice sessions during the past week, Springs. Outstanding members from
but the gym has not been available. over the state will participate In a Association of Physics Teachers is
All varsity and freshman play- series of meetings. Talks will be giv- Oeorge V. Page, Western Elate
ers of last season with the exception en by the most prominent members Teachers College, and Bertrand P.
of the seniors, are expected to re- who have been active in tneir in- Ramsey, of the University, Is
port for the full two weeks of work. dividual work.


nrnila nl fVif fmoTi- i
will do the hurdles; Crain, Led- ridge, Miller, and Gates will run
the 440 yard dash; Ford wUl do the
half-milTravis the mile, and
Hocker the two mile; Sympson and
McMiUan will throw the Javelin;
Rupert and Nevers will put the shot
and heave the discus; uarusie wm
high Jump and will team up with
Sympson in the broad Jump; Hay
wUl enter the pole vault.
The meet will begin at 2:30 and
will be open to the public.






3, 193.1


May Day Program To Begin With
Convocation at 10 A.M. and Close
With SuKy Dance at 9 o'CIock
Esther Ilriggs to He Crowned
Queen in Front of

Convocation at Memorial hall. President McVry presiding.
Presentation of Sullivan Medallions, pledging ceremonies of Mortar Board, Lamp and Cross, and Omicron Delta Kappa.

Mechanical Hall

10:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m.

Rehearsal of crowning ceremonies by Queen and Court of
Honor on lawn In front of Mechanical hall.

1:30 p.m.

Assembling of parade in front of Administration


2:00 p.m.


Honoraries to Pledge at
eral Convocation


Parade of fraternity and sorority floats. Order of march will
Opening with a general
be Limestone to Maxwell, Maxwell to Broadway, Broadway to
Main, Main to Rose, Rose to Euclid, Euclid to Limestone, Limestone convocation at 10 o'clock and
closing with a dance at 9 p.m.
to lawn In front of Mechanical hall.
in the Alumni gymnasium,
p.m. Crowning of Queen on lawn In front of Mechanical hall.

9.00 p.m.

Dance In Alumni gymnasium. Pledging ceremonies of SuKy
and presentation of cups to winning fraternity and sorority floats.

pep organization.

LAWYERS HOLD Guignol To Shift
Performance Date

More than 100 University law
students, faculty members and
friends attended the annual banquet of the College of Law held
at the Lafayette hotel last Monday night.
nr. Alvin E. Evans, dean of the
college, was the principal speaker.
discussing dangers tnreatening me
nation's constitution. Dean Evans
sain that insidious, hidden forces.
such as powerful lobbies, were grave
menaces much worse than actions
of congress in delegating unusual
nower to the President.
Dean Evans described himself as

reverent of the constitution but
said that as it was drawn in its
original form for a
tion, it was no more adequate to
meet the Drobiems oi tne unitea
States today than the "coat of a
child is to fit a man." In closing, he
rnHpri unnn the vourur law students
present to gird themselves to be
opinionated in the interests or
democracy and to be ready to uphold their opinions in the face of
sea-boa- rd

All University classes will be dismissed after the second hour today In order that students may attend the various functions.
The general convocation at 10
o'clock will be presided over by
Pres. Frank L. McVey. At this time
Board, senior women's honorary,
Lamp and Cross, senior men's honorary; Omicron Delta Kappa, hon-

Due to the appearance of Rudy
Vallee in person Friday night at
the Alumni gymnasium and to
the running of the Kentucky
Derby Saturday afternoon, there
will be no performances of
"CounseUor at Law", Guignol
current play, either tonight or
tomorrow night, according to
Frank Fowler, director of the

Certificates Af Service on
Kentucky Law Journal
Are Presented to
Six Men


Performances of the play will
continue Monday and Tuesday
nights of next week. Tickets
sold for tonight's performance

wiir be good for Monday night.
No tickets have been sold for

Saturday night.

Debate Is Held on New Deal
Policies: Round-tabl- e
cussions Are Features of
Dr. R. V. Bennett, president of
Kentucky Wesleyan coUege, spoke
at the brief course for citv and ru
ral pastors Wednesday evening,
May 1 in Memorial hall. "Lparipr.
ship in the Church" was the sub
ject or tne address.
President Charles J. Turch. rf
Centre coUege, and Dr. T. W. Raln-eof the editorial staff of the Lexington Leader, debated on the policies of the New Deal."

all obstacles.
Order of the Coif, international
honorary scholastic law fraternity.
Inducted four new men into the
society at the banquet. Those taken
in were Harry I. Stegmier, Baltimore; Robert T. CaldweU, New
York City; Thurman Todd, Berea;
and Robert E. Hatton, Jr., of LexDr. W. D. Nir.holls. of t.h rVilWo
Certificates emblematic of their of Agriculture at the University, is
having served as editors of the chairman of the course.
Kentucky Law Journal published
President and Mrs. Frank L. Mc(Continued on Page Eight)
Vey entertained the visiting pastors
with a tea Wednesday evening at
Maxwell Place.
Cwens, honorary sophomore soThe pastors inspected crop tests
rority, will hold pledging services
on the Agricultural Experiment
for 15 outstanding freshmen girls
Station farm following a talk Wedat the May Day Convocation, 10
nesday by Prof. George Roberts,
o'clock, May 3. in Memorial hall,
head of the Agronomy Department
initiation will be held Monday,
Rev. P. M. Tinder. North Middle-tow-n,
May 13, at 5:30 p. m. in the "Bit
detailed methods employed
and Bridle" room of the Phoenix Butler Is Selected to Head
in his church in a round-tabl- e
hntoi nri the fifth anniversary of
Honorary Junior Society cussion on the subject, "The Church
the organization on the University
t wc
for the Ensuing Year at and the Farm Tenant."
campus will De ceieDraiea
same time.
The subject for the round-tabl- e
discussion held yesterday was "The
Cwens is pledging at May Day
society, Rural Church and the Negro."
Lances, honorary Junior
convocation for the first time in
order to give the new girls a chance held election of officers for the Speakers at Thursday's session inensuing year at the Phi Kappa cluded Miss Myrtle Weldon, direc
to organize before next semester.
tor of home economics extension
for membership Tau house Tuesday afternoon.
Officers elected were Dick But- work; James Feltner, assistant state
are leadership, scholarship with a
club leader; Prof. A. J. Olney
standing of 1.8, and participation ler, Sigma Chi, president; Dave
Salyers, Kappa Kappa Sigma, sec- and Prof. N. R Elliott, of the Hortiin campus activities.
Sigma culture Department
GranvUle Byrne,
The speakers on the program for retary; and
the initiation banquet are: Dean Nu, treasurer.
Lances, who
New members
Sarah B. Holmes, Dean Sarah were initiated last of
Saturday evening
Sheldon Vance, and
Blandlng, Mrs.
are: Dick ButMisses Lois Robinson, Lois Neal, at the Teacup Inn.
DelMontgomery, Louise Johnson, ler, Sigma Chi; Morton Potter,
Webb, and Virginia ta Tau Delta; Dave Salyers, Kappa,
Mary Gunn
Dick Bush, Phi Delta State Academy of Sciences
Theta; Tom Nichols, Sigma Alpha
Will Hold Annual
Cwens was founded In 1930 by a Epsilon; Ben Willis, Kappa Alpha;
group called "Fifteen" which in Dudley Murphy, Phi Sigma Kappa;
1931 was taken into the national
John Traynor, Pi Kappa Alpha;
organization of Cwens.
The annual meeting of the psy
Charles Dunn. Phi Kappa Tau;
Actives of the present chapter Charles Saunders,
Alpha Sigma chology and philosophy division of
are: Helen Farmer, weu nevuis, Phi; Carl Erickson, Sigma Phi Ep- the Kentucky Academy of Sciences
Sara Louise Cundlff, Audrey de silon; Herbert Swartz, Delta Chi; will be held today in' McVey hall,
Wilde, Martha Bitner, Nell Shearer, John Bell, Alpha Gamma Rho; according to an announcement by
Nancy Phelps, Mary Reese Land, Don Buchanan, Triangle; James chairman Graham B. Dlmmlck, of
Virginia Robinson, Margaret Mc- Stephens,
Chi Alpha; the psychology department.
Ginn, Dorothy Whalen, Eva Mae GranvUle Byrne, Sigma Nu; and
Four of the speakers on the pro
NunneUey, MUdred Martin,
John McKlnney, Alpha Tau Omega. gram are associated with the UniBroad bent, and Ruth Weatherford.
versity. Prof. John Kuiper, head of
All former members are invited
the philosophy department, wiU
to the banquet and are requested
talk on "Modal Functions." Miss
to notify Dorothy Whalen. The
Marjorie Powell, of the psychology
price of the banquet Is $1.00.
department, wUl have as her subject,
"The Relations Between
Scholastic Discrepancy and Free
Associations." Mr. D. H. Mahoney,
of the University, wiU talk on "A
Joe Rupert, senior ckt&s presThe University of Kentucky deHome Environment Scale." Mr. Albaters will oppose Asbury College ident, has announced the perexander Capurso, of the m utile deThursday, May 9, at 7:30 p. m. in sonnel of the Class Day exercises
partment, will discuss "The Relacommittee as follows: Margaret
room 231, McVey halL The subject
tion of the Refractory Phase to Mu
Walker, Betty Anne Pennington,
is "Resolved: That the Principles
sical Performance."
John "Sunny" Day, Henry
Underlying the Agricultural AdjustDon McGurk, and Phil
Other speakers who will appear
ment Act are Unsound."
Ardery. This committee is reon the program are Mr. Paul H.
The University will be representquested to meet at 7 p. m. MonHill, of Anchorage, and Anna A.
ed by Carl Camenisch, Stanford,
day, May 6, at the B. A. E.
Schnieb and Lloyd Murphy, from
and James Toy, Henderson, who house.
Eastern State Teachers' College at
wlU uphold the negative, Asbury
College will take the affirmative.

Cwens To Pledge

Fifteen At May

Day Convocation




Faculty Members
Will Be Speakers

Rupert Announces
Class Day Group

the University will celebrate
its 14th annual May Day ceremonies today under the
sponsorship of SuKy, campus

orary leadership fraternity, and
Cwens, honorary sophomore society
for women, will be held. The Sullivan Medallions,
year to the man and woman voted
by faculty members to be the most
outstanding seniors, and to one outstanding Kentuckian, will also be
awarded by President McVey.
Immediately following the convocation program, a rehearsal of the
crowning ceremonies by the queen
and her court of honor wUl be
held on the lawn in front of Me
chanical hall.
At 1:30 p. m., the sororities and
fraternities participating in the parade of floats wUl assemble in
front of the Administration building. At 2 p. m. the parade, led by
the University band,
r.m :
the Administration
lowing the band will to
her maid of honor, hi i
her court of hono i
proceed from I b a-.- t
Maxwell, west on Maxwell to Broadway, north on Broadway to Main,
east on Main to Rose, south on
Rose to EucUd, west on Euclid to
Limestone, and south on Limestone
to the lawn in front of Mechanical
hall, where the crowning ceremon-



ies will be held.
This year, for the first time, the
queen will have, besides her maid
of honor and four attendants, a
court of honor, composed of one
representative from each sorority,
and one independent. Those in the
court of honor are Dorothy Williams, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mary
Marshall, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Winnie Tate, Delta Delta Delta;
(Continued on Page Eight)

Historical Slides
Shown by Barron
Mr. Joseph Barron, lecturer in the
Art department, gave a presentation of the architectural characteristics of each historical period covered in Prof. Thomas D. Clark's
courses In American history at the
Mr. Barron used for his specific
examples those works of art which
were most typical and which entered most frequently into the lives
of the greatest number of people as
well as those which would have the
greatest Interest because of their
associations for the students of history.

In order to bring the story of
architecture closer to the personages and events that comprise the
more dramatic aspects of American
history hf employed frequently such
historical structures as Paul
home in Boston, the Dorothy
Qulncy house in Quincy, Old North,
Church, Mount Vernon, Westover,
and Ashland. The lantern slides
which were used were taken from,
photographs made by Mr. Barron.
Re-ver- e's

There will be a meeting of fraternity presidents and treasurers
In Room 4 of the Administration
buUding, Monday, May 6, at 7 p. m.
full attendance is requested.


There will be a meeting to organize a Republican club at the University, Monday, May ( at I p. m.,
in room 231 of McVey hall. All of
those Interested in the promotion
of better government are urged to
be present.
There will be a University 4H
club meeting Friday night at 7:30
o'clock in the "Ag" building. Former 4H members are invited to


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Phone Ash. 5480






Today. May 3:
Ocnoral convocation.
Memorial hall.
Annum May Day exorcises,
m.. campim.
"Cwinsellor-at-Law- ,"

"Old Timer" at University Tells When
And How Queen Tradition Originated
You sweet young things who non- tlon, agitated and put over the plan
chalantly blow smoke rings as you of sponsoring a parade, crowning
way a queen, celebrating with a gingwend
through college would probably be ham dance and generally making
surprised to know, that contrary use of the
which was
to general belief on the University granted that year for the first time.
campus, the old and
of Kentucky
Lexington, a
Anne Shropshire,
established order of the crowning Chi Omega, was
the first Univerof the May Queen originated no sity of
Kentucky May Queen,
earlier than 1924. And while you good Judgment was used In and
were probably declining sentences selection of
this regent who was
about that time. Instead of accepting nominations to be Queen of the to set the precedent for future
generations of students. The secMay, It Isn't, In the eyes of the
ond was Annelle Kelley, Lexington,
so very many years ago.
an Alpha Gamma Delta; and Miss
The custom of celebrating May Dorothy Chapman,
Day at the University goes back Chi Omega, was the third.
farther than even this decrepit reLexington,
porter emeritus of the Kentucky a Miss Martha Mlnlhan,was the wise
diminutive brunette,
Kernel can recall; however, it con- selection of the men students for
days of
sisted in those
the 1927 May Queen, and in 1928,
the planting of the tree, a class tall, stately Miss Charlsle Smith,
oration, and the handing of the Lexington, Alpha
Gamma Delta,
gavel of authority from the presi- was chosen.
In 1929 the Alpha Xi's
dent of the senior class to the pres- were the proud recipients of the
ident of the Junior class.
honor. Miss Martha Reed, Fulton,
According to the Kentuckian and being elected. Miss Hazel Baucom,
the memory of your reporter, how- another Alpha Gam, was the popever, May Day, as it Is celebrated ular choice in 1930, and in 1931
today at the University, saw its in- Alice Bruner, Delta Delta Delta,
ception in the spring of 1924, when was the first member of that lodge
the SuKy circle, having spent four to cop the cherished honor.
will re
years in perfecting its organ iza- Many of the





Howard Clav. Morton West, Cliff
Collins. Bill Swtsshrlm, Bill Crady,
Jim Stephenson
Bob Stevenson,
a. m., Charles Brlncardner. W. T. Bunton
Bob. Bill, and Richard Butler.


p. m.,

Otilgnol theater
Dance to Rudy Vallee's orchestra, 9 p.m.. Alumni gymnasium.
Saturday. May 4:
Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs
In Louisville.
YWCA retreat, Camp Daniel

S.P.E. Homecoming"
Kentucky Alpha of Sigma Phi
Ensilon will observe It
with various social
week-enevents this
The Celebration will begin with

dinner tonight at the chapter
house, followed by a smoker after
which the members and guests will
attend the May Day dance. The
alumni, active members, and the
nledees will attend the Derby, 8at
those urday. The closing event will be
Satur- the annual homecoming banquet at
8 o'clock Saturday evening at the
Marie Wellington Arms tea room.

To Attend the Derby
The following are among
who will attend the Derby
day In Louisville:
Alpha XI Delta: Misses
Bcebe, Edith May. Mary Hocker,
Triangle Convention
and Betty Woodson.
Alpha Sigma Phi: Messrs. Tom
The national convention of Trl
Spellacy. Jack Britten, Ira Lyle, nntrle fraternity was held April 25
26. and 27 at the Edgewater Beach
and Charles Saunders.
Delta Tau Delta: Messrs. Dave Hotpl in Chicago.
The following represented the lo
Dllford. Wallace Difford, Carroll
Wleslger. John Oilmore. Bert Hal cal chanter: Messrs. William Fish
lenberg. Jack McConncll, Phil Sla William Eversole, Sam Montgomand Robert
ter. Bruce Davis. Kaipn jiercnevai ery. James Scudder,
Oconee Nagel, Al Miller, and Joe Sparks.
Delta Delta Delta: Misses Mar
tha Bittner, Elizabeth Barbieux,
Chi Delta Phi Election
Anna Bess Clark, Mallnda Roby,
XI of Chi Delta Phi, honorary
Catherine Combs, Margaret Krafft, literary fraternity, held election of
Peggy Haskins, Mary Elllce Spratt, officers at Its regular meeting SunMarjorle Fieber, and Jeanne Short. day afternoon at the home of Miss
Kappa Delta: Misses Phyllis Cas Lois Frazer The following oincers
Margie were chosen to serve for the comO. Jones,
key, Elizabeth
Crowe, Bebe GUI, Caroline Adams, ing year: Misses Dorothy Whalen,
and Irene Wolfe.
president; Mary Potts,
Messrs. Bazil
PI Kappa Alpha:
Mary Elizabeth Earle, secreBaker, Frank Daily. Thomas Rose, tary, and Nell Nevins, treasurer.
Bill Lowry, John Shropshire, Henry Warren, and Jimmy Anderson.
Inspection Trip
Phi Kappa Tau: Messrs. Ross
Alpha Gamma of Alpha Chi SigPox, Charles Dunn. Wally Briggs, ma, national professional chemisCharles Bennett, and Frank Bor- - try fraternity, will sponsor an inrles.
spection trip of the Pepper Distil
Alpha Gamma Delta: Misses El- - lery at 10 a.m. today. All persons
len Cotye, Catherine Werst, Court interested in chemistry are invited
ney Cannon, Nancy Trimble, Bar to attend.
bara Beck, Frances Smith, Charl-se- y
Smith, Mary Marshall,
Difford. and Ruth Martin.
: Messrs. MarAlpha Lambda Tau
Sigma of Alpha Sigma Phi anshall Hamilton. Bill Long, Richard nounces the pledging of Messrs,
William Neal.
Brown, and
Herbert Lovett, Stearns, and James
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Misses Gibson. Corbin.
Betty Ann
Mr. William Watt has returned
Pennington, Ida Greenleaf,
Nell from a trip to Charlotte, N. C.
Craik, Mary Cary Maynard, Lucille
Messrs. Ralph Kercheval, George
Thornton. Toska Ann von Borries, Nagel, and Bruce Davis attended
Edith Reager JDorothy Curtis, and the races Monday in Louisville.
Sarah Slack.
Mr. C. D. Blair visited his home
lpha Gamma Rho: Messrs. Paul
week-en- d
Ewing over
TncComas, George Kurtz, Hugh in Messrs Jack the
Craln, Bill Dyer,
Bernard, Robert Trigg, Eugene War- Bob Travis, and Cameron Coffman
ren, Sam Crawford, Julian Atkin- went to Hanover, Ind., last Satur
son, John H. Bell, James
Louis Isen, Ralph Hammer,
Sunday dinner guests at the Pi
Carl F. Miller, Ralph Broadbent.
Kappa Alpha house were Mrs.
Delta Chi: Messrs. Jimmy Car- Hanna Atto, Washington,
D. C;
roll, Moreland Blaine, Ken
fm fm
Swartz, Alan Robins, Mr. John Frank, Louisville; Misses
and Bill Foster.
Marjorie Fieber. Lena Peak, Mary
Alpha Tau Omega: Messrs. Jim- Marshall, and Wanda Berry.
my Fahey, Earl Stokes. William
Messrs. Dick Boyd and Woody
Heath, Sibley Hughlett, Meade Pardo will attend the district conBrown and Edgar Deats.
Sigma Phi Epsilon at
Triangle: Messrs. Bill Eversole, vention of this week-enOhio,
Blng Miller, Bill Duncan, Kenneth Ada.
Miss Martha Gitner visited In
Alley B,ob Lathrop, Charles Can-tel- l, Eminence last week.
Louis Nelson, Bill Fish, and Ed
Miss Pat O'Rear spent last week
In Frankfort.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Messrs. end at her home guests at
Sunday dinner
the Tri
Hank McCown, Ben Taylor, Nor- angle house were Misses Ruth
man Gar ling, Walter Byrne, Jack Schumaker, George Ellen Ruth,
May, George Campbell. Joe Craft.
Sallie Stewart, and Betty Boyd.
Marshall Mahan, Bill Dawson. Bill
at the
Guests for Sunday
Bryant, Ernie Fall, Robert Dallas, Phi Kappa Tau housedinner Misses
Carl Ward, Will Rogers, Max Clay, Lucy Jean Anderson, Dorothy MarGordon Yancey, William Snyder, tin, Rosemary
Cllnkscales, Mary
John Strother, C. T. Hertzsch, Da- Agnes Worthlngton, and Jane Baivid Byrne, George Tulloch, Jack ley.
Mohney, Gates McCauley, Tom
Messrs. Frank Borries, Bob TayClower, Jimmie Irvine, Pat Harper, lor, Charles Dunn,
Ralph Congleton, Eugene Bryant, Bob Coleman, and BillFrank spent
Earl Bryant, William Robinson, last week-en- d
in Louisville.
Clayton Cbnglton,
Billy Spicer,
Mr. Richard Brown visited durand J. Rice Walker.
in Louisville.
Lambda Chi Alpha: Messrs. Roy ing the week-en- d
Week-en- d
guests at the Phi SigHogg, James Stevens, John Mun-forJ. B. Wells, George Farris, ma Kappa house were Messrs. EdWayne
Pel Rienlger, Wallace Bailey, Don ward Farmer, Louisville;
Pryse Jr., Beattyvllle, and Joe Con
Pennell, and Woody Webb.
ley, Carlisle.
Sigma Chi: Messrs. Ed Alcorn,
Charles Ryan, Frank Coffee, Bruce
Two additlonad girts are needed
Phillips, Jeff Baynham, Alvin King, for reporting on the society staff.
Bill Dawson, Cuba Hardin, Bill
Anyone who la interested please
Jack Phillips, William Reed, call or see the society editor.

Friday. May





A group of law student
the University conducted ft "mock"
hearing Tuesday before the Kentucky Court of Appeals on the question of whether. In the case of an
executorl contract, the vendor or

member the dignity and beauty of
Miss Ruth Wehle, Lexington, Alpha
Gamma Del (A, the 1932 May Queen;
while you present day Ed's and
can vouch for the 1933 Quren,
Miss Jean Foxworth, Ixlngton.