xt7g7940sw91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sw91/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-04-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1933 1933 1933-04-28 2013 true xt7g7940sw91 section xt7g7940sw91 Best Copy Available




Special Meeting of Hoard Yesterday Afternoon Named
George VorcI













'Hosses Are Romantic," Take - off On Derby Day, Is Being Major Brewer, Prof. More'
Given Final Touches and Criticisms
land, Faculty Members,
Ry Director Curtis
Are Pledged

RY PRESIDENT M'VEY 8troller production



Jean Foxworth Wins Race
For May Queen by Lead
Of 36 Votes Over Byron

Although termed a revue, it Is JAMES II. RICHMOND.
to be staged at not strictly a revue. It more nearSPEAKER, IS HONORED
Woodland auditorium next Monday ly approaches that type of enterand Tuesday nights, May 1 and 2. tainment than any other, howevrr, Public School System in KenContracts for Engraving and Is ready for the final rehearsals and and seems an Ideal medium through
Printing of Kentuckian
tucky is Defended in
finishing touches before being prewhich to portray ths
Are Let
sented under the direction of James Fltuations essential to the developW. Curtis.
ment of an idea of this character.
George Vogel, Schenectady, N. V.,
At Tuesday's
The stage equipment has been Besides a central plot the show will
Junior in the College of Engineer- completed under the direction of include more than 20 musical novMemorial hall, Omicron Delta Kaping, and a member of Alpha Sigma James Fay, stage manftger. Through elties.
pa, national campus leaders fraSquad of About Twenty Men
Phi fraternity, was named editor the courtesy of Tommie Lyons, a
To Flossla Allen goes the the cre- ternity, pledged James H. Rich
of the 1934 Kentuckian yesterday former Stroller director, and O. L.
mond, state superintendent of pubWill Accompany Shively
dit for the original Idea of build- lic instruction and speaker at the
aftrrnoon by the student commit- Crutch?r, former member of StrolTo Berea
tee on Publications, after the eleclers, the stage scenery has been ing the show around the Kentucky convocation, and two faculty mem
tion of J. D. Palmer had been de- made extraordinarily attractive and Derby, but the plot of the show bers as honorary members In addiTRIALS WILL HE HELD
clared void by the board.
from every standpoint the show will Itself was written by William B. tion to 12 University students.
J. D. Pnlmer, Providcnc. Junior be put on in a truly professional Ardery, former Stroller director and
The pledges are: Major Brewer,
in the College of Commerce, was manner.
also former editor of Ttu Kernel.
head of the military department; Biff Blue Athletes in Good
elected by the Junior class at the
Prof. Roy Moreland. of ths Law
Shape for Competition
annual election on April 11, and
college; Joe H. Mills, Lexington;
his election was declared valid and
Turner Howard, Lexington; Lucien
and Should Win
by the Student Council at a
Congleton, Lexington; Ralph Edmeeting Monday afternoon.
PreWith one victory and a defeat
wards, Walton; Frank Adams.
vious to the meeting of the Student
Smith Broadbent, Cadiz; in two starts, the Wildcat track
Council the committee on PublicaRussell Gray, Schenectady, N. Y.; team, considerably improved by intions declared the election null and
James Bishop, Murray; Hamilton tensive drills this weeK, will meet
void after Horace Helm, president
Greenup, Frankfort; O. B. Muiphy, the B?rea Mountaineers at Betea
oi tne junior class, had petitioned
Monday at 2 p. m. in their thliJ
Lexington; Walter Steltler, Owens-borit to do so on the grounds that Poet Reads Poems of Interna
and Thomas Cassidy, East meet of the year.
U.K. Instructors and Officers St. Louis.
not all Juniors had a chance to
tional Flavor; Special
The three point decision dropped
vote In the original poll.
Subject to Transfer To
Guests Present
Mr. Richmond defended 'the to the George Tech Yellow Jackets
Palmer stated yesterday afterunquestionably was a bitter blow
Reforestation Duty
public school system in his address
noon that the results of the elec
Cale Young Rice, Louisville, poet
declaring that no other organized to take, for the 'Cats had been
tion will be appealed by him to and honorary alumnus of the Unl BREWER "RECEIVES
ahead until the relay. The defeat
agency of society had been subjecttne University Senate for action verslty gave a reading of many of
snatched victory
WORD FROM CAPITAL ed to greater attack than our pub- In the relay Tech. The Big from
on the validity of the decision of his poems before the University
lic schools, despite the fact that defeat for
the board. Reason for this action Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at
better account
Continuation of Training for of have given a than any other relay competedcomposed of men who
was given by Palmer as the fact Patterson hall.
In other events, was
their stewardship
Rest of Semester Is
Mr. Rice was introduced by Mrs.
that the Student Council had ruled
branch of the government. He fur- hardly able to compete on an even
the Junior election to be fair and McVey as "a patron of the arts, a
ther stated that these attacks upon basis with fresh men.
the Publications committee ruled good citizen, a gentleman, and an
Tryouts for the Berea meet will
the schools should occasion no surAll of the instructors and officers prise for the paradox Is well estabhonorary alumnus of the University
be held this afternoon.
it to be void.
The lineO. T. C. at the University lished that when society "gets down up for the 'Cats is expected to
He interspersed the of the R.
A motion was made and passed of Kentucky."
reading of his selections' with inter- are subject to call to duty with the on Its luck" It usually resorts to the remain unchanged but there will be
at Thursday session asking that
Pres. Frank L. McVey, be asked to pretations and appropriate com- reforestation corps, (Major B. E. destructive practice of picking to additions as the meet will be conBrewer, commandant of the Uniconcur In all selections made by ment.
pieces and ungenerously penalizing ducted on the three place system;
Special guests present to hear versity unit said after having re- those social divisions that are most points being awarded for first, secthe committee. If he rejects the
selection the election will be given Mr. Rice were the Faculty Women's ceived word to that effect from necessary to the maintainence of ond, and third. Coach Shively will
club of Transylvania college, mem- the War department yesterday.
take 20 men to the Madison county
to the Junior class.
a well ordered society.
Major Brewer received a telebers of the English departments of
"There must not be a moratorium institution, and the men who will
The contract for engraving was the University
and Transylvania, gram from the War department In education In Kentucky," declar- go will be determined by the reawarded to the Schultz-Gosslgarmy ed Mr. Richmond.
"Today's chil sults ot the trials today. The squad
company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and the and members of the board of di- advising him that all regular
should be
contract for printing was awarded rectors of the Woman's club of men here time. "WeIn readiness to dren must be educated today. will make the trip in cars and will
are practical Some government enterprises, wor leave Lexington at 11 a. m.
Central Kentucky.
Richard Alli- go at any
to The Kernel.
son, baritone, sang two numbers, ly certain to lose at least half of
Carroll Ball, who suffered a
they may be. can postpone
At the meeting of the committee Olie Speak's "Morning" and "Lon- our men and may lose them all, thy as programs
slight injury to his leg in the meet
until tomorrow
held Tuesday, petitions from mem- donderry Air," Mrs. Frank C.
Major Brewer. The time when but not so with the public schools." Saturday, probably will be in shape
bers of the Junior class asking that
was his accompanist.
the men will be transferred has not
Pres. Frank L. McVey presided by Monday and will aid Doug
Vogel be elected and petitions askon Page Four)
Mr. Rice's readings had an inter- been set, and Major Brewer ex
ing that Palmer be declared editor national flavor including poems of pressed hope that the R. O. T. C, and introduced Mr. Richmond. He
also presented Prof. D. Y. Dunn.
were considered.
Seven bids for India, France, China, Mexico,
instructors will not be transferred superintendent of Fayette county
engraving were considered but no the United States. The poems and until the end of the present semeshe
schools and recently elected presidecision was made at that time.
read were "West Wind Words," ter.
dent of Kentucky Education assoThe continuation of the R. O. T. ciation. The Rev. George D. Heaton.
"Spring Fever," "Rain Nocturne,"
"A Nun at Sea," "The Wild Boar C. training at the University for pastor of Felix Memorial Baptist
Herndon Evans To Preside at
Time," Relativity,"
of the rest of the semester depends church dive tle invotation and
Meeting of Alumni
the Bells of Ossney," Monsoon upon when and how many of the benediction. Dr. Abner Kelley playApril 29
Mad Philosopher,"
"His Widow," instructors will be transferred, ac- ed the prelude and postlude on
"Faro Philosophy," "Thanatopis for cording to Major Brewer.
the organ.
C. unit
The Stroller Alumni association
Graduates of the R. O. T.
Hetty," "The Pilgrim of Thibet,"
will meet at 6:30 p. m. Saturday,
"The Mystic" and a group known this year who receive their comApril 29, at the Green Tree tea
as second lieutenant in the
as "Cities," which includes poetic missions
room to discuss the possibilities of
descriptions of the present condi- O. R. C. will be given a chance to
reviving a former Stroller productions in London, Berlin, Paris, enlist for a period of two months
tion. If the play is reproduced it
Rome, Moscow, Tokyo, and New or more in the reforestation corps
will be Friday night, June 2, at the
graduation. A total of 140
Every morning during the first York. The last group of "Cities," after
Guignol theater. Herndon Evans,
"Faro Philosophy," and "Thana- officers will be needed in the Fifth
few hours it is practically Impossiwill
topis for Hetty," were taken from Corps Area to command the first State Interscholastic Track president "of the association,
ble to find a parking place in the
assignment of recruits to the re
preside at the dinner. Mr. Evans
Contestants To Meet on
McVey hall area. Can't this situa- Mr. Rice's latest book. All the forestation corps at Fort Knox.
is editor of the "Pineville Sun."
poems he read have been publishStoll Field As U. K.
tion be remedied? Certainly It can. ed.
Possibly one of the following
The regular army officers will be
Along the south side of McVey and
productions will be given by the
subject to call first. In this group
Kastle halls there Is a grass plot
same cast that was in it the first
are included the officers stationed
approximately 20 feet wide, and
time it appeared at the Guignol
here at the University, who are:
part of this could be made into
Brewer, Captains Scheibla
"Admirable Crichton,"
parking space without destroying
or "The Thirand Grady; First Lieutenants Rees,
Kentucky "Mice and Men,"
the looks of. the grounds.
The fourteenth annual
Crlswell and LeStourgeon; Warrant
meet will be teenth is definitely decided that the
Furthermore, a great deal of
Officer Knight; Master Sergeants Interscholastic track May 6, beginIf it
space could be saved by painting
Hanks and Short; and Sergeants held on Stoll field,
Stroller alumni will produce a
10 a. m.
ning at
white division lines and having the Prominent Persons Will Be Kinker and Perkins.
play that they gave several years
The first interscholastic track in ago, the directors, stage manager,
cars parked on the bias. It could
Interviewed at U. K.
In addition to the regular army
of Kentucky, was held in and cast will be named in the near
be so arranged that twice as
officers, at least 500 officers of the the state
Studios Monday,
automobiles could be parked In the
Officers Reserve Corps are subject 1914, under the supervision of the future. The cast will do intensive
May 1
Is now possible.
area than
to call for periods of duty ranging department of University Extenrehearsing at a camp at Clear
held yearly
between sixty days and six months. sion. The meet was discontinued, Creek, in Bell county, or a camp
Pi Sigma Alpha, political science C.B.S. HOOKUP PLANNED
until 1925 when it was
on the Kentucky river, where they
fraternity, will hold an important
due to the building operations on will spend the week-enProceeds
Derby program
business meeting Monday at 4 p. m.
Stoll field at that time. Georgeof the play will be given to the
will be broadcast over the
May 1 in Room 203, Administratown then provided for the high Alumni association.
of the Columbia
All members are
tion building.
school meet for the next six years.
All of the Stroller alumni are
Broadcasting system from the Uniurged to be present.
In 1931 the Interscholastic track urged to attend this important din
versity "extension studios of WHA8
supmeet was continued under the
ner meeting Saturday night.
The Dutch Lunch club, sponsored from 12:45 until 1:15 p. m. MonAthThe first In the series of five twi- ervision of the Extension and
by the Y. W. C. A., will meet at 12 day. The Blue and White orchesyear 29
letic departments. That
o'clock in the University commons. tra will be the musical feature of light concerts to be presented by high schools were entered In the
the concert band under the direcMiss Marjorie Wiest, chairman, the program.
meet was again held in
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
tion of Elmer G. Sulzer will be meet. The proved to be even more
The program will consist of interwill Introduce the speaker. Dr. J.
Graduate school and head of the
1932. which
T. C. Noe, poet laiireate of Ken- views with prominent Blue Grass given at 4 p. m. Sunday in the successful than ever before.
department zoology arrived at Pre
Memorial hall amphitheater.
tucky, who will read some of his thoroughbred breeders which will
The University is preparing ior toria, In the southern part of BritThe soloist for this program will
poerty. All students that live in be conducted by J. A. Estes, assothe reception or tne nign scnooi ish Africa, yesterday. He will artown and commute are Invited to ciate editor of "The Blood Horse," be Edward Barlow, clarinetist, who athletes on May 6, and expects the rive in Bulayaya April 29, from,
will present the famous "DesolaproInteresting program.
a breeder's
attend this
14th state track and field meet to where he will go to Victoria Falls.
gram was arranged by Elmer Sul-ze- r. tion" by Boccalari. He will be ac- surpass any previous event.
companied by the band.
The German club will hold a
As an added feature a auai iracn
The complete program is as folmeeting at 4 p. m. May 2, In room
Among the persons to be intermeet will take place the afternoon Coaches-Facult- y
All viewed will be Miss Elizabeth
204, Administration building.
Big Blue
"Old Black Joe" and of May 6 between the
members are urged to attend.
prominent in the thorvarsity and Tennessee. There will
industry; Col. "Massa's in de Cold Cold Ground" be no admission to the meets and
by Filinore; Overture "The WedOmega Beta Pi will have an elechorsePhil T. Chinn,
no fee will be charged the high
tion of officers at 7 p. m. In room man; and Hal Price Headley, mas- ding Ring" by Barnard; Berceuse schools, which wish to enter teams.
from Jocelyn by Godard; Selections
207 Science hall. All members are ter of the Beaumont
Farm and
Several awards will be given to
requested to attend.
owner of the filly, "Technique," a from "Ermine," Jakobowskl.
A sports carnival will be staged
the winners in the scholastic meet.
derby eligible. It Is between the
will be awarded in the Alumni gym May 3 to proSelections from "Bitter Sweet," A set of five medals
Dr. Esther Cole will meet her vo- interviews that the popular campus
for each event except the two re- vide money for the student loan
by Coward; Minuet in G by Beecational guidance group at 4 p. m. orchestra will perform.
consists of a gold, fund. The feature event will be a
thoven; Clarinet solo, "Desolation," lays. The set
Tuesday1: May 2, in the staff room
Many subjects of Interest to the
medals. faculty coaches basketball game,
Boccalari; March "The Billboard" silver, and three bronze winner but boxing
of the library.
disthoroughbred breder will be
matches, wrestling
Cups will be given to the
cussed, and among them will be by Klohr.
relays matches and rope skipping contests
of the mile and nail-miMis Lulle Logan will meet her such subjects as how to get a horse
Individuals of the winning teams are also on the card.
group at 4 ready for the derby, how to tell a POLITICAL SCIENCE PROFS
A cup
Gayle Mohney, coach of the facATTENDING CONVENTION will receive gold medals.
p. m. Tuesday, May 2, in the new good horse, and some outstanding
will be given to the individual high ulty team, is confident that his
facts concerning the breeding InDoctor Vandenbosch and Doctor point scorer, and a plaque will be outfit will have sweet revenge on
dustry in the Kentucky Blue Grass. Trimble, of the Political Science awarded immediately alter each the coaches for the beating the
will be a meeting of ScabThere
sports mentors handed me peda
department, are attending the con- event.
bard and Blade pledges ImmediateAlong with the other awards the gogues last year. Gayle will reieree
ference of International law proly after the parade today In the
Institute In Madden Memorial Trophies will be the fray and he promises to do all
fessors at Carnegie
Y. M. C. A. room In the Armory.
Washington, D. C, which began given to the winners of the meet. he can to assure victory for his
Thursday, April 27, and will last These are given in memory of the team by having them in perfect
There will be a meeting of the
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, professor through Saturday, April 29.
late John E. Madden, who was an condition on the day of the game.
Kernel staff members at 2 p. m.
According to the fuculty the only
Doctor outstanding track man in his youth
While in Washington,
this afternoon in the news room. of political500science was awarded a
Social Science Vandenbosch and Doctor Trimble and an athlete of the highest type. man they fear on the coaches quinThis meeting Is very important and prize of council the aid
"Skipper" Man.
Five places will be given In each tet is Trainer
in publica- will attend a meeting of the Amerevery member must attend.
markmanshlp was
tion of "The Government and Prob- ican society of International Law. event: the points counting S, 4, 3. 2, whose deadly
lems of the Dutch East Indies,"
Doctor Manning, associate pro- 1. Scoring in the relay will be largely responsible for the coaches
Lexington chapter, Order of
will hlod a regular meeting which Doctor Vandenbosch, who ts fessor of political science. Is in At- the same way. For any tie places, victory. Potter, coach of the menM. E.
at 7:30 p. m tonight at the Masonic considered an authority on Holland lanta, Georgia, atendlng govern- points will be for by and the medals tors, is practicing every day on
will be drawn
Petitions for membership and her possessions, has been writ- ment conference on local
stilts in order to cope with the
ing for the post three years.
of the schools tying.
(Continued on Page Four)








Cale Young Rice R 0 T C OFFICERS
Heard by Group MAY COMMAND
In Patterson Hall FOREST CORPS

Independents Organize Forces
To Combat Greeks On


Stroller Alumni
May Present Play






Twilight Concert



To Be Presented
By Band Sunday




Prof Vandenbosch

Jean Foxworth.
sophomore in the College of Edu- cation, was elected May Queen by
popular vote of the student
i the
body in an election conducted yes
terday by the Men s Student council.
Miss Foxworth received 423
votes and Winston Byron, Owings-villreceived 387. automatically
becoming Maid of Honor. A total
of 924 votes was cast to the election.
Miss Forworth is very active in
campus affairs. She is secretary of
Phi Beta, a member of Cwens,
Y. W. C. A., town representative
of W. S. G. A., and a student member of the University library staff.
Winston Byron, a Junior in the
College of Education, and a member of Chi Omega sorority. The
attendants to the May Queen will
be Mildred Holmes of Lexington,
a member of Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority; Edna Brumagen of Lexington, member of Alpha Delta
Theta sorority; Marjorie Fieber of
of Delta
Delta r?lta 'sorority; and Mary
King Montgomery, Lexington, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorore,




Prof. O. J. Campbell Will
Speak at Initiation Banquet on "Wit and Dilatory Time"
Phi Beta Kappa will conduct initiation ceremonies at a banquet at
the Lafayette hotel tonight at 6:30

p. m. with Dr. George K. Brady,
president of the chapter, presiding.
Prof. Oscar James Campbell will
speak on "Wit and Dilatory Time."
Professor Campbell Is head of the
English department and director of
Graduate Research at the University of Michigan. He is a student
and scholar of Renaissance literature and a writer of note on Danish
He will be introduced by
Doctor Brady.
Phi Beta Kappa diplomas will be
presented by Dr. William Allen to
the following initiates: George Tur
ner Howard, Lexington; Merle
Justice, Pikeville; Mary
Elizabeth Price, Lexington; Charles
Gano Talbert, Carlisle; Lois Ernestine Neal, Chicago, and Margaret
Rowbotham, Lexington.
The guests of honor will also in
clude Harry Emmerich, Henderson;
Isabelle Isgrig, Paris; Horace Miner, Lexington;
George Trimble
Skinner, Lexington, and William C.
Wineland. Middletown, who were
initiated in January, and Dorothy
Anne Dundon, Eleis Stahr, Phil
Ardery, Anna Bruce Gordon, and
Fannie Herrqjinn, who are outstanding freshmen and sophomores.
Officers of the chapter for the
ensuing year are as follows: Prof.
George Roberts,
Mary Didlake,
William Allen, secretary, and Miss
Margaret King, secretary. The
present officers are Dr. George K.
Brady, president; Miss Mary DidDr. William
Allen, secretary, and Miss Margaret
King, treasurer.
Miss Catherine Wilson of the
Romance Language department is
chairman of the committee on arGer-aldi-



Miss Foxworth will be crowned
May Queen at the May Day festivities to be held on May 5. The
program will begin with a convocation in the morning at Memorial
hall, at which time the Sullivan
Medallion awards will be given to
the senior man and woman student, who have been outstanding
during their four years in college.
Convocation will be followed by
the annual May Day parade
through the downtown section. In
the afternoon the May Day program will be conducted by the
WonleH's Physical Education department, during which time the
May Queen will be crowned and
will preside over the program.
May Day festivities will terminate with the SuKy Gingham dance
to be held in the Alumni gymNew members of SuKy
will be announced during the dance.
accordance with a long esIn
tablished custom, SuKy circle will
offer silver loving cups to the sorority and fraternity which prepares
the most unique float. Judges for
the selection of the winners will
be picked from the faculty and
townspeople and will not be announced until after the Judging.



Home Ec Club Hears
Doctor Lemo Dennis
In speaking on the subject, "The
of the Home Economics Bureau," before the Home
Economics club Wednesday at 11
a. m. in the Agriculture building.
Dr. Lemo Dennis outlined the organization of the federal bureau,
and described the changing of the
trend of home economics. She also
discussed the vast opportunities for
women in this field.

Tangle On
Court to Provide Loan Fund

Dain-gerfiel- d,






Holmes, Brumjinen,
and Montgomery Are





height of Dr. "Rocks" McFarlan, for
he believes if he can stop "Rocks"
his team will be able to chalk up
another win.
Between the halves of the basket
ball game, C. W. Hackensmith and

Dr. "Cadaver" Allen will wrestle,
each one endeavoring to finish the
mutch wlicih began last fall on
the faculty- Stoll field during
coaches footbull game.
"Huck" claims to have perfected
a headluck that will enable him to
dismember "Cadaver", for he says
that he is able to crack a concrete
block with this hold. But "Cadaver"
that his
is supremely
knilelike scissors hold will soon
crying for mercy. "Cahave "Hack"
daver" issued the following statement: "II that guy don't quit I'll
carve him to pieces and use his
bones to demonstrate anatomical
problems to my classes."
A second match will be between
"Sledge" 8inger and "Walrus"
(Continued on page Four)

Research Group At Century
of Progress Exposition to
Meet in Administration
Dean F. Paul Anderson will represent the University of Kentucky
at a regional conference of the National Research council, Division of
and Industrial Research, to be held Saturday morning, April 29, in the Administration building of the Century of
Progress Exposition. Chicago, for
the purpose of formulating a program for carrying on industrial research in those schools of engineering affording men and facilities for
engineering research.
Recognizing the importance of
cooperation in research and the
manifestation of mutual interest,
the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research has organized a
Committee on Bridging the Gap
Between University and Industry.
This Committee proposes to make a
survey of engineering college research facilities and capacities.
The proposed survey is part of a
primary investigation of the relations which may be established for
the best material interests ot
and industrial research.
Many industries, trade associations,
and other bodies are at present
supporting research in particular
educational institutions by subsidies
and by the establishment of fellowships.
The following universities will be
represented at the regional conference in Chicago on April 29, Armour Institute of Technology, University of Cincinnati, University of
Illinois, Iowa State College, University of Iowa, Kansas State College, University of Kansas, University of Kentucky

� Cop



Page Two

character. Time as tional Institutions received 42 per
The Kentucky Kernel!" ell as place must be taken into cent of the revenue of Kentucky,
reckoning. The difference between but in 1931 that figure had dropped
1'uhlisbnl on Tiicl.i and 1 i1
and a boor I that a to only 17 per cent. The average
a gentleman
gentleman is at home in any place east prr tln.v to keep a child in
National College
Ak i.iiion without appearing to own 11, while school In this state is 26 cents. This
krntmky Inlrimllcgiiitr I'irss
a vulgnr man arts as though lie figure is lower by 22 cents than the
Awh i.itioti
owned every place without appear average cost over the nation.
trxington Ilo;inl "l ( "iiiniricr
ing at home in it. One tost can
The Superintendent believes, and
ol lie
Nrs.iri krniiiik.MtidriiK oti always be applied to the gentleman rightly, that money spent in edu1 0 v 11
Ihr I niriir ol
In nny npe the wmf which Is apcation pays the highest dividends
wagons going down of any money expended by the
'' (X! a tm.
ntcird a plied to milk
Suhsi uptinn
stare. Education prevents crime
I rinjton,
k.. I'osIoIIko at Viond hill; the ones which carry the IfAst and
load make the most noise.
raises the social standard
C.l.m M.ul M.ittei.
Retrenchment in education
Manners are the outward maniHIRI Vinil llll KIRNHI Ml
festation of our sense of obligation has gone far enough. In fact, too
IS M l
M I 1)1 N I RICH
toward eaeh other. It is true that far. In the future we must not



Friday, April 28, 1933

fit his own

.1 v



Miitiiing l.dilni our sense of obligation is continually changing, but manners do not
decay with time. What constitutes
M.irt Jo I illicit
ih- S. Rcisirr
perfect belivior at an Embassy
dwin i'ailoiMin
I). I'aliiK'i
ball would look a little stilted on
f. Ia
a football field. And what passes
ldwaid Walls for perfect etiquette at the flsh
iicinia Ice
Woodson knight
market would bo somewhat con
(.laic I.om-i- i
1tl1111 Mnlh
RiiIhtI M(.ani;lir
spicuous at a Y. W. C. A. tea. But
I itrrory l.dilor no matter where a man is, if he
A. M.itllicus
( atn'i





cut education if we do not want
grave social dangers to arise. Professor Richmond asked us to defend
our schools and to prove to the
people what a necessary factor they
are in maintaining a high social
The Kernel agrees most heartily
with the views expressed by the
Superintendent and hopes that the
has no respect for himself, he students of the University will help
should have respect for others at him in his fight for a square deal
least, especially his elders.
In education.
If guilty students do not feel the
agony of self - consciousness, and
wish to continue their childish antics and boisterous babblings near
the recitation rooms, we would contribute glady to a fund that would
War or peace? You leave a po
go toward the construction of a little recreation yard where they litical scinece class apparently at
might spend their recess periods at peace with the world. From there
you go to military science and by
Some students who have paid the time you have finished you're
their tuition to get an education in ready to take Fort Sumter all over
return have not heard their in- again. You chase over and vote for
structor's voice this semester. Who a May Queen candidate. A few
could hear his voice when mum- hours later you have a date. The
blings from the hallways sound like Jester asks you, "War or peace?"
And you reply, "Aw! Nerts."
a verbal fight in a Chinese laundry? If our disrespectful collegians
And now that the election is over
do not procure books of etiquette
are sorry
It's a bet that nine
and verse themselves on the subthat they didn't attend some other
ject of self behavior, nothing short
of a miracle will prevent them from
being forced to wear a gag here"Boyd hall What Is
after. That would be cheaper than It?" Merely an address, we'd say.
having all instructors and students
equipped with sound-proMonuments The youthful flame
who never made cracks about being
A noisey noise annoys an oyster, or not being any relation to the
sport editor!
also instructors, students and what
have you.
"I'm disgusted with public life."
says the Kingfish from Louisiana.
We only wish that we could instill
"Hosses Are Romantice," written some of that philosophy into the
by a former member of Strollers, heads of some of our campus polihas been chjosen as the annual ticians, Mister Senator.


Adam- -


Judith ChadMtil.
oliimie C;radd(Kl
o.in Caliban

.... Itatuir l.ditoi




Diama Editor

Klialieili Hardin
I 1.

illie 11. Siniih
Hires It'ish



.Sorrfv l.dilor
Wirfv I dilm
Nairn llcckci

ran Anderson


llouard I.. C leveland
Man C Ten el

I 'Mil 01

Morton Collins
lien K. Tin lor





Jest Among Us

av I.uiian


Ann Hornsby
Marv A. Hrend
Sara Dcl.ong
Morion Collins
SvlvCTlcr Ford
Arum Savage
Kail Bourgeois
Hoience kelley
C. Hnleit
Charlotte Colfman
Alia Mae Cole

Jane Hamilton

Helen Rich


Delinar Adams


Joe Qiiinn