xt7g7940sw8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sw8f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1941-07-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 1941 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 1941 1941 1941-07-29 2013 true xt7g7940sw8f section xt7g7940sw8f The ECentucicy Ke RNEL







Johnson's Speech
On 'Why Prepare'



Opens Course

'The Sooner, The

Better,' President

Details of a big air raid on London will be shown in a colored moving picture with sound, "Extinguishing of Magnesium Fires and Incendiary Bombs London Fire Raids,"
Tuesday night at 7:30 in Memorial
Discussion of electrical hazards by
E. H. Tichenor, Kentucky Actuarial
Bureau, and of ventilation by Capt.
H. A. Ellington, Louisville fire department, will make up Wednesday
morning's work, with ladder drills
conducted by Capt. W. A. Gurk.

Keynoted by Gov. Kffn Johnson's
speech on "Why Prepare." the ''Kentucky Fire College" got. under way
yesterday with an enrollment of ap- proximately 250.
Final registration for the meeting,
conducted by the Kentucky Civil
Defense Commission, will probably
total 350. O. H. Parker, in charge.
Offering instruction In war gases,
incendiary and other type bombs,
rescue work, prevention of sabotage,
f.rst aid, and other phases of wartime fire fighting, the college will
Close Thursday afternoon.
"You can't purchase democracy
cnce and have it for all time."
Governor Johnson said In his opening speech. 'Hrot you must purchase
it again and again and again."
Praising the fire department representatives present for their farsightedness, and "practical patriotism" he expressed his hope "that
the turn of events would be such
that there would be no need to use
our army and navy." but If it was
necessary the United States would
be ready to defend itself from the
"forces loose in the world threatening the type of government we love."
Governor Johnson was introduced
by G. H. Parker, assistant director
of the Kentucky Civil Defease Commission. Other speakers on the afternoon's program were Mayor T.
Ward Havely of Lexington:
Henry H. Hill, speaking for President Donovan; Col. C. A. Selleck.
executive officer of the Kentucky
military area; J. J. Greenleaf. director. Kentucky Civil Defense Commission; and Mr. Parker.
The college is being conducted
by the defense commission with the
cooperation of the United States
army, the University, the Kentucky
fire marshal's office, the Kentucky
Actuarial Bureau, and the Lexington fire department.
All sessions are open to the public.
A special feature of some of the
meetings will be colored moving
pictures with sound, from the British Library of Information, showing



fire department and H. L. Bordon.
will complete the afternoon's work.


Tells Convention
Immediate entry into the war
against Germany was advocated by


L. Donovan




Fire College Will Oiler Work
With Gas, Bombs, First Aid




29, 1941


Trustees Appoint Mrs. Holmes
Acting Dean Of Women At UK;
New Department Established
Dean At 3Iurray
Name To Assist
In Women's Work


To Head
the state convention of the American legion last week.
Division On Care,
Urging that the nation's greatest
efforts be put into the national deUse Of Buildings
fense plan he declared, "The sooner
we get into the fray, the sooner it
Elgan B. Farris, associate profes- -'
will be over and the better it will sor of engineering, was named chief
be for the nation. I say we should engineer of the

Mrs Sarah B. Holmes, for the
past 12 years assistant dean of women at UK, was appointed actinj
say to Hitler, now 'strike, you rattle- vision of Maintenance and Operadean by the execu'ive committee of
W; the Board of Trustees Friday.
In the afternoon department rep- snake, strick!' We were never better tions, at the meeting of the Board
of Trustees executive committee FriMiss Jane Haselden. now dean of
resentatives will hear A. J. Lemaire, prepared."
women at Murray State Teacher
Dr. Donovan, in speaking on day.
special agent of the Federal Bureau
College, was named the neir assts-- I
of Investigation discuss prevention '"Americanism in Education" also
Tom Boyd, acting superintendent
of sabotage and methods used by urged that the schools of America of buildings and grounds, will be
tant dean.
saboteurs: F. C. Dugan. director of revive the teaching of patriotism assistant engineer of the new deMrs. Holmes, who fills the vacancy
the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering and discourage the indulgence of partment. He has been filling the
caused by the resignation several
of the State Board of Health, on smearing with mud the characters post left vacant by the death of
weeks ago of Miss Sarah G. Blana-in- g.
prevention of sabotage in water- of our national heroes.
Maury Crutcher.
now head of th home
works; and J. L. Thompson, acting
school at Cornell Univer"The schools of this country, with
The new division Is
assistant manager of the Kentucky the home and the church as their general supervision of under D.
sity, is expected to be namd
Actuarial Bureau, on prevention of allies, must set about to build up a
dean upon completion of work on
Peterson, comptroller.
sabotage in industrial plants. Capt.
her masters' degree.
morale in the youth
Mr. Farris has served as assistant
Cecil Iglehart of the Owensboro fire
seiiim Hy hire
of our land. We do not
The new acting dean has been
department will demonstrate hose propagandize all we have have is chief engineer in charge of the Uni"
with sjieedi on "Why
to do
versity's recent building program in
.Wir ni I in ji tli'iti nf intuitu unit lirnil nf itiivinii l nimiile-inlin- serving as dean of women durinj
drills and the use of small hose.
to tell the truth the truth about addition to his duties as professor
mill njiemtiims, njifininted lrnln h- - llir exri ntire i mn the summer session social has
democracy and its way of life. True, of engineering administration. He
so far supe- has worked with Col. James H. mitlee nf the I'mnrd nf Trustees.
Wednesday night the firemen will undeflled democracy is
in charge of extra curricular social
Are departments at work during air
take part in "blackout" fire man- rior to Fascism, Nazism or Commuactivities.
Graham, dean of the engineering
raids on London.
Tuesday's program will begin with euvers near the stock Judging pa- nism that we do not have to lie college, in planning and construcWORK AT I K
a discussion of forest protection by vilion south of Rose street. The about our form of government," tion of a number of the new buildMrs. Holmes received her A. B.
H. L. Borden, supervisor of the U.S. reason for this class, planners said, Dr. Donovan emphasized.
ings recently erected on the campus.
degree in education at the Univer-- !
some well drilled English
McCon-nel- l. is that
also enumerated the contribuHe
Forestry Service, and K. G.
sity in 1929 and for five years pric
He also has served as acting medirector of the Kentucky Di- fire departments floundered in tions the University was making chanical engineer of the new state
to that time had served as dean of
handling hose during blackouts.
toward national defense with its office building at Frankfort.
vision of Forestry, from 8:30 to 9:20.
girls at Sayre College. She is a
program includes dis- aeronoutical
Following this will be instruction
research laboratories,
member of the National Association
A native of Nicholas county. Mr.
in inspection of buildings by W. M. cussions of "Explosives and Incenits scientific research in foods and Farris, a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
of Deans of Women, the American
Horn, engineer of the Kentucky Ac- diaries used in War" by P. C.
chemistry and its manpower and Farris of Lexington, has lived in
Association of University Women,
In their first session since Presiassociate professor of mining; pledged allout aid toward national this city since boyhood He
tuarial Bureau, and practice in resMortar Board, senior women's hon- attended dent Herman Lee Donovan took
cue work by tools and ropes, by Capt. "Salvage" by Capt. C. A. Ransdell defense.
Henry Clay high school and the office, the executive committee of ville. was granted a special research orary: cwens sophomore women
J. E. Berryman and the Lexington Jr.. Kentucky Actuarial Bureau: and
fellowship in the zoology depart honorary and Kappa Delta Pi naDr. Donovan shared peaking honKentucky, graduating
fire department.
"First Aid. Including Victims of ors with Oovernor Keen Johnson, a Unlversit of in the class of 1928. the Board of Trustees Friday ap- ment. Dr. Figgins has been prepar- tional educational honorary.
in engineering
proved several important oppoint- - ing a manusirint on "Rirri nf Ken- The afternoon program on Tues- War Gases" by Assistant Chief fellow legionnaire and former neighMiss Haselden. former dean of
ments, granted a number of fellow- day will include talks on "Chemistry Edgar Kiefer and Capt. Walter
bor. Both speakers lauded the Levomen at Translyvania College, ws
ships, scholarships, and leaves of
of Fires" by J. R. Mitchell, associate Sweeney, Dayton fire department,
graduated from Transylvania in
absence, and transacted other bus OTHER APPOINTMENTS
professor of chemistry at the Uni- Lexington fire department, and the gion for its work toward national
Other appointments, recommend- - 1926. She received her master's de
defense and preparedness and urged
iness matters.
versity; "Extinguishment of Flame. United States army.
ed by President Donovan and ap-- ree ,rom Columbia and her doc- Including Use of Different ChemiThursday afternoon, a demonstra- continued efforts toward national
W. Gayle Starnes, assistant di
proved by the executive committee ,
f nh.iosoDhv dearee from th
cals." by G. L. Wolff, engineer. Un- tion of incendiary bombs, gas war- unity.
rector of the department of Univer- - t0d
of n, Gerald Unjversuy. Sne also spent one year
Y' lnc,uded tnos
derwriters' Laboratories, Inc.; dem- fare and decontamination will be
President Herman Lee Donovan sity extension and lecturer in visual
Geiillot. instructor in general '"st"d
Sorbonn'' LnlvW
onstrations of hydraulics and relay- given by he United States army,
education. was elected secretary of cnemlstry. Melvi
continued his program of informof Major
ing of water by Capt. V. A. Beam of under the command
ing Kentucky on the financial needs the board and of the executive com- - ,
the state fire marshal's office, and Harold N. Mills. Chemical Warfare
An enthusiastic aviatrix.
part-tim- e
of the University last week, speaking mittee. Starns replaces D. H. Peak, B. Freeman,
the care and operation of pumpers Service, and the Lexington fire derecently given a change of duties on professor in geology; Gerald Back Haselden has her pilot's license and
Lexington Lions Club.
before the
by Capt. W. A. Gurk of the Louisville partment.
FRANKFORT. Ky. Bids were
has done considerable flying. In
Asking members for their aid in learning liic iciiiciiieiib age. xiic
asked by the State Highway De- securing from
thM flHd Rh!
the state General new secretary served as administra- partment last week for construction Assembly
tive assistant to Dr. Thomas P.
aviatrix. Mrs. Greenwood
the additional support "to Copper
Lillian Caldwell, hou.se mother. Coconougher. secretary
of a highway materials research
during his term as acting
in the de-- it
Sheby House; Mrs. Bessie E. Bry- e,
laboratory at the University of Ken- which the University is entitled," president.
of athletics, and Miss
the president stated that he would
son. Chi Omega, house mother; Mrs. Ti irtment
.. r,A
tucky in Lexington. The bids are to
trains ae ask the legislature to erect several MISS HI NT NAMED
Mary Louise Ellington, clerk in the
be opened Aug. 20.
Miss Elizabeth Hunt of Lexington, animal pathology department;
new buildings that are needed now
Highway Engineer Thomas H. or will be needed in the future,
f Mrs. J. Clay Hunt., ,etU! jsvf.ruA cierk in
The appointments were effective
exten- Cutler said the building probably and to provide money to pay larger was named secretary to Dr. Henry sion division. ExperimenttheStation; immediately.
would cost between $30,000 and salaries to many underpaid members H. Hill, new dean of the Univer- Normal Ball and Milton Borcherd- $35,000 and equipment an additional
sity. Their offices have been lo- - ing graduate assistants in markets
of the faculty.
"There are, at the University, a cated in connecting rooms in the and rural finance; Martin Shearer,
Construction is expected to start number of dynamic, cultured young northeast end of the first floor of graduate assistant in farm eco
Dance Is Planned
Anita Ware, Soprano.
in September and Cutler expressed men. who have their Ph. D. degrees, the administration building.
To Be Symphony Soloist
For Saturday Night
nomics; Virginia Pineur. secretary
hope the building would be com- working for only $1,800 a year. Some
Miss Elizatbeth Dennis of Frank- - m tne depatment of elementary
been pleted before winter.
Ware, Lexington solo- Another dance-bridg- e
Miss Anita
of them are married and have fort, who has served as secretary -- duration: Helen Belser. supervising
ist, will be presented as guest solo- - planned for Saturday night. August
The purpose of the laboratory, children to support on this pay." he' to Frank D. Peterson in his state teacher. University school; Joe Mas- first convocation, a ist with the University of Kentucky 2. in the Union ballroom. Tables will
The term's
revenue office will continue as his sie reading assistant College of
summer symphony concert, a tea Summer School Symphony Orches- - (be set up on the mezannine for he said, is to determine "ways and sa'd.
means of utilizing local materals
Dr. Donovan stated that almost secretary as University comptrol- - commerce.
hour, free moving picture show, and tra at its initial appearance of the bridge and other card games.
imto develop
daily young instructors who are ler. it was announced following ap- NAMED
top the week's
jr.other bridge-danc- e
at 7:30 o'clock Thursday mission of 25 cents per couple will in road work" and
The second term summer school
ocEiGtant trrt Hn
needed at the University resign to Droval of the executive committee.
social plans.
night in Memorial hall. Dr. Alex- - be charged. Miss Rebecca Van proved surfaces.
f 'ball league will get under war
Voy Steinfort. athletic pub- The committee voted to change
enter the armed forces or to accept
Meter, Union social director, said
anrier Capurso, executive head of
more highly paid positions in busi- ine name or tne puonciiy oureau hcity m8ri: Charles A. Ross, laoo- the University music department.
Coffer Miller Players
to the department of public rela-- 1 ratory assistant in the department tween the Frat Boys and the
ness or at other schools.
will direct the orchestra, which is Summer Session
ical Education clubs and Mens
At Convocation
He explained that the University's tions. Its director and assistant di-- I 0( hygiene and public health;
made up of men and women
Herman T. Michler. former UniBuilding and GroundMovie T Be Shown
respectively are Elmer G. me shenk. nurse in hygiene and Dorm and p
"The Maid's Stratagem." a three- - dents in the University summer
versity student who has been on annual Income from the state was
ers at 4:30
m, Wednesday.
The weekly free moving picture the Pacific coast for the last 12 now &00.000 less than it was in Sulzer and Miss Helen G. King.
public health department; Helen
act farce of Seventeenth Century school. Miss Ware, a lyric soprano,
Games on tap for the remainflr
secretary in the
despite the facts that the
The executive group appointed a Farmer, part-tim- e
France, will be given by the Coffer has chosen for her two numbers Friday night at 8:30 will be the films years, has been placed in charge of 1931-3of the season are as follows:
Miller Players of Chicago at the Robvn's "A Heart That's Free," taken at the summer session last all telephone and communications enrollment at present is much larger committee composed of President department of ait: Marold Hill.
convocation Wednesday.
and Delibes' "Les Filles Le Cadix." vear. Showing various scenes on the service for the Civil Aviation Au- and the services of the institution Donovan. Dean Cooper, Mr. Peter- - cu.stodian in the department of vs.August Boys; Men's Education club
Dorm vs. the
campus and activities of students. thority, regulatng the traffic of all greater. Indiana and Ohio each pro- son and Dean James H. Graham physical education;
Lee Powers,
will be dismissed at a Flench song made popular by
All classes
Buildings and Grounds team.
airvide five times as much for their to look into the matter of construct- - custodian
mill begin Jeannette MacDonald in the mo- - the Picture will be shown by popular commercial
and government
the department
8:50. and the convocation
request. Two short subjects "Pink planes in the Los Angeles area, his stat universities as does Kentucky, ing a building on the campus ior ohvsical education;
August 5 Physical Education vs.
at 9 a m. Immediately following the tion picture. "Mavtime." Her ac- - Lemonade"
and "Music from the family here has been advised.
tennis Buildings and Grounds;
use nf AAA offices
he added.
will go to their companist will be Mrs. Mauc.e Miles
program, students
Stars" will also be presented.
of Lexington.
courts. George Boyd, instructor in Dorm vs the Frat Boys.
This arrangement has been made
graduate as-Boys vs. the Phys- August Frat
Under the direction of Miss Ariele
As proposed by State Agricultural English: Mildred Ellis,
so that a full hour will not be taken
part lcal Education club: Buildings and
Adjustment Administration officials, sistant in English: Anne Lang,
Gensemer. the audience will sing j
third hour classes.
part of the funds for the proposed "me secretary in department of Grounds vs. the Men's Dorm,
from any one class. Dr. Jesse E. four popular
and Grounds
building would be advanced by the English: Bruce
Adams, summer school director, an-- . Doodle;" "Tramp. Tramp, Tramp;"
ys physlcaI EducatlPn cwb;
"The Long. Long Trail." and "Taps."
Works Progress Administration and " department
L.nuel Noffs.nger. grad
Boys vs. the Men's Dorm,
COVINGTON. Ky. James Irwin
"The Maid's Stratagem" is the) The symphony numbers will in- Ever since General Ben Lear called the remainder by a bond issue
Tichenor. 36, for the past 11 years
story of a, tempermental actor of the elude the following:
bac- the American guaranteedbyby the University, but
attention to the military implications of the
ai assistant coach at Catlettsburg press
Men's Dorm. Buildings and
rent to be paid by the
Challmor. grad- Seventeenth Century and a stage-- . Overture Rosamunde
has been regularly treated to new developments on the
AAAFranz Schubert hi8n school, has been named to front. Latest are these;
uatealsiitantin "bacteriology; Elmer Ground, vs. the Frat Boys.
itruck maid Jess Coffer and Martha
succeed Lyman Penn. resigned as
The trustees also approved the R Jones junjor technician in bar- August 19 and 20 Final play-oMiller, actors of stage and radio, On The Bayou tfrom the Cotton
will take the parts of Moliere.;
Clarence C. White head basketball and track coach at
Anvone who wishes to plav on a
Fields l
contest appointment of Dr. Cecil C. Branson tPriologv: L. c Harrison, instructor
Sly old General Innes Palmer Swift was Judging a beauty
Erlanger Lloyd high school.
as association professor of geology.
French playwright and actor, and Selection from Hansel and Gretel
technology; Martha A. ttam is requested to be present cn
at El Paso, Texas. When a particularly neat entry walked across the He received his A. B. and M. A. m
A graduate of Georgetown ColMadeleine, the maid.
T.vlr,r mlrs
nveiene and public either Stoll Field or the intramural
"Yoo-hooHumperdinck's Opera)
stage, the general, looked to the left and the right and smiled.
University of Miss- lege, at present
degrees from the
The plot of the play is based
h.alth: Frances Heckathorne. grad field at 4 p.m., Wednesday.
....Orch. by Charles A. Robert uate work at the he is taking grad- - he called.
ouri in 1926 and 1927. respectively uate assistant in Englisn; isoian
somewhat on fact, according to its
University of KenElmer Nieman and Charles Smith
tllkrv' ci i rrt m ttv sAccinn Wa Kqo o
and his doctor's degree from the Fowler, graduate assistant in his- are in charge of the teams.
authors. It is based on a hint found Variations on the Theme Pop!
Lieut. Col. A. E. Hawkins, plaving golf on a Portland. Ore., course, University of Chicago in 1929 Over
GoestheWea.se!! Lucien Gallliet
Chatfield-Taylorbiog- -j
in H. C.
The a period of 12 years. Dr. Branson tory: Carl
Southern Melodies
raphy of Moliere.
0f Michigan
coaching missed a putt when interrupted hy a chorus of feminine
tor in history: Leo Ashby.
colonel was dressed in shorts.
Al Hayes school.
has had teaching experience at instructor in history: Mrs. Lizzette KAMPUS
The playwright's early theatrical
secretary in
Tichenor will assume his duties
career was mostly "'barnstorming 6outhern Roses Waltz
State College of Washington. Brown Buchanan,
'Even bulls are not immune to the effects of the seductive word, University. Northwestern
Univerhistory; Gail Kirn. art. library asJohann Strauss in September, serving also as as- tours that he met Madeleine, acGeorge Minnearch of Springfield. Ohio. sity and the University of Missouri sistant: Frances Weiland. art. library
sistant football coach to Henry according to Tom Connors and
cording to the biography. WednesThe two were fishing in the Sangamon river when they spied a TmiII and has done extensive field work assistant: Beatrice Moretti. part-tim- e
day's play is an elaboration of the
student assistant in art; CapThe new mentor had coached at regarding them from the bank.
ywca secretary-misMiss Mary Shouse
"Yoo-hoorailed Minnearch.
Bramwell. w. Va.. for two years
this: To Rpaif Short Slories
tain Chaunc'ev B. Johnstone, reAnne Faw Morrow of
The bull plunged Into the river and made toward the fishermen's
and at Lockport. N. Y.. for one
placing First Lieut. James C. Smee.
Moliere 's troupe is on a tour through
N. C. was named secMary Shouse, Lexington
I. . ..
boat. Thry bent to the oars and outdistanced the Ferdinand.
"the sticks" when it runs out of Missstory writer, will read several arAav k.fn. a I - i .......
retary of the University Y. W. C. who has applied for foreicn service.
money and has to return to Paris short
A to succeed Miss Doris Seward
Military leaves of ahsence were
stranded and hungry. Here a weal- of her oiginal stories July the at 4 p.
Only thing left on the current business side of the ledger is for recently
resigned. Miss Seward
9 am.
Convocation. Memorial
Sidney DeLong. assistant
thy duke, hearing of their plight, tea hour Wednesday,
to dash off a popular ditty built around the
has accepted a fellowship at Syr ,granted aent- Barren county: Ben Hall. Coffer Miller Players
invites Moliere and his actors to m. in the music room.
Alley have probably doupled in the past
University to study in the 0,,nt'
Sales of music paper in Tin Pan
4 p.m.
Selections planned include "Mr.
Tea hour In Union build- perform at his chateau.
two weeks as sallow songwriters struggle to cash in on the free publicity Held of personnel, looking toward F. Van Sant. instructor in general
Miss Dorothy Pemberton
Joseph J Huddleston. ing. Miss Marv Shouse to read orig- chemistry:
At this point a
maid Bartel." from "Three Old Maids," a
work as dean of women or director
- of Jessamine
county will leave
begins a series of clever ruses by collection of short stories: and "FuWHILE RAKING THF. FRONT YARD: It's too bad all the grass; of women's residence halls. Miss instructor in.1. physical education, - inal short stories,
Sharp, assistant diand Ronrial
which she hopes to win her way neral Baked Meats." from "Three Aug. 1 for Wilmington. Del., to
doesn't gTow as well as the bnnrhes in the cracks in the sidewalk.
Morrow was graduated from Greensand a Widow." The stories all cept a position as case worker with
rector of the Student Union Build- Last date upon which a student
into the great Moliere's company.
boro College at Greensboro. N. C . inc
may register for credit for the sec- The various plots she uses to gain have a basis in experience in life, the Travelers' Aid Society. She
That sign in a downtown store:
and the Yale Divinity School. She
ceived her bachelor of arts degree
Shouse said.
Goneral leaves of absence were ond term's work
access to Moliere's presence and a
years from 1937 to 1939 granted Virginia Michaelis. librar- - 7:30 pm Summer svmphonv con- served two
place in the company create many
Following the readings. Mrs P. K. in social work at the University of
as traveling .secretary of the Stu- - lan; A. N. May. College of Eriiica- - rert. Memorial Hall,
laughable situations.
Holmes and Mrs. Henry H. Hill will! Kentucky in June. 1940. and has
how they look to us, too.
dent Volunteer Movement of the tjon 8nn Jonn H Bondurant. as- Acts of the play are as follows:
pour tea for the informal social served for the last year as assistant
National Young Women's Christian si.siant in farm management.
7 p.m.
CAA 'lsses meeting to
Act 1 Moliere's lodgings. After- hour Student hostesses will be Mar- - to Dr. Vivien M. Palmer, head of
For the propaganda diet with the highest baloney content we nomwere an enjed ttnrker
Twelve resiua'ton
Buret B'.ackernv. Marion Brnrk. Har- - the University social work depart-rie- t
inate. Hie current "V for victory" releases from Itnlain.
8 30 pm
J. D. Klggins. who has been in as follows: Harry B. Gibson, assis- Free movinz picture.
Hord. Susan Randall. Elizabeth ment She is the daughter of Mr.
Al 2 Madeleines house. Ixlel
Lexington for the last two years tant county agent. LaRue county; Great Hall of Union bmlding
the same afternoon.
Jones. Pat. Hanauer. Mary William-- : and Mrs. Sherman Dean of Jessa-soTitle of moving picture shown at first night's session of the "Ken- preparing material for the propos - John C Clore. graduate assistant.
Act 3 An anteroom
near the
Bennett. Margaret mine county. Her mother was
5aU- pm. Dnce-briclg- e
stage in the duke's cftteau The
Kathleen St Clair, and He!- - merly Miss Margaret Griffing of tucky Fire College": 'Rockwood WaterfoJ, Master of Fire." Sounds like ed Amanda Bernheim museum of College of Agriculture and Home
'.Continued on P?.ge T'C
a new Superman series.
rccm cf Union t'ilding.
en Wilsen.
prehistoric peoples near Shepherds- next night.












Trustees Announce
New Appointments







Bids On Road Lab
Are Called For






Play, Concert, Bridge-DancMovie, Tea Top Social Plans






Wednesday Classes
Will Be Dismissed



Four Men's Teams
Are Organized

At 8:50 For Farce


Holds CAA Post






Tichenor Is Called
As Erlanffer Coach




and otherwise


Jjf5"" SanTin















What Goes
On Here- -







Dean CetS Post










� he

Sumner Welles' League Of Nations
'f ill Help Solve Problems Of War



1 .iM
Iikm1;. ul TL. Attitij' Viiclaiv if
S.ite Nuuinti Welles tame out with tlie nearest
mi Utn to a roniiiiii i nielli of

tin' government ol these I'nit
Mi. Welles looks forward in anoiliei
o nations, littler lli.ni lh last, vi lit
ttallisli a limit lasting Kate. A )i
'..lin mfiii of iliis kind is. I think, a mix cn-c- ,
.i ayiiit! ilnng to most o( us. who want 10 liae
notion than anyont lias been willing to
i. : '."c ii
v, Idi l just what vc ait pitnai ing lo
loi. 1 li.it ut are pi tparing to light is sun
t dl t hoiigli lj now.
l iit Kaauc wliiilt Mr. W'tllts 1ioh-to estal-1- ,
is 10 iiu link- - ill ret jmints. First it is to
t .ti iiiaiiitnts. strond. assure an etiiiialilt
- liiAilii.ii
ol i lit woilds goods, and thiid sit
sr. intti national apparatus for lontrol ol
All these are exitlleni
.' i
K.ikiitioiis foi am kind of peait. lint
i itiev will in iheiiisthts
tiling alxiut suth a
I cannot



i.i Nate




opulai opinion setms lo lx that wais
l.v ai nianients. The
aie not. ol
and iht tan no more
stopped l
ol armaments than eating could be b a

k't tjiisid
i l ist;


t iailiiii til ol the stipplx of silxtrxvaie.
ttf.tr- lie detjxT, and ihe tine must lx-.



7 he


Used Newspapers For Texts


I lieliexe,
rtC'ple Icai. hate oi enxx the people ol another
r iion. Causes tor tlie feeling in partieulai inntv max I (Hiliinal. social or ctoiioiiiii, TJnt
icjini( mi hi for .international wai is
'ni.lv thai ilicie le xople of different nations.
Ar.d right there, it steins lo me, is ilie jhiiiii at
v.h:.h the piobleni of war ought to te tackled.




r uch so that it has been difficult
iicii: day to day to locate on the
r F.p the battle lronts or the real,
course ot the battle. Sunday Moscow
pelted " tliat the "blitzkrieg is a

vs:hout Even if that is not liter-r:;- v
tiue certain it is now that, for
t: icsi tlie past two weeks, the
Otrruan drives lo the eastward have
n.aae very little real progress against
:.e poMt ions of the





pre-w- ar

Wurtlier this has been due to a

1)k. CtiARits
and naval and air bases in Indo- Clfina. This move Britain and the
United States called a hostile move
directed against their interests in
far east. On Friday, President
Roosevelt issued an executive order
freezing all Japanese credits with- in the United States and her
possessions The British and Do- governments followed suit,
as did also that of the Dutch East
Indies. The effect to date has b?en
one of practically establisning a
complete economic blockade of Ja- pan.
Earlier in the week, in expectation
Jap- 0tne m0Ve into
anese fhips everywhere had been
hastily leaving foreign ports tor
home waters. Frequently they did
not wait to load cargoes. Ships
bound for the United States have
turned back, fearing detention upon
their arrival in our ports.
Saturday. July 26. President




waiiv suecfsslul guerrilla defense by
t .e Russians
against the blitzkrieg
tfttics. us it has been claimed, or
wiiMner it has been due to tne
for the Germans to delay
xxr.iie reforming their attack and
contiructing the necessary supply cc.,,..!! k V,,,
P....tiv, nrri
W'.s-- - i
:;i,es cannot as yet be fully
called into the service of the United
States the PhilioDine armv of 150.- :.t,s m BOMBED
000 men which has been training
Moscow has suffered its first under the direction of Gen. Douglas
retired), tormer chief
tcnibing attacks this week. The
ol the damage suffered cannot of staff of the United States Army
U determined from the conflicting
ltpoits. The Russian air force still
tppais to be intact and, in spite
c: Get mail claims to the contrary,
fighting unit.
i mains an effective
Trait ui the btginning of the sixth
"Few snakes can run tHstr than
v.tflc oi the war. the Russian arm-ar- e
intact and giving a good ac- a man can walk." says a naturalist.
ex'erywhere We never would have our id that
count of themselves
t.r.r.g tlie 1800 mile front, in spite
c: heavy losses in prisoners and out at first hand, because we never
tt,iiipiiiiiit in the first two weeks of walk when we see a snake. We run.
Ar.d the reason why we run is befining
Jnrreasmg tense