xt7g7940st2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940st2t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1940  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 16, April, 1940 to May, 1940 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 16, April, 1940 to May, 1940 1940 1940 2012 true xt7g7940st2t section xt7g7940st2t Vol. 1 April and May, 1940 No. 16
3 W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturlst, Editor
[1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY Plans are being made by the Agri-
Y ENACTS STRAWBERRY cultural Experiment Station and the
k MARKING AND LABEL U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service
ING LAW. to provide shipping-point inspection
l` of strawberries where the service is
ll Th° General Assembly at the last requested by shippers. This service
Y session enacted a strawberry marking wm be valuable for growers and ship,
K and labeling law which commands the pers who wish to market etmwbeniee
*1- attention of all strawberry growers on the basis Ot U_ S_ G,.edee_
L; and shippers in Kengucky Growers who plan to sell their straw- _
The law provides that every pack- ~
_;_ _ V berries on federal grades and who do
{(1 age containing strawberries grown in not have mem inspected by the f€d_
_(,_ gigiuggyggggzz i;'§h°$;;6;a;)12S;;i eral-state inspection service should be
[W address of the packer or the person certain that their fruit meets the spec-
M b ho aumcrit the St a b i S iiications of the federal grades; other- ‘
M Y W Se Y Y Y" an 8 wise, they will be vioiatmg me mark-
se were packed I lng and labeling act. To familiarize
Sh Every package must asc bear Fha growers and packers with the U. S.
brand, mark, or grade of the berries
lm and such marks must be in letters fideral gr;d?S' StaY(;agd;'land terms ‘
T" and figures of one-half inch size or t ESE are eng mm B BOW'
..,,. l"g""· umreo s·rA·res GRADES AND V
  A person may sell his berries on STANDARDS
HY U. S. grades, on private grades, or
ungraded. When the strawberries are "U. S. No. 1" shall consist of straw-
ud not sold on U. S. grades, the package berries of one variety, with the cap `
OI?] must be marked "unclassiiied". (calyx) attached, which are firm, not [
Fm Growers are exempt from the provi- overripe, underripe, or undeveloped, E
mg sions of the law when selling straw- and are free from mold or decay and T
Ylfi berries direct to consumers or when from damage caused by dirt, moisture, ;
:2111 selling direct to a manufacturer for foreign matter, disease, insects, or  
`Om preserving, cold pack, or quick freeze. mechanical or other means. Unless » »
mw The director of the Kentucky Agri- otherwise specified, the minimum size .
mw cultural Experiment Station at Lex- shall be not less than three—quarters of ‘
mu ington is designated as administrator an inch in diameter. .. Y
Om of the law. The law became edective In order to allow for variations,    
Dm__ when signed by Governor Johnson and other than size, incident to proper  
Sup it applies to the 1940 strawberry crop. grading and handling, not more than i ¤ ,
New No appropriation was provided by the 10 percent by volume, of the berries A
mw General Assembly to administer the in any lot may be below the require- ;
hp act. Unless some funds are made ments of this grade, but not to exceed {
available for the purpose the Experi- one-half of this tolerance, or 5 per-   ‘
ment Station will be unable to carry cent shall be allowed for defects   A
out the provisions of the law. causing serious damage, and not more  

   i than one—flfth of this amount, or one pink or red color shall be considered Og 1
percent, shall be allowed for decay. seriously damaged. Del;
Not more than 5 P‘—`i`C°iii» by veiumci "Diamctcr" means the greatest alto
ef tim berries in 0iiY i0i· may be ii0i0“' dimension at right angles to a Nor
i the Specified minimum Size- straight line running from the stem Cllli
"U. S. No. 2" shall consist of straw- to the apex. bull
.. berries which are free from decay and carl
I ·   SEIQZEF. diiiizifii..;22ii°‘;..‘“;.,:ii?. Sm FAGMRS IN THE PRO- LEE?
·. mais. Unless otne l·\t»   S,.€aa..i DUCTION 0F Bi·AKEM0RE  
_ the minimum size shall be not less STRAWBERRIES Car
` than five-eights of an inch in diam- i\i¤iii3' Sii'¢i“'ii0i`i'Y Bi”0W0i`$ iii “'0$i‘ iiiiii
l. etelg ern Kentucky have found the grow- Bla
lll 0l—dgl· fg allow fel- `·;ll·lllllepS ing of the lllakeinore variety very wit
etbel- tllell Size illgidgllt to pl·ppel· profitable on certain years. Some of var
1 grading gllld hgilldiing llgt lllgl-Q than i[S Cill(‘i` Sililllg lltlillibl Z\l'C HS Util'- I
gr tgtgll ef 10 pepeelll, by volume, ef liness, its unexcclled carrying quality. mu
. the berries in any le; slmll be gllggygd its drouth resistance and ability to ms
I fOi° defects CZ1u$iHg SGl`iOilS(i1llll[lg9[)\_l[ Uiiike il Siliiili of I`llIIll(`·l' fllilliis \\'ilt‘ll {Ol.,
not to exceed lbl·ee.lepllls Ol tllls other varieties often fail, and the abil- lu l
` · amount, or 3 percent, shall be allowed iiy to iii¤i<0 seed 5'i0i‘i$· S0“i0 of orc
` l fel- beyl-les affected by (leelly_ Not its weak points are; its susceptibility pm
more than 5 pel-Cem, by yelume, eg llle to the yellows disease, its habit of lll
berries in any let may bg bglggv the producing smaller berries toward pla
specified minimum elZe_ the end of the season, and its habit pal
··Upelasslfled·· shall consist Of of blooming early, which causes it {ell
slmwbel-ries jyhich are Ilotg-l·=1d€dil1 to suffer from late frosts in certain ;lel
. conformity with either of the fore- Y0·Tii`$· iis iifiviiiiiiiges 0pi‘*ii°iiii5' Fic
going gl-ages outweigh its drawbacks for in the lllc
I ten years since it was introduced it elle
i I DEFINITION OF TERMS has become the most widely grown el-3
_ "OVerripe" means dead ripe, becgm- variety in the Ynited States. lt is lllll
i . ing soft, a condition unfit for shipment replacing the Premier in Maryland. lat
, . `» and necessitating immediate consump- has replaced the Missionary and Klon- rot
‘ , tion. dyke in North Carolina, and has re- acl
. I "Underripe" means so immature placed the Klondyke in Tennessee. thi
that less than two-thirds of the surface It is the leading variety in southern fro
- of the berry is of a pink or red color. Illinois and is gaining popularity in on
"Undeveloped" means not having western Kentucky. thi
.   attained a normal shape and develop- when ally ggctigll Starts growing nil
, ment 0`Wiiig to ii`0$i iiij¤i‘Y» iiick of larger acreages of a newer variety Tii
;  ‘ Poiiiuatioui iiiS€0i iiiiiii`€d» 0i` 0iii€i` it often takes a number of years of Sii
I , V, causes- “Biiti0ii b0i`i`i05" ¤i`€ €ii€ study to find out the most proftable thi
» Q I As', 1110St COIIIIHOD WPG of T.}1iS C0l1diti011. cultural practices to be used on the of
I uD3.I113gBI’ Hl€Zt.llS {lily illjlll‘y fl‘OIll 1[Q\\'C]‘ vglyjgiyl Tilig ig Q(¤l`i,{`l,illi}` th
Q the causes mentioned which materi- true with the Blakemore. This varietr M
Q, ally affects the appearance, edibility.   developed in 1923 by crossing Ii"
, ·_ , 0i` Shipping €1iii1iii£Y· the Premier with the Missionary Ti
` , _ "Serious damage" means that the variety. The variety was released “"
· » I, strawberries are soft, badly deformed, for trial in 1930. There were a num- Iii
L     badly bruised, leaky, o1· otherwise ber of problems to be worked out Sp
` ., seriously injured. Strawberries which with this variety. These were studied
_ are caked with dirt or which show no by Dr. G. l\I. Darrow, who is in charge Bi
r ._ 2

ed of the strawberry work of the U. S. obtained in other sections and it in- 4
Department of Agriculture, in cooper- dicates the reponse this variety
Bot ation with Mr. Charles Dearlng ofthe makes when the plants are not al-
o North Carolina Department of Agri- lowed to become overcrowded. This
em culture. As a result of this work a would seem to offer big possibilities
bulleti11 was published in 1934 which for the Bleakemore grower who wants
carries the title of "The Culture and to get the largest possible yield from
0 Handling of the Blakemore Straw- a small planting.
I ` berry" by the North Carolina Depa1·t- More recently, thinning work is
' ment of Agriculture, Raleigh, North being done by the use of spike tooth
Carolina. This bulletin points out harrows and hay rakes and it is
ast- many interesting facts about the thought that a workable system can
>w- Blakemore variety, and can be studied be worked out in the near future.
ery with profit by those growing this The yellows problem is being
or variety. solved by the use of yellows·free
ear- It was pointed out that tho ohio; plants and many growers are find-
ity, mason tho Blakemore pyoduood so ing it profitable to divide their acre-
to many sumu Dunes was because it age between the AromaandtheBlake—
i\‘?ll formed so many plants which resulted more-
UK in an over ciouded condition. These OBSERVATIONS ON THE
over Cl0\\d€d plants weie weak and
lily produced poor yields of small berries CATSKILL STRAWBERRY
of This was the general condition where Catskill, a new berry, which has ·
ard plants were allowed to develop in the been giving unusually high yields in
lbit usual matted row system. It was also first year tests at the Kentucky Ex-
; it found that when the number of run- periment Station, Lexington, has
tain ner plants was restricted that the caused considerable interest among
ntly yield and size of the berries were growers.
the increased tremendously. In one test A planting of several acres of this
d it the matted row berries produced 97 variety was made last spring in the
own crates per acre while the rows that Paducah section. The plants made
t is had been thinned and on which the a fine start in the early season but
and. late runners had been prevented from when the late summer drouth set in, A
Lion- rooting produced 208 crates per practically all of the plants, old and _
re· acre. The size of the berries from the young, died, This variety came '
asee. thinned row was larger than those through the drouth iii that section
uern from the matted row; as there were in ntuqh worse shape than the Aroma
y in only 116 berries per quart on the gy Blgkguigrg g
thinned area while in the matted row This iiioideot points out the impor- l
wing ¢¤'€¤ it wok 180 to fm il (luaii €¤D· tance of extensive trials before large
piety The thick matted rows produced both ooyoogo of new yo]-ioties are set in a
S of smaller yields and smaller berries distyiog V
Lame than the spaced rows, and on a basis It is i·epoi·toti, however, that this
uio of mi11`k€i g1`11d€S it WHS figl11`€d Ulm variety is doing well in the Coving- I _·
doit- the spaced rows produced fruitvalued top aud Louisville areas. It might {
l·iOtg' at $332.00 per acre more than the work out that this variety is bett€I‘ ` ·
ggiiig fruit DI`OdUC€(l by U18 l1Iltlll11l1C(l TOWS. guitgd (0 ugrlliern Kentucky C011- ,
mary This diff€l'€¤€9 in wml ¥1€1`€ l11C0H1€·> ditions than to southern and western  
iased would m€mY times DHY f01‘ U16 GXUH Kentucky conditions. Small trials  
num- labor which was needed to thin and of this variety over the state are .g
out SDRCG U18 Dl11HlS U11`0“gh W9 S€11S011· being watched with interest. ] N
udied This increase in yield from thinning It is also pointed out again that   ·
large Blakemore plants has also been varieties weli adapted to central = ·

 if - Kentucky are often poorly adapted way from severe renovation to no vu;
to western Kentucky and vice versa. renewing at all. soil
Such a case is that of the Aroma In a normal season where there is to
which is the leading variety in west- a fairly heavy stand of first year bee
i ern Kentucky, yet the variety is so plants a tho1·o renewing carried out goc
poorly adapted in central Kentucky soon after harvest usually pays good if l
` .. in the vicinity of Lexington that it is dividends. lf a patch is to be re- are
, _ a failure there. newed early enough for n good row of fac
f At Bedford, ih Trimble soiiiiiyi runner plants to become established. usr
V Mr. Terrell Bray reports that in 1939 it is just **5 ilnpormm to wvrk HW I
the Catskill was too soft to be a sat- shi Patch as Soon as Posslblc €*ll°" lay
` isfaoiory hsrry with him_ harvest as it is to set the young Sol
». Reworkiog Observation: it hes patch as early as possible in the lm-
_ been reported hy several growers spring. Years of experience and bm
I ood fruit workers iu Kentucky ood study have shown that the earlier my
’ V adjoining states that the heavy yields f<>¤¤<=d runner plants me d°°I?°r dif
produced by Coiskiii the first oioio rooted and are the most productive pl-;
, log seesoo eeoooi be expected ihe plants the following spring. The Ali
· seoood year- it hes been reported field that is reworked immediately wh
their the variety does not resoood after harvest naturally has a better del
i' well to reworking and that the failure Opportunity to form gamer mlmm lm
i or this variety to make d serisreorory plants than one that is not reworked dui
yield the second season is keeping it until July or Augush Y
from spreading in popularity in some MZUIY KYOWGFS follow U16 D1‘¤·¤liC€ of
sections. Dr. A. s. ceniy er Illinois ¤f "sivi¤s their patches to their pick- pa
also i.shoi·isd thai this variety suf- ers" after the commercial picking sin
fered badly from the red stele root season is over, and leave their patch off
i » disease in sections of Illinois affected h¤li0¤€h€d f01‘ two or three weeks me
by this disease- after harvest in order to allow their grt
" ° _ Growers should hoop the ahovo own families and those of the pick- ha
i   report iii mihd when horresiiug ihoii. ers to get what berries they need for tht
, . first aud sooohd roar orohs or Cao canning and preserving. This is a fine its
` 1 skills iii order io soo ii this soooiid personal service but is very expensive lig
= yoor light oroo is geuorolly iho oaso from the ber1·y growers' standpoint; les
gi aud ihoy should uioho other ohsor_ because the longer the patch is left ha
» ~ vaiioiis oh iho variety os io size or after harvest without reworking, j
fruit, smoothness, firmness, ood oudl_ the smaller the yields are the follow- be
. ity io oorrioarisori with other sioud_ ing season. lt would seem much tn;
    are Vai-miss in are Same Section. more €·¢<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤ t0 leave ¤ smh ru
V i portion of the field for this late pick- er;
l a  R¤NsggggYTis·g=EggRAW— mi“‘;i..1ii;i?Zi£”i.;i‘;‘;‘E;.‘i;‘·  titi. ii
Z _ ·_ ished at noon, one o‘clock of the wz
·   ,i,. Like most other practices in regard same day is not too soon to start th
r   to strawberry growing the problem of some of the regular farm crew along an
I   renewing the one-year old patches is with some of the pickers that are wa
`   carried out in a good many different still on hand, in on the operation na
  ii  _ Ways by different growers. This re- of renewing the plantings. There lis
1 $ _ newing problem is as old as straw- is generally moisture enough on hand th
    ~ I, berry growing but an inspection trip for the soil to work well at that time co
P   __ through any Kentucky section after and the rows can be narrowed, an to
i n   harvest will show that there are application of fertilizer made and the o1
i . many methods in use ranging all the middles thoroughly worked and culti· th
» - 4
grill ·

lo vated with various tools to work the fruit buds nor produce as good quality '
soil back against the shoulders and fruit as healthy young plants do.
is to dislodge the old plants that have In connection with drouths, the
lr been plowed out. This provides a old unworked fields have more plants
ut good rooting area for new plants and to support than the reworked fields
ld lf only strong. healthy young plants and while many of these old fields
‘e- are left at renewing time, a satis- came through the summer and fall
of factory stand of runner plants can of 1939 apparently in better shape
~d. usually be expected. than young plantings, it remains to
lc If the renewing practices are de- be seen the type of yields that will
cr layed until early July, or later, the be produced in 1940.
lg soil is often dry and hard and with a As a method of getting at this
he larger growth of weeds and Straw- problem in a commercial way, it is
ad berry plants that will have to be suggested that a number of growers
er turned under, it is generally more renew at least a part of their fields
t>1' difficult to work up the clods and as soon as possible after harvest this
ve prepare a rooting bed for new plants. year and compare this portion with
ht! Also many of the young runners another part that was reworked three
HY which have put out after harvest are weeks to a month later and compare n
cr destroyed by this late working and these in turn with a third portion
ter the patch cannot develop a good pro- that was not reworked at all.
ed duction condition.
Many growers follow the custom WA.NTED—RECORDS FROM I
ice of not reworking their one-year old "5()() STRAWBERRY GROw_
ck- patches after the first harvest and ERSH
ng simply let them go and mow them
,ch off one or two times during the sum- W' W' MAGILL
eks mer to keep down excess weed In the August-September 1939 issue ‘
eir growth. This is a cheap way to of Kentucky Fruit Notes a call was
ck- handle the two-year patch and while made for 500 strawberry growers to
for the cost of this patch is very light cooperate in making fertilizer tests
ine its production is also usually very in their berry fields. To be sure
ive light and the return per acre is far 500 recruits were not obtained; or 2
nt; less than if more vigorous methods at least have not reported as yet `
eft had been used. However, a sizeable number in six ,]
ng, Dr. A. S. Colby, of Illinois, speaking counties have reported that they have {
ow- before the Kentucky State Horticul- staked off such plots and several `
ich tural Society at Lexington in Feb- gl‘0W€l‘S have been assisted ill U1iS  
mil mary, 1940, stated tnet lnlnols grow- by their county agent and the writer.  
;ck- ers did not expect and did not get It is safe to say that a great many i e
satisfactory yields on their two-year 1110re gl`0W€l'$ halfe Siilkéd Out tfial
fin- fields where some type of renewing Dl0iS, applied f€1‘llllZ€l`, alld M9 ‘
the was not followed. He pointed out watching tllcln closely. t
;art that unless the old rows were renewed In order for the project to be of g .
omg and the plants thinned out that there greatest value to the grower, and J '
are was very little space available for to the berry industry in Kentucky ’ .
;ion new runne1· plants to become estab- careful harvest records should be _
.ere lished, and as a result very few of kept. A form for such a record is ;
and them were generally developed. This given below. Fill one out for each {
ime condition caused the second year crop set of rows that has been staked off  
an to be borne chiefly on the old two-year and treated. Keep a copy of this {
the old plants and it was pointed out record and take a copy to your county   .
ulti- that these seldom form large healthy agent who will send it directly to me.   .

_. _,...._.é- deg
Harvest Date May? 'I`0i¤l W<
Treatment .1-—-?— Add Columns ——-——-···‘ ’l
' 50—Ya1‘d Row QtS_ Qtg_ for Each Picking Qts. Guns bl.,
_ _ Check   K int
l \ trt
* as ins. l \ 1 "g‘
20% phosphate l l UU
· \ 1 l un
._ _ i .
10 ins. I si
20% phosphate 1
I l An
I l tin
5 lbs. phosphate   T
2 lbs. nitrate or ;
sulphate l an
· I . as
_ 2 lbs. nitrate or I   te]
, ` sulphate ‘ ’ in
C. ~ l  
eck l I th
A in
i l
1 i Such a record can be drawn off on a Mayfield, Clinton, and Hickman still br
V i card board with other columns being have sufficient live buds to produce to
1 A added for each picking date, etc. a crop this year. Unofficial reports of
l , This record will mean more to the indicate a few crops remain in East- gr
~ , farm where it is obtained than any ern Kentucky around Paintsville,
 ‘ other place. However, We plan to Pikeville, and Flemingsburg. tr
._ 6~S$6I11bi€ ih€$€ i`€€0i`d$ ii`0¤1 the Even the most hardy varieties to ln
. various counties and Diibiisii iiié i`¢· winter injury at the Experiment Sta- th
sults in Kentucky Fruit News- tion in-cinnu in Lexington una all rn
, I Diiiii te Visit 85 many ef these blossoms killed. This includes the ln
~ field denienstwiien plots as nessilile Canadian varieties, iinlelntven, sentn Ol
, `· during harvest, and the county agents Haven, Belle of Georgia. Hardee, 0]
V pledge their support in making obser— Polly, July Heath, Carman, etc. The hg
h  . Vations during harvest and assisting official temperatures reported by the U
` ° , the growers in keeping their picking Lexington U. S, Weather Bureau were In
~   H records. as follows-January 6, 4 below zero; lil
, 2 January 18, -3; January 19, ——12; yl
i   · WINTER INJURED PEACH January 23, -3; January 24, -7. {I
1   TREES PRUNING The snow which fell at Christmas
f ,`   SUGGESTIONS together with the additional snow
‘ E I The sub zero temprature of Jan- kept the ground completely covered
 , I uary killed the 1940 peach crop several inches deep until after Feb- H
    _ throughout Kentucky with the excep- ruary 10. At Lexington records from y
‘ _. tion of the Paducah district. Most Maximum-Minimum Tliermometer in 0
_ peach orchards around Paducah, the Station orchard showed the tem· yl
_ 6

peratures ln the orchards were a few of prepared Bordeaux work well and
- degrees colder than the official others do not. The difference seems
Weather Bureau records. to be in the type of filler and the
- The examination of twigs and volume of Bordeaux used. Most grow-
branches on peaches around Lex- ers have had satisfactory results with
lngton, Covington, Louisville, Hender- Corona and Orchard Brand Bordeaux.
- son, Princeton, and Bowling Green The formula more often used is 3
indicates less permanent injury to the pounds of Bordeaux to each quart of
tree than was expected two months linseed oil. The dry Bordeaux powder
ago. Peach growers, however, have is sifted slowly into the oil with con-
been advised to delay their pruning stant and thorough stirring. Not
until new growth starts. This will over a gallon of oil should be used at
be after April 15 to 20 and if the cold one time. It will seem at first that 12
weather continues, somewhat later. pounds of Bordeaux in each gallon of
Anytime during May will be a good oil makes up a mixture entirely too
time to do the pruning. stiff to be applied with an ordinary
Dchorning vs. Cutting Back into 2 paint brush, but after the paint stands
and 3 year old wood. The general for several weeks, it thins out. ’When
age and vigor of the individual or- allowed to stand for several months
chard will largely determine the ex- before using, the consistency of the
tent of pruning desirable. A major- paint is much improved.
ity of the growers I have visited the If the paint is made up too thin, the
past two months do not plan to dehorn oil seems to sink into the wood and .
their trees, but instead will cut back leaves entirely too thin a paint film
into two and three yea: old wood, over the wound. On the other hand,
leaving the general framework of the paint must be made up with a
__ the tree, and thus develop new fruit- higher percentage of oil when used
ing wood along the main scaffold in cold weather. The consistency of
m branches. In all cases, the best place Bordeaux paint must be varied some-
Ue to make a pruning cut is just a couple what to suit the weather during
is of inches above the area where a new which it is being used, and this
5* growth shoot is starting out. of course is also true of other tree
le- Whltewashing trunks of Dehornecl paints, although to a lesser degree.
trees. To prevent sun scald on de- Hoosier Horticulture January. 1938 `
to horned or cut back peach trees paint E
ta- the top surface of the exposed scaf- NEW FRUIT PUBLICATIONS ‘
all fold branches with a home made mix- There are three New Kentucky
he lure prepared as f<>1l¤ws—T¤ 1 sal1<>n Fruit punneenene that have net been g
ih of S“'€€t Skmmled Milk- add 2 previously announced in this bulletin.  
30. ounces of Linseed Oil and sufficient They aye an three ef greet iniper- ·
he hyd¤·¤t<¤<1 lime tv make ¤· medium tance in different phases of fruit
he thick Paint- APPIY with il Cmmmm culture. Circular 347, Planning and
FYC paint or whitewash brush. You will Planting nn ()rcha.rd by Professor A.
`O; be Sm`P*`iS€d how mug it will Ill`0t€€l3 J, Olney. head of the Horticultural j _
.2; your peach tree trunk and branches Depnytnient, gives a clear and concise 1 '
‘T· from Slm Scam- discussion of the important problems T .
las in establishing a new orchard. In- A
OW BORDEA-UX TREE PAINT formation is given on the selection of j
`Qd Many Indiana growers have been orchard sites and soils, the selection  
9b‘ making up Bordeaux paint and have of varieties for the home and com-   .
Om reported very favorably on it, while inercial orchards; directions are given   _‘
in Others have had difficulty in prepar- for spacing, setting, labeling, and for 2 ,
fm" ingit. They report that some brands the early cultural practices, spray- i -

   ing and pruning. This circular is ORCHARD (}LEA_N_'[]’P
a valuable addition to those avail— \'
able from the College of Agriculture Apple growers who have D' cod` —
and win bs Of great bsnsnt to moss ling moth problem are reminded ot
‘ oontonininiing soiiing nn oi.oiini.d_ it the benefits to be had from orchard
` wiii give tho prospective oi·Ciim·d sanitation. Old baskets, crates, and
· I man 3, look at Sumo of tho yogpousibu. boxes in which wormy fruit was l1an·
_ ity he assumes when he decides to died or stored in 1939 should be placed
A "put out an orchard". in a tight room, basement, or screened
1 The other two publications ul`6 packing shed where it will be impos- ri
iSSl1€d j0i¤UY by W6 D€D¥1l'U1l€¤iS of sible for the adult moths to escape pn
` ` H0I`tiCu1tlU`€» Plant P3th0I0gY» {md to the orchards when they emerge. the
» . Entomology. The most recent is the nn.
now uigio Annie Spraying Pi,ogi.sm·· Last fall in a Henderson orchard mn
which givos oonoiso ini-oimoiion oi a bushel basket in which wormy by
[ V the usual dormant Sprays for- both apples had been kept for two nights Uni
' apples and peaches and sets forth was taken apart bit by bit. It was mn
apple spray schedules for both the found that thirty—three codling moths om
· commercial and home orchards, Every and two oriental moth worms had ini
. fruit grower should have one of spun up under the rims and between so
l · these to aid him with his 1940 crop. the slats. on,
Q ` Concise information is given On dis` This condition is not unusual where lll'<
eases and insects to be controlled baskets and crates srs nsnd ovoi. Sp,
alcmg with c°¤tr°1 m°a’Sur€S‘ Thg and over to handle all types of fruit ill'
Other buu*°t‘m’ Number 393—Frujt in the course of harvest operations. \`<‘
Pfgsts and Their COHUOL lists and Old boards, fertilizer sacks, spray il
discusses all of th€Vm¤l0l` KGHUICKY bags, and other objects scattered “'l
I fruit insects and diseases and sets oval, ins oi.onni.d No niso invoriio ho
‘ V forth Control Measures. Spray sched- Discos for worins to woo nn_ pi-
· t ules are given for both tree fruits
. { 4 and small fruits and information is It is under the rough bark scales iii
V i A givon on tho various snmy nistsrinis on the old apple tree, however, that no
_ h and snmy niixtniosi This bniistin most worms over-winter. Scraping “_(
V  . iviii bo of groin voino and can be the trees of this rough bark is one of Im
; i sindiod with niofit by ovary Unit the best ways to destroy these worms. wi
o Q gi.oWoi._ This is so inigo bniioiin of A canvas should be placed about the nc
60 oogos and Siionid bo konii as s i.sf_ base of the tree to catch the bark “__
i oi»onoo_ and worms as they fall. This mate- W
.   Each of these publications can be mal Should then be bum°d‘ wz
I ,`   had by request from the College of Each worm that is killed during
i   Agriculture, Lexington, or from your the winter will te11d to make the ]
i E. County Agent. summer spray problems lighter.
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