xt7g7940sh9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sh9z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1912 yearbooks ukyrbk1912 English The Champlin Press, Columbus, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Kentuckian Volume VII text Kentuckian Volume VII 1912 1912 2012 true xt7g7940sh9z section xt7g7940sh9z  3
v     Kentucky! What a thrill of love thou bringst .Each loyal son and daughter in thy realm! No other name than thine can give us strength To face our foes and leave them in defeat, t/nited by our mutual pride in thee, Come what will to face us in life's path, Kentucky, know that we shall strive to be In all things what thou'st taught us to be right; And as we go from thee into the world Now bless us with thy choicest gift of light.      [JKENTUCK gAi;Tl^(^^^J-^'NE:TEE:N TWELVE
(J   Scijflf  antl   a   fjait&u  [Friend tnc (?faAA   of   1912 ^Dedicated
Greetings from the Staff
OUR YEARS, crowded full with many battlessome of disastrous outcome and others from which the class of nineteen twelve emerged triumphanthave quickly sped since first we joined the ranks of Kentucky ======^=- State University. And now it is with no unpleasant memories to mar the few remaining days of our college life that we offer to the faculty and students this book the fruits of many weeks of earnest and faithful effortas an enduring token of our love, loyalty and esteem.
Editorial Staff
R. W. TlNSLEY............................Editor-in-Chief
M. M. Harrison..............................Art Editor
Miss Addie Lee Dean......... ..........Associate Editor
Miss Virginia McClure. i.................Associate Editor
D. W. Hart..............................Associate Editor
J. I. MlLLER.............................Associate Editor
W. H. ToWNSEND.........................Associate Editor
W. S. Taylor............................Associate Editor
J. D. McMuRTREY........................Associate Editor
W. H. JAEGLE............................Associate Editor
Business Staff
R. L. jones.............................Business Manager
J.   B.  thomas...................Assistant Business Manager
H. B. shoemaker................Assistant Business Manager
w. D. Barrows.......................Advertising Manager
H. F. McKenney..............Assistant Advertising Manager
o. w. hollar.................Assistant Advertising Manager
w. s. Thiesing.......................Subscription Manager
j. DU P. OsTHUIzEN............Assistant Subscription Manager
n. w. utley, Jr...............Assistant Subscription Manager
H. L. Nagel...............................Photographer   Ej K ENTUC K lAISi l^|^^pLiNIME:TEEN TWELVE^
.   J. 1	
The Faculty
Henry S. Barker................President of the University
James G. White..........................Vice President
Dean of Arts and Sciences.
James G. White, A. M.,
Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy.
Joseph William Pryor, M. D.,
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology,
Merry Lewis Pence, M. S., Professor of Physics.
Alexander St. Clair Mackenzie, A. M., LL. D., F. R. S. L. Professor of English and Comparative Literature.
John J. Tigert, M. A. (Oxon),
Professor of Philosophy and Education.
Alfred Chas. Zembrod, A. M.,
Professor of French and German.
James Edward Tuthill, Ph. D.,
Professor of History, Economics and Political Science.
Franklin Elliott Tuttle, A. M., Ph. D.,
Professor in Chemistry.
Theodore Tolman Jones, A. M., Professor of Latin.
Glanville Terrell, Ph. D., Professor of Greek.
James Thos. Cotton Noe, A. M., Professor of Education.
Ralph Nelson Maxon, Ph. D., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry.
Harrison Garman,
Professor of Zoology and Entomology.
Columbus Rudolph Melcher, A. M.,
Associate Professor of French and German.
Joseph Morton Davis, A. M.,
Associate Professor of Mathematics.
William Snider Webb, M. S., Assistant Professor of Physics.
Anna J. Hamilton,
Associate Professor of English.
Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead, Lecturer in English.
Aubyn Chinn, A. B.,
Director of Home Economics. Sue Dobyns McCann, M. S.,
Assistant in Entomology and Zoology.
Mary LeGrand Didlake, M. S.,
Assistant in Entomology, Botany and Bacteriology.
Edward Franklin Farquahar, A. M.,
Assistant Professor of English. Eliza Latham Reese, C. E.,
Assistant in Mathematics.
Lloyd Cadie Daniels, Ph. D.,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry.
Harold Hardesty Downing, B. C. E., Assistant in Mathematics.
Robert Hoover Spahr, B. S., Assistant in Physics.
Knox Jamison, A. M.,
Assistant Professor of History.
H. R. Niswonger, A. M.,
Assistant Professor of Entomology and Zoology.
Winchester Stuart, B. A. (Oxford), Instructor in Mathematics.
William Tudor Pearce, B. A., Instructor in Chemistry.
Charles Preston Weaver, A. M., Assistant in English.
Melville Amassa Scovell, M. S., Ph. D.,
Dean of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station.
Clarence W. Matthews, B. S.,
Professor of Horticulture and Botany.
John Julian Hooper, M. S. A., Professor of Animal Husbandry.
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George Roberts, M. S., Professor of Agronomy.
Thompson R. Bryant, B. S., Professor of Bacteriology.
E. J. Kinney, B. S.,
Assistant in Agronomy.
S. c. Jones, M. S.,
Assistant Professor of Soil Physics.
L. S. corbett, B. S. A.,
Assistant in Animal Husbandry.
A. H. Gilbert, B. S.,
Assistant Professor of Botany.
Robert McDowell Allen, A. B., Head of Food Division.
Daniel J. Healy, M. D. C. M., Professor of Bacteriology.
Edwin Stanton Goode, M. S.,
Head of Division of Animal Husbandry.
James Oscar LeBach, M. S.,
Chief Chemist, Food Division.
Linwood Arnold Brown, Ph. C, Pharm. D., Drug Chemist.
Joe Darbin Turner, B. Ped., Head of Feed Division.
Melville Amassa Scovell, Ph. D., Director of Experiment Station.
Alfred Meredith Peter, M. S.,
Chief Chemist and Head of Chemical Division.
Henry Ernest Curtiss, M. S.,
Chief Chemist and Head of Fertilizer Division.
Harrison Garman,
Head of Division of Entomology and Botany.
Walter Ellsworth Rowe, B. S., C. E.,
Dean of College of Civil Engineering.
William Joseph Carrol, B. S., C. E.,
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.
Robert Craig Terrel, B. C. E., C. E.,
Professor of Rural and Highway Engineering.
Charles Joseph Norwood, M. S.,
Dean of the College of Mines and Metallurgy.
Henry Draper Easton, B. S., E. M., Professor of Mining Engineering.
L. A. Calloway, E. M.,
Instructor in Mining and Assaying.
Earl Dissinger, B. S.,
Assitsant Professor of Mining and Metallurgy.
Thomas James Barr, B. E. M.,
Assistant in Mining and Machinery.
Frederick Paul Anderson, M. E.,
Dean of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
W. E. Freeman, M. E.,
Professor of Electrical Engineering.
Louis Edward Nollau, M. E.,
Instructor in Mechanical Engineering.
T. F. Hudgins, B. M. E.,
Instructor in Electrical Laboratory.
L. K. Frankel, M. E.,
Professor of Machine Design.
J. J. Curtis, B. M. E.,
Instructor in Testing Laboratory.
John Thurman Horine, B. M. E., Instructor in Steam Engineering.
W. T Lafferty, A. M.,
Dean of Law Department and Comptroller of University.
Lyman Chalkley, LL. B., Professor of Law.
Charles Kerr,
Professor of Law.
James Richard Bush, A. B., Instructor of Law.
J. Embry Allen, A.' B., Instructor of Law.
George W. Vaughan, LL. B., Instructor of Law.
John J. Tigert, M. A.,
Professor of Roman Civil Law. James Edward Tuthill, Ph. D.,
Professor of Political Economy and Sociology. E. R. Sweetland, A. B., LL. B.,
Instructor of Law.
Board of Trustees
Governor James B. McCreary..........Chairman Ex-Officio
President Henry S. Barker............Member Ex-Officio
Superintendent of Public Instruction Barksdale
hamlett .....................Member Ex-Officio
Term Expires January, 1914
Cassius M. Clay........Paris
Hywel Davies ........Kensee
Richard C. Stoll.....Lexington
Louis L. Walker.... Lancaster Richard N. Wathen . . . Lebanon
Term Expires January, 1918
Robert W. Brown. . .Louisville Tibbis Carpenter   .... Scottsville
William H. Cox.....Maysville
Denny P. Smith........Cadiz
Claud  B.   Terrell.....Bedford
Term Expires January, 1916
James Brethitt .... Hopkinsville Thomas L. Edelen .... Frankfort Charles B. Nichols . . . Lexington James W. Turner. . . . Paintsville James K. Patterson . . . Lexington
Executive Committee
Charles  B.  Nichols . . . Chairman Cassius M. Clay Claud B. Terrell Hywel Davies Richard C. Stoll
William T. Lafferty, Secretary of The Board and of The Executive Committee.
Alumni Association
R. C. -Stoll, '95................:..............President
J. C. Shelby, '04.......................... Vice President
B. G. HlFNER, '97...................Secretary and Treasurer
T. R. Bryant, '08, Chairman.    H. K. Bell, '04
C. L. Strauss, '98 Dr. S. B. Marks, '99 Mary L. Dedlake, '95          J. L. Patterson, '82
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Senior Class Officers
Thomas E. Earle.............................President
Virginia McClure........................Vice President
Cora Creekmore . ............................Secretary
H. F. Vogliotti...............................Treasurer
j.  D.  McMurtrey.............................Giftorian
O. W. Hollar................................Crumbier
Hattie Noland...............................Historian
Annie Louise Dean...............................Poet
Addie Lee Dean................................Prophet
N. W. Utley, Jr................................Orator
J. O. GlLL..........................Athletic Representative
R. W. TlNSLEY.........................Editor Kentucl(ian
R. L. jones....................Business Manager Kentuclfian
N. G. Rochester......................Class Representative
29 1
Class History of 1912
FTER June had tolled the knell of parting High School days, the wanton youths from o'er the state, wandered Lexingtonward, and were soon amalgamated in the great clan of the Twelves.
== E'er the mighty Sophs had lifted their
shears from off the grindstone, the impregnable Smith bodyguard was swung around the virgin class, and, though the crop was heavy, the trembling hand of the Elevens let the scythe fall, and the harvest lost its sweetness on the desert air.
Though not immediately united by dire necessity, the copious amount of good fellowship soon established class spirit, and furnished a football squad that rendered all the vengeful attempts of the sturdy Sophs, vain, and marked their debut into college affairs by a score of 0 to 0. From that event, they have ever been the constant dread of the classes, and the surest reliance of the Varsity.
Hardly reconciled to college life, they perceived that one year had flown, and, arrayed in the mystic Sophomore corner, they looked with impatient and avaricious eyes upon the flowing locks of the Freshies. Not many Harvest Moons had waxed and waned, until the inhabitants of that blissful orb smiled, a sacrifice of motley wool having been offered to His Dignity.
Soon the disconsolate Freshmen challenged the Twelves to a Flag Rush, and chose as a referee of the contest, the great military genius residing at this place at that time, thereby be-
stowing a great honor upon him. On the afternoon of the 6th of October, 1909, the sun shone down from the heavens in all his strength, upon a numberless band of quaking Freshmen, closely compact around the flag pole. Prior to this, the Sophs being advised by their wise men, had secured a supply of locks and chains, and many a lad that had not theretofore been in bondage, was confined thereby. But upon seeing the formidable regiment of the unlucky Freshmen disappearing like the chaff before the wind, the great Field Judge became excited, and, urged on by the persistent entreaties of his commissioned officers, together with his loyalty to the erected flag, as though it were the Stars and Stripes, he released the prisoners of war, and the ensign was flaunting defiantly when time was called.
Following closely upon this the Sophs defeated the Freshmen by a score of 10 to 0 upon the gridiron, and it has been said, that the '12 squad of that year was the best class team that was ever produced by the University.
There was also a great volume of college spirit within the confines of that class, and they furnished four of the Varsity champions of '09. Nor were they lacking representatives on other Varsity teams that year, for the number of '12 men on the Baseball nine almost transformed that swift bunch into a class team.
The fall of 1910 having rolled around our class, finding themselves in the Junior corner, cast the memories of their palmy underclass days in the sea of forgetfulness, and took on the dignity of their present position.   The dangerous proximity  of the fair co-eds, and man's natural inclination to be affected by his environment, immediately transformed not a few of this noble clan into ladies' men. Some of the efforts were of no avail, while others are expected to culminate in the not far distant future.
The grand success of the Junior Prom is not to be wondered at, when the acquaintance of the class has been made. It was the most enjoyable affair of the yearnot even the wonderful, warlike '13's were able to do anything to detract from the perfection of our dance.
Finally the enchanted Senior corner was reached and as the venerable Seniors gazed abroad over the sea of sparkling, youthful faces, an occasional smile would play upon their countenances when some fond recollection presented to them scenes of their "childhood" days.
It was during this year on the afternoon of November 2nd, that our football eleven marched from the field, having established the unprecedented record of not having been scored against during their college career. Under the leadership of our sages, the Varsity Football squad marched on to victory, and the Basketball quintet captured the Southern championship. During this time, however, we were not wholly occupied by athletics, and upon a memorable morning in chapel unveiled a beautiful monument dedicated to the University in the form of an Honor System; nor were activities confined to this or to the class room; the literary societies and debating clubs received our hearty support, and no social function occurred at which we were not well represented.
Time has flowen so swiftly, that we have hardly begun to realize that we are Seniors, and that we are about to finish the course. Are we satisfied with the four years? Who could wish to have had them different? What class has had the opportunity to watch the dear old school grow, as we have watched it? We have lived through the excitement of Willis E. Smith's disappearance, and have seen the college grow into a University. We have seen States' first president finish his work, and hand it on to a successor in every way worthy to follow him; we have stood firm to protect the inexorable right of upperclassmen to dictate to those beneath; we have upheld student government, and furnished some of our strongest members to be its officers; we have seen new buildings erected, and the campus improved; we have watched our engineering and agricultural colleges force their way to the front rank; we have helped to develop champion athletic teams; we have seen the student body more than doubled in number; and, as Seniors, we have watched our University come nobly through one of the severest tests a school ever had to undergo, and stand with unscarred record for all to see and admire. And the dearest wish of our hearts is that State may stand always for that which is noble, and excellent, and true.
The coveted goal is just within our reach; only a few more weeks, and we shall go from this campus and these friends we have learned to love, and begin our lives On the campus of the world; may we live our lives there, and do our work there so as to reflect honor on our dear Alma Mater; and may the friendship we have made in these four splendid years be a source of happiness and joy to us through all future.  El ,K ENTUC K lAIVi l^S^^P-L NINETEEN TWELVE ^
Arts and Sciences
AR off and away from the dirt and din of dynamos, the cackle of chickens and surveyor's swear words, dwells the soul of the College of Arts and Sciences. Not that the soul lives a very peaceful and quiet lifequite the =======     reversefor being a very sensitive sort of a
soul, he shudders sadly and slinks precipitously away whenever the croupy whistle pipes at the passing hour.   Poor, poor tormented soul, he can't get along with the siren. Still,
"The soul of the place is a delicate thing, The soul lives apart from the body."
For the body of the College of Arts and Sciences is a heterogeneous affair strung over some fifteen acres of trackless campus, stretching from the "Ed." building on the border of the lake on the northwest to the abode of the Freshie chemists in the wilds of the far southeast.
There is, however, a delicate touch of the classic spirit half-concealed in this carving up of the college body into fragments for, as one wades reflectively across the oft-times watery stretches of a half-submerged campus, he cannot but call to mind the heaven-born Hellenes who flitted from Samos to Delos, from Scyros to Sicinos, across the deep blue Aegean, to spread culture and irregular verbs to all the world.
Within this body dwells a horde of humans who have in life but a single purposeto entice the soul (or perhaps one should say animus artium et scientiarum) back into the lifeless
body. A sturdy band and bold, headed by him, god-father of the rhynchotrema and stalactites (they will not bite) is nobly supported by a score of others. There is he who daily braves unshrinking the hosts of oxymoron and colyambi and likewise he who scans the allied lines of black with eye un-quavering; the guardian of the generator and the test-tube; the custodian of the skeleton. And that undaunted warrior next appears who taps the Sphinx audaciously upon the wrist, who burrows into the dusty Pyramids for ancient Egypt's pharoahs, who wakens memories of the sleeping past and puts to rest all present happiness and whose best gift is proffer of advice on how to pluck economic blossoms from the highlying plains of social science.
Behold, also, that man exceeding Y's, the patron saint of cosiness; look yet again and view the sovereign of the syllogism and all the systems. And let not one forget that sturdy knight, protector and counselor of the fairer sex, who rushes out to battle with this war cry on his lips,
"The white man is a good man, He gives the Obongo salt."
One might enumerate a dozen others, all as fearless, all as steadfast.   But of such, enough.
The only factor in the college remaining is the drudge, the student"us." But being fully described and discussed elsewhere herein, and being, moreover, of relatively small importance, it is a waste of precious space to elaborate upon this theme.   Such is the College of Arts and Sciences.
TJ\" kentuck S/kIM
nineteen twelve
TAYLOR  BATTA ILE, Lexington, Ky.
B. S.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
"Know you this lady
When 1 came from Sayre I thought I knew a ?reat   deal,   so   1   started   to   take Chemistry;
but soon 1 changed one tiling I'm afraid all other men. My classes under Josh, am very intellectual cided  opinions most
to Math.    There  is only of and  that  is Josh and chief  aversion   is small I  am  very   modest, but and  can  express  my de-beautifully.    If  1  had my
life to live over, I would be a suffragette. My greatest accomplishment so far has been to make Professor Webb burn the midnight oil to keep up with me in differential equations.
Secretary and Treasurer Philosophian Literary Society; Secretary Senior Class; Secretary Idea Board of Control.
"The most certain sign of wisdom is a continual cheerfulness."
This fair maiden has gotten it into her head that Korea is the place for her, but we all know that is a mere bluff. Cora is one of Sandy's favorites, and he has given her some valuable missionary instructions. She is a faithful member of the campus club, and can be seen loafing just any old time. She has studied less than any other graduate of this school, winning her way on her smiles. Cora is rather steady in choosing her associates, is a great advocate of track and boxing, the track men especially holding her fancy.
St. Louis, Mo.
Thesis:    The Bibliography of the Short Story.
Alpha Xi Delta; Executive Committee Student Government; Social Editor "Idea;' Class Prophet; Y. W. C. A.; Editorial Staff "Kentuckian."
"Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye, In every gesture dignity and love.'
Don't forget my nicknames: "Dede," "Little Dean," "Peanuts," "Cupid," "Piggie Lee," etc., etc. I've gotten a new one every place I've lived, and I've lived everywhere, mighty near. I know lots about literature:Rossetti wrote the "Rossetti Stone," and Shakespeare a dramatic poem, "The Age of Chaucer." 1 never let my work interfere with my college activities, though, and I just have packs, of fun, but I'm always making breaks and getting into more trouble. I sometimes shock people by unexpected exclamations, too! I'm so busyOh, I bot the bestest letter from home today! I'm so happy!
35 13
ANNIE LOUISE DEAN, B. S. Fredonia, Ky.
Alpha Xi Delta, Mathematical Society; Secretary of "The Strollers," 1909-10, 1910-11; Class Poet; Secretary of Mathematical Society, 1911-12; Student Assistant in Mathematics, 1911-12.
Wisely she tells the hour o' th' day, "The clock does strike, by Algebra."
I talk equations in my sleep and eat tangents. 1 like all these young profs, but Josh is the sweetest man that ever lived. Have been scared to death for fear they'd put a nose and ears like Josh's on me in the Annual. I can talk more at a stretch than any other Senior girl. I've sure had my eye on our Capital City lately!! Naw! I'm not spoiled; I'm just peeved to death!
FRANCES ALMA FAULKNER, A. B. Barbourville, Ky. Thesis:    The School Masters of Fiction." Alpha Gamma Delta; Secretary of Y. W. C. A.; Member of Mountain Club.
"I am resolved to grow fat and look young 'till forty."
I am one of the fair mountain maids that John Pox, Jr., is always writing about in his books. When I came up here I never even dreamed that there was such a big awful bugbear as Chemistry. "Sandy" is my dean, and has whole piles of Freshman themes; I have to correct them all, and just sit there with my little fat dictionary and look up words, I'm so 'fraid I'll leave a mispelled word and Sandy wouldn't like it. I wouldn't have to do that, only I'm so poor these days. Some day I'm going to write great, beautiful, long stories, and people will say, "I knew Fanny Alma would be famous and rich some time."
CLEO   GILLIS,   B. S. Lexington, Ky.
Alpha Gamma Delta; Vice President of Freshman Class; Neville Literary Society; Sophomore Basket Ball Team; Dramatic Club; Idea Staff, 1910-11. 
"Serene and resolute and still And calm and self-possessed."
As a child I was taught that one should be "seen and not heard." As a result I am very unassuming; nevertheless you can tell that I am a very capable young lady. My great ambition is to be a teacher. I shall not try to take a prominent place, but I really think I am fitted to hold any place that may be offered to me. "They say" I'd be a good Quaker maiden, for I am sweet and dainty. There, I'm afraid I've said something nice about myself. What will people think about me?
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K*^2SEiLl.nineteen twelve t!
Thesis:    Investigation of Methods for Determining Iron and Alumina in Phosphate Rock.
"None but himself can be his parallel."
Charlie was bashful in the olden days, but when he became a Chemist be put aside childish things, and is now a combination of living test tube, encyclopedia and constancy. Charlie has the honor of having one of the two strictly Senior cases in the University, and deserves great credit for his untiring devotion; his arm is always burdened with two sets of books, and he is always waiting for his beloved. In the future we see two conflicting scenes: first, a man absorbed in the mingling oL" the elements; second, a man in foreign lands, still waiting for his beloved. Which shall it be, the Lady or the Science?
Barbourville, Ky.
Thesis:    Criticism of Kentucky Histories.
Fresident of Junior Class; President of Mountain Club; Vice President of Patterson Lit-erarv Societv; Eachelor's Club; Class Track Team.
"I never larf and I never smile."
Jim's stern, handsome countenance has made several big hits, but the bigest was with John Fox. If you want to know about that, though, ask Jim. Jim's a "good fellow" and often feels like "cutting up." as is the way with college boys. He has accomplished many things, e. g\, he reached t^e Junior Prom in safety, though minus a cab and a girl. With the girls, Jim is a puzzle. Many a romantic dream has been woven around that coal black hair and kind brown eyes, hut it is generally thought that Jim has a girl at home.
Philpot, Ky.
Thesis: Reactions of Acetone with Calcium Carbide.
S. U. A. A; Lamed Pe; Union Literarv Societv; Cadet Band, 1907-1910; President Idea Board of Control; President Daviess County Club; Art Editor of Kentuckian.
"Devout and pure, Sober, steadfast and emure."
Myrl is one op the most unobtrusive members of the class, yet one of the hardest workers and an all-round good fellow. Although of quite a literary and artistic turn of mind, he is also a chemist of first light. If philosophy, art or music is the subject for discussion, Myrl is always ready to take a part, and with equal ease he will turn to the French and Latin literatures, or to Analytics and Calculus. But don't forget that he is more parts of a man than one, andLadies' man? Well! you don't know Harrison.
37 % k entuc k i/xrsi jJF^^J^I^XTviTneteen twelve j
Thesis:    "The Mystic Numbers of Literature."
Sigma Chi; Lamp and Cross; Mystic Thirteen; Keys; Varsity Basketball, 1910, '11, '12; Class Football, Basketball and Baseball Teams; "Idea" Staff; Editorial Staff of "Kentuckian"; Student Assistant in English; S. U. A. A.
"What man dares, I dare."
When you know that "old man Hart" tried for "French Maid" in the play and was grieved when he was not considered, you may judge something of his appearance. It is hard to reconcile the extremes of French maid and basketball player, but Derrill is a wonderful man. Often our hero wants to teach "Anglo Saxon just like Sandy," but sometimes he gets a call back to the farm and determines to raise chickens. Derrill is a brotherly sort of fellow who will laugh with you, sympathize with you, assist you. In fact, "Derrill is an all-round good fellow."
MARY IRENE HUGHES, A. Maysville, Ky.
Varsity Basketball Team, 1910-11; Vice President Junior Class; Captain Varsity Basketball Team, 1911-12; Y. W. C. A. ^
"I laughed and danced and talked."
Sure I did! And if there's anything Ruth and I haven't tried, I'd like to hear about it! Was awful green when I came up here and didn't exactly know whether to be a shark or not. But what's the use? Yes, I suppose I do skip classes real often; usually go to the University lunch stand, Ruth and I. You can't guess who this letter's from; the best basketball player! Did you ever dance with Tom Jackson? I'm just crazy about dancing with that man. Yes, I can lock more girls in their rooms within a given time Horrors! My room mate! Y-e-e-e-e-s! (Bang!)
JOSEPH   METTE  HUMBLE,  B. S. Bellerrie, Ky.
Thesis: Iodometric Method for Determination of Morphine.
Track Team; S. U. A. A.; Four K Club; Chemist Club; American Chemical Society; "Nights" at the Round Table; Democratic Club.
"Solitude  is  sometimes  best society."
Yes, Joe's one of those fellows who isn't known by everyone. In fact, a great many of his classmates don't suspect that he is one of the best modern language students in the class, as well as chemist and geologist. Among the ladiesbut you just ask Joe about that. He must have a pull with the railroad, for he always made frequent trips home, and sometimes with a "special" part of the car reserved for him. Oh, yes, he is Maxson's pet, and Tige thinks he will pass. A hale fellow, well met well, that's Joe.
JESSIE  MILTON  JONES, A. B. Monticello, Ky.
Secretary Sophomore Class; Sophomore Basketball Team; Treasurer Y. W. C. A., '10, '11; Vice President Y. W. C. A. and Chairman of Missions, '11, '12; Senior Basketball Team; Secretary Executive Committee Student Government.
Major Latin.
"Those above her, from her shall learn the perfect ways of honor."
I want it distinctly understood that I'm from the mountains, Monticello, Wayne County, Ky. I am especially interested in the "Locks" becauseI'll not tell you. I like my senior work, especially "Kinky;" she uses such big words! You needn't make fun of my handwriting; I can't do anv better. Do I like to play basketball? Did I ever miss practice, even if I do get my nose mashed? My hair is a little red, but don't you think it's pretty? Our class has always been the most important. The Juniors have always felt importantbut, phew!
HUGH  KELLY,  A. B. Calhoun, Ky.
S. U. A. A.; President Union Literary Society and K. H. I.; Old Bachelor's Club.
"'Tis he!   I Know the manner of his gait."
When one sees Hughesph pompously striding down Limestone, one would say, " 'Tis the mighty Caesar come to life," but Caesar never wore corduroys nor nourished a Senior cane, which our "Mighty Hughesph" does. Hugh has often been struck to earth, but, like truth, he always rises again, more smiling than ever, and if possible more dignified. Since the Commandant came to State, many are the noble deeds laid at poor Hughesph's door. We are wondering what Hugh will do when he enters the business world where dances are no more, and men can not read life's lessons from the pages of a jack.
RUBY MARCUM, B. S. Burnside, Ky.
Mountain Club; Y. W. C. A.; Student Assistant in Gymnastics; Senior Basketball Team.
"No simplest d,uty  is forgot."
I arrived here a curly headed Preplet four years ago and now I'm a mighty Seniormany years wiser. I have a minute for everything and everything in its minutebut I'm never too busy to give everyone a pleasant smile. I still take special pride in my curls and also in my gymnastic work. Mrs. Stout is the sweetest thing! When I dance in those Greek dances I just love everything! Some day I'm going to teach others to love gymnastic workthat's my ambition. But I'm too busy to tell you any mor-i about it now. E; K entuck I aim ig^j^^P-l nineteen twelve jj
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VIRGINIA CLAY McCLURE, A. B. Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Vice President Senior Class; Member Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1910-11; President Y. W. C. A., 1911-12; Delegate to Convention, Asheville, N. C, 1911; "Idea" Staff; Editorial Staff "Ken-tuckian"; Student Assistant in German.
"Her face betokens all things good."
Honey, yes! I'm glad this year's over. I'm worn out trying to get more offices than Tom Earle! Everyone thinks I'm " 'bout the good-est person they is." Yes, I have vivid rec