xt7g7940sh41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sh41/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1925-12-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  4, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  4, 1925 1925 1925-12-04 2012 true xt7g7940sh41 section xt7g7940sh41 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL









Dean Boyd, Professors, Study
Aydelotte Report to National
Research Council At Meeting Held Monday P. M.

Downtown Sections of Lexington Narrowly Escape Annihilation
as Kentucky Boys Surge Through Streets;
Attempt to Have Borrowed Flag Poles
Returned to Owners
A wildly singing,

rah-ra- h

discussed Monday afternoon, NovemMare."
ber 30, for the first time by the fac- Gone!" and Tennessee's "Gone! Gone!
throucrh the air ns
ulty of the Colleges of Arts nnd the mob crashed in
front of the LexSciences.
ington Drug, where they howled to
The renot. in detail follows:
their heart's content. Never did a
Your committee accepts the conclu- bunch of college men make more
sions of the Aydelotte report to the noise, nor keep at it so long a time.
Freshmen cans were dottinir about
National Research Council
1. That the present academic sys- here, there, and everywhere.
Tentem is designed for the average stu- nessee's glorious gold and vhite
dent (1) in the kind of work required streamers were ripped from their
both as to quantity and quality fastenings, chrysantheums were torn
(2) and in the routine designed to into shreds, and Tennessee banners
keep him busy.
were loosed from their moorings to
2. That the present academic sys- oe uuriic un ine uucks oi
tem is not designed for the best stu- hoodlums,
Borrowed Flag Poles
dents with serious intellectual aims
And so far did they ko in their
and purposes nor does it encourage
freedom and initiative for the develop celebration as to (shall we say) borment of intellectual independence and row the flag poles from in front of
various public buildings and stores in
3. That, under the present system, the business section of downtown. Not
a student does not really achieve a even was the .seat of county justice,
mastery of the subjects in one special the Fayette county courthouse, an
field so that present academic honors exception.
lire no basis on which to predict, his
success in life.
Your committee recommends the
continuance of the present scheme of
"Independent Work" for seniors but
recommends the following program as
an objective to which immediate attention may be given so that the
scheme of Independent Work may de
velon into Honors Courses.
Handel's Great Musical AchieveHonors Now Given For High Averages
ment Will Be One of LeadYour committee calls attention to
ing Educational Enterthe fact that honors are now given
tainments of Year
for hieh averages in ordinary courses
based on a quantitative credit-hou- r
system, INCLUDES
system. In an honors course


School spirit is a fine thing but it
must not be carried to the extreme
where it is destructive to property,
Those flag poles are the property of
certain persons in Lexington and
those taken from around me court
house belong to the American legion.
Until those poles are returned they
are counted as stolen. Each student
of the university should feel a personal responsibility in seeing that the
good name of the university is not
uivinisneu uy mese poies not being
Tryine to Collect Staffs
Circle, nen ortrnnizatlnn
of the university, has undertaken the
task of restoring these flag poles to
their respective owners. In order to
do this the Circle will send out and
collect these staffs if the students
having them will inform some mem
ber of the organization to this effect.
John R. Bullock is chairman of the
committee in charge of collecting the
puies aim 11 any stuaenis navmg nags
or knowing where some may be found
will call him at 4651, he will send for
Again, the
Circle urges that
every student do his part. This is a
serious matter; the good name of the
university is at stake: and every stu
dent who has the interests of his uni
versity at heart will do his part to
restore this property.
Su-K- y

Su-K- y



Su-K- y


The presentation of Handel's "Messiah," a great epic in musical achievement, on December 11, under the direction of Prof. Carl Lampert of the
music department, will be one of the
leading educational, and entertaining
programs of the year. Three hundred,
and fifty trained voices will compose
Honors Are Won At Interna- the chorus, and four of America's
tional Exposition in Chicago ; finest oratorical singers have been obKentucky
tained from Chicago to assist in the
Twenty-thre- e
The "Messiah" was presented last
year to
CRAVENS' ESSAY FIRST ington, the university and cityof Lex- Prounder the direction
Among the many honors, which (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
have come to various departments at
the university, are those which the
Agriculture College captured at the
International Live Stock Exposition Seven
New Members
held in Chicago last week.
Its junior yearling Angus steer won
fifth strong class of 69. A Berk- Five Senior and Two Junior
shire barrow was awarded first prize
Engineers Taken Into Honpound class and also
in the
orary Fraternity
the reserve championship. The pen
of three barrows won third place.
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
The university sheep won 23 prizes,
Suffolk fraternity, held their pledging servincluding the champion,
ices at the engineering convocation
wether, reserve champion
wether, first prize yearling Cheviot Wednesday, November 25, in Dicker
wether, second pen of Cheviot wether hall. Dean Anderson, dean of the
lambs, second pen of Hampshire weth- college of engineering gave an address
er lambs, third pen of grade wether on Tau Beta Pi.
The active members are R. C. Wil
lambs, third and fifth Hampshire
wether lambs, fourth yearling Hamp- liamson, A. Griffith, W. M. Witty, J.
and fifth Cheviot W. O'Nan, Isadore Goldben, Sherrill
shire wether, fourth
wether lambs, fourth yearling South- Basket, R. H. Harrod and W. W.
down wether and fourth Southdown Sanders.
The seniors who were pledged were:
wether lamb. The wether show was
Joe K. Barley, H. L. Moods, David
exceptionally strong.
B. A. Thomas, of Shelbyville, Ky., Browninir. Pat Morris. E. W. Watkins.
T. Ferin.
also was one of the leading prize win- Juniors; John Raschal, J. among
ners. He captured third place on his The seniors pledged were
senior bull calf, fourth on his junior unner eiarht of their class, and the
juniors were among the upper three.
bull calf and sixth on his group of
John Kaschal was the honor man
two bulls.
of the junior class, making a standUniversity Boy's Essay
ing of 2.76. This entitles him to the
Winners of the Saddle and Sirloin
club essay contest were announced. E. B. Ellis prize of $100 which is given to the student making the highest



Tau Beta Pi Pledges


team and to their university, whether
in the play or on the benches, whether
on the first or' second team, whether
taken out or pu,t in during a game,
whether put in one position or another
according to discretion of the coach,
without grumbling or whining or Bulking, determined to give every power
within them to aid and help toward
success and summon to their efforts
the superb courage and spirit of old
Kentucky which is theirs by tradition and inheritance from worthy
sires and ancestors."
Wallace Muir acted as master of
ceremonies, and in his introductory
speech praised highly the Wildcats
and their coach, Fred J. Murphy.
Coach Murphy, when
said. "All the honor goes to the team.
They did the work and came through
the pinches in a trying season." He
praised his helpers, Coaches Ecklund,
Pribble, and Alford, and alumni including "Doc" Rodes, "Dick" Webb
and all other friends. Among other
speakers were Willis Stewart, coach
of the Transylvania "Pioneers" and
Sergeant James Kennedy, director of
the university band who thanked the


Momus Will Romp Boards of

Theater for One Week,

Judge Alva Taylor, a distinguished
lawyer from Huron, South Dakota,
will deliver an address in the new
gymnasium of the University of Kentucky Sunday afternoon, December
6th, at 3 o'clock. This address will
be for the interest of the World Court
conference for which a straw vote
will be held at the university December 5th under the auspices of the
Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A.
Straw votes are being taken among
.all college students in the U. S., who
represent the highest intelligence oi
country, to determine the general
opinion of the different sections of the
country on the question whether the
U. S. should enter the World Court.
The U. S. Senate will vote on the
question December 17th.

Some students who read the rcpor-torioutburst of our cum pus dra
matic critic who is noted for his scin- tillating bits of verbiage, may have
oeen pamtuiiy disillusioned
resorted to their worn copies of
Webster in pursuit of the greatest of
all mythological bipeds the Momus.
However, it has been duly advertised
that a Momus will romp the Jtomany
uuurus one wkuk, ueginning uecem
ber 7, and the unusual interest evi
denced by the zoology students has
made it necessary that such
ster be displayed.
Privately, the Romany staff is just
a bit nonplussed as to whether the
yuuiiK cnuc nitty nub nave crussea ins
Koget's Thesaurus with this third
puzzle book, the hy
brid result being the
Be that as it may, Miss
manager of the then
ter, has now assumed the imposing
and pretentious title of keeper of the
Koniany zoo. Consequently, the the
ater will, in all probability, be pla
carded with notices requesting the pa
trons to refrain from feeding peanuts
to the ferocious beast.
To carry out the
idea, the staff has published the fol
lowing cues which may be read both
vertically and horizontally. Somewhere concealed among these cues
may be found the true name of the
dreaded Momus:
Werle, a merchant George K.
Greeers Werle. his son C. F. N.
Old Ekdal Shearle Baskett.
Hjalmar Ekdal, his son Wallace
Gina Ekdal, his wife Regina Stan- -

A meetinc of the entire news
nnd business staffs of the Kernel
will be held in Professor Grehnn's
recitation room, in the basement of
the Science building, at 12 o'clock
Monday noon, December 7. The
purpose of this meeting is to go
through the formnlities of electing
Jack Warren business mnnuger of
the .paper m order that he might
have the official power of executing
the duties recently vacated by Kyle
Whitehead, who was forced to
nign on account of his heavy ache- dule of classes.
There are n few other matters
to be bronught before the consideration of the staff and it is the
earnest desire of the editor that
every member make it a point to be
present. You will not be held from
your lunch any longer than possible.

Managing Editor.

much-dreade- d




Congestion Caused by Consultaand Suptions Between
posedly Common-Sense- d
Would Check Whirlwind


ordinary whirlwind, to say nothing of
some southern gentleman who must
get out of the building before the
bell rings.
Think of the
Pity the poor student who is caught
on the third floor of the Administration building, and has a class in ten
minutes in the chemistry, or C. and
P. building. , It is utterly impossible
to reach the front door of the building through that maelstrom, much less
walk to the second floor of another
building and reach class on time. A
ladder to the third floor would help,
but there are no ladders, and the only
way out is to put temper away, comage nign, ami duck ine nne. ix, is
a wonder that some ambitious stu-- 1
dent, for fear of entering class late,
has not attempted to jump rather
than risk life and limb to exit norm- -


Cross-Countr- y


(By Kyle Whitehead)
Kentucky should be proud of her
football line, and any other line that
she possesses, but there is one line on
the campus that should be regulated
or done away with. To see 22 men
rush together and all jam in a heap
at the sound of a referee's whistle,
is nothing compared to the onrush
that take place in the Administration
building's hall and stairway when the
the clock bell sounds the close of a
class hour. Red Grange in all his
During four years, the number of
glory could never have pierced that
line and made a class on time. The
that have gained entrance to
meets, in the the first floor of the Administration
interference that one
and sometimes supwithout going around to the
form of
posedly common-sense- d
men, taking entrance that faces Limestone, could
up half the hallway and stairs to converse between classes, would stop an (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)


Reserve Your Seat
Romany Season Ticket Holders
Urged to Quick Action

The Kernel
As the result of a prize of $2.50
offered by The Kernel to the student
of Dr. Miner's advertising and selling

class, for the best advertisement conveying to the merchants of Lexington
the reasons why they should allow a'
portion of their advertising quota to
be given to The Kernel, the two col- -'
umn, eight inch ad appearing on page
three is announced as the winner.
The student wus to make a layout
and turn the same into Dr. Miner,
which he in turn put in the hands of
the following judges: D. B. Weer, ad-- 1
vertising manager of the Lexington
Leader; Herbert Byrd, advertising
manager of the Lexington Herald,
and Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the department of psychology.
Tho contest resulted us follows: J.
W. Jones, first: Robert Kay, second;.
Delos Nooe, third.
The relations between The Kernel
and that work given by Dr. Miner resulted in a plan conceived at the beginning of the yeur, whereby six students each week were assigned to see
approximately seven mrchants to so- -









ager of Kernel




Will Elect New Business Man-

Be- -

ginning Next Monday,
December 7


Staff Meets Monday






Complete Representation Is De-- .
sired; All Students of University Are Urged to Cast
Decision on Question



National Movement Fostered by
Joint Committee of Y. M.
and Y. W. C. A.
A straw vote to determine the opinion of students on the World Court
question is being held in the university
today. Contrary to previous
announcement, the voting will be conducted for one day only. Every student of Kentucky is urged to cast his
ballot on the question: "Shall the
United States ratify the World Court
protocol of the League of Nations?"
A really representative vote is de- sired, and this cannot be had without
the cooperation of students.
Voting booths have been nlaced in
the following buildings: the adminis
tration building for Arts and Science
students; the education building for


Lawyer Will Speak on World
Court Conference

Frank Smith Chosen Captain of 1 926
Advertising Contest
Is Won by J. W. Jones
Wildcats at Annual Football Banquet;
"K"s, Numerals, Given Varsity, Frosh Students Write Reasons Why
Merchants Should Patronize
Frank Smith, of Clarksdale, Miss.,
was unanimously elected captain of
the 1926 Wildcats. Monday night at
the annual football banquet held at
the Phoenix hotel. His selection for
this honor came as a result of one
year kitten and two years varsity experience.
Three hundred persons were pres
ent at the uanquei inciuuing uiuiiuw,
friends of the university, members of
the varsity and freshman teams, and
players from numerous state high
school teams. Twenty-thre- e
men and Berkley Bryan, '25 football
munager, were awarded letters and
20 freshmen were given numerals.
John R. Allen, prominent Kentuck-ia- n
and Lexington attorney, made the
principal address of the evening. His
subject was "The Spirit of Kentucky,"
and ho praised the Wildcats highly.
Commends Wildcat Spirit
He said in closing: "Let the true
spirit of Kentucky that has made the
state's name glorious in every field
and that was handed down to us by our
heroic fathers animate all of us, citizen, alumnus, and student, and in the
football squad let the men cultivate
clean living, high ideals, honest and
true sportsmanship, loyalty to the

NO. 11

education students; the agriculture
building for agriculture students;
Dicker hall for engineers; White hall
Dorothy Chapman, Gayle Moh-ney- , for commerce students;
and the
Maud Van Buskirk and
natural science buildings for law students.
Laurence Narned
Student straw votes
are being
to Pill Respective Offices
taken in every university of the
country on this question. The nationJAMES, BENNET ALSO WIN al movement is fostered by a joint
committee of the Y. M. C. A. and the
The members of
the sophomore Y. W. C. A., which acts through stulass held a meeting Tuesday, Novem dent organizations at the various
ber 24. at 4 o'clock at Dicker hall colleges. At Kentucky, the university
"or the purpose of electing the rest
if their class officers. Dorothy Chapman, of Uniontown, a student in the
Arts and Sciences college and a mem
ber of Chi Omega sorority, was elected secretary. Gayle Mohney, of Lexfiell.
student in
tbeir daughter Mary ington, also acolleere and a the Arts
inu Sciences
of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraterMrs. Sorby, Werle's housekeeper
nity, was elected treasurer.
Many Improvements Have Been
Mrs. J. H. Powers.
The officers of the Student Coun
Relling, a doctor Dr. VanMeter.
in Accommodations
cil representatives
were filled by
Molvik, a student of theology Rob
and Equipment of CafeDavid James, of Lexington, an engi- ert Thompson.
teria on Campus
As a consolation prize for those, who (

"MESSIAH" TO BE Judge Alva Taylor To
Give Address Sunday
South Dakota



Students Will Vote on World Court Today
To Determine Opinion of All on Subject;'
State Conference Meets Here Dec. 12-1- 3

Students Stage Riotous
Rally After Victory Over Vols

crowd of University of
Committee Expresses Opinion Kentucky boys, tearing madly
Limestone street
That This .Matter Is of down afternoon, followincr Thursday
Great Advantage
tucky's victory over the gold and
The committee nppointcd to con white clad Tennessee
sider the matter of creating honors staged a celebration that nearly
courses at the university has submit- eliminated Lexington.
ted the following report, which was
"On! On! U. of K.," "The Old Grey

DECEMBER 4, 1925




All students who have taken advantage of the special student rate are
urged to call at the box office of the
Romany theater at once to make their
reservation, lor "The wild Duck"
which opens Monday evening, December 7, for a run or one week.
If reservations ure made at once,
students are assured good seats for
this performance which should be the
most interesting play of the season
for student subscribers. At the same
time, the Romany staff will be able to
predict the approximate size of its
audiences, avoiding the necessity of
bringing extra chairs.
The cast includes
to university audiences, among
them being Mary Lyons, Prof. George
K. Brady, Wallace Sunders und Regina Stunfiell.
All Brilliant and Otherwise Scholars
Take Due Notice
There will be imuortant mail deposited in ALL the mail boxes of ALL
the colleges of the university this
week and tho students are requested
to give the contents of the envelopes
therein contained immediate atten-

tion. This correspondence is addressed
ONLY to Sophomores, Junior and
EIGHT) Seniors. Get 'em while they're hot.



Dean Anderson Attends
New York Meetings
Head of Engineering College
Loses No Opportunity to Keep
Well Informed

improvements have been
made in the service and equipment of
the university cafeteria, according to
the announcement of Miss Lillian
Kohn, director, which make it possible to serve meals in an orderly and
consecutive manner and to eliminate
confusion to a considerable degree
when serving large crowds.
Two rooms are set aside in the basement of the Administration building
for this work, one for students which
seats 75, and another for the faculty,
seating 50. These are attractively
painted .and having beautifully colored
furnishings, making the dining rooms
desirable places in which to eat.
The kitchen is well equipped and al
ways open for inspection. Mechanical refrigeration is used in the re
frigerator. An electrically driven
kitchen machine is used for mashing
potatoes, beating merangues, etc.,
and n
machine for
cleaning dishes. The supplies bought
are only of the best, and' cleanliness
is imperative.
In Basement of Main Building
The university cafeteria has been
located in the basement of the Administrative building for seven years.
Owing to the crowded conditions, existing on the campus, it has been the
only available place, although it is

Dean F. Paul Anderson has cone to
New York to attend the forty-sixtannual meetinir of the American So
ciety of Mechanical Engineers, November 30 to December 4; the Annual
National Exposition Power and Me
chanical Engineering held at the
Grand Central Palace, November 20
to December 5; a stag dinner of the
Kentucky alumni located in New
York on the eveninir of December 3.
and the meeting of the Western New
York chapter of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers in Buffalo on December 7.
Dean Anderson never loses an op
portunity to keep informed relative
to tne very latest developments
engineering nnd to find new openings
for graduates from the University of
Kentucky each succeeding year. The
graduate from the University of
tucky has long since taken a position
in the fore rank of American
"Uy trained men, and the demand for
Kentucky graduate year by year
creases far beyond the number given very unsuited for the purpose. Hnv- degrees at the University in Engi- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)




Various Comments Are Rendered by
General Nuisance on Many Troubles
Concernin This Here Press of Ourn
By Le Roy Smith
As a matter of general interest, we
wish to observe that the jolly old
press went on the hog the other night
and caused more grief than the amiable prof, who snid, "Now, boys and
girls, tho Centre game tnkes phuo in
the afternoon, so we'll have a little
testlet on the last six chapters in the

I strolled into the composing-room- ,
edithe night before the
tion came out. I thought that thero
was some kind of an entertainment
going on for the personnel of the in
stitution was gathered around the
press, nnd the bunch was sounding off
like a steamboat whistle. Artie Morris was mnkin' a racket like a lobo
wolf when his rations ain't comin'
regular and it made me kind of homesick. Everybody was crackin' wise
and profane about some thin' and I
thought I'd look on awhile.
"How come?" says I.
Artie's exact words wouldn't get by
but the general idea
was somethin' like this, "This here
white elephant of a
he says, "which we have took to our


bosom, has turned and kicked up like
a viper."
"Mule," I corrects, meanin' no

"How do you know how it kicked?"
he says, kind of peevish like, and
layin' hold of a monkey-wrenc"Well," I says real mild, "I ain't
never seen no vipers kick but maybe
they do. Where did it kick you?" I

I was
"Didn't kick me nowhere.
usin' a figure of speech."
"Which is a polite way of lyin'," I
suggests, dodgin' the monkey-wrencand located at the end of the room for
a spell.

"Is this here ailment chronic with

tho contraption?" I inquires, whilst
they wns fixin' up a poultice out of

balm' wire.
"It ain't nothing else," Artie Knaps,
collegiate like, so I judged it was.
"Thank yu' all to thunder," I responds. "I just wanted t' know."
Artie was look in' real mournful at
the press, and Delos Nooe, which ain't
a disease but the linotype operator's
handle, was doin' some tricks with the





Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne


Buffalo, December
Saturday Regular luncheon nt 1:15
Chamber of Commerce, corner Main
York, December 3 Thursday and Seneca street.
Penning Stag Dinner.
Chicago, December 21 (Third MonfALouisvillc, December 5 (First Sa- day Regular) luncheon at 12:15
luncheon nt 1:15 Marshal Fields Men's Store (Grill


Brown hotel.



Philadelphia, December 5 (First
Detroit, December 25 (Last FriRegular) luncheon at 1:15 day Regular) dinner nt Dixieland
Engineer's Club, 1317 Spruce street. Inn.

' Saturday

tions hero Thursday. Mail should be
addressed to Mr. Wile nt 193 Tncomn



Cornerstone of Building Was
Laid Amid Heavy Downpour
of Rain at Last






Two years ago last Thursday, the
last Thanksgiving Home-Comin- g
the alumni, the cornerstone of the new
gymnasium was laid, amid a heavy
downpour of rain, it was then Known

as the basketball building, and was

L. Ryan Ringo, civil engineer with
the Central of Georgia Railroad
Company, Vincent, Aln., attended the
game hero Thnnksgiving. Mr. Ringo
nlso attended tho Alnbnma gnme
ho ia still n booster for "Stntc."
Mrs. II. A. Taylor, formerly Elizabeth Ellis, of Henderson, Ky., wns
a visitor here last week. Mrs. Taylor
is nlso visiting in Georgetown.
Miss Minnio B. Peterson, attorney,
with offices at 44 Enst Pike street,
Cynthiana, was here Inst week.
The marriage of Albert G. "Happy"
Chandler to Miss Mildred Wntkins wns
November 12, nt Ash
Cnmp Baptist church, Keysville, Vn.
They are now nt home at Versailles,
Ky., where Mr. Chandler is practicing law.
Miss Louise Conncll, who is teaching English in the Junior High school
of Paris, Ky., attended home-comin- g

the first step in the four-fol- d
of tho Greater Kentucky enmpnign.
Since thnt time tho gymnnsium has
been completed, and is now filling a
long-fe- lt
need. The first games were
played in it a year ago last March,
and since that time it has been one
(The Lexington Herald November 28)
of the most used buildings on the celebrations here Thursdny.
The University of Kentucky after mnny gruelling years since the d- campiiB. Now, besides the offices and
Miss Margaret Lavin and Miss
le-wn- r
glories, at last has seen its hopes reach fr.uition in a rooms of tho athletic department, it Kitty Conroy, of Anchorage, Ky., were
triumphant football team. The victory over Tennessee Thanksgiving day contains tho University Post Office in Lexington Inst week.
brings to a close a, season fraught with frenzied anxiety, on the part of station, the offices of the Military
Miss Franco Ripey, of Lawrence-- zealous
fans. The Wildcats have defeated two strong Southern Conference Department, the Stenographic Bu- burg, was here for the game last
teams, hewaneo and Tennessee, the conqueror of Georgia. For the first reau, the Trophy Room, and tho week.
time in nine years State defeated Centre in an admirably played game. Alumni Office. In addition to tho
Clemson and Mnryvilie were downed. The University of Chicago was held games played
Alumni dues and subscription to
there are
iu ii uuuiuiuiu score ami me uoienis at tlie liantls of Alabama and Washing- held dnnces, convocations, and other The Kernel $3.00.
ton and Leo were the outcomes of nnrIiM?iiH pirrMiinafiinnna
TinM. v,nA l.xii.
liant teams and nothing else could have been anticipated from tho start of the
Also during that time six sections of
season by the most ardent enthusiast.
Those of tho class of '25 who were
the Stadium hnve been built. They
In some years the hectic agitation of nlnnmi. winhincr fnr mnm tlmn nre of the highest, type construction, here for tho Thanksgiving gnme were
, could
be expected, mny have been a drawback. This year the team appeared and should be a matter of pride to all Ben R. Shaver, with Robinson and
Company, public accountants, Louistermed "supporting." Drug store coaching
j 5ve what ( iiuuuM);really be w,y to uuuuuruiu nnu eninusiastic assistance. alumni.
A percentage of collections has been ville, Ky., Ten Benson, with the Cenkuvi:
Coach Fred Murphy undoubtedly has had his troubles. A coach and a paid into the Patterson
Memorial tral of Georgia Railroad Company,
team on the firing line face difficulties unseen from stadium seats. Coach Statue fund, and the Student Loan Vincent, Ala., Helen Brewer, who is
Murphy merits highest praise and wins enthusiastic congratulations.
teaching in the high school at Frankfund.
If there has been rivalry among teammates it is most regrettable, a thing
The above has been possible only fort, Ky., H. C. Johnson, attorney at
"that should and must be eradicated. The University of Kentucky also has through the help of the University. Hazard, Ky., Allison Stokes, Sterling
some disadvantage, in the fact that few other inducements than a good With the exception of a very few, Towles,
education can be offered to any promising material, though of course for the pledges of all alumni are long past Towles, who was formerly Miss Mar
Tom Ballon
institution it is an aavantage ami a thing alumni and backers should ap- due, and payments should be sent in jorie Blackburn, ex-2of Lou
preciate rather than condone. Better thus and to have lost games than just as early as possible to avoid fur tine and Mrs. Ballentine ex-2othnrwisn tn Vinvo wnn fVinfn
isville, Ky., and Miss Louise Burks,
ther interest.
Nevertheless, a winning football team is a most decided nasnt to n tin!
who is teaching at Glasgow, Ky.
vcrsity. It may be considered by some a regrettable fact, but many schools
ui juugt-u- , lrum tne outsiae, Dy tneir lootoan records.
Moreover at this time the University of Konturkv noorls h anMA on
Have you written your senator and
thusiastic backing of its alumni and friends throughout thp nnt.P. Tf
representative urging their support of
doing a great work. It is laboring against most apparent obstacles. It sorely your alma mater;
needs for its banner to be raised up by those who know first hand of its good
work and to be carried aloft. It needs trreater recognition from, the state



Montgomery, salesman
Lumber Company,
for the Long-Be- ll
1413 Uonwny ouiiaing, imcago, in.
Vint-fnr Vip hnmpj'nminp game
TTnnrv V.. Rpnd. a member of the
firm of Rogers and Read, engineers
and surveyors, ill iteaity Kentucky-Insattended the
Mr. Read received his M. E. degree
in 1911 and his U. . in iuzu.
Augustus M. Kirby was in Lexing
oi aiumni
ton for the
Thanksgiving. Mr. Kirby is with the
Cf nnWH nil Cnmnnnv. at Hong Kong.
China. He is at this time visiting in
the United States, and until January
15, 1926, his address will oe w iviaa
ison avenue, Covington, Ky.
W. S. Hamilton stopped in the alum
ni office, while here for the Thanks
giving game. Mr. Hamilton is an at
torney with offices at 508 West Jef


the gridiron. For them to have attained a triumnh in the Rpnsnn iust nnaanH
has caused them to undergo the most rigid discipline and training. Some of
iiuvu met wuii injury out wun striKing gameness nave Kept on "Keeping on" in order to keep the blue and white banner flying.
What they have done should be an inspiration to the University's friends
throughout the state of Kentucky.
Football is a game, a sport, a thrilling, inspiring, enthralling-gamit is true, but nevertheless a game.
Perhaps many a returning homecomcr sat in the stadium seats Thursdnv
and wished he could step out there in the mud and reel off a
run or
uropKicK tne watermelon between the goals.
The team did better with
him where he was, most likely. But let not the ardor cool nor the spirit
uie, uiu iun.
Iheres a bigger game and work to do.
vm-ii- i






(The Lexington Leader November 29)
There was a good deal of agitation in some Quarters when it hoenmo
football game a beer