xt7g7940sg4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sg4g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1956-10-oct19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-10-oct19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-10-oct19-ec. 1956 1956-10-oct19-ec. 2011 true xt7g7940sg4g section xt7g7940sg4g 

           Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, October 19, 1956.

           The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in the President, s Office at 10:30 a. mr CST, Friday, October
19, 1956, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman;
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Louis Cox and J. Stephen Watkins. Absent: Harper
Gatton. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met
with the Committee.

           A. Approval of Minutes.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of Tuly 20, 1956, were approved as published.

           B. Report of the Treasurer.

           Vice President Peterson submitted financial statement covering the
period of July, August and September.  The report consisted of a balance
sheet and a statement of income and expenditures.  The financial statement
was examined and explained. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
same was authorized received and filed,

           C. Injuries.

           Mr. Peterson reported that Mr. A. F. Miller, truck driver, Main-
tenance and Operations, received a burn on the left wrist when trying to prime
the pump on a truck. His foot slipped and his left arm hit the exhaust pipe,
severely burning the arm,  He did not think the burn was bad at first; later
it became necessary to receive treatment. He reported at the Infirmary on
Saturday, August 11, 1956. No doctor or nurse was available. He was
sent to the hospital for treatment and tetanus shot, Dr. Dale M. Royalty
gave medical services and rendered an invoice for $11. 50 for three calls,
The hospital bill was for emergency room only.

              J. A. Brunfield, plumber, Maintenance and Operations, received
a puncture in the heel of his left hand. This injury occurred while Mr. Brum-
field was working with a sewer rod,  The rod struck an object in the sewer
line and, pressure being applied, was caused to reverse, striking the heel of
the left hand, thus causing the puncture.

           Mr. Brumfield was sent to the Infirmary. No doctor was on duty.
He was requested to go to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment and tetanus
shot.  The Hospital submitted invoice for $3. 75. The doctor has not yet sub-
mitted an invoice,



           Mr. Peterson recommended that invoices rendered in connection
with accidents to A. F. Miller and T. A. Brurnfield be paid, with the under-
standing that the University does not set a precedent nor admit negligence
or liability.

           Randall Wood, milker, Dairy Center, Experiment Station Farm,
received a severe cut on the right wrist caused by a broken glass in a door.
Mr, Wood was trying to hold the door and, at the same time, hold back a
cow that was not very tame. Another cow pushed through the barn and
through the door.  This caused Mr. Wood, s hand and arm to slip off the door,
breaking the glass.  The glass cut his right wrist severely, Doctors were
not on duty at the Infirmary. Mr. Wood was bleeding profusely and was sent
to the emergency room, Good Samaritan Hospital. Doctor Thompson R.
Bryant, jr., treated Mr. Wood and submitted an invoice of $10. 00. Hospital
charges were $6. 75.

           William Bedford, tractor operator, Experiment Station Farm,
received a punctured finger while adjusting a guard on a mowing machine.
The tractor moved and the mower guard punctured the finger. A doctor was
not available at the Infirmary, Mr. Bedford was sent to the emergency room,
Good Samaritan Hospital, Dr. Thompson R. Bryant, Jr. , gave medical ser-
vice and rendered an invoice in the amount of $3. 00.  The emergency room
invoice was $3. 750

           Mr. Peterson recommended that the Experiment Station be per-
mitted to pay these accounts, with the expressed understanding that the Uni-
versity does not set a precedent nor does it admit negligence or liability in
so doing.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the expenses of the
injuries to A. F. Miller and J. A. Brumfield were authorized paid from Col-
lege funds, and the expenses of the injuries to Randall. Wood and William Bed-
ford were approved for payment from Experiment Station funds, with the ex-
pressed understanding that the University does not set a precedent nor does
it admit negligence or liability in approving payment for medical and hospital

           D. Additional Federal Loan--Shawneetown Apartments.

           Mr. Peterson reported that, pursuant to authorization of the Board
of Trustees, the University has negotiated with the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, Washington, D.C., through its Atlanta office, a loan of $1,806,000
for the purpose of financing the construction of apartment buildings known as
Shawneetown Apartments.  Bids have been taken for the construction of this
project as planned.  The low bid submitted exceeded the amount of the loan
by about $450, O00  The original loan agreement had contingent funds in excess
of $100,000,  Since many of the uncertainties connected with a project of this
type are eliminated through receipt of base bids, it is now thought that an ad-
ditional loan of $350, 000 will be sufficient to finance the project. Mr. Peter-
son requested authority to apply to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for
an additional loan of $350, 000, making the total loan $2, 156, 000.  He request-
ed authority on behalf of the University to sign all papers necessary to consum-
mate the additional loan requested.



           Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation, and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, President Frank G. Dickey and
Vice President Frank D. Peterson were authorized, jointly or separately,
to sign any and all papers requested of them by the Federal Government or
agencies thereof to negotiate and consummate an increase of $350, 000 in the
existing agreement to bring the total loan agreement to the amount of
$2, 156, 000X

           E. Operation of the Health Service.

           Members of the Committee asked to discuss further the services
rendered by the University Health Service and the schedule of keeping the
Health Service open. Mr. Peterson read communications from Vice Presi-
dent Chamberlain and Dr, J. S. Chambers, director of Health Service. A
general discussion ensued, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
President Dickey was requested to arrange to have the Health Service open
with a doctor on duty during office hours, save for regularly established holi-

           F. State Dental Association Committee.

           President Dickey reported that a committee representing the Ken-
tucky State Dental Association had requested to be heard. The committee,
which consisted of: Dr. Lyman Wagers, Chairman; Dr. Shailer Peterson,
Secretary, Council on Dental Education, American Dental Association, Chicago;
Dr. Arthur Elam, President, Kentucky State Dental Association; Dr. A. B.
Coxwell, Secretary, Kentucky Dental Association; Dr. Jim Hoge, Dr. Vincent
Barr, Dr. Marvin Lutes, Dr. William Kranz, Dr. Frank Watts and Dr. Joe
Jones, Jr., was invited to the meeting and submitted a Resolution adopted by
the House of Delegates of the Kentucky State Dental Association in executive
session, August 28, 1956, which is as follows:

              WHEREAS, a medical center has been established at the
           University of Kentucky and it is understood that it includes,
           among its other health facilities, a School of Dentistry, and

              WHEREAS, the construction and organize Lion plans of
           the School of Medicine are already under way with the first
           class scheduled to enter in 1959 and a physician appointed,
           who serves as Vice-President of the University of Ken-
           tucky, in charge of this center, and also as Dean of the Med-
           ical School, and

              WHEREAS, it is under'Atood that the present time-table
           calls for the detailed planning of a School of Dentistry no
           sooner than 1959, and

              WHEREAS, authoritative dental educators agree that if a
          center is to include a medical school and a dental school
          that use joint facilities, such as a basic science school and



            hospital, that the planning must be done simultaneously in
            order to maintain high and equal standards for Dentistry,

               WHEREAS, at this time there has been no joint planning
           or consultation with persons especially trained and familiar
           with the establishment and operations of dental education
           and facilities,

               THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kentucky
           State Dental Association having the knowledge that this
           school is a reality, and desiring that the quality of dental
           education in this school be established and maintained on
           the highest scholastic levels necessary for the future of
           the Dental Profession, urge that in order to insure these
           objectives a Dean for the School of Dentistry at the University
           of Kentucky be selected and appointed at this time so that he
           may assist in concurrent planning of the School of Dentistry
           in its joint operation with the School of Medicine at the Uni-
           versity of Kentucky,

               BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Kentucky State
           Dental Association desiring that this school have equal
           autonomy with the Medical School urge that the adminis -
           trative head of the medical center not be a Dean of either
           the Medical or Dental School but instead a third party,
           thus not making one professional school subservient to the
           other as it would be under the present administrative set-up
           at the University of Kentucky,

               BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a committee of no
           less than five be appointed by the President, to communicate
           with and present a copy of this Resolution to the Governor of
           Kentucky, the President of the University of Kentucky and
           the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

           Representatives stated that the committee desired to be consulted
during the planning stage and in the development of a College of Dentistry,
which is to become a part of the Medical Center at the University of Kentucky.
The committee requested that the dental school be planned at the same time
the College of Medicine is planned.  They requested that the dean of the Col-
lege of Dentistry be separate and apart from the dean of the College of Med-
ic ine .

           They were advised that the committee representing the Kentucky
State Dental Association would be consulted and that the Executive Committee
was in no position to make any commitment as to policy of administering the
College of Dentistry,  Then the Chairman thanked the committee for appearing
and extended the appreciation of the Executive Committee and the University
to the Kentucky State Dental Association for its interest in the Medical Center
and. the University.  The committee was excused and, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the Resolution was authorized received and made of


           G. Report on Pre -Medical Student Housing.

           President Dickey reported that the sub-committee had worked out
all details incident to the acceptance of the offer of a local group of doctors
to make available a. house for pre-medical students at the University. He
advised that the house had been accepted and he knew of no adverse criticism
from any source.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was

           H. Report on Use of Coliseum.

           President Dickey reported that he received a request for permission
for President Eisenhower to make an appearance in the Coliseum. He related
that, under the Board' s policy, the Coliseum could not be used for political
rallies. He advised that he polled the members of the Board, after which ap-
provv I was given.  The Coliseum and its facilities were also offered to Mr.
Stepaenson, Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the action of the
President was concurred in, with the understanding that use of the Coliseum for
the purposes stated does not set a precedent.

           I. Report on Surplus Veterans Administration Land.

           President Dickey reported that local newspapers had carried a news
item to the effect that the 89-acre tract adjacent to the Veterans Administration
Hospital in Lexington had been approved for transfer to the University for ex-
perimental use. He advised that the University had not received any official

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the information
was received and ordered made of record. President Dickey and Vice Pres-
ident Peterson were authorized jointly or separately to sign and execute any
documents necessary to consummate the transfer of this land.

           J. Dean of Admissions -- Robert L, Mills.

           President Dickey read the following statement:

              During the past several years the responsibilities attached
           to the Office of the Registrar have increased sharply.  As an
           example, last year in the reorganization of the counseling
           service of the University, the counseling and testing offices,
           with their varied programs, were placed under the direction
           of the registrar. As the number of students enrolling at the
           University of Kentucky increases, the work of the registrar



           and the admissions office will become increasingly complex
           and important.

               The chief admissions officer of the University is a most
           important position. He comes in contact with more persons
           off the campus and on the campus than practically any other
           person in the University. He contacts high schools, other
           colleges and universities, educational associations, and he
           reports to a number of outside accrediting and professional
           agencies. His contacts on campus include those with ad-
           ministrative officers, members of the faculty, students, and
           parents.  In all of these contacts, he must be in a position
           to speak with authority and must command the respect of

               The registrar and admissions officer cannot be held in
           a lesser position to that occupied by the deans.  He must
           work with them at their level.  For all of these reasons,
           it seems wise to recommend that the position of registrar
           be expanded in title and responsibility.  I am, therefore,
           recommending that effective October 19, the position of
           Dean of Admissions and Registrar be established.  The
           person who is currently so capably and eminently filling the
           position of registrar would become the person to hold the
           title of Dean of Admissions and Registrar.  Dr. Robert
           L. Mills is a man of great ability and is one that we wish
           to hold, In my opinion no individual could be found who
           would be able to serve so well in this newly recommended
           position, I should further like to recommend that we
           increase the salary for the position to $9, 000 per year, this
           increase for Dr. Mills to become effective November 1, 1956.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of President Dickey was concurred in and Dr. Robert L. Mills was elected
Dean of Admissions, effective November 1, 1956, with adjustment in salary.

           K. Additional Facilities for Northern Center.

           President Dickey reported that there was some uncertainty as to
 whether or not the land needed for a site for the Northern Extension Center
 could be condemned, and that there was some uncertainty in the minds of the
 local authorities in Covington. He suggested that the matter be passed for
future action by the Board of Trustees.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.



           L. Leave of Absence for Dean Elvis J. Stahr, Jr.

           President Dickey reported that Dean Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., had been
requested to head up the President, s Committee on Education Beyond the High
School. He stated that he felt that this was a most important committee and
a distinct honor to Dean Stahr, and he was extremely proud that Dean Stahr
could make a contribution in this area. He recommended that Dean Stahr be
given leave of absence without pay, but eligible for expenses that would enable
him to continue on a consultant basis with the College of Law. President
Dickey stated that Dean Stahr would make occasional trips to the campus to
keep in touch with the work of the College.

           The President further stated that a grant had been received to make
it possible to pay expenses of Dean Stahr, which grant would be reported and
accepted tunder the heading of "Gifts".

           Members of the Committee discussed the honor which had been be-
stowed upon Dean Stahr and the President, s recommendation. Upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the leave of absence was granted for the
year, the grant for expenses was authorized, and the continuation of Dean
Stahr' s services on a consulting basis was approved.

           M. Budget Increases.

           President Dickey reported that the enrollment in the Department
of English had exceeded the estimate of the College of Arts and Sciences and
that additional instructors were necessary. He stated that some rearrange -
ments had been made in the budget for the Department of English but that a
budget increase of $1, 500. 00 was needed, He recommended this increase.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller
was directed to make the necessary budget adjustments and $1, 500 00 was ap-
propriated for the Department of English from the unappropriated surplus of
the General University Budget.

           President Dickey reported a communication from Dean White and
others concerning a "Constable" painting given to the University by Mr. P.A. B.
Widener HlI It is thought that the painting is a genuine work of John Constable
and its history as a part of the illustrious Widener collection speaks favorably
for it, There is, however, some difference of opinion as to its authenticity.
President Dickey requested appropriation of $150. 00 for the restoration of the

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, $150. 00 was appro-
priated to the Art Department for the job of restoring the painting.

           President Dickey reported that the family of Senator Alben W.
Barkley had consented to give to the University of Kentucky the Barkley Collec -
tion, for display.  He suggested that the Library would need about $1, 000. 00
to do the necessarv work to display properly the collection.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $1, 000. 00
was authorized appropriated to Account 1320 for this purpose,



           President Donovan reported that Mr. P. A. B. Widener III had given
to the University of Kentucky his very unusual and very fine collection of fish,
about fifty specimens in all. He advised that this fine collection should be
properly displayed and recommended appropriation of $1, 000.00 to Account 1320
to pay the cost to do whatever is necessary to exhibit the collection.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $1, 000.00
was authorized appropriated to Account 1320 to pay for the cost, these funds to
be taken from the unappropriated surplus of the University.

           N. Purchase of House and Lot.

           Mr. Peterson reported the house and lot at 183 Montmullin Street
was available for sale. This is a 1 -story frame house situated on a lot with
40 feet frontage and 100 feet deep. It was appraised at $1,600. 00. Mr. Peter-
son stated that he thought the house and lot were worth the appraised price and
recommended purchase from Haggin funds.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President
was authorized to purchase the house and lot at 183 Montmullin Street and to
pay for same from Haggin funds.

           0. Request of Group Insurance Committee,

           President Dick'ey stated that he was in receipt of a communication
from the Chairman of the Employees Group Insurance Committee m.taking inquiry
concerning the legality of whether or not the University could, if it so desired,
enter into contract for major medical expenses for employees of the University.
He asked for legal advice and guidance for the Committee. It was the general
consensus that the University could not participate in paying premiums for major
medical expenses.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was
requested so to notify the Chairman of the Employees Group Insurance Commit-

           P. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

           President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointinents,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff
changes requested by deans and. heads of departments.



                    COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES


           P. P. Karan, Instructor, Geography Department, effective September
1, 1956.

           Mrs. Janet Roberts, Record Librarian, Music Department, for ten
months, effective September 1, 1956.

           Charles Mullins, Attendant, Physical Education Department, ef-
fective September 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Louise W. Helm, Secretary, Audiology Clinic - Psychology,
effective September 17, 1956.

           Kenneth Purcell, Assistant Professor (Part-time), Psychology De-
partment, effective September 1, 1956.

           Carolyn W. Miles, Secretary, Social Work, effective September 10,

           Ralph F. Wiseman, Instructor, Bacteriology Department, effective
September 1, 1956,

           Mrs. Gloria E. Platt, Assistant Secretary, Dean, s Office, effective
September 10, 1956.

           James A. Crutcher, Storekeeper, Chemistry Department, effective
September 11, 1956.

           Mrs. Dorothy Scheuer, Secretary, Health Service, effective Sep-
tember 6, 1956.

           Richard W. Heurtley, Jr. , Instructor, History Department, effective
September 1, 19 56,

           Barbara Lu Burns, Instructor, English Department, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Christine Pease, Secretary, Modern Foreign Languages De-
partment, effective September 19, 1956.

           Mrs. Roberta A. Tyler, Secretary, Mathematics and Astronomy,
effective September 17, 1956.

           Joseph R. Rosenbloom, Part-time Instructor, Ancient Languages,
effective September 1, 1956.

           Joy N. Query, Part-time Instructor, Sociology, effective September
15, 1956.



           Vincent W. Byers, Hearing Therapist, Psychology, effective Septem-
 ber 1, 1956,

           Mrs. Betty D. Yost, Mathematician, under I.C.A. Indonesian Con-
 tract, effective August 26, 1956.

           Ray Rector, Graduate Assistant, Music Department, effective Sep-
 tember 1, 19 56.

           Betty Jeanne Cooke, Secretary, Art Department, effective October
 16, 1956.

           Dr. Robert Straus, Professor of Medical Sociology, Sociology De-
partment, (approved September 4 Board meeting). effective November 1, 1956.
           Elizabeth G. Thompson, Secretary, Ancient Languages, effective Octo-
ber 1, 1956.

           Gerhard Weinberg, Assistant Professor, History, effective Septem-
ber 1, 1956.

           Kurt W. E. Starke, Associate Professor, Chemistry, effective
September 1, 19 56.

           Julia Ann Brown, Assistant Secretary, Dean' s Office, effective
August 31, 1956.

           Albert Pappenheim, Part-time Assistant Professor, Ancient
Languages, effective September 1, 1956.

           Robert Hunter, Part-time Instructor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
effective September 1, 1956.

           Susan Frances McDavid, Secretary, Art Department, effective
October 15, 1956.

           Betty P. Halfhill, Secretary, Military Department, effective October
31, 19 56.

Salary Adjustments

           Herbert E. Hall, Research Associate, Bacteriology, adjustment
in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           J. C. Eaves, Head of Mathematics and Astronomy Department, ad-
justment in salary, effective September 1, 1956,

           Tillio Pignani, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy, ad-
justment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           Sallie E. Pence, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.



           Paul E. Coggins, Part-time Instructor, English Department,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           Charles J. Pelfrey, Part-time Instructor, English Department,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           Marion C. Brown, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and As-
tronomy, adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           Richard H. Sprague, Instructor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           W. C. Royster, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           H. H. Downing, Professor, Mathematics and Astronomys adjust-
ment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           Frank Levin, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

           J. G. Horne, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Astronomy,
adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1956.

Leaves of Absence

           Vincent P. Kenney, Assistant Professor, Physics, returned from
leave, effective September 1, 1956.

           Joanna R. Gewertz, five months leave, effective September 1,


           Ellwood M. Hammaker, Associate Professor, Chemistry, trans-
ferred to I. C. A. Indonesian Contract, adjustment in salary, effective August 22,
19 56.

           Richard Hanau, Physicist, transferred to I. C.A. Indonesian Con-
tract, adjustment in salary, effective August 26, 1956.

           Francis Lorraine Yost, Professor & Head, Physics Department,
transferred to I.C.A. Indonesian Contract, adjustment in salary, effective
August 26, 1956.

           Jacob R. Meadow, Professor, Chemistry Department, transferred
to I. C.A. Indonesian Contract, adjustment in salary, effective August 24, 1956.





           Dr. Stanley Wall, Associate Dean of Instruction Division, effective
September 1, 1956.

           Albert N. Halter, Assistant Professor and Assistant Economist,
Agricultural Economics, effective September 15, 1956.

           Reba K. Bullen, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Pike County, effective September 15, 1956.

           Mary A. Burnett, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station, effective
September 1, 1956.

           Judy Carole LeMay, Laboratory Aid, Experiment Station, effective
September 1, 1956.

           Bernard Carl Burman, Dairy Plant Aid, effective September 15,

           John K. Wills, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Fleming
County, effective September 1, 1956.

           Donetta J. Spicer, Stenographer, Extension, effective September
17, 1956.

           Samuel Dewey Whitehead, Inspector, effective September 11, 1956.

           Forest Leonard Reeves, Assistant in Agronomy, Experiment Station,
effective September 10, 1956.

           Dixie D. Trapp, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Morgan County, effective September 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Josephine M. Chestnut, Assistant County Home Demonstration
Agent, Green County, effective September 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Elizabeth A. Porter, Acting County Home Demonstration Agent,
Campbell County, effective September 1, 1956,

           Edward Lee Conder,Research Assistant, effective September 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Ernestine M. Morgan, Assistant County Home Demonstration
Agent in Training, Scott County, effective October 8, 1956,

           Elwood S. Combs, Assistant County Agricultural Extension Agent
in Training, Whitley County, effective October 8, 1956,

           Gerald R. Bradley, County Agricultural Extension Agent, Hopkins
County, effective October 1, 1956.



           Wayne J. Sininger, Assistant County Agricultural Extension Agent in
 Training, Henry County, effective October 1, 1956.

           Glen R. McCormack, Assistant County Agricultural Extension Agent
in Training, Boone County, effective October 1, 1956.

           Mrs. Ann S. Bardwell, Assistant County Home Demonstration Exten-
sion Agent, Harrison County, effective October 1, 1956.

           Shirley Jean Rechenbach, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective
October 1, 1956.
           Barbara Alice Truitt, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective Octo-
ber 1, 1956.

           Joe B. Dixon, Technical Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
August 15, 1956.

           Mrs. Beulah Mae Nichols, Assistant County Home Demonstration
Agent, Henderson - Daviess Counties, effective August 31, 1956.

           Barbara J. Jaggers, Technical Assistant in Home Economics Re-
search, effective August 25, 1956,

           George W. Pope, Assistant in Agronomy, effective August 25, 1956.

           Robert L. Culley, Inspector, effective September 6, 1956,

           Patricia Spears, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective August
31, 1956.

           Mayme M. Hinson, Secretary, Experiment Station, effective Septem-
ber 30, 1956.

           Carolyn Summers, Clerk-Typist, Experiment Station, effective
October 8, 1956.

           John L. Kuegel, Field Agent in Cream Grading, effective August 31,

           Lowell Wilson, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
September 15, 1956.

           Howard C. Giles, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
August 31, 1956.

           Robert L. Johnstone, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
August 31, 1956.

           Harold Barnhill, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
August 31, 1956.


           Patricia Ann Stefanik, Assistant Professor, did not accept appoint-
ment, effective September 7, 1956.

           Leo F. Kern, Dairy Plant Aide, effective September 12, 1956.

           Mrs. Irene Roberts, Research Assistant, Home Economics, effective
September 1, 1956. (Did not accept appointment).

           Laura Moretti, Technical Assistant in Home Economics Research,
effective September 18, 1956.

           Thomas J. Roeck, Aid in Agronomy, effective September 25, 1956.

           William H. Keller, Laboratory Assistant, Experiment Station, ef-
fective August 31, 1956.

           Thelma M. Wheeler, County Home Demonstration Agent, Lawrence
County, effective September 24, 1956.

           Mrs. Geneva P. Giles, County Home Demonstration Agent, Bourbon
County, effective September 29, 1956,

           Milton Noble, Robinson Substation, Forester, effective June 30, 1956.

           Mrs. Patricia S. DeCoursey, County Home Demonstration Agent,
Knott County, effective September 29, 1956,

           Edward T. McCandless, Jr. , Assistant County Agricultural Extension
Agent, Boone County, effective September 30, 1956,