xt7g7940sg3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sg3w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1972-02-mar21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-02-mar21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-02-mar21. 1972 1972-02-mar21. 2011 true xt7g7940sg3w section xt7g7940sg3w 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, March 21, 1972

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
session at 2:00 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, March 21, 1972 in
Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the campus of the
University with the following members present: Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr.
Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Lyman V. Ginger, Mr. George W.
Griffin, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. James H. Pence; non-voting faculty member,
Professor Paul Sears; and non-voting student member, Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf.
Absent from the meeting were: Governor Wendell H. Ford, former Governor
Albert B. Chandler, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. Floyd H.
Wright and non-voting faculty member, Professor Paul Oberst. Members of the
administration present were: President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech,
Robert G. Zumwinkle, and Stanley Wall; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Director of the
Budget; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various
news media were also in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay as Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:40 p. m.
Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported a
quorum present, and the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of
business at 1:43 p. m. Because of the necessity for Mr. Clay to leave the
meeting early, it was agreed to rearrange the order of business in order to con-
sider some items prior to his departure.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed, the
reading of the Minutes for the February 29, 1972 meeting of the Executive Corn-
mittee of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved
as published.

       C. Student Code Revision Committee Report

       Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Revision Committee, read the
following committee report:

           Proposals for changes in the Student Code were received by the
     mid-February deadline from Student Affairs, Student Government,



and Professional Students Association.

     Various viewpoints and supporting testimonies with respect to
the proposed changes were received from members of the University
community by the Committee on Student Code Revisions during a
seven-hour open hearing on March 2. The Committee met in closed
session for about six hours on March 11 and briefly again today to
make its decisions with respect to recommendations to the Board.

     The proposal by Student Affairs that the non-academic relations
between Lexington Technical Institute students and the University also
be covered by the Code is being recommended for adoption by the
Board. This will involve changes in the Governing Regulations as
well as in the Code. The necessary changes are presented on the
first three pages of the Committee's report.

     Changes proposed by Student Affairs, and supported by Student
Government, dealing with counseling records, Student Health Service
records, Student Mental Health records, and Dean of Students records
are being recommended for approval.

     Four changes among those proposed by the Graduate and Pro-
fessional Student Association are being recommended for approval.
Two of these coincide with changes recommended by Student Government.

     Student Government proposed by far the most extensive changes.
Although many changes proposed by Student Government were not ac-
cepted, the Committee has acted favorably upon a significant number of
the proposals by Student Government which has resulted in recom-
mendations by the Committee dealing with at least twenty-four sections
of the Code. These changes which are being recommended by the
Committee deal with:

     Nature of and handling of information about students obtained
     during counseling sessions

     Role of the U. J-Board Hearing Officer

     Temporary appointments to the U. J-Board

     Temporary sanctions

     Establishment of honor codes

     Establishment of rules by Residence Halls Governments

     Availability of rules for Residence Halls and Residence
     Judicial Boards


-3 -

           Appointment of Resident Advisors

           Non-discrimination policy on scholarships, grants-in-aid,
           and financial aid

           Non-application of sanctions in disputed cases of financial

           Pages 1 through 35 of the Committee's report show the recomn-
      mended additions which are underlined and the recommended
      deletions which are enclosed in brackets.

           One or two minority reports will be forthcoming from indi-
      vidual members of the Committee containing changes which were
      discussed but not accepted by a majority of the Committee.

           However, Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, I
      request that the revisions in the Code and in the Governing Regu-
      lations incorporated in the Committee's report be received by the
      Board for consideration and for action as soon as appropriate at a
      subsequent meeting. (A copy of the report of the Student Code
      Revision Committee is attached as an appendix at the end of the
      Minutes. )

      The Board received the committee's report for subsequent action at a
later nmeeting.

       Mr. Wendelsdorf, a member of the Student Code Revision Committee,
presented and commented on a rather extensive minority report which was re-
ceived by the Board. Mr. Bell, also a member of the committee, presented
and commented briefly on a second minority report, which in like manner was
received by the Board. (Copies of these two minority reports are also included
in the appendix following the regular report of the Student Code Revision Com-
mnittee. )

       D. Proposed Amendment in the Governing Regulations Altering the
Composition of the University Senate - Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf

       Following a brief discussion by Mr. Wendelsdorf relative to the proposed
amendment in the Governing Regulations altering the composition of the University
Senate, Mr. Wendelsdorf said that, in view of various factors, he thought the
matter appropriately should be first considered by the University Senate and that
he wished to withdraw the proposed amendment at this time.

       E. Mr. Thomas P. Bell Elected Acting Presiding Officer

Vice Chairman Clay having to leave the meeting, called upon Mr. Bell to



chair the remainder of the meeting. On motion by Mr. Goss, seconded by Mr.
Alverson, and approved, Mr. Bell was formally elected as acting presiding
officer in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of

       F. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary called attention to PR 1, President's Report to the
Trustees, which does not require Board action. He stated that in the interest
of conserving time he would not discuss the items in the report since the
members would have an opportunity to read it at their leisure but would be glad
to answer any questions.

       There being no questions, Mr. Bell accepted the report with thanks and
ordered it filed.

       G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       The items in PR 2 being routine in nature and there being no questions,
on motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Dr. Sears, and carried, PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       H. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary stated it gave him much pleasure to recommend the
appointment of Dr. Art Gallaher, Professor of Anthropology and currently
Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, as Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, effective July 1, 1972. President Singletary said that he and the
search committee which was appointed to advise him think the University is very
fortunate to have such a well qualified man for this leadership role as Dr.
Gallaher. Dr. Gallaher, being present at the meeting, was introduced, and
President Singletary said it was with a very warm feeling on his part to recom-
mend this appointment.

       On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed without
dissent, Dr. Art Gallaher's appointment as Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences was approved, effective July 1, 1972. (See PR 3 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       I. Establishment of Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (PR 4)

Dr. Morris explained that since the opening of the University Hospital



Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has operated as a division of the Depart-
ment of Medicine. In the past ten years, the service and teaching load of this
section has significantly increased. With the activation of the Veterans Admin-
istration Hospital, responsibility for this service on behalf of the Veterans
Administration patients will also be assumed. Accordingly, it is logical at this
time to affect a reorganization whereby a separate Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine is established to serve the education, research, and patient care
programs of the University of Kentucky Medical Center, effective immediately.

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Pence, and passed, the
recommendation in PR 4 was approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J. Resolution Concerning Personnel at Paducah Community
College (PR 5)

       Following a brief explanation by Mr. Ruschell regarding the resolution
involving seven faculty members of the Paducah Community College, on motion
by Dr. Ginger, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the recommendation in
PR 5 was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Dr. Paul G. Sears Reelected Faculty Trustee

       President Singletary reported that he had received a letter from Dr.
Elbert W. Ockerman, Secretary, University Senate, informing him that Dr.
Sears had been reelected by the faculty to membership on the Board of Trustees
for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1972. The Board and President
Singletary expressed their pleasure in the continued service of Dr. Sears on the
Board of Trustees.

       L. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Dr. Ginger, and passed, the
interim financial report for the period ending January 31, 1972 was received
and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR I at the end of the Minutes.

       M. Resolution Concerning Jefferson Community College (PR 6)

       Mr. Darsie commented that the resolution concerning Jefferson Com-
munity College would authorize the execution of an agreement to purchase steam
and chilled water from a central plant located near the Jefferson Community
College for the next building to be constructed there if a technical and adminis-
trative review indicated this would be in the best interest of the University. He
also explained that execution of the agreement was necessary to insure that the
bonds issued for the steam plant are not classified by the Internal Revenue
Service as "industrial development bonds".



       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and carried, the
resolution concerning Jefferson Community College was adopted. (See PR 6 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Student Health Services Program (MCC 1)

       The Medical Center Committee presented a recommendation and back-
ground with respect to a Student Health Services Program. After some
introductory comments, President Singletary called upon Mr. John Dorson of
the Student Health Advisory Committee and Dr. Howard Bost of the Medical
Center to speak on this matter. Mr. Dorson spoke about the desirability of the
program and student support of it. Dr. Bost made several remarks about the
difficulties arising from the financial delinquency of students in complying with
the requirements of the existing Student Health Insurance Program, and then
elaborated upon the details, options and non-mandatory nature of the proposed
Student Health Services Program. Mr. Wendelsdorf, as President of Student
Government, expressed his support for this proposed program.

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Pence, and passed, the
recommendation in MCC 1 relative to the Student Health Services Program was
approved as presented. (See MCC 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Quarterly Report - Technical Assistant Grant Project - Office
of Development Services and Business Research

       The Quarterly Report of the Technical Assistance program in the Office
of Development Services and Business Research was distributed to members of
the Board. Dean Charles Haywood of the College of Business and Economics
made a brief report on the accomplishments of this unit, identifying specific
sections of the report that might be of interest to individual Board members,
and speculating on the possibilities for future funding of this extension effort.

      P. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
by Mr. Pence, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the meeting adjourned
at 2:50 p. m.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         Lucile T. Btazer
                                         Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, FCR 1; MCC i; and the report of the Student Code
Revision Committee, including two minority reports, which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )


Missing report(s)


                                                    Office of the President
                                                    March Z1, 1972

                                                    PR 2
Members, Board of Trustees:


.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: that approval be given to the appointments and/or other
    changes which require Board action and that the report relative to appoint-
    ments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

    Background: Approval of the Board of Trustees is required for all appoint-
    ments to the positions with the rank of Associate Professor and above, for
    promotions, for the granting of tenure, and for salary changes above $12, 000
    for non-academic personnel and $15, 000 for academic personnel. All other
    appointments and/or changes may be made by the President and reported to
    the Board.

                            BOARD ACTION

   New Appointments

   Frank R. Bowers, Assistant Professor*, Department of Psychiatry, College
      of Medicine, and Chief, Mental Health Service, University Health Service,
      effective June 1, 1972 (salary over $15, 000)
   Sam Brown, Assistant Professor*, Department of Behavioral Science, and
      Director, Section for Educational Resources, College of Medicine,
      effective June 1, 1972 (salary over $15, 000)
   Michael Slayton, Instructor*, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine,
      and Phvsician, University Health Service, effective July 1, 1972 (salary
      over $15, 000)

   Administrative Appointments

   W. Michael Bryant, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College of
      Medicine, named Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery, College of
      Medicine, retroactive to March 1, 1972
   Frank R. Bowers, Assistant Professor", Department of Psychiatry, College
      of Medicine, named Chief of Mental Health Service, University Health
      Service, effective June 1, 1972

"Special Title Series



Sam Brown, Assistant Professor*, Department of Behavioral Science,
   College of Medicine, named Director of Section for Educational Resources.
   College of Medicine, effective June 1, 1972

joint Appointment

Albert C. Selke, Jr. , Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic
   Radiology, College of Medicine, named Associate Professor, Department
   of Diagnostic Radiology, and Assistant Professor, Department of
   Pediatrics, College of Medicine, retroactive to March 1, 1972


L. Niel Plummer, Professor, Department of Journalism, College of Arts
   and Sciences, after 42 years of service, effective July 1, 1972
Lillie Mae Carrier, Food Service Worker II, Auxiliary Services, after over
   25 years of service, effective May 1, 1972
Pearl C. Graves, Cook/Baker II, Auxiliary Services, after 30 years of
   service, effective July 1, 1972
Virginia W. Hubbard, Administrative Secretary, Department of Vocational
  Education, College of Education, after over 24 years of service, effective
  July 1, 1972
Gilbert W. Jones, Cabinet Maker, Physical Plant Division, after over 16
   years of service, effective June 2, 1972
Forrest Simpson, Custodian, Physical Plant Division, after 15 years of
   service, effective April 29, 1972
John Ed Stewart, Food Service Worker II, Auxiliary Services, after over
   16 years of service, effective July 1, 1972
Lockett F. Tabb, Machine Operator, Department of Public Information,
  College of Agriculture, after over 15 years of service, effective May 1,
Pauline Carlson Williams, Food Service Worker I, Auxiliary Services,
  after over 25 years of service, effective July 10, 1972
Frances M. Ramsey, Senior Account Clerk, Department of Pre-Audit,
  Controller's Division, after over 29 years of service, effective
  April 5, 1972
              (Miss Frances M. Ramsey's request for consideration of an
              early retirement is based on physical disability. Becaixse
              of her long years of service to the University and her
              devotion to her job and her present health condition, it is
              recommended that she be allowed retirement status before
              the attainment of her 65th birthday and that full pension of
              49% of her present salary be granted. )

:Special Title Series



Administrative Reappointment

William R. Proffit, Professor (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of
   Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, reappointed Chairman of the
   Department of Orthodontics for a four-year term, effective July 1, 1972

Leaves of Absence

David E. Denton, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Philosophicai
  Studies in Education, College of Education, sabbatical leave for September,
  1972 through May 31, 1973 changed to the period January 1, 1973 through
  June 30, 1973
Jan B. Luytjes, Associate Extension Professor, Department of Business
  Administration, College of Business and Economics, extension of leave
  without pay for the period July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973
Eldon Smith, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of
  Agriculture, leave without pay for the period June 1, 1972 through
  June 30, 1973


New Appointments

John Maxey Bryant, Librarian III, Department of Cataloging
Carolyn S. Pratt, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of
  Arts and Sciences
Felix Bongiorno, Clinical Instructor of Surgery, Department of Surgery
  (Division of Ophthalmology), College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Gregory A. Culley, Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, College
  of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Van R. Jenkins II, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and
  Gynecology, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
David P. Thomas, Clinical Instructor, Department of Surgery (Division of
  Orthopedics), College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Kedar N. Verma, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine,
  College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)

Joint Appointments

Robert Belin, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College of
  Medicine, named Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery and
  Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine

Contingent upon completion of all requirements for Ph. D. degree prior to
August 15, 1972



Richard A. Kielar, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery (Division
  of Ophthalmology), College of Medicine, named Assistant Professor,
  Department of Surgery and Department of Pathology, College of Medicine

Terminal Reappointment

Mary Stephenson, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Arts.
  College of Arts and Sciences

Action: Approved     X      Disapproved

Othe r

Date:  March 2       1

, 1972


                                                           Office of the President
                                                           March 21, 1972

   Members, Board of Trustees:


  I. Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

     Recommendation: that Dr. Art Gallaher, Professor of Anthropology and
     currently Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, be named Dean of the
     College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 1972.

     Background: Following the action of the Board of Trustees earlier this year
     approving the appointment of Dr. Wimberly C. Royster as Dean of the Graduate
     School and Coordinator of Research, effective July 1, 1972, the established
     procedures were initiated to identify one or more well qualified persons who
     might be considered for the important position as Dean of the College of Arts
     and Sciences.

     On October 20, 1971, a search committee of six faculty members and two
     students was appointed and they immediately began the solicitation of nominations
     of persons considered by colleagues to possess the necessary qualifications for
     this responsible administrative position. Qualifications of a large number of
     nominees were carefully considered by the search committee and a number of
     these were interviewed by the committee.

     The results of this careful search and evaluation lead to this recommendation that
     Professor Gallaher be approved for appointment as Dean of the College of Arts
     and Sciences. The University is indeed fortunate to have such a man on the
     faculty, well qualified for this difficult leadership role, and willing to assume
     these responsibilities.

Action: Approved      X     Disapproved            Other_

Date:     March 21  , 1972


                                                      Office of the President
                                                      March 21, 1972

                                                           p ? t   .I
Members, Board of Trustees:


Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees approve the establishment of a
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine within the College of Medicine to serve
the education, research, and patient care programs of the University of Kentucky
Medical Center, effective immediately.

Background: Since the opening of the Medical Center, the program of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation of the College of Medicine has been administered as
a division or section of the Department of Medicine. The director of the program
is based academically in the Department of Medicine; he works closely with the
Department of Physical Therapy in the College of Allied Health Professions.
Both units share the facilities of University Hospital, and they have developed
effective working relationships with State and National vocational rehabilitation
programs. With the activation of the University Division of the Veterans Admin-
istration Hospital, new facilities and operational support will become available
and make possible the establishment of a separate Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine to serve the College of Medicine, University Hospital, and the Veterans
Administration Hospital.

All available resources will be combined within this new department to expand the
educational opportunities for medical and other health students. The department's
educational responsibility will include the development of a training program for
residents in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Currently, there are only two
certified specialists in this field in Kentucky.

A greater emphasis on rehabilitation in academic medical centers is desirable for
a number of reasons. It is now recognized that medical care cannot be considered
complete until the patient with a residual physical disability has been trained "to
live and work with what he has left. " This is the object of rehabilitation. Except
in a few isolated instances, the physically handicapped person can and must be
retrained to walk, to care for his daily needs, to use normal methods of trans-
portation, and to communicate orally or in writing. The personal, vocational,
and social success of the handicapped person is dependent upon these simple things.
It is estimated that there are 289 ,000 physically disabled persons in Kentucky --
150,000 of whom could be candidates for rehabilitation.



A majority of medical rehabilitation procedures can, and should be, done by the
practitioner or specialist responsible for the patient's primary medical care.
Over and above this group, however, are a minority with severe disabilities whose
needs cannot be met without a concentrated, long-term program which includes
full utilization of all the ancillary medical disciplines and specialized rehabilita-
tion techniques. It will be the responsibility of the Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine to provide opportunities for physicians and other health workers to acquire
rehabilitation skills and to promote the close working relationships of the many
disciplines the field of rehabilitation demands. A university medical center re-
quires a rehabilitation program where the "team approach" can be used to meet
patient care needs and to educate students from multiple disciplines.

Action: Approved         X     Disapproved

Othe r

Date:        March 21

, 1972


                                                      Office of the President
                                                      March 21, 1972

      Members, Board of Trustees:


      Recommendation: that the attached Resolution involving seven faculty
      members of the Paducah Community College be adopted.

      Background: The Paducah Junior College was taken into the University
      of Kentucky Community College System effective July 1, 1968. Prior
      to that time an agreement was reached which stated that those eligible
      employees employed by Paducah Junior College immediately prior to
      being brought into the University of Kentucky system and who continued
      their employment with the University of Kentucky would not be adversely
      effected when their ultimate retirement benefit calculation would be made.

      These employees will have their retirement benefit calculations computed
      on the basis as if they had been continuously covered by Kentucky Teachers
      Retirement System upon reaching retirement age. Effective July 1, 1968,
      these individuals began participation in the regular University of Kentucky
      TIAA Retirement System. The University has agreed (1) that if retirement
      contributions in K. T. R. S. plus the retirement contributions to TIAA are
      not sufficient to equal the calculation on K. T. R. S. as mentioned above,
      the University will supplement the retirement income to make up the
      difference in the benefit level expectations, (2) eligible Paducah Community
      College employees may elect to retire at age sixty (60) as provided by
      their coverage under the K. T. R. S.

Action: Approved      X     Disapproved             Other

Date:    March 21

_, 1972


March 21, 1972


WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky did absorb the Paducah Junior College
into the University of Kentucky Community College System becoming fully
effective in terms of Personnel Regulations as of July 1, 1968, and

WHEREAS, prior to that time a verbal agreement was reached which stated that
those eligible personnel who were employeed by P.J.C. immediately prior
to being brought into the U.K. system and continued their employment with
U.K. would not be adversely effected when their ultimate retirement benefit
calculations would be made,and

WHEREAS, the affected employees who were previously covered by the Kentucky
Teachers Retirement System feel that the retirement age of sixty (60) as
provided by the KTRS system should continue to be applicable to them if
they should elect to choose that retirement age option, and

WHEREAS, the affected personnel at Paducah Community College now request
that the previously agreed upon verbal agreement be reduced to writing so
as to be fully understood by all concerned parties in the future,


that the Board of Trustees reiterate the essential details of the previously
agreed upon verbal agreement by confirming in writing for the record the
following provisions iE the agreement:

     1. The eligible employees of Paducah Community College will have
         their retirement benefit calculations computed on the basis
         as if they had been continuously covered by the KTRS system
         upon reaching their retirement age. The difference between
         what they had already accumulated under the KTRS system (as of
         July 1, 1968) and the amount due them by the projected
         calculations stated in the sentence above, will be provided
         by their participation in the regular University of Kentucky
         TIAA Retirement System, and if TIAA Benefits are not sufficient
         to make up this difference, then additional Supplementation
         will be made by the University of Kentucky, where required,
         to make up the difference in benefit level expectations. This
         combination of retirement benefit realization will assure such
         P.C.C. personnel no loss of retirement benefits by virtue of
         becoming a U.K. employee instead of continuing under the K.T.R.S.
         retirement system.

    2. Such retirement payment Supplementation will continue during the
        lifetime of the eligible P.C.C. employees in the same manner


- 2 -

          as now provided by other U. K. employees who are eligible for
          Supplemental retirement benefits.

     3.   Eligible P.C.C. employees may elect to retire at age sixty (60)
          as provided by their coverage under the K.T.R.S. system. If
          retirement age sixty (60) is elected, all retirement benefits
          will be calculated on the attained age sixty (60) rather than the
          normal retirement age of sixty-five (65).

     4    If age sixty (60) retirement age is not elected, the normal
          retirement age of sixty-five (65) will prevail, unless the P.C.C.
          employee becomes eligible for other early retirement options
          that may be extended or provided to all University of Kentucky

     5.   These provisions of exception to the regular Retirement Resolution
          as adopted by the Board of Trustees is applicable only to the
          seven (7) currently employed eligible Paducah Community College
          employees who were given this verbal assurance prior to attaining
          full-fledged University of Kentucky employee status July 1, 1968.
          (See attached list).

     6.   The Vice-President, Business Affairs and Treasurer is authorized
          and directed to enter into written contracts with the individuals
          involved providing for the respective rights and privileges of