xt7g7940sg29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sg29/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1896-02-jun3. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-02-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-02-jun3. 1896 1896-02-jun3. 2011 true xt7g7940sg29 section xt7g7940sg29 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTERS, June 2, 1896 - page 69-70

      Mr. Matthews offered the following:

      It appearing from the records that Prof. Pence has
already served four years as a full Professor, therefore
be it:

      Resolved that his salary be increased from $1800 to
$2000 per annum after one more year's service.

      Motion lost by division as follows:

           Ayes 3.                        Noes 4.

      President Patterson not voting.

      On motion Mr. Gooding ordered that, the Board of
Trustees rule that no Professor occupying a full Professor-
ship in the college is entitled to the increase in salary
from $1800 to $2000 per annum until he has served five
consecutive years in his capacity of full Professor.

      Prof. John Shackleford was unanimous y elected Vice-
President of the College for the next two years.

      On motion the Board of Trustees adjourned to meet
at 10:30 A. M. sun time June 3, 1896.

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 10:40 A. M. Roll call indicated,

      Present:         Messrs.  Boswell,
                                F lournoy,
                                Gre en,
                                Patter son,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 70-71

      The minutes of the previous day's business were
read and approved.

      The President called attention to a number of original
papers pertaining to Chemistry, which Prof. Kastle had
prepared and which had been bound in one cover and laid
them on the table so that they might be examined by
the members of the Board.

      Messrs. J. C. Flournoy, J. G. Matthews, and R. A.
Spurr members of the Committee on the President's Report
reported as follows:

      To the Board of Trustees.

          Your committee appointed to consider the President's
Report for the year just closed beg to report as follows:

      We congratulate the President and Faculty upon what
we deem a very encouraging and satisfactory condition of
college affairs during the current year, as to attendance
of students and freedom from accidents and disease.

      We also take opportunity to express our pride and
gratification which is caused by the remarkable results
obtained by members of the faculty in experimentation with
the X-Rays. We feel that their-labors have done much to
place our Institution in the front rank among Scientific
Schools in the country, and we recommend to the Board as
ample an allowance as is possible to continue such work.

      We endorse the President's recommendation relative to
personal visits by members of the faculty in order to draw
pupils from the public schools in the various Counties of
the State, and we recommend that the Board provide the
means for the visits arranged by President Patterson
for the ensuing summer.

      We have considered carefully the matter of loss of
Revenue to the college from the $165,000 in State Bonds, we
recommend that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee
with direction to report specially on the same at this meeting
of the Board. In this connection we suggest that a Committee


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 72

of the Board be now appointed to urge upon Governor
Bradley the necessity for relief to the College as speedily
as possible, and the wisdom of submitting this matter to
the called session of the present Legislature should be
convene said body in called session.

      In view of all the facts submitted in regard to the
Veterinary Department we recommend that this Department be
discontinued for the ensuing scholastic year.

     We recommend the continuance of the Instructor in
Elocution, Prof. Brown and we regret that under present
conditions we cannot increase his compensation. We deem the
matter of instruction In Elocution important and wish in
the near future to be able to increase the compensation
in this Department.

     We further recommend that all the degrees requested in
reports of the various departments be conferred by the Board.

      On motion the report was approved.

      The following report of the Committee on Finance com-
posed of Messrs. D. H. James, J. B. Kennedy, and G. V. Green,
was approved.

     Your Committee on Finance beg to submit the following
report, we have examined the books and vouchers of the
Treasurer and Business Agent and find them correct.

     The Treasurer has executed the following bond.

         ( Bond formally accepted Dec. 8, 1896, see page 91.)



                                Lexington, Ky. June 3rd, 1896.

     We R. S. Bullock principal and S. Bassett and J. W.
Appleton his sureties all of Fayette County, Kentucky do
hereby covenant to and with the Commonwealth of Kentucky that
the said R. S. Bullock Treasurer of the A. and M. College
shall faithfully perform all the duties of said office and
he will pay over all moneys that shall come into his hands
to his successor in office or to such person or persons
as may be lawfully entitled to receive the same.

      Witness our hands, date above written.

                                R. S. Bullock,
                                S. Bassett,
                                J. W. Appleton.

      The Committee on Appropriations asked for more time
in which to prepare report.

      Committee on Buildings and Grounds had nothing to

      Committee on Experiment Station asked for more time.

      The Committee on Salaries submitted the following
report which was approved:

To the Board of Trustees of the A. & Mvi. College.

      Your Committee to whom' was referred the question of
Salaries respectfully report that there appears, at this
time, no special reason why any salary should be altered.

                               Respectfully submitted

        (Signed) Thomas H. Hines, Thomas Todd, J. C. Flournoy,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 74

     The President of the College read the following
communication from Prof. Scovell.

                         Lexington, Ky., June 2, 1896.

President James K. Patterson, Ph. D.,

Dear Sir:

      Dr. Alfred M. Peter, asks an increase in salary. He
is now receiving $1500.00 per year. In consideration of the
long time he has been with us, and also on account of the
extra work I must ask of him in connection with increase
in fertilizer work, I believe his request a just one and
I would respectfully recommend such increase, as yourself
and the Board approve.

                                Very truly yours,

                                M. A. Scovell, Director.

      The Committee on Internal expansion reported that more
time would be necessary in which to prepare a peport.

      The Committee on Military Instruction and College
discipline was not ready to report.

      The following report of the Committee on the Minutes
of the Executive Committee composed of John G. Matthews, H.
Boswell, and J. C. Flournoy, was approved.

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College.

      Your committee on the minutes of the Executive Oommittee
beg leave to report the following:



      lst. Your Committee have gone carefully over the records
of the Executive Committee and have examined the accounts
therein contained and find same correct except that the
amount on page 127 should be $15959.19 instead of
$15959.20 and we recommend that the same be corrected to
conform to the amount of $15959.19 which is the correct amount
of the College fund on hand Feb. 1, 1896.

      We approve the course of the Committee in increasing
the amount of Insurance on buildings and contents belonging
to the College and recommend that same be continued at the
amounts now insured for.

      We approve of the resolution regulating base-ball and
foot-ball being played or engaged in by students of this
college and that proper regulations and restrictions be
prescribed by your body.

      We approve the employment of Mr. W. J. Kearney to
fire boiler and care for machinery at $45.00 per month and
recommend that his employment be continued for one year
from June 30, 1896, at same price.

      We approve the employment of Dr. Spurr to Superintend
the experiments at the farm at a compensation of $62.50 per
month and recommend that his employment be continued at the
same compensation for one year.

      We approve the employment of Mr. J. N. Harper of
Agriculture College Mississippi, as Dairymm   at $50.00 per
month and recommend that his employment be continued for
one year at the same compensation.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 76

      We approve the course of the Committee in furnishing
and equipping a suitable room for the Youing Vien!s Christian
Association and recommending that same be kept for that
purpose, all of which is most respectfully submitted for
your consideration and action thereon.

June 3, 1896.

      The following officers were elected by ballot, for the
ensuing year.

      Secretary      -   -   - V. E. Euncy,
      Treasurer  -   -          R. S. Bullock,
      Business Agent -   -   - J. G. White,

                   Executive Com-mittee.

      Thomas H. Hines,    Chairman
      D. H. James,
      J. T. Gathright,
      Judge Robert Riddell,
      R. A. Spurr,

                    Board of Control of Expt. Station.

      M. A. Scovell5
      J. K. Patterson,
      J. B. Kennedy,
      Hart Boswell,
      A. P. Gooding,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896. -page 77

      The President read a communication from Prof. Anderson
relative to old bills on the Annex to Mechanical Hall which
were not sent in until after a settlement had been made

      Bills as follows:

            W. J. Houllhan and Bro. for brick
            used in setting boiler                $42.75

            William Sleath,
              For stone sites                     116,00

      On motion ordered that $158.75 be appropriated to
pay said old bills.

      Ayes.                          Noes.
      Boswell ,

      Mr. Flournoy voting under protest.

      On motion ordered that the salary of Prof. Alfred
M. Peter Chemist in the Experiment %tation be increased from
$1500, to $1600 per annum to begin with the beginning of the
next collegiate year (Sept. 1, 1896.)

      The ayes and noes being called the vote stood as


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 78

     Ayes                      Noes.

     Boswell,                  Buell,
     Flournoy,                 Kennedy,

     A student, Mr. T. L. Campbell came before the Board
of Trustees and read a petition asking for $50.00 to assist
in paying the expenses of some delegates from the Young Ments
Christian Association to a convention in Knoxville, Tenn.
from June 19,--28. -

     Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

     Mr. Kennedy, Chairman of the Committee on appropriations
submitted the following: viz.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 79

     Estimate of Receipts
1896 to July 1st, 1897.

and ExpendituresB

from July 1st,


State Taxes
U. S. Fund of 1890
Students Fees
       Total -


Dept. of Botany,
  "i   a Chemistry
  "    " Civil Eng.
  It wi  Geology
  11   " Mech. Eng.
  T1  "a Military Instr.
  TI   " Normal
  it   " Physics
  It  TI Physiblogy
  T"   I Zoology
Fuel & Light



For miscellaneous $9.00
t postage         2.50
   Repairs & Im-
prove.            15.00
" Salaries of
Profs. & etc.    350.00
Salaries of
Employes          56.70
Stationery &
Printing           6.00
Students Labor    13.00
  i Traveling
    Expenses       6.00
For Traveling      6.00
" Trustees
    Meetings       4.00
 " Water           2.40
 " Astronomy        05o
 " Emergencies    10.00


555.60 Total estimate of
531.10 Total estimate income
24.50 Excess of expenditures
         over receipts.

      Estimate of Receipts and Expenditures of Experiment
Station from July lst, 1896, to July ist, 1897.





MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 80


From U. S. Fund,                             $150.00
     Farm                                      13.00
     Fertilizers,                              42.00
     Interest on bank deposit,                  1.25
                                              20)6. 25


Salaries and other items charged to U. S. Acet.      150.00
          Items charged to Farm Acet.                 13.00
                   it tl " Fertilizer      t          42.00
             I     "     " Interest        H           1.25

      Mr. Green offered the following.

      Resolved that budget, of appropriations for the
various departments and items of expenditure, which the
chairman of the committee on appropriations, has submitted
and which the Secretary has just read, be approved and

      Carried by ayes and noes as follows:

        Ayes                               Noes.



MI1hUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 -page 80-81

      Mr. Flournoy moved that a committee composed of the
members be appointed by the chairman to call upon Governor
Bradley to urge the necessity for financial relief to the
College, if he convene the present Legislature in called

      Seconded.          Carried.

      Chair mentioned the names of Messrs. Boswell,
Matthews, and James.

      President Patterson moved that the names of Messrs.
Todd and Flournoy be added to the committee.

      Mr. Flournoy moved that Mr. Gathright also be a member
of the Committee.

      Original motion with the amendments making the Committee
composed of Messrs. Hart Boswell, J. G. Matthews, D. H.
James, Thos. Todd, J. C. Flournoy, and J. T. Gathright, was
then put and unanimously carried.

      The following report of the Committee, on Military
Instruction and College Discipline, composed of D. C. Buell,
J. G. Matthews, and Thos, H. Hines, was approved.

To the Board of Trustees:

      The condition of Military Instruction and College
Discipline is something which can only be properly ascertained
by actual inspection during the progress of the college
session. The committee appointed by the Board to examine
this subject in the College can, therefore, only report the
very cursory observations which they have been able to make
at this time, upon official statements of the college
authorities, and upon current report. From the information
which we have derived from these sources, we feel fully
warranted in saying that the improvement in this department
has been quite considerable in the past year, and very great
indeed in the past two years. The battalion organization
has been enlarged from two companies to three companies;
the instruction in the Infantry and Artillery drills is
now extended alike to all of the male students instead


MINTUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 82-83

of being distinct and exclusive as heretofore; the
Dormitory students are formed in Mess Sections on the parade
ground and marched to and from the Mess Hall; the companies
are formed and marched to and from Chapel Services, instead
of entering and retiring as a tumultous mob heretofore;
the sections for recitation are formed and marched regularly
to and from the section rooms under the supervision of the
officer of the day, who takes account of absentees and re-
quires their presence; better order is preserved upon the
grounds and in quarters; and in general we think that a more
punctual attention to duty and a better college tone are to
be found among the students. A great deal of this general
improvement in tone has been brought about by requiring all
of the male students, - Seniors as well as Juniors and
Freshmen - to attend the regular duties, from which they
have heretofore been exempt after having arrived at an assumed
standard of proficiency, - an exemption which over looked the
fact that the object of the prescribed exercises and restrattits
is not to make expert soldiers, but with a certain amount of
Military training to establish habits of punctuality, orderly
deportment, and a proper obedience to authority.

      We are far from thinking, however. that this deportment
is yet all that is to be desired, nor is it to be expected
that it can be, with the feeble influence exerted over the
conduct of the students by the unwilling service of the Cadet
officers, and only one person, the Commandant of the Corps,
to perform the personal supervision that is necessary to
produce the desired results. Despite the poor favor with
which the proposition was received by the Board last year
we are firmly of the opinion that the consideration of a
small compensation in the form of salary to the Cadet officers,
for the burdensome duties and onerous respons:Lbility thrust
upon them, would effect a most salutory change in the services
of these officers and in the conduct of the whole student
body. It is not perhaps possible to allow such compensation
in the present stringent condition of the College resources,
but we do not hesitate to recommend in the strongest terms
its adoption as soon as the condition of the College
Treasury will permit.

      Under the same conditions we recommend the construction
of a shed addition 20 feet wide along the whole front of the
west Dormitory building, as a shelter  for the students in
the formation of ranks for the various Military duties.


MINUTIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1896 - page 83-84

      We apprehend that there ls need of improvement in
the hygenic and seemly conditions of the booms and Halls
of the Dormitories. It would hardly be fair to judge by
the appearances at this time as the rooms are in the
process of being vacated by the students; but at least there
is evidence that the sinks in the halls are improperly
used in some cases. They ought to be kept scrupously
clean. Perhaps, they ought even to be discontinued, for
the rule of strict cleanliness in such fixtures is difficult
to be followed at the best.

      We are of opinion also that more appearance of cleanli-
ness and tidiness is possible about the Mess - Hall and.

      The water closet system requires complete over hauling
and remodeling. It is now thoroughly objectionable.

      The ceremony of Guard Mounting, required by the
Regulations has not heretofore been put into practice, but
will be, the Commandant promised in the future. The appoint-
ment of an officer with the nominal grade of Major in the
battalion, as contemplated by the Regulations, to assist the
commandant in his Military duties, has never yet been made.
If properly bestowed it would have an exceedingly beneficial
effect upon discipline.

      We submit finally that the proper administration of
the Military Department of the college - not as a primary
object but as an adjunct - is not only rendered obligatory
upon the State and the Board of Trustees by the terms of the
Congressional endowment, but is capable of exerting the most
beneficial influence upon the success of the College and
the character and well - being of the students.

       (Signed)  D. C. Buell,     Chairman
                  John G. Matthews,
                  Thomas H. Hines,

A & M. College,
June 3, 1896.



      On motion ordered that the Secretary be directed to
communicate the str ctures indicated in the Report of
Committee Military Instruction & etc. to the several
college officers having these matters in charge.

      On motion of Mr. Peak ordered that the Business Agent
be re-imbursed for $6.50 which he paid on a check for a
student named L.I H. McCain from Trimble County.

      Adjourned to meet at 8 A. M. June 4, 1896.

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 8 A. M. suntime June 4, 1896.

      Present:                     Buell,

      The reading of the minutes of the previous day's
business was dispensed with.