xt7g7940sf9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sf9v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1956-09-sep4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-09-sep4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-09-sep4. 1956 1956-09-sep4. 2011 true xt7g7940sf9v section xt7g7940sf9v 



        Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, September 4, 1956.

        Pursuant to call of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, duly issued
August 22, 1956, the Board of Trustees met September 4, with the following
members present: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman; Ben Butler, Harper
Gatton, Wood Hannah, Sr., J. Stephen Watkins, R. P. Hobson, Dr. Ralph J.
Angelucci, Dr. Harry Denham, Robert C. Stilz and Robert R. Martin. Absent:
Louis Cox, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Carl Dempewolfe, W. F. Foster and Dr.
Daniel C. Elkin. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson
met with the Board.

        A. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Board of Trustees of June 22, 1956; and the minutes of the Executive Committee
of July 20, 1956, were approved as published.

        B. Report of the Treasurer.

        Mr. Peterson made the Treasurer' s Report and distributed to each
member of the Board a financial report giving the balance sheet and a statement
of fund operations for the month of July, 1956. The report also contained the
book value of the University plant, giving the net investment in the plant. The
report also contained a list of bond issues and the amount outstanding on each.

        The report was examined and discussed, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, authorized received and put to record.




August 23, 1956

Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Doctor Donovan:

        I amn submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University
covering fund transactions for the one month period ended July 31, 1956,
consisting of a balance sheet and related financial statements.

        The income received during this period for general fund purposes
amounted to $3,451, 891. 56, or 30. 70% of the budget estimate of
$11,242,461.93.  The income realized came primarily from state appro-
priation and federal grant sources totaling $3,170, 780. 41.

        The University also received its initial allotment from the State
of Kentucky in the amount of $300, 000, 00 towards the construction of the
new medical school.

        Current fund expenditures and encumbrances for the period
totaled $945, 751. 08, which is 8. 56% of the departmental appropriations
amounting to $11, 043, 9 78, 45.

        The appraisal value of the University plant and the net invest-
ment therein is indicated by the following statement:

        Fixed Asset

Construction in Progress


Less - -
   Revenue Bonds Outstanding
   Other Liabilities (South Farm)

Net Investment in Plant

$ 1,618, 124.43
27, 829, 021. 00

  2,800,000. 00

$41, 094,791.43

  7,492, 500. 00
$ 7,692-,500 OT

$33,402, 291. 43


        The schedule below shows bonds outstanding at June 30, 1956, with
interest and principal due during the fiscal year 1956 -57.

        Bond Issue

1 st P. W. A. Refunding Is sue
2nd P. W. A. Refunding Issue
Dormitory Revenue Issue
Auditorium Field House Issue
Library & Service Bldg. Issue
Stadium Addition Rev. Issue
Dormitory Rev. Issue (456 Rose)
Journalism Building Issue
Dormitory Rev. Issue (476 Rose)
Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1952
Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1953
Dormitory Rev, Bond of 1954
Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1955


  Bonds       Principal
Outstanding    Due

$ 209, 000. 00
   175,000. 00
   585, 0 00 00. O
   340,000. 00
   195, 000, 00
   62, 5 00. 0 0
   159, 000, 00
   66, 000. 00
 1,215,000. 00
   680, 000. 00
   722, 000. 00
 2, 800, 000. 00

$ 33, 000. 00
  14, 000. 00
  14, 000. 00
  45, 000. 00
  27, 000. 00
  15, 000. 00
  2, 500. 00
  11, 000. 00
  2, 000, 00
  20, 000. O)
  1.6, 00.0 .00
  10, 000. 00
  25, 000. 00


$  3, 657. 50
   5, 145. 00
   6,485. 00
   15, 468. 75
   10, 510. 00
   6, 037. 50
   1, 753. 13
   4, 221. 25
   1, 927. 50
   36, 571. 50
   23, 122. 50
   21, 352. 50
   94, 332. 50

$7, 537, 500. 00 $234, 500. 00 $230, 584. 63

        The value of inventories as of June 30, 1956 was $294,988. 310
amount was made up from the inventories as listed below:


Campus Bookstore
Caps and Gowns
Work in Progress

Division of Colleges

   $ 34,924.93
      4,6(64. 65
      155, 500. 00
      99,898. 73

   $294,988. 31


Sincerely yours,

Frank D. Peterson
Vice President
Business Administration



University of Kentucky
  As of July 31, 1956

      ASSE TS
      _2S ~ _ I



Current Funds
  Gene r
  Cash in Bank
  Pe tty Cash Fund
  State Allotments:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Revolving Funds
  Inve nto rie s
  Due from Other Govt, Uni
  Deferred Charges
  Unreal. Income

       Total General

 Re stric ted:
 Cash m ank
 Petty Cash Advs,
 Inve s tments

       Total Restr,
       Total Current

Plant Funds

Cash in Bank
State Allotment
Revolving Funds
Unrealized Income

       Total Unexp.

Investment in Plant:
Fixed Assets

      Total -Inve s te d
      Total -Plant

Other Funds:
Cash in"Bank
Notes Receivable
Inve stments

      Total Other Funds
      Total Assets
* Overdraft.

$    21,976, 57
     40, 000. 00

ts   16,723,40

$ 324,975,67
    10, 000, 00

    301,086. 08
    1,748, 52

$ 820,60o2,40

   214, 209, 80

$ 1,167,554.64
     50,Q00. 00

    52,666. 20

  4,884,018,67   1,492,597,78    1,413, 953, 92  7,790,570.37

$ 6,693,614,44  $2,554,8L2033  $2,448,766.12 $11,697,192.89

$   375,128.89  $  173,944,19   $  137,476017 $   686,549.25
      6,832009       3,100o00        1,000.00      10,932.09
  1, 100, 181 o 82 15,027.00                    1,115,208.82

$ 1,482,142.80 $   19 2, 071 o19  $  138,476o17 $ 1,812 ,690O16
Ti8A75,-7 57.24  $27 b8 352    $2587,242.29  $  13,150988q 0

$    98,06o000  $               $             $    98 060.00
    300,000000                                    300,000, 00
    204,731l89     107,755.79                     312,487.68
    193,452,00                                    193,452,00

$   796,243,89  $  107,755.79   $             $   903,999,68

$ 2,800, 000 00 $               $             $ 2,800,000. 00
34,145,521,12   4,149,270,31                  38,294,791,43

$36,945, 521. 12$4, 1149,270.31 $             $41, 094, 791. 43
$ 37, 74 1, 76b5,01  $42~7,0  .10  $$ 41,99 9, 791.11Y

    Loan         Endowment         A ency
$    ~7495e92* $                       443 $-771.50 $   76,992.06
     37,359, 13                                    37,359. 13
     75,500O00     202,904,83       15,967A19     294,372.OZ

$   108,363,21 $   206,949,31   $   93,410,69 $   408,723.21
                                           ~$ 55, 9 17, 3 97.3 7

Divi sion




:iniversity of Kentucky
  As of .uly 31, 1956


Current Funds
Petty Cash Liability
Res. for Encum,:o
   Current Year
   Prior Year
 Res. for Inventories
 Res. for Fire Loss
 Other Liabilities
 Unappr op. Surplus
 Approp. Bal,

       Total General

 Re stric ted:
   Outstanding Checks
   Restr. Balance

       Total Restr.
       Total Current

 Plant Funds
   e se for .ncumb.:
   Current Year
   Prior Year
   Approp. Bal,

       Total Unexp.

 Investment in Plant:
 Bonds Patyable
 Other Liabilities
 Net Invested

      Total Invested
      Total Plant

Other Funds:
ffaras to Principal
Bal, as to Income

      Total Other Funds
      Total Liabilities


Expe riment


Colleges          Station         Division         Total

$   40, 000. 00 $   10, 00000   $              $    50, 000. 00

    280,474. 76     36,991,46        1,687. 05     319, 153 27
    170,02 1 7 7   122,833. 39      49,292. 28     342, 147,44
    294,988. 31                                    294, 988. 31
    103, 60 3o 66                                  103, 603 o66
    52, 66 6. 20                                   52, 666.20
      5, 545o 04   430,861 o60                     436,406.64
  5,746,314,70   1,954,125,88    2,397,786.79   10,098,227.37

$ 6,693,614,44  $2,554,812.33   $2,448,766.12  $11,697,192.89

$     6,421.,55 $               $              $      6,421,55
  1,475,721.25     192,071o19      138,476.17    1,806,268.61

$ 1,482,142,80  $  192,071. 19  $  138,476.17  $ 1,812,690.16
$ 8,175,724     1746,883.-      $2,587,242.29  $13,509,8 8-3.0

$   100,00000   $   58,879.95   $               $   158,879,95
     11,262.60      43,557,85                       54,820.45
                    44,697.94                       44,697,94
    684,981l29      39,379,95*                      645,601,34

$   796,243,89  $  107,755,79   $               $   903,999,68

$ 7,492, 500, 00$               $               $ 7,492, 500, 00
                   200,000, 00                      200,00000
 29,453,021,112  3,949,270,31                    33,402,291,43

$36,945p 521, 12$4, 149,270, 3L $               $41,094,791.43
$37,741,76   1  $4,257,026.10   $$41,998,791.11

   Loan          Endowment         Agenc

$    73,399,81  $  202,724,05   $               $   276,123.86
     34,963,40       4,225o26       93,410,69       132,599e35

$   108,363,21  $  206,949, 31  $   93,410,69   $   408,723e21
                           - -     -          ~~~~~$55, 917, 39 7. 3 7

*Negative Figure.



        University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1956 and ended July 31, 1956

             General Fund


to Date


Division of Colleges
Edcaina nd enral:
  State Appropriations
  Fed. Grants (through the State)
  Student Fees
  Endowment Income
  Sales and Services and Rentals
  Returned Checks


Auxiliary Enterprises


Agricultural Experiment Station
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)
Sales and Services

      Total-Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)

      Total.-Agr. Extension

      Total -General

Plant Fund:
Debt Service Income

      Combined Total

$ 4,860,00M000 $1, 500, 000. 00 $ 3, 360, 000. 00
    135,860.10                    135,860. 10
    984,500.00      86,495.63     898,004.37
      9 ,644.50      8,700.00         9 44. 50
      20,000.00       5,903.14      14,096.86
                       18Z,45*        182.45

$ 6,010,004.60 $1,600,916.32 $ 4,409,088.28
                    26. 64%
    497,272.00      223 Tr. 61    474,930.39

$ 6,507,276.60 $1,623,257.93 $ 4,884,o18u67
                     Z.4. 9 5 7o'

$   808,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $    458, 000 00
    80 1,99". 00  169,540,00     632,451. 00
    560,00000      157,853.22     402, 146. 78

$ 2, 169,99 1. 00  $ 677,393,o22 $ 1,492,597.78
                     3 1. 22%/

$   828,000.00 $ 280000o00 $    548,00000
  1,737,194.33    8?1, 240. 41   875,240.39

$ 2,565,194,33 $1, 151, 240. 41 $ 1,413,9153 9 2
                      44, 8 97o
$11,242,46i.93 $3 ,45179-1T6 $ 7,790,570, 37
                      30        j77u/

$   291,512,00 .$  98,060.00 $   193,452D 00

$11,533,973.93 $3,549,951.56 $ 7, 984, 022, 37
                      30, 78   

*Negative Figure.



      For the Current Fiscal Period which began.
        July 1, 1956, and ended July 31, 1956





Division of Colleges
'Adm. &  en1
  Gen. Adm, Offices
  Student Services
  Staff Welfare
  Gen, Inst. Serv.


Instr. & Research
Csollege of -
  AgrT &Home Econ,
  Arts & Sciences
  Graduate School
  Org. Act, Rel, Edu,
  Re search
  Libra rie s
  Adult & Ext. Eduo


Other Expenses:
  p-er. &   ai~nt, Plant
  Auxiliary Enterpr.
  Working Capital
  Clearing Accts,



 Agr. Exper, Station

 Agr. Extension Div.

 Combined Total

$     0D 39 5 00 $ 13,409o 32  $  1, 218 o72  $  135, 766, 96
    245,489.46    16, 839. 39    3, 639. 16      225, 010, 91
    71, 000. 00  5, 266. 00                      65, 734. 00
    122, 06 0, 00  4,633. 89    12, 870. 81     104, 5550 30

  588,944,46 $ 40,148. 60     $ 17, 728,69  $  531, 067. 17
                           9. 835O

$  352,230.00  $ 21,322. 73  $  1, 052, 06  $  329, 855, 21
  1,888,838.56  124,241.66      22, 330 12 1   1,74Z,266.79
    252,363.00    18,9 80 9 0    8,42106          224,96104
    450,445,00    30,921, 34     10, 595, 72      408,927,94
    482 716,68    29,455, 72      3,802.47        449,458.49
    105,40100     6, 506. 12        40,75         98,854,13
    i03,300,00    2,308 08       1,615.77         99,376,15
    15, 79 3,00 Q  r045 ,56                       14,747.44
    35,124e00     1,9 70, 87      444,70          32,708.43
    20,000,00       1180, 00       692,00         19,128,00
    324,p26095    18, 073., 45   4,962.78         301, 22472
    264,00000     11,82&826       1,672e50        25 0, 4990 24

$ 4,294,47219 $266,834,69   $ 55,629,92     $ 3,972,007,58
      .~~~~~~~~~~~~7..     7

$ 1,031,542,00 $ 11,785,28*  $116,995,82     $   926,331,46
    379,548,00    42,A03,80     33,236,74         304,207.46
    75,000.00    4,152.86      55,803,09          15,044.05
                   1,p262. 52   1,080.50            2,343,02*

$ 1,486,090,00 $ 35,733,90   $207, 1 i6. 15  $ 1,243,239,95
                          1 , 63 Oo

$ 6,369,506o65 $342717, 19   $280,474.76     $ 5,746,314.70
                          9, 78%
  2,0 9 9,99 1 Q00  108,873,66  36,991o46       1,954 ,125,88
                          6o 95%
  2,574,480O80  175,006096       1,687005       2,397,786,79

$11,043,978.45 $626, 597.81  $319,153.27     $10,098,227.37

*Negative Figure


            University of Kentucky
    For the Current Fiscal Period which began
      July 1, 1956, and ended July 31, 1956

Division of Co~lleges


Expendi -

Holmes Hall
Medical School
   Total -Construction

$  2,031.49
300, 000. 00
$30T 7M?4T


      $100,000. 00
33. 117-

$ 2,031.49

Retirement of Indebtedness

1st W. P. A. Bond Issue
2nd W. P.A. Bond Is sue
Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
Audit-Field H. Issue
Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Issue
Stad. Add. Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue
  (456 Rose)
Jour. Bldg. Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue
  (476 Rose)
Stud. Dorms. U. K.
Stud. Dorm. -Kappa
Stud. Dorm. -Lambda
Stud. Dorm. -Phi Sigma
Stud. Dorm. -Pi Kappa A
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1952
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1954
Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Res.
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1955
Cooperstown Apts.

Total- -Retirement of

To tal - -C olleg e s

Agr. Exper. Station
   Cons t,

Combined Total



36, 70 8, 9 7
19, 256. 65
24,449, 25
61,910 63
45, 069, 42
21,084. 71

$ 36,708.'97
  19,256. 65
  24,449. 25
  8,804. 16
  21, 084. 71

53, 106.47

4,301. 65
15, 355 75

4,301. 65
15,355. 75

4, 029, 43
19, 16 8e 94

4,029. 43
19, 168. 94

9%359. 51

9, 3 59. 51

11,431, 28
9, 359. 50
1 1, 05 0  03
56, 796, 00
33, 079. 01
34, 00 7, 54

11,431 Z8
9, 359. 50
11,050. 03
56, 796. 00
33, 079. 01
34, 007. 54

119; 63 8. 00                                 119, 638. 00

$536,056.27    $ 53,106.47    $                $482,949.80
                         9 9.0

$838,087.76    $ 53,106.47    $100,000. 00     $684,981.29
                         18e 277%

  19,500.00                     58,879.95       39,379.95*
                        301. 95%0
$857,587.76    $ 53,106.47    $158,879.95      $645,601.34
                        24. .72_

*Negative figure.

Encum -

BaLanc e

--r .- rr -                                              -a



           University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1. 1956 and ended July 31, 1956

Restricted Funds:
  Division of Colleges
  Agr. Exp, Station
  Agr. Exten. Div.


Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:
  P rincip=a


Combined Totals


Disburse -


July 1, 19 56  Receipts        ments         JUIy 3 1, 19 56

$1,449,187.65  $223,760.34    $197,226.74    $1,475,721.25
   164,146,78    55,358e 27     27,433.86       192,071e 19
   136,305.48    13,501.59      11,330.90       138,476.17

$1, 749 639. 9 1  $292w, 620. 20  $235,99 1. 50  $1, 806, Z68. 61

$   73,399.81  $              $              $   73,399.81
    34,912,99        50e 41                      34,963,40

$  108,312.80  $     50.41    $              $  108,363.21

$  202,724.05  $              $              $  202,724,05
    4,214e76         10.50                       4,225,26
3    eT~'~81 $     10.50    $              $  206,949, 31

$  92,840,93   $ 70,378.92    $ 69,809,16    $   93,410,69

$2,157,732.45  $363,060,03    $305,800.66    $2, 214,991. 82



        C. Budget Increase, Y. M. C. A.

        Mr. Peterson explained that the Director of the University Y. M. C. A.,
during the year 1955-56, through error paid personal services from restricted
account No. 3050 in the amount of $816. 00, which should have been charged to
Account 140. The Director of the Y. M. C. A. has requested that the budget
appropriation Account 140 be increased so as to permit an expenditure of $816. 00
to reimburse Account 3050. Mr. Peterson stated that, as of June 30, 1956,
the balance of Account 140 was more than $2, 000. 00.  This is further evidence
that an error was made and he recommended that the request be granted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was
authorized to increase the appropriation of Account 140 by $816. 00 from the
unappropriated surplus of the General Budget of the University.

        D. Appointment of Dean of the College of Education -- Doctor Ginger.

        rt _sident Dickey read the following statement to members of the Board
of Trustees:

           Since my appointment as President of the University on
        June 22, we have been engaged in a careful search for a new
        dean of the College of Education,  One of our first tasks
        was that of discussing this important appointment with other
        administrative officers of the University and with the faculty
        of the College of Education, After a thorough study of
        those suggested for consideration, I would like to recommend
        Dr. Lyman V. Ginger as the outstanding person for this po-

           Dr. Ginger is a man already known to most of you as the
        former director of the University School and head of the Di-
        vision of Instruction in the College of Education and as the Dean
        of the College of Adult and Extension Education since its found-
        ing in 1954. Dr. Ginger has done superior work in all these
        positions. He has gained both statewide and nationwide recog-
        nition and is presently the first vice president of the National
        Education Association.  Dean Ginger served two consecutive
        terms as president of the Kentucky Education Association and
        was instrumental in working toward the passing of the consti-
        tutional amendment which made possible the inauguration of the
        Minimum Foundation Program for public education.

           Dr. Ginger is well known among the members of the teaching
        profession in. Kentucky and will represent the University well in
        the capacity of dean of the College of Education.

           In order that there will be no feeling of insecurity on. the part
        of the College of Education faculty and students, I am recommend-
        ing that Dr. Ginger be made full dean of the college, but am also
        recommending that he be changed from Dean of the College of
        Adult and Extension Education to Acting Dean of that college.



        During the next few months I should like for Dr. Ginger and
        other members of the University staff to make a thorough
        study of the purposes, activities and relationships of the Col-
        lege of Adult and Extension Education in a growing Universi-
        ty. After such a study has been completed we shall be in a
        better position to make a long-range recommendation regard-
        ing the administrative head of the College of Adult and
        Extension Education.

            It is, therefore, my recommendation that Dr. Lyman V.
        Ginger be named Dean of the College of Education and Acting
        Dean of the College of Adult and Extension Education.

        The recommendation of President Dickey was well received, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Lyman V. Ginger was elected
dean of the College of Education and acting dean of the College of Adult and Ex-
tension Education, effective September 1, 1956.

        E. Appointment of Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics -- Doctor Wall.

        President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Dr. Frank J.
Welch, Dean and Director of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics
and Agricultural Experiment Station. Doctor Dickey stated that Dean Welch
had made an intensive search through a screening committee for an associate
dean to take Dean L. J. Horlacher, s place. He stated that, after many con-
tacts with prospects both on the campus and off, the committee had made final
report of its findings and recommended the appointment of Dr. Stanley Wall
as associate dean, effective September 1, 1956, with salary adjustment as of
the same date.

        President Dickey stated that Doctor Wall was well qualified in terms
of training, experience, personality and enthusiasm in relation to building a
constructive, forward-looking training program in the field of agriculture and
home economics. He stated that Dean Welch felt that they were exceedingly
fortunate in finding a man of Doctor Wall, s caliber on our campus.

        Doctor Wall did his undergraduate work at Berea College and made
an outstanding record on the graduate level here at the University.

        President Dickey recommended that Doctor Wall' s appointment be

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Stanley Wall was
appointed associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics,
effective September 1, 1956, with adjustment in salary.


        F. Appointment of Committee to Study Program in Adult and Extension

        President Dickey stated that the appointment of Dr. Lyman V. Ginger,
Dean of the College of Education and Acting Dean of Adult and Extension Educa-
tion, makes it desirable to re-study the adult and extension program of the
University before a definite appointment is made for the College of Adult and
Extension Education. He asked the Board of Trustees to authorize the appoint-
ment of a committee of administrative of ficials and faculty members to study
the growth potentials of the adult and extension education program. The
committee would also make recommendations regarding the procedures and
relationships which should be developed for the most smoothly functioning pro-

        Members of the Board being advised as to what President Dickey had
in mind and, after some discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, President Dickey was authorized to appoint a committee to make the
study and recommendations.

        G. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

        President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments, sal-
ary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other
staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.



        Elizabeth E. Taylor, Instructor, Radio Arts, transferred from Col-
lege of Educationfor ten months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Bobbie L. Boyd, Speech Therapist, Psychology, for ten months,
effective September 1, 1956.

        Richard A. Sanderson, Film Supervisor and Instructor, Radio Arts,
effective September 1, 1956.

        William 0. Reichert, Instructor, Political Science, for ten months,
effective September 1, 1956.

        Dr. Kenneth Purcell, Part-time Assistant Professor, Psychology,
for ten months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Charles M. Buess, Visiting Associate Professor, Chemistry for ten
months, effective September 1, 1956.



        John A. Modrick, Assistant Professor, Psychology, effective Septem-
ber 1, 1956.

        Betty Gena Blanton, Instructor, Physical Education, for ten months,
effective September 1, 1956.

        Wesley J. Finnell, Attendant, Physical Education, effective August
21, 1956.

        Sarah Ripy, Part-time Instructor, Mathematics and Astronomy, for
ten months, effective September 1, 1956.

        R. D. Halladay, Instructor, Physics, for ten months, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1956. (Reappointment).

        Richard Fred Hood, reappointed Instructor, Physics, for ten months,
effective September 1, 1956.

        E. Faye Cagle, Speech Therapist, Psychology, reappointed for two
months, effective July 1, 1.956.

        Dr. Hellmut P. Penner, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department
of Chemistry, effective September 1, for a period of ten months.

        Miss Cheryl Kupper, Instructor, Department of English, Speech
and Dramatic Arts, effective September 1, for a period of ten months.


        Robert S. Weatherwax, Assistant Professor, Bacteriology, effective
August 31, 1956.

        Lois Askin Fields, Secretary, Audiology Clinic - Psychology, effec-
tive August 11, 1956.

        Joseph B. Cathey, Jr. , Geologist, Kentucky Geological Survey, effec-
tive August 31, 1956.

        Philip A. Smith, Assistant Professor, Psychology, effective September
1, 19 56.

        James A. Ward, Mathematics and Astronomy, Professor, effective
September 1, 1956.

        Robert E. Bills, Associate Professor, Psychology, effective August
31, 1956.

        Arthur W. Eads, Storekeeper, Chemistry, effective July 31, 1956.



        Dr. Ernest V. Lefever, Instructor, Political Science, resignation of
new appointment, effective September 1, 1956.

Leaves of Absence

        J. Merton England, Professor, History Department, sabbatic leave
for nine months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Charles E. Snow, Professor and Head of Anthropology Department,
leave for twelve months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Irwin T. Sanders, Professor of Sociology, leave for ten months, ef-
fective September 1, 1956.

        J. A. Shear, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, leave
of absence, effective September 1, 1956.

Salary Adjustments

        Milton Arthur Voigt, Instructor, English Department, adjustment
in salary, for ten months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Norman Gelber, Instructor, English Department, adjustment in salary
for ten months, effective September 1, 1956.

        Robert Armistead Bryan, Instructor, English Department, adjustment
in salary for ten months, effective September 1, 1956.



        Mrs. Martha Barrow Jenks, Assistant County Home Demonstration
Agent, Woodford County, effective August 1, 1956.

        Iris June Davis, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Breckinridge County, effective August 1, 1956.

        Mrs. Milana Drazic, Laboratory Technician, Experiment Station,
effective July 23, 1956.



        Shirley Fay Garland, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, S. Madison-Rockcastle Counties, effective August 15, 1956.

        John H. Ellis, Laboratory Technician, Experiment Station, effective
August 13, 1956.

        Mrs. Lockett Tabb, Clerk-Typist, Extension, effective August 1,
19 56.

        William Lewis Klaber, Herdsman, effective August 1, 1956.

        Royce Burchett, Farm Laborer, West Kentucky Substation, effective
September 1, 1956.

        Mrs. Irene Roberts, Research Assistant, Home Economics, effective
September 1, 1956.

        Lillian Beatrice Hutzler, Technician in Animal Pathology, effective
September 1, 1956.

        Patricia L. Childers, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective
August 13, 1956.

        Mrs. Lillian M. Burberry, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station,
effective August 20, 1956.

        Donald J. Cotter, Assistant Horticulturist and Assistant Professor,
effective August 6, 1956.

        Rosella C. Manns, Clerk, Extension - Franklin County, effective
August 20, 1956.

        Mrs. Helen Jane White, Stenographer, Extension, effective August 22,
19 56.

        Sara Thompson, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Laurel County, effective August 1, 1956.

        Dr. William A. Seay, Administrative Assistant, effective August 1,
19 56,

        Hugh B. Price, from Administrative Assistant to Special Administra-
tive Assistant in Charge of Tobacco Programs, effective August 1, 1956.


        Cecil Conley, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Laurel County,
effective July 28, 1956.



      Herman Earl Faughn, Farm Laborer, effective July 9, 1956.

      Mrs. Betty C. Powers, County Horne Demonstration Agent, Johnson County,
effective July 31, 1956.

      Virginia D. Ratliff, County Home Demonstration Agent, Perry County, ef-
fective July 31, 1956.

      Maurice Cole, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Todd County, effective
June 30, 1956.

     Betty Downer Eastin, Assistant Professor, effective August 31, 1956.

     Carl W. Jones, Specialist in 4-H and Utopia, deceased August 1, 1956.

     Wayne J. Sininger, Assistant County Agent, Greenup County, effective July
30, 1956.

     Robert Fields, Aid in Agronomy, effective July 13, 1956.

     Mrs. Barbara 0. Ford, County Home Demonstration Agent, McLean County,
effective August 31, 1956.

     Mrs. Martha Jane Dixon, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective Sep-
tember 14, 1956.

     Clyde Watts, Extension, effective April 30, 1956.

     Emery Dee Price, Aid in Agronomy, effective August 21, 1956.

     Richard F. Getz, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, effective September 5,
19 56,

     Charles E. Smith, Jr. , Technician in Animal Pathology, effective August
31, 1956.

     Edwin Dale, Jr. , Technician in Animal Pathology, effective August 31, 1956.

     William Walter Carlton, Technician in Animal Pathology, effective August
31, 1956.

     Carlos C. Erwin, Assistant Economist, Experiment Station, effective
September 1, 1956.

     Miss Shirley Fay Garland, Assistant County Home Demonstration Extension
Agent in Training, Berea, S. Madison-Rockcastle County, effective August 15,

Reappointments for the Year 1956-57

     Donald G. Paris, Assistant Economist, Experiment Station, effective August
13, 1956.

     Loyd Paynter, Tractor Operator, Experiment Station, effective August 6,
19 56v



      Thomas M. Williams, Jr. , Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Boyle
County, effective August 1, 1956.

      Ross Ellsworth. Lowes, Research Assistant in Rural Sociology, for ten
months, effective September 15, 1956.

      Joe Fuqua, Assistant Economist, Experiment Station, effective August 6,

      Dudley C. Martin, Assistant Horticulturist, effective July 1, 1956.

      William Ruf