xt7g7940sd8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sd8q/data/mets.xml Crandall, A. R. (Albert Rogers), 1840-1926. 1878]  books b96-13-34908443 English Stereotyped for the Survey by Major, Johnston & Barrett, Yeoman Press, : [Frankfort, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Geology Kentucky Menifee County. Coal Kentucky. Report on the geology of Menifee County  / Albert Rogers Crandall. text Report on the geology of Menifee County  / Albert Rogers Crandall. 1878 1878] 2002 true xt7g7940sd8q section xt7g7940sd8q 



               ON TEl




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  Menifee county has an area of about two hundred square
miles. It reaches from the Licking river to Red river, along
the Morgan and Wolf county lines, on the east and southeast,
and extends, in a narrowed and somewhat irregular outline,
into the valley of Slate creek, to the westward. As will be
seen from the accompanying map, the drainage of the county
is effected by Beaver creek and its branches; by Salt Lick, the
head waters of which are within the county, forming a valley
that leads into Bath county on the north; by Clear Fork, Haw-
kins Branch and other branches of Slate creek, which rise in the
western part and flow into Montgomery; by the greater part
of Indian and Gilladie creeks, tributaries of Red river, on the
south; and by some of the branches of Blackwater creek on
the east. The Licking river forms the boundary from the
mouth of North Fork to the mouth of Beaver creek, and
drains a narrow belt along its tortuous course.
  The area of the county is therefore made up of several
drainage basins that open outward from the central part.
These basins or main valleys are bounded by high ridges,
which, together with the almost numberless minor ridges and
spurs that determine the local drainage, cover a large part
of the area, the main valleys being a complicated system of
drainage by multiplied ramifications of narrow valleys, rather
than basins, with broad bottom lands.
  Geologically the county is stretched across the outcrop of
the lower members of the coal measures, and nearly across
the belt of the Lower Carboniferous rocks, as represented by
the Sub-carboniferous limestone and the Waverly shales and
sandstone. This fact, more than any other, carries with it
the explanation of the character of the surface, as already de-



scribed; for it brings the hard Conglomerate sandstone of the
coal measures in that relation to the surface of the country
which makes it the most important factor in the determination
of the character of the drainage. The result is what has
been described. A general inclination of the rock beds to
the east and southeast varies somewhat the results of ero-
sion, as represented by the valleys in the different parts of
the county; but the variation is one of degree rather than of
kind; for the type of valley, as seen in the middle and eastern
part, where the ridges are broad and the cliffs of Conglom-
erate hem in the narrow valleys, is still preserved on the head
waters of Slate creek, where the Conglomerate cliffs, capping
the hills, preserve the steepness of the hillsides, and continue
the system of ridges and spurs, but with narrowed tops and
broader valleys, out into the belt of the Lower Carboniferous
rocks. The cliff-making, Sub-carboniferous limestone below
the Conglomerate, although no more than forty to sixty feet
thick, serves to extend this system beyond the present bound-
ary of the Conglomerate.
  The causes which lead to the disposition of the main val-
leys in a somewhat radiate order, are also closely connected
with the geology of the region. Between the hard magne-
sian and cherty limestone of the Upper Silurian, and the cliff-
making, Sub-carboniferous and coal-measure rocks, about five
hundred feet, mostly of shaly rock, is interposed-the Devo-
nian black shales and the Waverly shales and sandstone. As
might be supposed, this gives rise to a broad valley, having
for its boundary the inclined Silurian beds, on the one side,
and the receding edges of the Waverly beds, capped by the
harder rocks above, on the other side.
  Long-continued erosion has widened and diversified this
valley, cutting in advance of the receding crests of lime-
stone and conglomerate the smaller valleys that head against
Beaver creek and Salt Lick. Thus, the dividing ridge be-
tween Slate creek and these streams has come to have a
north and south direction, rather than northeast and south-
west-the general direction of the line of outcrop. But this



main ridge terminates southward in another main ridge, hav-
ing its general course east and west, from which the waters of
Slate and Beaver flow northward, and the tributaries of Red
river southward. The westward extension of this ridge is a
continuation of the boundary of the Devonian and Waverly
valley already described. The eastward extension, as also
the sudden change in the direction of the boundary of Slate
creek valley, is explained by another set of conditions. Vari-
ations, both in the direction and the steepness of the inclina-
tion of the rock beds, becoming important factors in the deter-
mination of the direction of the drainage along this ridge.
The general eastward dip of all the rocks in this region is
modified by a depression which coincides in general with the
Red river valley, and also by a slight depression in the direc-
tion of the Licking river. This east and west ridge follows
the crest of an undulation which has its axis nearly at right-
angles to the general outcrop line of the coal measures. It
represents an elevation along which the coal-bearing rocks are
preserved to the westward, somewhat beyond the general
boundary of these rocks, and at the same time it reduces the
width of the valley that lies between the coal-measure and
the Silurian rocks.
  The exact amount and the details of the variation from the
general eastward inclination of the several rock formations
found in Menifee have not been ascertained, the limited time
and means at command forbidding any attempt at accurate
measurement. The depression and consequent dip towards
Red river is apparent to the most casual observer. That
towards the Licking is less noticeable. Mr. Joseph Leslie, in
giving the results of his observations, made under the direc-
tion of Professor Owen, speaks of a number of undulations
of the rock beds along the outcrop of the coal measures cor-
responding generally with the drainage basins leading to the
westward. A profile section drawn by him illustrates this
feature, and gives approximate measurements of these undu-
Volume IV, page 456, old series.



lations. Not having an opportunity to study this profile sec-
tion, it can only be referred to in this report in general terms.
  These waves, at right-angles to the outcrop, doubtlessly
anticipated the drainage of the country by the formation of
geological valleys. The thickening of the beds above the
Conglomerate to the eastward, and, finally,the change of the
general dip, has caused the drainage to be westward along
these geological valleys. In this last respect the thickening
of the coal measures east and southeastward is more impor-
tant, as a factor, than it has been heretofore recognized to be;
but as few of the facts that come under this head are found in
Menifee, it is only necessary to refer to it in this report.
  The Lower Carboniferous belt, as shown in this county, is
not entitled to particular notice, except in connection with
the topography; and under this head the descriptions already
published will suffice to give the general reader a clear notion
of the relation of the rocks which it represents to the vari-
ous economic questions involved. (See report of Mr. Lesley
on the topography and geology of the country along the out-
crop line of the eastern coal fields, volume IV, old series; also
report on the geology of the proposed line of the Elizabeth-
town, Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad, from Mt. Sterling
to the Big Sandy river, volume 11, second series.) A glance
at the accompanying profile section will show the relation of
the rocks of this belt to those of the coal measures above,
and also to those of the Devonian and Silurian ages below.
The section is drawn to illustrate, in a general way, the suc-
cession of beds as found in Menifee and the adjoining coun-
ties to the northeast and southwest, and more especially to
show the geology along a line from Jeffersonville, in Mont-
gomery county, by Frenchburg, to Blackwater creek, near
Sexton's Mill. The section is necessarily somewhat diagram-
matic, the thickness of the various beds not having been ascer-
tained at all points along the line. It is still more so as to the
rocks below the drainage, the thickness being assumed to be
the same as where exposed. The representation is made to
aid those who have not been accustomed to trace the rocks


below the surface. It should also be stated that the profile is
largely diagrammatic for the Blackwater region, the plan for
having a complete survey of Menifee not having been carried
  The coal measures, as shown in the western part of the
county, are represented by a shale series and by the Con-
glomerate sandstone. The former has come to be known as
the Sub-conglomerate shale formation, and the coals found in
these beds are known as the Sub-conglomerate coals. In this
report the term is used without reference to any general classi-
fication of the Carboniferous rocks of this field.
  In Greenup and Carter it was found that these shales were
present, though not always separated from the shales above
the Conglomerate, the Conglomerate sandstone being entirely
wanting near the Ohio river, in places, but becoming prom-
inent to the southwest. In that region the lower limestone
ore, a thin coal, and a thick bed of non-plastic fire-clay, are
included. In this region this shale series is much more prom-
inent; and being surmounted by a great mass of Conglomer-
ate sandstone, it includes nearly all the productive coal and
iron-bearing rocks of Menifee.
  The fire-clay bed seems to have fallen off in importance
in proportion as the Sub-conglomerate shales become more
prominent, the only trace of it in this region, so far as known,
being an occasional fragment found upon the surface. These
fragments may lead to the discovery of local deposits of this
clay. On the other hand, the coal deposits are increased in
something like the same proportion. This increase does not
always carry with it a corresponding increase in economic
values, as will be seen by reference to sections 3 and 4, plate
X (section plates accompanying this report), in which the num-
ber of beds is increased without adding greatly to the thick-
ness of workable beds. Generally, however, the deposit is
found mostly in a single bed of what proves to be an excep-
tionally pure coal of workable thickness.
Report on the geology of Greenup, Carter, and Boyd counties, and a part of Larw-
rence, volume 11, new series.



  The limestone ore bed also proves to be an important de-
posit, both from the quality and the abundance of the ore.
Whether the close association with a coal, apparently well
adapted to the smelting of iron ore, gives an additional eco-
nomic value to both the coal and ore, remains yet to be deter-
mined by practical experiment.
  The nearness to market is an important factor in any view
of. the economic value of the coal of this region. Already
reached by the narrow-gauge railroad from Mt. Sterling, this
field ought, from all the conditions of the case, to supply a
large part of Central Kentucky with fuel, and that, too, at
much more reasonable rates than has been heretofore exacted,
until the heavier deposits of more remote regions are reached
by this or other railroads; and even then the nearness to
market will warrant a competition with more distant fields,
until the best deposits of this region have been exhausted.
For the same reasons, the Slate creek coal region is of more
immediate importance than that of the central part of the
county, although the actual coal area on Slate creek is com-
paratively small, the coal being found near the tops of the
narrow ridges. (See profile section.)
  Sections i and 5, plates X and 2, show the position of the
main Sub-conglomerate coal, and also the thickness at the two
points indicated. The outcrop of this coal is found at this
level, wherever the rocks of this horizon are exposed, in the
Slate creek valley. Not being mined, or being opened for
local use only by benching, the thickness is rarely shown. It
is probable, however, that an average thickness like that at
the head of Bull Fork will be found in this region, including
the main ridge between Slate and Indian creeks, and between
Slate and Beaver.
  In this valley the limestone ore is not exposed as frequently
as further to the eastward, although there is good reason to
suppose that it will be found, in its usual variable thickness
at the top of the Sub-carboniferous limestone, over the most
of this region. As yet, no effort has been made to determine
the value of this ore in this valley, fragments upon the surface



being the only means of judging as to the range of the bed,
as also,for the most part,of the thickness.
  Sections 2, 3, and 4, plate i, show a considerable variation
in the character and thickness of the Sub-conglomerate series
on Indian and Gilladie creeks. At the head of Indian creek
the thickness continues to be about the same as on the head
waters of Slate, while near the Red river and in the ridge east-
ward, between Gilladie and Beaver creeks, an increased thick-
ness is found, and also an increased number of coals. Near
the mouth of Indian creek, in Powell county, the thickness of
the Sub-conglomerate shale series exceeds one hundred feet.
Near the mouth of Gilladie creek the shales measure one
hundred and twenty-five feet, as shown in section 4.
  Section 3, on the farm of Green Gibbs, on Muddy Fork of
Indian creek, shows a local feature that has been thought to
promise better results from coal mining than elsewhere in this
region. A considerable thickness of highly bituminous shale,
in some parts an impure coal, gives to the unpracticed eye
the appearance of a heavy coal deposit. Nearly the same
feature, but in less thickness, is shown on one of the branches
of Leatherwood Fork of Indian creek, a little to the west-
ward. At the head of Cane creek a considerable thickness
of cannel slate is found at the base of the shale series. There
appears to be nothing in these beds to warrant any expecta-
tion of local deposits of exceptional value. On the contrary,
it may be found that the impure coal of this locality is the
equivalent of the coal of section i. If this should prove to
be the fact, then the area of the workable coal would be
somewhat reduced. This feature appears to be local, how-
ever, and the main coal in workable thickness is found at the
head of Leatherwood Fqrk, and also at a number of points
on East Fork of Indian creek.
  The sections on Gilladie creek show an increased number
of coals, and a change in the relative position of the main
bed. Whether this last fact is owing to a decrease in the
importance of the coal of section i, or to an increase in the




thickness of the shales below this coal, is not made clear from
the facts at hand. It is quite probable, however, that one of
the upper beds is the equivalent of the Bull Fork coal. No
openings have been made in this locality to determine the
real thickness of these beds. The exposures are such, how-
ever, as to show that the upper beds only may be expected to
prove valuable.
  Near the mouth of Chimney-top creek, in Wolfe county, a
section similar to section 4 is found. Coal of very superior
quality has been shipped in small quantity to Mt. Sterling
from the upper beds. The coal was obtained by benching.
No authentic information has been gathered as to the exact
thickness of the beds, which are now mostly covered.
  The limestone ore is present in all this region, as is shown
from the fragments on the surface. It is exposed in large
blocks, particularly on the left fork of Gilladie creek, and in
the ridge between Middle and Leatherwood Forks of Indian
creek. Specimens have been sent in for the State cabinet.
  Sections 6 and 8, plate 2, show the extremes in the thick-
ness of the Sub-conglomerate shales in the valley of Beaver
creek. A comparison with the sections near the Red river
shows a decrease in thickness northward from that river; but
it will be seen that, north of the main east and west ridge
(known as Dry Ridge), the place of the main coal is the same
as at the head of Slate creek, and that the decrease in the
thickness of the shales is from the absence of the upper beds;
the coal on Brushy creek, near Old Beaver Furnace, being
immediately under the Conglomerate cliff. Further to the
northeast, in Morgan county, this coal is again separated from
the Conglomerate sandstone by shales. South of Dry Ridge,
as has already been stated, the increase in the thickness of
the shales appears to be mostly below the main coal. The
evidence on this point is somewhat conflicting. It is an im-
portant matter only as it relates to the more general question
of the equivalency of the coal beds to the south and south-
west, where the Sub-conglomerate shales become still more


prominent. It was the opinion of Mr. Leslie that the lower
part of the Conglomerate, changed in character to shale and
shaly sandstone, and containing several beds of coal, contrib-
utes to the thickness of the Sub-conglomerate beds in this
direction. In Menifee the variation in thickness of the Sub-
conglomerate shales is not accompanied with a correspond-
iMig variation in the thickness of the Conglomerate sandstone.
On the contrary, in the Red River valley, where the shales
are the most prominent, the Conglomerate is also at its maxi-
mum thickness, as shown near the mouth of Gilladie creek,
the Conglomerate being more than 200 feet thick at this
point, the shales reaching 125 feet, and including four coal
seams, the number reported by Mr. Leslie to the southwest.
  It will be noticed that the position of the cannel coal in
sections 3 and 4 indicates a thickening of the lower part of
the shale series. On the other hand, the coal in section 6,
near the base of the shales on the Beaver creek side of the
ridge, appears to be the equivalent of the Bull Fork and
Hawkins Creek beds, sections X and 5.
  In the valley of Beaver creek, except perhaps along Dry
Ridge, where the shale series is in considerable thickness,
only one coal bed of importance will be found. The sections
of plate 3, together with those already referred to, show the
losition of this bed. In thickness it is not uniform, varying
where exposed from twenty inches to thirty inches,at the out-
  The limestone ore is exposed at a great number of places
in Beaver Creek valley. In the immediate region of Old
leaver Furnace it was formerly opened and worked. (See
sections 13 and 14, plate 3.) In the region of Clear Creek
furnace it is now obtained in abundance for furnace supply.
(See sections 7, 12, and 15.) The region near the head of
Beaver creek promises, so far as surface indications go, to
become a more important iron ore region than the localities
already mentioned. Sections 6, 9, and x I show the surround-
See report on the Toigra-phy and Geology of the Western Margin of the Eastern
Coal Field of Kemutue ky, vol. IV, old series, page 454.
    VOL. IV.-12                                           177



ings of this bed as noted in this region. On the Old State
Road branch, above Frenchburg, the ore is particularly abun-
dant on the surface, as also at some points along the face of
the ridge between the upper Beaver valley and the head of
Salt Lick.
  Section io, near the head of Beaver creek, and section 16,
near the mouth of the same creek, show a feature which is
not uncommon in the Sub-carboniferous limestone of this
region-a bed of so-called lithographic limestone, varying
from a few inches to two feet in thickness. In the latter
region this band is exposed at a number of points; and from
Mr. McMurtry's quarry, on the opposite side of the Licking
river, blocks were some time since obtained and tested for
lithographic use, with satisfactory results. The band is not
so uniform in quality, where seen, as to insure equally good
results without careful selection.
  The valley of Salt Lick is not properly within the coal
region, the westward boundary ridge being entirely Sub-car-
boniferous and Devonian. But the main ridge, between Salt
Lick and Beaver creek, is capped by the Conglomerate sand-
stone with the underlying coal and iron-bearing shales, giving
to this valley whatever advantages the coal and iron deposits
of this ridge may offer. On Clear creek, a branch leading
against this ridge, an iron industry has already sprung up,
Clear Creek Furnace having been in successful operation for
years previous to the late financial crisis. (See report of Mr.
Moore on the Geology of the Red River Iron District.)
  East of the Beaver Creek basin the Sub-conglomerate beds
are below the drainage, except near the Lickintt river. Most
of that part of Blackwater creek which is within Menifee has
its bed in the Conglomerate sandstone. The Sub-conglom-
erate beds are, therefore, of little economic value east of the
Beaver Creek valley. In this part of Menifee the hills are
capped by the shales above the Conglomerate. (See profile
section.) These shales usually include one or two coals. In
this belt no coals of considerable thickness have been ob-
served. Eastward, in Wolfe and Morgan counties, the Con-



glomerate falls below the drainage, and the whole height of
the hills is made up of the rocks of the productive coal meas-
  The following table of analyses by the chemists of the
Survey, Dr. Peter and Mr. Talbutt, shows the quality of the
\lenifee coal. The analyses were made from samples care-
Fully taken to represent the whole thickness of the bed at
the several points:

                  Ada-s BankOld Hawkins' Creek  Brushy Cr-ek, Bol'. Fork Coal,
                  ofI Bad. CBrek.  Coal.  Ste-W's Bask.  Main Bank.

Moisture... .. ..       5.00       2.94        3.80        5.00
Volatile combustible mat-
ter.. .. ..           32.40      33.06      38.60        39.06
Fixcd carbon...        58.40       56.60      52.00       55 94
Ash.                    4.20       7.40        5.60        2.76
Sulphur..614                        .997 not determ'd.     1.199
Specific gravity.          1.300       1-319      1.301       1.300

  The soil of Menifee is mostly sandy loam.        Where the
shales below or above the Conglomerate supply the greater
part of the surface material, the soil is more clayey. The
1lisintegration of the Conglomerate sandstone, the most prom-
irtent rock of the greater part of Menifee, gives to the soil a
large p)er cent. of coarse sand. The presence of the Sub-
carboniferous limestone, no doubt, adds considerably to the
richness of the soil of the valleys where it is exposed; while
the woodlands, which comprise by far the greater part of the
county, are rich in vegetable mould. The unevenness of the
surface is unfavorable for extensive tillage.  Pasturage should
become an important part of husbandry in this region. The
steep hillsides are particularly unsuited to tillage.  Rich in
vegetable mould when first cleared of timber, it takes but a
Few years of plowing and washing to render them barren,
aand, for a time, nearly worthless. When this result has been
reached, it is too late to seed for pasture.  With the system,
or want of system in farming, that tends to this result, there
is nothing to do but to clear another tract, and to sacrifice it
in the same way. It is largely owing to this way of farming



that the apparent barrenness of the hill country, where cleared,
so belies the natural fertility of the soil. Well directed en-
terprise in farming would do very much to offset the disad-
vantages of a hilly and broken surface.

  The timber of Menifee includes the following species, be-
sides some others, which doubtless have been overlooked,
no time having been at command for a special study of this
subject. For a general view of the distribution of species,
see report on the Timber Growth of Greenup, Carter, Boyd,
and Lawrence Counties, vol. I, new series:
  First in importance, both in value and in abundance, is the
white oak (Quercus alba, L.)  The black oak (Q. tincloria,
Bartram) is abundant on the hillsides. The red oak (Q.
rubra, L.) has about the same range as the black oak, but is
less abundant. The chestnut oak (Q. prinzus var. monlacola)
is abundant along the ridges. In the report referred to above,
this species was, by some mistake, given as Q. castanea. The
pin oak, or perhaps the scarlet oak (not in season to deter-
mine species), generally present on the low spurs between
the smaller streams. The Spanish and the laurel oak (Q2.
falcata L. and Q. imbricaria, Aix.) are found along the bor-
der of the county on Slate creek. The beech (Fagus sylvati-
ca, L.) is abundant in the valleys generally. The sugar tree
(Acer sacciharinum, Wang.), the white or soft maple (A. dasy-
carpum, Ehr/h.), and the red maple (A. rubrum, L.) are pres-
ent-the first in considerable numbers, the last only met with
here and there as a single tree. The tulip tree (Liriodendron
uipifera, L.), generally known as the yellow poplar, is abun-
dant on the hillsides. The chestnut (Caslanea vesca, L.) is
found in great numbers towards the top of the hills. The
hickories (Carya lorentosa, Null., C. a/ba, Null., and C. amza-
ra, Nutt.) are well represented, and in the second growth, as
on the hill west of Old Beaver Furnace, they often largely
predominate, the first two species being most abundant. The
black gum or gum tree (Nyssa mu/lif/ora, Wang.) is found



everywhere in small numbers. The white ash (Fraxinus
Americana, L.) and the linden or linn, as it is sometimes
called, are found in some of the valleys. The former is ex-
ceptionally abundant in the valley of Leatherwood Fork of
Indian creek. The buckeye (zEsculus glabra, Wiild.) is found
in the larger valleys; the sycamore (Platanus occiden/alis, L.)
has about the same range. The elm (Ulmus Americana, L.)
ranges from the creek bottoms well up on the hillsides. The
black walnut and the white walnut grow in all the main valleys.
The locust tree (Robina pseudacacia, L.) is seen occasionally
on the hillsides. The cucumber tree (Magnolia acumina/a,
Lam.) is seen occasionally on the heads of streams, but rarely
large enough to be valuable for lumber. The mulberry (Mo-
rns rubr-a, L.) is found along the base of the hills. The sas-
safras tree (Sassafras officinale, Nees.), the dogwood (Cornus
florida, L.), and the sourwood (Oxydendruem arborinum, D.
C.) are each of frequent occurrence. The redbud (Circis
canadensis, L.) is occasionally, and the ironwood (Ostrya vir-
ginica, L.) is rarely, found on the hillsides. The hornbeam
(GCapinus Americana, Mx.) and the willows are scattered
along the streams. The holly (flex opaca, Ail.) is limited to
the vicinity of the most precipitous cliffs. The pawpaw is
abundant on the water-courses. The persimmon is less
  Of the cone-bearing trees, the hemlock (Abies Canadensis,
Mx.) and the yellow pine are the most abundant-the former
on steep rocky surfaces near the streams, the latter along the
ridges. The white pine (Finns sirobues, L.) is abundant in
some parts of the Red River valley, but only a few trees of
this species fall within the county line. A few red cedars
(Juniperus' virginica, L.) occur near the limestone cliffs or
  The timber of Menifee, as of all the hilly counties, should
be held in high estimation among those things that go to
make up the natural wealth of the region.
                                                     i8i & 182


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  Brou oil Jit.
  of lte,,res Cr,

















 1'LO, L N.u

At PhdIpI'. r     HothawoV Br. of
Rd. of Benr (C'r.    Blr cr.
sEcTI ON No. 9    SECTION No. 10

F  i 3 Co1S 1
   S -dston-

Shat- & SS.

. P- of COol

Corered           Shtle  o
               .Xirr  -L. S. 0,- -EeC  
           Sobj  ::.. C b.. . C.-
tloik Or.
Sh I.             Lithognpf crh
    :  &      ;   Li-eton..
LSo. rr rr .i;h                  -a

Li-tSu. C'b. .

Hd. of Stone Quarr   Br.     HMd. of
     of SnU lik       Rtiel/ft. Br.
  SECTION No. 11       ReIrr IOr.
  ,.              SECTION NVo. n2i


a.S. & SS

S. & Ss

     Sardstne     St or eL
     s; ..gI:

Place of Coai  4

L S. C.                 0:, 1B

Sl.b C.,b.

              L LS.Ore.

W-fetly         Sb. Cb b


  iDi'y Fhr.
  of reerc r,
.SECIoNK No. 13



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g0 S b. C. b.
t,,EAu L letn
R9g hm

  mu Wet of         Fork-a... ioint,
0d Belr Aur.          NVrr Cett Ce.
SECTION No. 14    F.r--re, P. N. M.
                     SECTION No.. 1i7

        Wh  S n dstc- s, ton
     Soot .Vooo
