xt7g7940sd6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940sd6j/data/mets.xml Webber, Charles W. (Charles Wilkins), 1819-1856. 1867  books b92973w385h2009 English Quaker City Pub. House : Philadelphia, Pa. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jesuits. United States --History. Historical and revolutionary incidents of the early settlers of the United States : with biographical sketches of the lives of Allen, Boone, Kenton, and other celebrated pioneers. text Historical and revolutionary incidents of the early settlers of the United States : with biographical sketches of the lives of Allen, Boone, Kenton, and other celebrated pioneers. 1867 1867 2009 true xt7g7940sd6j section xt7g7940sd6j 







allen, boone, kenton, and other celebrated pioneers.

By 0. W. WEBBER,




The following -work contains an authentic narrative of many of the most remarkable and thrilling events which have occurred during the past history of the United States. Commencing -with the formation of the London Emigration Company, which sent forth the first hardy and adventurous colonists to Virginia, it presents the most thrilling incidents and catastrophes of American history down to the conclusion of the second war between this country and England. Nor is the work confined merely to political, and military history. It also presents a view of some of the most interesting religious and missionary movements which have been put forth at an early day for the conversion of the Indian tribes to Christianity.

An explanation, and perhaps an apology, may be necessary to justify the frequent use which the writer has made throughout the work of the word " Sam." If not properlv understood, this term will seem absurd and



in bad taste; if, on the contrary, the reader obtains the proper idea involved in it, and intended to be conveyed by it, it    will not only appear justifiable but command his respect. In the popular phraseology of the day, this word has become familiar as the representative of the Government and the people of the United States. It involves also the idea of the native-born inhabitants of the land, in opposition to the foreign element which helps to make up the immense and heterogeneous aggregate of our existing population. In using this word " Sam," therefore, the author was justified, inasmuch as it is a term already familiar to most readers.

But the writer has somewhat enlarged and expanded the meaning which he attaches to this word. By it he intended to signify and embody the conception of "Young America," of the "Genius of American Liberty," of the "Onward Pathway of Destiny and Empire." All these grand and imposing conceptions the writer embodies, and wishes to express, by the use of this laconic epithet; and if the reader, in perusing these diversified and checkered pages, will bear this explanation in memory, he will in all cases readily penetrate the meaning of the writer, and never be incommoded by any apparent obscurity. 


Formation of the London Company for the Settlement of Virginia   Birthplace of Capt. John Smith, and early crosses    Enters the service of Austria   Single combats in presence of both armies   -Prisoner among the Tartars   Romantic adventures and escape   Joins the London Company   Prisoner among the Indians   Saved from death by the youthful Pocahontas    Other achievements in America........................... 9


Historical depreciation of " Sam's" Southern children   Abusive epithets current   Contrast with the first Northern Settlements   Who, apparently, under the ban of Providence 1   Who were the Discoverers and Explorers of the New World?..... 17


Prosperity of the Colony of Jamestown under the rule of Capt. Smith   Sudden Treachery of the Indians and great Massacre of the Settlers........................................... 25


Origin of " First Families" in Virginia   Auction of wives to the Virginians      " Sam's" idea of Aristocracy   Virginians obtain the right of trial by Jury   of Representative Government also   Religious toleration, first granted them, repealed....... 28


Repeal of Charter of London Company   The Bacon Rebellion    Death of Bacon, and character of same.................... 33


A new mystery   The rise of Luther, and Protestant wars   Ad-'

vent of the mystery of Jesuitism.......................... 38-

1* (5) 
   6 table of contents.


Life of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Order   Spiritual exercises   The Weeks   The Contemplations   Loyola a Pilgrim to the Holy Places   His persecutions   His first disciples, Xavier, Le Fevre   Lainez and Rodriques vow to go to the Holy Land and convert Infidels   Vow of perpetual chastity and poverty   The vow of unquestioning obedience   Refusal of the Holy See to recognize the Order   Cunning vow of obedience to the Pope   Obtains his recognition   Bull of recognition...


The deadly war of the Jesuits against Protestantism continued in the New World   Cant of Bancroft the Historian   Illustrations   Martyrdom ?   Facts and Motives of Jesuit Missions    League of the Iroquois   Intrigues of the Jesuits   First Intercolonial War   Predominance of Jesuit Instigation..........


The Queen Ann's, or " Second Intercolonial War" between " Sam" and the Order of Jesuits   The Order not quite ready for formidable operations in the South   Retrospective glance at acts and influences of the Catholic Priesthood in Mexico from the Conquest   Evidence of Clavigero, the Catholic Historian of Mexico   The monstrous destruction of the archives of Historical Pictures in Yucatan by an " Ecclesiastic"   Destruction of the most precious Arts, which were common throughout Mexico......................................


Vandalism of the Catholic Priesthood continued in New Mexico    Antiquarian researches concerning the first Missions to New Mexico   Conquest of California   Various efforts to penetrate the mysterious gold region by the Catholic governors of California   Extermination of the Catholic Spaniards of the Con-questator-Occupation   Hidden ruins and strange Traditions   i Ruins of magnificent Catholic Cities   Marvelous treasures won by Oortez from Montezuma..........................


Alas, Poor Mexico !   Marquette and Joliet   La Salle   His pretended retirement from the Order of Jesus   His Fur Monopoly   He descends the Mississippi to its mouth   His Death   Remarks   Commencement of the Second Intercolonial War................................................... 
   table of contents.



Commencement of the final struggle between the French and English for the country on the great Lakes and the Mississippi   Fourth Intercolonial War.......................... 115


Hildreth's account of the Progress and Conclusion of the Fourth Intercolonial War   Accession of George III.   The English masters of the Continent north of the Gulf of Mexico and east of the Mississippi......:................................ 146


Condition of the Colonies at the conclusion of the Fourth Intercolonial War   Theory of the English Parliament   Grenville's Scheme of Colonial Taxation   Passage and Repeal of the Stamp Act............................................. 167


Dawn of the Revolutionary Period   Humorous "History of John Bull's Children"   Contrast between causes which led to the Revolution of 1688 in England, and those which led to the American Revolution; from Judge Drayton's Charge in 1776. 185


Townshend's Scheme of Colonial Taxation   Repeal of the new taxes, except that on Tea   Local Affairs   Trade of the Colonies   Attempt to collect the Tax on Tea   Reminiscences of the position of the Tea Ships at Boston   Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor................................... 196


The troubles thicken   Gage reinforced   Assembly of the first Continental Congress at Philadelphia...................... 213


Arnold's Defeat before Ticonderoga and Crown Point   Gage's Proclamation exempting from pardon John Hancock and Adams   Battle of Bunker Hill........................... 239


The first Sea Fight, and origin of the United States Navy    Ethan Allen taken captive and sent to England   Capture of St. Johns and Montreal   The Expedition against Quebec    Reorganization of the Army   Lord Howe in Boston   Movements of the British in Virginia........................... 259 
   8 table of contents.


The Settlements in the West   Biography of Boone, by Himself    Biography of Simon Kenton.............................. 290


Interesting Sketch of the Life of General Stark, the Hero of Bennington   The Battle of Bennington   Boston a century ago   Captain William Cunningham....................... 308'


Sketch of Colonel Daniel Morgan   The Non-Resistant Principle of the Quakers   Its consequences about these times.... 33T


The Treaty with Prance   The Progress of the War, North and South   The Cowpens   Yorktown   Surrender of Cornwallis    Letter from General Washington......................... 350


Trouble with the Indians   Tecumseh's League   General Harrison   Battles with the Indians   The British treat with them    Death of Tecumseh...................................... 365


Causes of the War   Debates in Congress   Extracts from Mr. Clay's Speeches on the different phases of the War Question.. 391 




Formation of the London Company for the Settlement of Virginia   Birth, place of Capt. John Smith, and early crosses   Enters the service of Austria   Single combats in presence of both armies   Prisoner among the Tartars   Romantic adventures and escape     Joins the London Company   Prisoner among the Indians   Saved from death by the youthful Pocahontas   Other achievements in America.

Prior to the year 1607, a period of one hundred and fifteen years from the discovery of San Salvador, hy Columhus, attempts had been made to effect settlements in various parts of North America; but no one proved successful until the settlement at Jamestown.

In 1G06, King James I, of England, granted letters patent, an exclusive right or privilege, to two companies, called the London and Plymouth Companies, by which they were authorized to possess the lands in America, lying between the 34th and 45th degrees of north latitude; the southern part called South Virginia, to the London, and the northern, called North Virginia, to the Plymouth Company.

Under this patent the London Company sent Capt. Christopher Newport to Virginia, December 20, 1606, with a colony of one hundred and five persons to commence a settlement on the island Eoanoke, now in North Carolina. After a tedious voyage of four months, by the circuitous route of the West Indies, he entered Chesapeake Bay, having been driven north of the place of his destination.

Here, it was concluded to land; and proceeding up a river, called by the Indians Powbattan, but by the colony, James river, on a beautiful peninsula, in May, 1607, they began the first permanent settlement in North America, and called it Jamestown.


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The government of this colony was formed in England by the London Company. It consisted of a council of seven persons, appointed by the Company, with a president chosen by the council from their number, who had two votes. All matters of moment were examined by this council, and determined by a majority. Capt. Newport brought over the names of this council, carefully sealed in a box, which was opened after their arrival.

Among the most enterprising and useful members of this colony, and one of its magistrates, was Captain John Smith. As he acted a distinguished part in the early history of the colony of Virginia, a brief sketch of his life will be interesting.

He was born in Willoughby, in Lincolnshire, England, in 1579. From his earliest youth, he discovered a roving and romantic genius, and appeared irresistibly bent on extravagant and daring enterprises. At the age of thirteen, becoming tired of study, he disposed of his satchel and books, with the intention of escaping to sea; but the death of his father just at that time, frustrated his plans for the-present, and threw him upon guardians, who, to repress the waywardness of his genius, confined him to a counting-room. From a confinement so irksome, however, he contrived to escape not long after, and with ten shillings in his pocket, entered the train of a young nobleman traveling to France.

On their arrival at Orleans, he received a discharge from further attendance upon Lord Bertie, who advanced him money to return to England.'

Smith had no wish, however, to return. With the money he had received he visited Paris, from which lie proceeded to the low countries, where he enlisted into the service as a soldier. Having continued some time in this capacity, he was induced to accompany a gentleman to Scotland, who promised to recommend him to the notice of King James. Being disappointed, however, in this, lie returned to England and visited the place of his birth. Not finding the company there that suited his romantic turn, he erected a booth in some wood, and in the manner of a recluse, retired from society, 1 devoting himself to the study of military history and tactics, diverting himself at intervals with his horse and lance.

Recovering, about this time, a part of his father's estate, 
   Kevolutionaby Incidents.


-whicli had been in dispute, in 1596 lie again commenced liis travels, being then only seventeen years of age. His first stage was Flanders, where, meeting with a Frenchman who pretended to be heir to a noble family, he was prevailed upon to accompany him to France. On their arrival at St. Valory, in Picardy, by the connivance of the shipmaster, the Frenchman and attendants robbed him of his effects, and succeeded' :in making their escape.   

Eager to pursue his travels, ho endeavored to procure a place on board a man-of-war. In one of his rambles, searching for a ship that would receive him, he accidentally met one of the villains concerned in robbing him. Without exchanging a word, they both instantly drew their swords. The contest was severe, but Smith succeeded in wounding and disarming his antagonist, and obliged him to confess his guilt. After this rencounter, having received pecuniary assistance from an acquaintance, the Earl of Ployer, he traveled along the French coast to Bayonne, and then crossed to Marseilles, visiting and observing everything in his course which had reference to.naval or military architecture.

At Marseilles he embarked for Italy in company with a number of pilgrims. But here, also, new troubles awaited him. During the voyage, a tempest arising, the ship wras forced into Toulon, after leaving which contrary winds so impeded their progress that, in a fit of rage, the pilgrims imputing their ill fortune to the presence of a heretic, threw him into the sea.

Being a good swimmer, he was enabled to reach the island of St. Mary, off Nice, at no great distance, where he was taken on hoard a ship, in which, altering his course, he sailed to Alexandria in Egypt, and thence coasted the Levant. Having spent some time in this region, he sailed on his return, and on leaving the ship, received about two thousand dollars, as his portion of a rich prize, which they had taken during the voyage.

Smith landed at Antibes.   He now traveled through Italy, -crossed the Adriatic, and passed into Styria, to the seat of Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria.   The Emperor being at that time at war with the Turks, he entered his army as a volunteer.

By means of his valor and ingenuity, aided by his military 

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knowledge and experience, lie soon distinguished himself, and was advanced to the command of a company, consisting of two hundred and fifty horsemen, in the regiment of Count Meldrick, a nobleman of Transylvania.

The regiment in which lie served was engaged in several hazardous enterprises, in which Smith exhibited a bravery admired by all the army, and when Meldrick left the Imperial service for that of his native prince, Smith followed.

At the siege of Ecgal he was destined to new adventures. Tne Ottomans deriding the slow advance of the Transylvania army, the Lord Turbisha dispatched a messenger with a challenge, that for the diversion of the ladies of the place,, he would fight any captain of the Christian troops.

The honor of accepting this challenge was determined by lot, and fell on Smith. At the time appointed, the two champions appeared in the field on horseback, and in the presence of the armies, and of the ladies of the insulting Ottoman, rushed impetuously to the attack. A short but desperate conflict ensued, at the end of which Smith was seen bearing the head of the lifeless Turbisha in triumph to his general.

The fall of the chief filled his friend Crualgo with indignation, and roused him to avenge his death. Smith accordingly soon after received a challenge from him, which he did not hesitate to accept, and the two exasperated combatants, upon their chargers, fell with desperate fury upon each other. Victory again followed the falchion of Smith, who sent the Turk headlong to the ground.

It was now the turn of Smith to make the advance. He dispatched a messenger therefore to the Turkish ladies, that if they were desirous of more diversion of a similar kind, they should be welcome to his head, in case their third champion could take it.

Bonamalgro tendered his services, and haughtily accepted the Christian's challenge. When the day arrived the spectators assembled, and the combatants entered the field. It was an hour of deep anxiety to all; as the horsemen approached a deathlike silence pervaded the multitude. A blow from the saber of the Turk brought Smith to the ground, and for a moment it seemed as if the deed of death was done. Smith, however, was only stunned.   He rose like a lionr 
   Revolutionary Incidents.


when he shakes the dew from his mane for the fight, and vaulting into the saddle, made his falchion " shed fast atonement for its first delay." It is hardly necessary to add that the head of Bonamalgro was added to the number.

Smith was received with transports of joy by the prince of Transylvania, who, after the capture of the place, presented liim with his picture set in gold, granted him a pension of three hundred ducats a year, and conferred on him a coat of arms, bearing three Turks' heads in a shield.

In a subsequent battle between the Transylvanian army and a body of Turks and Tartars, the former'was defeated,    with a loss of many killed and wounded. Among the wounded was the gallant Smith. His dress bespoke his consequence, and he was treated kindly. On his recovery from his wounds, he was sold to the Bashaw Bogul, who sent him as a present to his mistress at ConstantinojHe, assuring her that he was a Bohemian nobleman whom he had conquered, and whom he now presented to her as her slave.

The present proved more acceptable to the lady than her lord intended. As she understood Italian, in that language Smith informed her of his country and quality, and by^his singular address and engaging manners, won the affection of her heart.

Designing to secure him to herself, hut fearing lest some misfortune should befall him, she sent him to her brother, a Bashaw, on the borders of the sea of Asoph, with a direction that he should be initiated into the manners and language, as well as the religion of the Tartars. From the terms of her letter, her brother suspected her design, and resolved to disappoint her. Immediately after Smith's arrival, therefore, he ordered him to be stripped, his head and beard to be shaven, and with an iron collar about his neck, and a dress of hair-cloth, lie was driven forth to labor among some Christian slaves.

The circumstances of Smith were peculiarly afflicting. He could indulge no hope, except from the attachment of his mistress, but as her distance was great, it was improbable that she would soon become acquainted with the story of his misfortunes.

In the midst of his distress, an opportunity to escape presented itself, but under circumstances, which, to a person of 2 

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a less adventurous spirit, would have served only to highten his distress. His employment was thrashing, at the distance of a league from the residence of the Bashaw, who daily visited him, hut treated him with rigorous severity, and in a fit-of anger, even abused him with blows. This last, was treatment to which the independent spirit of Smith could not submit. Watching a favorable opportunity, on an occasion of the tyrant's visit, and when his attendants were absent, he leveled his thrashing instrument at him and laid him in the dust.

He then hastily filled a bag with grain, and mounted the Bashaw's horse, put himself upon fortune. Directing his course toward a desert, he entered its recesses, and continuing to conceal himself in its obscurities for several days, at length made his escape. In sixteen days he arrived at Exapolis, on the river Don, where meeting with the Eussian garrison, the commander treated him kindly, and gave him letters of recommendation to other commanders in that region.

He now traveled through a part of Eussia and Poland, and at length reached his friends in Transylvania. At Leipsic he enjoyed the pleasure of meeting his Colonel, Count Meldrick, and Sigismund, Prince of Transylvania, who presented him with fifteen hundred ducats. His fortune being thus in a measure repaired, lie traveled through Germany, France, and Spain, and having visited the kingdom of Morocco, returned once more to England.

Such is a rapid view of the life of this interesting adven- -turer, down to his arrival in his native land. At this time, the settlement of America was occupying the attention of many distinguished men in England. The life of Smith, united to his fondness for enterprises of danger and difficulty, had prepared him to embark with zeal, in a project so novel and sublime as that of exploring the wilds of a newly discovered continent.

He was soon attached to the expedition, about to sail under Newport, and was appointed one of the magistrates of the colony sent over at that time. Before the arrival of the colony, his colleagues in office becoming jealous of his influence, arrested him on the absurd charge that he designed to murder the council, usurp the government, and make himself king of Virginia. He was, therefore, rigorously confined during the remainder of the voyage. 
   Revolutionary Incidents.


On their arrival in the country he was liberated, but could not obtain a trial, although in the tone of conscious integrity, he repeatedly demanded it. The infant colony was soon involved in perplexity and danger. Notwithstanding Smith had been calumniated, and his honor deeply wounded, his was not the spirit to remain idle when his services were needed. Nobly disdaining revenge, he offered his assistance, and by his talents, experience, and indefatigable zeal, furnished important aid to the infant colony.

Continuing to assert his innocence, and to demand a trial, the time at length arrived when his enemies could postpone it no longer. After a fair hearing of the case, he was honorably acquitted of the charges alleged against him, and soon after took his seat in the council.

The affairs of the colony becoming more settled, the active spirit of Smith prompted him to explore the neighboring country. In an attempt to ascertain the source of Chicka-homing river, he ascended in a barge as far as the stream was uninterrupted. Designing to proceed still further, ho left the barge in the keeping of the crew, with strict injunctions on no account to leave her, and with two Englishmen and two Indians left the party. But no sooner was he out of view, than the crew, impatient of restraint, repaired on board the barge, and proceeding some distance down the stream, landed at a place where a body of Indians lay in ambush, by whom they were seized.

By means of the crew, the route of Smith was ascertained, and a party of Indians were immediately dispatched to take him. On coming up with him, they fired, killed the Englishmen, and wounded himself. With great presence of mind, he now tied his Indian guide to his left arm, as a shield from the enemies' arrow, while with his musket he dispatched three of the most forward of the assailants.

In this manner he continued to retreat toward his canoe, while the Indians, struck with admiration of his bravery, followed with respectful caution. Unfortunately, coming to a sunken spot filled with mire, while engrossed with eyeing his pursuers, he sunk so deep, as to be unable to extricate himself, and was forced to surrender.

Fruitful in expedients to avert immediate death, he presented an ivory compass to the chief, whose attention was 

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arrested by tbe vibrations of the needle. Taking advantage of the impression which he had thus made, partly by signs, and partly by language, he excited their wonder still more by telling them of its singular powers.

Their wonder, however, seemed soon to abate, and their attention returned to their prisoner. Ho was now bound and tied to a tree, and the savages were preparing to direct their arrows at his breast. At this instant the chief holding up the compass, they laid down their arms, and led him in triumph to Powhattan, their king.

Powhattan and his council doomed him to death, as a man whose courage and genius were peculiarly dangerous to the Indians. Preparations were accordingly made, and when the time arrived, Smith was led out to execution. His head was laid upon a stone, and a club presented to Powhattan, who, himself claimed the honor of becoming the executioner. The savages in silence were circling round, and the giant arm of Powhattan had already raised the club to strike the fatal blow, when, to his astonishment, the young and beautiful Pocahontas, his daughter, with a shriek of terror, rushed from the throng, and threw herself upon the body of Smith. At the same time she cast an imploring look toward her furious but astonished father, and in all tho eloquence of mute, but impassioned sorrow, besought his life.

The remainder of the scene was honorable to Powhattan. The club of the chief was still uplifted, but a father's pity had touched his heart, and the eye that had first kindled with wrath, was now fast losing its fiercenesss. He looked round as if to collect his fortitude, or perhaps,- to find an excuse for his weakness, in the pity of the attendants. A similar sympathy had melted the savage throng, and seemed to join in the petition, which the weeping Pocahontas felt, but durst not utter: "My father! let the prisoner live." Powhattan raised his daughter, and the captive, scarcely yet assured of safety, from the earth.

Shortly after, Powhattan dismissed Captain Smith with assurances of friendship, and the next morning, accompanied with a guard of twelve men, he arrived safely at Jamestown, after a captivity of seven weeks.'3

a Burk's Virginia. 

Historical depreciation of Sam's Southern children   Abusive epithets current   Contrast with the first Northern Settlements   Who, apparently, under the ban of Providence ?   Who were the Discoverers and Explorers of the New World?

So much for the peerless chevalier   the Father of Virginia, and Explorer of the North,0   illustrious John Smith ! Nor is this all of his career. It had been chiefly through his influence, that James I was induced to grant the "first colonial charter" under which the English were planted in America; although the great majority of Sam's children have never to this day, heard that there was any other plae     settled in " the beginning," but Plymouth, or any code of laws instituted than the precious "Body" of Rights, with its "Blue " Lights, or Laws, to which we have referred; yet not only is it true, that to. John Smith and Virginia we owe the "first colonial charter" in 1606, but to John Smith and Virginia do we owe, in June, 1619, the " first colonial assembly " that ever met in America, and which was convened at Jamestown.

While John Carver, Cotton Mather, and the " Saintly Winthrop," are names canonized throughout the land as the select forerunners of Freedom   so many "Baptists" proclaiming in the wilderness the " good news " of the approaching regeneration of humanity   John Smith remains plain "John Smith," who was "saved by Pocahontas."

  In 1GH, Captain John Smith sailed from England, with two ships, to America. He ranged the coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod. On his return to England, he presented a map of the country to Prince Charles, who named it New England. Thus was the first survey of her own coast, and which resulted in giving her a name, made by the founder of these South ern institutions now sn villified by New England. 

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Sain says fiddle-faddle ! the " brazen tongue " wagged by these clerkly fellows is tiresome; they have kept up one eternal too-oo! too-oo! too-oot! in defense of the saintly villains and villainies of their early times when nobody was attacking them. For who troubled themselves about it, since vices and cruelties were, as everybody knew, to be expected in the settlement of all new countries ? But not content with taking their chances in the impartial recognition of mankind, and confining themselves to the plain narrative of facts, they have exhibited a systematic effort to forestall what might he expected- to become, the natural sentiment   a conscious, nervous special pleading in advance, has betrayed the apprehension of justifiable attack. The purpose to "make a character" where they could lay claim to none. Demanding of the credulity of mankind for the Puritan, the united attributes of apostle, saint, lawgiver, statesman, warrior, and psalmodist, they dismiss the renowned and noble founder of Virginia with the contemptuous implication of petty adventure   his illustrious name coupled with a silly story of rescue by a forlorn Indian maiden, (who was in fact, a little child)   as though this "lovely Indian princess" were indeed the heroic actor in the only scene in his career worth recording, while the poor John Smith was merely a passive instrument.

Nor is this all, saith Sam. While, although with pretentious humility, they have very properly, never emulated the "gallant spirit" of the cavaliers, yet, as a saving clause for their self-righteousness, they have stigmatized them as " dissolute gallants, packed off1 to escape worse destinies at home, broken tradesmen, gentlemen impoverished in spirit and fortune, rakes and libertines ; men more fitted to corrupt than to found a commonwealth," 0 winding up this delectable catalogue with the pious exclamation: "It was not the will of God that the new State should be formed of these materials    that such men were to be the fathers of a progeny born on the American soil, who were one day to assert American liberty by their eloquence, and defend it by their valor."f

Then as cumulative evidence that the hand of Providence had clearly interposed to prevent such prayerlcss "vaga-

0 Bancroft, page 138, 1st. vol. f Idem, page 138.

   Revolutioxary Incidents:


bonds" from becoming fathers of a State, they say in the next breath: "John Smith, being wounded and compelled to return to Europe, at his departure, he had left more than four hundred and ninety persons in the colony; in six months, indolence, vice, and famine reduced the number to sixty, and these were so feeble and dejected, that if relief had been delayed but ten days longer, they must have utterly perished." 0

Away with such driveling cant, says Sam. If suffering from famine and other necessary and usually attendant dangers of settlement in a new country, be any evidence that God has willed that a set of "vagabonds" should not be permitted to perpetuate their spawn upon the face of a